Mih hxoitntiioui tfllera who wit- MPM.nl (lie deed uttered a word of tvirnof, ImlmJmiy looked on while Urcir wilKHdlnale Indulged In bin brutality. The people gathered, iind Uit fur tbe rifles of ,be guards ' would have doubtless attacked the brutal HitgeanU An it was, loud Cthm or denunciation and menace ii were uiui"Tej. 'ine guaru marcueu w ' tin (ivit f im horl i. When tbe mill- fjf titty iiau passed, the unconscious victim vetff flicked up and carried ; ,fr to tho hospital, where they remain ,.'; Urn nrerarlons condition. The facto r . ;io riieau winruu hjo i;ijt ' everywhere Uie cruel conduct of the military Is freely denounced. It is brlieved that a few such outrages will undoubtedly re-cult in a riot, in '. Which the victim would uot all be civilian?. Tin Plate Factory. TionniSTOWS, Pa., June 18. A large force of men have begun work within a mite of Norrlstownprepar- lug a plant for the first foreign tlu- , plate manuf ctory to drum tho ocean and locate here. There was no nour ish of tru'iupeu to announce thtir coming. Richard Lewis, manager fW V. If. Edward, the owner of a number of tin mills ut Swansea. Watts, says It Is an experiment that must affect hundreds of mllte now otrelch d along the Swansea valley, in which the tin plate Industry of tlm world has been manuracteren for years. Mr. Lewis arrived in America on May 18, and immediate ly set out to fcelect a fite for his phnt, lie picked out an abandoned - manufactory at -Earnest station, on thelViiinaJyvaniara'Jn.ad. The site fa selected with the ultimate purpoee of moving the entire plant from Wale. The factory will begin oper ations with a capacity of 140 tons of 5vtlu per week. Nine workmen from Swansea are here putting the ma chinery iu place, and in bix weeks' time it U expected that its product will e put out. E.W. Moore & Co., iiiiotlK-r large tin lirm. has Kent a rt-presen at lye to this country, and he has decided to locale at Eiiztbeth port, N. J. Cloudburst in Pennsylvania. Sckanto.v, Pa., June 18.-A cloud burst in iiidated tbe streets of this city Thursday eveuiug, and on the main thoroughfares the water stands from three to four feet. The flats ou the touth elde are covered, and the water has rifeu to the second story of hundreds of houses. Fears are felt for the tafety of Dunning'f. dam. The lightning, which was incessant for flvu liours, struck six houses wi till ii the city confine), killing three persons and ttutiuinK several more. The trolley wires are down all over the city, and travel by street cars hna been suspended. Washouts .''have occurred on tbe Delaware fc .Hudson railway tracks, and reports of widespread damage in Lacka- wauua and Luzerne counties arc comlnir iu. There are report of loss of life on the ilats in the south ern portion of tho city. Two Tramps Stole a Boy. Atlanta, Oa., Jnne 18. Charley "Williams, 12 years old, the grandson of a wealthy planter, E. M. Will hmis.of Liucolnsori, N. (J. was kid naped in the early part of last March. Tho boy, as ids parents were ucau, nveu witn ins grand father. The boy drove to Lincoln- eon with his grandfather in March and became separated from him. (Mr. Williams made a search for him, :but he could not lo found. He then oilered a reward of $1000 for .(the recovery of his grandson. Three weeks ago it was found that on that arch day two tramps were seen to (pass throughLincoluBon wLh as mall ; uoy. They were traced to Charlotte, jRalelgh and Norfolk. The hoy was ouuu at a rruilstauu witu one oi itio a,tnpsund restored to his grand- ther. The trump was arrested, living the name of W. 8. Anthony. MARKETS. San Fkancisco Cul., Juno 18. 'beat, eeller, '02, $1,411. PoiitJjANI), Juno 18. Wheat ralloy, SJ.35 Walla Walla $130. Ciikiaoo Ills., Juno 18. At close Vheatcash .77. The $2.60 shoo that takes tho lead tj Fargo's, at 11. J. Floinlng's, State trent shoe store. JTt chief Krnion tor tne great in to of Hood's Barsaparllla Is touud tn tat JMe Itself. II I merit that wins, ana Ul 1 Uiat Hood' Barsajianua actually t WlUuej what Is claimed for It, Is wail )v to tills medicine a popularltr an gMtttor tliau tliat of any other samp WrU Wilis jicr Uofore tho publl i Kntimrlll' cures Hcrofula, Bait 'm atMl all Humors, Dyspepsia, Blei Ulllju'inesj, overcomes Thai lug. croatvsnn Apietlte, strenfU) Xn .iuiM up ttu Whole BysUaf hni-uynlUu Is sold ly all drua cUfwfi rrepareatyu,i.i rt-j, UtmtO, MM Item CLEVELAND'S CHANCES. Secretary Whitney 1CClHreS Ho Will Be Nominated on First Ballot. GOVERNOR CAMPBELL. They Do Not Want Him for Per' manent Chairman. TriiPAOO. June 18. Lite last nigh' after a consultation with Cleveland's leaders from all parts of the country. In which Cleveland's rttrength was carefully canvassed by ex-Swretary W. C. Whitney, of Xew York, he declared In the most polllve manner that Cleveland will be nominated on the first ballot. The friends of ex-Governor Camp bell having in mind McKinley and the Republican convention are -ouiewliat alarmed oyer the propo sition to make him permanent i-hairman. They think that would ;iil him in an embarrassing position -hould his name become pronouue- lly pruiulueut for tbe presidency, nfj want bim to take his piace jiiiutly in tbe delegation and await .lie drift of event. Chicago, Ills., June 18. Chair in jii Fairchild of tbe New York con- lesting delegation, has written a letter to Calvin S. Bricc, chairman of the national committee, demand ing heats for the delegates aud alter nates selected by the Syracuse con veution. This is the first formal step to content the right of thereg ulardelegation to -eats. Theaggres .ive attitude assumed by thefoices of Hill, Bole, Gray and other ha comewhat checked Cleveland euthu eiasin and it is beginning to be felt it-rbaps after all the ex-president will uot receive the requisite two thirds on firot hallot. E-itimats by the leaders of the various candidates show no material difference from tbos already published. Indica tions are that Hilt will have between 20'J and 280 votes. Boles and Gray probably the so'id support of their respective states. Possibly Carlisle will have the vote of Kentucky on first ballot. At the Cleveland heart quarters efforts are being made to secure a poll of all delegations with the intention of disproving the as sertion that the ex-president cannot be nominated on first ballot. Cleve land's opponents say if he Is not nominated on first ballot, bis force will rapidly disentegrate. Ciucaoo, 111., June 18. A big box was carried up to Cleveland's h -adquartera this morning. Hon. E. E. Anderson said the box con tained protests against Hill aud the snap convention, "iwo nunureu thousand names 6lgned to them. Names on these rolls are solid citi zens of New York. We will show the convention that the greatest outrage ever perpetrated on Ameri cau citizens was done at the' Febru ary meeting of Hill machinists. We know Hill is uot the choice of the people of New York and Grover Cleveland is." Emmons Blaine Dead Chicaoo, June 18. Emmous Blaine son of Ex-Secretary J. G Blaine Is dead. His death was caused by blood poisoning, the result of iullamma tiou of tliu bowels. The fact of his death was concealed for some time the object being to reach his father with the news in a less shocking manner than by public announce ment. Eirorts to grt telegraphic communication with him failed however and at 12:15 the news be came public. It Is thought possible the strain and excitement at Minne apolls followed by the keen disap pointment of tho outcome had not u little to do with his death. Crofter and Brice Fall Out. Chicago, June 18. Sachem Richard Crokeraud Calvin 8. Brice had a falling out at the Palmer house yesterday afternoon. They hud been In ono of the hotel parlors for over un hour. Wheu the senator came out hastily his hut was jammed down over his eyes, his face was red and he laid an appearaucu of anger, which often doesu't get the master of the wellknowfl expression of gullelrssness and comfort. Mr. Croker followed him and tugged at his arm, speaking to him meanwhile in a low tone. Mr. Brlco related, with n remarkable show of temper, "I won't do it, I won't consent to any such thing. Mr. Croker replied in a whlsper.tuid Mr.Brlco answered him Iu a tune easily heard llfty feet away. "No, sir; it Is uo uso talking, I will not consent to such a thing." then lit) broke away from tho grasp of tho Tammany man and hurrlud down ntulrs, while Mr. Croker turned and walked buck to the room There was much surmising regarding tho cause of tills row, but nobody, except the men interested, In i owe what It was about. Bunker Hill Day. Boston, Juuo 18. Yesterday the annlvtrsuy of tho battle of Bunker Hill, and the day was duly cole, brated. Tho banks were all closed and business geuuially suspended. Even the legulur dully papers did uot publish their iguhr editions. Qrer.t BrlJgo Burned. Missoula, Mom,, Juie 18 To add to tho iimuIiU nit the tho North Paclllu by wu&uouts, two spans lu the great bridge ut Ci..rk'a 1- nk burned thl morni!. Tnn of fruit east bound by exput.3 will bv almost U 10frH MfltllO Rblllt. Mcro Zllols Like!, Vancovvsk, I'i J.i Jmifc 16. Tbe " UiBn litt malt advfoex front China state lint IliffftnU-foreitfti policy i atfuln ... . .t ttir iM v.MM..A .iiM land a renewal of the late riots and outrages against tnisaionaties, is prol-able. THE LATE CfOLONE. Loss of Life and Property is Not as Oreat as Reported. Wi.vneuaoo, Minn., June 18. Reports of loss of life and property in the late cyclone in this vicinity greatly exagerated. No one vas killed within fifteen miles of tbi city. A messenger from Wells saya only three were killed iu that neigh borluod. Every point in tbe path of the storm was heard from. Con servative estimate puts the number at from five instead of fifty as at first reported. Loss of property is uot nearly us great as at first re ported. The Lone Highwayman. San Anjjkeas, Juue 18. The stage from Valley Springs to Sau Audreas was held up on the road near north branch yesterday after non by one masked highwaymau who carried a double-barreled shol ,'tin. He held the gun over the lewl of tbe driver, Fred Wesson, 'jedde whom were sitting two lady pa.-ifeiigfrs, and ordered the box ihruwn out, aud then told the driver o go ou. None of the passengers vere searched. The robber wire a olack mask, and had on a pair of rowu overalls, Immediately upon arrival of the stage here Sheritt Thorn aud deputies started fur the "cene, wbicii U in the vicinity of a otitx. ry on i he nam' road about one year ago. The iron box which con tained most of the treasure was not molested. A Delegate Murdered, Memphis, Tenn., June 18. Judge John Bright Morgan, of Hernando, M&., was shot dead this morning ou the Illinois Central train on his way to Memphis, by Lawyer Henry Foster, Morgan was a delegate to the Chicago convention. Lynching is talked of. Later From the Storm in Quebec. Actonvii.le, Que. June 18. The destruction by tbe recent ttonn here was very great. Sixty families are homeless, and 150 buildings destroy ed. Three children were killed, and eight persons dangerously hurt. The condition of the homeless peo ple is really pitiful. The loss to crops Is verv heavy. A Horse Killed by Lightning. Bloominoton, la., June 18. In a storm yesterday afternoon Carrie Walton (record, 2:23'), valued at il0,000 and owned by Mayor Foster, was killed by lightning. Ed. Hun ter tho trainer, was stunned and is still unconscious. Cyrus Field is HI. Doiujs Febiiy, N. Y., June IS. Cyius W. Field ia very ill, family is much coucomul about him. FROM CHICAGO. Will Cleveland be Nominated on First Ballot. Chicago, June 18. Many presi dential barks are tossiug on the po litical sea tonight, but, through mist and shadows, the hull of Cleve land's hopes looms up ominously above all. Everybody realizes the great question of the convention Is "Will Cleveland be nominated on the first ballot?" Should the ques tion bo answered in the negative the friends of all secondary candl. ilutes will feel the lists are then open to their favorite, foy eomeliow the conviction has gone forth that the failure of the ex-preshleni lo receive the nomination on the first ballot means the elimination of the great tariff uformer from the contest. This opinion Is entertained by del gutlons who have favorite sous, but it by no meuns follows that the correctness of this opinion is con ceded by the Cleveland maunagers. The delegates elected by the Syra cuse convention will ask recognition as rightful lepresentutlvis of tho democracy of New York, There seem to bo uo differences of opinion among the anti-snap delegates who have thus far univid, that they must and will do this. There will therefore, be a contest, and not simply h protest. Delegates from tho city of New York anil from Biooklyn are generally In favor of a vigorous protest and a fight to sup plant the present organization. Tho Gorman movement received uu impetus yesterday afternoon by tho arrival of Senator Gorman with h party of Maryland delegates. The senator flatly refused to dlscu-s the political situation, Neither Goimaii nor any of his frieuds will admit lie is a candidate, but tho fact remains that his name is being dtocuiwed on every hand. Ex-Secretary of tho Navy Whit ney, Wm. F. Harrity, ex-Postmaster General Dlclqusou, and other lead ing Democrats had a conference last eveuiug at tho Richelieu. No de tails as to the doings were given to tho press, but Mr. Fairchild said that since Whitney bad arrived the ex-secretary would take clmrgo of the Cleveland campaign, and the others would act us his lieiiteuauU, Mr. Harrity said the Pennsylvania delegation Is loyal to Cleveland, uud a solid vote will be cast for him; but if anything should occur to prevent Ids nomination, then I'enn--ylviuilu will pis the name of Put t son. Many leading delegates de clatu the conference the mon Im portant event that has yet taKcu place here, i An UHPLZASfi u6Cb. i:.ir aa't T. lile Ordeal In It' iMie I nutrr. An iijrii-u:n-Ui -. .i- lias 'esiuwi in Russians tho dirtvt-r of eomoironi Ts "1 estI,?"T f Df SB8 F m-.iiii fi ... ,n',. Waller, of Martlnf Mile, Va., In works tells a woeful st, , of his bu- refcrence ,'0 Aycr,s m,,,. 'Dr. j. T. fnnngs nt Easter, v tho peoplo TclIeri of cuttenango, :,' Y., says : welcome) the feast ith tho old Chris- J .yFrt TiUn arp j Ahy apnrMaicL titui custom of Idssing each other, i TJmy are perfect In form ami coating, "For a week beforehand," ho says, j and their cftcts are all that the inov .... . i.i-i- i - u careful physician could dpslre. Tbry "they nry S.dsy boiling and painting hare snnplpinented all the pills former- ggs, which they ore to present to one another with a kiss, Tho mo- ment tho clock strikes 12 the pri vilego or tieuaiicc, rw tho case may be, com mences. Nobody then considers him self insulted by tho combined offer of a Iriss and an egg. "In a few cases, it may bo con fessed, the trouble is a pleasure, but when it comes, as it did with me, to a long line of several hundred work menmostly engaged in charcoal burning, in tho stoking and poking of fires and chimneys and other deeds of darkness the poetical and sentimental new of the religious cus tom is completely shut out and sup planted oy tno intolerable annoy ance. "Ono may talk of tho Balaklava charge, th-s storming of tho Redan and such exploits; think of the nervo that was required to stand my ground before a learded and vodka loving Mujik, with cinders in his beard and charcoal dust in tho pores of his skin, a man who had been breaking calcined ore perhaps all night, and looked hko the doubtful progeny of an African negro or a red Indian in his war paint. "Think of my horror of suspense whDe one after another a whole regi ment of sticli smutty objects shuffled up to my place, each drawing a dusty sleevo across his sooty mouth, each diving to the bottom of his pocket for the painted egg, each taking off his hat and calling mo down to tho punishment with the politest of bows, the most respectful of grins, and when the first hundred had kissed me 300 times in tho aggregate, to know that another hundred had to come after them I "Here were courage and endur ance worthy of a better cause. But I f-hould havo done wrong to avoid tho courtesy, and very likely should have deeply offended the people, to whom it was often tho expression of a long cherished feeling of gratitudo for favors which I perhaps know nothing of or had long ago forgot ten." Peculiar llunlncm Methods. The amateur photographer is, even at this lato day, a source of "wonder ment to some simple minds. Just why ho should bo going about taking pictures, if not for hire, is something beyond their comprehension. Tho author onco photographed a mill in a country village and sent a copy of the picture to the miller. Next year, on going that way again, he met tho miller's man, who expressed his surprise that so much trouble had been taken without charge. Tho photographer, expecting his joke to be understood, said smilingly in explanation : "It is only because our business is so very large. We take so many photographs that wo can afford to do them for nothiug." A look of blank astonishment over spread tho man's face, and then, after apparently turning tho subject over and over in his mind, ho ex claimed: "Maister, Oi've a mind to havo some moro pictures took of mysel' and th' old missus 1" This was moro than tho joker had bargained for, and ho hurried away without asking his subjects to sit. "Across England in a Dog Cart." Kaster In Ituasla. Easter in Russia is the greatest festival of tho year. Russian Christ mas presents aro as nothing com pared to those given at Easter. Eggs ai o of course tho principal feature, and not till ono has been tho Rister bazaar in tho Gostinoi Door and tho shops on tho Nevslcy Prospect is it easy to imagino tho beauty and daintiness of Easter productions. Fortunes in trinkets, laces and jewels aro spent on tho contents of the eggs. A very pretty egg is made of pink veined uiarblo rimmed with gold. Small ivory eggs filled with silver rosary beads inako a lovely offering for tho devout churchwomau, and for tho practical housowifo a little rush basket full of fresh eggs is won derfully attractive, Now York Sun. I'orgot Tliey Were In llnbton. Two young ladies got into an elec tric car yesterday afternoon. Ouo was pretty; tho other wasn't. All tho seats wore taken. Two young men woro sitting together. They spoko German. Said ono to tho other (in Gorman) : "I'm going to givo my seat to tho pretty girl." Tho other replied (also in German) : "Well, I suppose I must givo mine to tho ugly ono then." Botli youig ladies accepted tho IdndncbS, and thanked tho kind young men in German. Boston Herald. SoiUw Time Ago. Studious Boy Father, did you ever study arithmetic? Fatlior (iiuliguautly) Of course 1 studied arithmetic. Studious Boy Woll, I can't find tho cubo root of Father (hastily) It's a long whilo sinco I studied it. Good News. National Democratic Convention, Chicago, June 21, For tho accommodation of tho desiring to visit Chicago on tho above occasion the TInlou I'aclllo will sell tickets to Chicago and re turn at one fur tor the round trip. For dates of site and limits of tickets or any additional informa tion apply to V. H. ilurlburt, awt. general passenger agent, Union Paclflo System, Portland Oregon. 6-31-td "Safe and Certain" I ly popular here, and i think it must bo .MlSl, who bay Aver s I'llls get full valoe." " I regard Ayer' Pills as one of tho rncst reliable general remedies of our times. They have been in u.e in my family for various affections requiring a purpative medicine, an! have given un varying satifarliua VTe have found them an excellent remctlv for colds and licht fevers." V. It. Woodson, Fort "Worth, Texas. " I prescribe Aycr's PUU in mv prac tice, and find them excellent. I urea their general nse in families." John V.. Brown, M. D., Oceana, "W. Va. Ayer's Pills, razpiaio st Dr. J. C. Ayjr lc Co., Lcwell, Mass. Hold by U Drsjslu ij 1 vateri In Mc-dldce SALEM MARKETS. Wheat- C9c per bushel. Oats 321&jc per bushel. Potatoes 2.3c per bushel. Flour $-5 per bbl. Brau (Sacked) $18 per ton Shorts (S;ckcd) ?20 per ton. Eggs 15c p-r dozori. Chickens Roosters, "c per lb.; heus, 10(,12c per lb.; broilers and fryers, 15c per lb. Turkeys 12512c per lb. Ducks 12&15C per lb. Geee 7c ik r lb. Lard 75c(n,Jl per pail. Butter lofrt-20 per pound. Beef 7(5,1210 dre.-ed, 21c on foot. Veal 0c, aresed. Pork CJc dre-i-ed; 5Jc on foot. Wool ll'iuc per lb. Deserving I'raise We desire to Fay to our citizens, that for years we have been selliug Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfact ion. We do not heiitate to guaran tee them every time, aud we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Dan'l. J. Fry, Drug yist, 22-3 Com, I St. To the Ladiks. "Vlavi" stands alone, tbe greatc-tt medical discovery of tbe nineteenth century. (From an M. D., ih tbe Ladies' Health Journal, Newark, Ohio.) You are cordially invited to call and Investi gate for yourselves. Ollice over 4 aud 9 cent store, Cottle-Parkhurst nlock, Commercial street, Salem, uregou. . lm Absolutelr tbp llest. "I never hesitate to recommend Cbamberlain'a Cough Remedy as absolutely the best," says Mr, F. B. Kemp, assistant business manager of the Youngstown, Ohio, Daily Teleg ram one of the most influential and valuable newspapers iu tbe Buckeye Jtate. Mr. Kemp also says: "I have found it a certain cure for tbe cough usually following an altack of the grippe, and always keep a bottle of it in the house." 50 cent bottles for ile by G. E. Good, Druggist. Chicago And Fieturn. One fare for tbe round trip. The Union Pacific will sfll tickets to Chicago and return at one fare for the round trip to those desiring to attend the National Democratic Con vention which meets June 21. For daU-3 of hale and limits of tickets or auy additional information apply to W. H. Hurlbuit, asst. general pas-ieut;erageiit, Union Pacific Sys tem, Portland, Oregon. o-31-td Notice to Coutractors and Builders. We are now selling sand for bus iness houses at 1 per load; resident hotiies in city limits 1.2.3 per load, and other prices iu equal proportion payable at the. end of every month We are the lowest aud glye the best accommodations. C 13-tf Goodhue & Caiiill. Citation. In the County Court, for thcCouuty of Ma rl mi, State of (jrCRon. lu tne matter of estate of) ,,., ,.,, KteliueCox, demised I-'""""!. To all the htlrn of ald decedent, known or unknown, UKKbTINU: In tbe name of the Htate of Oregon, you ire hPrcby cited and required to appear In the county court of the Htnto of Oregon, for the County of .Marion on Monday, the 18th day ot .Inly, Iii at 10 o'clock. In thoiore noou 01 ttiutday, then and there to show cau-e. If uny there be whj an order should not be rnudo authorizing and empowering the HdmiuiKtiatorof s.i'd estate to bell the real property belonging to wid estate, which I described a fo. low to-wlt: Lots 8, H, 10 unci U In block No. S an nbown on the amended plat of Capital I'ark addittou to the City 01 S.iitm In Marlon County Oreicon, Wltneb-i, the Hon. T. 1.. Davidson. Judge of ttie ounty court, of the Mateof Oregon, for the County of Jarton with the seal of wild court uttix.Uils 1 itb clnyof June, lKOi, Atlct: l.l HHfcHMAX, Clerk. fly KIJANK Y. WATEIW, Deputy. Administrator's Sale. TOt'ICE Is hereby given that by virtue J f an otder aud license of sale du'y muOe by iliuioiinly court of Marlon coun ty. regfn, on the 2 id day of May, ir.', authoiizlngnnd cnifowering me as ad miutsuatorol the estate of Henry Uelssr, deo'dteit, to soil tho real pioperty herein nlUr described for the satisfaction of -lim3u).'Utusl the tstate ot said decedent, I .rill on Saiurdiy, the 2d day of July, 1892, at the hour of 1 o'clock n, m, In tho after roonofsuidday at the door ol the county court house in Silem. Mailou county. Ore gon, sell at public auction for cash In hand un the day of sal, to the highest bidder, all the right, title, lutcrcsi and est-ite which said Henry Olss, deceased, had at the time of tils death, iu and to tbe fol lowing de-erlbod real property, to-wit: The east halfot the nor. h west quarter of ec tion u, t. s., it. a k of tho Wlllumeue .Meridian uud containing i:i'-lU0 acres, bituatcHt In Marlon county. lren. 1 c .-HAW, Adm tiUtrator ot the estate ot Henry (Je', dvt-aed, 6-3-tw miff to hk.wi your doctor's prescriptions. Send thr. 2-vnt stamps, to pay postage and receive Dr. Kaufman u'a preat treaties on diseases; illustrated iu oolorx; It gives their signs and abbre viations. Address A. P. Ordwayd: Co., Boston, Mass, PACIFIC LAND AND ORG FOR TOWN $2.00 I'er dozen forthe fluent finished l'HOTOQllAPHi Inthecltv. MONTEE BROS., l'SlCnmmetctal Street, tt F. B. SOCTIIWICK, Contractor and Builder. Salen:, - - Oregon. T. .1. CRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor. 30th and Chemeketa street JOHN M. PAYXB k CO., Seal Estate and Insurance. JIBS, Leading ?Xi First stalnvay north of, 'Bush bank. JOHN IRWIN, f 1 n i 1 lenter ana uiwaer. Shop C.j State street. StorcFittings sSpcclaltj TOrtMTTBJWIII Better Tban a $1.00 Bottle of Blood Purifier. Dr. "W. H. Evans, the leading druzgisl of Sanford, Florida, bays: "I always feel pafe in recommending St. Patrick's pills I carry In stock." There are none hotter, aud one dose of them will often do more good than a dollar bottle of any blood pu rifier in the market. For wile by G. E. Grod, Druggist. Removal Notice. Dr. E. B. l'hllbrook has removed his residence from Court street to 164 State, opposite Court Houee square. His ofllce will also be there ou aud alter June 2d. 6 1 td Nothing Like Tryins: It. There is nothing that will so quick ly satisfy one of the value of Cham berlain's Pain Balm for rhetimatilm as a personal trial. Give it a chance aud see how quickly the pain will subside. For sale by G. E. Good, Druggists. Do not suffer from sick headache a -moment longer. It Is not necc ary. Carter's Little Liver Pills w 11 cute you. Dose, one little pill, bmall price, bmall dose Small pill. Mrs C'bas. mlth ol JImes, Ohio, write': I have Uhfd every remedy for sick head ache I could hear ol for the past fifteen years, but Cartcro Little Liver I'llls did me more good than all the rest. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure for sick headache, biliousness, con stipation, pain in tbe side, and all liver troubles. Carter' Llttie Liver i'llls. Try them. 25c Want Column. Notices Inserted for ONE CKN'T PEK WOKD KACH INHIBITION. No adver. tisemeul Inwrted In this '.olumu mr less than twenty -Ave cents. X r ANTED. Experienced salesladies. Call this evening or eaturay morn ing between Sand lOo'clock cial street. ltU Commer- lt Yf I a. 1 r.u 111 rein uuunu in 31 ut cigiik I rooms with barn preferred. Ad dress 1 KUL'IITEN, Lock llox K)l Oregon . ity, Or. 0-ltf-H JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oilb and Window Glass, tVull Pa per and .Border, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grnss Seeds, Etc, NEW ADVKHTISEMXVTS. For Sale. OOA A of good land, 80 acres Ul-V 'UI Ogood bnrn audhoue, balance timber, will s.i'11 all or pait, cheap, ou reasonuble term?. J.VME.S AUNEU, Salem Or. P. O. Jlox 3 JO. (Ms-il-dw Columbia Poultrv Yards, J. 31. MtKXTd, Manager. Lock Box 1810, Seattle, .Wash Hreeders olll'boronghbrcC Poultry of fol lowing varieties: H. C White Leghorns, S, C. hrown leg horns, White I'iyrjoutrt H -cki-, liurred I'lymouth Hoots, I'it (Ihuki, Ulach l.aug shame.. Light; ItrahMaas, Hull tochlns, t'arlrldge Cvehlnslironxe Turkeys. fcnd lor Circular and I'rhv List. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business. Careful work a specialty. J. '. W HITB. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South ofjWlllamstte Hotel, SALtCrvI ... OREGON XotlQe. vrrjriUK jg hereby given to all whom It X may concern, that tbe undersigned administrator of the estateuf Nancy mirk holder, deceased, has tiled his final account ot SAldemuteln the County Court of tbe fcUate of Oregon, for the county of Marlon, aud that the court hai: set tbe t irr tur the hearing of said arcouut on tbolStb day of June, 192, at 11 o'clock a.m. of said 'ay, ut the Couuty Court Hooui In the County Court House In the elt ott-ali-m, Marina County, Oregon, anl that saM aocount will ba jias.ud upon, together with the ob Jctiou thereto, If any, by the court, at said time and yucu. Uatd lU. May 23rd, 192- J. G. MILLER. Administrator of tbe Estate ot Nancy Ilurkuolder, Deceased. LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS A. H. FORSTNER & CO. lilaeliine Shop, Guns, J. J. Sporting Goods, Etc, Commerrlnl Street. Scientific OPJ'OBITK FOUNDRY On State Street. KADABAUGH k EPLEY. Livery Food and Boarding Stable, lrtU.te.Htttt. RICE & JiOSS, Horseshoers General IllaekHmilhlng, 47 State Street. BROS., THE Salem JIackman is II, POHIjE. Bet Line lu the City. Court Street. Calif o vn ia Jinkcvy. THE 13EST. 101 Court Street. M. E. WILSON, Salem Modiste, Commercial St. J. E. HUItPlLY. Brick and Tile, BEST IX Of EGON. Works in North Salem. A. 51. (MGII, Untfcrtukinx and Cabinet Work, 107 State Street. .1IKS. E. C. 1COXCO. Baths for Ladies, HAIB DIIKSSINQ I'AKLOKS, 124 Court Street. UMJBJ4UIW11J ill t U Has just placed 1 SUNNYSIDE Xo. 11, G miles south of Salem. This tract as fine fruit land, i well drained aud will be sold In any sized tracts on the most favorable terms. -O- We still have a few ten acre tracts south of Salem. 150 acres of Xo. 10 Is orchards in tbe fall of 1S92. -O Also two 10 acre tracts and oue 15 acre tract In SUXXYsIDE Xo. 8, 5 miles south of fSalem. Over 100 acres of Xo. 8 was planted to fruit tfees luring the past season, aud 50 acres more will be planted the coming all. -O- And 12S acres 1n aUXXYSIDE Xo. 5, 3 miles southwest of Turner, over 10 acres in yottug orchard, mostly cleared and lu crop, will sell any part or all, very cheap for cash, or will give time on part. -O- Ou any of tbe above lands we will time ou the balance, or will take part payment In stouk or nood city property. In addition to the above we have for sale TOWX PEOPERTY, small tracts near the City and Farm Land?. It costs you nothing to see our property, and we may have just w hat you want. Office in the New Gray Block on State Street. Removed to 140 State. siGr nop &co., Merchant Tailors. Spring suit $16 worth $23; pants $.500 worth $7.00, Everything cheap. If clothes don't lit customers need not take same. Call and look over goods', G-l-lm For Sale, Cheap, A number of trios of this springs PlymJ out h Hock, Black Lang'iban, S blto Leg horn, aud Partridge r xhlus, all thorough bredstock. Buy early, save express cbatges and get tbe pick nt the season. fltoSoper trio, boxed for shipment. Address E. HOFEH, salem. Or. Jerries Wanted! THE SALEM CANNING CO, Will Receive CHERRIES AND STRAWBER RIES AND GOOSEBERRIES on and after "Wednesday, June S, 1892. thv-tf Proposals for Wood. Sealed bids willTie received at the ofllceol the cleric of cbol district No. -Jl. room 1, Murphy b'ock.uutil 12 o'clock m.,Tuesday, June2l,18. llldswill be opened at the regular raesting of the board of direct 7r at 2 o'clock p. m.ofsatd 21s tduy of June.lor tbe dellery ot wood before September 1, 1892, hi the following schoels: I'ark school, 15 c-irdsi.l oak, H cords o fir, Cen trnl School 10 cords ot oik, 15 cords of Mr, East Smool 40 cord of oak, 115 cords of 11 r, North Kchool 12 cords ot uk,:ij cords of tlr. All wood must be licet In length, rea sonably straight and corded closely. Tho tlr mud be large or body wood nnd the oak must be sp.it oak nnd uot grub wood The hoard rcstrvm the i'lIii to re ject any or all bids. inme oy oruer oi inu noirn, juiih , ir. Attest E, il. V Vt'J'E.t halrman, Hoard of iniecto.s. WVLIEA.MOOHl.S, L-iktrict Clerk. td T. BURROWS AHItlhB a full lino of staple and fancy Groceries, trt-h Veg tables nud Ber ries In Kt-Hnui Butter and Kbgs al ways ou hand. S2Q CotiVl St. For Sale or Trnile, Fifty-two acres Improved farm, 40 acres lu oro, good orchard, four miles Soutn of Ralein, Turoi-r road. Will trade for property near town, 6-8-lm JOHN HOLM, Blacksmith, HARD CO, AND FAIUIS. J. L. BBXXEIT k m. CANDIES, Fruit anil Cigars. P. O. BlocU. XllllllllUl Horseshoeing. It. T. illMIIMIKEt Cigara and Tobacco BIMiUKI) PAHU)K. 243 ConVl Streot BOSTON Coffee House. 5c LUNCH. Open all Night T. IT. BLTINJJELlj .Heat, Poultry anri Fish tfurket, Insurance Bloc's. on the market iu BUNNYtilDE Xo. 10, 6 mile? uuder contract to Le planted to take one-fourth cash and give long purchase price iu work or a part Taken Up. A red and white siotted cow 'with calf. Koth ears slit, and branded on right hip. Owner can get same by settling with 5-S6-1W CHAiS MEIH.IAnkeny. M. T. RINEMAN DEALEn IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery. Glassware.' Lamps, Wceden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Also veaetabltsa ad fruits in their season. "Highest Price paid for country produce." We solid a share of your patronage. B-9 lsa State street Hernia and Chronic Diseases DR'H. SHIMP & HOUSER, Devote special attention to Nervous, Cat arrhal, Asthmatic and Throat Troubled. Hernia (rupture) cured without pain or deieation from business aud Guaranteed in Ever Case. . . , Every variety of Female and Chronio diseases treated by the most advanced methods known to Electrical nnd iledlc 1 science. Twenty jcars ejnierience In sur. fery and the application of elec'rlt'ty. Itrlce259 Commercial street., Bush-Brey-man Block. Kalem. !:: 9 a BWb'" flSaagSa n i n 1' - wawwHwr aas &m uasuiiiis ENGINSS " ITnTB fewer parts, and ra thrprnrn lpfiS lflci.lv to fretOUt ororder trian any other gas or gasoline engines now b-.IU Just li'lit the buruer. luru tha wuttl. aul U nins ell day. STAKES NO S3IELL Oil DIKT. 2To doable or false explosions, so frequent wlta tha uurcllable spark. ror Simplicity It Boats the TVotld. It Oils Itself Automatically, Xo Batteries or Eloctrlo Bparlc It runs with a Cheaper O rado of Gasoline than any Other Engine. 70S DESCBIMIVB CIBC0LAB3 ArPLT TO PALMER & REY, Manufacturer 8a rranriJM, CJ. aaJ Fcrtlani, Or ANDEN'S TilO BELT LATEST PATENTS WITH ElECTHO- BEST IMPROVEMENTS. MAGNETIC SUSPENSORY. Will tur. Wlthoit MtllclL. U Htitim reiultlct t-tu CTeruifctloo of brtls, ficrrr ferrci,ciciir or lodLrrc'IODi M ex&l ezttuiUoB, drslsi. lot.... utrroua d.bi iiy leutcii, IkBcaor. rbtsmfctlim. kido., liT.r nJbi lr caopl.iou, l.mo b4ek. lumUco. Utlct, tt stnl lit bc.it. te Tbii tlectrlot.lt eonul&.no.Ofrral I-nMfiii.l.vT r o'lottrri.tDdolTe o eurrcDIlbal U toiUbll te t . V-' vtrr or o forfeit fi.uuo, and III er tllef I ' dt.tuea or so pj. Tbotwonl. bv bcon cored bf tbi. ru etlooi loTonUoa oflcr oil otb.r remcaei hi ' l liTobQbdrede or teatimooUI. la Oil. boI every i e Oorerfl IHruutKO ktinUlt fl-ftsi.H i creoteitbooa erer oSired eroob nen.l HEK H 1711 ill .1" IloJIBBcitUsrouiilreLltbtllClSTtKUIuCOWKIi eead(erUlu.UBM4rBiiipUcUliullel,eBled, fno. ItUi. Ho. 172 Flrat St., PORTLAND, ORE I Pfl C I'aE feUJft.. POWEH SPSE w- 4PFlkjatf &JV rf' k t 'thil - 'I