tlfftff.jWvt EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. Iff y j VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY", JUNE 17, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 148. '4 HURD'S LATEST STATIONERY. 3 Large Cases Just Received We have the following styles: FIRST EMPIRE, TITIAN, OXFORD, POMPADOUR, IMPERIAL, COURTIER, ROYAL PURPLE, ALEXIA, POLONAISE, CLARICE. We invito the ladies of Salem to call and inspect this stock. We have a fine line to show you. This paper is all -PLEASANT Home You cau buy property on any torms. It is high and dry and' cars and city water. "Remember it is within Postoffico or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this One-half block south Wm Harntt -SUCCESSORS TO WBLJUR BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS STAPLE MD l At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. H. GLASSFORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES AND OFFICES FITTED UP IN, Georgia Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc. MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Rearof 2G0 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. NAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Bull1 (fe MZOl Plumbers and Tinners, 5 214 & 21G Comineicial St., Salem. Gaiden Hose and Lawu Sprinklers. A complete lino of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a Hpecialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing I'urnlshed. PAPER All are invited to call at 143 Court street and look at all tbe late lvitterns In Willi Paper and get prices for same on the wall. 1 EC. SNOW, Decorator, with E.E. SNOW, House, Sign and Car- riago PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging, Kalsomiuiug, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnisldiig and Natural Wood Finish. Only First-a Work. E. E. bNOW. Remember the place, 143 Court Street. FOUM The place to rig, Express, Ikfill feed or load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back ot Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. Salem Truck & Dray Co. iSHp V fico State St., nppo-lU'fca lorn Iron work. Dravs and truck may be fouud.,throuhout die Uav hi tin ewmor of Stte and Commercial streets. B. f. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. 0- PERKINS, Gen. SALEM IRON WORKS, " .... OREGON. Purifier "nil fti"ls. Kami machluery adt "d repaired. C, N.CHIRCHILL. CnUItCniLL & Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKEKS. 100 Chemekfta Street. ir&Jb. Sash and Door Factory Fronts Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to comjo e with the lowest. Only the best material used. the rage in State Street Book Store. in this most popular Addition has the advantuge of street ten minutes . walk of the spring. Call on of Bush's bank, up stairs. FOR RED STAR- Mclntire. BE25S33ST? riES-i-SBU- J GROCERIES, rj mutmnmrmamza HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. gtt a, Saddle horse, Livery Dray or Truck, Wood, Hay, good well rotted Manure, T S. BURROUGHS. JiUlTKOUGJIS, 0HS33 New York. GET THE J.&M. LAWNMOWER Jit Three Sixes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS AT GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STS., SALEM, OREGON. Ul lUllC bo. C. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt ami Smoked Meats of nil Hinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. OH Court and 110 State Streets. bllSS. -SUCCESSOR TO- J. C. BROWN & CO. Have He-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in Salem of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS, -BUILDER'S HARDWARE 'A SPECIALTY.! Contractors and builders can find here eveiy article they need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade arc invited to ozaLAJS. dw DUG AN BROS' Plumbiuff and Ileating Co. 'o 0-"' Wholesale und.rt'tail dealer In STEAM AM) PLUMBING C( 2 Commercial Mreet, Telephone No. 33 For Sale. Three lolmn North halcin on utrr-et c&r line, nlso 21 acre Irult land about jj$ mllci etui of Fulcui. Call on C. !. ti.lBKimSOX, htule Insurance Oilito SEW DAILY MAIL STAGE Ket worn Aurora, Hiittovillc, CIiaini)o!r, St. Vnul and Fairfield. Leaven Aurora dally ot 10-30 a. m. Ar nBal Fairfield II i. in. Itelurulni: leave U....11J1I &, A r n Arrll'fy fit. I .hiitntkfu rU.IIICtun.1 I'.'". .....--.. v .-, s tin, 111 Leuvon ChamiK)te 6 a. m. Arrive at ! Aurora, via llultevlllu, at 6 u. in. Con nect with morning (I. f.Uo. tralun KOlntf freight carrlwl at regular rule, service hejflii Monday, March 17, Ic'J. UU?, jlOr.r'hit, I'liiir. Those Afflicted WHb thelhabltVjl iInit to exuai, LIQUOR, OPIUM OK TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT TllK KEELEi' INSTITUTE r"oret Orove, Or,, Call writ. Htrlctly oootldeutUU. eats. Cross, call. We will treat you well. s: 248 Commercial Street. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 TranBnct a general banking business In all lto branches. GEO. WIUjIAMH l'rcslden Wm. KN(JLAN1 Vice 1'renlcleut 1IUUU McNAltY Cashier 1HHKGTOHB: Geo. WIUIainR.Wm. Kne laud, Dr. J. A. Klchardnon, J. W . llodnou, J. A. HaUer. Hank in new Kxchango block on Coro mereial Rtreet. h:l-U Authorized Capital 500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Hali-in, Oregon. W.A.OUflCK. I'resT W. W. MARTIN, VIch I'm. J. 11. AUII.HT, Canhler. Hhite, County and City Warrants ooukIiI lit l'ur. dw rMI'IlOVKI) OltDRIl OK 11KI1 MKN. 1 Kaiulaktin Tribe No. 8, Halem. Holds council every Thursday evening, at 7.30. Igvam In Mate Insurance hall. V. tl. HAKKK, l'rophot. KIUNJC O. SVATKIW, Chief of Ilecords. J. M, Needham, HOUSK PAIxs'TINO, KALSO- MINING, PAPER IIANOINQ, NATURAL WOOD FINISJIINQ. Leave orden-J Invlu's, rear or-mltii A Htelner's drug store. D.C.SHERMAN, U, H, l'emlon ami Claim agent. V,l) liox sfl.Haleui. Uregon. Uejiuty Count) Cler" VriU) (or blanks. w Smith, VKOFKS3IONAI, CAKDS. J J. SHAW, M. W. HUNT. SHAW A , HUM", attorneys at law. OUlcoovcr Capital National b.inlc.Bnlem, Oregon. GEO. U. UUUNHTT, Attorney at law, (Salem, Oregun. Oitlco over Latld A Bush's bank. Q T. HlOHAUnsON, Attorney nt law, O. olllce up stai In front rooms of new llUBh block, corner Commercial and Court Btreeta, Balem, Oregon. JOHN A. CAKTON, Attorney nt law. Rooms :t and 4, Ldidn A Hush's bank uuitaing, saiem, urcgen. Hiljr U.V.1IOMUAM. W. II. HOI,MtH. Boniiam & Hoi.meh. Attorneys nt law. Ofllce In Hush's block, between State nnd Court, on Com'l bt. mlLMON J'ORD. attorney at law, Salem, L Oregon. Ofllce uptnlrd In l'atton's block. BH. URAD3UAW, PHYSICIAN AND . Hurgron, bnlcui, Oregon, oillco In I'.ldrldgo block, upit'ilrs over Williams A Knglnnd's bank. Residence corner Mtuto and B, E. corner Inter street. WH. YOUNG, M. D.. Otllco formerly . occupied by Dr. Roulmnl, corner Court and Liberty streets. Telephoue No. 45. Olllce heurs: 8 n. m, to 1'J; 'i to 4 p. in., and 7 to U p.m. Kcsideneo IStti street on electric car lino. Tclephouo No. U. M oAFEE & BROOKS, Physicians and Murgeons, Murphy blek, up stutrs, Commercial street, ttnlcin, Or. TTR. W. 8. MOTT', physician and sur J geou. Offleo in Kldrldgo HIock, Sj leiii, Oregon. Olllce bouts 10 to 11! a.m. 2 to 4 p. m. Ell. PII1LUKOOK, M. D.,Homeopathlst. . Oillco 153 Court street; ReMdotice S17 lliirli street. OeLeral practice. iSoeclal attentlou given to diseases of Women and children. D 11. MINTA H. A. DAVIS. Offleo hours, Day or niuht calls proinnttv nttcudud to, v a. m. to ii a. ill.; p. in. 10 u p. iu Special attention gi en to dlscisesof wom en and children. Olllce in New Uank Jilk., yt iioniniereuu siicet. ivesiueuie banio. rR. T. C. SMITH, Dentist, BJ SUite street, XJ Saleni, Or. Elnlslied dental opera tions of ever' description. I'alulessopeni tlons a specialty. WD. PUGH, Architect, Plans, Sped , llcatlons nnd superlntendeniu lor all classes of buildings. Olllcu -JO Com. merclal bt., up sUilrs, c. A. ROHERT, Architect, room 421, Mar quam building, I'ortlnud, Oregon. 1IIJSINK.S.S UAItDS. HOKYE&MILL, Proprietors the Porce lain Rathandshnviugl'ailnrs, Have the only Porcelain Hath Tuuh In tho city. M) Commercial street, Halem, Oregon. QPKAGOE S ALLEN, lllacksmlths and O horeshoelng and repalilng. Only the best workmen employed. Opposite State Insurance building R. SMITH CO., Contractors, Sower t. ing, Cement Sidewalks, Excavating, Etc: All work promptly done, Muleni, Or. Lcavo orders with Dul'hh Rios. 4,'15-lm PJ. LARSEN & CO,, manufacture of all . kinds of vehicles. Repairing a special ly. Shop 45 Htflle street. OAKPET-LAYING. I mnko n specialty oi caipcrisowlng and laying; carpets takon up and rcluul with gi'tat care. Lcavo orders with J. H. Lunn, lluren A Son or White Corner. J. G. LU1IIIM AM. JOHN KNIGHT, Rlacksmlth. Horso shoelngnnd repairing n speelaltj'. Shop at tho foot of Liberty street, Salem, Orceou, iaitf MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for tho next SO days on good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, lloom 14, Rush Hunk block. 5 I'.'rtw ;i Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarmMeah at All llouis ol the flay None but white labor employed Iu this establishment, A good substantial meal cooked in first class style Twciity-nve tentu per meal, KBD FKONT Court street," between Ojiera .House and Mluto's Llory THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, Oil EG OK. KutcH, $2.50 toT$5.00 per Day. Tho best hotel between Tort land andHati (TrnuclKco. Flrt-cUr,, In all Its antiolnV ments. Its tables are served Willi the Choicest Jfrults Grown In the Willamette Valley. A, I, WAGNER, Prop. JAPANESE CURB A new and Complete Treatment, consist ing ufsuppoKltorlis, ointment In capsules, also a box and pills; ti potlllio euro lor ex IVIIJUI, I1IIV1 1,1.1, Ul chronic, recent or ternal, Internal, blind or bliedlng, itching, hereditary I'lies, ami many other diseases and female weak nesses: lllsulWuvKa umit benefit to the general health. The llrst discovery ol u medical cure rendering an operation with the knife uuniecshary heicalter. This remedy has never been kuowu to full, fl per box, U for Vi; sent by mall, Why sulfur from this terrllile disease when n written guarantee Is given with (1 boxes, to icfund the money II not cured. Hend stamp for free sample, (luiirfnteuhisucd by Wooiiahii, Clakkk A Co., wholesale iiuif retail drug glsU, sole agents, Portland, Or, 6-ly-dw J. H. HAAS, TUE "WATCIJJSrATOJR, 215K Conimtrclil St., Salem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein'.) Hrwelulty ol Bpectscles, and repairing Clf.CKx. W aiches and Jewelry- M. C. CROSS, Butcher and Packer htal-HU un Court Ht-The beat meat dellvereu Moll purUof the city. K. K. HALL, or urand Decorator, Ortlco at Chas Wert's MllllooKry itore, Halem, Oregon. Capital THE CAPITAL JODffll. HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. l'OHIilBUKDDAIl.Y.KXOElTBUNDA ny the Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Ornco, Commercial Htreet, In P. O. liulldtn h.'utered nt the postofllco nt Bnlcm, Or., u flCodclns inntter. M. If C. A. We tlcslrp to cnll too attention of our readers to an artlolo In yester day's Issue of Thk Journal pub lished by the merchants of this city. It will bo of Interest to glvo it n careful reading. There hus been various so-called "collective agen cies" represented In Salem In the past years somo of whose methods were positively dishonorable. Good mou were reported aud published as "dead beats" aud wero given no chance to dlsputo the account if it was not an honest one but under tho methods employed by tho Mer chants' Itetall Commercial agenoy of which tho organization referred to Is a branch, no man Is wrongfully reported because nil tho opportunity in tho world is given him to make a settlement if tho account is an honest ono and if it is a dishonest ouo ho can huvo that fact shown to tho executive board and they will see that justice Is done. Wo have examined the creden tials of this agenoy and read the testimonials of somo of tho best business men of tho East rtud of California and believe It to bo aud do all it claims. The branch hero Is a strong one so wo advise the Salem "dead boat" to wake up and saw wood. PRUNE RAISING IN OREGON. Somo of tho Advantages This Stato Has Ovor California. San Fiiancisco, Juno 12. To Tim iiuiTon.l Tho Chronicle of this city, iu its holiday number In giving fruit data, makes tho state' mont that all tho fine prunes raited on this Coast are raised iu California and what few prunes nro raised in Washington nnd Oregon will not compete In any way with tho CalU fori) In prunes. Now, whoever wrote that article wns not posted, or else did not care to give tho general public tho facts of tho caso. For, in San Francisco, all tho large fancy grocers mako a leader of tho Oregon Italian prune, aud In this city, in the midst of the California pruuu orchards, there aro carloads upon carloads shipped from Portlund and retailed to the best trade iu the city. Theso pruues command tiie highest market price, and tho demand for them Is Increas ing rapidly each year; in fact, the leading grocer of this city Informed me that he sold very few California pruues. He said his customers had found out how fur supeiior the Ore gon prune really wus. They cannot raiso the Italian pruuo down hero. Tho pruuo they raiso in this coun try Is tho French prune, but I have 6een much finer French pruues raiBed near Portland tliun I ever saw raised In California. Tho reason Oregon lias such an immense advantage over California to rulso prunes, ns well as a great many other fruits, Is en account of your country. Cullforulans aro willing to eat your nice prunes, hut they aro not willing to admit that you havo a grand climate; hi fact they do every thing hi their power to keep tho homeseekpr from your couutry by crying "It's tho last place In tho world to go, on account of tho cllniutf;" but wliero thoy could find a better climate I urn suro I don't know, for your summers aro surely grand, and if the winter Just past Is a Bumplo of your winters, there Is no country in this broad lurid, oven In California, to equal yours, Now, if they must havo your Italian prunes down horo thoy surely must must huvo them all over the great East, as tho people In tho Kimt buy all of California's best fruit, and if better fruit Is sent there it will find u ready market and an utmost unlimited market, for down hero they say it Is no trloli at all to sell fine fruit; It's only tho poor aud Inferior grades of fruit thut become u drug on tho market. Oregon prunes aro not only fl nor than California prunes, but thoy are eyoti liner than tho very finest im ported prunes, that retail at SO cents a pound. Taking all this into con- hldt ration, tho prune industry of your country is worthy of careful cousldtjatlou, us undoubtedly that will become tho greatest prune coun try In tho world; but there is one thing people muse not lose sight of. and thut Is thut your country is also a most excellent country for a grout many other kinds of fruit, uud must consider well before planting a prune orchurd thut all soils nro notsultublo for this kind of an orchurd but. what might not io good soil for prunes might be suitable ior other kinds of frultt uud great cure must be taken about pluutlng trow in soil that is too wet, for, if tills Is done, after tue trees get two or three yeur old their roots will beiflii to rot und tho ends of tho brunches to tfle. I huvo Been u number of such or;il;urdn in your country. Iu CftWforniu thoy are doing Highest of all in Leavening Power. jx&m ABSOLUTEIY PURE everything to attract the actual Bet tier, and aro doing wonders in mak iug settlements nnd building up the couutry, and aro getting in tho very nicest class of people. If a llttlo eilort was madn iu tho right direc tion theso settlers would go to Oregon in prefercuco to locating here, as they would havo every thing to gain by doing so. Your fand is much richer, much cheaper; you have flue water aud you havo timber for firewood, which is a largo item, and tho orchard will mature much faster iu your country than it does Iu California. There aro many other advantages iu favor of Oregon that will not tako ono long to seo on arrival there 1 don't live in Oregon and I don't live in California, but I havo made soverul trips through the two stites looking up the fruit lndnstry for somo friends in the East w;ho con template golug Into tho raising of fruit. I have been very careful In looking Into the matter, as I have been In tho fruit business myeelf all my life, I do not think I havo mado any mistake when I say that tho qountry around Portland has every advantage over this country and that It will not bo long before an acre of land up Uuto suitable for fruit raising wilt bo worth mora than an uoro of land down hero for the same purpose. Your railroad facilities alone should mako laud worth twlco as much as tho sumo quality of laud is worth hore. This country has but ono railroad and it makes rates to suit itself. Portland has a number of railroads, aud ouo who raises fruit iu that couutry will not havo to give it nil to tho railroads In ordor to get It to the markets. I think tho future of your country is very bright, mid I ahull surely advlso my friends to locate thero. J, F. Downs. THIS CIUTTEII-SNIFK. It Is tho "gutter-sulpo" whoso case seems moro hopeless, the child of drunken or dissolute father or mother, tugged down the long stairs by brother or sister and from baby hood givou tho freedom of the gut ter. Tiucks and horses have no terrors for theso babies. Bounds seems learned instinctively, and one sees them, by do.ens, in tho gutter Itself, or wherever a bit of soft earth is fouud, digging and shaping tho Immemorial mud-pie or playing with ou oystor-shell or a bit of paper or string extracted from tho same source. If rain come, so much tho hotter; for tho cleansing stream brings with Hits flotsam nnd jetsam, that ure wealth to tho baby whoso bunds stretch tosvnrd it. A rejected paper-box, a bit of guy cloth, aro treasures hoarded till somo stronger waif snatches them, Might is right. There Is no inch the gutter-snipe may call his own; and tho baby eyes, thut even there hold inuoceuco and tho faith of babyhood, learn quickly distrust und feur looking out from nurd, experienced llttlo faces in which childhood hus died even In tho three-year-old. From "Child Life in the Slums of Now York." iu Demorest'u Family Magazine for July. Tin and sugar aro two articles which show quite plainly tho geu orul tiled ou prices of a high tarlfl, and prove pretty conclusively thut the turlll Is a tux. Tho duty on sugar was removed, und tho prlco decreased. Tho duty on tin wus in creased, and tho prlco wont up. Prior to tho passage of tho McKlnloy law, the ruling prlco of tlu lu Sun Francisco was from I4.7G to $.5 per box. Now It Is fO. San Francisco Imports about 850,000 boxes, or SI, 500,000 pounds, uuuuully. HI nee lust Juno nearly half a million dol lars in duty on tlu and terue plates has Leon paid at the Ban Francisco custom-house alone. Tills tax wus ostensibly for tho purpose of en couruging .capitalists to ongago In tho tlu-plute Industry, but so fur It hus not had this result. Portland Wi.lfHrriitili. Hawkers and Peddlers. Whut ear-spllttlug cries we hear dully iu the streets of every large city I But theso Itlacruut dealers wlio hawk their wures about are, when under proper restrictions, n useful portion of tho comuulty, uud not such nuisances us tho catarrh hawkers. This Is a stubborn disease to courtlier, but Dr, Hugo's Catarrh Itemedy does is. it Is mild, sooth lug uud nntUeptlu, unllko suulls that Irritate, or solutions that burn. It corrects ollonnlvo breuth, aud re store taste, sinoll and hearing, Nasal catarrh ofion cuds In con sumption. .Apply the only cure iu time. Price 03 cents, by nil drug-gists. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. & Baking;, Powder i "POLITICAL ITEMS. Tho Rumors Cleveland, Hill, Boise, Etc. TAMMANY'S PROGRAM. Rumor They Will Desert Hillj' After the. First Fallot. v New Yoiik, June 17. Tbe" Herald's Washington correspondent telegraphs the follewing: "Tlw story is too absurd to bo dignified by making a statement in reference to it," so said Senator Hill today, ,in regard to tho story of a Tammany , program in the Chicago convention. The story was set afloat by a mem ber of congress, who received a let ter from a Tammany man in Nevr ' York alleging that tho Tammany, forces had practically concluded .to ' drop Senator Hill after the 'first bu ' lot and join the several Western delegations to secure the nomination, of a Western candidate. "Tho pro; gram as outlined in this letter in cludes Tammany's choice for the vlce-presldonoy. Robert B. Iloosvelt "l is a Now York man, who has been" :, determined as fit for the second pluco. He is wealthy, has a good standing among the business com- munity and boasta of u long lino of ancestry. His selection, it is hoped, will result in the unification of the democracy of Now York state. A Western candidate upon whom tho factions aro to unite is not de cided upon, though in connection with it Palmer, Boies, Gray, Mor- r rlsou and Carllslo aro discussed, Morrison and Palmer aro strong favorites. Besplto Senator Hill's '' emphatic denial, thero Is no doubt that a letter containing such iu-., formation was received by a repre-' -. 8entatlve in congress, for I saw It. Mr. Roosvolt, when asked if he knew lio was candidate for tbe 1 Democratic vlco-presldentlal nomt- " nation, would not dony positively, and acknowledged that Tammany had held lately a big conference, no did not know of tho resolution to desert Hill. CLEVELAND AND PALMER. Tho Illinois Sonator Says Ho Will ' Stick to Olovoland. Washington, Juno 17. If Cleve land falls to receive the voles or Illi nois, the fault cannot be laid at the door of Senator Palmer. Mr. Pal mer was an original Cleveland man, but about the lime of Hill's Febru ary convention iu Now York the raco seemed to bo becoming s free for-all, and ho allowed h'lraself to be eutlced. Ho has since drifted back, to his first love, und now places his candidacy distinctly subsidiary to that of Cleveland. Tho fact seems to bo that tho two Illinois factions uso Cleveland's name to club each other with. When Palmer was au avowed candidate tho Morrison people wero for Cleveland; now that. Morrison is nursing a boom of kis own,tho Palmer men have rallied to Cleveland's defense. "The Illinois delegation," said Senator Palmer to day, "will votofor Mr, Cleveland as long as thero is any prospect of bis nomination. After that their vote will go to mo. I havo ovory reason to beliovo that tho members of ths Illinois delegation ure acting in, fl porfectly fair manner. Tho mem bers uro disposed to aud positively Intond to abide by tho instructions given at tho state convention, I tako this view becauso of information that comes to mo. No ono has any right to supposo that they Intend playing any tricks, or that they do not mean to do what thoy pract ically agreed to do. If It were true that nine delegates had no intention' of voting for Mr. Cleveland, I think ilioy would havo refused to sot m dolegalos, becauso the purpose ini piled nnd expressed In selectlug - tn momboni of this delegation was to send u solid phalanx from our stato to tho convention for Mr.Clevetaml' PROM OniOAQO. Tho Olevolandltes Are Axrftriaf and BOpeful. Chicago, June 17. John E. Bn som, odvuuco guard of the Cftnw luud democracy at Bull'ulo, atrtvtA nt tho Great Northern last "About 850 members or our or. zation will arrive In a body oa I urday," said ho. "The outlook Mr. Cleveland's nomination is i encouruglug. The Dewoeskt New York do uot propose to aBa lot of soreheads to dietata wm i be presented to tbe national mm tiou as me cuowe or tue the Umpire Ute, Mr.1 the spontaneous kele of i oeratlo party. Tke i & m r SS9CBfB tf !'.' girOt: M.i imisjinMnw.MiiniM.Ji