e- V-h? mlmim m C fr &. f 6-a. r. MV s Wrj P n P. Ill' ST I sv IP Ifv Mil Kfff "August Flower" I had been troubled five months with Dyspepsia. The doctors told me it was chronic. I had a fullness after eating and a heavy load in the pit of my stomach. I suffered fre quently from a Water Brash of clear matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick ness at the Stomach would overtake me. Then again I would have the terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such times I would try to belch and could not I was working then for Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor. Irwin ...iJ Western Ave., Allegheny City, Pa., in whose employ I had been for seven years. Finally I used August Flower, and after using just one bottle for two weeks, v.v.5 en tirely relieved of all the trouble. I can now eat things I dared not touch before. I would like to refer you to Mr. McHenry, for whom I worked, who knows all about my condition, and from whom I bought the medi cine. I live with lny wife and family at 39 James St., Allegheny City.Pa. Signed, John D. Cox. G. G. GREEN' Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. JL Asm :ytr3S rtJ"ii.;rv vs kir !z;j ?.w WKSSS5 v ,?-. a:- etrii)f. cr it. jisiitf itT. DtLKSLES NEW HEART CURE. m Orv, V-?- ' '-' n( v?5sl "- v ". &5u MFART O Esa F u a u fMPCflOE I n" forms, ro"!fnMn, USOtaii-J& lnlna Sltle. Bho- t and Arn. Short Hi-rath, Oppression .(hra. Gvrollen Antic. WenU nnd fci-atliet-lnj Spells. Ui-opjy. IVInil In fitomiip etc.. er SSirDa. MILES' NEW HEAmTCURE. AnawdiKOTPrrbythocijInint InSls a (special 1st. A. K. Davis, Silver creek. Nb.,cjicr taking four bottles of HCAIi'l' Ol'JIC felt better tban bo had for tt-clTd yts. "Kor t' rfrjear; troubled with Ictt 1 caej ti-o butlcs of DR. MILES' HEART CURS cured r.)0.-tTl Logan. B.tchannn. Mich." H. ?i.""l"1-"Ji,i butlon, Ga, baa taken DH. MILb3 HEART CURE for Heart trouble frith Brest rc-'lts 3Ih. Va Bar, Kltchburc, Mich., n an 111 for 15 j cars with Heart Dlwaso. haU to hire houjo help. lived on liquid food; ured Dr. Miles' HoartCuro sol all pains left her; constant u9 cured her. Fine Illustrated book KltEB at druKElsU". tr edfloLis Dr.Mllos' Medical Co.,l!iiuitlinli. Bold liyl). J Fry, ilr'icg!at,SiI-u. Act uu o new principle rtgulvo tl s liver, otatnach end boweUi tl un-eh the ntrr'i D:t. l!ii rs I'rua tptedilu fure I thousnesa, torpid liver aac, constipa tion. cnslleM mllJott, Bureit I CO clow .3,25 eta. jMiol-a tree at ilrue. lata. 0- u Kei Co.. Sliut, lr.l eold by D. J. Fry, dniL'uNN '! in rwm When "old Sol" makes all things sizzle, Drink Hires' Root Beer. When dull care makes life a fizzle, Drink Hires' Root Beer. When you feel a little dry, When you're cross, and don't know why, When with thirst the children cry, iThere's a sweet relief to try tPk Drink Hires' Root Beer. Wpccerit Package makes five gallons. Oi Ub THE POWER OF K3AW Tho Chlness prlz. the Olmenfr rort. Touch mors lilxnly ttiau Opium. Tlier call It Cilniune lucanlne thv rower of Man. When icarcd tba Cuoit quality has been told for JIOO per ounce. JJow, why do tliar pay ouch prloe? t'rcnUkuthi'j'lii)lIYf ItKivci them thn unuiU desired nervo forco. llotv Binny paople tuner (rom Treak ncnf NVLit a dlilrtinslni; allmonlf You lack rim, urn forco. energy, power. You feol all goue. You are always praying for strength, yat get tlnr weaker and weaker. Lliton t the rotce of mason. Flar yonr cat Wore Intelligent iperlallits capabls of helping, yu. CHrlug yon. By th inert wi (tins of a letter you ran haa ynsr ci.o dTagunsed free, abiolulily iroe of U1 chariot. Write to-day. COSiBOPOLITAN DISPENSARY, Etoolrton, llarkot oxd Ellis Streets, BAH FRANCISCO, - - CALIF. 500 IXuWfiX,. I HtW J 1 ,0 Klchau's t.v -. Man ubji m, i HEALTH. L niLhiiu's noMen lUIsurit No, (Juris Chancres, link and bccoihI stage Bores en ths Live and Hedy; Bore E.H, Kyes, Nose, eta,, Coicr.colored lliotches, fjyphllitlotStUrrh. diseased Scalp, acd all Jirlmary forms of tlio disease known si lutlillls. I'rlro, 65 00 ir Ilolll.-. I.e Itlclinu'K (IriMert llulsuiu Na.il Ctircs Tertiary, Mercurial Hiildlltlo Hlieu matUui, l'alns In tha Hones, ralntln the ' Head, back of the Kwk. Ulceratetl Sort Throat, Byphllltlo Itash, Lumps and coif tractcd Cords, Stiffness ot the Limbs, anJ eradicates all disease (rom the system, nbothcr causeJ by InJIsrretlon or abuse of Mercury. lcaWn the blood pure anJ healthy. X'rlce 8S 00 per llottlt. tio Hlcunu'a Uo)In Ntiuultli And. tloto for tlio cure ef Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Genl UtiHsarrangcnisnU. l'Tlcti 04 SO ier .mM mi xjr m$t rf?kliniK Ml disarrangement, l'rlce 84 r. Hotlle. f Indian' GoMeH Himulsh In. lection, forserera nosesot Gonorrhuss, liifUmmatory Gleet, Strlcturts,4c l'rice 91 no tier Hotlle. U Klcluiu' Golden Ointment lor tbo eOectlve hcallngof Syphllltla Born aul eruption. X'rlrat 00 Mr llox, ! Klchuu'a Golden l'llls .Vrrti and Brain treatment) loss of jihyslcal jo r, exi-eas or orer-work, I'rostrstlon, eta Prlosi 3 00 wr Ho., Tonla si n 4 Nerving ikot eryhtre,a a IX, sxoursty'cass,cO per cs-ros. THE RICHARDSDRUB C0.(Agertr O0 ftll HAUKCV T., 'lUW tWWT WtsHI A Keen Answer Turr.ctli Aoy Churl. This incident is told ns Uapix;ninB i few days ago to tlio daughter of th lato Genernl Clinton B. Fisk, showing tlmteho hna Hint keen wit which hei father possessed. Getting into : Twcn ty-third street car, and forgetting thai they havo now conductors, bhe absent mindedly handed a quarter to the tnnr next to her, intending that ho should nav the fare. The man, who wai weK dressed, drew himself up, and said stifllj and nndibly, "Mndaia, I am not n con ductor." "Oh, excuse me: I thought yon wen n gentleman," was tlio quick reply, am: tho man left the car amid the wniles of the passengers. New York Tribune. Komlkijr llrtneen the Lines. RAILROAD JOTTINGS. Ill wsm f ns Vt .noirn Itnce. At- ttiug to th ht jriea told by a n i.ii....on rw,. o t, f'S,!.,.. .n,i trove ! wo coitcs iroiu iNognies, Eastcni Illinois, says that Hno has no1 A. T.. ta-irr-Tunknns of Los Triiicho- nnwont intpriUnn of mnkinir nnv nztou- HIS. 21 ..nOO.fUT WOltll BClCUtlflC OX- MIC vU I V. 3 V s -Life. Jnuninllstlr Item. A young man of ability, but not o much means, was talking r.liotit startint a newspaper in Houston, nnd waa tellin; a friend about it. "You can borrow fifty dollars am start a new paper," said tho friend en couragingly. "Yon darned fool!" replied tho wonli be journalist, "if I could borrow fift; dollars what would I want to start r paper for? I want to 6tart a paper po J can borrow tho fifty dollara." Texn. Siftings. All Up. Mrs. Claptrap My dear Miss Pali sade, I want to present Professor Pan handle. Tho professor has some verj absorbing theories that ho wishes to ex plode, and I am sure you will be onh too delighted to listen. Miss Palisade (the belle of a season with rivals) My dear Mrs. Claptrap, 1 am delighted to meet j-o charming a scholar us tho piofessor, nnd I shall takt him over and iutrodnco him to youi daughters at once. Life. Dimmer. A man recently went into a ctore in Chicago where there was a phono graph, which ho set going by putting a nickel in tho slot. When he pul tho rubber tubes to his ears he heard the "Star Spangled Banner" played bj an orchestra, and with a startled cry "Jewhittakerl an I left my team un tied!" he rushed out to see that they did not get frightened by tho music New York Tribune In n QunnUiiry. Humorous Lecturer Good gracious what have you brought mo here? I told you to fetch the manuscript for mj lecturo, which I loft at homo by mis take. Messenger Yes, Bir; but tho missis, after looking all over your writing table couldn't find the papers, and so she thought sho would send you tho bool out of which you copied it all yester day. Floh. lie "Would Pay. At a negro prayer meeting not long ago n brother who had tho reputation ol being "mighty in pra'r" got up and be gan to petition tho Lord to "come down. "Como down, oh, Lord, come downl' ho vociferated, "OhLord, como down. Bust a holo in do roof nnd como down.' "Yes, Lord, do." broko in anothei brother, deeply stirred, "an' I'll pay foi do shingles." New York Recorder. Too Unreal. "Tho play last night wasn't realistic enough for wo." "What was tho trouble?" "Yon know that chap who was killed in tho third act?" "Yes." "Well, I saw him in tho street this morning." London Tit-Bits. A Steady "Workman. HouB0Keeior I don't beliovo you ovei did n strolco of work in your life. Tramp I was six yours in one place, mum. "Indeed I How did you happen to leave?" "I was pardoned out, mum." Now York Weekly. I'leuriitltely Bprnklug. Protty Teacher I shall be thankful when vacation comes, for lately my head has boon 60 full of figures that thero's no room for anything elso. Punleigh (gallantly) Yot ono would never speak of you as a figurehead, Kato Field's Washington. Special Meiistrrn lteixulreil. Hoiibowife It seems to mo that your pint of milk is very small. Milkman My cows is the small kind, mum! Exchange Yearning!!. 1'vo often thought I'd llko to bo A nuMo missionary, Tbo keeper of i peanut stand, Or un apothecary. IM llko to be n chorus girl, Or tUthorinalden fair; And ob! fur more, a reigning ijueen Willi diamonds In my hair. Alnsl bow have I burned within With mad, tnsano di-slro To bo a now Kcuobla And bet tbo world un flrel But nil In vain, I yearn and pine, 'Tls plain I've no vocation, My lot In llfo Is but to bo Contented with my station. I know I bnvo nn easy time, No roiigs to ninko a verso on, Uut obi It Is a grief to think I'm nothing but a person. Urooltlyn Life. sions. Germany's railroads havo a trackago of 2l,cM3 miles, 0,000 miles moro than exist in Great Britain nnd Ireland, tho early homo of tho railway. Tho cases against Thomas Mitchell, of tho Burlington nnd Quincy, nnd J. J. Johnson, genernl freight agent of tho Rock Island, who were indicted for giv ing discriminating freight rates, havo been dropied. Tho United States supremo court has decided that tho Baltimore aud Ohio Railroad company did uot violate tho interstnto law in issuing "parti tickets" , at reduced rates to parties of ten or moro. I A charter has been granted in Penn sylvania to build the Tomhir kon, Milnes ville and Eastern road. It will be eight ' miles long, running from a point on tho Sunbnry, Hazleton and Wilkesbarro road, near Tomhickon. The president of tho company Ls O. S. Van Wyckle, of Hazleton, piri iiae traveler tens 01 uio wetii: - uf tho Los TrinchcrnH coun try, i'ho mountain is Bituated in tho Sunom plains, nbout ICO milod from tho Gulf of California uml 25 miles from tlio town of Altar. It is near tho placer gold fields, which havo boon worked since 1801 and uro Btill lioh in ore. Tlio mountain of Los Trin clients is 300 feet high and 700 yards across. Largo sttmo terraces, from fcix to ten feet high, havo bcoii built on all sides, from the bnso of tho hill to its Mimiuit. "It must havo taken 100,000 men a year to build thwo terraces," paid tho traveler. "Sover.il theories aro advanced for tho construction of these terraces. Somo tuink tlioy were part of a tremendous amphi theater, v.-hero the people gathered to witness games. Othei-s believe they were fortification. of Aztec ori gin, but thoy fccem older than that. I At any rate, tho district beeins wor thy of a thorough o.-plorction by sci , entific men. Aiany tminuo and val- Traffio managers get 0,000 or $8,000 a year tip to $'20,000 that is, in tlio west they average about tho same, but , W 1,ollcs ". bo t ,uud around tho tliPr nrn nicnntinnnl cases. Derli.lri3. CUIIOUS 1.03 11-mClierUS mountain, where more is paid, although it is doubt ful if any lines pay better than the largo southern systems. A con.tract has been given the Penn sylvania Steel company to erect high way crossing alarm signals at points whero street car lines cross the Pitts burg, Fort Wayne and Chicago tracks in Chicago. The hignab will bo used as an auxiliary safeguard. Tho present protection is crossing gates. BEHIND THE SCENES. The Actors' fund is richer by $170,000 by the fair. Those actors and actresses who are in the swim are known as "Charles Froh man's Four Hundred." The report that Miss Maud Harrison is prepared to retire from the stage at the end of this season is denied. Among the theatrical people who will ummer in Europe are Fred do Belle rille, Evans, Hooy and Courtney Thorpe. Chicago is to have a now theater. It is to be erected and controlled by Mana ger II. R. Jacobs, and will be added to the already long chain of well paying theaters on his circuit. McKeesport, Pa., is to have a new theater. It will bo lighted by electric ity and fitted throughout with all mod ern improvements. George Altineyer is the promoter of tho new house. Eric Siboui, music teacher of the Prin cess of Wales and czarina of Russia, while yet they were unmarried and liv ing in Denmark, has just died at the ago of sixty-four. He was the son of an Italian tenor, but was educated at Leipsic. Delia Fox reports the loss of eleven pounds avoirdupois in tho season. She did not miss one performance in all of "Wang's" long career, from tho Broad way theater to the uttermost parts of tho Union and return. She says the sea son has been exacting, and that she will tako a yeanied-for rest. FASHION'S FOIBLES. A stylish calling costume consists of bilk in a large plaid pattern, tho red ingote being in a blue or gray woolen material and having a small train. Among tho most fashionable hat crowns are those that aro conical shaped, about four inches high, and nre at tho base about the size of a small teacup. One of tho most distinguished and stylit.li costumes of tho season is a lus trous black silk gown, jet trimmed, with tan parasol, tan snedo gloves nnd tan colored velvet "calf leather" shoes. Tho old fashioned semidiaphanons lawns and muslins aro being revived. Thoy como in tho daintiest possible pat terns, and aro being used by leading modistes for some of their most modish costumes. Tho skirt slashed from foot to waist to reveal n real or simulated skirt be neath is alike the mode for beach or mountain dresses and for elaborate toilets. Red underskirts aro seen on many handsome imported gowns. Chamois colored cloth jackets of a pale, soft tint are worn with blouse waists of cherry silk laid in tino plaits, held in place by brier stitching. These waists uro fastened with tiny gold but tons. The edgo of the jacket ifa finished with embroidery in gold brown aud rus set. Now York World. AROUND THE THRONES. Ex-Queen Natalie has dramatized her matrimonial experiences. The czar is now, for tho first timo sinco his accession tothothrono, occupy ing the historic winter palace. Tho Duko of Alba, nephew of Em press Eugenic, is chief of ouo of tho old est and grandest families in Spain, When tho queen conferred the titlo of Duko of Clarenco on the j'oung princo it was remarked, "That title brings ill luck." Tho empress of Austria is curiously unconventional, nnd often does things on tho spur of tho moment in such nn offhand way as to mnko her ladies in waiting stare in astonishment. A short timo ago the Moorish kaids gave tho sultan of Morroco nnd his son a presont of 200 malo and femalo slaves to celebrate tho event of tho marriage of tho heir to tho Moorish throne. Tho empress of Germany in person presided nt tho meeting of tho Vater landischen Frauenverein, and of the affiliated socioties of tho Red Cross, ic tho hall of tho ministry for trade. This was tho Fimio room whero tho society met tweuty-fivo years ago for tho first time. CLEAN! If you would bo clean nud havo your clothes done up ii)the noatefctand dressiest manner, takothjMU to tho SALEM STEAM LAlLMHtY whoro all work iadoni by wliiio labor and in tho most prompt manner, COLONEL J, OLMSTED. Liberty Street and for hundreds of miles in all li reetions, showing that the country was once populous aud rich." Chi cago Inter Ocean. A Itnre Vt'ltne, At a Lanarkshire county court some time ago a caso of assault and battery was being hwml, and tho lawyer who was engaged for the de fense took occasion sjveral times during the cross examination of a witness for tho prosecution to refer to him ironically as a "gentleman." This went on for some time, and at last the witness appealed to the court for protection. "I'm nao gontleman, yer honor," said he, "an fine that lawyer body kens it: but he's only Eayin it;so that I'll get angry, in tho hope that he'll be able to make me contradick mysel'." "Come, now," said the legal lumi nary, with a contemptuous sneer, "do you swear that you are no gen tleman ('' "I do," replied the witness in a nettled tone, "an you may swear the Mime, my man, till yo're black hi the face, an I'm ready to tak' my dauvy that ye'U no be brocht up for perjury." The cross examination of that witness came to an abrupt con clusion amid the boisterous laughter of the auditory. London Letter. Advertising E'ul.-es. Advertising fakes are of all sorts aud sizes. The bunco advertiser baits hij hook with the magic word free. It keeps him busy pulling his lines in. I have before mo now tho number of a magazine, bearing the name of an honorable publishing house. There is tho old crayon por trait fake. We will make you a crayon portrait free of charge, pro vided you exhibit it to your friends and use your influence in seeming us future orders. The individual who last worked this fako in New York used to make his profit on the frames, which wero supplied at a certain price or no picturo. I pick up a paper for children and mothers. One advertisement reads, "You can get free a steam 'cooker' that fits any stove and cooks all kind of food at tho eamo time." Be fore sending the postage stamps placo tho accent ou the word "can" in tho quoted sentence. Printers' Ink. Liiylnt; llrlrk In Clil Wentlier. At Clnistiauia, in Norway, building operations aro oucccssfully carried on at temperatures as low -lis 2 degs. Fahr., and tho work executed under these conditions compares favorably with summer work. In fact the Christiania builders maintain that it is superior. The secret of successful work under these conditions is said to be in the aso of unslacked lime, in mixing the mortar in small quanti ties at a time, being made up imme diately beforo use. Tlio mortar must bo put in placo beforo it loses the heat duo to tho slacking of the lime. The lower tho temperature tho larger tho quantity of limo rt quired, so that below 12 dogs. Fahr. the work cannot be carried on profitably. Deutsche Bauzeituug. ltt-niiirl.iiblu I.itl.ea. On tho Mangihhlak peninsula, in Caspian sea. thero aro fivo small lakes. One of them is covered with salt crystals -scrong enough to allow man and beast to cross tlio lake on foot; another is us round an any cir cle, and of a lovely rose color. Its banks of salt crystal form a setting, white as tho driven snow, to tho water, which nit only shows all tho colom from violet to rosy red, but from which ries a perfume of vio lets. Both the perfume and tho color aro tho result ol the presence of seaweeds. --London Tit-Bits. 1'orclnir Wnter In Spiral Pj1!n. In tho latest method of hydraulic propulsion, instead of toraug tho water always tu one lino of direction, tho nozzles or out't'ts aro made to ro tate around a common axis, and thus act upon the water in hpiml paths, similar to tho action of a propeller blade. Now York Times. I'liri) Air In tin- I'.mlrj. Keep n small box lii!.d with lime in your pantry and cellar; it will keep the air dry aud pure. Now York Journal. Those Afflicted ; Wtta tUelhabltVj! using to excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM 011 TOBACCO : Can obtain a I COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE ! AT THE i KEELEY INSTITUTE i or Orove, OrM Cull wrtt. titrtctlr oonflttentlal. . oo pd - a 5 2 f-- ,, c re p P - w -' EL CO o O o- 2 J - g- -j p o o 8 tr. JL 5T m " co - O -- w H o tv OS " ? O 1 g H Q et: P 3" p o 3 3 -5 - ua OT C El p a- cT el- O cr 2 M s o 2 - cf w P- 3 eg g a S p CO o p 5 - oo C. t? S- 3 O 3 ' CO 3 C "-C C g5 u g. Q O o 5" P " M g. O 5- o 2 M S. p f S co" 5 P p Ol cr Q p o cT 2 3 w a & 9 2 Q CO CO O CT- J? -s o CO Q r tr 3 O O 2. P P a- o ' S o? 2- : 2 K- en a if H- f 3 CO O o CO P r o O r f Q &- P 3 3 o 3 (73 j p c ST s3 ET. a 2. c Ux O CO o 3 ci- fc 3 5J3 GO THEIR LITTLE llnrr Tlirro Tlrcil Clerk 1mij Obtain Sent (in Cron-dnl Ti-rrj bnntn. It was on a South ferry boat to BnKildyn during the m.li houiu in tho afternoon, nnd as usual the boat waa crowded. Their was not a vat-ant seat ami niiinv iteonle were standing up. I was r-oatnl mar the door of one of the after cabins, when three well dressed young men en tered. They bad squeezed their way in, .r there was a large crowd on tlio Jeck outside, and I should uot havo noticed them particularly but for what followed. Tlio thire young men apiieared en tire straiigirs to one another and they separated inside the cabin. A minute later tho attention of all tlio pa.sseugers on that sido of the boat was attracted by the sounds of a struggle on tho deck outeido and shrill cries for help in a womau's voice. Then cune a man's rough voice vommandiug her assailant to cease ns persecution and tho gruff rejoin der of tho villain, who threatened to .iraiu his opponent and to throw tho woman, whom ho condonm"' hi un measured terms, into the 1 1 2. "Now, you lemmo "lone." L...-d tho woman shrilly, "or Oi'llcall Lie deck hand. It's a brute yo are, if ye are my husband. Gwan away from mo now, or Oi'll scranio murdher." 'Lot the woman alone, can't yo?" commanded her defender. "Keep your hands off, or I'll make you." "She's me wifo, yo loonatick, so jest kapo yer jaw and yer paws away, will yo? Sure she's tho bano o' mo loif, an Oi'll tacho her to neg lect her ould man." Of course everybody in tho cabin or nearly everybody started to his feet and made a wild rush for tho rear door. Fifty or moro seats wero vacated in less than thirty sec onds, and half the people in tho cabin crowded themselves onto the deck space aft to witness tho fight that appeared imminent Then it was that tho three young men mentioned, who seemed to tako no interest in tho row on deck, very quietly took three of tho vacant seats. Singularly enough tho uoiso on deck had ceased and the passen gers with mystical looks wero press ing back into the cabin. No ono ap parently had fathomed tho troublo and some of thoso who had first rushed out returned looking rather sheepish and contented themselves with standing room tho rest of tlio trip. "It worked to a charm, didn't it?" whispered one of tho three well dressed young men cautiously to his companions. "Yes," rejoined ono of tho others, with a quiet smile, "ventriloquism has its uses even for tired storo clerks. You'll have to practice that falsetto voice more, though, John," ho added, "for it's a trifloshaky yet." Moro than a dozen times since that afternoon I have heard tho threo young men play their little gamo with variations, and it never fails of success. They always get seats. New York Herald. THE BEST IM THE WORLD- BladKwelP? Bull Durban) SrooHirjg Tobacco Situated in the immediate section of country that produces a grade of tobacco, that in texture, flavor and quality is not grown elsewhere Jn the world, and being in position to command the choice of all offer, ings upon this market, we spare no pains nor expense to give the trade THE VERY BE5T. When in want of the best; ask for Bull Durban? Sold everywhere. None genuine without the Trade Mark of the Bull on each package. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. ;j DURHAM 1 HWTBlwirw&l HMrf Stalo Treasurer's Third Notice Salem, Uay 10, liUi STATE OK Oltt GON. 1 TltKAaUUY Depautmknt.j VTOTICG In hereby plven that sulllclent N fumlxnreon Im'dto ixivnll iiiithtiind luirst.itewcrrantmjndorseu'prescnto- una uot piild for want of fuuds," nud tlint tlio Mime Hill bo paid upon premutation at tills office, Interdti thereon ceaslnir with tho daloof this notice, 1'HIL. it KTSCHAN, htnteTieaHurer. P. posals for Sim lilies Obstacle to the Cure of Disease. A disease is incurable when its causes work on without interruption. Malaria induces an incurable chronic condition if tho infected person does uot leave tho impregnated marsh laud of his residence. A bronchial catarrh continues stationary, and at last draws the lungs into sympathy with it if the person attacked by it remains constantly exposed to a dusty atmosphere. With like sud denness and energy of tho causes of the disease, with like continuance of tho local processes, the individual's power of resistance, the vigor of his constitution are important factors in determining the outcome. A vigor ous thirty year old man will over come an inflammation of the lungs which would be fatal to an old man, to a drinker or to a man weakened by luxury or a life of dissipation or suffering. Professor fl. Xothnagel in Popular Science Monthly. Each Age its Onu Criterion. Tho coarseness of one age is not tol erated by the next. About's resusci tated Napoleonic troupier discovered this. There is progress in refinement, although it is accompanied by cant and false delicacy. But the suggestion is this, and it is in a sense independent of tho question of art and morals or the nonmoral quality of art: Every ; generation has its rights, and among j them a right to protect itseli against anything it dislikes or that offends it. It does not concern itself much about abstractions, but it knows what influences best serve its ideals of a j better life. On the whole it is as ! good a judge of what is good for it as tho more enlightened novelists. Charles Dudley Warner in Harper's. The Board ol Trustees ofthoOrefjon State lusanu asylum hereby Invite sealed iro (wnlslor furulhliliiK at tho lu-yluiu near Salem, Oregon, the following hiipplles for the six mouthb endlnc January 1, lS'Ji: DIIY GOODS. 1OT0 yds cotton flannel (XuUma, XXXi 600 yds AmosUeng mariners stripes blue mid white MX) yd Ljnsdale bleach sheeting:" inch. 3U0 yes p'quot A Fhcetlus, bi luth. 100 ydipeuuot A unbleached &beeMug 45 Inch. (j00 jd century cloth.darlv eolors.aoited. 150 yd: cnutlueulal check flannel, black nud while, 300 yds red and blue check glais crash, IS inch '.ride. WW yds bleached linen and (French crash l! Inch wide SOU yds AinoBkeas; blue denims 1) oz. oOO ydsU-l bleached sheetlug, 1'iqjot. 50ydssupeilorsitln d.imaskiS Inch wide. 3doz?o 10 whitoiClark'suilleendHlncad. 40 ' 0 white ' ' JO ' ' a-j black ' ' 5 ' ' 50 white ' ' ' II ' ' 00 ' ' 18 jrros pantaloon buttons (metal) 15 doi prs aUhpeuders, (Kocklord) 0 gros shoe lacs 5-1 ilOU yds American shirting prints light col ors assorted. GUOCKU1E-). (I.IK.0 lb Lpl salt. 400 ' cheese, Cranston's or ns good. 3o00 ' cracked wneat,:lrcshgrouud.bbls. 3000 ' lolled oats, ' ' ' 300 ' dried currants, tre-ih, good stock, 'JlX) ' U .t Co's A A. H. brand carb soda. JjiO ' choice Island i k-e. 300 cream tartar, J. A. Kolger's prime, or as good. 20 gro"s matches, Vulcan, superior Safety. 1 (J dozsiruo brushes. (j ' clamp mop sticks. u aoz oaiu uncus. 3 ' dUol brushes, 12 brooms. 2 duz whisk brooms. !ij ciU'ojter,Klelds,Fnrrcn,sorosgood 30' corn, (Window's or as good) 30 bxs maccaronl 15 lbs each'. 3-J doz concentrated lye, American. Jjlb-i elastic starch. 1 gross clay pipes with 2 gross stems. 40 lbs stearic wax candles, orusgood. 2 doz Woiceslershlio banco (quarts) Lea . Perrlus. ICO lbs tu pioca. i'M com starch, Oswego or as good. OttA) ' golden O sufjar. 0000 ' grauuluted 250 gals elder luegar. 4310 tts Gold lhist cornmtal (or as good) Ircsh iii bbU. 300 ft ouekwheat flour, fresh, Improved roller.Oregon. Sl'ICES. 300 lbs black pepper, ground. BUTTER. 203 lbs fresh dairy butter, (weekly) more or less. TKA. 1000 ft3 Japan, Columbia brand, or ns good. COFFEE. 3000 as Costa Itlca, rlrst giade. 2U ' chicory. M) ' govt. Java, ' ' 100 ' real .Mocha, ' UOKACCO. 1500 lbf Sledge Hammer brand, or as good. MEATS. 00 lbs per doy more or less of beef and mutton lib required In equal parts o! fine and hind quarters. L.E.VTHEH, JJ roll sole, heavy Stockton, extra 25 to 27 lbs e.,ch hide. 1 buckskin. 1 domestic calfskin, 1 side harness leather. FLOUIt. 600 bbls nioreor less, best roller process.de livered as wanted. fcOAPtf. 25C0 pounds Kirk's savou or as good. 10 bosea lory soap, 100 eatesuich, 10 lbs thnvlng soap (i'almer's barber or ns good). CKOCKKHY. 2 doz 12-inch platters. 10 inch xlatters. shaUer salts. T-lneh jilates. 1 pint cream pitchers. 1 gallon wuler pltcheis. 12 inch vegetable dishes. How He I'roiiuiuictil It. There is a story of two gentlemen who, in a hot argument as to how the word "neither" should be enun ciated, appealed to a jKu-ser by with tho question, "Do you, sir, pro uounco it 'neyther or 'neother?' " to which tho stranger, being it native of tlio Emerald 1-le, artlessly responded, "nayther." London Tit-Bits. Daniel IVebitcr Was u ItciiiU Canutsor. Daniel Webster paid his second term's tuition at Dartmouth by hand ling "Do Toequeville's America" in Merrimack county, N. H. Publish ers' Weekly. NEW DAILY MAIL STAGE Kehvecn Aurora, Hut teville, Clmmpocif, St. Paul aud Fairfield. Leaes Aurora dally at 10:30 a. m. Ar rlve at Fairfield 3 p in. Returning' leave FasrfleM nt 4 p. in. .rrle- at i'lmnpnfs 8 p, m la as Cham i-onj tf a. in. a rrl vn at Aurora via Ruttevllle, -t S a. m con nect with mornlntfH. . On. tru1''! going mirth and toutu. l'msengeis, ba6'snge and fflttht carried t regu1 ir rate. Service beglut Monday. March 17. 1SS2. uUa,UOEi,EU,fropr. l-uuart soup bowls. 0 wasn uowis, a ewers. 15 doz cups. 10 ' sau-ers, 10 ' tumblers. 12 ' (Much dinner plates, 2 ' U-lncu soup plates. 1 ' S inch vtgeuiblu dishes. Sl'ATIONERV, 12 doz J'a.vs.m's Indelible ink. 3qts sauiord's piemlum fluid. 3 titauord's copjlng 3 ' commercial Ink. 4 reams Jefer paper,wtdgewood half sheet, or as guod. (i doz lead pencil?, Dixon's graphite No 54 rub tip M'S, 1 box incandescent pens, No", Falcon. 2 ' incandescent ' j, Loudon, 2 ' Ulllott's 401, JJOOTSA-NDMIOES. 10 dozbexes shoa blacking, patent woed b xe. 20 pn No. 0 ladles' fine shoes. 10 v No. 5 ' " ' ' h mon's sill per. 75 ' 0 21 '8 ' loots. :il jo i .0 ; OILS. ETC. 200 gallons coai oil, i'eurl bniod, In tanks. J.O ' Uiueedoll, boiled, In cises. 100 turpentine, In cies. HO lbs parattloe. M)j ' sal soda 50 beeo wax. HARDWARE. 2 doz dust run. 5.' feet li- noli imind Iron jo -Jd v. lll-S 11; at iron. VNorwuy. MJ-18 lift-S 6-oi Inch octagon tool steel. 2 pieces S feet each 1 Inch octuron o a steel. z l I.J H ?' 0- ? rr"n !". Ugut, Jturdens. Mbs.N'ii. s Putnam homo shoe nails. lnibsNo. 2toeralks. fOO lbs lest hi iuh.su.. ih' coal. 1 I Much horse rasp, JUnier's. 8dtz I. It cstst steel rcund pulnts, polished st tl sttel fh e s. ldoz ..Kks, Hunt' i-aslteol azflnUb,6to D lo. ldoz puk bandit a. H do R H borrows, areiea niatrial,:lron i doz H K barrows, plain material, Irn . wheel, H doz patent German handled hoes w' It (I inches. y doz No. 1 solid rocket, cast steel In , width H Inches. 2 stone sledge hammers of 25 Ib6 and 1 e lbs 1 double faced striking hammer. NX) lbs No. 20 galvaulzed sneet iron. KM lbs No. 2.! ' ' IPOlbs o. 1 ' ' 100 lbs -Id finishing nails. .AAI HIS I'll auitisM lOOlbsJOd X) lbs Sd nails. VNalin 100 ids ion lU)lbs20d MJ lbs 4 kl lOOlbsOOd I'LUMUINU MATEUtAL 200 feet 3i Inch galvanized Iron pipe. 200 feet 1 inch ' ' UOlettK ' ' .' 100 feet black ' W feet H ' ' li doz l Inch flange unions. 1 doz Inch Keystone unions. Jd()z ' 1 doz , inch tec. 2 doz 1 inch lees. 1 doz Inch tees H doz ljs Inch tees 1 doz Inch lock nuts 1 doz ii plugs 1 doz 'A ' 1 doz y, dcztf ' 1 doz Uushlngs 1 to Ji 1 doz flushings to k ldoz Uushlngs k toj ldoz Hushing!. t )i 1 doz sockets y, inch doz elbows lk Inch 1 doz elbows 1 iuch 1 dr-z elbows K inch 1 doz elbows iuch 1 doz elbows 4 inch 2 doz 1 Inch strnizht ell's) 1 doz ii iuch ' ' 4d072-inchJeuklus'vnlves removable dlsl i k doz l'i-lnch ii. S do. i i . doz ' ' ' 2 doz ' K.doz'f 1 doz y3 ' vaives rumoable disks for Jenkins 1 doz ii Fuller bibbs plalH ldo.y, 2 doz lirapor's sleel oilers, No 11 or ns fees. 1 1 doz elbow burner cocks 2 doz brass pillars 1 doz lava tips lptilr 10 inch gns pliers To lbs solder J-J and 5 lbs resin 1 doz sink couplings )4 duz lend S traps 1 21 ibs2-ply rubber picking, cloth insei "-"i 1 doz vulcanized rubber washeis.furijb. i 2 doz yln leach 1 inch and ljlnch drllt plugs ,: lead pipe DKUGS. lOlbs aqua ammonia 1 gro-s bottle, 8oz 10 lbs ab-ioibent i-o'ion Jj doz siiools rubber adhesive plaster1 j d i each 5 lbs ether fort In J lbs cans 5 gross corks. No 1 5 lbs choral hydrate cryst. 1 lb tl oxt liucbu 1'lJi Co or Wyeth A- Uro s 31bs 11 est piuulsvligln, ' 3 lbs sarsaparlllH e-mp. for syrup, ' lib ' rheluroiu, lor syrup, 1 lb ' zlnuglberis, i i) ii Co or j t u A Uro's. 1 lb tl est aconite, ' ' ' 1 lb cannabis ind, ' 2 lbs ' cascdrasagiada, ' ' lib ' oiill, ' ' lib Usui tolutaua for syrup ' 20u0 emptyjaipsules No 1, 1' b Co. ur.0 2 lOuo ' ' ' u ' HO ' ' ' W ' 1 lb balsim peril. 1 lb llg potass arsen. 5000 hypodermic tablets hyo-cyi-mS snfpiS I to gr Wyeth &. liro's 60 lbs miigneslae sulph. l-i oz morphlao sulpu. 1 lb pepsin sacch. 10 lbs potass broin. 2 lbs potass iodide. 5 lbs potass alt, cryst. lib potass cilras. 1 oz oleum myrclae. 4 oz oImuiii tiglii. lb pheuaceiiue baj-er. 1 di)7bottles I'ulllps'KiiiulsonCbUUverOU Zi oz ijululne sulph, K tS it 51bssodll bicarb. V2 doz syringes, Davidson's. 3 bs siiuuges, large earrlage. 1 2 lb sponges, surgical. 1-2 gul spts act herls nit. 10 lbs aselliie XX, refined 1 oz atgentt nit in sticks, lib comp. ttnet. clnchonla. 2 doz strengthening plasters. 8 A J. 2 dnz Alcock's 1'orous plasters. 4 hypodermic syringes, Wyeth's i B.-o's. 50 lbs Max seed meal. Samples may bestcn at theoniceof lie board of trustees, goods must bo In a -co i auce tbeiewitb, and must come in c i Uili i packi.ges when possible. The boan iic swrves the right to reject any imd tu. u A Delhery of supplies win b-j require w u ln ten days' notico ofaceeptano. ol I d. A copy of this advertisement mut aceomiv auy each bid, aud the name of the rnu-s ef suppllts must be written on tbeenelou eout.iiulng bid. huclx bid must include all the items of Ihocln-sbld uiku and must give Items and totals in luil.nlthoxi" ptiua of meat and Hour. Auditing ollici s u jirohlblled lrum conflrmlug uccou its f purchasers when the mlvertlkmei dw uot conuiln a .'ml andcompletu detcnpiua of the arllc'es to bo pui chased. Ulds w HI be opened at 2 o'clock p. in. ( Tuesdnj , July 6, lsai, WYJiVKSTKBI'KNNOV It, UKU. .JlcUUlUJ!.. VHIL. .MLTSCllAN, Wm, A. Muslv, .lloaid of Oominis--ouer Clerk of llu-inl. THE YAOUIHA hOUTt. OREGON PACIFIC RAILRGU And Ure'uu Ueveloiunent cemp. ' stcunshlp Hue. 225 miles suortcr. u an lestimu thun by any othei joule, tsi ciass through jmssenjer and lrtl.ht "c horn I'ortlund aud all joints In iuewU Umette vallor to and iroiu sscu l'runciff TIME SCHEOUtE. (Kxcept Bundayn). Le-iveAlbauy i,H)utii Leave CoivhIIIs 1 J Arrive Vnqulua ,J Tm Leave Yatiulna !,; live CorvallU 'r.v Arrive Albany 11-uA O. J: C. trnlns connect at Albany an4 Ctirvallls. The above trains connect at VAQtiS w.ih the Oregon Development to u.a jf.-:citi.Hhliis belme.n unutna an - KinnU(Y. - N. Il.-J'.issengers (rom PovtUnd aid w Wlilamette Valley pouts can make ck connection with the traius of iw 1.WU13A KOUTKat Albauy jrlonwW aud if rtentlued to Sau hrun-lsco, ft' arrauje to arrive at Yarjuina the evtnm before datu ol sailing. . ,,. I'i.unn-(r nni Frdckt Ktr Alv)" j L lort. 'or luforruatlon apply to tn Ul'LMAN ft Co., Freight and 1Ci Agnnu iXXl and 202 Front su, Portland, if- C.C. HOOUK Ac't Gen'l KfL Fns. Agu. Oregon ThcIHc It. K. "; Corvaid, " V n.JLVHWfcUv, Jr. Gen'l i Fads. Aft, Oregon Uevelornifm m .411 Mouleoinen ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of.Wtnirtt HoL-i, SAbBM - - - ORSOCN kV , Alfe- iJ' . L. X&.X .jj ,