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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1892)
w r jf -flir vrffVJ -r 5 . t VJl"!)!5 0 " q-. EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. a f VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 145. M I PT HURD'S LATEST STATIONERY. 3 Large Cases Just ReceivedWe have the following styles: FIRST EVI IRE, TITIAN, OXFORD, POMPADOUR, IMPERIAL, COURTIER, ROYAL PURPLE, ALEXIA, POLONAISE, CLARICE. Wo invite the ladies of Salem to call and inspect this stock. We have a fine line to show you. This paper is all the rage in New York. PATTOMS State Street Book Store. VKOFKSSIONAL CARDS. J J. SHAW, M. W. HUNT. , HUNT, attorney nt law. 8IIAW A Ofllco over Capital National bank, Balem, Oregon. GEO. II. BUIINETT, Attorney at law, Balom, Oregon. Olllco over Ladd a Hush's bank. T. IUCHAHDSON, Attorney at law, otllce upstairs In front rooms or new ush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Balem, Oregon. rusi PLEASANT Home Addition. You can huy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has the advantage of street cars and city water. Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the Postoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on GET THE J.&M. LAWNMOWER In Three Sizes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD , WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS AT GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY BT&, SALEM, OREGON. BURKE rn. One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. Harntt clntire -SUCCESSORS TO- WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR C303E3E2E1ESS3E3J3 STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. H. GLASSFORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES, AND OFFICES FITTED UP IN, Georg'a Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc. MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Ilenrof 2G0 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. Choice Ed. C. Meats. Cross Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt ami Smoked Meats of all Hinds, '3T& ij rpl VW rMMmev Wrai?tftlU. JOHN A. CAUSON, Attorney nt law. llooms 3 and A, Lnda & Hush's bank building, Salem, Oregon. 8 1 lyr B. F. UONIIAM. W. II. HOLMES. Boniiam A HuLMKA, Attorneys at law. Office In Bush's block, between 8 kite and Court, on Oun'l at. mlLMON FOKD, attorney at law. Salem, JL Oregon. Olllce up-stalra In l'atton's UIO ilbck. BH. UKAD3HAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Burgeon, salem. Oregon. Otllce In l.ldrldgeblook, upstairs over Williams A KiiKlnnd's bank llesldcnco corner State una a. K. corner Inter street. Wll. YOUNO, M. O . Olllce formerly . occupied by Dr. ltowlaud, corner Court and Liberty streets. Telephone No. 40. ujiico neurs: a. ni. 10 i;; :iim p. in., and 7 to 9 p. m. llcsldeuco 18th street on electrlo car Hue. Telephone No. 0. M stairs, AFEB. A imoOKS, Physicians and Surgeon.). Murphy block, up i, Commercial street, Salem, Or. TH. W. B. MOrT, plij Rlclan and sur. J geon. Otllce In Kldridge llloca, Sv lem, Oregon. Olllco hours 10 to 12 a, m. 2 to 4 p. in. 17 B. PIIILIIKOOK, M. D.,Homeopatblst, Jii, Olllco 165 Court street; Residence Ml High street. OeLeral piactlce. Special attention given to diseases of Women aud children. Day It. MINTAH. A. DAVIS. Offlco hours, 9 a. m. to 11 a. m.: 2 n. m. to 6 d. m. ay or nlirht calls promptly attended to. Special attention given to diseases of wom en una euuureu. uiuco in new u uik uik., 303 Commercial strict, llcsldeuco Mime. DK. T. C. SMITH, Dcntlst.OT BUito street, Halom, Or. Finished dental opera tions of every description. Painless oporo ttons a specialty. WD.PUOH, Architect, Plans, Npecl- all classes' of buildings. Olllce 15X) Com mercial si., up stairs, CA.KOilEHT, Architect, ioom42l,Mnr . quam building, Portland, Oregon. Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt deliyery to all parts of the city. i)o Court and 110 State Streets. Chas, Smith, -SUCCESSOR TO- NAILS ! LOCKS t HINGES BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT BllIT (6 PfitZfil Plumbers and Tinners, 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete Imo of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing aud plumbing a epeclnlty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. All are invited to call at 143 Court street and look at all llio late patterns in Wall Paper and get prices for sums on the wall. E. C. SNOW, Decorator, with E, E. SNOW, Hou&e, Sign and Car riage PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging, Kalsomiuiug, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish. Only FtrsU-class Work. E, E. SNOW. Remember tho plaw, 143 Court Street. J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Re-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in balem or HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE 'A SPECIALTY.- Contractors and builders can find here every article they need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade aro invited to call. tVe will troat you well. miSlN'KSS CAKDS. HOKYE&MILLW, Proprietors tho Porce lain BattiaudHliavltiKParlors, Have the only Porcelain liutb Tubs In tho city. 20!) Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. SPHAGUK & ALLEN. Blacksmiths and hoicshoelng and ropalrlng. Only the best workmen employed. Opposito State Insurance building 4 a, SMITH A CO., Contractors, Sower . lng, Cement Sidewalks, Excavating, : All work promptly done, Salem, Or, Leave orders with Dusan Bros. 4.10-lm PJ, LAltSEN fc CO,, Manufactuie of all , klndsof vehicles. Repairing a special ly. Shop 45 State street. OABPET-LAYING. I make a specialty 01 carpet-sewing and laying; cttrpete taken un and rclaid with ereat euro. Iamvh orders with J. II. Luun, Duron A Son ori wane uumer. u, u. xjuxiivma.m. WENT MAD IN HIS CAB. A. Wild Rlito That Terrified a Tralnload of Western Passengers. Probably ono of tho most exciting incidents over known in railroading waa told n reporter by Mr. Julius Smith, who lias roturned from a trip to tho northwest. Ho was in Ta coma, Wash., for somo timo on a visit, and on his return started back on tho Oregon Short lino. Tho road leads along tho baso of tho mountains, and tho passengers woro enjoying a fino view for somo distance, and oycrything appeared to bo going on nicely until suddonly it was noticed that tho train was gradually increas ing in speed until it fairly flew along tho rails. Tho passongors began to get uneasy, but when thoy saw tho conductor and brakeman rush fran tically toward tho front of tho train thoy then know that somothing seri ous was tho matter. Faster and faster flow tho train until it bounded from side to side at a fearful rate aud tho frightened passengers woro thrown about tho cars liko so many puppets. Trees and polos flashed and tho train was going at a clip equal to 100 miles an hour, whilo it seemed only a miracle which kept it on tho track. Around curves it would spin, almost stand ing tho poor victims on their heads, whilo thoy woro every minuto ex pecting to bo dashed to pieces. Tho conductor soon disco vored that tho eugineor had gono mad. Ho stopped for nothing, but flashed post tho stations at lightning speed, and for a Btrotch of forty-fivo miles tho train wont so fast that it was impos sible for tho passongors to hold their seats. Tho fireman could not bo scon in tho cab and it was determined to mako an effort to got to tho mad man beforo ho sont tho wholo train- load of peoplo to eternity. Tho con ductor and brakeman crawled care fully along tho tonder and worked their way into tho cngino behind tho engineer, who stood with his head bare and his long hair floating back as ho gazed ahead, muttering' to himself. With a blow t'co madman was laid on tho floor and tho conductor shut off stenm and gradually brought tho train to a standstill. Tho madman was secured and a dispatch sont back ovor tho road asking for in formation regarding tho fireman, It was discovered that at tho last stopping placo tho eugineor- liad shoved tho flromnn from tho ongino just as tho train started, and then put on full steam. Tho engineer was always sober and had nover shown any signs of insanity boforo. Kansas City Journal. KNIGHT. Blacksmith, Hurso shoeing and repairing a specialty. Shop rouN iJ shoeing and repairing a bp uttho foot of Liberty sti eet, Sulcm, Oregon 2 20U dw 248 Commercial Street. FOUND The place to get a Saddlo horse, Livery rig, Express, Dray or Truck, "Wood, Hay, Mill feed or good well rotted Manure, load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. Salem Truck 4 Dray Co. letn Iron works. Dray and truok may be fn the auriittr of Bute and Oimiriiemial xtrmtf, DRAYS AND TltUOKH always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, huy, coal aud lumber. Of flee rilate 8t., opposito Ha- found. throughout the day at B, F, DRAKc, Proprietor, SALEM T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent, IRON WORKS, OREGON. DUGAN BROS' Plumbiug and Heating Co. Wholesale and retail dealers in STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. 20) Commercial street, Telephone No. 33 For Sale. Three lots in North t-i)m on Mrcet car line, olhO 21 acres Iriilt land hIjouI. miles east of Salem, Cull on V. D.tUISItltiLSOX, folate Insurance Otllce SALEM. Manufactures STEAM ENGINES. Mill Outllts, Wuter Wheel Governors, Fruit HrrlneOutnti Traction Fnglnes. Cresting. et- 1 arm mhcblnerj made and rcnnlied 1,,Tn.?.,Si .?Jnt?And manufacture of ilia celebrated Wahlslrom I'atent MlddllUH Puritlerand Heels, Karra machinery niiult and reiulred. C, N. CHURCHILL. CHURCHILL & T S. BURROUGHS. BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. 100 Chemeketa Street. rii -ign JKZMJgZJ, Sash and Door Factory Fronts Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our line ?at prires to compoto with the lowest. Only the best material used NEW DAILY MAIL STAGE ttchvecu Aurora, Hut (evlllo, Ii:iinnoeLr, St. l'nul and Fairfield. leaves Aurora dally at 1030 a. in Ar rive at Kalrdtld J p. in. luturulnu leave Kiisrfleld ull p. m. Arrives at Uuuiiixm-k Up, in leaves ChHinprx-K 0a.m. Arrives at Aurora, via Uuttewlle, atH a, m ( on ucct with mornlriKri. j Co. trains colnx north andnouth. luf-ngei, batrgHuund freight carried at regular mUs. Service begins Monday, March 17, lS'r.'. uUMiOUKK, Jiopr WILLIAMS &. ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Us branches. GEO. WILLIAMS J'reslden Wm. ENGLAND Vice President HUGH McNAHY Cashier MUECTOK8- Geo. Wllllams.Wm. Ens land, Dr. J. A, Klcbardson, J. w . Ilodson, J. A. Maker. Hunk In new Exchange block on Coro merrlal street. 8 U-tl Authorietl Cupital f500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Hale m, Oregon. W.A.CU-ICK. 1'ics. V. W, MAIITIN, Vice 1'rts. .1. 11. ALllhltr, Cashier. Btnte, County aud City WarranU bought at l'ur. dw MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for the next SO duvs on good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Doom 14, Bush Dunk block. 5 Udw Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meak at All Hours of the Day None hut white labor employed In tills establishment. A good substantial menl co iktd In Urflt class style Twenty-live cents por meal, HMD KI-tONT Court street,; betwt en Opera ,Jlouse and Mlnto's Llvory THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OllEGON. Hales, $2.50 lolFs.OO per J)ay. The best hotel between l'ortlund andHau Kranclsco. riruWclass In all Its iiimkjIih menu. Its tables aru served with the Choicest Fruits Grown In tho V. Illume! te Valley. A, I. WAGNER, Prop. Those Afflicted With tbehablV)l using to excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT TUB KEELEY INSTITUTE Forest, Grove, Or Call wlu. Btrlctly oonOtUntlaL fMI'IlOVEl) OltDEH OK UKI) MKN. 1 Kumlakun 'JrlbeNo. H, Halem. Holds ooiuicll ory lliurday evening, at 7'X) Mlgwum lu htato lusiiruuce hall. V. O. UAKKlt, J'rophet. KKrfVNK (1. V. Al'hlW.lhlefofllecords. J. M, Needham, HOUdE I'MrsTINa, K ALSO MIXING, PAPKIl HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leure ordem J Irwin's, rear of smllh a Httiner's drug ttore. mm D.C.SHERMAN, U, H, 1'entlon and Chum agent. I'.O Box Ml. MaUin, Oregon. Deputy iCoaali iflwy YrH tor bUulu. w t7APANES53 PiJUB C1LTRB A new and Complete irLatinent, coiisIhU InsofsilpposltorleK. olntmentln caobules. also a box and pills; n ikhUIo euro lor ex ternal. Internal, blind or bleeding, ItUilug. (Iircinlc, recent or hereditary riles, mid many other (llstasis and lemalo wuuk ntsjChj It Is always a treat beuetlt to thu gentral luultli. 'Jhu llrsl dlsvovtry ol a cure rendorlug an op ration with tho knlfu unnecessiry heitaltur. This remedy has never bum kixiwii to full. It per box. U fori'); sent by mull, Why siifti.r Irom this terrible dlsuisn when u wrlttun guarantee Is given with (1 lixis, to refund thu money II not cuud honcl stamp for freo sample. GiKirrnteeli.Niied by VtooiiAiip, d-AiiKK A Co., whoimuluaiid retail lnu gUti, sole agents, l'ortland, Or. & 1-ly-Uw J.H.HAAS, THE "WATCIEVfAKEIt, 2!5!Commerc!l St., iitum, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Htx-o!.ilty ol Biiectacles, and repairing Olocks, Wuicliex and Jewelry. Two Hard Names. Wo may point out tho desporato attempts or our countryinou to got at tho proper utterance of Gootho'a name. Probably tho patronymic of no great man has boon bo widely and so variously miscalled. Among tho varieties aro Goaty, Gwcothy, Gootor and oven Gutter, to which modo our less ambitious effort was lately corrected by a suporior bookbcller. Tito editor of a popular journal lately gavo it out, with porhaps n too liberal concession to tho inflexibility of tho English tonguo,.as "Gorty." Tho namo of Mario Bashldrtsoil! is another verbal i-ock on which many a British tonguo comes to grief. Ilavo you Mario Baslct horsolf Bosht-horsolf? (almost everything Bhort of Badgorcd horsolf) aro tho varieties ono ovorhcars at tho circu lating libraries. A young compatriot of tho haploss horoino gavo it to us as Bashkoort choff, with tho accent on tho second syllable, which somo might find as difficult to utter as tho threo snoozes and "ski" supposed to bo typical of Riifcsian nomcuclatuio. London Tit Bits. liny Hum. Bay rum is manufactured in Do minica from tho dried leavos of Pi mento acris. Bay rum to procured by distillation, and this in a vory simple mannor. Tho leavcp aro picked from tho trees and then dried in this stato thoy aro placed in tho rotort, which is then filled with wa tor and tho process of distillation is carried on. Tho vapor is thon con densed in tho ubwil way and forma what is known as "bay oil," a vory small quantity of which is required for each puncheon of rum. Tho manufacture of bay mm is carried on at tho northorn end of Dominica, and proves a very lucrativo business to thoso engaged in it, as tho plants aro plentiful in this district. Gar den and Forest. E. c. citoss, and Packer HtateHt, an Court HUTua best meat delivered to all part of the city. EX KHALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator, Ortlce at CuHirlhlvert'a lllllouery store, Halem, Oregon, A Logical Argument. A man was urged to tako a news paper. "What is (ho uso of taking it? I never open it, so I don't know what's in it. "What good would it do mo?" "You tako liver pills occasionally, don't you?" "Certainly." "Do thoy do you any good?" "Of coureo thoy do." "Did you over open them and find what was in thorn J" That mado him slioll out tho snb bcription price. Texas Siftings. five Hundred filiocbs u Year. Tho empire of Japan lias no fowor than 700 oarthquako observing sta tions bcattortxl over it, and tho rec ords of tho COO shocks that annually visit that country aro accurately uoted. Now York Journal. Everybody laiown what It Is, and that U tho reaaon they go to Hel leiibrund'a for Hint pure Ico cream bodu, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Re Mi soy&i S8 rowaer js&m ABSOLUTELY PURE PRACTICAL COOKING. An Englishwoman Teaching Working Peupto Economical Cooking. About 200 women and girls aro now attending tho cookery demonstration class in tho shipbuilding district of Goran. Miss Gordon, tho demonstrator, has ueon speoially trained for her work, and is nt onco a skillful cook and a clov er toacher. Her method of work is es sentially practical. Assisted by tho moro advancod of her pupils, and in full viow of tlio "others, Bho makes soups, drosses vegetables and manufactures dishos of various kinds. Tho fire by which she cooks is an ordinary open grato of tho sort found in most work men's houses, and tho saucepans and other utonsils ore all of tho simplest de scription. This is n matter of importance, ad cookery demonstrations Involving the uso of costly apparatus nro worse than useloss for workingmen's wives. Tho things made aro, as it rule, of tho most inoxpensivo kind, and they all depend for their valuo upon careful seasoning and cookery rather than costly ingro dients; for tho demonstrator never for gots that the chief object of tho school is to teach poor women how to provide nutritious food for thoir familios at tho least possiblo cost. Soups area great featuro of this class, pupils being shown how to make up ward of twonty different kinds all savory, nutritious and Inexponsivo. During tho lesson tho cost of each thing is given in detail. Thus, enough mock tttrtlo soup for six porsons costs Is. 2d. tho samo quantity of shecpshoad broth, 8id.; of fish soup, Cd., and of barloy nnd beef bono broth, 4d. Ono of tho tilings spocially taught is how to cook potatooa proporly n difficult foat in its way. At the samo timo groat efforts aro mado to induce peoplo to uso lontils, peas, boans, rico and macaroni. Proof is afforded them, too, that many of tho so culled woods which grow wild by tho roadside sorrel, for instance aro dolicious in soups nnd salads. In hor lectures Miss Gordon lays tho greatest emphasis on the necessity for variety in food, insisting that tho most wholesome dish loses many of its nutritivo qualities if caton day after day. She Bhows, too, how this variety could easily bo obtained if, instead of always buying beef and mutton, pooplo would just occasionally hnvo a rabbit, somo fish, or oven liver. In a full courso of loctures tho demon strator teaches hor pupils not only how to cook beef and mutton in every imag inable way, but how to mako a groat variety of puddings, omolots, scones and cakes, as well as ovory kind of sick room dolicaoy, nnd ovon poulticos. Shotoaohes them, too, that most diffi cult of arts how to season what thoy mako. At tho closo of each demonstra tion tho various dishes aro sold in half penny portions an arrnngoinent which has tho doublo ndvantngo of defraying tho cost of tho materials used, and en ables thoao present to tost tho quality of tho food. London Lottor. A Year Without n Summer, During tho extraordinary y oar of 1810, according to tho best records, January nnd February wero warm and spring like March was cold nnd stormy. Vogo tation had gotten woll along in April, when roal winter sot in. Bloot nnd snow foil on soventeon difforont days in May. In Juno thoro was olthor frost or snow ovory night but threo. Tho snow was flvo inohos doop for sovoral days in suo cossion in tho interior of Now York, and from ton inchos to throofeotin Vermont and Maine. July was cold and frosty; ico fonnod as thick as window panes in ovory ono of tho Now England states. August was still worso; ico fonnod noarly an inch in thickness nnd killed nearly ovory grcon thing in tho Unltod States nnd in Europe In tho spring of 1817 com which had boon kept ovor from tho crop of 1810 sold for from flvo to ton dollars a bnshol, tho buyors purchasing for seed. On May 10, 1833, snow fell to tho dopth of a foot in Jamestown, Va., and was piled up in hugo drifts In most of tho northorn states. St. Louis Ito publlo. Cafcd Snakes anil Their Pood. Many persons supjioso that tho crea tures introduced nllvo into tho dons of lingo monsters suffer tortures of terror nnd fonr, Wo Imvo often observod tho process, nnd confidently nfllrni tho sup position to bo ontiroly groundless. Tho rabbits nnd ducks, which wo saw put in with sorponts, showod no signs of fear whatever, sometimes ovon giving tho plainest demonstrations that thoy woro governed by quite othor otnotlons. On ono occasion we recollect noticing n rabbit runciiig about beside and over the coils of n hugo python. When ex actly opposito tho head tho sorpont moved it slightly und projected its tonguo several times. Tho rabbit took no notlco of this, nnd a littlo afterward bogan to try and nlbblo tho skin of the python's body. Quarterly Roviow, A aicnseerle on an Aruluuch. Tho warm evmn nro starting tho usual snowslides nnd avalanches lu tho Cas cade and Olympic mountains, says a dispatch from Seattle, Wash. From Bultan City, n mining camp in tho Cas cades, a curious Bight is reported. Tho men at work in tho 811 vor Top tunnel heard a noise, nnd rushing out found a Yost snowallde coming down tho moun tain, not 800 yards away. In the middle of a mass of snow ten rods wide by quarter of a mile long wero five beam and fourteen mountain goats. The ava lanche plunged over the cliff, and the whole menagerie except ono bear waa buried in the debris. Jleforo Starting on s Journey A person usually desires to gain boom i formation as to the most desirable rout to iate, ana win purchase tickets via the inntwiuaiiora mm me quicKestana service, liororo starting on a trio to cagoorany nulnt East, vou should nrovld yourself with a map and time table of.-tb Wisconsin Central Lino. The trains run on tnis route nrevestlbulo andareequipp with Pullman's latest! rawing ItoomSMi vm, cu'kuiii uay voacnes ana uiniuj uc of latest doslgn, built expressly for this i vice, and are exquisite in lumishlnm a convenient nud comfortable in arrange ment nnd bs complete In every detail tSat they have no superior In comfort and eto gance. The dining car service is pronoun ced by nil the most elegant ever Inaugur ated, and Is operated In tho lntei est of tu patrons. Fast trains via tho Wisconsin Central Lines leave Minneapolis dally at 12.4 p.m. nnd (1.23 p. m., and at, 1'aul at UdO p, as. and 7:15 p.m., making favorable connee uonwiiunit trains irom me west ooumwest. - f For tickets, num. Tuimnhletx and lntormatlon apply to Q, F. McNeill, O. ami x. a., Minneapolis, xuinn., ana to J Agent, Chicago, 111. M6- aaa ftsttv' ue-iy Summons. ' ?" In the Circuit Court of the Bute of, OmMI James Shirley, plaintiff, , vs. llngton.Q. W.nilllngton,W.U.Hodq. Ella Ilodson, D. 1', Thompson, ana A. O. To A. O. Drey, the defendant above nans In the name or the State of Oregon, yo are hereby required to appear and answttf the complaint tiled against you In tb above entitled suit, on or belore the 3a Monday in June, lhltt, to-wlt: J one 13,1888, the samo being the first day of the next terra of tho ubovo entitled court, and IT you fuil so to answer lor want thereof; nlainlltrwlll apply to the court for the re lief demanded therein, to-wlt: A Judg ment against defendants, A. L. llodaoa and O.K. Ilodson for tho sum or $1400, to gather with Interest thereon at the rate of teu per cent, per annum irom November 0, 1PK2. less tho followlngpaymentssrhla. to:wlU 8HU Novombor if. lsS3: $140 Novem ber 0, IBM; J20 Augusta), lNiU: 154 July IB, 1887; J.C.D0 December U, 18S8: $50 August 0, lbMI; 17.t!&Muy6,18Ul; SiO October 8,1881 also that plaintiff have Judgment agalMt said defendants lor J ISO us attorney's feea in this suit, and that plaintiff have Juda mentngalusl said defendants for all coma and disbursements of this suit. Second, a decrco for tho loreclosure and sale against you and all of the above named defend ants, or the mortgaga property mentioned in pialntitis' complaint, to-wlt: The frae- ttonal 8' K. Vf. being tho N. M of tho s ana low i and a or section So in T. ts; B.-.X. w.,w. M. and the fractional w. of the I vr.ii of section 30. t. 8. s. k. 2 w.. w. it..- ta copt 10 acres ott of the eas: side ol the ff ' 4 uonai w. 't oi tne w. y, or tne s. w. ,M section uu in the rorni of a paroleUognMk, extending across said land. Tbsrc Mta In all f this conveyance 161.W acres of laid loss 17K acres on of lot No. 2 deeded, to John Wittschera. AU of said land BltuaUd in Marlon county, State of Oregon. By taa shorlll of Marlon county, Oregon, aooord lng to law and the practice ot this court; that the proceeds of Bald sale may baap plled In payment ot the amount due, to the plalntlfr, and that said defendanUMUM each of thoio, and all personsclalmlng un der them.and each of them.ornnyofthem, subsequent to said mortgage on ealrt prem ises, either as purchasers, lucumtirunoew or otherwise may bo barred and foreeloani of all rights, claim or equity of redemption in the said promises and every part thereof and that tho plaintiff may have Judgment and execution agatust the said defendant U K. liodsou and A. L. Ilodson lor any da llelenoy which may remain alter applying all the proceeds of tho sale of said premise! properly applicable to the satisfaction of said Judgment, Third, that the plaintiff! or auy other party to tho suit, may beoome a purchasser at said sale, that the sheriff execute a certificate of sale to the purchas er und that thu said purchaser he let into possession of the said premises production of the sherlU'H certificate of sale thereof, and that at thu expiration of the time tat redemption, that the sheriff exeoute m .441. 1. 1 ... ,l.u nnnitinDn nf baI.. UVU. W ...V .UIVUMBV. BU1U MIDUIMBJ, unless redeemed ns required by law; thai the plalntllt may huvo such other and fur ther relief In tho premises as to this court may seem meet and equitable. You wlli further take notlco thai this Hummona la sorved ou you by publication In the Capi tal JouiiNAL. of Halem, Marlon county, Oregon, by order of lion. It. l'.llolse, JndM of the above euutled court, made at Obaaaw bers at Halem, Marlon county, Oregon. April 81, 18IH, ordering and directing thai said summons be published therein once a week for six consccuttvo weeks. H.T. UIUHAHOSON. 4-28-7t Attorney for JrUalntMa Executrix Notlco. NOTIQH Is hereby given that the under signed has this day been appoint ed by the Hon. County Court of Marloa county, executrix of the last will and te. turnout of Charles 1'lglcr, deceased, all Mar oons having bills ugulunt said estate av requested to present them to me at my resldenco corner 1) and 11th streets, Kngl wood addition to Halem, proporly verlflod. within six months from this date, and an persons kuowlug themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make lmmedW ate payment. bUHAN 1'IOLKR. April 22, 1W2. Hktii It. lUMiiEB, Attorney for Admit. atrix. 43S-6W -stBfl2afl&fl yasBV SVHFTOUS OV IITKR DISKAJUt XjOh of appotlto t bad breath ; bad tt 4 tho meuth: tonguo ooa ted: pain under tl shouldor-hlado l In tho back or side oftaK ' mistaken for rhoumatlsia i sour itnmaeH with uatuienoy aud water-urash; naca tloui bowels las and costive by turaai headacho, with dull, heavy sensation j rcstloasness, with sensation of having leaf I something undone which ouget to mmI been donot fullness after eating t htfd tompert blues I tiroa loowng; yeuoi- poaranco or a Kin ana eyes t auunews, i Not all. but always somo of tbeee cato want ot action of the Liver. Vor A Safe, Reliable Remedy that can do no barm and has never I known to fall to do good, Take Simons Linr Rit -AN KFi'KCTUAL SPKOirlO Malaria, Bowel C'omi Dyspepsia, hlok H L'on.ll nation. UU Kidney AUtiotlous, Jan Mental UeyreMlaa, a l-HvsiciAN'a ormov. "I hare Uo prsctlclog ssoltclM ttt yeusana unnnirpawni wpu(Hp Ms coapeuoa inai woum, ism wm kffvLatur. tmu&Mlv ami agscaiallM Urf to actus, and at tUo san tJaas aWj of wLu) tb immmIv bb KiiIwiIMIW I of the yuMi' L, M. Hiwrew, . &., ytvMimpm, i 3nvr tifiHi Has ew Skwj) la ni sa fteai f J.S.fcUiaAOo, w.-.uT ii .lV,.'.,- ' f". "(jiHi'iijiMaii .Li.4'j!!!jlfe