t tot' & i I si lv . t. A ? fa- i'. H v 'l! It 1 i a si p . i it i u? m fi v :4i! I MV Tho Silver mg Plank is Matters. Dclay- THE CONVENTION i Called tj Order by the Chairman. CmoAGO.June 22. When at 11.80 Temporary Ohalrmuu Owens called the convention to order and present ed llov. A. H.Heury to offer prayer. 15.0D6 peoplo occupied tho great hall audience room. When the preacher closedhls prayerfor truer.broaderand nobler Deino-jraey that should work for the musstb uyutLi3t the few, there was hesitating hamlelappirig which llnul'y grew to chers. The Chairman's Spaech. Chioaoo, Juno 22. On taking the chair Wilson said free govern ment was self government. There Is no self government, where the people do not coutiol eleullons and lay their own taxes. There can he no moremomuTitlouH fiuestlon than tho question of tuxutiou. Its the question out of which grow allteaue.' of government. Until we settle this question wisely, permanently and justly, we build all otln-r ref irm on a foundation of sand. Wo are a great party, and the great party we represent are today for tiuill" reform, uteause its t lie only gateway to genu ine Democratic government. The distinguished leader who presided over the Republican convention boasted he does not know what tariff reform is. Whoever said he didZ Unfortunately peoplo are not so Ignorant of meaning of protection Which was dealt out to them in the bill that bears his name. Tho Republican party says Govor ner Mo Kiuley now stands for pro teelion and reciprocity. Ho was for protection alono when he framed his bill in tho house and firmly resis ted all eltorts of the statesman from Maine to annex reciprocity added by tho senate. The reciprocity of tUe AleKiiiley bill is not reciprocity at all in its retaliations and worst of all the retaliation is on oar own people. i ......... j essary to success and predicts that 1 I- Iluois will go JJemoorntlo tun tali both on Presidential and Stale tick et, they had good men tochoo'cfiom. I (Loud cries of "Hill" with hissing.)' When '.Palmer ilnisbed there was loud cries for Fellows of New York who was invited to the platform Fel lows cot ou his chair In the New York delegation. Ho declined to lake the platform. He said he was a delegate ami that the time had not arrived when It would bo proper for him to address the convention. 12.04 p. m.Committee on creden tials reported they were ready to make their report. 12.03 p.m. Credential's Committee report n unanimous report favoring tho sealinir.of the regular Alabama delegation while contestants aro giv ing scats on tho lloor. Also the same a-t to Pennsylvania and others. 12.07. The report of the commit tee on credentials was adopted un animously. 12 OS. Tho report of committee on . nuatiunt organization was called. 12.0!). WiNon, of West Virginia. . is elioseu permanent chairman of in convention. 12.10. The report of conuuittroou .jiTiuunent organization was adopt- order to increase the pnwjro thirty pnunds above that allowed. It is al leged that they did this a few days ago In a race with tho steamer Hoagt lh.h KST.m M0VKMKNTS. MARKETS. P o BT hAN u, June22, Wheat vnllev, $U2j $1.,15 Walla Walla $1.27J & $130. Ban Francisco Cnl., June 22. Wheat, seller 1 43. Chicago Ills., June 22 Wheat Si'J THE CHURCH ON THE HILL. January tnnf. is $170,220 GO F.'hiu.iry transfers 203,074 05 March traiisfen 175,674 80 April truiiHYers 182,000 20 May transfers.- 04,432 76 June to date 60,SS0,O0 JUNK 22. Thomas Rus.-ell to Mrs. Win. Meeklng; 3 ncros 1 5 f, r 1. w (11. O.-ear Cuveuder and wife to John H. Johnson; 60 across 30, t 0 s, r 1 W 2400. "Safe and Certain" IS tlio testimony of Vr Gcorgo Vallor. of Martin 'Villc, Va., Fighting Cleveland, Chicago, June 22. Tho oppon cuts of I he ex-president will contest every eifort to forco a ballot at every point possible and the fact that con servative leaders among those op posed to Cleveland concede that his nomination will be Inevitable 1 as not suhlced to deter the Tammany leaders from continuing a bitter wai on tho ex-prerident which they in augurated on arrival here. It is not believed they will continue to llgli! alter the nomination but will make strenuous efforts to compass his de feat in tho convention. The Silvei Question. Chicago, Juno 22. It is said the silver advocates are making a stren ous fight in the committee on plat form for a silver plank and if neces sary will carry the question into the convention with a llkeihood of a long donate which will prevent a ballot being reached tonight. Tho sub-committee on platform had a prolonged session caused by a sharp light over tho silver plank. Theoutcomo was a mujoiity report iu favor of a straddle of the question and a minority report of uncom promising free coinage. Vote stood 6 to 3 hi favor of straddle. 12 15. Heavy rain storm is pre vailing, bauds playing till It clears over, all the hall is dark. Committee if five appointed to notify Wilson of his selection us permanent chairman 12.20. Wilson takes platform de-) legates and galleries cheeiing.) 1S..5S p. m. Committee ou rules Iris leported. The next order of bus iness will be presentation of platform 'hen presentation of candidates. Re port committee on resolutions order ed. The passago of report of commit ee on rules makes the unit rule hold hi this convention. 12:59 p. m. Poll of states ordered for naming members of the national ennimitteo and notification committee. 1 p. in. It hns been concluded not to call roll of slates but states are requested to send names to Sec tetary. 1:22 p. in., Campbell takes plat form and returned thanks for the compliment in a humorous speech and wanted tho Democrats to keep their eyes ou Ohio next November. 1:30 p. iu., committee of two were appointed to wait on tho committee on plulform to ascertain when they weic likely to bo ready to report. l:4'i p.m., motion to take lecess till live o'clock carried. 3 30 p. m. It is said the commit tee ou platform is endeavoring to leucli an agreement on tho silver question. 5:15: Convention callul to order. 5.44. Platform committee will not report before 8 o'clock. A Silver Plunk. Chicago, 111., June 22. Tho til vor states have decided to present a silver plunk to the convention, the committee on platform having re fused to concede to their demands. Sure of 62G Votes. Chicago, June 20. At 11:30 last night ex-Becrotary Whitney stated that Cloveiimct is sure of 020 votes on tho first ballot. Whitney stated there had been no conclusion reach ed as to tho ylco presidency nomination. BULLETINS. Chicago, Juno 22, 10.15 a. in. it Is said tho Cleveland meu aro con fident of 020 yotes on first ballot and Will push for a ballot today leaving tho (selection of vice president for to morrow. 10.18 a. iil It Is said Stovenson.of Illinois Is likely to bo chosen for vleo president Instead of Gray of Indiana. 10.21 a. in. A lnoinltig paper says a combination has been formed to heat Cleveland and has more than a third of tho delegates in favor of It. Several names aro mentioned ou whom tho combination may bo ef fected. It is said an eil'ort will lie rondo to nbrogato tho state unit rule In the convention today. 10.28 a. in. Tho Trlbuno says the platform will demand tho coinage of gold aud silver dollar of equal val ue aud ieclproclty will be dououueed s a deceit aud a fraud. 11:30 a, m. Convention called to order at 11:30 u. in. 11-35 a. in. Report of committee 011 credentials called for. Committee not yet ready to report;wont bo ready before 2 p. iu. 11:44 a. in. Loud calls for Mills. MIIIb invited to address conven tion. 11.47 a.m. Mill's Is too 111 to tub draw the convention. Has been compelled to leave tho hull and go to his hotel. 11.48 u. in, Loud (alls for Palmer M Illinois. Motiou that tieuator 'aimer be asked to address this con- vtmtlou was carried. 12.02 p, m. Palmer addressed the 1 vent!on: frequently interrupt- by applause. Ho appeals for har- y 111 tho party oaubbolutely nee- Fatal Railroad Accident. Portland, Me., Juno 22. Par ticulars uro slowly reaching this city of an accident ou tho Grand Trunk Monday, as a result of a bad wash out caused by heavy rainp, Train No. 5, a local from Island Pond, Vt.. to Montreal, plunged 40 feet iuto a cut at a point about half way be t.veeu Ilillhurst aud Couticooke, Canada. Two cars were piled ou top 'of tho engine. Tho following were killed: Murk Dale, of Island Pond, Tt., engineer; Fireman Reid of Island Pond; Express Messiuger Howard Small, aged 01, of North Yarmouth, Me., who had been in tho service of tho Cauadian Express Co. about i.'0 years; Rugcageinau Currau, resldeuce not reported; a passenger, nanio unknown. Several passengers wero'seveiely, perhaps fatally injured. The division otllcers of tho Graud Trunk wete notified and went promptly to the scene of the acci dent, where they did their best to care for the Injured and promote the comfort of tho detained piissengeis. Tho woik of tratishipping passen gers began at once, but was retarded by tho fact that the Grand Tiuuk noon trulu took 300 pilgrims for the Shrlno of St. Auno lleauport from Portland, besides pilgrims from oth er points. Tho business of tho road is Interrupted, and passengers who should have reached Portland nt 0 p. 111., remained at Richmond until yesterday morning. Tho washout occuied In the night after the section men had left. There had been a pouring rain from Saturday, and tho cut is fully 100 feet long and 40 feet deep. Superintendent Stevenson left for tho scone of the accident last evening. It has been decided to bridge tho cut, and the work Is now in progress. A big crew of men aro hard at work under tho direction of Supeiluteudeut Trenuaman. A strict investigation will bo niado by tho officers of 1I10 Grand Trunk. Have Joinnd tho Salvation Army. Ni:v Youic, Juno 22. Tho Rev. Dr. Charles A. Rriegs; tho Rev, Lyman Abbott, pastor of Plymouth church, llroottlyn; tho Rev. Dr. R. K. Decosta, of tho church of St. Jolin tho Divine; and Rev. Harry Wilson, forniorly Dr. Ralusford's assistant at St. George's church, as well as Mr. aud Mrs. Rriggs, have taken an action, tho announcement of which will undoubtedly bo a great surpribo to many of tho moie ortho dox church members. They havo enrolled thcnicelvi-slti tho auxiliary league of tho Salvaiion Army, and by this action ht.ve signified their approval of theu-Jiotu of that organ izatiou. Bteauiboatmen Arres'-Jd PoiU'LANP, June 23 E. A- Kern, I chief englucer, aud l (', FUxgoiuld, assistant engluccr.of tho stouuer Kl wood plylug on tho upper Willumt t te, were aricbted jCbieulft,, ou the churge of loading the wifely valve In tt Had tlio Attvuutugo of I'tnltlon unit Worknl the Grncroim Huth Wn.j. Wo wero coming down tho Ockla wnhn, that funniest of Floridiau streams, which winds its tortuous way through 11 tangled mnzo of cy press swamp, and often takes miles in advancing one. Tho only wny to nnvignto it is by tho curious littlo stout built house boats, flat as to bot tom, and with old fashioned water wheels behind for motive power. Pine torches aro lit on tho wheel houses at night to light tho wny, and every now raid then tho boats havo to draw up nlongsido of a woodpilo of pine sticks to replenish tho fuel, whii'li makes a hot hut exceedingly short lived fire. As ho drew up nt Somebody's land ing, a lino, elevated hummock, rising up from tho nver in quite an un Floridaliko hill, the captain told us that we lmght go ashore, as he had soino banel3 of flour to land nnd would be there for fully half an hour. Ho advised us to climb tho gentle lull to a rather pretentious house there, tho owner of which had a mammoth alligator, a "tame wild cat" and numerous other curiosities on free exhibition. We found nu ex ceedingly comfortable looking homo, surrounded by ovango groves redo lent with the scont of blossoms, nnd n front yai d filled with magnificent rosebushes in full and fragrant bear inga gladsome sight. A buxom woman camo out and bado us wel come. "Ey tho way," sho said in an nct-01-3' fund fair tone, "if any of you want any roses wo sell them for tlio benefit of our church. There is no price on them. You pay what you choose." Of courso many of us took roses for tho caubo of tho church. Five miles down tho river wo came to another landing, which was also bituated at the foot of a rounded hill. A number of children boarded the boat. Somo had oranges to sell, somo had big Indian beans, the pods a foot or more in length, and bunches of faded roses and other blossoms, while one littlo maid had a piece of cloth on which sho had embroidered in facsimile the signatures of George Washington, B. Harrison, John Smith and various other laiown and unknown beings. For twenty-five cents sho offered to work in your signature for tho benefit of her church it was the Methodist church, she explained. "Seo here," we objected, "this is getting played out. Wo just gave all our money to another church at Somebody's Landing." "Oh, that is nothing 1" sho replied in perfect serenity of spirit. "It is tho sumo church. It's ou top of the hill yonder. Somebody's Landing is over on tho other side, half a mile away. Lot mo work your name, won't you?" Wo thought tho crooked Ockla waha was playing n confidence game on us in behalf of that Methodist church and declined to join tho shin ing galaxy. Now York Herald. iiiarnnlrrd t'nrc Wo authorize our advertised drug gist to sell Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs und Colds, upon this conblllon. If you are allllcted with a cough, Cold or uuy Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refund ed. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied upon. It never disappoints. Trial bottles fiee at Dau'lJ. Fry's Drug Store 225 Com'l St. Large bottles 50c. and tl.00 ritU'tuiitloiiH of l'nmllles. Half tho peerages in England havo been maintained only by bringing some seventh cousin from tho remot est regions a Chicago carpenter's shop, for instance to keop tho name from disappearing or tho titlo from lapsing. Tho heir of tho houso of Do Courcy was discovered years ago in a Newport (R. I.) sailor, and his de scendant now holds tho title. Tho lineal representative of Simon do Montfort was n saddler in Tooloy street, London; and tho representa tive of tho earldom of Mar was hunt ed up in 11 coal pit. Hugh Miller had a follow apprentice in a stonemason's yard who camo so near being tho heir to an earldom that ho was often ad dressed by his mates, "John. Yorl Crawford, bring us another hod." In this country, with no such elaborato mechanism to presorvo tho succes sion, it is ovon easier for a family to run down, T. W. Higginson in Har per's Bazar. Another Lung IVlt AVmit. Peddler Ono moment, madam. I nm introducing 0110 of tho most won derful nnd most useful inventions of tho ago; sells liko wildfiro; every body buys '0111. It's a patont peddlers' boll. Lndyr-A what? Peddler Peddlers' bell, madam. It is intended to go ou tho door or por tal along with tho visitors' bell, serv ants' bell, otc. Lady (impatiently) You peddlers aro 11 iwrfoct nuisance, nnd you know it. Tho servants' bell is good enough for any of you. Peddler Ah, yes, but tho servants' bell rings. This doesn't. Good Nows, (lin Motor unit Llictrlo Light. Tho point nt which gas and olectrio companies ran work in unison has been discovered. A multipolar .slow speod dynamo hns beon sot up direct ly coupled to a gas engine, nnd it is found that in this manner olectrio light can bo generated at 11 less cost per candlo power than gaslight could bo produced by bunting tho gas direct. Now York World. to- In flruce'n lloiulolr. Maudo Did Graco expect you day? Imogen IIow can you ask ? There's my photograph carefully dusted nnd placed iu tho middlo of tho mantel piece. IChto Field's Washington. Eemoval Notice. Dr. E. 13. Philbrook has removed ids lesiileiice from Court street to 184 State, opposite Court House square. His ollice will also be theie ou aud alter June 2d. 0 1 td Spices are probably more adulter ated (ban any other article. Clark & Eppluy have pure bulk spices. The 52.50 shoe that takes the lead is Fargo's, at K. J. Fleming's, Stato street shoe store. v. 1 in referenco to Ayor's Tills. Dr. J. T. Toiler, of Cliittouango, N. Y., Bays : "Ayer's 1111 nro ' IrIiIj npnroclntod. Thoy aro perfect In form and rout In l', and tliclr effects aro all Mint tho iiios careful liliyslclnn could dcslro. They linvo miniilementfMl all the mils former ly popular here, nnd I think It must lio lone before any other can bo niado tlntt will nt nil comparo with them. Thoso ho buy Ayor's Pills get full vnluo." "I regard Ayer's Pills ns one of tlio most reliable general remedies of our time. They havo been in use in my family for various nfTcctlans requiring a purgative medicine, nnd havo given un varying satisfaction. Wo linvo found mem nn excellent reiucilv for colds and llRht fevers." AV. It. Woodson, Fort Worth, Texas. " I prescribe! Ayer's Pills in my prac tice, and Und thorn excellent. I ureo their general uso In families." John V.'. Brown, M. D., Oceana, W. Va. Ayer's Pills, niErAUED nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Bold by all Druggleta nnd Healers In Medicine - 3 f p.. .s..'i....i mmnrlQrYmrrr. J -,- . ...M m m. 1 iPACinfi LAND AND' nRflHARnia JJ, FOR TOWN LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS AND FAHMS. $2.00 Perilozou for tho fluent finished PliOaOUHAl'HMIutbecity. MONTEE BROS., lMiiCoiiimeicliil Street. P. II. S0UT1IW1CK Coulructoi' better Than a $1.00 Mottle, of Mood Purifier. Dr. W. H. Evans, the leading druggist of Sanford, Florida, says: "I always feel safe in recoiu mending St. Patrick's pills I carry in stock." There aro nou6 better, aud ono doe of them will often do more good than a dollar bottle of auy blood pu rifier in the market. "For sale by G E. Good, Druggist. National Democratic Convention, Chicago, Juno 21. For tho accommodation of those desiring to visit Chicago on the nbovo occasion tho Union Pacific will sell tickets to Chicago and re turn at one fare lor tue lotiud trip. For dates of s-ile and limits ol tickets or any additional iufot mil lion apply to W. H. llurlburt, asst. general passenger agent, Union Pacific System, Portland Oregon. 5-31-td 1 Salem, and ISuildor. Oregon. T. .J. GKESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th and Cheinckctn Street A. H, F0RSTNER & CO. Machine Shop, Guns, Sporting Goods, Blc, :0S Commotelal Wrect. J. J. mu RADABADGII ft lTLHY, Livery Feed und Boarding Stable, Scientific Horseshoeing. OI't'OStTK FOUNDRY On Stdte Street. II BhitoHtrtU. JOHN M. PAYNE k CO., Heal JSstato and Insurance. First stairway north ofliusb bank. JOHN lit WIN, Carpenter and Shop 05 State street. Store Fittings a Special tj STEBVES BROS., Ca I i'o 1 nia litt Ue . . THE BEST. 101 Court Strent. MRS, II. E. WILSON, Leading Salem Modiste. 'Mi Commcrclnl Bt. A. II. CLODGII, iIiiU'rt:ikiii and Cnbinct Work, 1(17 State Street. ETCE &BOSS, Horseshoers, General lllacUsinitlilug, 47 Stato Street. the Salem Jlachnnan is Ilest Lino In tlio City. Court Street. CANDIE. 1 . Print ami (jigiuJ P- O. Block. st. t. HrantnE) CIkius nndTobaccf HILMARI) PARLOR 243 Com'l StreB, J. B. MURPHY. Brick and Tile, HI1ST IK ORKGON. Works in North Salem. miss. e. c. itoarco. Baths for Ladies '1 HAIR DUKSSINfJ PARLOUS, 121 Court Street. BOSTON PnffiiQ JVUJJ 11 5c LUNCH. Open till Night Si T.Tr.l3LUNJ)lili Meat, Poultry mil Hiuli M..!.. ...j m man jlj.lUM.il Insurance Mock. T. W. THORNBUIH The Upholsterer, ReinndclD. ie-oovcrs nudrni upholstfied lnrnlture. Fi cl.idH work. Chpiiioketa siv Htnto Insurnnco block. Berries Wantac SALEM MARKETS. Wueat- 69c per bushel. Oats 32J3oc per bushel. Potatoes 25c per bubhel. Flour $5 per bbl. ' Brau (Saeked) 518 per ton Rhorts (Sacked) 20 per ton. Eggs 15e per dozen. Cuickeus Roosters, 7c per lb.; hens, 1012c per lb.; broilers and fryers, 15c per lb. Turkeys 1212Jc per lb. Ducks 1215c per lb. Geese 7c per lb. Lard 75c$l per pall. Butter 1520e per pound. Beef 712tc dressed, 2ie on foot. Veal Cc, dre.-sed. Pork 01c dressed; 5Jo on foot. Wool 1210c per lb. A Leader. Since its first introduction. Elec tric Bitters has galued rapidly in popular favor, until now It is clearly n the lead among pure medicinal tonics aud alteratives containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recog nized as the bestaud purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver 01 Kidney. It will cure Sick Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation, and drive Malaria from tho system Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or tho money will be refunded! Sold by Dan'l J. Fry 225 Com'l St. Price only 50c. per bottle. Absolutely the liest. "I never hesitato to recommend Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy as absolutely the best," says Mr, F. B. Kemp,assistant business manager of the Youngstown, Ohio, Daily Teleg ram onu nf tho most influential and valuablo newspapers in the Buckeye state. Mr. Kemp also says: "I have found it a certain cure for the cough usually following an attack of the grippe, and always keep a bottle of it in the house." 50 ceut bottles for sale by G. E. Good, Druggist. To tiik Ladies. "Vlavi" stauds alone, the itreatest medical dlseoveiv of the nineteenth century. (From au M. I)., in the Ladies' Health Journal, Newark, Ohio.) You are cordially invited to call and investi gate for yourselves. Oillce over 4 and 9 cent store, Cottle-Parkhurst block, Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. lm THESALE1V1 CANNING CO. Will Receive CHERRIES AND STRAWBER RIES AND GOOSEBERRIES ou and after Wedne-day, June S, 1892. dw tf 25c Want Column, Notices Inserted for ONE CKNT PER WORD KACH INHKRTION. No ndver llscmeiit lnseitcilln this uolumn for lose tlinn twenty-five (cuts. O ALKSM AN WAN'l KD. Vulunblo com ij mission ollered. $J0 weekly earned by mauy of our mienta. Samples lree. 1". O. Uox 1S71, Now York. 0-2C 3t T OST. I have mlsplneed my umbrella. U Will the Under notify me? Wm. J Ulurke. G-'ji'-at TTTOOD.-Nlnety rordsntSl.OO ner VY II. A. Smith Goodale Lumber Yard III LA1MJ Wi. cord ard. (KO-lw, 1 T. BURROWS ARRIK8 a full lino of Staplp and fancy Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and Bet rle3 In beusnu, Rutter aud Eggs al ways ou ninu. 220 Com'l St. For Sale, Cheap, A number of trios of this sprlmrs Plym' outli Rock. Hlack Lang ban, White Lcr horn, and Partridge I'oihius.all tborough brert slock, liuyeaily, save exprewf charges and p.et tho pick ot tlio teasou. SJ to 5 pei trio, boxed for shipment. Address IMiOFKU, Salem, Or. For Sale or Trade, Fifty-two acres improved farm, 40 acres In crop, good orchard, four miles South of Salem, Tumor road. Will trade for property near town. G-S-lni JOHN HOLM, Blacksmith. From Terminal or Interior Points the Northern Pi Is.the line to take To all Points East and South. It Is thedlulng car route, ltruus through vestibule trains, every day in the year to cm mm ixin n a I. IMJLi MU (No change of cars.) Composed of dlnlngcars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Ol latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars, llehl that ran be constructed and in whicl iccomnioUalluns are both lree and lur nlshcd for holiiorj of hiHt arid becoud-clasi-ticket s,and ELEGAKT DAY COACHES. A continuum line ooune:tlng with all lines,, altordlng direct. nitt uninterrupted seivlce. Pullman sh f Ions can bese cuied In advi i ' ' ' any agent ol the road. Through tickets to and from all points In America, hngland and Kurope can b pmaha-ed at any ticket office ot this com pany. bull lnforuatlnn concerning rates, time of traluSgioutCh and other details lumUhed on application to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Qeueial Pat.enger Afcent, No. Vll first street, cor. Washington; Port lanit.Orf? u SHAW & DOWNING, Ageuts. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Taints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per aud Border, Artists' Ma terials. Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW AUVJEKTISEJUSNTS. Has just placed on the market SUNNYSIDB No. 11, 0 miles south of Salem. This tract as line fruit laud, is well drained aud will bo sold iu any sized tracts on the moat favoruble terms', O We f-till have a few ton aore tracts in HUNNYSTDK No. 10, 0 mile south of Salem. 150 acres ot No. 10 is under contract to bo planted to orchards in the fall of 1892. -O Also two 10 acre tracts and one 16 acre tract in SUNNYrsTDE No. 8. 5 miles south of S.ilem. Over 100 acres of No. 8 was planted to fruit tfees luriug tlio past seas in, aud 50 acres more will be planted the coming all. -O- ll'T i Dyspep M ikes in.iry peoplo miserable ana of I. 0 to seii-tleMriictiun. Distress .u c. ii.it., tuiir Mimiii'h, shk ne.uuche m I mi, lo,s ol appetite, a taint, "all jmi ecllng, b.ul t.ibte, cn.ilcd tongue, and u (,,. nl.irlty ot tho bowels, , tIStrOSS tho inoro ooiuikun iji A'ftOr umSl HvspepMadixsi -j .. not wel' ol ilseli .t l uuving quires Mrctui, Kri atliullon, ami ,i icinuly i.tMi Horn t p.ulll.i, whleli nitu genii) M'i .l,.i ' It tones tho stomach and otati i i rogiiLtics mo uigettion, ..nctis goj iU''i:iuu. nun, vf iiiiif ,f oeu'oinliig tlie Ioimi tf sjtuptoms, euros the KoHClOCrtt licaihiehc, nail rt Ircshes tho tiro.' im'ih "1 lmo ticca troubled wiih dit-. 1 had hut little appetite, and wtut I un Hnnrf- eat Hlri'wea iin, i ti.i ""mL mo little gwHl. Afft i , Olirn inK j would oxerl''nft falntness, or thed, all-t,. ..c iu. c. as though 1 had not can-n anthl. ",. Mj tnartle, I think, was ui-Tr.iMt' d ly in laiNiness, painting, anil finin hen j laoio . . shut up In a room with n. ... rosh paint. I...st spilug oouj Itook IIiMKlNKnrs,ip.irllU StOlTiCiCn nnd It did mo an Immense nnioimt uf g. i it pao mo an appetite, ami my U .1 1 . thlii'd ntul satUtleil tho craMug 1 I .d j ro. loudly oxperlenceU." Guonuu A. Paob Witcrtuwn, Mass. N n. It you (ievldo to t. Ke n-od' S r sainrlllailoiiotlHJliului'i'ut 'buji.ny ..er Hood's Sars&parill.i 'ald ly Jr tt it, flinxforjU, lparet'T U I. IIOOO Jc CO., Aiiotbccariei, LotH, iu..t IOO Dosos Ono Dollar DUGAN BROS' Plumbing and neating Col, Wholesale aud retail di a!era In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS, iN Ojra merclal street. Telephone No. SI. Chattle Mortgago Sale. NOTICE Is hereby given ttat by viituo of four eortalutoi It ot elnittlo .nort gmres duly Issued out of the county clerks otlloe ou tlie'Jist day of Juno, Is'Ji, one in favor of ltu.sell it Co and against Jacob S f. J. S"hibact to secure the payment ot Elut Hundred liollurs, evidenced by four certain promissory notes as mentioned In Bald manga e nnd that there is yet unpaid on bald nous the sum ot Two Huuurcd Dalian) and inteiest nctordlng to tho tenor ol the lust two noter; thereof. Onelufa vorol Kussell .i Co, ana iiKalnst Jacob A. I. .1. Hchurbaek to securo the payment or Twenty Ono Hundred Dollara evidenced by three certain promissory notes us men tioned in said nioitjiage aud Hint is yet unpaid on slid notPs the sum of Seven Hundred aud Ten and twculy-soveu hui diedttis Dollars (S710'27), ami lneret ai ciulug to tho ttnor of the three notes thereof. Ono In tutor ot Kussell a. Co. aud i!valnt f. J. bcharbacU, L. Hollenback and 1. K, liraukoy. to secure the payment ofTwtn'y-TIireo Hundred and Klfiy Dol lars, evidenced by Ile promissory notes ns mentioned in said mortgage, and thai tliero Is yet uupalp on said notes the sum of hlxteen Hundred and Sixty and twen tj -seven hundredths 'ollais (Jlb607) and Interact to the tenor of sold notes. Ono in tavor of KussUl .V Co. und against 1', J, indJalte Seharback to secure the paj ment of t'wenty-ono Hundred dollars, evi denced by three certain promissory notes, as meuiloued iu said mortgage, and that there is yet unpaid on said notes the sum of Seven Hundied and Ten and twentx seven Itunaiedthilollui8(571o.!i7), and in leiest according to tlio tenor thereof, with iho written endorsement ol the said Kus sell & Co. thereon annolntlug me their agent aud attorney in fact to tako ps-es-slon of the property therein dcserlotd aud sell tho same at publlo auction, I hive taken possession of aod will sell at nablli auction on Wednesday, the 6th day of July, 18'12. at the hour of two o'clock n m. of said day, at tho mill site of Seharback, Hollenback & Co about two miles cast ol Woodourn, In said county, the lollowing described personal property, as described In said mortgages, to-wit: Ono median double I.. II Saw Mill aim tileteNoJ5'Jrf. wllh-W luchU T. Dlsston saw, and 3 Inch top saw, with OOleettcn iucli ply belling manufacture d by Katseil A Co. Onewaier tanl. tfoSK)- One wood s' nnd belt No, A, uno main belt M0 feel 7 inch 3 ply, One No 2J MnsslUUm separa tor No.lioUs truck nnd stacker and all tlio flxtures belonging to the same, Ono Ten ply thirteen sell touuilunl engine and locomotive holler, Two head of work oaoii jokes und chains, Ono No, 24 1'laner A Mntcher made by Drake at Milem, One No, i ims truck made by Sindbuser ilLig, Co, K, t, CitOI.SAN, SnerWof Marlon County and n,'cnt for Kussell .t Co, fc-JM: w dally And 128 acres in SUNNYSIDE No. 5, 3 miles southwest of Turner, over 10 acres in young orchard, mostly cleared and in crop, will sell any part or all, very cheap for cash, or will give time on patt. -O- On any of the above lands we will take one-fourth cash and give lonf,' time on tlio balance, or will take part purchasa price in work or a part payment in stock or yood city property. In additlou to the above we have for sale TOWN PROPERTY, small tracts near the City aud Farm Lands. It costs you nothing toste our property, and We may have just what you want. Office in the New Gray on State Street. Removed to 140 State. snsGr hop &co. Merchant lailors. Spring suit $16 woith S20; pants SoOO worth S7.00, Kverything cheap. If clothes don't lit customers need not tako samo. Cnll aud look over goods, 0-1-lm Taken Up. For Sale. Threo lots in North salciu on street car line, also 21 acres Milt land about aJ nilles east of jr'iilein. Call ou Stato Insurance OUlco Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. I1RENTS, Manager. Loch Box 1210, Senttlo, Wash Uivt-ders oITltoroughbred Poultry of fol lowing varieties: H. O. White Leghorns, S. l llrown Leg horn. While Plymouth Hocks, llarred l'lymouih Hocks, I'll Gumes, llluck Lang gbnm-. l.'ght; Ilrahaiuas, Dull' Cochins, rurtrldge Cochins, llronie Turkeys, md lor Clrcuhir and Prlca IAU White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, READ'S OPERA HOUSE, Wednesday, June 22d. Pursou's Roalnfli' P oductiou, The Midnight Alarm With car load or special scenery. A genuine Hie eii;iiie. Twosupeih horses. Tluco yreat railroad ellVets. iHioosavx ;ti;iiu;t;. The most scenic production of Mod em tinier Seits on sale at Pat ton's. 0NK OF TIIK I.AKGUST ESTABLISH nients in tho Ktate. Lower ratss lhan I'onland. Laigett stock Legal Klanlts ic thiHtate, aid biggest discount. Send ftii pilcollKtof Job printing, and catalogue o; legdl blanks. K. M. WA1TK, Hliara Printer Balom (Jrrtirou A red nnd -white spotted cow witn calf Holh ears slit, and branded on rlfcht hip. Owner can get name by setlling wlih 0-2O1W CHAM ilLIK.iAukeny. Staple EAST AND SOUTH S7IA Southern Pacific Route Shasta. Line CAUFOBNIA KXPBESS TIIAIX RUN UAIL'i BETWEKN FOKTIiAND AND S. F. South. 7.-0C p. in. 9:18 p. m. 8:15 a.m. Lv. Lv. Ar. Poitlau'l balem San Praa. I iSjrin. Ar. Lv. Lv. 7 Mo a. in biti a. in 7:QQ p. m Now ready fir business. tpocUlty, CurrfUl work A J, F, WHU'JJ, Those Afflicted With the.hablt'ol using to excels, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain it COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THK IvEELEY INSTITUTE Kiret, Grove, Or., CSiU write. HtrlcUy Aboo trains btop oulj at lollowins bta tlons north of Hoieburg. East Portland Orgon City, Woodbum, balem, Albany Tangent, tshedds, HaNey, HarrUburg Juucllon City, Irving und Kngene. IlCWEUPltQ MALI. DAILY, S.o(l a. in. 11:17 a. m 5:50 p. in. Lv. Lv Ar. Portland Halem Ho&eburg Ar.j Lv. IiV. 4: to p. m. 1:10 p. iu. 7:00 a. m Albany Local, Dally KxcoptMinduy. 0 uo p. in. 7:52 p. m. b 00 p. ni. Lv. Lv: Ar. Portland talent Albany "WrT LV. LV, lo..,o u la. T..H l. ra fl'.Hn m. M.T. RINEMAN DEALIiU IN and Fancy Gioceries, Ciockery. Glassware. Lamps. Wooden nnd Willow ware, All kinds ot mill feed. Ako veuetublesaodfi ults In their Kason, "Highest Price paid for country produce." Wet-olle! ashnre of your patronage, U- lfc28talestrcel Hernia and Chronic Diseases DIt'S. SHIMP & HOUSER, Devote bpeclal nttentlon to Nervoun, Cat arrhal, Asthmatic and Throat Tionble'i. Hernia (rupture) cuied without pilu or detention lrom business und Guaranteed In hvff Case. Lvery variety of Female and Chiotto illseases tre.iled by the most advanced methods known to Electrical and Mediril kclence. Twenty jean, experience In Fur gerj- nnd tho nppUeatlon of clecirle'iy. Ottice2VJ Commercial htreot., Iliish-llr v mnu JiUick. Salem. OWER msmsss Sas and Gas ENGINES ITavo fewer parts, nnij thf.rrnrt loss llkelv to cetoi ornrder than any other kiii or gasolltie euelnes tn built. Just lli;lit the buruer. turn tbu wheel, suit x jna all day. MAKES NO SMELL Oil DIRT. If o douDla or false explosions, so frequent. with t unreliable spark, 1 For Simplicity It VoaU tho World. It Oils Itself Automatically, No Ilattorlos or Eloctrlo Dpsrb 11 runs with a Cheaper Grade of Gasouno tuna as? Clber ICoglae. PDLLMAN BCFFET SLEEK. Second Class Sleeping Cars- For accommodation ol pas.engers holding becond chm tickets attached to czprcss trains, iVest Side Division, Between PurllasJ and Cervallis: PAILV (ESCKIT HUMlAY), on dbsctiiptivk cibcoibji Ar.T TO PALMER & REY, ManufactureM) San Frandsco, Cal. and Portland, It AKTX3EN'S "lortkTn(l Ar. I 5-Sii i" m. 1Z10 hi. I Ar. Cofv.ll'U Lv J U5S li. H-. 1.11 At Albany and (.orvallis connect witn I num. ot Oiu'n I'-icido lUillrnad. EXI'lllaa.STHAIN IbAII.YlxCEl-fiiUt OKY L. Portland Ar. rTluiu Ai.iK-.UiiiuvilleLv. i 5:tia. ni 1.10 p. n . I 7:ia p. m. I Throudr Tickets To all point EAST and SOUTH For tickets aud lull intorination regard ing rate maps, etc, apply to the Compa ny's agent brtJeui, Oregon. ELE&rRIO BELT Tr5Ti. T-rr. LATEST PATENTSfiSWITH ElECW nFST JSVVQPS? MAGNETIC IMPROVEMENTS. p SUSPENSOBf. Will cart WIlhMt MilcU H Wl" """'M 2f OTtruitllon of lull, nrf roreti.ieiei r Im'"';1"? uimUibiiU, dralai, 1um mm "3 'XL llumtu, It.juor. rttamilUm. llloT. Il "i.iSK (mpUloU. lmo Ut. lumbijo, eltle, nwrw IU ! "JJ to. TliU leclrt t.lt ooouln. f.nrlU """""'S lUIbtri.Djfl.n m correct Itil Ii lmUoU Ij ' I;; wm or forfeit l,u(iO. nl lll e " .' ' ,;iV dlftuei or rtj. Ttou..nl. . Ut'tatel ft'"?, toIoui iBTonllon fur oil olhr rmili ' ', ' . JlFO lutdrodl of le.tlmooUU U ttli nl f' ' ,..,, f rtui boos our off,! wmIi uen.t Ott. Willi "-" lltU!ic4ilforoiUtMtlie.liBTHlilo6'"Jj Einifrlua.u.MlP4upUeli.reiait4,.f"-rL No. 172 Flrt St., PORTLAND. 0. IV &;j&&l-&4w m& rs V t A )