Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 21, 1892, Image 4

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r tit
. jtry
Tbs majority of rell-read phys
icians now believe that Consurap
tion is a germ disease. In other
tx&, instead of being in the con
stitution itself it is caused by innc
werable snail creataras living in the
facags fcavingno business there and
eating then swsy as caterpillars do
the leaves of trees.
A Germ The phlegm, that is sie bsi. Tea
coached nn is tace ictra jeerGiae.
Disease. parts of the Itmgs
which harebeen
gaawtsioa and destrojed. These
little barfUi, as the gems are rr..r?d,
are too r-ni to be seen with the
mied eye, bat they are verr much
alive just the same, and enter the
fcodr in car food, in the air we
breathe, and throcgh the pc-rs of
theskia. Thence they get into the
Kood and Snaliv arrive at the :trcs
srhere ther fasSen andincre-e -vein
irirfitn-l mneditv. Then
Syrap comes in, loosens them, fails
them, extwais them, heals the places
they leave, and so nosrb and
soothe that, in a short tine ecc--ntrp-th-es
becsrne getm-prccfary -rej .1
a KT2T ' " ,-"?. -"e? !
CURS. Sj?5
W F 4 rf? $
SG Ess a aa 3
EOT? In n fftne. Pavtaasou
. Pclzli Ftfe. KVoc r wax
!iv-t F-eJ- Or5 mIm. - -tiara.
SotmScx. MUk . ai Soxiatat
er3 trCt. UILES -. ViEA-TtUE.
1H. A.T Drt.s - r f ' v.
ftnT men .J Btiiii - ki.
troseiI wk I- - I-'-"1'; t' . cf
ES. MILE3 ht-JiT CUKE cscr-S r -pert
Locxa, aacaaaax. Xi' S- E- - Jl
:?tt2Kc fca . Saj uiea DR. HOa' cAT
CURE i-nltrtwa4''aicwtTr -tf Uru
HctrtIT-ii.t-.; t. toe two ; - :
JtjsSS IxJ. eat D'.MHcfi can Curs i4
Cr,ttUes Ji5odicaI Cc,EJJchartf !nd.
Sold tj l J fly l-r.T."
Rli fsh-T' Cxsimlr TV Aiwa; -
01r dtr." b saM. s b x!srw si5e
fise iuj-, "1 w tfet e McrtsS rtre
ratora i-rtrtl a iacciaiewn taJe ia
T, SSvxnl." sfe seJ. koiiag mrr
ti tlr ef btr o&ffwicap.
"I wiD so "wi:h ya al tsci oct a
fcaT b Traanac go
I irQl show yxw thai il
i iaW to st scc2biEsr e-?ast at a
lew Srare. THs extaracsac asaces
TriTes xnui 3 1? fSet?."'
Xtt tbeo."' be irii5;ered. a tbey
.mJKred tiae Jce. xar iao:fcr nertr
ps54raeffetirwi53fc-abBt.a3d tbpr
doaT tteSia fatTJiavawKTss ? pe
drt--3 irtjcaia ia txnrs. I skill take
nUiera aft-erfer."
"Taie it jmr. taie it E'cravr be
cafpnl as ta eierk sboorcd a frrhjfc
we tM&): I bsve j-zst es&p&& frwasoia
C-err-an arla? I ta af:er ose of tbose iuci-
&5tj aet, I y', such 5 I read aboat tc
Jbe rapT.""
AaT' be lerasrid, nbat u mere liie
it, sir. Fcr dcJfers! Tco car, toi
dean rtE, I bie to be KbersJ cceaswrj-allr.-
He lajde a wrx fae aad fte laid il
aside tritb a sxgk.
"TTn, Trdir beejtcalatftJ, "if be.-
isn't a ba: tfcat I Kke better. Six co2
brs e" Weil, Ast is toa uear, bat i
is becossics-. ScH, I Troeud sot Kit
Jo bar it, as I asi afrs ayaaAir
sroaid tarn over ia ber jraTe."
"Here, raSKaer," be K'eti ca as be
caazbt bis wtfe pwprrqr ia tie glsii, oa
, n , - .. j . . -ii
IOtT KH i Cii Qi:i?l iTIl7 ucu:
bere, jast -wrap ap tba: lirue tbiag in
' bene and sead it boiae. Tbe iooger ire
tftav tbe raore perpsexed e bxKae.
Tbere is aodnair Kie proap rad", even
I ia da world of fashion. Gtwbr, Itrre:
I I aai o2 for tbe See."
! "Ifcd that tbiar cwrae, eb be
rsreetlr that eTeainz. as be sani
! aa tasj ih-r after diaatr.
' "It did, Edward; it is jan lerely: let
ess shoTS" ycc'
Sbe stood l;f are tbe class a leas tine:
betra regardiag ber -aitb ljj-H"-iiq: face:
x.t "r vtt-yf , it ttss a F!r-t !scie tarrure.
Ut )"... , , . ., v:j.
i "it is ! bwKarag, zsr dear. Aad 1 ssp
f p3t tbe bill csaie, :w. eai""
; "Yes, Bd-sraid, dearie. It is oaly for
1 tx-fosr dollarsr Keir Yori Etcorder.
i TCanted to B-t.
t A Pbiladelpbia dry gtods taan aad a
STortsxa&n rtcentlr toai a pacbttbost
fr&ai P:ibsrs o Ciacsaati to attead
, a !(
WT--"' N
ye-j-r.cx. v .-. ..-i
" iKl re t04a3C255i- ' cf the
Jf-5 jf 1 fflLS races. Tbey passed tbr tirce very
"V t" Tr--.! pleasaatlyiabetaag axaoag theiaselTes
r 1. fc' . tsosKii j aad wita tbe otbtar xasAcagcrs. Tbe
SS-4'" V Pcfl sport Tras ready to -vrager anytbia? he
if- otft jsrss, , possessed oa aaytbia? he happened to
i-v-ijra- i ,,v (,r ThT made bets ca tie srrfi
beat, oa the aes cf passeagcrs,
saaies of passiag boats. Suddea-
6d by D. J. Fry. dmr'fcm lJt if 5 "JSS
(Tt. "T rt'
.-. Pe.
3s ifli.fh
Oati Zbit tstt prcperfyecaiiiasanpplycl
9 Root!
iicb adds to the esjorctrt cf a:3 s '
dxIntis,jtQdt3aJ:esapcnC3 p- .
vtJ7 popnlir bevenge.
Doa't b (J-criTtd !f a initr, t
tf U-r rrofit. tLt jrta tc t
U"itjood" !&!. ,,
uutxdjitihc gessas Una'
of tbaader. The boiler of tbe psctet-
i boat bad exploded. The drsaxraer aai
1 his fnecd, tbe sport, fouad thealTes
hnrlfdapiato the air -mtb sarpruh.,;
impetuosity. For a while ererytbing
was black brfore tbe druiajaers eye
' aad he felt death rcacoaiforrably near
Preseatly be beard the voice of tbe sport
sayias, "IT1 bet you a bnndncd that 1
will fly higher than yoc."
Til taie yon," replied tbe drummer.
The coicraercial tourist is iacliaed to
t thiak that the other tnaa woa tbe bet
' as he has not come dowa yet, oral least
sobodr has sa hiia reach terra aVa-a
Philadelphia Times.
tm ni r 1 1 .ii
CircamHnrf Alter Cte.
A lady of about thirty years of ae
i married a wealthy old bachelor of Dal
i las. A female fnend asked her:
"Bat tell me, vhy didn't you laarry
your husband tea years ago?"
"Well, you see, ten years ago 1
thought he was too old for me." Texas
I Sifting?.
Dovn to a Fine Xoint.
Mamie You don't speak to Henry
not got over that lovers quarrel ye:?
B-lle Xo. He is sulking. I tnppoie
he thinks I ought to speak 2r;t.
Mamie Why not? Very few young
ladies have the art of "making up" as
yon have. Boston Post.
Circus Man (hunting for a stray ele
phant) Have you seen a strange animal
Irishman Begorra, Oi have that.
There was an injur rubber bull around
here pullin carrots wid his taiL Har
vard Lampoon.
500 IXirWlSHS
L". T. 9.V..
A Ton a AVctL.
"Papa," said Willie, "what makes
coal burn?"
"Our hired man, Willie," answertd
papa. Truth.
A Leading Qantlon.
V RIcliau'i GoMen Italian X 1
Cut CiAJwrrs nv aal KO&i -a,
Suites tl Lie ul hiri tor .-
tjcj, .t te , LnrrJicrS bjo&cka
nliitielUunB.!uuJ Sai, tr-i a:t
rrtisarr iorat ct U ducaM Isirra u
inJbux. I'rlce, ti OO per Uaflle.
Vm Kleu' Coldra lUIuu Xo.5
OzttTtnixzj. UrrcsiUl$rti. -lit JLbta
rmtitm. l'iia la It P.jori, rust ta ltd
HttJ. tiit U tb 'sk. Uttnud Eon
Ttrtut, ji1Ajc ICjub, Lbsim aai coa.
XncXfi Curt, Uintsi UnLiata,aaJ
crvllavtca a3 diwat froca lit jrun,
htar casiol Ijr lal'jrntko cr aiM
d Mrrcsrf, kariif ti tixl r -J
fccalthr. lrlr S OO per Hottle.
Io Itlthau'i Golden Kinlth AbiIi
data tit U con l Casrrta, GtL
ImUtloaOrartl.a2kl ail I'tisiry cr GttS
ul iUtrrctSttU. Irlc94 Sa pet
1 Klctum'e CoUaa RputUtt In.
Jeetlen, la-ttr ttrU CoaMrb'ta,
lBAwalory Glwt. Buvt3rra.tr. Price
Ct Su per Bottle.
t BUbaa'i Oaldea Olntaneal
tar IM (fnt-n fcUax it SrrkSili tone
uiimtaca, 1VW 1 68 per Box.
L Rltkaa'a Golden IUI-.SfrM
aat 9nia mmrnt,tj m el o-i4ral pj
r. cxseM of crer-vrtt, n tfiirt-ai. eta
lric B ee per Boa.
Toala aa Nerrlaa,
nrTUn,CQ&timmir 9X
nc MCMutfis'iiui ca
feUa eTraligtiX, Qt
He It was just about here that I used
to loss Hetty Morris.
Sbe Well, I suppose you will do
something of the sort now by force of
habit? Harper's Barer.
. How a YTeaaaa Oieetr a !!.
( Ibey aay."" ad it was a uri who
waa f"f. "that a fail marries a
pn?tty hand, a stray nngkt, a tnek
of looking down, some bttle poa-t of
expresaon or fignre tatcbes bis fancy
; axsd obiitera'esall other qualities ia
tbe woman be chooses; and this
may be so, bat what Tin sere is so is
tvi a woman trdaM a bouse oa the
same principle.
"Five years ago we took a bonse
on a thrve years" leas solely be
cause it bad a swinging ball Lamp
srodded with cat's eyes. Theghtter
of these things bewitched my wifea
usaal good judgment. When, after
we moved in, we foond the cellar
damp and the furnace poor. I rather
taxed her with want of forethought,
she confessed that the hpd not con
sidened these thxncs as fully as she
ought. 1 was dreadfully tired the
day 1 saw this house, and the ball
was attractive with that pretty lamp
and the bookcase built in the back
Xarior. The lamp renlly got us tbe
house Two years ago we rented
another house which we are leaving
because of various imperfections, en
tirely overbalanced in my wife's
eyes" by the delightfully cozy win
dow swats which the BorrSon front of
the house afforded. The back yard
settles and floods the cellar every
time it rains or snows, tbe kitchen
chimnev smokes from an mcuraldy
defective flue, bat all is forgotten be
fore those dazzling inducements. I
am choosing our house this time.
Her Point
of View in New York
As Anecdote of Coatcre.
Couture was aa excellent master
and took great interest in the prog
ress of his pupils. His great preempt
was, "Look at nature: copy nature."
He published a bttle bVk full of guod
advice to young artists, giving the
result of many years experience.
All his pupils were fosd of him,
which proves that the exterior pecu
liarities which semen ;?i'-s shocked
strangers were soon overlooked by
those who were able to appreciate
his sterling qualities. A man who is
loved by the members of bis family,
to whom all his friends remain faith
ful and who is appreciated by young
people is sure to he of a thoroughly
lovable nature. Still it must be
owned that the first impression was
not always quite agreeable.
On one occasion an American, a
rather shy and exquisitely polite gen
tleman, and a great admirer of Cou
ture's talent, went, provided with a
letter of introduction, to pay his
respects to the master. The master
w&3 in his bath, but when his wife
told btTTi of the visit. "Let him come
inf exclaimed he, and much to our
countryman's confusion, he was re
ceived by Couture soaking placidly
in his bath. He rather splashed his
visitor, for, like many Frenchmen, he
gesticulated freely while conversing.
G. P. A. Healv in Cenrurv.
ramlUarllSe Not Entertained Kr by
ta- OUd of .Modern Athens.
Tto bttle i,.rl sitting in the midst
ofs $ kof Lcgcage near tbe end of
thv u.-iU ch but one was irrisistJ
Ky vi She was so very unall
that U t bead did not reach the top
of thetcat, and her fact were a long
way from reaching tbe floor. ?ho,
had a ttonghtful look in her dark
blue eyea and the portly old tntule
nian with glasses con! 1 not forbear
to pause and smile benignly ujou ,
ber. The child fixed herglan-e ujon
his ruddy countenance. Imt her sober
expression did not soften in tbeleast.
The old gentleman felt interested
and smiled more pronouncedly. The
little tnrl never moved a nrasele.
"Bless me. thought the portly.
party. "I must speak to her."
He cleared his throat and peered
over his glasses in the most friendly ,
way imaginable.
"And whese bttle girl is thir be
cheerily inquired, opening his eyes
very wide
The chill met his advances witlt
the same steadfast gaze, bet never a
word. The old genttaiian removed
his spectacles and thrust his bead
forward in the awkmrd manner
which is pfpolarly supposed to touch
a respons. c chord in the hearts of
very youn j foJks.
"And where is mamma f"
There was no reply, either by syl
lable or iresture.
"Hm and does ocr little eu-1 like
to ride on the carsf i
Not tbe fainte&t suggestion, either j
of approval or the contrary, was to '
be detected in tbe baby face, with its j
dark eyes and frame of soft brown
hair. The old gentleman was mov-
ing gradndly closer to her, and sttmi
ins all th time as only gentlemen
with ruddy faces can smile.
"And how old is our little girir
The child stirred. One of the
chubby hands played nervously with
its glove. The fresh bps parrc-d. She
was about to speak. The old gentle
man resumed an erei-t porture and
beamed with the utmcf-t satisfaction,
inclining his head, meanwhile, in ex
aggerated atrentivenc-as.
"Until," and she spoke with great
delfbiration. "I am sured, sir, that
vour intentions, are earelv TroteT. I
family, which is. by the way, a noted
one, permit myself to he drawn into
a conversation which is likely to re
veal facts of a private nature.""
The old gentleman was not a little
puzzled until he saw a spectacled f e
m3le gather together the mass of
baggage, tuck the Utile girl under
her arm and inquire about the next
train to Boston. Detroit Tribune.
Parted Sereral Time.
A young couple, evidently lovers,
were parading back and forth on the
platform warring for the train to go.
He was to leave. She was to see hrm
orL Some wag seeing the state of af
fairs cried, "All aboard." The couple
embraced and kissed each other and
he hurriedly climbed aboard, and
seating himself looked cut of the
window at her. expecting the train
to leave each second. But the sec
onds winged themselves, into minutes
and the train still remained. In fact
the time to leave was twenty min
utes later. Gaining courage the
young man ventured out and" again
the couple walked on in bhss.
In a few minutes "All aboard" rang
out again. Another affecting part
ing and he dived for the train. Three
times was this done before the orn
cial "All aboard" sounded. It was
great fun for the passengers. But
the young man gained the most, for
when be only expected one parting
kiss he got four. Belfast Me. Age.
ConXrderate Flag.
In March. 1S51. the Confederate
congress adopted as the national em
blem the so called "stars and bars."
It was made up of three horizontal
bars of red. white and red. with a
blue union in the upper left hand
comer, on which were displayed
thirteen white stars in a circle, thus
giving the historic red. white and
blue, which tricolor appeared in all
the succeeding changes.
The resrnbLffice of this to the
"stars and strrpes- kd to confusion,
mistakes and los of hie ct the battle
of Hana-isas. and shortlv after that
action another dag was bom to the '
Confederacy, in September, 1S6L
The battle nag wa then adopted.
This, m the lancuace of heraldry,
was a red field charged with a blue
saltier, with a narrow border of
white, on which were dt-played thir
teen white starr. in orier words, a
blue St. Andrew's cross en a red
ground. This was easily distinguish
able and was never changed. New
Orleans Thnes-Democrat.
Bronvtit Sparrow to Thi Country.
A number of oklnme residents of
Germantown deny that the sparrows
were brought into this uc-enrry from
England by ex-City Treasurer John
Bardsley It was a J--hn Bardsley,
however, that introduid these pests
into this ofintry. tlrocgh the in
strumentality f Wjjrn F. Smith,
at that time a c juncCman from Ger
mantown. to destroy the mulntudes
of measuring worms that covered
the trves in Philadelphia and sub-
SIIV Cnltore in Italr.
About S00 A. D. Persian monks
first brought silkworm egs concealed
in the head of a hollow staff to Con
stantinople. Thence sdk culture
spread into Givece. A htsie later
conquest carried it lu SkiSy. From
there to Italy it was but a step. S0.
climate. people sated it, Themins
rry took r.oi, grew, throve and can
rinues to this day The thrtfty jas
ant manages to get silk and (L -d
wine from the g cr-?i1 hxA&m
First he plants his mclberrv trees.
sixteen feet each way. next hs cxmcls w secure these birds. Phil
prunes the heads into a hollow cap ade3pha Heooed.
and trams his vines all over them,
and finally, around the edge he sets
a shelter of olive trees. So all sea-(
sons bring him labor and the reward
of it. Chicaco Tribune. i
The ongmal John Bardsley was a
well known resident of Germ a n
towa. nd was familiarly known as
"Sparrow Jack." He was a native
of England and was selected by
Oil Made from Cors. I
It is stated that a sugar refining
company in Chicago is making 1M ,
barrels of od rwr day from corn. The
oil resembles lins-rd oO, and may le .
used for similar purposes. There is
about 4 per cent, of this oO m the i
b..., -. uwu J U4U4mu "U I
wasted by the onunary method ot
making starch and glucose. New
York Journal,
BeisU'rta: fcy Photography.
Macs aneanon is paid by the su
p2nntendente of F.hsh military
schools and coOttrts to instruction in
photography, which is likely to take
a rery prominent part in the recon
noissance of the f umre. The position
and appearance of farts can often be
admirably shown by meens of pho
tographs, and enlargements win fre
quently bring out a surprising
amount of detafl. The use of bal
loons in war anonls another oppor
tunity of using photography in recon-nojssance-
New York Telegram.
The Dos and the Squirrel.
Bose had chased a squirrel into a
hole in a stone walL The dog '
reasoned that in time the squirrel '
must come out where he went in. i
The squirrel went through the wall, '
slapped up a tree and filled himself '
I " - . MV VV 4V.ita.WVa C. bUC
hole and starved to death.
If you would be clean and haye your clothes done up
in the neatest and dressiest manner, take thera to the
where all work ia don by white blur and in tbe most
p 0-apfc mannif. COLONEL J. 0LM3 VED.
Umvj Stmt'
Ulf salt Oepiti.
An important diocovery of salt has ,
been made by the officers tT the
Egypaan salt department at a point '
on the Nile aLoof 1S mJte up the ;
river from Carru. St-imeias of the
salt show that it is " v sy fine qual
ity. The deposit is said to extend
over an area 6f 1,0K acres. New
York JoumaL
Those Afflicted
Wtta lbt-.hibii"iD ole 4- i t, ,
Caaobttir a i
Fort. GrOTt. Or. Ou3 wnie. JfiriClf
r ' ''
t tr
" x
r: ?
o :
1 rr
2 Z
i e
5- O
x rr zr
I .-"
"""" (
John roj!rja . d: .
In mrjro-r, oa Mtv t- .
la tbe c xtaf vbcre bi l.lir
Atd fasbcr father ..e-J;.
Aad d)ta: La- grown rtxnmm.
Abd rod raea are tociama,
Tbere nt btair the fal -b durtof
To Mb off Ih ,i
Aad br Xlt&atiit & vnra tart til cx.rn
And nil bin ia att&tt; rare
Tie Lirra -aa terriU) btv"7 -
Death rase hrzt doew ra tbrrp.
Aid he welcomed tkr a- fal straarr
Whb a aKe f vriat: Wj.
Acd oJr paikctlj rfchkjz.
I"d like for to tar lT
"The lad a raratd frceo the t fllir?
A nsortof jra?o.
Ard west to hzifUitr zi "Hted.
Asd reft Qe tbe -mii to -.
Cfclat sa rtrat aad irrsirHci
CooMat ca vfeislle aad rlaz:
Tie saieis a tvsti tzzrsi aad rtfxlc
Tte lad. a r2td hold aad ates."
Sweet nxa of lie u! rweitbrter
Case la from tie garden tei:
A&i be beard tie rif itt rattle.
.rA i.-t beard tbe tocsd oi a tread
Tat ric q tbe atacjr threioi.
Aad wake tbe Spfc cai:
Aad tbe dca cf a tcaritt rsze
TJse djias ere vw- lvat
Be aaw a fom ia tbe dorir.
Axatait Ibc sezaeC Macs;
Azd far Ko aM to t i earfaL
He n "Mr loi teeae batt."
Bull Durban?
SrrjoKirjg Tobacco
Sihubd in the immediate section of country that produces a grade
of tobacco, that in texture, flavor anJ quality is not grown el iwhere
in tbe world, and being in position to command the choice of all offer
ings upon this market, we spare no pains nor ej-pense to give the trade
-5 - i
"Mr ejta b erati c
I w-asi $ rf tir vtaos. lad.
Cocse tee K tir raititr, Jfca;
Tb'rt a, riaVia is bsttoribaV. Jfaar
Tf a t-tar & fiiDrs no riae.
As-i K-r-!T.at o Iroa Ter VaJtB
Ee all tier wilii tliiMk"
A rtrccc am Hrted bt "benidrrs
A brsw kad liTvni bii bead.
Wt" qsalitr a"- for iartia.
He. Utterisc wailj-. hiH.
JkZti to ca the bre&st ef srsrle
IVmees tbe cross aad tbe mi,
Tbe oil irii tax xa he waited
To pLss tbe ?: bar.
Bzt while als t ol :Ured
Azd Krorre to die aad lire,
Tbe Lis b-fti-rl bins whispered
Tbe barrse wcri. "Faifcer. 1 orcrre."
Aad ocl cf the threriaj: shadows
e aaswer laltered. "Ko.
lc aow. dear lad: I deae it
A art o jt&rs aio."
Edward Splaej- Txi la Loadsa Sptcialor
When in want of the best; ask for
Bull Durbrpo
Sold everywhere. None genuine without iht
Trade Mark of the Bull on each package.
P s3sraa)fif?aLJ
! a.,a-jBi aj KF. m
State Treasurer's Third Notice
S VI.KX. Hay T, VHi.
OTH""K beiei. t riveo that FCScient
ntjn-warraitc30ij -preEi aa
not paid ttK traa! of fnadf," aad that the
tame will - paid n;oa prestation at Ui
o3c, tasre thtreon ctaasr with the
daMofUiUnjtk. PHIh,MirrSCH.O.
state T-esAurer.
Proposals for Soppklll?
1 1 l SO JtK titl
, dor It K harrow, rlun EaaJria. I
H Aoz pateat Gwrsaa baadJed ba wfi.'
dor o. 1 foJJd orke:, cajt r;l b
w d .h lnehfe.
3 Hoc-e ledce haauoer of Si lt.5 aad 1 i
1 doobte facm Urikiar tamaiT.
TO lb o. 23 rxlraaUd thtl lioa.
w lb Xo. Zl
KO Ite 11 flaUhlar aall. "J
SO it V!
I .!
, C - i
-5 Q - t
Mlmlckry in CaterpUIara.
A very large caterpillar stretched
itself from the foliage of a tree which
I was pTTTimm and startled me by
ia resemblance to a small snake.
The first three segments behind the
head were dilatable at the will of the
insect, and had on each sde a large
black papiliated spot, which resem
bled the eye of the snake. It was a
poisonous or viperine species mini
icked, and not an innocuous snake.
O 0 fort Jf Inch palraslzed lira pipe.
3T) 'Area. 1 laeo
lOfntK '
KOieetV. bted:
' i, dor 1 laeh Saare aatoa.
ire Td eoltoa flaaael (ahca. XXX; i itx t ' -
E 1 do ?, use t.
,zocs iiacB i-bcs.
j sax a taca tens;
Th Beard otTra'Vws of tbeOreroa Stale
luaae.Tnji! nej- lairtte t-tl fro-pj-az9arirslBia?
at tae &;toa aear
Jvem. On-sca. tae IbbowlEr t applSf Jar
DKV Coot's.
6.0 yd AaIt&; rr.artaert np
and wnM
ffl yd Ltioxuae t;eeh- bttlar V6 laeh.
j.u y&-jjoc a ,tu if, iara Jr iii taea Se
SO yd, evfclnrr doto-daTS coku-f AstiI'd. ' SS v '
lit yd ouQt.aall cJMCi aAaata, Macx (j0,I C
a&d w bite. vj , is
;uj yc rec ana orae ji r- era.' a, li , yoz BCihtcr' 1 SoK
.... . . ""t.-, u . . .t- -- .- . Jax oaaiaxi
1 latt. w-dt i l aoi Bottuaj?
itn jc Amrtctv: twee ctatm or. ! i o- ss v ,v'
.. .j j .. . b mcm. m r..Ts,, , , a a.,.
Sdoz 2o J waue.CSari.
la JSirbitf
J Staei
b iJwjHe
j . . ,, . .
. prs paatalcoa bsttaas (metal)
as aoz prs mfnoen, lavcz lore.)
idips.lBeijwMe fdw tw l taoh
larl s JBiit ead thread. , i tjto wa i taea
Th''? wis nrovpd bv the imitation of EToaoe oro-l
keeled scales on the crown, which " Jg
was produced by the recumbent feet , oR'-CERIE.
as the caterpillar threw itself back ' V- " '- "-
ward. 1 camed os tne caterpillar, !r.,i craesttiwarjajrejhirosa!
and alarmed every one in the village
where I was then livmg to whom 1
showed it. Records of a Naturalist
in the Amazon.
1 -i' I
- 5 g !
l x.
C i- ZZ
- - -,-
1 1 i i
o s"
ir c c
J x
1 -. O "
r ;
i Z '
b" s " -"
- 2. !
- Q x 1
r- 5
O - c ,
r I
i p i
r"J X X r-
Crot.tlns aad Iljbrldlrlnr.
A correspondent inquires what is
the dinerence between crossing and
hybridizing. The terms, as used by
those who improve fruit and flowers.
are defined in this way: Crossmg is
only used where one variety is mixed
with another variety of the same
thing; for instance, one apple used
to fertilize another kind of apple
would be called crossing; but if an
attempt were made to cross fertilize
the apple and the pear. that would
te called hybridizing, ba other
words, crossmg refers to varieties of
the same species, while hybridizing
is used to designate that kind of
crossing which i. between distinct
species. ileehans Monthly.
drtal cunuK tre-a, pc-ji 1oek.
C i Co A a U tnad cartt ec2a.
cbotce iuaad rV-t.
cream tartar, J. A. Fo"rer"!. rrir&e.
or as t2.
33 rro. oi't, Vckaa, fapcrior saftty.
.. cor -cra& ofti.ho.
t, ' eiinp zoop tUcii.
cor bito ticrs.
3 dui txuhn.
li blt)I3.
3 dor iui h-r
3' ea.aoytttr,ntJd.Fa"re3"orrood
J) cora. C tauow or a ruod)
3) bxE a2acsroal 15 ltn each.
32 Jci coaceatrated Ijr. Axatricaa.
S5.& eaaiUct'irca.
1 rrovs ct pip with ; rrc steaii.
ib stearic wax cundiev or a, sir.-!.
5 do Worirtershlie cce (qaru La i
IX in upioea.
M com itareh. Onreg or ai ffoo5
c:i 0 gw.dca c a.i.r.
6tj r. tu&'ea
SJi raif ddtr iatiar.
txt r LroJtf lro comasfeil (or as Eti)
Ire-h la 61.
zn i Matxra?al Zqzs, ireh, latprortd
tuUtT Oregon.
3J3 ia biact; p-ppsr, groa&d .
23 rt frash dairy bauer, (wily) rsore or
'Stone. ( K10"ijJap!ia,Co5timthraad,oraJ!S'i'
tst thing in coffee.
3.TI3 2 Ccta R4ca, aril yrace.
3j3 ' eaiory.
a0 ' ttni Java, '
Jul real ilctfca,
lii s-Itdje H.naicj oraad, or a gwxi.
0 lb pir J" taore or 1a of bf aad
nau. & reqaared ta t)aal parts oi
fore aad alad qaarstrt.
Vlrtne of Poralee S
Pumice stone is tne osst tmng
the world to take the stain of" one's
hands. When ink or any other stain
gets on the rin-"tr its removal is,
sometimes a matter of many days. '
but with a bit of pumice it may be ',
rubbed off in a moment, and no one '
would ever know that it had ever t
oeen tnere. io ce sure tne ruDDine! leather
must be pretty hard, and there is , k rra , heaTy sicertoa, txir 5s
- - -. ai ba
er of course or rabbmg off a i Ji-!ri-r
little mnre cunde than one can con
veniently pare. but if this point is
watched the toilet table has no more
valuable accessory. St, Louis Globe
.Morable Ilallat.
By a combination of movable bal
last, in the form of pendulums con
troUeJ by water cylinders fitted with
loaded valves, it is proposed to so con
trol the rolling of vessels in a .-eawav
that the disagreeable fear
1 doaitstic calf (Ma,
j 1 ilic Jzaraes itaioer,
j FLoCK.
5jJ bS4 zoot or !es, bel ro!ier rrocs4t-
uTered rwaud.
j JsOAPs.
j SOS ;ocad Kirz'i iiToa o at roA
M toz- Ic t-Sip. X atn each.
i V. fb.vtat. t-p (iIaitr' barteror n
.! 1.
; dAi tMacfc pianers .
I'M lata 4aUcr.
1 ' ihatcr alt.
3 T-iarh ;tate
41 n.tt -v.im rths-n
attend-! " Soa air pactrr.
ing their want of steadiness will en liiS m4o tone.
i 6 ewtr-
i aa doj cjp.
The cat confined in a cage in a , j " J
zoolccical ssreen was stared at toju ycn tuacer ptate.
prove the power of the human eye f &&
urely disappear New York Times.
i . " , . , , -
on aii auiijur. v, ao coniea-f tnat out sr iTinsrtv
for the wire network he should have ' jj &z pyic- ladeHDie lat
had his eyea scratched
savage little spitfire.
, u ,v , J?u sEawi'ii!tni:n nun.
-. j
IL le CLatcher states that
means of hi- nvnocv-nr ye Ka. . t1"" ""
4-.- .. (j
covered that the temrratnrs. which ! i
j , . , . i
occur in met ting stc-i ana m otner
industrtal operatioes have bn over
A paper pubhshed in Greenland is
said to have the longest name ever
given to a newspaper, but as the p
pie of Greenly nd can see to read un
til nearly midnight that doesn't mat
ter much.
The rajah of India, who likes
showy things, has had made a fund
ture set all of glass. Glass bedsteads
and chairs, huge glass saleboards and
other articles of domestic use.
&uo:d f copyjar
i coHjmtielil las.
' t itas leftr piipcr.wtdiewiood half ahtet,
, ; eratfvod.
by . cor Hsa rixl, ttxoa's tri raise 'o iSS
i, "o :
.Between Aurora, Butteville,
Chamiroe-r, !t. Paul and
Lesarts Acrora day at tkX) a. a Ar
rtrta at Falri13 1 p. so. Rttarcta leave
Vurtti at 4 p. ta. Arrltia at itAtajOri
fp,ra. LaTCai-Btj-ta,m. 4.mTe
at Aarora. rta Bei'iT ! at a. ta i '
uca wftawsari P Oa. tra'c rviaz
aorth tz aoate, Puesrtr. baaTV r.A
trrceht earned at rea .rratef.
bezulat baaycccay. March 17. XSC
iacaacetotat - t. Loadoo.
GiUa.1 .t.
it dei bext iirfrr Uarilrr. patent t-ord
3 jt No. todlra" 2a hoe$.
Jl o.i
T arts' iXpiTi
3 -
n s tou.
S raitaet auii oi. Petri arabd, tu tual.
aa - aoKtctn, aoaea, ia
10) ' tarpHMta, ta aa.
Jaarw praae.
tQi tatrlrl-
iJ 1m v.x.
2 del dat pca.
i tolfHtBlMStkK
; '- '
Ut . '
5- taeh oltoa too v-tt
rltcet tea t&eb 1 laahooWraa to ltted.
1 1 1-S
fivct the. Msbt, Ucrvlia.
I dec etbowt Vs laeh
1 dor eltow, j, laejb
r dor 1 iaea urafitt eD's
1 dor taefa
KrS3CEJariaTa"T. n saOTab'e ciii
, aor iji-ioth
, dor
34dor5J '
zdoty, '
ldors niaoTiiMe diS for JiaWa
1 cor JJ FE2er bibb piaiR
rcor Uripe'i turf oUer, yo 11-r af xcd
1 dor eitoir beraer "t
3 dor bra puiar:
'dr lava tip
lpsir M lacn z pDer$
.o lt oidtx ,S aad ,
oltx rt-la
1 dor lst coapHari
J, d r lead S trap"lt
; it r ply raoOT pria5. doth iartioa
l d ir vccaanl raater waiherot ?. tb
rdor Vu.
I tach 1 taea aad IK iaea dria pier-1 .
Mlb aqaa asaxcoaia
l gro txJUe-. toi
s ia ab-wKxxot co'oa
J4 dor p jl rasix; dheiTe pltr," rd.
i lb eaher Jot ia Jj 1& ena
acitv cM&, i
a lo eauri fcTdrate eryt.
1 lb d eit boeaa p V 4. luor Wyh 4 Sro t
a Its a ext uettaia vli- a. -
Jltu MLrv.pmI- wnp. Sortyran,
11" ra-i jj-kie. Kr ?jrap,
lib ruiagit-.!, P l Jct.oorWjttli
1 lb nt mai:e.
lib ccaa. tae,
lib ea-4ra traav,
llo optt,
1 H a wit totausA or : rep '
a.it3asptycpciteo i.pLlu.
am ;
iao t
4cO tij -
1 ia bal4za pers.
1 la Ui pUt- ar-a.
00 bypoJrnaJe taHeu trroi cranl ealrfc.
1 ' fr yeth & Uro's
jl IJh E3aatatr mijo
34 or ecrpaaii: tcp...
1 .b ppin tacca.
Sab )U orutn.
r ib: pjli.. tiide.
3 !o patas ait, cry rt.
1 lb pUm cttr..
1 ox occai myretai.
or oircta lisiii.
H la phtaaocttae baver.
1 icitvott'e PcUli"iicir aOod LiverOa
r or qoiaise. scIpc. E t 31
IJj dur yrlaf, Ds-r:doa .
S .t ipjcjr, laTiir crr.r.
1 : to tposik, iarpcaL
1-.' eal pti at beri alt-
ib aeliat XX. rticed
1 or airenii tat ia ticx
lb coojp. uac etaei-ioaia.
1 oox tu-rc?:aeaag faster:. S a J
r Cji AJo.ce Pu-uus pia?er.
sypsderauc syriarts, W yrta j a B " .
id Kfs ix tcd mtai.
sjau.jji may t. ta ax iae oiSct- . e
buendof tra.ws, svl nuist beiai -j -
fcCCc ltfcic-l!E, lid zuaat COtUcBW-e 1 '
piiiii-es wDea patriate. Tae Ujia. -rvfc.
tbe rlrhl to rjct aay aa.a -
DeilTtrynf cppae wluoereijj ivl
aaday aouot of i-ftyyai: oi t . -v
copy of tat adverttaifcat a& a ,
aay each bid. aad U-rLiaeoJlM . v '
opplles taa be wnttei. oa ti.ee1 r ,
coa-juaiar bid Eicil diua.-:,u - .
leeituuof iaciJkvbd cp-. at
pi ve Uca aad ioia. in :. l,w.ia e
of meat aad oir. Acdi: uSf
ptahlatted Irota ceaira-iag ai - '
psreaatr when tr adTertiscnit
rot O02 tUa a ittU aad coa-ptete ieaxx j-
uf tbe aruct: to be paichal.
Bii wtUbt opeaed at 2 ocjock p ra. .
Tctsday , J sly i. lS.
GiJJ. W. MerfRlliE,
Wx. A. MrxLT. rfcaidef Ooniaui v-rti1.
Aad Ot?a LVvtlopcital oa ,
(tiauaip Itee- xi tailc tborter. J. - -
tua3vthaa by aay otaet ix.:e. r
eaa throexe pasartr aad trht r
trom Pontaad aad al pxaU jj e V
Uiecue vaBev to aad troat isaa F" a c "
TIKE SCriEBtlE. -.Except eaacaj
Leave Aifcaay .........iiij
LejTeOttrTi5li tr V
ArriT Ya,eiaa .-....- 1
LotTe Yaaiaa .....
Lurt CornJati '''"'Tv1
Arrive Albaay ...-- L. A
O. i C traica evMiaect at Aibaaj" a-S
Vt. klovr train cocaect at "tA1 .--"1
wjia the OrCivs IeTeioraBert I JC
y iA-bintv4a uuia ' w
". B.-Paaim traaa PortUad a - J
iaaartte Val'rv cuau eaa taait.cto.-
cooavtoa with the tru: of t"
(AOtlVAMorTEaiAIfcxaj ftrta-J
arw-T t ta f dcaecd to saa Krsxei'.
""iamiar'oarrtTeat taatuaa lb evenltt
k xt i .. '
lt No. f
rataam aarae aboe caila.
.6 o. 5 toe eJVv.
Hn Iw tt oHc(ait's' w4.
1 iHui tw r. tp. iliuari.
t d.-r 1' U &a aut rocad prtau. paJihed
u S t'.ie hutx a.
Idea K-k, wuo..c st4aiSiilh.4lo
1 dcx pcr ra.riV.
i dai K B barruaa, draul citriiJ,troa !
bev dai of - !.,.
.frfjfer art rrrlrat Uw "Ir"1
lLm. FarlaJcwaiati-aapplF V ?'
. I CLMAX t CVv Frttcat aad -"
l.eauSUaadarFroatau PortUad, -.
aC. HOGUt: Art Gtal Fn.
Paj.AtOrsvoa Paste B.K- -
f H,lLSVrKLl,Jr.G:l Fn
Soutxi of VlUanitt Hoti
.-r t - fc- . . --ATrfiai .
Es,"r1TeJ .-irfrfS35nt- vj!Jw' .