''"iW"'' ,tv """" rr . - rO v 1 EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. (J o J-i, c Vu VOIi. 5. urn THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 148, IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT -THAT- T. MGF. PATTON'S Specialties of LANK BOOKS Ifuvo no fqiml for being quick sellers aud trade winners. Tins being the result of Ills cutchy styles and low prices. NEW SAMPLES AND NEW STOCK! Hurd's Fancy Stationery -Now Heady. (PIN EPAY AS GOOD AND AT LESS PRICES Than any of the cheap grades of fancy stationery now on the market , JVE w styles, ne w designs, NEW PRICES. Sole agents for the SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN, millions in use. We guarantee all we sell. If Pi n bm Kg9U 9H R E rH S S UN o tate Street Book Store. PLEASANT ome You can buy property in this most popular Addition n any terms. It is high and dry and. has the advantage of street irs and. city water Hemember it is within ten minutes walk of the Eostoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on B Wm One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. Harritt -SUCCESSORS TO Mclntire. WELLER BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR- R3-E "TlS3- STAPH AND MM GR0CBR1KS At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. M. GLASSPORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES AND OFFICES FITTED UP IN, Georg'a Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc, (MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Rear of 200 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon.' NAILS I LOCKS! HINGES BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT ferr 4 Petzel Plumbers and Tinners, ) - M4'& 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden IIoso and Lawn bprlnUlera. VTcompleto line of Stoves anu Tinware, im rouuug mm iiumm.ls .. specialty. Estimates for TiuuiuL' and Plumbing Furniilied. IAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. 1 aii on. i,ivifii tn null nt 143 Court atroet and look ut all the late litems In Wall Paper and get prices for same on the wall. ki? ovniv TWnn.mr with 13. E. KNOW. House. Sign and Cur- B.J-" W. U4.1 V . . , w , PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. f'paner Hauglug, Kalsomiuiug, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Utural Wood Finish. Only First-class Worn. .u. . oiwv. Remember tue place, i uourinum. GETTHEUM.LAWNMOWER In Three Sixes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY BTS., SALEM, OREGON. fcvD. Choice c. IVI621S. Cross, Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt mid Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices aud prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. i)5 Court and 110 State Streets. All uflciS. Smith, -SUCCESSOR 1 0- J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Re-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in Salem of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE 'k SPECIALTY.- Contractors and builders can find here every article thoy need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade are invited to call. We will treat you well. (DUiLS. JmiKI'JEK, dv 248 Commercial Street. PENSIONS OUND The place to get a Saddle horse, Livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, Mill feed or good well rotted Manure, wl of DJrt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back ot Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. m v a xr av nn RYAN & CO. DRAYS AND TRUCKS ,ys ready for orueru. and deliver wood, tl and lumber. Ot- :.ito St.. onnoiite Ba rn Iron work. D.-ays and truck may be foumUthrougbout the dav ut tho corner of State and i ;ornnien-iii htww. Salem Truck 4 Dray Co. Hi M V lice rftatt SF. DRAKE, Proprietor. ' ' rtM, uene .,,,...,...,., oAT-nrAr t Ti " tvt a f i iv ia. ;s . ra v7.iJ2lvx xivwi .-- , lLSM, (Manufactures wimrnntnti.Tn ft 1 nn.Aa i1.1 lltlltlllfllPllir ueuerui njnii " ........-;-. --V-. ---.-,,, rlfler una Heels, r arm macmuery '""" "" iti-.- OREOON. lures HTEAM ENGINES. Mill Outfit. Water Wheel Governor, Fruit iJ Trni-ilouKnetues Cretlue. etc. Form machinery made aud repaired. inu a d nntarturSi SflWlebn.tJ Wahlstrom ivwnt Middlings T S. BURROUGHS. i, CHCRCHILL. cnuRcniLL & BURUOuens, finners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. 100 Chemeketa Street. Sash and Door Factory Front, Street, Salem, Oregon, i . i . i i -..- i:nn of nrirra in romnott? ii Dest class 01 wots in uui jiuo . !"- - -...r--. with the lowest. Only the best inatenai useti. D.C.SHERMAN, U, H. l'enslou and Claim agent. I'. () Box Sfil.ilem, Oregon. Deputy Count) Clerl' Vrtte for bl.inks. w DUGAN BROS' i jail u Wholesale and letall dealuis In STEAM AND PLUMING GOODS. ta Go m mercial street. Telepliono No. &i WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, alt Subscribed, $200,000 Transact n general banking business luall ItH branches. OKO. WI1.MAMH Preslilen WM. KN(lliANI) Vice 1'reUdenl HUGH MoNAHY C'usliler DIKKOTORB: Geo. Wllllama.Wm. Eng laud, Dr. J. A. Wcliardwui, J. w. JloOnou. J. A. Ituker. lianlc In new F.xchango block on Com mercial slroot. 8:l-ll For Sale. Three lots in North halem on street ear lino, alo 31 acres irult laud about 3K miles tubt of Hiilem. Call on . i).aimiLS, Ktato Insurance Office Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTS, Ataniigi-r. tccl: Box 1210, Seattle, V.'nnh Jlrtwdt-rsori'liorouehbred I'oultrj of fol .iiuIok varletim: a. V. Whito Leghorns, H. C. llrown Ig liornn. White I'lyroouth lUxkt, Uarred Flymoutli Ilocks, I'll Games, Wuck Ijiub kbamt, Light. Hrahamas, Iluir Cochins, Partridge Cochlni, Ilronze Turkeys. Send lor Circular and J'rlee List. White's No. 60, BALEMVi FINEdT TRUUK, Now ready for tiulp treful work tpoclHlty. j,f, wuiib. Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Hnlt-m, Oregon. W.A.CUHKK. Pie. W. W. MAUTIN, Vice Pre. J. 11. Al.llKHT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Par. dw MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the next 80 day FEAR & HAMILTON, Doom U, Ilusli Hank block. 6 12dn TMI'ItOVKI) OHDEK OK HKI) MKN, 1 Kamlukuu 'lrlbeNo.8, Hulenu ilnlds council every Thursday evening, I.t7;.i0. Wigwam In State Insurance hall. F. O.HAKKH. Prophet. FIUNK P. WATF.ILS Chief oflUjoord. J. M, Needham, HOUHE PAIrsTINO, KALHO MIXING, PAI'EH IIANOIXG, NATURAL WOOD FINISIUXG. Leave order J. Irwln'ii. rear of Uiultti Htelntr'i drug itore. VltOFKSSIONAX OAItDS. T J.8IIAW, M. W. HUNT. SHAW A l) , HUNT, nttorneyR nt law. Office over Capital .National bank, Salem, Oregon. GEO.H. BURNETT, Attorney nt law, Salem, Oregon. Office over Lndd a Bush's bank. 1 T. KICIIAKDSON, Attorney nt law, ). office up stairs In front rooms of new ush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. -rnTTM A nATlCnV Attr.rr.nt. nt Inn O Kooms3auQ 4, Indd & Bush's bank uuiiuiug, oaiein, urt'geu. o i lyr B. F. UONHAM. W. II. 1I0LMK3. BONUAit & Holmes, Attorneys nt law. Otllco In Bush's block, between State nud Court, on Com'ISt. miLMON VOltD. nttorney nt law. Salem, L Oregon. Office upUlrs In PalUm's block. T U. UKADdllAW, PHYSICIAN AND fj, aurceon, halctii, Oregon, nrllce In Elurldge block, upstnlrs over William England's bank ltesldcnco corner btatu nnd 8. K. corner U Inter street. -T7 It. YOUNG, M. D.. Office formerly YV . occupied by Dr. Rowland, corner Court nnd Liberty btrects. Telephone No. 45. Office heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: 2 to 4 p. in., and 7 toll p.m. Residence 18th street on electric car lino. Telephone No. U, MCAFEE BIIOOKS, Physicians and Surgeons, Murphy black, up stairs, Commercial street, Halem, Or. T"vlt. V. 8 MOrT, physician nnd sur J geou. Office lu KldrlUgu Block, ba lem, Oregon. Offico hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. -p B. IHI LBROOK, M. D.,Homeopathlst. Xi. Offico 155 Court street; Kcsldenco 347 High street. UcLcnU pracllce. Special attention given to diseases of Womeu and children. SB. JUNTA 8. A. DAVIS. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 11 n. in.; 2 p. in. to 5 p. in. r or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention givou to dlseiscs of wom en nud children. Office lu Sew Bauk 111k., 805 Commercial street. Residence same. DR. T. C. SMITH. l)cutlst,l)2 State street, Salem, Or. Finished dental opera tions ofoerydoscrlptlou. Painless opera tions n speulalty. WD. PUGH, Architect, Plans, Sped . llcatkms aud bupcrlutondence lor all classes of buildings. Otllco U0 Com mercial bt., up stairs, 0. A. ROBERT, Archltoit, room42l,Mnr quam building, t'ortlaud, Oregon. UUSINE.VJ OAKDS. HOEYEAMILLS, Proprietors tho Porco lain Bathaudhhavlngl'arlors, Have the only Porcelain Hath Tubs iu tho city. 2U!i Commercial street, balem, Oregon. OPRAGUE & ALLEN, Biacksinlths and O horeshoolng nud rcp.ilrlng. Only tho bestworkuien employed. Opposite Stato Insurance bulldlug 4B. SMITH &T5o.. Contractors, Sewer . lng, Cement flloewalks, Excavating, : All work promptly done, Snlom.Or. Leave orders with Dus'in Bros. 4:16-lm PJ, liARSEN & CO,, aiunutaotura of all . klndsof vchlcleH, Repairing n Npeulal ly. Shop 45 Htalw slicel. CAKPET-LAYING.-l make a specially oi carpel-sowing and laying; airpets taken upnnd relaidwlthgiuitcaie. Iahvc nrdciswlth .1, II, Luiin, Biiion .v- Son or White Corner. .1. G.LUIIRMA.... JOHN KNIGHT, Blacksmith. Horsa shooing and repairing a specialty. Shop at the loot of Liberty BliecLfctnloiu, Oregon. l'.20tl For Sale. OOr A -. of good land, B0 acres .)) AflTfi icnco, with v-''-v r" '-'-'good barn nndhmise, balauco timber, will sell all or part, cheap, on reasonable terms. JAMES WARNER. Salum.Or. P.O. Box 3d). (MS-H-ilw Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meal at All Hours ol the Day None but whlto labor employed In thU establishment. A good substantial meal cooked In firsts class style-Twenty-flvo cents per meal, R K D V R O N T Court strortt" between Opera ,Houfo and Mlnto's Livery THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Rales, $2.50 toTs.OO inr Day. Tho best hotel belwcen Portland nmlH.in Francisco. Flrsl-class In nil Its apiiiiU mentH. Its tables urn served wllu thf Choicest Fruits Grown In tho VJilumtttu Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. .7APANESK JC tZSIU10JlEiMn CURB A new and O mpleteTrenf''iil, conalst. Ingof supiiosltorles, olnuiieia lu c.ipmlos also a box and pillk;a jKmltltocure (or ex ternal, Internal, blind or bleeding, ltenlng. chronic, recent or hcreilllnry Piles, and many other diseases ami lemalo weak, uesses; It Is al ways a. irrtat benefit to tho general health 'tho llrsl dlstovery ol a medical cuto rendering an opeiallou with the knife uiiiitceHHiry heitaltcr. This remedy has never b( en known to fall, fl per box.flfor tfi; sent by mall, Why suffer from this terrible disease when a written guaranleo Is given with H btjxes, to lefund tho money II not cured, Hend stamp for free sample. Ouarfntee Itsued by Woodaud, CI. a UK k A Co., wholesale anil retail drug. glsU, sole ugeuts, Portland, Or, 5i.ly-dw J. H. HAAS, TIUS WATCIILAIOJR, 213! Commercial St.f iilem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ol KpeclicleM, and repairing CltxsLs, Wauiiux and Juwelry. e. c. onoss. Butcher and Packer Htat Ht. and Court Ht, Thr best meat delivered to ah oarUof tl.ecltv. Paper Hangerand Decorator, OflliNI at CliOtM'ul trl'i illlllouerv tor. Haleu, Orrgou, WHERE ICE FORMS IN HOT WEATHER. A Montann Ice Shaft That Enables a Whole Tvnvll to Keep Cool. Tbero is n romrtrknblo ico shaft not far front this placo. It is a froak of nature formed in nn nbaniloned sliait sunk by miners in old York gulch in Moaghor county, Mon. This gulch was very rich for drift diggors in early days. It paid as high as $400 to a four foot sot of timbers, which two minors could easily put in with a day's work. Several years ago two minors sunk a shaft along one sido of tho gulch, about threo miles abovo its mouth, or whore tho gulch empties into Trout crook. Tho shaft was put down about flfty-fivo foot below tho surfaco of tho gulch, and it was woll timbered from tho bottom to tho top, with a good, stout ladder to go down on. Tho minors struck tho rim of tho gulch, and missing tho pay streak they abandoned tho Bhaf t, as it was of no tnoro uso to them. Thcro has sinco formed about mid way of tho shaft a solid mass of ico clear around tho slmf t, with the ex ception of a small airholo in its cen ter. It i3 frozen to tho timbers of tho shaft. Thoro is no water drip ping from tho sides and nono in tho bottom of tho shaft; but thoro is a solid body of ico at tho bottom. What seems very strango is that tho ico in tho shaft is moro abundant and forms faster in tho warmest sum mer weather than it does in tho win ter months. Tho mass of ico in tho contor of tho shaft, or about half way down from tho surfaco, is about sL fcot thick, with an airholo through tho center that will permit tho passago of a man's body. By putting down a ropo ono can go to tho bottom easily. A strong, cold current of air con tinually comes up from below. It is so cold in tho shaft that a person can stay in it but a short timo, and ovou then ho must bo dressed in his win tor flannels to koop from freezing. Tho ico iu tho Bhaf t molts away a great doal in tho coldest winter weather, whilo iu tho summer montii3 it keeps forming and does not molt at all. In tho summor tho ico froozes on tho rounds of tho laddor clear to tho top of tho shaft. Observers liavo seen tho Bun shino on tho ico on the top rounds of tho ladder thrco or four hours in tho middlo of tho warmest Bummer days without molt ing, any of it. In tho winter tho ico will all molt off tho top rounds, Though tho shaft was of no tiso to tho minors who put it down, it is of great uso to tho families around tho town of York in tho warm summer months. For thoro is whoro thoy got tlioir supply of ico. Many gal lons of ico cream aro mado in tho town daily in tho warm weather by tho aid of ico takon from tho shaft. For sovoral years past thoro has never boon a timo when thoro was not enough ico in tho shaft to supply a town twico tho izo of York. Any rosidont of York can vorify tho state ment in regard to this singular ico shaft. Cor. Chicago News. Sinking Huro of the Architect. Noman-Al-Aouar, an Arabian ldpg who reigned long, long ago at Ilirah, commanded tho architect Sonnomar to build him a wondrous palaco. This tho urchitoct did, nnd when it was done a singlo Btono fastened tho wholo structure, nnd tho colors of tho walls changed frequently during tho day. Tho king was greatly pleased, and showoral all kinds of rich gifts upon tho builder with tho lavishness of oriental kings. But monarclis wore troacliorous in thoso old days, and it occurred to tho king that Sonnomar might build a palaco equal in beauty, or oven superior, for Bomo rival ruler. Tho moro ho thought ovorittho ijioro jealous ho becumo, until ono day ho ordered tho architect to bo thrown from tho top of tho palaco, to niako certain that no duplicate palaco would bo mado. After this tho king wius Hullsficd that his palaco was tho only ono, and tho Arabians regarded it as ono of tho wonders of tho world. Ilarpor's Young Pooplo. Salmon Oolng tho Way of the lluffalo. It looks as though tho salmon fish eries of tho Columbia river, which havo added enormously to tho wealth of tho northwest, would in tho courso of a fow years becomo exhausted. Tho fate of tho Columbia will prol ably bo that of tho Sacramento river, from which stream tho salmon havo almost entirely disappeared. Fiiih laws may bo passed and an attempt may bo mado to enforco them, but it Ih not thought that anything that can bo done in this way would suf fice to save tho fisheries. It heeins that tho salmon will not remain in rivors tho waters of which nro frequently disturbed by steam boata and that flow through thickly inhabited countries. Tho salmon fishing of tho not very distant futuro will likely bo almost ontiroly con fined to British Columbia and Alaska. Denver Republican, Looking Down Uoren's 'I'll runt. A now instrument that possesses valuo and novelty is a bpeculum for examining horses' mouths. It is tho invention of an Illinois man, and con sista of a bit broad enough to keep thu lioiWu mouth ojxtn and an ar rangement of reilectoi-H to determine easily tho condition of tho throatand mouth. New York Journal. Everybody knows what It In, und that Ih tho reason they po to lit--Ibtibratid'i (ur that pure Ice craitii uoda, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Foot .Report.- M Baking u Powder j&m ABSOLUTELY PURE n -a The Dog Sought to Defend Ilia Blaster. A gentleman owning a fino bulldog invited a friend to inspoct him. Tho two proceeded to tho carriago house, tho dog was roloasod and his fino points admirod. Wearied of this, tho friend espying a sot of boxing glovos invited tho host to a friendly sot-to. Tho challongo was accoptod, tho gloves woro donned and tho two men raisod thoir hands in tho atti tudo of dofonso. Tho stranger led for his opponent's faco. Scarcely had his arm shot out when tho bulldog, suspecting dan gor, sprang quick as a flash and bur iod his tooth in tho man's forearm. Thoro is a tradition, and it Booms woll borno out in fact, that when a bull dog onco fastens his teeth in either man or beast his jaws lock and they can bo scarcely pried apart with, an instrument. Such was tho casowith this par ticular bulldog. No amount of coax ing or beating had any effect upon tho brute. Tho man suffored ex cruciating agony, but it was not un til a boated iron was applied to the dog that ho could bo forced to relin quish his hold. Tho brute was killed, tho man's wounds woro cauterized, but unfortunately tho uso of his arm was impaired by tho injury and is to this day. Now York Horald. A Duel In tho Darlc. Cornelius O'Dowd, in ono of his in imitable essays, tolls us that onco upon a timo in tho County of Claro a quarrol occurred in tho hunting field between two gentlomon who wo will call Captain Robins and W. Jonos, E&q. Vory hot words passed bo- tweon thorn. "Lot us Bottlo tho busi ness at onco," cried tho captain; "1 havo pistols in tho houso." "Noth ing bettor," said tho Bquiro; "I'm your man." It was at length decided that thoy should fight in tho Btablo yard at fif teen paces, each man to hold a lan tern as n mark for his opponont. "Whoro aro you, you scoundrel!" cried tho captain, whon thoy camo out into tho yard. "I'm horo, you Bhooblack," replied tho equiro. "Stand out bold." said tho captain. "It's what I'm doing," said tho other. "Givo tho word and no moro talk ing." "Got behind tho pump, yor honor; got behind tho pump before you firo," whispered tho groom, pulling tho captain by tho coat. Ho did so, nnd when thoy blazod away it was tho squire who got it and it was moro than threo months boforo ho could got out again. Leeds Mercury. A 1'lenscd Englishman. A globo trotting Englishman's hab it was to amuso himself nnd whilo away lifo by going wheresoever thoro was promiso of novolty, dan-, gor or oxcitemont. Ho had boon to tho African diamond fields, to tho Mahdi's realms, to our frontier mut ing camps and ho was on his way to Alaska. But ono trip ho mado was to seo tho cowboys, about whom ho had read a groat deal. "Thoy aro a vory rum Bort of bog gars," said ho "a vory turn sor. But thoy'ro not half bad as a lot, d'you know. I no Boonor got into bed in tho 'otol in tho first cowboy town I got into than a band of tho beggars camo dashing up tho streot firing off thoir revolvers llko madmen. It happoned that tho 'otol was a very ramshacklo frnmo building, almost ns thin as cardboard, aud in fivo minutes tho walla of my bedroom wore riddlod with bullot holes iu tho most surpris ing manner. Fancy my satisfaction for I had traveled fi.OOO miles to witness that very thing 1" Julian Ralph in Ilarpor's Weekly. A Hint to I'eoplo Who Uso Lamp. Policomon and firomon nro fre quently willed into private houses to put out exploding lump or clothing that has caught firo from an acci dont of tho kind. Whon a lamp is blazing coiling high it requires con sldorablo uorvo to tako hold of it and hurl it out of a window, but thnt is tho simplest and best way to provont disaster. If that is possiblo, or if tho burning oil has got on tho carpot or tablo covor, a Bhovolful of Band, or, failing sand, of common soil, will gonorally do all that is necessary. Tho Bamo applies to any ono whoso clothing is covered with oil nnd on firo. If ho can lio down and havo soma Boil shovoled on his clothes tho firo will go out instantly, whereas a dozen buckota of water would hurt him much worso than tho firo. A bucket of sand standing in a cm board in a room whoro a coal oil lamp is burned is a good precaution, and may check at tho start what might otherwise bo a most disas trous firo. ILxchango, The Buu Hutches thu i:gg. In 1703 Coluot reiwrted that tho newts of tho Galapagoa tortoises "woro thrown up in circular form, never containing mora than threo eggs, hich aro heated by tho Bun, n hole being m contrived as to admit its rays through its dally course." This last very romarkablo etatemont would Koom to imply that those chc loninns were somewhat familiar with astronomy. Boston Transcript. j Boforo Starting on a Journey A person usually desires to gain some ld formatlon ns to tho most desirable route to ' take, nnd will purchase tickets via the one that will arrord him the quickest nna best . Bervlco. lleforo starting on n trip to Chl- 1 cago or any point Kast, you should provide yourself with a map and timo table of the i Wisconsin Central Lino. Tho trains run on mis route are vestibule and are eaulpped With Pullman's latest Lrawlog Koom Sleep ers, elegant Day Coaches nnd Dining Cars or latest design, built expressly for thts ser vice, and aro exquisite in lurnlshlngs and convenient and comfortable In arrange ment and s complete in every detail that thoy have no superior in comfort and ele gance. The dining car service Is pronoun ced by nil the most elegant ever inaugur ated, nnd Is operated In the Inteiest oi'its patrons. Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central Lines leave Minneapolis dally at 12:15 p.m. and 6: p. m., and Ht, Paul at 1:30 p. m. nnd 7:15 p. m., making favorable connec tion with all trains from the West ana , Bouthwcst. - " . For tickets, maps, pamphlets and full Information apply to O, F. McNeill, O. P., . and T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., nnd -to Jos, C. 1'ond, Goneral Passenger and Ticket r Agont, Chicago, 111. 1-16-ly "Si-, r' . Vl ''7, Summons. V In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Ore gon for the County ot Marlon. James Shirley, plaintiff, '- vs. A. L. Uodson, C. K. Ilodson, J. W. Jlodson, r -Hello Ilodson, lllauche Hudson, Lavlna , Mccormlok. W. II. McCormlck, H. J. Bll- llngton, O. W. lJllllngton.W. II. Uodson, Ella Ilodson, D. V. Thompson, and A. O. llroy, delcndenta. To A. C. Brey, the defendant above named: In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer v the complaint tiled against you in the ' above cullllcd suit, on or bcloro the ad Monday in Juno, ltfl)2, to-wlt: June 13.1S9V, tho sumo being tho first day of the next . term of tho ubove entitled court, and If you fail so to answer lor want thereof, plaintiff will apply to tho court for the re llof demauded therein, to-wlt: A Judg ment against defendants, A. L. ilodson and O. K. Ilodson for the sum or SUCK), to gathor with Interest thereon at the rate of ten percent. por annum Irom November 0, lH-2, less the following payments thereon, to:wlt: 8110 November li, 188.'!: $U0 JNovom- , ber U, 1881: $20 August 20, lKMi: 8151 July 22, 1887; 135.60 December 12, 1888; f50 'August 20,188a; fl7.ua May 6,1881; $30 0ctolier8,18Ul: also that plaintiff havo Judgment against mild defendants lor SISOus attorney's fees In this suit, and thnt plaintiff have Judg ment ngulust said defendants for U costs and disbursements of this suit. Hecond, v, a decree for tho foreclosure and sale against you und all of the abovo named defend ants, ot the mortgage property mentioned iu piaintius' complaint, to-wlt: The frac tional s- E. l. being the N. K of the s. K. i nnd loti 1 und a of section 2t in T. 8; 8. n. 8 w w. m. and the fractional w. li of the a. w. a of section uo, t. 8, u. u. a vr., w. it., ex- e$. i'upii u uuiuh uu ui iuu uhhl siuu oi mu iruo tloiml w. X of ine w. of the b. w. M of scctlou 30 lu tho form of n parolellograin, extending across said land. There uelng iu an oi iuib conveyance lui.tn acres oi iana less IVA acres olf of lot Mo. '1 deedod to John Wittscheiu. Allot suld laud situated In Marlon county, Btnta of Oregon. By the shorlll of .Marlon county, Oregon, accord., lng to law und the practice oi this court; that tho procoeds ot said sale may be ap-. piled In payment ot tho amount due to tho plalntllf, and that said defendauts,and each of tlioin, and nil porsonsclnlmlng nn- i dortbom,andeachortuem,oranyofthanv subsequeut to said mortgage on said prem ises, either as purchasers, incumbrancers or otherwise may bo burred and foreclosed of all rights, claim or equity of rodatnptlon' In the said premises nnd every part thereof und that the plutntlil' may have Judgment nud execution ugalust the said defendants C K. Uodson and A. L. Ilodson tor any de liolcucy which may remain uaer applying nil the procoeds ot the saloof said premises properly applicable to the satisfaction of wild Judgment. Third, that the plalnUtr, or any other party to tho suit, may become a purchasser ut said sale, that the sheriff execute a cortlflcato of salo to the purchas er nnd th't the said purchaser ho let Into possession of the said promises production of tho Bhorlil's certlflcato of salo thereof, una that at tho expiration of the time for redemption, that tho sheriff execute a deed to the purchaser of said premises, unless redeemed ns required by law; that tho pinlnlllt may hvosunh other and fur therrelleflu tlie premlsen as to thla court may seem meet nnd equitable. You will further tako notice thai this summons Is served on you by publication lu tho Capi tal Jouunai., of Halem, Marlon county, Oregon, by order of Hon. It. 1'. Uolse, Judge of tho above entitled court, made ut Cham bers at Halem, Marlon county, Oregon, April 21, 18U2, ordering and directing that ssid summons be published therein once n . week, forslx consecutive weeks. V H. T. UIOI1AHDSON. 4-28-7t Attorney for i'lalntlff. W J&-1 & y Executrix Notice. nrrOTICK Is hereby given thnt tho under IM signed has tills day been appoint ed by the Hon. County Court of Marlon county, executrix of tho lust will nnd tes tament of Charles l'lgler, deceased, all per sons having bills agulust said estate are requested to present them to me at my resldonco comer D aud 1 1th streets, Kngle wood uddltion to rialem, properly verified, wllhlu six months from tills date, and all pontons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, HUMAN 1'IQLKU, April 72, 1802. Hutu It. ilAMMEii, Attorney for Admin ntrlx. 4 26-6w Citation. In tho County Court, for thoCouuty of Ma-. rlon, Htatu of Oregon, lu the mutter of estate ofl ,,,,. Evellue Cox, deceased jLlianon. To all ihu heirs of said decedent, known or unknown, UltKfc,'llNU: iu tho name of the Stute of Oregon, you are hereby cited nud required to appear In' the county court of the Htuto of Oregon, for the County of Marion on Monday, the ibtb, day ol July, 181) J, ut 10 o'clock, lu the lore noon of that day, thou and there to show : cause, If any there le why un order should not be made authorizing aud empowering tho admlulstrulorof said estate to sell tho ' real property belonging to suld estate, which Is described as foituws to-wltl Lota 8, V, 10 and 11 In block No. 8 as shown cm. ihe amended plat of Capital 1'iirk addition to the City oi Kulom lu Marlon County Oregon, V Uiicss, the llou.T, L, Davidson, Judge of tho county court, of the ntute of Oregon. for the County of Marlon with thu senior said court affix, this 15th day of June, MM, Attest: D.U. HMfeltUAN, Clerk. lly Fit AN K W. WATlilW, Deputy. seal. ' Administrator's Sale. -VTOTIOK Is hereby given that by vlrto XI oi an oruerauu license or Miie au niuuo uy mo county court of Marlon e tv. Orciron. on the Hid dav of May. authorising and emnowerlmr me as .-.-. .... ... ... -.... -T. - iiiiiiiiiruujrui me vitiate in usury ueus. deceased, to sell the reul property hereto ' lifter described for the KaUslfcoUea'aC claims against the estate oi said dsoeitwit. 1 will on Saturday, the 2d day of July, 1892, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. In the Ar noun afraid day at the door ol the eoitafir court liou.e lu Halem. Marlon oouulf, 0s -nii i.,,.. ............... . kuu. pwii w. iu"llu itutmuu IWBUU in J on ineuuyoi sui,io ma uiguest n nil the right, tine, Iumtmi mud which said llttnry ustasi. asaemed: ! the time of his dsath, ih and to tlst j lowing deterlbed real lrofrtr. ttt-wiu T uupi, nun in me noriuwfivaiiMH f I nun u,i. y p., . jc in invwtl Merldiuu nna eoauiuliur-frii uuuivu iu ftiartou euuaiy, u T. AnauuiAMwior ot the del, decwml, "Sfcpj f' h iff t " ' 'AlAb &l " ' - p