r vv a g n "' EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. CJ 0 I VOL. 5. "TIIE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, WEKBTESDAY, JUNE 22, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." 3ffO. 147. tjPWi IT IS AN ESTABLISHED FACT -THAT MCF. PA1 TOM'S -Specialties of- BLANK BOOKS Havo no equal for being quick sellers, and tiade winner?. This being tho result of his catchy styles and low prices. NEW SAMPLES AND NEW STOCK! Hurd's Fancy Stationery -Now Iteady.- QUALITY EQUALLY AS GOOD AND AT LESS PRICES Than any of tho cheap grades of fancy stationery now on tho market JV E W STYLES, NE W DESIGNS, NKW PRICES. fESSSSBSXM- Sole agents for the SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN, millions in use. We guarantee all we sell. itat Bts?at Book Stor. TSIMiSIZSXBJSSaESam33CE5Ba5n PLEASANT- You can buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has tho advantage of street cars and city water. "Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the Postoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on Wm .0 WUiaBlL. One-half block south of Bush's bask, up stairs. UFW flglrTTP-tTF ''"Mlfcmj1 JBM OTWff HI I'M' f"'iiir" Wwriwi'UHWltf ffiBBC Harritt Cat vUUCEs3SOHS TO 118 vS 1 b 1.9 9 us WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR I OOZME3S.3EBSSB33 lir3Elj!LB2E"- STAPLE m WI GIBBS At th old Stand, next door to Post Office. nrewTracioiCTa H. GLASSFORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES AND GPPICES TITTED UP IN. Georgia Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc. MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Rearof 2G0 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. NAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES 1 BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Blfflf 4 PlM, Plumbers and Tinners, specialty. Estimates for Tinning and PlumbjFurnlriied. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. All are invited to call nt 143 Court street and look at all tho lute patterns in Wall Paper and get prices for annwon the wall. E. C. SNOW, Decorator, with E. E. SM)V, llotibe, bi0n anu v,ui rlllg PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging. Kateomlulng, Wall Tinting, etc Varnishing and Natural Wood liniah. Only Firsts Work. K. E. bNOV. liemuiuuei mo h'"1 -i " The place to get n Saddle horse, Livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, 11:11 c ,1 ., rmnA wnll. vnr.r.p.d Manure. loadofDirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of . . . , -n L ,! .,.c.,il wnrt' 1C rmv mnr.to. Willamette Hotel, jrrompi. uuu t,.w..- .. -- FOUND i m 1 n rv Ci DRAYS AND TRUCKS Salem Truck & Bray Co. gsffl&l? Njivj-uiii xxt.v flc5stat St., opposite 8a w ...!,. found throughout the dav ai lem Iron works. uraya uuu uuw ,) the corner of State and OommerciHf nt-wato. . .r.Klllfl IC.....f.t..J.nl. B. F. DRAKt, Proprietor. J,,nnTC SALEM IRON WORKS, 0-.f-V.Lv J- J-va. ... - OREGON. anlmcVires OTEAM 1 t c nnpnnilRHR C. N.CHIRCHILL. nmrnomiL & buhrougiis, Ti ius, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitter SHEET METAL WORKERS. 100 Cuemeketa Btreet. Sash and Door Factoid Fronts Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our lino at prices to compete 4ith tho lowest. Only the best material used. GET THE J.&M. LAWNMOWER In Three Sizes. ALSO A3J IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS AT GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STS., SALEM, OREGON. Ed. C. meats. Cross, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt ami Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpfc delivery to all parts of the city. t 05 Court and 110 State Streets. Chas. Smith, -SUCCESSOR TO- J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Ee-opened at the Old Stand with tho most complete stock in Salem of HARDWARE, -STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE IA SPECIALTY- Contractors and builders can find here every articlo they need, in tho most approyed and modern patterns. SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the oneral trade are invited to call. We will treat you well. tlw 248 Commercial Street. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, ?200,00l) Transact a gonornl bunking buslnojs In nil Its brauches. tJ.C.SHERMAN, U, K, Pension and Claim agent. P.O Box 281. salem, Orog m Deputy county Clorl' Vrlt- for bluiiks " DUGAN BROS' Plumbing and ileating Co., Wholesale and;ietall denleihlit STEAM AND 1'LUMBIKIJ GOODS. .) Cam mercial htrcct. Tflephone No. a.) For Sale. Thrfe lot in North halem on fctrcct car line, also 21 ucrtB Jrult laud alouts4 mliea oast or Balein. Call on v. w. cLiiueiufiSox, HUto lnkurance Ulllcc Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRKNTri, Manager. Loch Box 1210, Seattle. Wnb JJrecdtirt tlri uorougUbred l'oultry offol imlUif arlellea: ti. V. WJilto tgliorm, H. C. Ilrown UK bornf, White l'lymoulh llockJ, liarred nymoulh Jlockn, I'll Orijim, JUtk Lang shanu. Light; Urabinniu, Hun" Cochin, ttirtrldgeCchlu., ilroum Turkey . fxii'l ior( irrtiUrand J'rlce liiU White's No. 60, bALHM'rf VISESV TRUCK, JJow ready for biulnttw. -ViieJtal woric a jialty. J.r. wUJfK. OKO. WU.LIAMH Wxi h'MI.AMI liUUJl MONAHY I'rehUlen .Vice i'roHldenl .Cashler DIUKCTOHB: Geo. WllUnuifl.Wm. Kng land, Dr. J. A. Itlchardson, J. W. Hodon, J. A. JSakor. , , Hank In new Kxouange block on Com mercial Btrnet. K-ia-ll Authorized Capital 00,000, CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halem, Oregon. W. A. UUMIK. I'lTT" W. W. MAItTIN, Vice i'rts. J. 11. ALHhlir, Cunhltr. Htato, Counly and City WurranU bought at 1'ur. dw I'HOFKSSION.VIi CA11DS. JJ.SHAW, Bt. W. HUNT. BIIAW & , HUNT, attorney at law. omceovcr Capital National bank, Balem, Oregon. GEO. II. UUIINKTT, Attorney at law, Halem, Urvgm. OHlco over Ldd A Hush's bank. 1 T. 1UC1IAUDSON, Attorney nt law, ). offlco up talrs tn front rooms of new ush block, corner Commercial and Court atreeui, Balem, Oregon. JOHN A. OAltsON, Attorney at law. HoomsSann 4, Lada A HuhU'r bank building, Balem, Oregon. 8 1 lyr U. V. IIONHAM. W. JI. HOLMES. Boniiam & Hoi.vkb, Attorneys at law. Olllco In Hush's block, botween 8tale and Court, on Com'ISt. rplLMON KOKD, attorney at law, Salem, L Oregon. Olllco uptalra in l'altou's Clock. BH. HllADdHAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Burgeon, Kalem, Oregon. Oillce In l-.Klrldge block, upstairs oer Williams . Kiulaiul's bank ltcsldcnce corner btato nud B, K. comer Inter street. WH. YOUNG, M. V., Olllco formerly . occupied by Dr. llowland, corntr Court and Liberty streets. Telephone No. 45. OUU-e heun: 8 a. m, to 12; 2 to 4 p. m., nml 7 to 9 p. m. Itesldence ISth slluot on electric car lino. Telephone No. 9. "VroAFEfi. & HIIOOKS, rhjslclaus 1VJ. and Surgeons. Murphy blck, up stairs, L'ominetciul sileet, fiileni, Or. TU. W. S MOrr, physician and mr. IJ geou. Olllco in Cldrldgo lllooit, Sa loni, Oregon. Olllco hours 10 to Ilia, in 2 to 4 p. 111. 171 U.PHILHUOOK.M D.,HoincopathlsL 11, Olllco 153 Court street; Residence 17 High street. Get-ural pracllco. Hpeolal attention given to dlteascs ol Women and children. Dll. JUNTA H. A. DAVIS. Olllco hours, a. m. to 11a. 111; 2 p. 111. to 3 p. m. Day or night calls piomptty alttndeil to. special attention given to disoubes or wom en and children, oitlro tn Acw Hiinklilk., B05 Uoinmciolal stieet. Kealdenuu same. DR. T. C. SMITH, Dcntlst.lU Hluto street, Halmi, Or. KlnlRlind dental opera tions 01 every description. Painless opera tions a specialty. WD.POGll, Architect, Plans, Sped , flcatlons nnd siiporlntendatice lor all classes of buildings. Olllco OK) Com iiuerclal tit., up Blalrs, OA. ItOHi;ilT, Architect, room 121. Mar . quam building. Portland, OrCfcOH. MONEY TO LOAN. hpeclnl Inducements for the imxt 20 days on (food farm loans, FEAR & HAMILTON, Jlooni II, Hush Hank block. 6 I2d fMPIinVK!) OUDKIt OK IIKII MKN. I Kamhikuu 'JrlboNo. 8, Haltm. Holds council every Thurtday evening, at 7J0. Wigwam In Mat Insurance hull, K. O.UaK Kit, Prophet. PItANK O. WATKHH, Chief of Kecord. J. M, Neeclham, JIOUE PAINTING, KALHO- MINING, PAIMSR HANOTNG, NATURAL WOOD FINIriUING. Leavf ordem-J. Trwlu'n, re cIBiutth a Httlncr's drug store. HU.SIN1M UAJillS. HOEYE A MILLS, Pioprletors U10 1'orce lain HathiinilMliavlugParlOM, Have tne only Porcelain Haili Tubs In tho city. 'AH Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. S PRAGUE A ALLEN. HlaeksmitlH nnd horcshoelug ond reptlrlng. Only tho best workmen employed. Opposite State Insuranco building A U. SMITH A CO., Contractors, Bower A. lng. Cement Hlrfrwalks, Excavating, F'.tc: All work promptly done, Salem, Oi. I.eue Orders with Dusau Hro3. 4.15-lm PJ. LARBEN A CO,, Manumoturo of all , klndsof vehicles. Repairing a sfeclnl ly. Shop 45 Htato street. CARPET-LAYING. I mako a sp"clulty 01 caipet-Hcwlng and laying; cirpets taken upand rolaidwithguutcaie. Leae orders with J. H. Luna, Huren .v Kon or WhltcCorner. J. G.LUHKMA 1. DAKOTA POWr" S.1AKE. JOHN KNIGHT, Hlaeksmlth. Hor.t shooing and rep Urine; a specially HI101 no IOOI 01 e,iueriy sireei, c-uienunviuu, Mthel LVClf For Sale. "iO ArrP. imJir lence. with balance timber, will sell all or part, cheap, on reasouablo term?. JAMES WARNER, balem. Or. P.O. Ilox.M). (HB-tJ-dw Capital City Rdairat Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Mcah at All Hours oltlio Day Nono but white labor employed Hi thh establishment. A good substantial ineal ccnlrod In I'rst class style 'I wenty-llve reuU per meal, R H D FRONT Court strtwt, botween Opeia .llouw anil Mlnto's Llvory X Truly HemnrkaM Crltno That Is or Great llMtA tn Oic Farmer. In central Dal&tn, a tho "Missou ri bottoms," thoro oris ta, one of na tnro'3 Btrangc3t freaks, llio Bottlonj term it tlio "iiunip Bnalco." Kow it camo tboro nnd wliero it canio from is yet unknown. It fii-st mado its appearance in Emmoua county in tbo springtime o 188C. A full grown pump snako measures about sixteen feet in length, anil about threo inches in diameter. They aro of gregarious habits, roaming tho prairies in largo herds, as many as 300 having been counted in a singlo Hock. In dissecting ono of theso reptiles thero is found a tubo, which extends from tho root of tho jaw to tho ox tromity of tho tail and terminates in an opening. This tubo is about two inches in diameter and lined with a tough, yielding substanco similar to rubber. Tho pump snako is easily trained to answer tho call of man. Tho inhabitants of this sec tion trap them in largo numbers. A farmer on Cat Tail creek has a flock of twenty pump bnakes trained to a remarkable degreo of proficioncy. At tho blast of a wlnstlo tho Bnakes assemble ou tho banks of tho creok. The leader (thoro is always a leader to a herd of theso snakes, who is elected by a two-thirds majority) dashes into tho water of tho creek, leaving only tho extremity of its tail on tho bank. Another snako immediately grasps tho end of tho leader's tail in its jaws, a third snako takes hold of tho sec ond snake's tail in a similar manner, and so on, extonding to tho wator troughs in tho cattlo yards, 800 feet away. Tho leading snako begins to swallow or pump tho water of tho creek, which passes through tho long lino of snakes as it would through a hoso, and falls in a heavy stream into tho trough. Tho agriculturist told of an ex traordinary circumstanco which oc curred a short time ao. TThile work ing in tho field near his homo ho ob served flames issuing from tho roof of his barn. Wild with excitement ho humed to tho burning building, only to seo that it was a hopolefes task for hiuisolf alono to attempt to extinguish tho flames. In despair ho gazed ou tho destruction. Suddenly ho hoard a loud rustling in tho tall grabs, whonco issued his hord of pump snakes on tho run. Tho leador hurled himself into tho creok, tho rest instantly adjusting themselves heads and tails from tho creok to tho burning building. Tho last snake, standing on its head waved its long and floxiblo - body, from tho tail of which issued a stream of wator that was thrown with torriilo forco on tho burning building. Back and forth dashed tho tail ond of tho living hoso, squirting tho wator whoro it would do tho most good, while tho loud pumping of tho leador could bo hoard nbovo tho roar of tho conflagration. With in iif toon minutes tho lost spark was out. Then, nnd not until thon, did tho pump Bnakes quit work. Thoy woro completely exhausted, tho lead er having fainted dead away. Tho main part of tho building and its contonts woro baved thanks to tho prcsonco of mind of thoso won derful snakes. Firo and Water. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Utiles, $2.50 ioliH.OO pur Day. Tho best hotel belwoii Portland andHiu; Kranclsco. KlrstcLiss In all 1U apnolnl. ments. Its tables ure served with thf Choicest If'ruttti Grown In the Willamette Valley A, I. WAGNER, Prop. .ARANjSSE) TS3 H Jw?; iMKturasncn CURB Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest IT. S. Gov't Food Report. RoYa (A Baking Powder Mm& ABSOLUTELY PURE 1v t HAYMAKING IN THE ALPS. to A now and C uiinlctelrcniriieiit. constat Ingof supponltorles, oliitmiiiil In capsule, alo a box and pills; a posltltu cure lor ox tenia), Interim), blind or lilt eilliig, itching chronic, recent or hiie-dtmry Pllc, and many other dUeascs and lemale weak ticssts; It In m1 Will 11 u prat bom .'It to tlio general health jIiu ilrsl rilscotcry ol a inidlcal cure lenderlii'r an operation with tho knife iiniiuuBiary lieiealler, 'I Ills remedy has nevei biou known to fill, fl nor box.Ofor 15; sunt by mall. Why sillier from this terrible dlaeise when 11 written guarantee Is given with U bozow, to lefuud the money II not cured. H-ndbtumpforlrce sample, (Juarfnli-o tsuied by Wooiiauii, (JI-aiikk A. Co., whole-all) uiid retail drug gists, sole agents, Portland, Or. 64-ly-dw J. H. HAAS, TILE WATCIOIAKJflR, 2MVi Commtftlil St., sle-n, Oregon, (Ntul door to Kioto's.) Hptclally ol UpoctHcli, and repalrlny Clocks, Walc.iiw. and Juwplr E. (J. CKOSS, and Packer Htat Hi. and Court Ht-Tbo bet meat delivered to ull parW of the ell v. E. K.HALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator, Olfcoe at ChnsrUulVert's Milllonny store, tiUHW, vitKu, j Tim Steins of the Prickly Pour. In most plants, to put it Bi'mply, tho leaves aro tho mouths and stoni iii'lis of tho organism; their thin and flattened blades aro spread out hori zontally in a wido oxpauso. covered with tiny throats nnd lips which suck in carbonic acid from tho sur rounding air, and disintegrate it in thoir own colls undor tho influence of hunlight. In tho prickly pears, on tho contrary, it iB tho flattonod stem and branches which undortako this essential operation in tho llfo of tho plant tho sucking in of carbon and giving out of oxygon, which is to tho vegetable exactly what tho oat intr and digesting of food is to tho animal orgunism. In thoir old ugo, however, tlio steniH of tho prickly pear display thoir trao character by becoming woody in toxturo and losing their articulated, leafliko ai peatanco. Grant Allen in Popular Science Monthly. llliiiiilurbuss. In using tho word "blundorbuss" wo unconi-ciouhly imply a uouso of disparagement for tho shooting pow orw of our forofathora contrasted with tho precision of tho modem nflo. Tlio word itsolf has, however, u terrible enough meaning, and dis dains all connection with "blundor," "IJliintlcrbuHH," in fact, as wo havo it, is a fitrango corruption porhaps not nltogothor untinged with tho KciiHO and Hound of "blunder" of tlio old Dutch word "donderlmss," which can bo litorally translated into the English "thunder box'' or "thunder ban'ol." Chambore' Journal. Ilnw tho Itnrdy Slonntnlueor lias Labor to Get n Precarious Living. Itis astrango nndsavagorevoronco which tho peasants feel for tlio mountains. With no peoplo is tho love of homo and tho native soil so strongly developed. Every littlo scrap of ground is turned to tho best account. If a few square yards can auywhoro bo mado or reclaimed tlio roquisito labor is not grudged. Many of these sturdy peoplo compel an in credibly littlo spot of ground to yield them enough and somo to sparo. This surprising product from a soil, much of it very poor, is duo to tho perfection of spado work. Each field, or rather patch, has tho perfection of shapo given to it to faciUtato cul tivation and drainage. Tho peasants say, "If tho plow has a plowsharo of iron, tho spado has a point of gold." In tho mountainous districts es pecially tlio man makes tlio very soil. Ho builds terraces along steep in clines, lines them, with blocks of stone, and thon packs tho earth to them. Thus ho transforms tho moun tain and tho rock into a littlo patch wliero ho plants a vino or raises a lit tlo oats or maizo. Up tho heights of rocks wliich even goats cannot climb, on tlio very brow of tho abyss, tho peasant goes in search of grass, clinging to tlio precipico with iron clampers on his foot. Ho hangs on tho sides of tlio roclcs wliich imprison tho valley, and mows down a fow tufts of graBS from craggy sholves. Tho peasant mountain mower is accustomed to all tlio perils of tho mountain, and tho day boforo tho mowing season begins a day fixed by communal docreo ho bids faro woll, porhaps for tho last timo, to his wifo and children. His scytlio on his Bhoulder, armed with his iron shod stick, provided with his clampirons, a cloth or not rolled up in his bag, ho sots out at mid night, in order that tho dawn may find him at his work. During tho two months of hny harvost ho goes down to tho villago only thrco or four times to renew his supply of food or linon. By this hard and perilous occupation an Al pine mower inakos from throo to fivo francs a day, his food not included, and many times uudor somo project ing rock ho mustseok a bed and pass tlio night. Once dried, this wild hay is cai-o-fully gathered into a cloth or not and earned down to tho first littlo plain whoro it can bo made into a Btack, which is loaded with largo stones to provent its being blown away. In winter, when ovorything is cov ered with snow, tho mowor climbs again tho porpondicular sido of tho mountain, carrying hia littlo woodon sledgo on his shouldors. Ho loads it with hay, seats himselt in iront and shoots down with tho swiftness of an arrow. At times the snow, softened by tho warm wind wliich blows upon tho heights, is dotached in an avalancho behind him and swallows him up bo foro ho reaches tho valloy. Indeed, in theso dcop solitudes whoro tho grass is found, tho lifo of man is so exposed and accidents aro so frequent that tho law forbids that thoro should bo more than ouo mowor in a family. Boyd Winchester's "Swiss Republic." Animals That Catch Pish, Thoro nro plenty of wildcats bo twoeu Wellileot and El wood, Nob. On Modlcino creek thoy trap for beaver. It bcems to bo a favorito fiBhing placo for beaver and coons. Yes, coons will fish. Thoy havo littlo paths down to tho edgo of tho Htrcam, and thoro Hccroting thora tiolvcs catch fish with thoir paws. Wolves and coyotes nro numerous, but aro rarely struck by an engine Near the Herbort ranch, cast of Ciioyeniio, I havo seen a coyote on a wire fence, which seems to havo been thrown thoro by an ongiuo. The wolf of tho plains is either caught in traps or by sportsmen closing in on a pack iuadrivo. Somo limes thoy are killed by ranchmen putting poison on tho carcasses o cattlo and sheep. Wolves hamstring and thon kill stock. Tho wolf drive is a fino sport on tho plainB. Inter viow in Denver Nowb. Ueforo Starting on a formation as to tha most desirable rout Mi Journey rcr A person penally desires to gain some bt- take, and will purchase tickets via the out j$ mat win niiora mm mo quick est ana em I time table of th sorvlco. Ueforo starting on a trlpto Uhl- ia yov Wisconsin Central Line. The trains rn on this route aro vcstlmtloandarecaalppra with Pullrann'HlalestDrawlng ltnotn Sleep ers, elegant Oay Coaches and Dining Gam of latest design, built expressly for this ser vice, and are exnulslto In iurnlshlnes and convenient and comfortable In arrange ment nnd se complete In every detail that they have no superior in comrort and ele gance. The dining car service la pronoun ced by all tho roost elegant ever inaugur ated, and Is operated In the luUncst of lb patrons. Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central Lines leavo Minneapolis dally at lli:46p.m, and (1:25 p in., and St.- PanlntliOp. m and 7:15 p. m., making favorable connec tion with all trains from the West and Southwest. e For tickets, mans, namnhlets and full Information apply to u, F. McNeill, C. t. and T, A., Minneapolis, Minn., and to Jae, ', U Pond, General Passenger and Tiota Agent, Chicago, IU. ,WWT Summons. . In the Circuit Court of the State of Of gon ror tho county 01 Marlon. James Shirley, plaintiff, YS. A, L, Uodson, V. K. Hudson, J. V.Hodeo :, llelle Ilodson, Ulancho Hudson, LavtMj. MCiorinicK. vy. xi. iucvAirmioK, s,j.jh. ingioii, u. w. uiiungiou,w. xe. iiomtoij. ii.uu iioiison, v, r. xuompson Ilrey, deleudenls. To A. (J. Urey, tho defendant ahoyo named V- Af In t he name of the btate of Oregon, yov before the M are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled ngafust, you In ilh nbovo entitled suit, on or Monday in Juue.lrttt, to-wlt: JuneI3,18tR. tho same halng tho first day of the next term of tho abovo entitled court, and If ou fail so to answer lor ant (hereof, iilaiutlll'wlll iiimlv to the court for the re lief demanded therein, to-wlt: A Judg ment against defendants, A. L. ilodson and O. K. Ilodson for tho sum of ?H0O. . to gather with lutere&t thereon at the rate of ten nor cent, rwr annum lrotn November 0, lw&. less tho following pay meuta thereon, io:wu: siiuiNovomooru, iNi.;: jriiuiovein berti, 18SI; 50 August ai.lsso; J101 July,-Xt 1887; Ftj.tu Decern bor 12, 18.8; 30;Augut JO, law); J7.'i5 May 5, 1801; $J0 October 8, YbUl: also that plaintltr have Judgment agalDM said deleudants lor SlfXI us attorney's fee in this suit, and that plaintltr havo Judg ment agalutt said defendants for all oosui and dtsbursementa of this suit. Beoond, a decree for tho ioreclosure and salaagatrsat you and all of the abovo named defend nntt, of the mortgage property mentioned. in lnltitlt1& ,-nmrtltiliit tn.v?ll. Tim ftaute tlonal h- K. K, being the y. K of tho,d, JC M 'M and loM land a of section Vain t. 8; 0. H.9--"S vr.,v. m. ana ine iractiouai w. ;-h 01 in? m. vr.Vi of section 8U, r. 8, a. 11. 2 vv., W. M., cone lUneresnflof the east side ol the nrste tloualw. HotiUof.yiot tho s. w. section ou in inu lorin 01 u puroieiiognu extending acrces said land. There hell In all uf this cou ovance 151.01 acres or la less 17K acres off of lot No. 2 deeded to John WitUchtm. All of Bald land slloataa In Marlon county, State of Oregon. Ily MM sherlU of Marlon county, Oregon, accord- lug to law nud the practice ot this court; that the proceeds of said sale may- be ap plied In payment ol tho amount due v the plaintiff, and that said defoudantsADd) Jin Wrote Three Hands. It is now well understood that tho lawyer of whom Dickons speaks as writing threo hands ono which he himholf only could read, ono which only his clerk could read and ono wliich nobody couiu read was joun Bell, of tho chancery bar. Jumea Jayn. So Many Obstacle. Strangor High stejiiKira appear to bo very faflhionablo hero. Horse Dealer Yea, Hir. No othor kind can get around New York, sir, without breaking thoir nocks. Now York Weekly. Everybody know whitt it is, and tiiutlnthw reuson they no to TU-I lenliruud'o fur tlmt pure Ice creum soda, each of them, and all lMirsonsclalmlng t dortiiem,and each of them.oranyofthein, subsequtut to said mortguguon said prcuv lses, either us purchasers, lncumbrXncer or otherwise may be ba rred and foreclosed of all rights, claim or equity of redemption in tho said premises and every part thereof and that tho plalntlll may have Judgment and execution against the said defendant U. 10. ilodson nnd A. L. Ilodson lor any de ficiency which may remain after applying all thonroceedsoflhesaloofsald nremunl properly applicable to tho satisfaction of said Judgment, Third, that tho plaluUli; or any oilier party 10 me buii, may ueeonw apuichassorat saldsalo, that the sheriff execute a certificate ol sale to the purchas er and that tho said purchaser he let into possession of tho said premises production, of tho shertll's oertlneato of sulo thereof, and that at the expiration or the time Cot redemption, that tho sheriff execute", deed to tho purchaser of said promise, unless redeemed as required by lawj tha the plalntlll may have such other and fur ther ro.lef In the premises as to tills court mav seem meet and enultable. You, will furthor take notice that this summon i eorved on you by publication In the Cam- tax. jouiiNAL. ot Baieiu, juanoa couniy, Oregon, by order of lion. It. P.lloise, Jnda of the above entitled court, madoatlfnstnv . hers at uaiein, Marion county,. ure Anrtl 'Jl.lKII-i. itrilnrlni nnfl. illrkM-llnar s tid summons be published therein one m-'i wmb: tor six consecutive wcoks. H.T. ltIOUAUl)OK. 4-287t Attorney for PtalutW. Executrix Notice M XrOTIOU Is hereby given that tbe undtry IX signed has this day been appoint., ed by tho lion. County Court of :Matrto cotintv. executrix of the last will and turn tameul of Charles Plgler, deceased. llpflr d sons having bills agulnst said estate HJ requested to present mem to inn at znjrJ restuence corner u una uiu sireete, i wood addition to Halem. nronerlyve nersoiis knuwlus themseUes Indebted said estate are reciuested to make luinwdVr J ute payment. unAn 1'iui.ut, Anril U2. Xh'.fL tficni it. HAMUKit, Attorney for Admbif utrix, -xwmm A How Slutlmd of I'ltylug Ifolji, Anow solution of tho wage prob lem is reiwrtcd fr,om Bolfast. A Bhopkcoier hired a clork and ixtid him four dollars for tho first week. At tho end of tlio second week tho clerk was surprised when ho received only thrco dollars, and ho asked tho reason of tlio cut down. "Why," re sponded tho shopkeopor, "you know moi-o alxnit tlio business now, nud the work must come easior to you." Tlio clork, fearing a continued appll-cation-of tho unique theory, resigned. Lowistou (Mo.) Journal, Citation. In the County Court, for theCouuiy of rlou, Htale of Oiegoa. In the matter of estate of) .,, i:volllio Cox. deceased f '-"l-l" To ull the heirs of said decedent, k or unknown. UIlKtCliXUi ' In the name of the btate of Oregon, are nereuy uueu anu requiroa to the county umrtuf theouitoof On the County of Marlon ou Monday, t day 01 July. Ib'Ji, at 10 o'clock, In tl noon of that day. then and there t cause. If any theie buwh? an orders not be made authorizing and emnoweii the admlntstratorot said estate 10 mu I real property ueionging to sain m which Is described as follows to-wlt: 8,11, 10 and 11 In block 'u,M as shows the amended putt of cupltul purs a to tho City ot Buloui in Alarlou Oregon. Wanes), the Hon. T.L.David for the County of Alarlou with the 1 said court athx. this lAlli davof Jun. Attest: U.lt. HHhltMAt. OL Ily FitAWK Y, WATKtW, I)oty. ISEAUJ A Cage of lied lllrds. A lady in Springflold has a large cage full of red birds. Sho owned at first ouo tauo rod bird, and one wild bird after another came visitiug him . till tlio cage vtut occupied by tha vol- AdmuiWsty votary captive-.. Kawaa qtyRrtwr. " c?Jj Ailmlnlstrator'H Sal. -VT fJTIOK is hereby trlven tluU "lur XS of au order and licence otmlm made by the county court of MMMtt a, ty, urtgun, on the lUd day of Uaf, nuiuurtsiujs UUU VllllJtVCTK iub i mlul.trator ol tbe estate of wmtf uwuutiu, iu mm 1 1 lie rHi (in after described for the 1 claims auulu.t the estate oi said 1 1 win on Saturday, tha 2d day of July, I at the hour of 1 o'clock p. u. In noou of saia ay at tue uoor 01 court bou.e to UAhmi, MmIob i uou. sell at uublka auotlou for 4 on the day of sals, to the ulgt the right, title, lalerwtt wtii sum Meury ums. oa ull the right. the lime of tutu death,- Ui lowlug dertbd rwl proMrty, ooMtiwIfut Uui Bvrinweii au tiotltl.T. s., k. 9 n., isftwn MwMtau oort euumuttuc-tBi siiuata m Manga mtwfiti M SMMtAthMsi 'iHiHq pi I nwn 1 dimWMlilllU