1 ' ""-'-ft EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. vl f-ff S.. , c t tf r a VOL. 5. "TILE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JTJ2TE 10, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 142. . HURD'S LATEST STATIONERY. 3 Large Cases Just Received We have the following styles: FIRST EMPIRE, TITIAN, OXFORD, POMPADOUR, IMPERIAL, COURTIER, ROYAL PURPLE, ALEXIA, POLONAISE, CLARICE, We invite the Indies of Salem to cull and inspect this stock. We have a fine lino to show you. This paper is all the rage in New York. -PLEASANT Home You cau buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has the,, advantage of street cars and city water. Ilemember it is within ten minutes walk of the Postoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring1. Call on Wm Q E B One-half block south Wholesale BROOKS Spauing'sjBall Goods, FINE PISHING TACKLE. GUNS AND SPORTING GOODS. 94 State Street, Salem, Or, M. GLASS FORD. BANKS, STORES AND OFFICES FITTED UP IN, Georg'a Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc, MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Renrof 200 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. NAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE J AT Ban S Petzel, E!nrnbers and Tinners' 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Gulden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete lino of Stoves aud Tiuwate, Tin looliug and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Inirnished. PAPER HANGERS. HEAD QUARTERS. All are Invited to call at 113 Court street and look at all the late Bitterns in Wall Paper and get pricis for swine oti the wall. E L C. SNOW, Decorator, with 13. E. SNOW, House, Sign and Car rluge PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Paper Hanging, Kalaonilning, Wall Tinting, etc Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish. Ouly Fir.sH-lass Work. E. E. SNOW. Remember the plane, 143 Court htreet. The place to rig, Express, lvnil fPAfl nr FOUND load of Dirt or Gravel. Call on Ryan & Co., back of "Willamette hotel. Prompt and careful work is our motto. RYAN & CO. r. , rn i n n d DRAYS AND TRUCKS Salem Truck & Dray Co. SS&3 V lice Statu bt., opposite ba lem Iron works. Dmys nnI tiwlM taiy be fouudsthroughout the day nt the corner of State and Coininen-lal htreets. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor, T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent SALEM IRON WORKS, M ... - OREGON. Purine" And feel. tnrin machinery miuit und repulred. C.N.CHIRCHIU. " T S' BURR0UGH3' cnuncniiiL & jJintnouGiis, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SPIEET METAL WOttKEKS. 100 Cberaeketa Street. SCIE&jSk. 3EB3E&JES Sash, and Door Factory Fronts Street, Salem, Oregon, The beat class of work in our lino at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used. Stat S'tret Book Store. IW2 MJJBMUJ'i BolHHUE of Bush's bank, up stairs. Dealers in m Af grt a Saddle horse, Livery Dray or Truck, AVood, Hay, wood well rotted Manure, kaHHHHHHM GETTHE JAIVI. LAWMIVSOWER In Three Sizes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY 8TS., SALEM, OREGON. I ihnspp VIpsiIq Ed. C. Cross, Wholesale niul itctuil Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all Kinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vices and prmpt delivery to all parts of the city. i)o Court ami 110 State Streets. US I do s -SUCCESSOR TO- J. C. BROWN & CO. Have Re-opened at the Old Stand with the most complete stock in Salem of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS, -BUILDER'S HARDWARE 'A SPECIALTT.I- Contractors and builders can find here every article they need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. All the former customers of this House and the general trade are invited to call. We will treat you well. oiiors. dw J. M, Needham, HOUSE PAINTING, KALBO MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Lciu a orders .1 . Irwin's, ruir of t rolth A Btelnei'a drug store. DUG AN BROS' u r DVU,J Wholesale and retail dealers In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. a.y Commercial utreet. Telephone No. iu For Sale. Three lota in North ra!em on etre.'t ir llni , lso SI ncret. lrult land about jyi inllc-i uikt of guleui. Cull on J. I. J.iBItIELSO.V, htule Insurance OUlio NEW DAILY HAIL STAGE ffchvcun Aurora, ISiittcvillc, luuiiioi'g, St. riul and Fairfield. lipflVM Aurora dally at 10-00 a. m. Ar. iivj.ut l-rtira:dSi. in. Keturolng leave Kmrttld at 4 l. m. Arrir.M at Chaiupoes Op, ni lumfhvnwieKBii.ia. Arrlvi al Aurora, via liuttevllie, at ri a. in Con liccta'witu luorulntH. 1. (X). tralm golnx ..., li (itlrt Mflflf ll I'iltttf. TUft. tl.lL'L'hPrt fltlfl freight tarried at regular rate. o Vu. HoWTKli, Propr. g anu lieaiin sB?docaron, Smith, siasrararoaa:., 248 Commercial Street. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact n general banking burilnepR In ull Its uranclieu. UM). WIL.UA.Ma IVcsldeu W, RNUIjANU Vlco 1'reBldcul HUGH McNAltV (Jabhlc.r I)IIU:cTOU8: Go. Wllllatnu.Wm. Knr. land, Dr. J. A. Jtltliardsoti, J. W, llndnon, J. A. na'ier. JWnk In new ISxclmnge block on Com mercial Htre-t. H I Ml Autliorl?c(l Capital 500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Ongon. W.A.CU.SJCK. 1'ren. V. W, MAItHN, Vlco rei. J. II. AI.1II.H1', Cnsliler. Htatc, County and City VS'ftrranU bought at Par. dw IMI'HOVKU OltDKil OK JtKU MKN, J Kiuiil.tkiin 'irlboNo. 8, Hnlom. Uold council every 'lliumluy evening, at 7.J0. Mgwam in Mate Inxurance hull, , K. O. IIAKKK, I'roptit t. FIUNJC i WAT1.IW, Chief of lU.cord. Those Afflicted WHb thehabltV)l uluj Ut cxce, LIQUOR, OPIUM OH TOBACCO Cau obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE ATTJ1K KEELKV INSTITUTE Koret Onive, Or., Call write. Btrlttly oonQdentlal PENSIONS D . C. S I-I E K.IvI A.N , U, H, V eoilon and Claim agent, 1. Bji-lil.twlem, Oregon. Deputy County Vlbty Vrlte for bUtakn. w I'ltOFJiSSIONAI. OAIIDS. JJ.BItAW, M. W. HUNT. HHAW . HUNT, nttorncyn nt law. OtTlpBovcr iapttnl National bank, Balom, Oregon. GEO. 11. UUUNKTT, Attorney nt Inw, Bnlem, Oregnn. OHlto over l.dd A jjusu 8 onus, 1 T. H1CHAKD30N, Attorney nt law, ), olilce up stalin In front rooms of new ush block, corner Commercial nnd Court Btreets, tJnlern, Oregon. JOHN A. CAKSON, Attorney nt law. Itooins3nud,4,Lada A Bush's bank building, Bnlem, uregci, 8 1 lyr B. F. BONHAM. W. H. HOLMES. Boniiau & Houmkh, Attorneys nt law. Oillco In Hush's block, between Stnto und Court, on Com'lHt. rnlLMON FOItU, nltorney nt law, Snlcm, JL Oregon. Oihce up-etalrs In Pnttoti's block. 13 ILUHACilAW, PHYSICIAN AND r). Kurgcnn, Salem. Oregon, ortlce In Kldrldgo block, upitalrs over Williams Kngland's bank. Ucsldenco coiner Hlato und a. E. corner luter street. w, li. luuiiu..). u., viiiilu lurniuriy . occunled bv l)r. Itowland. corner tf vfirT.i , t ....I r i couri ana i.ioeny sti etis. leiepnone jso. 43. Oillco heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: 2 to 4 p. m., nnd 7 to I) p. in. llcsklcuco isth street on cltctric tar Hue. Telephone No. U, MCAFEE. & BllOOICS, PhyslcluUH aud aurgeons, Murphy block, up ntuirs, Commcielal street, y ilem, Or. .' ' : ......-. . ....' DU. W. 8. MOIT, physlclnn nnd Bur geon. Oillco In Hdrldge Block, nv tem, Oregon, Olilce hours 10 to 12 a, in. 2 to 4 p. m. X B. PHILBUOOK, M.D.,llomeopntulst. li. OUlcu 165 Court street; Heildcnco 317 High Btrcel. O'ui.erul practice Hpeolal attention given to iBsenou of Women und children. TU. JUNTA H. A. JUAVI8. Olilce hours, JL U n. in. to II u. in ; 2 p. in. to fi p. in. Day or night cnlli promptly nlleudcd to. Special attention given to diseases, of wom en and children. Oillco in New Bank 111k., 3Uj Commerulal street. Itclileuco mtne. DR. T. C. SMITH, Ueutlst.oa 8t.ito street, Hnlem, Oi. Finished dental opera tlona ofovcrydeicilptlon. Painless opera tions n specialty. Wl). PUOH, Architect, Plans, Specl , llcithms nnd supeilutendonce lor nil classes of buildings, Oillco 290 Com nurclal St., up stall's, 0. A. UOUKKT. Architect, loom 421. Mar , quam building, I'oi Hand, Orogou. lUTSIXEaS OAIIDS. HOEY'EAMILl.V3, Proprietors IhoPorco lain Bath imdMhav lug Parlors, Have the only Porcelain Bath Tubs In the city. 20V Commercial street, Salem, Oiegon. SPltAQUE A ALLIEN, Blacksmiths nnd horeshoelug and repilrlng. Only tho best workmen employed. Opposito atato Insurance building 4B. HM1TH A CO., Contmclors, 8ewor . lng, Cement Sidewalks, Excavating, : All work pioinptly done, Hnlom, Or. Lenvo orders with Duzau Bros. 4:l-lm PJ.1.A11SEN&CO,, Mnnuractuioofall . klndsofvehlcles. Itepalrlng a special ty. Shop 45 State stieet. CAIIPET-LAYING. I mako a speclaUy ot carpet-sowing and lajlng; uirpots taken up nnd relaid with grtut euro. Leave oiilcni with Ji ll. Lun ii, Huron Sou or White Ojruer. J. a. LUilHM AM. OHN KNIGHT, Blacksmith. Jlorso t) shoelngandrepalrlngaspcclnlty. Hbop st the foot of Liberty street, Bali m, Oregon. 2 20tf MONEY TO LOAN. Special Inducements for tho next 30 days on good farm loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Boom 11, Bush Hank block. C L!dw Jas. Batchdor, Prop'r. Warm Mcak at All Hours oi the Day None but white labor employed In thlr establishment. A good MibstAUtlal meal ca lted In first claiiM st le T entj -Ave ccntw per niuil, 1 K ID K1 R O N V (Vmrt strret," between Opera .lloute and Mlutxi's l.tjery THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OH.EGON. Hates, $2.50 ("o?5.()() pev J)ny. Tho best hotel between Portland and Ban Francisco. I lrfct-ulosi in nil its appoint ments. Its tables urn feervul wllh tile Choicest l'rults (Jrown in tho Wlllaintlte Valley, A. I. VMGNER, Prop. JAPANESE CSURB Anew and Cjinpleto rieatmcul, (outlat Ingof supiHrtltorlis, ointment In cupnulis, uUo a box hiiU plllr; a poidllro euro lor ex ternal, luttrnul, blind or blLndlng. Itching, chronic, rteent or lieri-dltnry rilo, nnd imuiy other dlsiusis and lumulo wuili nesbii.; it Isnlvwissn gnat beuellt to tho grnen.1 health lh llri-t dlsiovrry ot a medical cure rendering un opuiallou with the knife unuetoisaiy li. nailer. 'Ihls remeily has never bum known to full, fl per box. 0 for (5; scut by in til, Whj miirur from this terrible dlsiuso vviien u wiltten guarantee Is given with ll boxes, to lefund the money II not eurul m.nd stump for fieo sample, tluurmileo Issued by Wooiiwin, Ci.aiikkA Co., wliolemtle and retail drug gists, sole ugeuts, Portland, Or, AS-ly-dw J. H. HAAS, THE WATCJJ:VAI031l, 2I5K Ccmr.ierclll SI., ialm, Ongon, (Next door to Klein's.) rJpwlHliy ot wpecliiclcs, und repairing Ulocki, W ttchw HOd Jeweliy, ifl. c. cuoss, Butcher and Packer 1-biteHt. unit Court Ht'l'lie beit meal delivered to all paruof the city. B. K.JHAJL'L,, Paper Hangorand Decorator. Olilce at ChariiiUert'k Mllllouenr itore, Halein, Oregon, Capital HSE CAPITAL JOMAL. H0FER BROTHERS, - - - Editors. PUBLISHED DA1LY.KXCE1TSUNDAY, UT THIS Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Htreet, In P. O. Building holered nt tho postomco at Bnlem, Or., us sccohti-clni.il matter. Statement of Expenses For Marion County For Month of May, 1892. Claimant. Account Amt, Allowed. Gerninu &NewIandPi;up.$0.70 dla. W. Ii. Blnieml Btncb Insp fl20 00 lVttr Qeiser Kottd & Bridt;o 8 00 William Hujjues Pauper 10 40 J. G. Monro lload & Bridge 0 80 U. P. Tlinmna " 7 80 W. DuniilL'ftt) " lli GO Lnbun Murdlng " 0 00 Ihoa. DtuiulgttU " 0 00 John Kltiser " .. 0 00 Elmer Becse " 0 00 W. J. Culver " 23 00 J. W. Benson " 18 08 W.J. Culver " 4 50 II. T. Brnlth " li 40 W. U.tilmpson " 2 00 J. E. Howard " 4 GO Clins. LltchQeld " 2 00 Joliu Boyeo " 2 00 B. L. Manning " 2 00 W.J. Culver ". 0 40 F. Wood worth " 2 40 Frunk Klco " 2 20 D. W. Smith 0 GO II. Crows ". 2 00 AmoaScuunf " 2 00 A. G. Jeimuu ' 2 00 W. J. Culver r & b 8 00 Mrs. F. J, Bosky, rebate. 2J 00 J. G. Miller roiul nnd bridge 18 80 " " " " 4 55 J. N. McKay " " 10 CO Henry Kueikle election 2 60 A. Jctt election - 3 00 D. C. Sheimitn clerk 555 85 IraErb election 52 C1I W. B. Peacock election 2 00 E. M. CrolHtm sheilft 802 81 J. 1. Jordan road nnd bridge 71 90 C. Cleaver assessor 700 00 B. W. Early loud nnd bridge 25 0J C. II. Work pauper. $2.00, - dU. Bnlem Gas Co, c & j 5 00 Balem Woolen Mill store iiuu 4 25 Geo. G. Blnglinm, criminal 6 (X) M. E. Goodeil " 7 05 H. P. Miuto " 0 15 W. P. Bulllvan " 2 10 Mre. Jnckenu " 2 10 Gray Bros, road and brldgo 6 80 Salem Electric Lt. o t j 60 00 Giuy Bros, road aud brldgo 27 60 C. Home " ' 8 00 Geo. D. Barnaid & Co. stat 100 SO Gray Bro, road and bridge 3 40 it. E. Moorea & Co. elect 500 00 J. 1$. Lehmau r & b 15 20 J. P. Feller " 15 00 A. G. Perklua " 21 00 " " 14 25 " " " " 3 00 E. W. Rosa " 20 60 Hleka&Amea" 3 50 E. S. Porter " 0 08 It. H. Scott " 100 00 W. P. Bulllvan tax rebuto 12 60 " " " 0 00 John Itlea r & b 11 08 Hosklns & Bon " 20 00 " " " " 10 00 J. O. Itutan " 25 00 F. Vau Wafserhavo r & b 23 25 W. P. Murphy " 208 60 B. M. Dlmlck . 62 07 J. F. Andcmon " 2 00 F. M. Smith " . 2 00 A. G. Jermau " 0 CO I. B. Small " . 2 00 I. L. Moore " 2 00 S. lt. Davis " . 2 00 W.J. Culver " . 11 00 M. J. Jetto pau CO 00 C. II. Cannon r & b 237 40 C. Cleaver assessor 240 00 FraukKalser road & bridge 450 00 " " " 05 85 S. C. Sbolley ' " 450 00 Sulenili-onWorka" " 0 50 J. W. O'Douuld pauper 5 00 H. T.lludson road & bridge 0 85 J. H.McCormlck pauper 143 25 J. Altotan " " 4 00 M. E. Goodeil criminal 0 45 Geo G. Bingham " 6 00 II. P. Mlnto " 2 45 Wm. Farmer pauper 12 00 BautiumLumb.Co.pau. . 15 00 J. It. Stewart pauper 35 00 Jessup&Cartwrlglitpau . 1 25 G. P. Tenell election 2 60 J.J.Dnlrymple&Co.pau 2 60 K.M.WadecfCo.electlon 7 20 J.W.Welty road&brldgo 45 00 J. E. Murphy " " 4 55 Amend AMoirls" ' 5 48 BalemB.T.&I). Co.eleet 5 75 J.W.Weltyrond Abridge 1 60 I). W. Smith " " 7 00 John Newsomo " 8 00 A. McCorcklo " " 3 00 II. McNeil " " 82 35 Capital Lurnb Co. pau 2 00 JiimtH II. Church elect 8 00 S. A. Jonea elect 0 00 A. O. Porklim elect 10 00 F. K. Molsun elect 0 00 F. A. Myers elect 0 00 Leon Cirod elect 0 00 C. N. Potter elect 0 00 O.Btelner elect 0 00 Geo. P. Sanderson elect 0 20 J. M. Jlogi'is elect 0 00 Geo. B. Gray elect 0 00 It. II. Cain 0 80 J. M. Muukcrselect 0 00 Henry Ktaley elect 0 00 John Estea elect . 0 00 W. A. Hloouin elect 0 00 C, Ii. Wutt elect 0 00 A.M. dough elect 0 00 ll. B. Wugnon elect 0 20 J. 11. MeCornilck elect 0 00 .1. K. Byrne elect 0 00 Charles A. Collins 0 20 Alfred Ravage elect 0 00 E. F. Neal elect- 0 00 Chan. J. Miller elect 0 00 Henry P. Chase elect U 00 John English elect 0 00 Martin Hettlemier elect 13 40 Nick Nickel elect 0 00 John Butsch elect 0 00 J. It. White election 0 00 It II. Bcott " 0 00 Allium Mosher '' 0 00 S. L. Hammer " 0 00 C. W. McCovvn 13 10 J. W. Hobart " 0 00 WrlKht Fosliny " 12 00 J.H. Folck ' 0 00 A. B. Ltotmrd " 0 00 E. W. Luho " 0 00 J. L. HtobkuH " 0 00 T. It. Hibbanl " 0 00 H. Adurin " 0 00 J. M. Madsoti 0 00 h. J. Adiuns ' 0 00 J. M, IJrown " 12 00 B. H. BrookH " 0 00 .luiiics IUwsell 0 00 Louis Kmlth ' 0 00 It. Hold ' ,- 18 (K) John Ilowall .-. 0 00 f!'i Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report; :oYa! ESS jm ABSOLUTELY PURE J. P. Cnso " W.D. Morehouse " T. L. Popo " 8. W. Minturn " J. N. Weddlo " 13. A. Thompson " W, Sullivan " W. T. Fost t " M. H. CralU J.H. Portor " F. U. Hull G. T. Cox " C. C. Mulkoy " W. P. Mulkey " Noalt Welch " W. II. Smith " F. J. Wrlghtman " Jos. Zimmerman " A. L. Downing " N. Lambort " D. W. Early " J. T. Kiug " L. S. Brown " lidgar Hartley " Amos Toylor " P. M. Perry " J. P. Schnell " J. K. Morrow " L. lvea " It. A. Correll " Geo. P. Hughes " C.S.Wood worth" A. O. Condlt " E. C. Herrou " G. G. Brown " W. F. Bcothby " Gideon Slolz " W. B. Oalligcr ' T. O. Barkor " Louia McClaln " Churles Claegett ' J. I. Thompson " John V. Wilson " E.J. Bwailord " Eugene Willis " L. E, Pratt " John Molr " W. I). Clnggott " M.L.Chamborlln " D. F. Wnguor " S. J. Kerr " John W. Smith " Peter Kirk " J. L. Cook " S, 11. Coleman " John Hoefer " II. B. Gearlu " W. T. Coleman " Gustavo Hoefer " W. R. MoKuy ' G. A. Cono " L. V. Ehleu " F. X. Matthleu " H. L. BentB " A. E. La Rocquo " William Fry " B.J.Grimm " Honry Kraus " H- E. Glesy " W. S. Hurst " John Perncll " Geo. Hovenden " L. R. Gault " 20 00 G 00 6 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 C 00 14 GO 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 12 20 6 00 6 00 0 00 0 00 6 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 GO 25 20 .0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 C 00 C 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 0 20 0 00 0 00 0 00 C 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 0 00 13 40 0 00 0 00 G 00 coo 0 00 G 00 0 00 14 00 0 00 G 00 14 00 G 00 0 CD 0 00 0 00 (0 00 0 00 14 00 G 00 13 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 12 40 11 80 GOO 0 00 0 00 0 00 11 40 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 11 00 0 00 12 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 11 40 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 10 CO 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 11 80 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 13 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 G. H. Beebo ii J. L. Calvert " A. G. Bradley " B. F. Hall ' I. S. Leonard " C. P. Strain " W. I. Ray " L. H. Pouiado " H. A. Nathumn " John Calvert " L. D. Smith " W. 8. Taylor " J. 11. Welirum " O. B. Miller " Theo. Rubens " J. J. Beechor " L. A. Byrd.jr. " W Bapplnglleld ' F. M. Smltlt " D. W. Smith " Samuel Davla " F. W. Durbln " W.S. Walters " C. It. Brigga " U. Whitney " W. Lyon " W. H. Ledgorwood election. 8. J. Condlt " .. II. W. Smith .. J. C. Howard " -II. O. Portor " .. C. F.Heln " - W. V. Colo O. II. P. Cornollus ii ii li. C. Cavamuigh " N. W. Silvers " - J. N. Jones ' -. Leonard Walker " M. Bailey " - E. J. Farnham " Dexter Bobbins " . F.E. Llbboy " -A 'i'aiivjler " J. B Loonoy " .. J. W. Roland " .. C. II. Llbboy " C. M. Smith " .. II. F.Smith " .. W. A. Moores " .. W.B.Simpson " -A. W. Drager " .. C. N. Tanner election A. I). Pettyjohn " A. Uhmart " W.W.Johns " W. W. Culver " H. II. Hmllh F. S. Dearborn Htat. elect Gray Bros.road A brldgo elect, ii ii ii ii 020 0 00 0 00 0 20 0 00 0 00 0 00 7 25 28 CO 4 40 r co 45 15 208 00 22 82 2 60 6 1)5 6 00 2 05 10 47 1 00 2 40 2 (SO 0 20 2 00 2 00 820 fi 00 8 00 0 45 ii it ii ii ii i ii ii It. M. Wade & Co. elect GlaHH& Prudhome criminal.. E. Brigga criminal..... M. E. Goodeil " Geo. G. Bingham criminal... II. P. Mlnto ' It, M. Wade fc Co. o A Jail.. Charles Smith c. & J Conrud Nlebert roud a brldgo j. A, Jiussey Alex Potter W. M. Bushy ' ii ii J. K. P. Faruea ' W. J. Culver " F. II. D'Arcy crlmlual... M. K. OooUell " ... II. P. Mlnto " ... David McKlllop " ... Robert Mo Klllopcrlm. ... Archlo McKlllop " ... Frunk King " .. Bertllistlck ... M. A. Ilinllong pan " ... BakerAHtrangOAjall ... BalemWaterCo. u Balem EleotrloLt.CoCAj.. OKH.Tel.ATel.Co. " J.H.Traoy rotuUbrldgo ... Clark A Eppley CaJ ... I) 75 CO 13 00 COCO 6 40 18 75 000 rowaen GoodalcAWhceler RaB 20 72 Ogu. Statesmen sta 12 C3 John Welty R&B 62 60 W. A. Fish pauper 15 00 'A. Zimmerman RaB 45 00 G. W. Johnson pauper 29 10 Geo. Q. Bingham crim 6 00 Jnmes Batchelor John Mlnto, Br ' W. J. Culver F. J. Wrlghtman ' Julio A. Johns ' Geo. O. Bingham ' M. E. Goodeil " H. P. Mlnto Wm. Dollarhido Lyon Adolph ' Al Ashlock criminal J. R. Duncan " John Buzzard " O. Higgenbothom" H. H. Walson " G. Stelner ' B. W. Lewia " 8 70 3 70 1 70 1 70 6 00 6 00 6 65 1 70 1 70 $ 1 70 C. T. Mclntyro Chaa. Gray ii i Grav Bros, road & bridge .. G. W. Caspell election Capital Jouhnal stat W. M. Clino election James Batchelor " Geo. G. Bingham criminal M. E. Goodeil " H. P. Mlnto " ii ii i i. 27 60 Geo. G. Bingham " 5 On Jl. Ji. Uoodell " H. P. Mlnto ' Ed N. Edes " Fred Gieay election Chaa. Johnson " W. H. Worrell " J. H. Palmer " T. F. Hayes pauper W. E. McKee " D.A.McKeaetal " W. E. McKee pauper M. A. Budlong criminal W. T. Grim, commissioner J. M. Watson " Harriet Whitney tax rebate Mrs. A. J. Muuroe " 8. R Jessun election . J. C. Robertson r & b R. O. Thomas election W. A. Fash pauper - lt. H. Scott election Salem Engine Co. election R. P. Bolso " C. D. Rynenrson ' H. C. TarpJey " J.H. Poutland " Wm. Woodworth " S. A. Bogln " ,F. H. Lelth A. Ueacli " P. H. Ewald " A. F. Slmoral " Tom Smith " - D. W.Yoder school examiner 8. A. Randal " " H. H. Smith " " Baker & Strang pauper 13 00 S. C. Browne " 16 00 Cyrus Clark criminal 18 00 L. S. Lambert crtn'l James Simpson " Laura Simpson " Emma J. Miller " Howard Miller " W. H. Queoner M. It. Mooro r A b . John Daniels " J. M. Lawrence " MoAfleo & Brooks pau $35 old Cyrus Clark criminal Gray Bros. rAb R. M. Wado & Co. pau J. W. O'Donald " It. M. Wado & Co. " ' 1 05 " 12 00 " 80 00 " 2 60 ' 10 CO W. A. Moores A. M. Clough A. Kllen Brooks it Legg ' 7 80 V L. Houderson J. W. O'Donald II II ATflHtnri fc. Tlvcrnrr. f!n nffi J. H. MoNary recorder 27 55 Capital Journal stationary 7 50 J. 8. Stott coroner 8 25 W. I. Ray 1 20 H'W. Hall " 1,20 W. H. Goulett coroner 130 Samuel Overton coroner 1 2i', J. F. Dowd 1 30 S. E. Hardcastlo " .- 1 20 Chaa. L. Ogle " 1 70 B. A. Cathey " r 5 00 . A Beach " 2 50 John II. LarrlBOU tax rebate 2 00 W. 8 Mott pauper, eld 560. 25 00 O. It. Downing road A bridge 0 00 T. J. Smith " " 6 00 B. G. Dovo " 0 V) George Scott " 5 80 W.H.King 5 40 J. D. Darby " 0 80 F. U. Hull " " 0 09, J. W. Thomas " " 8 00 D. W. Early W.Vettlor " John J. Jordan " S. It. T. Jonea " It. Frauco " E. Bovlno " A. Pratt " W. J. Culver " II II It It II II II Meston & Dygert Co. stat 54 A. M. Clottgh o. & Jail , R. E. Moores & Co. sta ,12 Dr. J. N. Smith insnno 6 P. II. D'Arcy SWM Janie.s Casey road A bridge... 9 80 It. E. Moores & Co. eta 86 M Dr. W. II. Byrd lusaue S '0 Geo. G. Bingham " ...... 6 Oft bTATK OK OUKCIOM, 1 COUJITV OH" MAIIIOX. " i I, D. V. Hlierman, county ttk oltlclo clerk of t lie circuit court county anu mate, ao nereuy oe the rorteolaa trauicrlnl of atnV expenditure!!, May term. 18W, kit I by mo compared with the orlgUMl that It U a true and corrcot copy trf orlirlnnl itutement und of tho Wlibla ti ot.iu ttewime uppourn of rteord to umrw und uiutodv. WlTM-iJti, my band and HWl of fl Mid court, thU ISth day of Juiw. UM. NKALJ D.aHHKKMAJlTOJBiai,' nj u. v. uwiniii AJSiutjr. Uetter Tbau a 11.00 Hottk 1'Briner. Dr. W, II. Evans, th 70 70 70 70 70 druggist of Sanford, FloritU, "I always feel wife In Bt. Patrick's pilk I ewry ia There are none better, of them will oftea (to than a dollar bettw uur rltler ia the rwarket.Pf i j? Moo Druj?, G 70 ' 70 70 CD 00 00 00 00 00 3 00. 12 00f 0 66 6 20 500 045 2 96 i W 2 05 H 7 05 1 70J 1 70 250 250 2 50 2 60 4 00 8 00v 3 00 1 55 5 70 15 00 IS 00 20 29 88 01 2 CO 43 62 2 50 25 00 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 00 200 200 200 200 2 00 200 200 200 200 15 00 000 12 00 i t Jk 70 00 00 DO 00 00 60 GO i. 2 60 17 60 3 05 83 00 25 500 , V 17 60 500 2100 c V vw f.. HlA.K V :f