Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 21, 1892, Image 2

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What Was Daae the Frst Day
at Chicago.
Cuicaoo, 111., June 21, 11:38 a. m.
Papereall agree and tbe impress
Ion Feems to be prevalent among
delegates thai Cleveland will be
nominated without material oppo
sition. It la thought that Gray of
Indians will bp selected for Vice
President. Convention will prob
ably conclud ; Its labors tomorrow or
Thursday at latest.
Chicago, J jue 21-12.m. Owens
of Kentucky will be temporarv
chairman, Wilson of Virginia, per"
manent chairman, Abbott of New
Jersey ill present Clevelauds name.
Cochrane or Fellows will presenl
Hills, cod Breckenridge of Kentucky
will probably present Carlisle
name, if not lie will second Cleve
land. The platform is practically
agreed to now.
Cuicaoo, June ill. 12:20 p. m.-Syraeu-or
"Antl rfLap" delegate
it U said will not now contest, feel
ing assured of Cleveland's nomina
tion. It is claimed thai theyconseui
to this at the solicituilotisof Wbll-
ney. Uon uicKinson, ex ecu y
. yard and Mr. Vilas and they will is
me a formal reply that tbey consent
in the interest of harmony, etc.
12:25 p. m. Delegates are slowlj
aw-embling. Heavy rain storm hat
juat started now. I'romineut mei
are being cheeretl as they enter tin
hull. It is fcaid the opponents ot
Cleveland are trying to ellect a com
bination on Gorman or Boles, but s
far unsuccessful.
12 SO p. m.-Storni is over now am
the fun now shines brightly.
12.65 p. m. The convention wa
called to order at 12 48 p. rn. Henatot
Brice reading call for the conventioi
and names of temporary bfflcer?
Owen of Kentucky was made tem
porary Chairman. Owens was well
received. It is said unity and har
mony are the only things necessary
to feucces.
1:03 p. m. Rules governing the
last national convention was adopt
ed. 107 p. m. Bell of State wa order
ed ci;led for teleC ion of member
of th2 various committees.
Tremendous cheering forWhitney
when he came in. Hundreds ar
pressing forward to shake hi hand.
He is tbe hero of the hour.
1:27 p. m Call of btates is proceed
ing very slowly, at its conclusion tin
convention will probably adjourn
till tomorrow.
1:30 p. m. Burke Cochran is seed
ed for New York on the credentia
committee. Cheering.
1:58 p. in. A resolution extending
sympathy to James G. Blaine
created great cheering all over the
riweat of Mane thanked the con
vention for sympathy to the dis
tinguished resident of that state.
"God forb'd he paid the Democracy
of Maine or any other State should
hesitate to tender sympathy in pre-t-encb
of tne grim tyrant who wipes
out all political lint s and levels all
Convention adjourned until 11
o'clock to-morrow.
TheConvention Meets Owen Elec
ted Temporary Chairman.
CuiCAao, June LI. As early as
eleven o'clock the crowd began to
pour into the mamoth wigwam, in
terior of which was wreathed with
red, white and blue streamers ilags
and banners with hero and there
Hhleldsoftho different states and
portraits of honored Democrats of
thopast, Delegations were seated
according to alphabet, Chairman's
desk Ib tho same over which Clove
land nndHendrlcks were nominated
in 1881.
When Chairman Brlco called the
Convention to order at 12.45 the
great structure was completely filled
with people, a furious wind, quick
thunder rolls nud heavy rain broke
and continued ten minutes, water
flowed down upon the heads of Now
York delegation. The storm ceased
as suddenly as It came. Secretary
Sheerlu announced tho temporary
organization, W. C. Owens), of Ken
tucky, Temporary Chairman, S. P.
tiheerln, Secretary.
Temporary Chairman Owens then
addressed tho convention saying:
There are two treat dangers to tho
Democratic Party, one external the
other internal, tho first Is tho organ
ization and nmchluery organized by
capital and supported by whole
power of tho government. Secend:
tho tcmleiiov among Democrats to
niako Issues among themselves
Let us not mistake tho gravity of
tho situation, It demands the
broadest, and patriotism and every
needful sacrifice. Tho bpeakor then
proceeded to characterize tho com
ing campaign as ouo of education to
teach people everywhere their true
relaxlou to tho tax gutherer. Tho
speaker then denounced tho billion
dollar congress and closed as follews:
"Impelled byono purpaso, the pub.
io good, wo will freo ourselves from
tho dlckoriugs and heart burns that
characterize tho Repnbllcan party
when IU niarehaljNey wont down
at Minneapolis.
Every eilort of tho Cleveland peo
ple to persuade tho Iowa delegation
to desert Governor Boles has proyeti
unsuccersfubHoieH people announced
thttlr candltato will remain In the
roe till the uud,uot only us u matter
of Hate pride but as a protest ugulust
tbe uuuilufttlon of a candidate not
I supported by the delegation of own
Mate. Indeed the Boles followers are
.im,, Mt o. ih. Mill mpii In nro-
tesUtion against Cleveland's nom-
It Is generally believed tlieSyni -
Pime clelecates from New York will
nioko n formal nrotpst onlv atld al
Inv tlin Hill delegates to sit in con.
vention without a flgbt.
The Ticket tbat Will Be Nominat
ed at Chicago.
Cntc.voo,.luue 21. The democrat
ic presidential rlcket for 1892 will U
Cleveland and Gray, or at least such
is the general impression among
leading men of all factions at mid
night. Tbe programme, as gener
ally understood around Cleveland
leadquarters at that hour, was that
V. L. Wilson, of West Verginla.
vould be permauent chairman of
the convention, and that no fight
-ou!d be made in the convention on
mnorarv chairmanship. GovA'j
eit, of New Jersey, it is stated, w ill
nake nomlnatiuc speech for Cleve-
YeoU-rday representatives from all
he st ite delegations asemb.ed t'
he Richelieu hotel. At 11:30 th
iieetlng, which was held beiiimi
losed door, disbanded. The resu t
hen given out by ex-Sec. Whitnev
as regarded throughout hotel eei.
.res as making practically the en
if the struggle as to who shall U
.he nominee. It certainly ends t
loubt as to the organization of tb-
invention, and the strengin i
Cleveland as developed In the ineei
ng is scarcely disputed by those wh
ppo-ed him, and is by the figure
diown to be suthViently great to end
he contest as to who shall be uomi
lee for president. To an Associate!
Press representative immediately af-
er the meeting, Secretary Wnitnej
aid: "Cleveland has 601 vote-,
vbich is two beyond the ueceswar.N
wo-tnirds to nominate."
It in understood an attempt is be
ing made to reconcile the trouble
vitliin the democratic party in New
York. The nomination of Cleveland
is conceded, and it Is paid members
of both factious in New York have
urged Senator Hill to withdraw his
name and have the vote of his state
given to Cleveland and his nominu
iion made practically by acclama
It is Conceded that Cleveland Will
be the Nominee.
Chicago, June 21. The opening
jf the convention day finds the
clouds of political dissension clear
ing away. It does not require the
divine gift of prophecy to predict
the nomination of Grover Cleveland
on tir.-t ballot. Indeed the result is
conceded, even by the friends of
Hill and Boles, the only other can
didates now in field, though every
indication is that they will go down
to defeat with colors flying and the
solid support of their respective
states behind them. Official an
nouncement of Pennsylvania, III!
onois and Indiana that they have
decided to retire their favorite
sons and cast their aggregate of 142
votes for the ex-president has about
removed all doubt from tho sit
uation. Then all the dark horses
luclu.llng Gormati, Murripou, Rus
sell and Campbell with their fol
lowers are making haste to clamber
into the baud wagon of the victory.
The general expectation Is that ex
governor C. P. Gray of Indiana will
be uomluated vice president, It Is
understood his withdrawal from the
race for first place was made on the
assurance that Cleveland muu would
support him for second place.
Tammany leaders are still sullen
and continue to maintain that Cleve
land cannot carry New York. Some
leser lights even declare they will
cast New York vote against Clevel
and on the question of making his
nomination unanimous.
Tho Oregon Organization.
Chicago, Juno 21. The remain
ing four delegates from Oregon ar
rived this morning, they were de
layed on account of washout on the
rail road. A stato meeting was held
this morning. Ashael Bush, of Sa
lem, was chosen Chairman, S. P.
Flood, editor Roseburg Review,
secretary. J.J. Daly, of Polk county,
committeo on credentials; G. T.
Iteames, of Jackson, committee
permanent organization; P. V. Hoi
man, Portland, committeo on reso
lutions; Senator Henry Blackmail,
committeo on notification. The
election of national committeo man
was deferred until tomerrow: Unit
rule adoptid. Strength of State will
go to Cleveland.
For Permanent Organization.
Cuicaoo, Juno 21. The com
mittee on permanent organization
mot this afternoon and nolectcd, W.
L. Wilson, of West Virginia, perma
nent chairman and A. P. Shecriu,
of Indiana, permanent secretary.
Washington delegation will vote
solidly for Clevelaud.
To Fire Them Up.
Cuicaoo, III., Juno 21. Delegate
llolinan, of Oregon, uuuouuccd he
had Just received u telegram from
Portland Or., that that city had
given a thousand Democratic ma
jority lubtead of two thousand Re
publicans us heretofore.
Tammany Gloomy.
CuioAu , Juau 21. Tummauy
held a gloomy meeting I1 If morning
Govorner Flower, ot N. Y. hMJ
after It wuh over, Hill's friends are
ready to enct their votes for any
deinoerut who could carry Now
York, The uuuld cveu Cwaaeut to
Hill's name uot io be mentioned In
the convention If such a man could f
be found.
The Kentucky delegation met this,
morning and 10 votes certainly, per -
.naps an ine votes oi me emm m
.be cast for Cleveland, Carlisle's
' name will not be presented.
Pell From the Fourth Story,In3tant
ly Killed.
Cuicaoo, June 21. F. C. Blair,
here as permauent member of Demo
cratic committee from Newark. N J.,
was sitting In bis room at his hotel
early this morning, he fell asleep.he
tst hi balauceand fell to tbe side
walk from the fourth lloor. He was
instantly killed.
Cuicaoo, June 21. It now seem
prob-tble that Hill's name will not be
presenteil and New York 72 vote
Will go to Boies on first ballot.
Cleveland Will Hear the News
Buzzakd's Bay, June 21. Ex
President Cleveland has completed
jrrangements for a special wire to
be run from the telegraph office to
his inue, Gray Gables a distance of
four lullr?. This wire will connect
directly with the Wigwam in Chi
cago. A first-:lass operator will be
at Ibli end of the wire, and Cleve
'and -will keep posted on all that is
going on. The fcct that Cleveland
has had a telegraph instrument put
into his Iioumj indicates a deeper in-
'ere-t in the result of the balloting
than he is willing to admit. The
mpre-iion mabe by his convers
ion is that he is not anxious as to
the outcome of tbe convention. He
ays he h:s gone into this contest at
ibe solicitation of sincere friends and
patriotic democrats throughout the
fountry, and that nothing could in-
iuce him :o turn aside now except
nis discharge from those friends.
Count Bismark Married.
Vikn.va, June 21. Tbe marriage
of Count Herbert Bismark and the
Counleis Margarethe Hoyos, was
solemized this morning at Evangelic
church in Dorotha stasse.
Hill Will Not Withdraw.
Washington. June 21. Much
gossip hvs gone the rounds respect
ing the intention ofSenator Hill.
Among other things his friends
have been authorized Xcf withdraw
his name from the Democratic nom
ination. It can now be stated as a
fact that Hill has not withdrawn.
He does not propose to withdraw
but will fight to the end.
Results in Favor of the Citizens'
Poutland, June 21. The mu
nicipal election today for police
commissioner, fire commissioner,
and eight counollmen, was the most
exciting contest which has taken
place in this city in many years.
For police and fire commissioners
the issue was a straight one between
republicans and citizens, the dem
ocrats endorsing the citizens' candi
dates. The citizen, were successful
In electing D. Bolls Cohen police
commissioner by over 1000 majority,
and Theodore Wygant, fire com
missioner, by 500 majority. For
cDUncllinen, three regular tickets
were in the field, republican, citizens'
aud people's, besides theie was an
independent ctudidato in nearly
every ward. The citizens elected
three couuciluien, republicans two,
aud people'd one. Two Independent
candidates Were elected.
Coinpkte returns from every ward
in the city give for police commiss
ioner, Cohen (C.) 5GG5, Powers (R.)
4517; fire commissioner, Wygant (C.(
5220; Knupp(R.) 5015.
Stage Robber Captured.
Wooih.am), Jui o 21. Johu Hug
gle, who, assisted by Ills brother
Charles, robbed the Redding stage
and lulled Messenger Buck ,Iout-goni-ry
near Redding a few weeks
ug , was captured here last night at
9:30 P. M. by Deputy Sherill Wyck
ofl". Ruggles walked Into the Opera
lodaurunt to get a meal. WyckolT
spotted him, and in attempting to
make the arrest Ruggles drew a re
volver, but Wyekoil' was to quick
for him, aud shot him in tho face,
badly wounding him. Great ex
clteii.ent prevails.
liuiK,Pa.,June 21. AltoBtahleln,
George Vuu Allan, Edward Sapper
and two others, all moulders of this
town, while stealing a ride on freight
train, were put oil' at Angola by the
brakeman,Lorella Newton. Stuhlulu
mid Van Allan were almost lin
medlutelv struck by another freight
train and kille I. The other moulders
accused Newton of being the cause
of theii comindcs' death.
Th tralumen were then attacked
by the moulders, who used their re
volvers. Now ton was shot through
the breast ami will die. Fireman
Mugulro was also hit, but not ser
iously wounded. The assailants
were then driven oil. Sappr reach
ed Erie Buuduy and was arrested
last night. He stoutly maintains
his Ignorauce of the atl'alr. lie says
he hud been put oil of the trulu be
foro reaching Augola, but the dying
statement of Newtou implicates Sap
per. The bodies of Stuhlein aud Van
Allan will bo brought hero aud
Newton's body bus been taken to
PobtIiANB. June21. Wheat
valley, I.3J1 $1.3o Walla Walla
."1 27 $180 I
Six Fkancisco Cal., Jum 21,
Ylitriit, boller$l 43. i
C'umaqo Ills., Juno 21, Wheat
78J ,
' t0 the Ssnate Relative to Nego-
tlations oa Rosip-ocity.
Washington, J.ji 21. In the
stite patters sent to the senate inaus
wer to the resolution of February 24,
calling for Information relative to
reciprocity negotiations withCuiada,
the president sounds the death-knell
of that project lu eilect recommend
ing congress to proceed to retaliate
upon Canada for her persistent denial
of the richl" of American citizens
guaranteed by the treaty of Wash
ington concerning navigation ou
Canadian canals. The president says
an answer to the resolution was de
layed at the suggestion of the secret
ary of state until tbeooufereuce June
3d with the Canadian representa
tives had taken place. The president
says, lu part: Tbe result of the con
ference as to the practicability of ar
ranging a reciprocity treaty with the
dominion of Canada is clearly stated
in Mr. Blaine's letter, ami was an
ticipated, I think, by him, and by
every thoughtful Amencau who had
considered thesul'ject.lhat a recipro
city treaty limited to the exchauge
of naiur.tl products who would have
U en tuih only in form. The bene
fits of Mich a treaty would have In
.-ured almost wholly to Canada. Pre
vious experiments on this line were
unsatisfactory to this government.
A treaty that should be reciprocal in
fact and a mutual advantage must
necessarily baie embraced an Impor
tant lisl j' manufactured articles and
"-cured lo tbe United Siate- free, or
favored, introduction of thee articles
into Cau-idaiis against the world, but
it was uot believed that the Canadian
ministry was ready to propose or as
sent to such an arrangement. The
president Bays that, in view of the
delay which has already taken
place, he has not felt justified in
awaiting further communication
from the Canadian government, sug
gested in the recent conference.
Should any come, he will at once
transmit It to the senate.
"Waived Examination.
Portland, Or., June 21. Cap
rain George H. MnfTet, editor of The
Evening Telegram who was arrest
ed Saturday for criminal libel ap
peared before the justice court this
morning aud waved examination
to appear before the graud jury.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drug
gist to sell Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, upon this conbition. If you
are afllicted with a cough, Cold or
any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble,
and will use this remedy as directed,
giviug it a fair trial, aud experience
no benefit, you may return the
bottle and have your money refund
ed. We could not make this offer
did we not know that Dr. King's
New Discovery could be relied upon.
It never disappoints. Trial bottles
free at Dau'l J. Fry's Drug Store
225 Coin'l St
Large bottles 50c. and
Removal Notice.
Dr. E. B. Pliilbrook has removed
his residence from Court street to
184 State, opposite Court House
square. His office will also be there
on aud after June 2d. G 1 td
Spices are probably more adulter
ated than any other article. Clark
& Eppley have pure bulk spices.
The 2.50 shoe that takes the 'ead
is Fargo's, at R. J. Fleming's, State
street shoe store.
Do not MilTer Irom sick headache a mo.
incut loncer. It la not necessary. Carter'
I.lttle Ller Pills will cuie jou. Dose, one
little pill, hsmall price. HmalldObe. Hmull
Mrs l'bi4. Hnilth olJImes, Ohio, writes:
I have iind every remedy 101 nick head
aclm I could he.tr ot for the pui flfteeu
yum. but Cartern Little LHtr Mils did
me more tood than all the reel.
Have no equ il as a prompt and positive
cure for sick head'icue. billousues, con
btlpttlnn.paln In tbekide, and all liter
troubles. Carter'B Uttle I.lverPUU. Try
To THE Lvdies. "Vluvi" stands
alone, the greatest medical discovery
of the nineteenth century. (From
au M. D., in the Ladies' Health
Journal, Newark, Ohio.) You are
cordially Invited to call and Investi
gate for yourselves. Office over 4
aud 9 cent store, Cottle-Porkhurst
block, ( ommerclal street, Salem,
Oregon. lm
it ten
, ItlllOW
tho uo ot Hood's barsap iruh Scteie
cips of sirofula, upon wh.cli other pr p
fr",lm;s li .o Leen powerless yield to tho
pert, lar otir.Uho i-owers of this medicine
1 itresslni; cases of djspepsla, cicrtici.it
li!R coin. Uinta ot ttio Kidneys and ller,
agonizing Itch jr
.na r.l.. of salt KOSU ITS
,tMe cases ol catarrh, and aches and palus
if r'n'ttmati :n, nro cured by Hood's Sar
s 'i irilia. 1 1 purifies tho blood, and at tho
t no time tones tho stomach, creates an
.tlto.aml ches strength to emyfunc-
. i of theoody. Give It a trial,
Coneral Debility
"Tor four years my who suflervd with
Uxno tumor hunches on the glands under
the arms, and general debility of tho w nolo
s j stem, htio became so poor In health
that we were on the verge of despair
regarding her recovery, Ph)slclans did
not seem to understand her case; at all
events she never derived any benefit from
their treatment. She finally concluded to
try Hood's Sarsaparllla. The Immediate
eflect was so marked and satisfactory that
she continued to take It, ami thlx is the
result: She has gained In weight
From 84 to III Pounds
and Is stronger and la better health than
alio has been for ) ears. The bunches tinder
her arms hare diminished, and we believe
Hood's SarsaparUU will bo too much for
them In time." J J, Noncnos zx Com
mercial Street, Boston, Miss,
Hood's Sarsap?ri!!a
Sold by Jr itUU. jl lUfurgS. PrtpiiKl bj
0. L UOOU CO, AiotbecAiUi, low u, Xuu
IOO Doses On Dollar
"SafeandCertain -
S the testimony of Dr George E,
1 "Waller, of Martinsville, a., In
reference to Ajcr's rills. Dr. J. T.
Teller, of CUlttenango, If. Y., says :
"Ajvr's Pills are h'qhly appreciated.
Tliey are perfect In form nntl coating,
and their effects are all that the mos
careful physician could desire. They
have supplemented all the pills former
ly popular here, and I think It must be
long before any other can e made tlxat
will at nil compare with them. Those
w ho buy Aj er's Pills get full value."
"I regard Aycr's Pills as one of tho
most reliable general remedies of our
times. They hare, been In use In my
family for arlous affections requiring a
purgative medicine, and have given un
varying satisfaction. We have found
them an exrellcnt remedv for colds and
light fevers." "W. It. "Voodson, Fort
Worth, Texas.
" I prescribe Aycr's Pills In my prac
tice, and find them excellent. I urgo
their general use in families." John
W. Brown, M. D., Oceana, W. Va.
Ayer's Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ayer U Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold y ill Dri'KisU sl Dealers la Medicine
Preparing for a Siege.
Pittsburo, Pa., June 21. The
3000 employes of the Carnegie Arm
at Homestead held an open meeting
Sunday and resolvtd to stand to
gether in resisting the reduction in
wages proposed by the firm. The
formal answer to the owners will be
delivered on Friday, and yesterday's
meeting leaves no doubt It will le
an unqualified refusal, l'ht- men
have been plainly informed that the
firm will not dNcuss the scale. They
will continue at work until the last
day of June. On the 1st of July
they expect men to be imported
from other steel mills to take their
places. They claim, however that
enough men cannot be obtained to
operate the great mills succes-fully,
and that special offers are made
lo a number of present employes to
continue at work. These all deny
that they have any thought of de
serting their fellows. The work of
preparing the mill for a siege is
oeing steadily continued. Great
torches are being placed 3-t feet apart
so that the mills and grounds sur
rounding them can be readily light
ed up in cae of action. The grounds
will aho be inclosed with a 14-foot
board fence. In this enclosure it is
believed quarters for the new men
will be erected.
A Leader.
Since it3 first iutroduction, Elec
tric Bittars has gained rapidly in
popular favor, until now it is clearly
n the lead among pure medicinal
tonics and alteratives containing
nothing which permits its ue as a
beverage or intoxicant, it is recog
nized as the best and purest medicine
for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or
Kidney. It will cure Sick Head
ache, Indigestion, Constipation, and
drive Malaria from the system.
Satisfaction guaranteed with each
bottle or the money will be refunded!
Sold by Dan'l J. Fry 225 Com'l
St. Price only 50c. per bottle.
Wheat COc per bushel.
Oats 321 3-Jc per bushel.
Potatoes 23c per bushel.
Flour & per bbl.
Bran (Sacked) $18 per ton
Shorts (Sacked) 20 per ton.
Eggs 15c per dozen.
Chickens Rooster?, 7c per lb.;
hens, 1012c per lb.; broilers and
fryers, 15c per lb.
Turkeys 1212c per lb.
Ducks 12loc per lb.
Geese 7c per lb.
Lard 75c(n,Sl per pail.
Cutter lo( 20 per pound.
Beef 7124c dressed, 2Jc on foot.
Veal Cc, dressed.
Pork Glc dres.-ed;o.c on foot.
Wool 12&1GC per lb.
Absolutely Ibe Best.
"I never hesitate to recommend
Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy as
absolutely the best," says Mr, F. B.
Ivemp,ass!.stnnt business manager of
tbe Youugstown, Ohio, Daily Teleg
ram one of the most influential and
valuablo newspapers In the Buckeye
state. Mr. Kemp also says: "I have
found It a certain cure for the cough
usually followlug an attack of the
grippe, aud always keep a bottle of
it in the house." 50 cent bottles for
sale by G. E. Good, Druggist.
To Farmers. And others.
The Sa'em Iron Works Is still run
ning and are prepared to do all work
in their line, such as repariug farm
machinery etc. Castings of nil kinds
done to order.
From Terminal or Interior I'omts the
Northern Pacific Railroad
Is tho line to take
To all Points East aud South.
It Is thedlnlng car route. It runs through
vestibule trains every day In the year io
(No change of earn.)
i"nnij oed of rtiulngcars uniurrased,
l'ulliiian draitlng room tli-ener
ui laiesi equipment
Sleeping Cars.
Ikkl that can be constructed and In which
.ccoiumodatlcns are both tree and lur
ulthed tor holder of flrut and (econd-cUwa
Aconlluuris Una cnnDe:ttng with all
.lBt. aitor j ns direct and uninterrupted
en .
I uUilbu sit epor "Wivtlongran bese
curu iu udvi ceo 'L:09iu any agent ot
tho nuil.
rurv'UKb tickets to und from tall polnU
In At erica, Kngland aud Europe can be
pr reused at any ticket office of thU cuui-pnj-
i wi information concerning rates, time
of iraink roti'csandot her detulU furnished
on ,iii ileal .on to any ucentpr
AiMT t Ofnrral iHnger Aent, Ko,
lu Hnt street, or. W Mhlngton; iort-
ijmi" i-rvfuu
I'crdoieu forlhe fltmt IlnlKhed
riUmxm.M'UtJ Intliectty.
lKHCommerclal Street.
F. B. S0CT11W1CK,
Contractor nntl
Salem, - - Oregou.
T. .1. CRESS.
Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, 20th and Chemeieta street
Real Estate
and Insurance.
First stairway north of .Bush
john imvix,
Carpenter . anil Builder,
Shop (o State street.
Store Fittings aSpcclalty
25c Want Column.
Nntlces Inserted for ONE CKNT PER
tisement Inserted in this column for less
t nan twent r-flve cents.
mUlon offered. S20 week y earned by
many oi our acentT, samples iree. -r. u,
Box 1371. rew lone.
6-X 3t
T OST. I have misplaced my umbrella.
u win ine nnaer liouiy nw:-in. j.
W9P-r:iln'i,. cor''8 ?t S1.00 per cord
II. A. Hmlth Goodale Lumber l ard. i
WATED. Experienced salesladies.
Call this evening or Saturday morn
ing between 8 and lOo'clock, 193 Commer
cial street. It
WANTED To rent house of six or eight
roomR with barn preferred. Ad
dress I. KUERTEN, Lock Box 391 Oregon
Lily, Or. e-ic-it
Dealer in Groceries, Paiuts, Oils
aud Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay. Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Smls, Etc
Wednesda', June 22(1.
Parson's Realistic Production,
Tie Miiglit Harm
With car load of speclnl scenery.
A genuine fire engine. Two superb
lorses. Thre great railroad effects.
The miht scenic production of Mod
em times.
Seats on sale at Patton's.
menu in tho state. Lower raten lhau
l'ortland. Largest stock Legal BiankF ir
the State, aid biggest discount. Send foi
price list of Job printing, and catalogue o'
legal blanks. f- M. WAITE,
Iteam Printt r Maloru Orvon
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta Line
I .N'ltlU
7.0C p. m.
S:l! r. m.
M5 a.ut.
Lv. Portland Ar. I T.u.m
Lv. bnlein Lv. I 5-C6 a. m
.Ar. teaji Iran. Lv. 7:00 p. ni
Above trains tlop oulj at lollou Ing sta
tlont north of Roseburg, Kast l'ortland
Orgon City, Woodburn, r-alem, Albany
Ttngent, bhedds, Uuh-ey, Hurrlsburg
Junction City. In lug and Kiuene.
&30 a.m.
i 11:17 a. m
6:50 p. m.
Lv. l'ortland Ar. I i'Op. au
Lv. Halem Lv. M0 p. m
Ar. Roseburg I.v. '.it a. u
Altiuny Local, Dally Kxccpt luuiluy.
u.tU p. in. I Lv.
7:52 in. I Lv:
9tjJ p. m. I Ar.
l'lirllnnil Ar. ilf.il. rn
Kill IU Lv, :JlU.llt
Albany lA, U.M u. m
Second Class Sleeping Cars-
j Koraccommodationol iHRsengers holding
I second ciass tickets attached to
I express trains.
iVest Side Division, Between Portland
and tallis:
'7:30 a. iu. I Lv. Portland' ATI
12:10 p. m. I Ar. ConallU Lv.
"TEA) p. iu,
l53p. m.
At Albany and CorvallU connect wlti
trains of Oregon l'aciflc Railroad.
L-o p. iu. I Lv. l'ortland Ar. I 6U a, u
7-ijp. in. I Ar.McMlnnvllleLr. 1 hiSa. rn
Through Tickets
To all points
for tickets and lull inl( rmation regard
ing rates map, etc, apply to the Ooiapa
nvs azrnt Halem, Oregoa.
riotStSl, "'"SAV
riMac!iinc Shop. Gun?,
i Sporting Goods, Etc.,
3W Commercial Street.
Scientific Horseshoeing.
On State Street,
Livery Feed and
Boarding Stable,
General Blacksmithing,
47 State Street.
Salem Hackman. in
Best Line In the City.
Court Street.
41 HUtteHtrett.
Cali'o rn ia littlcc-vy.
101 Court Street.
Leading Salem Modiste.
'.'3) Commercial Bt.
Uudertnkiuu and
Cabinet Work.
107 State Street.
J. E. 31TJUP1IY.
Brick and Tile,
Works in North Salem.
Baths for Ladies,
124 Court Street.
Has just placed
or m
No. 11. G miles south of Salem. This tract as fine fruit land, Is well
drained and will be sold in any sized
We still have a few ten acre tracts
south of Salem. 150 acres of No. 10 is
orchards iu the fall of 1SU2.
Also two 10 acre tracts and one 15 acre tract in SUNNYbTDE No. 8,
5 miles south of Salem. Over 100 acres of No. 8 was planted to fruit tfees
during the past season, aud 50 acres more will be planted the coming all.
And 12S acres iu SUNNYSIDE No. 5, 3 miles southwest of Turner,
over 10 acres iu young orchard, mostly cleared and iu crop, will sell auy
part or all, very cheap for cash, or will give time on part.
On any of the above lands we will take one-fourth cash and give long
time on the balance, or will take part purchase price iu work or a part
payment in stock or good city property.
Iu addition to the nbove we have for sale TOWN PROPERTY, small
tracts near the City and Farm Lands.
It costs you nothing to see our property, and we may have just what
you want.
Office in the New Gray Block
on State Street.
Removed to 140 State.
si:n& nop & co.,
Merchant Tailors.
Spring suit $16 worth $23; pants JjOO
worth S7.00, Everything cheap. If clothes
don't fit customers need not take same.
Call and look over goods, frHm
For Sale, Cheap.
A number of trios of this springs I'lymJ
oulh Rock, lilaek Langshan, White Len
h -.rn, nnd lartrldge Cochins, all thorough
bredstoct. Buy early, save express charges
and get the pick ot tbe season. Si to to per
trio, boxed for shipment. AIdrets
iL HOKER, balem, Or.
Berries Wanted !
Will Receive
and nfter Wednesday, June S, 1892.
Proposals for Wood.
ft aled bids will be received at the oHlceof
the clerk of school district No. -'1. room 1,
Murphy block.untll 12 o'clock in. .Tuesday,
June 21, 1KB. Rids will be opened at the
regular meeting of tho board of directors
at l! o'clock p. ra.ofsald 2lstday of Juue.for
the delivery ot wood before September 1,
issrj, at ine loiiowing scuoeis: i'arK
School, 15 cords ol oak, -111 cords ol fir, Ten
tral bchool 10 cords oi oak, IS rorda of Or,
East School 40 cords of oak, 125 cords of Mr,
North School 13 cords ot oak,35 cords of Or.
All wood must be 1 leet In length, rea
sonably straight and corded cloely, j
The dr must be large or body wood and
the oakinust be split oak and not grub
HUUUi JUC UUUIUinVlTCB luviiguiiuir-
Ject any or all bids.
Pone by order ot tbe board, June 7, 1802.
Attest K. M. WAlTK.t'halrman,
Hoard of Directors.
District Clerk. td
i ARRIFS a full line of Btaplf and fancy
Groceries, Fresh Vegetables nod Uer-
Jllmln season. Butter und Eggs al
way.oa hand,
22Q Com'l St.
For Sa!o or Trade,
Fifty-two acres luinruved fjrni, 40
acres In crop, good orchard, four
mllea South of Balem, Turner road,
Will trade for property near town,
6-8'lm JOHN HOLM,
Fruit and Ci
P. O. BtooVc
R. T. UlMlPIlKEYr,
Clears and Tobacco
243 Com'l Street
Coffee House.
Open all Night
Meat, Poultry
auc Fish Jlarket,
Insurance Block.
The Upholsterer,
Remodel", re-cover and rerwl'
upholstered furniture. Fl
tUvi worK. Chemelteta street,
Mnte Insurance blix-k.
on the market
tracts on the moat favorable terms.
in BUXNYSIDE No. 10, 6 mile?
uuder contract to be planted to
Taken Up.
A red and white spotted cow with relf.
UoJi ears silt, and branded ou right trp.
Owcer can gel vime by KettliDg with
5-2C-lw CHAd MhIR,Ankeny.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, WofdeD
and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed.
Alvotezetablesaad fruits In their season.
"Highest Price paid for country produce."
We solid ashareof your ratronage.
9-9 Ui State street
Hernia and Chronic Diseases
Devote specNl attention to Nervous, Cat
arrlial. Asthmatic and Throat Troubles.
Hernia (rupture) cured without pain or
detention Horn busiuess and Guaranteed In
Ever Case, . . . . ,
Every variety of Female and Chronic
diseases treated by the most advanced
methods known to Electrical and Medical
science. Twenty years experience in stir
tery aud the application of electrlc'ly.
umee259 Commercial street, Ilusb-Brejr-man
lilwk. Salem.
Sas ant! BasoliM
ITava fewer parts, and v
T ' "i s r tbeirforeleuliiceiytOEiw
of order than any other kus or gaiollne engfnea npj
ballu Just Heut tbe burner, turn Uie bwJ.aoa
runs all day. ,
Vo doauls or falae explosions, so frequent with tli
Tot Simplicity It BoaU tho "IVorld.
It Oils luelf Automatically,
No Batteries or Electrlo Bparb
It nina with a Cheaper G rede of Caaoao taoo tsj
biber Engine.
PALMER & REY, ManufactureMJ
Su Fraasja, CaL and Pcrtbd. It
ji;0 B!
WULur. Wlth..t VtSlcUf u '" TfjVimSS
e.oLiUiiu,i.Bel.. liuko, '"''M?i?,iuI'
.ii.ib,r, ir:' "r"",',y.i"', r rt-VwM
uir or w. forf.il i,0lH. ul "Ul tr. " .ui
dlKUU r MJ. Ttooa4 t ,"',. ,li4 .
itioaa Ibt.oUoo fur il ' '?", ,JTto -
tilt Cdrrtl of le.tImooUU 1 tkU ul JJ'JJ, J5ti. o
No. 179 nrt St., PORTLAhO. 0
. r:
V 4 ,i.lii i . ,w L3
",-W,. wv ,
.- .