Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 23, 1892, Image 2

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    " '
, 5Jl.- .
BnllctLis The Platform
Convention News.
Tho Motion to Make Unanimous-
Some Noes.
Chicago, June i$. Following Is
the corrected ballot. Total cast 0091.
Jfeceasary to a choice G07. Cleveland
vote 017; Hill 114; Boles 103; Mor
rison 3; Campbell 11; Gorman 30;
Carlisle 14;Puttlsou l;Stevenson 10$;
Russell 1; Whitney 1. The motion
to make tu.-tiltnous the vote nom
inating Cleveland was carried with
about n half dozen noes which were
creeled with hisses. Cockran. of
New York, said there having been
some expressions of dissent in the
New York nelghbhorhood hedeslnd
tottnto to the convention Hint on t tit
motion to make the nomination un
animous New York's vote was cant
In full In the alllrmutive. Chairman
Shields of Iowa made the Batne stal
meut for his state.
2:10 p.m. Very few dt-letatis i..
tho hall yet, It will probably be 2.30
p. tn. before convention comes to or
der. It la said the selection of vice
president is between Gr.iv of Indiana
and Stevenson, of IlllnoiH, Mitchell,
of Iowa and Judge Mouse, of Mich
lgjiu, with chances in favor of Stev
enson. The argument being that he
id more likely to curry his state than
any other man. Tbere la an evident
inclination on the part of delegates
that Boise should be the choice for
vice president, but Iowa delegates
say he won't accept.
Home New York delegates say
New York will oppose nomination
of Gray. "Will accept anyone but
him. Their choice being Boies. It
i-t paid Neal of Ohio, will be put in
Under uew apportionment of votts
nct'orded the Territories It takes 007
votes to nominate instead of 599 un
der old arrangement therefore it stHj
takeo07 to nominate a vice president.
2:22 p. m., delegates are slowly
assembling. Prominent men are
being eheered as they enter the hall
2:28 p. m,, Gray club with band
and banner has just entered the
hall. (Considerablu cheering )
Mi0 p. in., Another club follows
the Gray club with banner marked
Cleveland aud Gray. (Great cheer
ing.) 2 45 p. m Convention called to
3 p. m. Cull of States ordered for
presentation of candidates for vice
president. Nominating speeches to
be limited to five minutes each, sec
onding speeches to two minutes.
3.02 p. m. Arkansas gives its place
to Indiana.
3:03 p. m., Lamb of Indiana takes
the platform to present tho nomina
tion of Gray. (Great cheering.)
Lambs reference to Cleveland
brought out n burst of applause.
Lamb mentioned Burke Cochran
of New York, (Great cheering.)
Lamb predicts a victory for the
Democracy with an Indiana man
on the ticket.
3:10 p. in., Prolonged cheering
when Gray's imtno mentioned 3:10
p. m.
Lamb says Indiana has 13 elector
al votes certain for Democracy with
Gray on tho ticket.
3:11 p. m., Colorado yields to Illi
nois. SVorthlngtou of Illinois, takes
platform to nominate Stevenson of
0:14 p. in., Heavy storm prevail
ing; it drowns tho voice of the
3:23 p. in., Iowa declines to pre
sent Boles.
Jno. S. Ray, of Kentucky seconds
4 p. in., Terrible storm here dark
as night and thunder and lightning,
rain coming down In streams.
4:22 Call of states for ballots.
Uhl presented qualifications of
Judgo Morso for position In it 'very
forcible mauner receiving tlueo
cheers when ho had finished.
3:11 a. m. Flower said New
York had no c.mdldato to present.
3;40 n. m. Now York seconds
Htevenson. Ohio says they have no
candidate to present. Teiinessco
seconds Gray.
Stevonson tho Man.
ClUCAao, June 23. Stevenson of
Illinois is nominated. Near tho end
of balloting there was no cholee,hut
delegates commenced tnchango their
votes and Colo of Ohio moves to sus
pend tho rules nnd that Stevenson
bo declared the nominee by acclama
tion, which was carried.
Hill Thames Tammany.
Cuic'Aoo, Ti.r,. Juno 23,--Tho fol
lowing telegram was received from
Senator Hill this morning addressed
to Hon. Edwd. Murphy, of the
New York delegation.
"J'leaso express to tho New York
delegation my heartfelt thanks for
their steady devotion to my cause
ami for tho gallunt light they made
to preserve the rights aud dignity of
tho regular Democracy of Empire
Statu" signed David B. 1U1L
Rather Confldont.
CmoACio, June 23. So confident
la the Indiana delegation that Gov
ernor Oray will bo nominated for
president, thut placards wero dis
played ubout tho hotels beforo the
opeulng of tho convention, this
afternoon announcing a grand rati,
ricallon for Clovclmnl aud Gruy to
Adopted in tho Convention
terday at Chicago.
Chicago, Juno 23. Following la
a Bynopsis of tho platferm: The re
presentatives of the Democratic party
of the United States.ln national con
vention assembled, do reaffirm their
allegiance to the principles of the
party as formulated by Jefferson and
exemplified by a long and Illustrious
line of successors in democratic lead,
ership from Madlsin to Cleveland.
We warn the people of our common
country, zealous for the preservation
of their free Institutions, that the
policy of federal control of elections
to which the republican party has
committed Itself, is fraught with the
gravest danger. It strikes at the
North as well ns the South, and In
jures the colored citizen more than
the white; it means hordes oruepuij
marshalsat every polling plucc.ai to
ed with federal power; returning
boards appointed aud controlled lo
federal authorities.outrage of elector
al rights of the people in the states,
subjugation of the colored people
to the cfutrol of the political
party in power, aud reviving ruc
antagonisms, now happily abated, o
utmost peri! to the safety and haji
I ineps of all; a meat-urc deliberately
and justly described by leadlngrepub-
.Il-oiis as the most Infamous bill
that ever crossed the threshold of the
senate. We pledge the democratic
party not only to defeat force bill, but
also to ofler relentless opposition to
tho republican policy of profligate
ejipeudlture, which in the shorl
space of two years has scjuanderu'
an enormous surplus aud emptied
an overflowing treasury, after piling
new burdens or taxation upon tut
alteady over-taxed labor of the coun
try. We reiterate the oft-repeated doc
trines of the democratic party thai
the ueccessity of goverment Is the
only justification for taxation, and
whenever a tax is unnecessary It is
unjustifiable, or that when custom
tiouse taxation Is levied upon articles
of another kind produced in this
country, the difi'erence between the
cost of labor here aud labor abroad,
when such difference exists, It fully
measures any possible benefits to
labor, aud the enormous additional
impositions of the existing tariil fall
with crushing force upon our farm
ers aud working men and for the
mere advantage of the few whom It
enriches, exact from labor a grossly
unjust share of tlie expenses of the
government, aud we demand such
revision of tariil lawsas well remove
their iniquitous inequalities, lighteu
oppressions, nnd put them ou cons
titutional aud equitable basis. But
in making a reduction of taxes it is
not proposed to injure any domestic
industries, but rather to promote
their healthy growth. From the
foundation of tho government tuxes
collected at custom houses have
been the chief source of federal rev
enue, aud they must continue to be.
Moreover, many industries have
come to rely upon legislation forsuc
oessful continuance, to that any
change of the law must be at every
step regardful of the labor and
capital thus involved. We doiiounce
tho McKinley tariil law, enacted as
tho culiminating atrocity of class
legislation; we endorse tho efleets of
democrats in the present congress to
modify its most oppressive features
in tho directiou of freo raw material
and cheaper manufactured goods
tlmt enter into consumption, and
we promise Its repeal as one of the
benellclent results that will follow
tho action of tho people in entrusting
power to the democratic party. "Wo
deny tho inoreased prosperity of tho
country since tho tariU' operation, wo
point to tho dullness and distress of
wage reduction and strikes in tho
Iron trade as the best evideneo that
uo such prosperity resulted from the
McKinley act. We call the attention
of thoughtful Americans to tho fact
that after thirty jeaisof leilrictivo
taxes nuainst the importation of
foreign wealth, in exchange for agri
cultural surplus, the liomi'siuul farms
of the country have become burden
ed with real estate mortgages of oyer
two thousand five bundled million
dollars exclusively of all other forma
of indebtedness, that In one of the
chief agricultuial states of tho West
there appears leal estate mortgages
averaging $105 per capita of the total
population; and that similar condi
tions are shown existing in other
agricultural export states. We ik
uounco the sham reciprocity which
Juggles with tho people's dtslio for
enlarged foreign markets and freo
exohauges by pretending closer tiado
relations for tho country whose ar
ticles of export aro almost exclusive
ly agricultural products with other
countries that aro also agricultural,
while erecting custom house hairier
of prohibitive tailll taxes against tho
richest countries In the world that
stand ready to take our entire sur
plus of pioducts in exchange then
for commodities which are neces
saries aud comforts of life among our
Wo recognize In ti lists ami com
binations which are designed to en
able capital to secure more than a
Just share of the Joint product of cap
ital aud labor, the natural conse
quence of piohlbltlvo taxes, which
prevent fue competition, which Is
the life of hoi trsl trade, but believe
their worst ovlls can be abated by
law, aud we den and a rigid enforce
ment of iv) Hindu lopiovcut uud
control them. IheWt dnrocratlo
administration restored to the peo
ple neai ly ouu bundled million acres
of valuable laud,
We denounce the Republican login
latlou Luowu fcs the hUiumu ucl of
lfcOa.stcowurdlyiuukeij Ifi fraught
' with possibilities of danger in future! Arizona-Clovvt.iiiit 6.
'which should make all lis eupport- Total vote Clevt laud 01CJ, Hill
! ers ns well ns the author anxious for He, Holes 103, Oornmu 30J, Stovon-
Its speedy repeal. We hold to the
ue of both cold and silver without
discriminating against either metal
or charge for mintage, but tho dol
lar unit of coinage of both metals
must be of equal Intrinsic nud ex
changeable value, or adjusted
through International agreement, or
by such safeguards of legislation ns
shall Insure tho maintenance of the
parity of the two metals nud equal
to the power of every dollar nt all
times in markets nnd in payments
of debts, and we demand that paper
currency lie kept nt par with and re
deemable in such coin. We insist
udoii this policy as especially nec
essary for the protection of farmers
aud laboring classes, tho first and
most defenceless victims of unstable
money and fluctuating currency.
We iccommend that the prohibitory
10 per cent, on state bank issues be
repealed. Public office is a public
trust. Wc re-olllrm the declaration
of the Democratic national conveu
llouofl.S70 for reform of the civil
service, aud call for the honest en
forcement of all laws regulating the
We favor maintenance of a navy
itrong enough for all purposes ot
national defense and to properlj
maintain the honor and dignity of
the country abroad. AVe demand a
rigid enforcement of the lawsagainst
Chinese immigration aud the im
portation of foreign workmen under
contract, to degrade Americau labor
and lessen Its wages, but we con
demn an. I denounce auy uud all
attempts to restrict the Immigration
of the industrious aud worthy of
foreign lands. We favor just and
liberal pensions for all disabled Un
inu soldi rs, their widows and all
depen den's; but we demand that the
pension work shall be done indus
triously, impartially, and honestly;
we denounce the present adminis
tration of the pension office as in
competent, corrupc, disgraceful, aud
In support of the national defense
and the promotion of commerce be
tween stales we recognize the early
construction of the Nicaragua canal
uud its protection against foreign
control as of great Importance to the
United States. Popular educatlou
being the only safe basis of popular
sullrage. we recommend to apply to
the several states the most liberal
appreciation for public schools. Wo
oppose state Interference with
parental rights and the rights of
conscience In education of children
ub an infringement of a fundamen
tal Democratic doctriue. AVe ap
prove the action of the present
house of represenlatlves In passiug
bills for the admission into the
Unlou as states of the territories of
New Mexico and Ariz ma. We fav
or legislation by congress and by the
states to protect the lives and limbs
of railway employes. We are In
favor of tho enactment by states of
laws for abolishing tho sweating
system, for abolishing contract con
vict labor, and prohibiting the em
ployment of children under 15 years
of age. We oppose all sumptuary
On First Ballot 616J Votes in His
Cincvno, June 22. The roll of
states on ballot was commenced at
2:47 a. m. uud was finished at 3:20
a. in, witli the following results.
Alabama iMonison 4, Campbell,
or Ohio, 2. Cleveland 14.
Arkansas Cleveland 1G.
California-Cleveland, 18.
Colorado Hill, of New York,3 aud
Boies 5.
Connecticut Cleveland 12.
Deluwaie Cleveland 0.
Florida Cleveland 6.
Massachusetts Cleveland 24, Hill
4, Boies 1, ltusxell 1.
Michigan Cleveland 28.
Missouri Cleveland 34.
MontiMin Boles (i.
Nebraska Cleveland 15,Gormnn 1
Nevada Boies 4, Gorman 2.
New Hampshire Cleveland 8.
New Jeisoy Cleveland 20.
New York Hill 72.
North Carolina Stevenson, of
Illinois, 10, Morrison 1, Cleveland
iilj, Holes 1.
North Dakota Cleveland 6.
Ohio-Cleveland 14, Boies
Cat lisle fi, HillO, Gorman 6.
Oiegon Cleveland 8.
Pensylvttiila Cleveland 04.
Rhode Island Cleveland S.
North Dakota Cleveland 7, Boise 1
Minnesota Cleveland IS.
Ten niHsee Cleveland 21.
Mississippi Hill 3, Gorman 4,
Boise 3, Cleveland 8.
Te.us-Hill 1, Hol-eO, Cleveland
Vei mout Cleveland 8.
Virginia-Cleveland 12, Hill 11,
Goimtiu 1.
Washington Cleveland 8.
Wist Virginia-Cleveland 7, Pat
tlsou 1.
Georgia Hill 5, Gorman 4, Cleve
land 17.
Indiana Cleveland 30.
Iowa Boise 20.
Kentucky Carlisle 0, Boies 2,
Cleveland 18.
Idaho Boies 0.
Kansas Cleveland 20.
I.oulslutm Boies 11, Cleveland 3,
HUH, Gorman 1.
Maine-Hill 1, Whitney 1, Gor
man 1, Cleveland 0.
Maryland Cleveland 0, Gorman
Wyoming Gormau 3, Cleveland
West Vlrlula-Gonmiu 3, Hill 1,
Wiscoiijlu-Cleyeland 24.
J eon 10?, Morrison 0, Cirllslo IS,
Cnmnlwll 2,l'ufiM8nu 1, Whitney I,
itussell 1.
Tne convention
o'clock today.
v 11 meet nt 2
He Gives to tho Prt-BS His Confi
dence in Democracy.
BUZZAKD Bay, June 23. Cleve
land throughGoveruor Itussell scuds
the following to the the press on his
nominatien: "I should certainly
be changeable with dense Insensi
bility If I were not profoundly
touched by this uew proof of confi
dence snd trust by the great party to
which I belong and whose mandates
claim my obedience. I am confi
dent my fellow countrymen are
ready to receive with approval the
prluclplo of true democracy aud I
cannot ridjnyself of the belief that
to win success, It Is only necessary
to persistently aud honestly advo
cate these principles. Differences
of opinion and Judgment in the
Democratic convention are by no
means unwholesome Indications but
it is hardly conceivable in view of
our success to our country uud paity
thut there should be auy where
among Democrats any lack of har
monious ollorts to win the campaign
which opeus before us, I have theie
for uo coucern on tho subject. It
will certainly bo my constant en
deavor to deserve the support of
every Democrat." Mr. Cleveland
was very tiled when the uews of
his nomination reached him. Mrs'
Cleveland had retired at four a. m,
and it was nearly five wheu the
nominee followed her.
Outraged and Killed.
I'oiiTi.AND.Or., June 123. Infor
mation hn3 just been received from
Milwaukee that the dead body of a
fourteen year old girl named Welch
has been outraged. Sho had been
missing since yesterday evening and
a Bearcli was Instituted for her tliN
morning with the above result. The
town Is greatly excited aud ofllcer.s
are in search of tlie supposed perpe
trators. If caught he will probably
be lynched. The last seen of the girl
alive was late yesterday afternoon
when she left the ueiuhborhood to
go out blackberrying uloue; her par
ents waited for her return home all
night, not having returned this morn
ing the town was aroused and search
Instituted with the above results.
Foil Down Elevator Shaft.
Portland, Juno i2U, A laborer
named Wilson employed ou lie uew
Oregoniau bulldiug fell dowu the
elevator shaft this moruiug from the
fourth lloor to the basement. The
extent of his injuries are not yet
ascertained, although serious they
are not fatal.
Hill Was Up.
Washington, D. C. June 23.
The nomination of Cleveland has
caused no surprise ns it was regarded
as a foregone conclusion. Senator
Hill though up till five this morning
looked bright uud fiesh. He posi
tively declined to make auy state
ment concerning the result of the
Fire at Willows, Cal.
Willows, Cal., Juno 23. About
4 o'clock yesteulay the wooden row
on Walnut street waseuthely burn
ed out. Loss ubout $12,000, coveied
by Inmrance.
P O KTIASB, .Iune23. Wheat
valley, $1.3121 $1.35 Walla Walla
$1.27 $13!)
San Fkancisco C't.1., June 23.
Wheat, seller $1.48.
CmeiAOo Ills., June 23. Wheat
A Leader.
Since Its first Introduction, Elec
tric Hitters has guiued rapidly in
popular favor, until now it is clearly
n the lead among pure medicinal
tonics and alteratives containing
nothing which permits its use as a
beverage or intoxicant, it is recog
nised as the best and purest medicine
for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or
Kidney. It will cure Sick Head
ache, Indigestion, Constipation, and
drive Malaria from the system.
Satisfaction guaranteed with each
bottle or I he money will be refundedi
Sold by D.in'1 J. Fry 225 Com'l
St. Price only 50c. per bottle.
Hood's SarsapariHz.
Is e .i'tily irerwed from Sar- pnrl..i
j i i, M-mh.iLc, Doilc, Pi si
fi !in l.irile3,aiHliJurM'll-Ki.iV'ii u
.. ' i'-,. t.iblo rcirttillos, ,y a j f i u'.
.! ,i...tiMi, ijiiimrtkin, runt piocofcs,!
tu Hood's S.us.iiiarlll.i curattAO iowi
i! t ioi.sofcsi'il by other medicines. P
effects rcnurkablo cures where others fail
i'oou's Sarsaparilla
is ihe liebt Wood jairifier. It cures Scrof u!i,
S It ISIieum, llolls, Pimples, M Ilumurs,
D)eI.i, Pllluusncss, Sick llc.nl tele,
Indigestion, General Debility, Catarrh,
lilietimatlsin, Kidney nnd I.Her com
plaints; ourcomes That Tired Peeling,
cieatrs an appetite, builds up tlie sjstem.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Has met unparallcil success at home. Such l
U Its popularity In J.owcll, Mass., where It I
Is made, that Lowell druggists sell moio of
Hood's Sarsaparilla than all other sarsapa
rill.is or Mood purifiers. The samo success i
is t iteifdlng all oer the country. I
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Is peculiar la Its strength and economy
It U tho only prep.r. itioa of which c.u
truly be ulJ "loo Dies One Dollar." ,
bottloof Hood's S ir iiMilllatakui accord
Ing tu directions, will last n mouth.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is peculiar In the confidence it gains among '
all classes o( people. Where It Is onco um d
It becomes a favorite family remedy. D.
not bo Induced to buy other preparations.
Ut euro to get tlio Peculiar Medietas,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
SoldbyilrUKsUti. f It ilxforfV Ptpredbj i
0 1. 1IOOU 4 CO., Ax)tnrcarici,LiwtU, Mass,
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
"Safe and Certain"
18 the testimony of Dr Gcorco 15.
18 tlie testimony of Dr Gcorgo
1 Wnllc, ot Mnrtlnsvdlo, Vn
reference to Aycr's Tills. Dr. J. T.
Teller, of Cliltteiinngo, X. Y., days :
"Aycr's Pills aro highly npnrcclntod.
They aro perfect In form nnil coating,
ami tncir cuecis aro an mat niu mos
careful physlclnn could desire. Tliey
liavo supplemented nil tlio pills former
ly popular here, nnd I think it must bo
lone beforo any other can bo made that
will at all comparo witli them. Thoso
w ho buy Aycr's 1'llls get full value."
"I regnrd Aycr's Pills as one of tho
most rclinblo general remedies of our
times. Tlioy havo been hi use In my
lainny ior various nueciions requiring a
purgative medicine, and liavo glen un
varying satisfaction "Wo'hnvo found
them nn excellent remctlv for colds and
llclit fevers." 'W. 11. Woodsou, Fort
"Worth, Texas.
"I preserlbo Aycr's Tills In mv prac
tice, nnd find them excellent. I unro
their general nso In families." John
V.. Brown, M. V , Oceana, "W. Va.
Ayer's Pills,
rnEwr.ED ur
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by nil Druggists end Dealers hi Medicine
National Democratic Convention.
Chicago, June 2T.
For the accommodation of thoe
desiring to visit Chicago on the
nbove occasion tho Union Pacific
will sell tickets to Chicago and re
turn at one fare for tlie round trip.
For elates of sale and limits of
tickets or any additional Informa
tion apply to W. II. Hurlburt. usst.
general passenger agent, Union
Pacific System, Portland Oregon.
Better Than a I.OIJ IJoltle of lllooil
Dr. W. H. Evans, the leading
druggist of Sunfnrd, Florida, says:
"I always feel safe In lccommeuding
St. Patrick's pills I carry in bteck.''
There are none better, uud one dose
of them will often do more good
thun a dollar bottle of auy blood pu
rifier in the market. For sale by Q.
E. Good, Druggist.
Aljsolulelv the Best.
"I never hesitate to 'recommend
Chamherlalu's Couyh Remedy as
absolutely the best," sitjs Mr, F. U.
Kemp,asfistaut business manager of
the Youugstown, Ohio, Dully Teleg
ram one of the most influential nnd
valuable newspapers In the Buckeye
state. Mr. Kemp also says: "I have
found it a certain cure for the cough
usually following an attack of the
grippe, aud always keep a bottle of
it in tho house." 30 cent bottles for
sale by G. E. Good, Druggist.
To thi: Ladies. "Viavi" stands
alone, the greatest medical discovery
of tlie nineteenth centurv. (From
an M. D., in the Ladies' Health
Journal, Newark, Ohio.) You are
cordially Invited to call mid investi
gate for yourselves. Ollice over 4
aud 9 cent store, Cottle-Purkhurst
block, Commercial street, Salem,
Oregon. lm
Jerries Wanted !
Will Itccelve
and nfter Wednesday, Juue 8, 1892.
AUKIUS n full lino of Stnplo and fancy
Groceries, Ifresh Vigetablehiind Hei
ries In MsiEon, IJutter and Uses al
ways on baud.
SCO Com'l St.
For Sale, Cheap.
A number of trios of this sprint: Plym
outh Hock, Itlack Langlinu, W hlto Leg
horn, and r.irtridge l o bins, all thorough
In eel stock. Iiuy early, wie express charge
aud get the pick ot thetcison. J.ltofjpei
trio, boxed for shipment. Afidrrsa
K. ilOFElt, balcni. Or.
For Sale or Trade,
Fifty-two acres improved farm, 40
acres in crop, good orchard, four
miles South of Salem, Turner road.
Will trade for property nenr town.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Northern Pacifle Railroad
Is.tne line to tnko
To all Points East and South.
It Is tho dining enr route. It runs througL
vcktlbule traiuj, eery day in the year tc
(No change of cars.)
Composed of dining crs unsurpasFed,
Pullman drawing room sleepers
Ot latest equipment
Sleeping Cars.
iivt,t that can be conbtructed and In whlol
accommodations are both tree uud tur
nUhed for holders of tlrot and iecond-cluk
tickets, and.
Acontinuoii lliib conno:tlng with al
Hues. aUordlng direct rd uninterrupted
l'ullinuu sic ' ' Ions can be se
Hired inadviiv '. : any ageut ol
tlie road.
Thionsti tickets to and from all pointc
in iier)ca,Knglaud aud Lurope can bt
parrha. eU at any ticket oir.ee of tills com
1 ull In: jrmi.tlon courerumg Kites, Unit
oi trail ,n utesandothcrdi tall furnished
ou ..upl.cation to any agent or
AlsUint General i'assenxer At.ent, Mo
lil first street, cor. Wutilr-'iou, l'ort
SnAW & DOWNING, Agents.
South of.WUlarnetta Hotol,
w v
lcrd07cu for the finest finished
l'llOTOGUAl'lte lntheclty.
IRHComraerclftl Street.
F. 11, S00THW1CK,
Contractor and
Salem, - - Oregon.
Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, 20tU and Cucmckcta Street.
Heal Estate
and Insurance.
First Btnlnvny north or,Ilush
Cai pentcr and Builder,
Shop (.j State street.
Store Fittinps a Specialty
25c Want Column,
Notices Inserted for ONE CENT TEH
liscnifiit lnjeiled in this oolumn for Its
than tweutytle cents.
mlsiion offered. 820 weekly earned bj
many of our agents.
llo-c 1.171, New York,
Samples tree. 1. O.
LOST. I havo misplaced my umbrella.
Will the Under notify me? Win. J.
Ularke. G-Vli-Sl
T700D. Ninety cords at 51.00 per cord
i ii. a. &11111U uoouaie hiimuer mm
Dealer in Groceries, Pitints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wull Ta
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc,
City Tax Notice.
VTOTIC is hereby given to the tax pay.
l ers ot tho city of yalem, that tho as
ei,ment roll of the city ot tulem for the
year 1S92, has beeu placed In my hands for
the collection of taxes and that the taxes
charged thereon are now due and payable
at my office at the b ink of Win. England
Jc Co. In this city. All taxes remaining un
p.Ud alter the TlHli day of July, 1S92, will
be leturned as delinquent.
City Tax Collector.
Salem, J line 23, 189i ti-2.1 tt
Notico to Bridge Builders.
In persuanee ot an order of tho Hon.
County Court of Marlon county, bids will
be received at the ollice of the county clerk
until rueduy, Ju y 5, lhtU, at 1 o'cIock p.
m , for the construction of a bridge, con
sisting of a ip in of 100 feet and two np
pro icnes of o0 feet in tho aggregate, across
thollttlonoith fork of the Sautlam river.
The court reserves the right to rrjtct any
and all bids. JJ. C. SHEUUAN,
B UJ-dw-td County Clerk
Notice to Building and Decorat
ing Contractors.
QEALED bids willberrcelvedatthe Gov
)0 ernur'H ollice in thehlateCapltol build
ing, Salem, Oregon, until '2 o'clock p. m ,
Tuesday, July 5, 1802,
lor remodlingnnd changiug the itnuteul
Hepreseutatlei (for acoustic purpose.)
also painting- and decorating, to be bid on
teparately. lloth to be In accordance with
plans, specifications and details now on
exhibition at the state house, and at the
ollice of NEEK A CHA IG, architects, liUJ
Tlrst street, i'rstland, Oregon,
t bids must be drawn as required by
the specifications, "see general remarSs.
Any bid not so drawn will not bo consid
ered by tho board.
Hy order of the Hoard SlateCap'.tol Build
ing Commissioners.
GKU. V. McimiIE, bco f stnte,
PHIL. MKlsUHA-N, ptati-Treasuier.
Wm. A. Mcnly, Clerk of tho Hoard,
Chattle Mortgage Sale.
fOTlCK is hereby given ttat by virtue
JJN 'f four certain topics of chattle n ort
j,ai;es du.y Issued out of tho oouutv olerks
utile im tho21stda) of Juue, 1SV2, ono in
lavore: Kiifbell A Co and ayalnt Jacob A
I. J. Sehaiback tosecuro the payment o.
Eight Hundred Doll irt, eldenced by fout
certain promissory notes as mentioned in
sahlrmrtga e and that theic Is yet unpaid
on said notes the sum ot Two Hundred
Dollars and luteiest according to the tenor
ol the last two note; thereof, onelnfa
vorof Kus&ell Co. and against Jacob a
J.i-H'uarback to seaire the pajmtnt ot
Twenty One Hundnd Dollars evidenced
by three ceitalu promissory notes as men
tioned In said mortgage and tlist is yet
unpaid ou sxld uo'is the sum of Seven
HumlridnndTt-nand twenty-ieeu hun
dridths Hollar. (710'J7), ana ln'erest ac
cruing to the tenur of tho three notes
thereof, one in f.ivor ot Uussell t Co. and
at-alntt I. J. Soharbaek, U Holleuback
and 1'. E, Hrhukev, to secure the paj ment
of iwenlj-llmelluudredand Kit.y Dol
lars, oiderccrl by rlNe proiuissory notes as
mentioned in said -luuitgage, ant that
there Is i el imp upon sulu notes tho sum
01 Mxteeu Huudtid and !? sty nnd tweu
lysecn liuudtcdths .ollaiBiltLu27i and
interest to the tenor ot said nous One in
taorot HussflldCo, and against 1', J,
nud Jake Scharback to kpcu o the pay.
mentofTueutyoue Hundred dollars, evi
denced by three ce.ulu promls-ory notes
as mcutl'iued in said m ulguo. aud thut
there Is jet uup.idon said notes tho sum
of Seven Huudied and Ten uud twent
seven hundredth dollar, (S7lo.i7), and in
terest uccording to tho tenor thereof, with
the written endorsement ot tho wild Hus
sell A Co. thereon appointing me their
agent aud attorney in fact to take posses
sion of the property therein desciibed.nud
soli tho same at public uuctlou, I have
taken possession ofaud wilt sell at pjbllo
auction on
Wednesday, the 6th day of July,
18V2, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. of
said day, at tho mill site of 8cuarbak.
Holleuback iCo1, about two miles east of
Woodourn, tn saldtouuty, lh tollolng
described jersoual prone ty, as described
in said mortgages, to-wlt:
One inedliiu. double L H' SawMIU com
plete No. J5Jt, with lit incht' l D sstou
saw, and 3d Inch top saw, with 00 teet ten
Inch ply belling manufactured b lture 1
A Co One water tank oSit- One wood
i-siw and belt No, 4. i ne mam belt '10 ftel
7 Inch 3 ply. One No 24 MHSslllion separa
tor No.fcSM truikand stsckei and all the
fixtures belonging to the sane, One Ten
ply thirteen sell coutaln.d engine, and
locomoitve boiler, Tro head of work oxen
yokes anil chains. One No, 21 I'tuner
Matcher made by Druko at Kaleui, One
No,iixig truti nude b) Studbuker Mtig,
' E. M, CnoiSAN.
Bberln" of Marlon County and agent for
Kuueu a Co, MM w dally
Machine Shop, Guns,
Spoiling Goods, Etc.,
K03 Commercial Ftrtet.
J. J.
Scientific Horseshoeing.
On Stute Streot.
Livery Feed nnd
Boarding Stable,
II HtntoHlreet.
General Blocksinlthlug,
47 Stato Street.
Salem Haeknian
II, I'OKIil.
Dcst Line In the City,
Court Street.
Ca I ifo i 'ilia lia ko ) .
101 Court Strict.
1I11S, M. E. WILSON,
Leading Salem Modiste.
'"i Commercial St.
J. E. MUKP11Y.
Brick and Tile,
Works in North Salem.
Baths for Ladies,
121 Court Street.
Undertaking and .
Cabinet Work,
107 State Street.
Has Just placed on the market
No. 11, C miles south of Salem. This tract ai fine fruit land, N well
drained nnd will bo sold in any sized tracts on the most favorable terms.
We 5-till have a few ten acre tracts
outh of Salem. 160 aciea of No. 10 is
orchards hi tho fall of 1S92.
Also two 10 acre tracts and ouo 15 acre tract in SUNNYblDE No. 8,
5 miles south of S.ilem. Over 100 acres of No. S was planted to fiuit tfees
during the past season, aud 60 acres more will be planted the coming all.
And 12S acres in SUNNYS1DE No. 6, 3 miles southwest of Turner,
over 10 acres in young orchard, mostly cleared and In crop, will sell any
part or all, very cheap for cash, or w ill give time on part.
On any of tho above lands we will
timo on the balance, or will take part purchase price in work or a part
payment iu tock or good city property.
In addition to tho nbove wo have for sale TOWN PIIOPEHTY, small
tracts near the City and Farm L.iuds.
It costs you nothing to see our property, and we may have just what
you want.
Office in the New Gray Block
on State Street.
Removed to 140 State.
Merchant Tailors.
Spring suit gift-worth 20, pants SJOO
worth 87.00, Everything cheap. If clothes
don't lit customers need not take same.
Call aud look over goods, C-l-lm
ments In tho btate. Lower rates than
i-nrgest stocK Legal wianits in
the State, and biggest discount
uiggesi discount, sena ioi
i nrlnllmr. and catalogue ol
price list of Job prii
legal blanks. E. M. WAJTiS,
Hteam Printer Salem Oreon
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta. Line
I J. ouu
7:0 p. m. Lv.
8:18 p. m. Lv.
8:15 a.m. Ar.
San Fran.
Ar. 7:.i5 a. in
Lv. I 5:28 a. m
Lv. 7:00 p. m
Aboe trains stop only at follow tnss sta
tlons north of Hooebursr, East Portland
Or't'on City, Woodburu, balem, Albuuj
fanent, Shedds, Halsey, liarrisburi
Junction City, Irving and Eugene.
i:'M a, m.
11:17 a. m
'i:50 p. m.
Lv. 1'ortland Ar. I l:'0 p. m,
Lv balem Lv, 1:43 p. m
Ar. Itoseburg Lv. 7.00 a. n
Vlbany Local, Dally Except Sunday,
5.00 p. m.
7:5J p.m.
I.M p. m.
fal em
lu:.w a m
7:31., m
ttffla. m.
Second Class Sleeping Cars-
For accommodation ot passengers holding
second class tickets attached to
express trains.
iVesl Side Division, Between Portlac
and Cervallis:
7:JtJlu in. I Lv. Portland Ar,
l!!:10 p. in. ' Ar. Corvallis Lv.
5-30 p. in.
At Albany and Coruiills connect v,Uu
ralus of O'cgon laotflo lUUroad.
1:10 p. in,
7.2a p. tu,
! Ar.M
1'ortland Ar.
h.Mu, tu
o:l5a. m
V T S B, 8 "T" K, a s
Through Tickets
To atl points
For tickets and lull lnlcrmatton regard
mg rates maps, etc., apply to the Coin pa.
ny's agent Salem, Oregon.
g-VrS?,?1 AMt' &1 r aua - ASM
H, KOEULEK, Mannsor
Fruit and Cigars.
P. o.
it. t. iiu.iiihki:y!,
Cigars and Tobacco.
243 Com'l Street
Coffee House,
Open all Nlp-ht
Meat, Poultry
iu Fish Market,
lustirnuce Block.
The Upholsterer,
ItPinndcl", re-cocrs nnd repa'r
iipholKtued rurnlture. Fln.1
,'lav unrk. Chenicketft sire '
-ttnto insurance block.
in SUNNYSIDE Ko. 10, 0 milo
under contract to Lo planted to
take one-fourth cash ami give long
Taken Up.
A red and walto spotted ccwvlth calf.
Both tars slit, and branded ou right hip.
Owner can get same by settllDg wlili
5-2J-lv OH.VS MEIU.IAnkeny.
Staple and Fancy
Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Wooden
and Willow ware. Ali kinds of mill feed.
Also eeetablesaod fruits iu their seaon.
"Highest Price paid for country produce.'
wesotlct a snare oi your raironage.
l32State street
Hernia and Chronic Diseases
Ilevote special attention to Nerous, Cat
arrhal, Asthmatic and Throat Trouble ..
Hernia (ruptuie) cured without pain or
detention Irom business aud Guaranteed In
Ever Case,
Every variety of Female nnd Chroi lo
diseases treated by tho most advanced
methods known to Electrical nnd Medlcil
science. Tw-uty jears experience in snr
gery nnd the application of elee'rie'ly.
Oflice2o9 Commercial street., llush-Ure-man
lllook. Salem.
Sas and Gasoline
Ilaro fewer parti, and rm
thprcfnre loss ltkelv to cet out
of order than any other bus or gasoline euglaes no
tullu Just hlH the burutr. turn the nhuel. ucil It
xuaa all day.
2fo double or false explosion, so frcqaent with tb
uurcllublo eparlc,
For Simplicity It Heats tho 'World.
It Oils Itself Automatically,
2fo Batteries or Eloctrto Bpark.
It mna wlta a Cheaper O rnde of Casoltao than any
other Iuglue.
Sin Francisco, Cal. and Portal. Or.f
Will ton Wlihoat M.di-lD. I MfttfM will.;""
cTcruitUsa of brmls, nerr ftmuniiHi ' l""" "rT
i miitl utiuUii, dnlmi', lotoi. x.tn.i dtb r ',t
leuieii. Uiioor, ib.om.llim, kldnej, llttr o4 .'
c.mil.lou.l.mt till. Umbtio. IIU. fllrl I t.'";
alo TtU llrl b.ll mouIm W4trfnl Upi-""'"' ;,,
tilotbtri.udflTM oorr.oiltn U Iniue.. ' !'
uiii or we forfcll ll.uuo, ill lll er ali l I "
..M n. Th..iiH.l. h. hfieiirealy I."
-lin. f..in.l.M -ftA- all nlh-r r.mdltl fatl(4, 1
lt bOLilrtd) of IctlmooUli In tbli jo ","".
uarpovrnut inrnuiin -' -,t...V;.. i i rl
trt.t-ittooo rtrotrtr.4 '.""IT"11' ,n!
Ileitis aoltlioroasiUcoi.BUliUAMI-Ip-iiS'-'f .',V.
.,. i
So4 tn lllcitrtwil Pnof 1U, ttaiua, uunt i"" -"
HO, 174? Pint St., PORTLAND. 0"
-- -.
i.&::Jmtkt&4i il.
.). it . -' tf'
. i :
' WM. A Sim&muKimm nm.
JitttulL&'ittfU iv-ek-fivi. .