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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1892)
".W,$!nJ!Sft" v - i i i" ri Ji. Can MUSLIN, L'irge and small emu Swis3 checkcd,sti iped,polka- edgings. dots and plain Swiss es, India Linens, Dim ities and all light weight summer goods. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1S02, GILBERT Si PATBRSOH, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big ban Baking Powder. BOKO. D. CIOODIIUK. K. OAIIILL. JIU1LDING MATERIAL. Tjimi?. !enimit. iitnstur. lmir Urn land buildinir brink. frn nhiv. mini! gravel, blacksmith and house coal, wuwu, an minis, wuuiexuiu aim re- Itnil. Olllce 03 State street. UOOD1IUB & Caiiill. CHOICEST MEALS, BEST SERVICE, LOWEST PRICE AT- STRONG'S RESTAURANT. DATES OF LOCAL EVENTS. June 21. The Fairy Wells Co. at J teed 's. i July 29. "The Mall" at Reed's. Maciiinkky Hall. Bids for the construction of a machinery hall and also for the repair of the roof of the pavilion at the fair grounds have been opened in the olllce of Geo. W. Watt. The bids wen-: W. It. Ream, machinery hall 693, pavil ion $193; J. E. Boydston, pavilion $105; G. W. Ferrell, hall 519; I. W. Cahill & Sou, pavilion J-250, hull $175; Ttenninger & Lewis, pavilion $300, hall $90; Campbell & Hewitt, for both pieces of work, $.5S0 20. The contract for buildiug the hall was awarded to G, W. Ferrell, and J. E. Boydston was awarded the contract to roof the pavilion. The work is to be completed by the first of September. Material is to be furnished by the state board. To tub Pen. Deputy Sherifl II. J. Day, of Lane county, came down yesteiday with a man for the peni itentiary named T.H.VonS.BIaasch. who will serve one year for receiv ing stolen goods. Deputy Sheriff D. M. Drake accompanied him with Levi F. Renil, sentenced to serve oue year for the crimo of polygamy. iNCORi'oiiATKD. Yesterday the Woman's Christian Temperance union, of Salem, was iucoiporated in the office of secretary of state by Mrs. E. J. Royal, president; Mrs. C M. Holman, recording secretary; and Mis. E, M.Vaudevort, treasurer. The amount of property "on hand is valued at J300. Sale Postponed. The executor's sale of real estate belougiug to the estate of Elisha Strong, deceased, which was to have been made at 2 o'clock yesterday, was postponed for want of bidders for one week, viz: Thursday, June 23d. at 2 o'clock p. in. Stbambh E x o u it si o N. On Wednesday, the 22d, the ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a steamer excursion to Albany. A pleasant time U assured, The fast steamer Hong has been chartered for the occasion. Mahriaor Licenses. County Clerk Sherman yesterday issued n couple of marriuge licenses as fol lows; Clarence J. Simeral, Bged 20, and Araidne Cornelius, 24; C. A. Barr, 40, and Rosa Robertson, 20, Overpsilters and Oxford's all stales It. J. Fleming's shoe store. You make the prices at Lunn's. 0-15-3t Extra late Wilson strawberries for canniug will last only u few days longer. J. G. Wright. As the end of the school year is rirnwfni' near all the teachers and scholars as well as multitudes of other people go to the Cupltol Ad venture Co., for good goods or good bargains. 0.16-3t Rlnh and rare were the gems she wore, and so are the huts uud furn ishing goods at Ed. Jackson's 00 State St. "ls"3t For Sale. Two or four lots In Portsmouth Villa can be had at a bargain by inquiring of Miss Ames, at the University. Everybody Goe. Where? Wliy( to Hellenbrand's restaurant. T. HOLVERSON .;. give you excellent values in mi in khies. and Hambcnr CIIALLIES. Cotton and Wool 'v Challies at low pri ces and a fine assort ment of French all wool patterns still to show you. nimmnr and skirt flounciiHjs in dross patterns, both p white and black. 11EME3IDER TILE rLA.CE, 301 Commercial Street. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Commencement Proper A Splen did Time The Finale. Commencement proper was intro duced at 10 a. m. Thuisday morning by "Jubal Overture (Weber) exe cuted by Misses Bushuell, Hubbard, Krebsand Mrs. Bacley, The bene diction of God was invoked by Rev. S. P. Wilson. A sweet duet was simgby Misses Sargeant and Adair entitled "ShlnoThou Palo Moon.'' Miss 6arrie O. Royal the tirst grad uate of the art department was ex cused from appearing. Geo. Goode, L. L. B., the graduate from the law department chose "Law Reform" for his subject. The laws should be published in the newspapers. Legislator should be learned in the law. The laws are stated so amblgiously that much un neccessary litigation Is the result. A lawyer with n poor case wauts a jury. Equity is growing in impor tance and has an ever increasing application. The oration was n clear, practical, and comprehensive view of the subject and was highly creditable. S. T. Richardson A. B., city attor ney of Salem.selected "Contracts" as his subject. A contract is an agree ment between t vo or more parties to do or not to do a certain tiling. Governments are contracts to sus tain legitimate rights. The oratoi was exceedingly happy in his expo sition of his subject and very instruc tive in Ills words. The oration be spoke the legal ability of the new dianofthe law department of the University. Mis Kielw delighted the audience with a piano solo"Tue Sleigh Ride." Rev. W. P. George, D. D., ol Seattle was introduced to deliver the commencement address. He con gratulated the University on having been lead by a "pillar of fire" to a better building, on being in so beau tiful a city as Salem, aud on having the experience and stability of age coupled with renewed youth. Tne movement over the union is to locate Universities in capital cities. Education is only fairly begun at tho complement of a college ceurse: how to learn and how to use learning is tho object of a school. The speaker then entered upon a scholarly discussion of tho elements which, descending fiom tho cen turies, enter into 19th century civi lUation. The triumphs of the world are tho triumphs of Christianity. The denominational college? furnish men of character, and the christian thought of today and these alone shall survive. Mako Christ the ideal of tho true college graduate. The speaker spoke even more power fully than in (ho University sermon and made a profound impression. Miss Edith Harris saug "Gates of the West" very sweetly. DEGREES CONFERRED. Degrees were now conferred ou S. T. Rlchaulsou, A. B, aud Geo. Good L. L. B. Rev. J. N. Dcnlsou, of Portland, was glveu the degree of Doctor Di vinity also the sime degree was eon. ferred on Samuel A. Thompson of Tulare, Cal., and John U. Smith ol Toronto, Can. W. T. Rigby and W. C. Alderson were gianted the degree of Master of Arts. The judges of tho prize contest in elocution awarded the gentlemen's prize to Jouu IT. Whitaker, and the ladies' prize to MisZ Cook Martzall, of Endicott, Wash , both of which couslsted of live volumns Gibbon's Rome presented by F. S. Dear birn. W. W. Martin gave for the best work in Botany a gold medal was awarded to Miss Carrie Bradshaw; Miss Edith Field, John Reynolds aud C. G. Pence received houorable mention. Resolutions of the Faculty on the resignation or Prof. S. A. Starr were read by Prof. Arnold. They heartllv endorsed him and wished him atiuudant success and were respond ed to by Prof. Starr. Our approved quaitetto consisting of Misses Harris aud Reamer and Messrs. Paryin and Austin saug 'Where the River Ends." Benediction by Dr. Whitaker. THE JJANQUET. After discussion tho trustees, fac ulty, graduates and invited guest wereeutertaiued atPres. Whltaker'o banquet. Among the many excel ant toasts of tho occasion we noteu few. "'Willamette University In the Past," Geu. W. HVOJell; "Tin Missionary Heroes, Father J. L. Pa rish; "The Willamette of tin Fuiure" Pres. Geo. WbiUiUr; "Om New President," C. B. Mi-ores; "0..t New Law School," Dean F. T. Richardson; "Benefits of a Christian Education," Rev. S. P. Wilton; "The Next Eight Years " Dr. W. P George. Prof. S. A. Sturr oMlciatlug bup n in the Dosltlon of toast-master. Prof, Paryin and the members of VA11ASOLS. A lai-go lino of black and colored Para sols on linnd, 22, 24, 2(! inch, ranging in prices from $1 00 up. the conservatory are worthy of many thanks for their assistance in all programs of tho week. MUSICAL ALUMNI CONCERT. The seventh annual concert of the Musical Alumni opened with a skil fully executed overture "Italia In Algeri" (Rossini) by Misses Chan dler, Carpenter, Sliafer, and H. A, Kruso. The class of '02 was in troduced by W. E. Bagley '83 and were received by tho president, II. A. Kruse '01. Misses Adams, Adair, Harris and Steiner charmingly saug n quartette "Angels' Cliorus." Miss Hubbard displayed such line touch in a pl.ino solo as to receive an en thusiastic encore; Miss Edith Harris '90 sane beautifully and justly de served her encore. What an instru ment of music is a cultured human voice! Mrs. J. N. Brown '89 recited "Tho Boy Couvict's Story" with much expression aud pathos; an ex pressive plauo solo found expression from tho skillful Augers of M'sj Nellie Carpeuter '91. The last item of all commencements an overture "Fidelio" by Mis3es Smith and Steiner, Mrs. Bigley and Mrs. Brown and was a suitable (iuale to our commencement. The Alumni, with tho trustees, faculty aud in vited guests adjourned to the reun ion supper in the society halls, where ice cream and cake was served. NOTES. School reopens Sept , 5, 1892. Nearly all students from a dis tance went away today. During the summer vacation lei us put up that new building. Win. Brown, shoe merchant, also presented them with a carpet sweep er. Miss Minnie Cunningham pre sented each society with an excellent painting ofMt. Hood. HARRISON INSTITUTE. The Closing Exercises Which Will Take Place on Juno 22, 1892. PROGRAM 2:30 I. M. Musio - Band Invocation. Salutatory Oliver Lindsiey Song "The bailor's Return".Chorus Essay "Nature" Agues Whtley Song "Come to tho Hills" Double Quartette "Lochiel's Warning" Isaac Bobbins aud Thomas Howard Speech "Vacation" Jesse Taylor Song "O Hail us You Free" Cliorus Recitation "Fireman's Prayer" Josephine Allard Essay "What Might Have Been" Robert Wilson Class Drill Little Folks Essay "Ocean and its Life" . Martha Washumns Song "Give me my Own Native Isle" uouoie iuarieue "Let There be Light" Harry Miller Esay "The Iudian"-Joseph Adams Class Recitation "Charge of the Light Brigade fisay "Progress" Adda Irwin Musio Baud Bib.o Agent Win. Miller and Andrew Bagnell Declamation "Regulus before the Roman Senate",James Flanuery Song "When theStais Their Watch are Keeping Male Quartette Declamation "How Ruby Played" Elijah Brown Music Band Address to the Graduating Class Song "Goodbye, Loved Ones" Double Quartette MUSICALE 1'ROCIRAM- 0:00 I'. M. Old Black Joe (Paraphrase do Con cert) Glmble Mrs. D. E. Brewer. Sweet Night, Trio Randall Misses Willard and Brewer and Mr. Wilson. Prize Banner Quickstep Haskell Miss Martha Wftsbuinps. Vuilllauce Polka Archer Misses Willard and Brewer. The Mocking Bird Ryder Miss Daisy Churles. Drifting with the TideThompson Misses Pierre and Brown, Messrs. Flauuerv and Holloquille. Home, Sweet Home, (For the Left hand only) Well 1 1 Miss Agnes Whitley. Moonlight aud Waves Miss Maggie Gerard. Tlie Falrv Wedding WaltzRussell Misses W'hltley and Arcbambuuit. Dream March Miss Mary A. Smith. WalU Mrtck Miss Emma Friday. Java March - - Miss Fillicette Vlerrier. Sweet Sabbath Bells Holt Mluu ItiinhM Hrown Tlie Maiden's 1'raj er Bardaxewki MUfiH U'fthliminis und Pierre. Annie Laurie (Fantasia) Ryder Ml.a Ada Irwin. Goodnight Hakes Misses Smith, aiecuni, layior. wil lard, Brow n, and Messrs Miller, Flunnery and Wilson. Home Aoai.v. JudgeT. C. Shaw indT. B. Walt have returned from the annual reunion of the Indian War veterans held at Eugene June 6lb und 10th. Judge Shaw was elected grand commander, this ma king bis third term. T. B. Walt was elected to the ofllce of grand marshal. Everybody la going to the auc tion, 6-16-31 CIRCUIT COURT. Tho Grand Jury Bring in Two Moro Bills. The grand jury returned two truo bills oue against Walter Hooyo for defacing a building and tho other against W. C. Gratwls for larceny. The other proceedings in court were as follews: 17 J. T. King et al. vs. James Den ham et ul.; action for money; judgment by consent. 34 GoodaU fc Wheeler vs. Cral gau, Coffee & Stubblugs; suit to fore close a lien; motion to set asido de fault overruled. 62 N. Goodman & Sou vs Joseph Moulette, et nl.; action for money; settled. 09 C. Gilbert Wheeler vs. P. O. Bokkelu; action for money; de murrer to complaint. 08 A. B. Mulr et al. vs. S. W. Jones; action to recover personal property; Tho jury late yesterday evening u verdict in favor of Mr. Jones. THE INJUNCTION SUIT. Last night before Judge Boise tho street railway injunction suit was argued. This is tlie suit wherein E. F. Parkburst (representing tho Salem Street Railway Co.) enjoined the Capital City Railroad Co., (tho electric line) from building a road ou State and 12th streets, to tho South ern Pacific passenger depot, The action was bi ought jointly against the Capital City Railway aud the City of Salem. Ford and Kaiser appeared for the horse car Hue nud J. J. Shaw for tho electric company. Tho matter is under advisement by Judge Boise, 50 John Holmau vs John Gibson and James Colgan; replevin; Argued nnd submitted to the follow ing jury: O. F. McAtee, Geo. B. Miller, Levi Brown, H. T. Baucb. man, G. A. Cone, Chas. Simpson, J. I. Thompson, R. H. Cain, G. W. Caspell, Wright Fashay, W. M. Spayd, Jno Brooks. m Memorial Resolutions. The following resolutions were adopted by "The Salem Teachers' Association." Salem, Or., June 17, 1892. Whereas, In the mysterious dis pensation of Divine will, death has removed from our midst our beloved co-worker, Mrs. M. V. Rork. Resolved, That while in tho life of our deceased companion we rec ognize one whose faults were few, whose convictions were deep aud abiding aud whoso purposes were strong and lasting; her death real izes the rounding out of a useful and well spent life. Dying as she had lived, a true aud faithful teacher her life aud death are a worthy ex ample to them sho has left behind. Resolved, That we hereby put ou recoid our acknowledgement of the great loss tho Salem Teachers' association has sustained, aud ex press the individual sorrow of each and all of its membeis that sho is no louger t'o aid and encourage us with her wise counsel aud genial presonco. Resolved, That we feel the sym pathy with her sorrowing relatives which only those can feel who have known intimately tho virtues of the deceased. Resolved, That wo extend to her bereaved husband our teuderest aud deepest sympathies. Resolved,That the secretary of this association bo requested to enter upon the minutes tho foregoing reso lutions, that a copy of the same be transmitted to the husband of tlie deceased, and the city papers be re quested to publish them. Sarelia G. Gruiire, Olive M. Cap well, Hattie E. CcnuRN. J. A. Sellwood. LOOAL AM PERSONAL Board of trade tonight. Editor Lyon, of Stay ton, was a Salem visitor today. W. J. Clark is In Portland this afternoon. Remember tho piano at Krausso Bros, shoe store will bo given away next month. That imaginary stone pile Is what keeps tramps and hobos out of Salem. Our city should invest in a rock crusher. The Chemawa native baseball nine will play tho Independence niue to morrow. President Odell.of the Wiliametto trustees, left today for Portland, whence ho starts for Toledo. John Walsh, of Seattle, has pur chased tho wagon shop on the cor ner of Commercial and Chemoketa street. J.H.Elgin retires and will build a house and barn on his farm this summer. Fresh California peaches just in at J. G. Wright's. Spicea are probably more adulter ated than any other article, Clark & Eppley have pure bulk spices. Rev. and Mrs. George left this afternoon for Seattle after attending Willamette commencement. Prof. Peebles, of tho MoMlnnvllle schools, is in the city visiting old time friends. Tho overland mall from the east failed to arrive today, but the cause of delay is not known here. Madame Peyton, of the Oregon Worlds' fulr board of managers, left for Portland today. She reports that her exhibit Is "getting on splen did." Ask for Ayer'H Sarsaparllla, and do not take any other. Bold by all druggists. Mrs. L. W. Treat goes to AlLauy tomorrow, aud the regular 4 o'clock meeting at the Congregational church will not be held ou that dale. Tho tldoof popular favor Hows to Ed. JueksouV 00 Slut St. 0. 10-3t Fruit lire, Jelly gia-swuna preserv- Ing Jars, also stone ware, a full Hue of tbe beat at Clark it Epley'a. CON STI RATION A fillets half tho American people yet there Is only ons preparation of Sirsaparllta that acts ou tho bowels and reaches this Import ant trouhle, and that li Joy's Vegetablo Bar laparllla. It relieves it In 21 hours, nnd an occasional doso prevents return. Wo refer by permission to C E. ElUngton, 12.') Locust Avenue, Ban Francisco; J. II. llrowu, l'eta luma; It, 8. Winn, Geary Court, San Fran cisco, and hundreds of others who havo used it In constipation. Ono letter Is a sample, of bnndreds. Elkington, writes: "I havo been (or years subject to bilious headaches nud constipation. Havo been so bad for a year back havo had to tnko a phjslc every other night or else I would havo a headache After taking one bottle of J. V. B., I am In splendid shape. It has done wonderful things for mo." Joy s Vegetable Sarsapariila Moat modem, most effective, largtst bottlo same price, (1.00, six for 15 00. For sale byDau'l J. Fry, 225 Com. street. STATE FAIR RACE ENTRIES, Horses Named to Start in tho Purse Trotting Races at Salem at tho Stato Fair. The entries for tho stato fair trot ing purse races, which closed Juno 1st. RACE NO. 42:40 CLASS. 1 S. J. Maun names b m Alice M, by Altamont, dnm byRockwood. 2 Geo. W. Riddle b s Jay Bee, by Altamont, dam by Veimout. 3 Burch & Morris, cli g Rickreal, by Rockwood, dam by Napa. 4 Van B. DoLashmutt, ch g Hamlin, by Ilambletouian Main brino, dam by Snowstorm. 5 R. Williams, br m Stefla H, by Hambletouiau Mambrino, dam unknown. 0 R. Mobley, ch s Golden Wilkes by Judge Kyle, dam by Mambrino Chief. 7 Isaac Anderson, b m Lady Mac; by Lemont, dam Codicil. 8 W. B. Privett, b s Favoritus, breeding unknown. RACE NO. 52:20 CLASS. 1. Galloway & Tnrker names blk m McMinnville Maid, by Altamont, dam Hollywood. 2 LP W Quimby, brs Phalla mout Boy, by Phallumont, dam Pocahontas Girl. 3 Jay Beach, b in Pearl Fisher, by Altamont, dam by Kisber. 4 T II Touguo, br m Pandora, by Planter, dam by Autocrat. 6 T A Turner, b m Canemah, by Altamont, dam by Almont. 0 L Swan, gr in Georgio Wood thorpe, by Altamont, dam by Baldy. 7 Win Bright, b s Rosemon, by Belmont, dam by Strathmore. 8 Geo Mistier, gr g What-no, by A W Richmond, dam by Overland. 0 S A Crowell, ch s Pilot Le mont, by Lemont, dam Nellie Mack. RACE NO. 0 2:2 CLASS. 1 L. Swan names gr m Goorgio Woodthorpo, by Altamont, dam by IJaldy. 2 Geo Mistier, b s J S O, by Echo, dam by Geo. M. Piitchon, Jr. 3 J. Sorouson, ch in Susie S, by Hambletonian Mambrino, dam by Bollfounder. RACE NO. 72:20 CLASS. 1 P, J. Mann names b 8 Altno, by Altamont, dam by PadiiUider. RACE NO. 8. I'ACINfl, 2:15 CLASS 1 Geo Misnor names b g Harry M, by Pryan, dam by Overland. 2 Henry Koyt, Kato Bender, by Altamont, dam by Inauguration. 3 C 15 Barrows, blk h Del Norte, by Altamont, dam Tecorn. 4 L Swan, b in Zephyr, by Antc volo, dam by Echo, 5 P K Waters, b s Capt. Mount, by Paramount, dam by Panic. 0 Van B DoLashmutt names ch h Blondie, by Lemont, dam Mollle. RACE NO. 0-STALLION CLAfcS. 1 Geo. Mistier names b 8 J S C, by Echo, dam by Geo. M. Patchen Jr. 2 I. C. Mosher b s Chollenger Chief, by Challenger, dam Rsa Chief. 3 Cox & Bright, bs Rot-emon, by Belmont, dmn by Strathmore. 4 B. O. Van Bokkelen brs Holm, del, by Hermes.tlam by Peacemaker. 5 Chas. Hawk eh h Dick Fla herty, by Flaherty's Fearnaught, dam Hollo Drew. 0 P. J . Mann, b s Altao, by Alta mont, dam by Pathfinder. Notice. Pacific Lodge No. 50 A. F. & A. M. A slated communi cation of tho abovo lodge will bo held at 7:30 this evening at their lodgerooms. By order of the W. M, Chasing tho nimble dollar Is a universal pursuit you are in tho race, then call on Ed. Jackson, he will help you, 00 State St. 0-1 0-3 1 A flue bargain Hue of mens' straw hats, stiff hats and felt hats at the Capitol Adventure Co. 0-15-3t Spring suits aro almost a thing of tho past, but Hart & Talluferro can mako you tho lluest summer gar ments ever offered on the coast. Rhoo tracks lead at Fleming's shoo store. Ever body knows what it Is, und that Is tho reason they go to Hel lenbrand's for tliut puro Ico cream soda, Lunn Is closing out his stock. 0-l5-3t Bummer Lunjt'e. goods at auction at 0-15 3t T, e .o 60 hi,00 tjl(ft (nkt.s 10 euJ j Fargo'o, at R. J. Fleming'-, State tm ahoe toro. AT ACTUAL CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS. FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS ALL GO UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. FOR CASH ONLY. G. A. K. Suits 8.50 with buttons These suits are all wool, regulation cut. ;)Tcincrciarst'rcct. FROM S0DAVILLE. Tho summer's campaign for health seekera hag commenced. Dr. Hill of Albany Is building a large store and city hall. Tho woodwork on tho elegant little cottngo of Chas. Eichler Is lln Ished. W. W. Parrish will In a fow days, commence the construction of the bath house In which will bo fur nished hot nud cold baths, using mlucial water. Tliestono work of Mineral Spring Seminary located at this place, is completed and a force of carpenters are rapidly piiRhlug tho wood-work. This is tho only high school in tlie stato, situated at a publto watering place. Auction at Luun's Saturday nt 2:30. 0-15-St To the Y. M. C. A. Meetino. Will Brooks, Secretary Wotherbeo, Mr. Mclntyro and a number of oth er delegates, left today for Portland, to attend tho meeting of the state association. Others will follow to morrow, and remain until Monday. Auction at Lunn's Saturday at 2:30. 0-15-3t At Unity Ciiuncir. Sunday evening next at tho usual hour of sorvicoMrs. Lucretia Wlllaid Treat will givo a talk ou kindergarten nud tlie higher thought in education, at Unity church. Everybody interested in this grand work Is Invited to come. A ilno lino of ladles' live cent handkerchiefs at tho Capitol Ad venture Co. 0-15-31 Foukth ok July. Tho commit teo on celebration Is again at work. Funds aro being subscribed liberally, and Salem can yet havo tho biggest celebration in the valley. A llbeinl wayo has como upon the business men, and nil aro giving with a free hand. Let tho good work go on. ... What Stronger Proof Is needed of tho merit of Hood's Sarsapariila than tho hundreds of letters continually coming in telling of marvellous cures it has effected after all other remedies had failed? Truly, Hood's Sarsapai lllu possesses peculiar curatlvo poweis unknown to other medicines. Hood's Pills euro constipation by restoring tho perlstnltlo notion of tho alimentary canal. They nro tho best family cathartic. Everybody admires beautiful hair and every ono may possess It, by buying Ayer's Hair Vigor. Keeps tho hair soft, pliant, aud glossy, Itlbbons and luces at auction tt Lunn's. 0-15 3t Go to tho auction at Lunu', 0-lG-3t Coco cigars, Clark & Eppley's. Everything at auction at Luun's. 0.1G-3t Toys of all kinds at Sargeaut's, Any ono going East cannot a (lord to mist seeing Shaw & Downing, agents of the Northern Paclflo rail way. Thoy mako tho lowest ratos. niAitnii:i). O UNNIBON - H UMPHUEV. At tho M. E. parsonuge, Thursday, Juno 10, 1802, at 5 o'clock p. m., Edith Guniilson nud Hnrrhion Humphrey, Uev. C. L. Keller man ofllclatlng. U&& in, Millions of Homes fioalttBaking UjiPowdeK -OPPOSITE LADD & BUSH BANK.- JUST NOW There is going to be a rush for CLOTHING For Holidays, etc., and remember the WOOLEN MILL STORE Is the place to buy goods for the Juno Overland Monthly. Kilauea, a. Trip to tho Great Cra ter, by May L. Chenev. The Juno Overlaud Monthly will contain ns leader an account, by a member of tho party, of a trip Just made to the great volcano, aud down Into tho pit, aud out on tho crust, whero but ono woman had oyer beforo ven tured. Tho Illustrations will bo abundant, from a set of new and unusually ilno photographs securad by the writer in Hawaii; and will bring out somo novel aspects in the trip. Track Athletics in California, by Phillip L. Weaver, Jr. Tho subject will bo treated with accuracy and Impartiality by ono who has taken much part in tho sport. The article Is to bo profusely illustrated from in stantaneous photographs of the champion In characteristic nttltudcs, of prominent teams, and of tho two great bloyclo record holdors. The only correct and coinpleto tablo of Coast records is to bo published In this article. Along tho Umpqua, by Quien. A humorous story of tho backwoods Is to bo Illustrated by Walter with his lively pon-und-luk sketches. Tho cave In tho Hlguerltn Mine, by J.ohn Heard, Jr. Tho Treasure Cavo of Oahu, by Mabel II. Closson; and Threo Hours Lato, by Ada E. Ferris, will bo tho notablo stories of tho number. A Million Friends. A friend in need Is a friend in deed, and not less than ono million peoplo havo found Jnst such a friend in Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, nnd Colds. If you havo never used this Great Cough Medicine, ono trial will con vince you that it has wonderful cur atlvo powers In all diseases of Throat, Chest aud Lungs. Each bottlo Is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed or monoy will bo rofunded. Trial bottles freo at Daul. J. Fry's Drug store. 225 Com'l Bt. , Largo bottles COo. nud 1.00. Peusonal. Until closed out you can get clothing and boots and shoes at low flguros at 00 Stato St largo quantities of goods nro arriving and wo must mako room for other lines. 0-10-31. SlTItEMB COURT. Saj.em, Juno 10, 1802. On motion of W. D. Fonton, Nasli A. Pcory was admitted upon certificate from the buprenio court of Missouri, to practice In ull tho courts of this state. Couit adjourned until 2 o'clock Satiuday, Juno 18th. Cloaks ut auction at Luun's. 0-16-3t Dissolution Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho Hi m of Goodalo fc Wheeler has been by muluul agreement dissolved. J, C. Goodalo bus purchased tho Interest of A. Wheeler aud will con tinue tho business aud pay nil tho Hubllltles of the lute ilrm. A. WlIEELKIlJ J. C. GOOPALK. Salem, May 18, 1802. 6-20-lw Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prtucrilxxl s Cuftorla'. 40 Years the Standard ' " - ' COST; i. and get the best least money. REAL ESTATE MOVEMENTS. January transfers $170,220 50 February trausfers 203,074 05 March transfers 175,574 80 April transfers 182,000 20 May transfers 04,432 75 Juno to date 51,175 00 JUNE 17. Gustavo A Janz to John G Gerlld, 72 ncres 1 7 8, r 1 w, $1350. J M Brown nnd wife to Adolph Wolf, It 0 Brown's ad to Silyerton, H. A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years, ought to know salt from sugar, read what ho says: Toledo. O., Jan. 10, If 87. Messrs. P. J. Cheney & Co. Ueullemen: I liavo been In the Rcucrul practice or medicine for most 40 years, uud would say ttiut in all my practlco and experience havo no er teu a preparation thai X could prescrlbo witn as much confldeuro of suc cess as 1 can Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by you. Havo prescribed It a great muny times and Us eitect Is wonder ful, and would say hi conclusion that I liavo yet to 11ml a enso of Catarrh that It would not euro, If they would take it ac cording to direction Yours truly, L. L. GORSUCH, M. D., Olllce, 215 Summit St. Wo will give $100 for any oaso of Catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Curo. Taken Inter nally. F. J. OHENNY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Jtfiy-Sold by Druggists, 75o. Children's express wagons at Sar geaut's. If you want n team of any kind, sco Ryan & Co. 5-10-tf m Tjie Only Reason Why people all llko Fred Cooper's ico cream Is because it is made of tho best in gredients. Boys our belts, bathing tights aud waists havo arrived and are ready for you. Capitol Adyonturo Co. 0.15-3t llucklen's ArnlcH Bitlve. The llest Salve In the world for Cuts, Ilruisos, Bores. Ulcers, Butt llheum, Kevor Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ull Bkln Kruptlons, nnd posi tively cures l'llos, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction or money refunded, l'rlco, 23 cents per box, Kor sale by Uau'l J , Fry, 135 Com Ut. CURE Sick Ff eadschB and relievo all tho troubles fact dent to u bilious state of the system, such u Dizziness, Nausea. DroM slness. Distress af lei eating, l'aln in the Bide, Ac. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet CiHTEii's Little Xrvcn Pilu are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, whll. thoy also correct all disorders of the stomach, itlmulato the liver and rcguUM tho bowels. Cven If they only cured HEAD Actio they would be almost priceless to thoso who sudor from this distressing complaint hut fortunately their goodness does not end hero, nnd those who onco try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without thera. Hut after all sick head ACHE 's the bane of so many Uvea that here Is when we make our great Tboast. Our pills cure M wmie omers ao not. and very easy to take. Ono or two plus make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not rrrlnA or tmnre. but bv their ircntle actios please all who use them. In vials at IKS ceotsj , aro for 81, sold everywhere, or sent ty CASTIl mi:niB CO., Twt yi MM MM TO BUILD IS A PLEASURE When you see these new 1891 designs in Books 4 and 5, "Houm and Cottages," HIze.HxlU Inches. Contains new destaMt new style, latest Idtus In planning. Up, t has So designs classMrd from 1150 up M l&uu, about hair under I10UO. No. 6 oa tulusbUdoshna of dwellings nosltas; qvV i I18U0, many from HSU) up to SWJHU. Mmuf i new Houtberu or resort styles of heww ts these works, nice, f 1 each, or the two for H'JO. D. S. HOPKINS Atdiltect, Grand Rap!d, Mlk, i in. ..r Salem Abstract and m & The only Abstraut books of Mutest county. Ileal estate ortlni .tilled promptly and safely. W; H, H, WATB1 MArlAOKR. CARTER'S flVER H g PiLLS. 1 jH nU3 n "5 , ! 3n -x. v-.a s "f ti i-'J i1 ? jr-jj j ' r,"M fe m of or ' 1 . J tea. 1 -.-.-'-. i,--U