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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1892)
V Kfift' &, B a fi 9C e Can MUSLIN. Large and small and plaii: Swiss es, India Linens, Dim ititM und all light weight summer ioods. give 12MB Swiss Gdgiiijs. and slcirt HE CAPITAL JOURNAL. BATUItDAY, JUNE 18, 1892. GILBERT k PATffiM, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. GEO. I. OOOUI1UB. K. CAUIM JIUILDING MATERIAL. Lime, cement, plaster, hair, fire and building uriok, lire clay, sand, gravel, blacksmith and house coal, wood, all kinds, wholesale and re tall. Oillce 93 State street. Goodhue & Cahii.l,. CHOICEST MEALS, BEST SERVICE, LOWEST PRICE AT SMiONG'S RESTAURANT. DATCS OP LOCAL EVENTS. Juue 21. The Reed's. Fairy Wells Co. at July 29. "The Fast Mail" at Reed's. Tiik Newsemi: Fike. JuiK'o T. (3. Shaw brought the news to t'e nltv vesteidav of the burning of John Newsouie's giauarj on Howell nriurie in the inorniuc. The build ing contained 15,000 bushels of grain, and the total loss is. not less than $2000. luasmueh as Mr. Newsomo had no iusuiauce, liis policy having but just expired this is a severe lots, and one in which his many frit-nds syinpatnize w Ith him most sincerely. Some years ago hesuflered a similar loss, and all ciicunistauces would indicate that it is is the work of an incendiary. A Fine Road. D. A. Harris, supervisor of diatiict No. 22 called at Tin: Jooknal office today, and reports the road from our city to Macleay now completed. He says the people of Salem helped liberally on this improvement, and ho wants them to try It by taking a drive over it. All who have tried it call it a first class job. To assist in the coti Htriintinii of cood works iulo our city is one of our best in vestments tho citizens of Salem can make, und it is gratifying to know thai a good work is being done. Ei.ecthic Viil Build. Judt;e Boipe this morning rendered hi- decision dissolving the injunction of tho horse car compauy and sustain ing tho demurrer, giving plaintifls attorney until Monday to tile an amended complaint. If defeated Monday the horse car people say they will appeal. AVoik will propa bly begin ou the electric Monday morning. . lNCOKiOKATED.-Tiie Kentucky Wagon Manufacturing Co., of Louls vllle, Ky., filed a copy of their arti cles of incorporation with the secre tary of state yesterday, and heuce forth tho company will be allowed to do business iu this state. The uomnanv also tiled a power of attor- ...... .rlvlncr Andrew Buohanan, of Poitlund, authority to do business for it in the state of Oregon. 4 Y. M. C. A. Soug aud Gospel cnrninn tn.tnorrow at 4 ii. in. Ad dressed by Geo, N, Broat. Come aud spend a profitable hour with tho young nieu. Good music. All men and boys welcome. I'.Utou Block. Cooling Off. The burning heat of tho sun makes many peoplo un easy, but they uhvujs know u de ll ,'htrul remedy, the celebrated French io- cream Foda at Jones & Bernardl's. Don't Get Caught. The hot weather Is liable to catch you with out a summer suit. Hart & Tali uferro are Iu shape to help you out. .I -s M AKHIAOE LICENSE.-Albel t O'Brien und Mary M. Mauniiig, both aged 23 years, were toun granted a permit to get married. . m Foit Rai.b.-Two or four lots iu Portsmouth Villa can bo hnd at a bargnin by iuquiriuB of Miss Ames, nt tho Uulverslty. Ovenruiters uud Oxford's nil styles-It. J. Fleming's shoe store. Rich and rare were tho geius she wore, and m are the hats and fum- ishlmr coods at Ed. Jackson's 00 Rtfltn Rt. 0-18 3t T, HOLVERSON you excellent values R IBEJiJES. and Hninbcrg C1ULLIES. Cotton and Wool Challies at low pri ces and a fino assort ment of French a 1 wool patterns still to show you. Trimming ilouncings in dress patterns, both white and black. IlEMEMBEll THE PLACE, 301 Commercial Street. HOT MIDNIGHT FIRE. Ira Erh's Finishing Lumber Burns Up. IT IS THOUGHT TO BE INCENDIARY. The Foundry Loses Its Molds, Engine House, Ulacksinith Shop, etc. At about 11:15 p. in. Jacob Sutter, u truck driver who lives on tho Hat below the foundry, was awukened by tho intense glare that came into his east bedroom window. Ho looked out aud saw a lire burning briskly in the lumber behind the sash and door factory and the foun dry. He cried tho alarm of lire loudly und it was soon taken up.aud iu a moment the big bell was calling tho department aud the peoplo out. At first when discovered the fire was of hut small proi portions, but in stantly, the entire lumber yard, In cluding lumber,- sheds, aud wood piles, ou tho ulley, aud the engine house aud blacksmith shop were one seething mass of flames. Lines of hose were quickly laid from tho hydrants at tho corner of State and Front and Court aud Front streets. After due time streams were obtained through tliesu Hues of hose, and effective work was done. The wind was from the west, but veered to the southwest, kindling a blaze on nearly every roof iu the block. It ran along tho sheds and craw led ovei and through tho piles of lumber and was soon eating its way ivito tho internals of the brick building which encloses the sash and door factory. The rear frame sheds, engine room, blacksmith shop, platforms aud great cords of molds and patterns burned quickly. Tho flames made no furthur prog ress as soon as the lire department was able to got at work. The boys worked they always do,aud in spite of the adverse circumstances soou had tho flumes within bounds. The steamer Hoag, moored at her dock, sent a long lino of hose up from the river and lent material as sistance in fighting the iiieout of the Blab wood and saving the build ings on Water street. At one lime it looked as If the whole block was doomed. The Humes crawled upou the ''Cottage," Poguo's house and tho house occu pied by Mrs. Liveiuiore, across the alley, all fionting on Court. The tire was not hot everywhere else, hut here it was severe. Tho out buildings burned aud with a favor ing wind earned tho blaze and brands to tho main buildings Hero Capital's hose team und a line from the hydrant, asist"d by tho hook aud ladders and the buckets, stayed tho progress of the the. Tho kitchen was buiued oil the Cottage and the small building used as an anuex to it, on the east. The Pogue building and Livermore Louso lost nothing but some sheds, while the Cottage was quite badly damaged. One hue of hose played out through tho east door of tho sash factory, as soou as the flio began creeping into that building. It is claimed that tho luck of water on the start was caused by attaching to an old and defective hydrant which is fed by n three inch mail). 'Hie water company people say a pressure of 00 pounds was main tained fiom tho start aud no steam was used. LOSSES AND INSURANCE. Ira Erh's loss will leach $.0000, Hiw lumber and inouldlnus were in-tired for $1500. B. F. Drake's loss to the foundry will reach fr-5000. It is covered nj $3000 iu the State, Imperial uud Lion. Jonathan Stalger, who owns, the rwt.wrn mill ilm lionso nest eabt ol it, is damaged to the extent of 1500. Both houses are insured iu thoritaH', the smaller ouo (house and contents) for $1000. Tho Insurance fully cov ers the loss. Mrs. Anna Fotr.jthe's house, oc copied by M. E. Pogue, was ulso In sured in the State; contents alfco. The damage is fl50. H. Stapletou's double house J Insured In the State for MOO; slight ctutuuge. B. F. Drake's two liouws were insured In tho State; little d.uuagn NOTES. C. A. Beach was struck on I lie head with an ax and received a dan gers wound. He is hullerlug In. t4.dav. It Is believed that i.ukiillls broken, aud that he Is sullWlug from a contusion or ihe bruin. Mr. Beauh lias been dellrlc u uearly all day, aud Ids friends thii.U It a cuoe of Lralu fever. Jos. Scbiudler had a Udder fell in rAllASOJLS. A largo lino of black and colored Para sols on hand, 22, 24, 20 inch, ranging in prices iroin l.uu up. across his face, causlug a painful wound. There wero rumors of tho theft of a trunk aud other articles but au lu. vcstlgatlou proved It not to be a fact. Tho report of Oscar Hodgins los ing J500 was untrue. Ho fouud his coat with $20 which was with it. It would 1)0 almost useless to at tempt individual praise of any of tho firemen, for it is the general veidlct that the Salem fire depart ment never did better work. Tho work of clearing up the debris has been goitig ou all day, und tho householders uro getting settled back into their homes, happy that they still havo roofs over their re spective heads. It is difficult to locate the origin of the fire, as its quick work soou covered its tracks. ODR SCHOOLS CLOSE. Primary Schools Give an Enter tainment Commence ment. The Methodist ehuich of Salem was a tjay place iudeed, yesterday afternoon, It was the occasion of tho closing exeicises by tho pri mary departments of tho public -chools. The childieu from the diflerent buildings marched to the church In flue form, and after being thoroughly settled and rested ren dered the program previously pub lished. The exercises consisted of excellent music, recitations aud marching. Ihe dumb-bell exerci ses by the Noith school deserves especial mention tho boys golug through a gieat varity of evolutions iu that perfect time whicli is only acquired by careful ami patient drill. The thing however which appealed toeveiy ouo of the seveu uuudreci children packed into the body ol the church was a "Mother Goose Exercises" by pupils of the Park school. The fantastic costumes ad ded much to the eilect of the time honored rhymes so dear to every childs heart aud the little actors wero most heartily "clapped" by their associates. The church audi toilum, the pupils and in fact every body aud everything wero profusely decorated with flowers. As usual the schools having the best and rarest of those floral oflerlugs in which Salem is especially rich at this tlmo of year. Great credit is duo to the people who patiently stood for two hours und listeued to the exercises which though rendered promptly must have been very tire some to those packed together so they could neither hear nor see. Too much piaise canuot bo accorded Supt. Grubbe aud her associates for handling so nanny children lu u manner not to cause the least dis oideror delay. At 4 p. iu. the audience dispersed to meet at Rred's opera house at 8 p. m. and witness tho exercises Iu honor of the graduating class. CANTATA "CUU'KIT I'AY." Before the hour of opeuiug every comer of the opera house was packed, uud hundreds had been turued away. Those who obtained admission enjoyed a rare treat lu witnessing the evolutions of 150 little folks costumed as nymphs, laliies" and sprites. Every motiou wiwin timo to music, and as half the children were less than seveu years old it meant much careful training by both superintendent uud teachers. The lull choiuses rung outiuawuy to leach tho hcail ol every parent, aud Major Wallace ton:, the eulnrli's null hi a maimer to do credit to a professional actor. Tho solos of .Misses Mabel liuttou and Lulu Saj re wero also exception ally wellieudered. Tjik Jouknai. cannot inuulge in the customary amount of personal "tally" for tholeacheis und children but wlshe'3 to say In all sincerity that the work douo by every persou connected with these publlo demon stratlous has beeu excelleut through out, and a work of the heart us well us tho hand. . Tho seeoud part of the program was equally meritoiious and worthy of more than tho brief mention our space allows. The "Duet" weie well rendered and the "Class Ad dreab" by the president, of Wfllu aiette Uuiveisity, wusfullof bright thoughts and wle coiicil. Diplo hum were awarded to of forty jjiiplls pronounced by .Mis. Grubbe one of the beslcluses which hits ever uraduuted from the schools of this ilty. The class of '02 Is composed of the followlug named: Eva L. Adair, Mary Aitken, Maggie Alderson, Lenora Brooks, Kriuine Ji. jjtisuneii, Arthur Churchill, Gruee Cleaver, AguebU. Denton, Alice M, Davis, Bex W. Davis, Mlnule A. Evans, Joseph Evuns, Iura Fleming, HopeUauB, Muggle Hammer, Ida M. Harris, Loulso A. Hull, Maude Kress, B. W. Macy, W. Albert Manning, Helen Matthews, J. J. MoCormlck, Archie McCully, Hnttlo Morolock, Theofll Meullhaupt, Geo. O'Fling, Chester G. Murphy, Dillou Plamondon, Ernest Piper, Win. W. Savaga, Ebin Singleton, Ida Sanders, May Salmon, Jessie Smith, Irving Sroat, Harry Stnpletou, Corlio Starr, Annie Tnlbott, Eddie Thompson, Ernest Wilson. APADKMY Ol' TIIK SACKED HKAWT. Tue commeucement exercises nt the Academy of the Sacred Heart wero private, being limited to tho parents and ueur friends, owing to the death of a very uear relatlvo of one of tho graduates, who had a prominent part Iu tho Intended publlo commencement. The following choice program was given: T.n Trnvlotii Quatuor Essay "Industry, the Guardian of Home Virtues Miss Bird E. Downiug Graud Improvisation, instrumental Solo, 'The Vision of Handel," Recitation with Piano Accompan iment. , "Giaudma," Primary Concert Reci tation. Conferring of Graduating Honors, Diplomas, and Gold Medals ou Misses Eflle Young uud Bird E. Downiug. AWAHDINCl GOLD MUDALS. Valedictorlau Miss Etllo Young Classmates' Farewell, Solo and Chorus. A gold medal, presented by Rev. J. S. White, was awarded to Miss Maggie Murray, for good conduct aud general application; ouo for general excellence to Miss Anna Haas, aud n third for order uud neatness to Miss. Fannie Richard son. LOCAL A.1D PERSONAL. Miss Ella Hirseh will spend several mouths iu Southern California. "Tommy" Gilbert will leave Krausse Bros., and take a position in Portland. Don't forget the splendid excur sion to Independence next Wednes day. It is a flue trip at this season aud the Hoag is a first class boat. Mrs. L. W. Treat will speak at the M. E. Church Monday evening at 8 o'clock. A. I. Wagner lias gono through to the east, and will visit points in Georgia before returning. At the First M. E. Church to morrow the morniuK subject will bo "The Hands of the Mighty God of Jacob;" evening, "Christ iu Galllle." C. R. Kellorman, pastor. Ladles' pebble goat J2.25 shoe and ladies' Dougola kid at 3-2 50. Best values ever in Salem. Krausse Bro. L. E. Dai row, of Portland, was a Salem visitor today. R. D. Alien, theSilverton uursery- mtin, was a Salem visitor today. Salem had its hottest fire It ever had last night." Today It has the iluest Ice cream soda It has ever had. Tho Spa, 110 Stato street. W. Stolz, manager. Fresh plucapples at the Spa, 110 State street. Mrs. L. W. Treat and Miss O. Ballou aio in Albany today, where Mrs. Treat will give several of her Kindergarten talks. Frank Hotlgkin has sold Ills little old house to Mr.Rhodes, of the water works, and Howard & Son will move It to north Cottage street. Everybody admires beautiful hair and every ouo may posbess It, by buying Ayer's Hair Vigor. Keeps the hair soft, pliant, aud glossy. Rev. J. G. Bennett, of Mehaniu, is in the city, visiting his daughter, Mrs. S. E, Howard. President David S. Jordan, of Stanford uuiveisity, will address the State Teachers' Institute, at Port, land Thursday and Friday, Juno 30 or July 1st. Ho will stop on his way and deliver au address in Unity church upon "Agusslz as Teacher." Piobably on tho evo of the 28th, date will bo given next week. Ask for Ayer's SarsapariHa, and do not tako auy other. Sold by all druggists. The tide of popular favor flows to Ed. Jackson's 00 State St. 0.10-Ut Fruit Jais, Jelly glasses and preserv ing Jars, also fttono ware, n full Hue of the best at Clai k &. Epley 's. Any one going East caunot aflbrd to miss seeing Shaw & Downing, agents of the Northern Paclllc rail wuy. They make tho lowest rates. Spices are probably more adulter ated than any other article. Clark & Eppley have pure bulk spices. Chasing the nirrttjo dollar Is a universal pursuit sy are In the race, then call on Ed. Jackson, lie will belli vou. 00 Stuto St. 0-10-3t Shoe tracks lead at Fleming's shoo store. Pkhsonai.. Until closed out you can get clothing aud boots aud slices at low figures at 00 State St lurge quantities of goods nro arriving und we inns' make room for other Hues. 0.10-3t. A Million Friend. A friend In need is a friend In deed, uud nut less than one million people have found just such a friend Iu Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, aud Colds. If you have never used this Grout Cough Medicine, ouo trial will con vince you that It has wonderful cur ative powers In all diseases of Throat, Chest und Lungs. Kach bottle Is guaranteed to do till that Is claimed nr mniiHV will liu rufundwi. Trial bottles free ut Da til. J. I'o's Drug store. 225 Coni'l Bl. , 60c. and 1,00. Lttre Lotties CON STIPATION Aflllcta halt tho American people yet there Is only ouo preparation of Bartapirllla that acts ou tho bowels nrul tenches this Import ant trouble, aud that Is Joy's Vegctablo bar mpurllla. It relieves It In 21 hours, Ami an occaslonnl doso prevents return. Wo rotcr by permission to C. B. Klklngton, 12.5 J.ocust ATtnue, Ban Francisco; J. II. llrown, Pita luma: II. 8. Winn, Ooary Conrt, Ban Fran cisco, and hundreds of others who havo used It in constipation. Ona letter Is a saraplo ol hundreds. Elklngten.urltcs: "I havo been for years subject to billons headaches mid constipation. Have been to bad for a jour back havo had to tab a physic every other night or else I would have a headache Af tot UVlns one bottle of J. V. 8., I am In splendid hape. It has done ouderful things for me." Joy s veeretamc SarsapariHa Most modern, most cfftcilve, lutccst bottle same price, (t.00, six for ts.00. For sain byD.iu'l J. Fry, 225 Com. street. FOURTH OF JULY. Tho Following are tho Amounts Subscribed. Wcstacott & Irwin $o0 00 C. W. Hellenbrand 60 00 Willamette hotel CO 00 E. C. Cross 60 00 Childers & Lake !?0 00 F. P. Talkingtou 30 00 W. R. Anderson 30 00 J. W. Phillips 30 00 Andersou & Johnson 30 00 C. Paulus 80 00 Oscar Hoduius 30 00 Klinger & Beck 10 00 E.Eckerleu 3000 Hamilton & Wviuan 30 00 G. W. Stimpson 30 00 Butte & Wouderotli 30 00 John J. Dalrymplo & Co 20 00 J. Meyers 15 00 John Kulght 10 00 Ladd & BtHh 25 00 Brooks & Harritt 10 00 E. II. Jackson 10 00 F. J. Catterliu 10 00 R. M. Wade & Co 10 00 McCrow tfe Willard 15 00 State Ins. Co 20 00 Pacific Land & Orchard Co 10 00 Damon Bros 10 00 Squire Fairar & Co 10 00 Ben Forstner & Co 10 00 E. O. Small 10 00 Krausse Bros 10 00 F. S. Deaiborn 10 00 G. W. Johuon & Sou 10 00 Fishburu & C 10 00 Smith &Sleiner 10 00 A. S. Brasflcld 10 00 Wni. Browu & Co 10 00 S. W. Thompson & Co 10 00 H. P. Mluto 10 00 Charles Smith 10 00 Mluto & Waters - 10 00 E. P. McCoruack 10 00 Gray Bros 10 00 John Hughes 10 00 Capitol Adventuro Co 15 00 Simon Cigar House 10 00 Jones & Beruardi 20 00 John C.Wright 10 00 Harrltt& Mclutire 10 00 Hoeyo & Mills 5 00 Juberg &. Henderson 2 50 Fred Cooper.. 5 00 Barr& Petzol 6 00 W. W. Martin 5 00 Brooks & Legg 5 00 Btelner's Market 5 00 Clark & Eppley 6 00 Davison & White 5 00 CM. Lockwood 2 50 Bureu & Sou - 5 00 A. H. Forstner & Co 5 00 Keller & Maish 5 00 W. M. Sargeaut 5 00 I. L. Kimber 2 00 Great EiiHteru Tea Co 5 00 II. M. Branson 7 50 T. Holveibon 5 00 Geo. H. Buruett 5 00 Dick Swartz 2 50 R. L. Humphreys 6 00 D. S.Fry 5 00 J. E. McCoy 5 00 Tho committee will continue its labors today aud If the balanco of tho business men and peoplo will re spond as liberally as thoso already on tho lists, Salem will celobrato iu grand style. If not, the project will bo dropped. CIRCUIT COURT. In circuit court yesterday tho pro ceodlngs wero os follews: Stato ys. R. M. Thompson, sell ing liquor without license; contin ued. Stato vs. Oratwis, larceny In dwelling; pleaded guilty and sen tenced to tho ponltentlary for one year. Stato ys. Walter Hoeye, breaking a glass In a house not his ewn: pleaded guilty and lined $10. 80 John Welty vs. R.inkln Ed gar; action fur money; continued. 105 A. B. Gilder vs, Henry Bye; action for money; dcfuult and JnIj- ment. 113 E. F. I'arklmrht vs, City of Salem and Capital City Railway company; Injunction; demurrer ens tallied and Injunction dissolved. Plalntlfl excepts. Defondunt given until Monday to file ameiukd com plaint. 127 Stata, of Oregon vs. J. S. Dlsque; forgery; arraigned, pleuds guilty und sentenced to two yearo In prison. 128-Ktuto vs. Clius. II. Smith; adultery; arraigned topleud Monday at 0 o'clock. 120 Stato vs. W. B. Russell; as sault and battery; to plead Monduy at 0 o'clock. IlKI'OItT OI' (JIIANI) JUUV. The grand Jury today filed Its re port, having found nine true bills. In reeard (o tho reform fachool the Jury says: "Wo cannot speuk too highly In praise or the management everything goes like clock work mid we ililnk It a grand industrial school for the reformation of Incorrigible youths. The boys are apparently contented and seem to get ulouir nicely." There are 62 hoys there. Limit sixty. The Jury recom mended the putting In of ft well. At tho penitentiary there wi-re found 2W prisoner und everthlng In flntt cldbS order. At the'wyluiii they fouud ill AT ACTUAL CLOTHING FURNISHING ALL FOR G. A. E. Suits $8.50 with buttous s. 2JM Commercial Street. V" mates aud at tho farm 40. Tho en tiro management Is endorsed. Tho jury says: "Wo flud among the publlo buildings that need at tention. Tho court houso needs a thorough renovation. The sanitary department used by tho prisoners should bo repaired ut once. Tho cast sldoof the building needs a coat of cotneut." They say tho condition of tho building shows gross uegligeiice, aud thoy recommend immediate attention. At tho poor farm they s.y every thing looks woru out and run down. They recommend that now side walks bo built and that a plpu be put iu to drain tho cesspool near the kitchen. Eleven inmates were found. SALEM BOARD OF TRADE A Live Mooting at Tho Willamette Last Evoning Manu factures. At a special meeting of tho board of trade held lust evening soveral communications iu rcferonco to manufactures wero considered. First was that of Jos. Kucrton, of Oregon City tillering to put upu $10,000 soap factory bore if tho eltl. zena would donuto two suitable lots. Grounds wero otlored by soveral par tics gratis, uud by others for u small consideration. A committee con slstlngof J. O. Booth audW. H. Wild was appointed with tho power to act. Word was sent today accept ing tho proposition. Another proposition was read from John Patterson und others of fering to put lu a plow utidstovo manufacturing plant for u stated consideration. This was most favorably discussed, und tho chair was instructed to ap point a committee to coufer with tho parties, and present a more sped Ho plan of work at tho next mooting. O. M. Smith was present und oflered to sell the board 1600 maps of Salem at 7J cents each, which matter was referred to the advortls Ing committee Advertising conimltteo was in structed to receive bids and order pamphlets printed. P. S. Knight spoke to the bourd of tho possibility and the feasibility of uu electric power plant being estab lished here. If. W. Cottto presented u few fact concerning a largo wagon factory firm that could bo induced to como here, and was InstructoJ to secure further Information on tiie subject. At tho close Agent Chapman, of Willamette university, addressed tiio board on the subject of their new building project, and on motiou this subject will como up for dis cussion at tho next meeting, A man who has practiced medicine for -10 ycais, ought to know salt from sugar, read what ho says: 'loi.Kim. O.. Jon. 10, list, Monxr. P. J. Cheney iV Co. Umtluinen; 1 lmvu Lh'cii In lliu ueneral iinicllio of mudlc-Iiio Tor mout 10 yeura, und would miy tliut lu nil my pnictluu unit iiziicrlenvu Imvo iilvct Hi-en u prpimriitlnu tlutl I muld lrL-ril Willi uh in 11 cli confidence) of biic cihk us 1 nn Hull's CuUirrh Curt, mutiu fuutured liy yon lliivo prccrlbfd It u ureal tnnuy tfimsftud llmlkot In wonder ful, unci would my In uiiiclimlou llmt I liuvc ytt Id llndu uiKuof Culurrli tliut It uould nolciirii, irtliuy would luku It no cordltiK Indirection . Yours truly, lu I,. GORSUCII, M. D., OHlce, 21G Summit St. We will give $100 for uny naso of Catarrh that cannot be cured with Hull's Cuturrh Cure. Taken Inter- nully. F. J. CHENNY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. JtsfeiCrSold by Druggists, 75o. CT ., Hrtflt Baking lm Usd in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard FOR MEN AND BOYS, GOODS AND HATS GO UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. CASH ONLY. These suits nro all -OPPOSITE LADD & BUSH BANK.- JUST is going; to There CLOTHING For Holidays, etc, and remember the WOOLEN MILL STORE Is the place to buy and get the best goods for the least money. Iteligtous Services. CUMitKHLAND PiiKsiiYTKniAK, Salem, Oregon, ltov. J. V. Blair, l'nstor. Buuday school every Simony, 10 n. in. I'rcachlne ocry Bundny, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Cliui'ch bouse ou High stroet, between Marlon und Union. Everybody welcome, MhTtiontt Ei'iRCoi'Aii. Sorvlcsa ou Sub bath at 10:30 and 7:30. Huuday school at 11; Epworth leagues nt 0: 15; 1'rnyer meet ing ccry Tuumdny ovenlug. llov. C. L. Kcltermun, pnstor, 13VANOKMCAI., Corner of Liberty nnd Center struotn. Huudny Korvlceb 10:30 a, in. nnd 7:30 p. m., Bundny school 12 m., Y. P.M. U. K 0 30 P- in-; 1'rnyer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. J, lloworaox, poster, residence U7 Llbeuv street. ViiEsuvTKiiiAN. Church street, between Chemckota and Center. Preaching morn trig and oonlug;B.ibbatli school at 12 m.; Y. P. 8. C. K, at tl Ul p. in.; prayer meeting Thursday nt7:0p.m. ltov.F.II. Qwynnc, l), 1) pastor. St. Joseph's Oatiiowc Cituncii.-Cho-mcltotn und Cottage Sunday For vices: Low inasH 7.30 a. m.; high mass 10.SO; Sunday school B p. m.; vespers 7:30; woek dnys, low mass 7 n. m. ltov. J. 8. White, pastor, Conoukoational.-Comer Contor and Liberty Services Sunday nt 10.30 u. m. nnd 7 p. m,; Buuday hchool 12 m., Y. P. S. C. E. at 6 :30 p. m,; prayer dny, llov, C. L. Corwlu, pnstor. St. l'Aur. Ei'tscoi-ATi Ceimcii. Corner Church nnd Ctiomokotn. Bervloes 10.30 n. in. nud 7 p. m.; Buuday school 11:15 n. in.; service Monday 10.30 n. in.; Thursday 7.80 p. in. llov. W. Lund, rector. Eiusr IIAitist. Liberty nnd Marlon. Borvlces 10.30 n. in. nud 7.00 p. m.; Sunday school 12 m.j young poople'H mooting nt 0 p. in.; prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday. Ilev. llobert Whltnker, pastor. yKiiEK JlKTiioniHT. Hov. M. V, Braulloy pastor. Services Huuday morning nnd oTcnlng, Sunday uohool ut 10 n, m.; prnyer meeting Friday night. Church upposlto North Balem school, KitiBND-i. At Highland park on car line. Borvlcos 10.30 a.m. uud 7.80 p. m.j Sunday school 1J m.; Christian Endeavor 0 p. nt.: prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. in. llov. I'. SI. George, pastor. CmtisTiAN, High and Coutcr. Bundny school 12 m.; preaching 10.30 a. in.; young pooplo's society CJ0 p. in.; preaching 7:30 p. m. ltov. W. It. Williams, pastor. rjKUMAN ltKroiiMKi). Capital nnd Marl on.; Buuday sorvlco 11 a. m.;Bundny school 10 a. m.; pruj or meeting Wcducsdny 7.30 p. in. llov. J. Muellliuupt, pastor. OiiuisTiAN Hoi knck. Services lu Uni tarian hall at 10.1,0 n.m.nnd 7:30 p. in ; Sab bath Bchool 12 m.j lllblo study Thursday ovonlng. South HAi.KM-M. E. church. Proaoh Ing ovory Sunday nt 10:30 a. m, aud 7:30 p. in. J. II. ltoork, pastor. UiiitMAN llAi'TiHT.-Horvlcos In Uorman liaptUt church north of Cottage street. Ilev. John Fecliter, pastor. Aiihoan MicnioniHT, North Balom. Services at 1 1 u. in. ami 7:30 1, m. Bundny school ut 1 p. m. ltov, O, W. White, pastor, Mus, WoomvoiiTii'H Mkktinos. Ser vices nt 10 30, 2 30 und 7:30 ovory day iu the tout at tho Junction of tho olcotrlo car line. Temperance gospel mecuttngs at I o'clck Sunday at W.U.T.U, hull. Wliat Stronger Proof la needed or tho merit of Hood's SaiBuparilla than the huudreda of lotted continually cemiuj: lu tolling of murvellouB cures It has effected after all other remedies had fulled? Truly, Hood's SarsapariHa possesses peculiar curative powers unknown to other medicines. I food's l'llls euro constipation by roHtoriiiK the peristaltic notion of tho ullmontury canal. Thoy uro the best family cathartic i i Dissolution Notice Notice Is hereby ulven that the 11 1'in of (Joodalo & Wheeler has bee-i by inutuuliiBreeinent dissolved. J. C. Ooodalo has purchased the Interest of A. Wheeler and will con tinue the business and puy all the liabilities or the late Arm. A. Whkklkii; J. O. Qoodali;. Balem, May 18, 1602.' 5-U0-4W If you want n team of uny kind, 6-10-tt see liyan A, Co. Pewder: COST. S wool, regulation cut. NOW be a rush for REAL ESTATE MOVEMENTS. January transfers $170,220 50 February transfers 203,074 65 March transfers 175,674 89 April transfers 182,009 20 May transfers 04,432 75 Juno to date 62,526 00 JUNE 18. Chas. M. McDonald and wifo to Albert Bradway, Its in 22 Reming ton's ad to Woodburn, $450. Irene McDonald aud husband to samo; part same, ?40. Lost. On Wednesday, probably at railroad depot, at 11 o'clock train, a lady's diamond and sapphire pin, Finder will bo liberally rewarded on return of same to J L. Mitchell & Co's., ofllco this city. The Only Reason Why peoplo all llko Fred Cooper's ico cream la because it is mado of the best lu sredlents. Everybody knows what it is, and that is the reason they go to Hel lenbruud's for that puro Ico cream soda. Everybody Goes. Wliero? Why, to Hollonbrand's restaurant. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed ; Costorlai llucklcn's Aralcu'.Balve. Tho West Balvo In the world for OuU, Urulscs, Hores, Ulcers, Salt Hhoum, Favor sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, appe kin Corns nud nil Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to glvo perfect sutlsniotlon or money refunded, Price, 23 cents per box. For sale by Dan'l J. Fry, 225 Cornet. AIAIUUEll. ROBINSON-BARR.-At tho Uni tarian church, Juno 10, 1802, Miss Rosa Roblusou to Chas. A. Barr, Rev. H. H. Brown olllelatlng. CURE Sick ITcndactio and relievo nil the troubles Incl dent to a bllloun state of thti system, such at Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Dlttres aftel eating, l'aln in the HMo, Ao. while their mot remarkable success lias been shown In curing SICK Hcmloctm, yot Caiitiu's Little I.iver Fills am (finally valuable In Constipation, curing ,ind preventing this annoying complaint, wblla they also correct all disorders of tho stomach, stlmulato the liver and rcgulats tho bowel. Svon If they only curod HEAD Actio they would lo almost priceless to thoso who sulfur from this distressing complaint Imt fortunately their goodness does not end hero, and those who nnce try them will Had those little pills raluablo In so many ways that thoy will not lie willing to do without them. uut after all sick bead ACHE s the bano cf so many Uvea that here Is when w make our great boast. Our plus cure It wblle others do not. (Jartek's Littlv r.ivm Pills are venr small CARTER'S IVER ISHI 1 pius. B anil very easy to take. One or two pills Biaso a dose. Tbey era strictly vegctablo and doj notgriprtor imrge, but by their gentle action Sitvue all who ma them. In vials at96centj vo for SI. Bold everywhere, or sent by smb. CASTS! UISKllIE CO., He ToA. MR Small Ecu, kflftk. . TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE '. When vou seo theso new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Hous" and Cottages," Hlzo.H x 10 Inches. Contains new deIfrs, uew stylus, latest Idea lu planning No. I bus lis designs classified from 1160 up W lfiOO, about hair under 11U00. Mo. 6 co lalusWdeslirns of dwellings nostlun ovsr , II60U, many from SleOU up to WW, Many new Houtheru or resort style of boiuhm tit theso works, . 1'rlce, II each, or the two for !.. D. S. HOPKINS Atchltect, Grand RapM, Mich. , Salem Abstract and Im Co. The only Abtrt books of MariMt couuty. Ml stat oriM I riled promptly and wilVly. tANAQWK. y 4 'i tiki T" -!. m 4 -" vj m .vs ?$ "1? A s ?! -aX 'K' " .(. -'SA'JUrtfiwef iu ji4 i.'imJtiMrJ!. . tia fcn'jmm4mdm