TP' m r&& T. DRY GOODS We have made a special line of EMBROIDERIES this week at 10c a yard. Victoria Lawns, India JUineris, Fancy Swisses, White Goods, Apron T. HIE CAPITAL JOMAL. TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1892. GILBERT k I'ATfflM, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Uan Baking Powder, C1EO. D. GOODHUE. K. CAIIILL. BUILDING MATERIAL. Lime, cement, plaster, lmlr, fire and building brick, lire clay, sand, gruvel, blacksmith and house coal, wood, all kinds, wholesale and re tull. Olllce 95 mate street. Goodhue & Caiiill. CHOICEST MEALS, BEST SERVICE, LOWEST PRICE AT- STRONG'S RESTAURANT. DATES m LOCAL EVENTS. Ju tie 7. "Her Husband," at Reed's. June 21. The Fairy Wells Co. at Reed's. July 29. "The Fast Mail" at Reed's. AN INTERESTING! MEETING. List Friday and Saturday a number of Salem people went to Woodburn to attend the Oregon annual confer ence of the U. B. chuich, which convened there on Wednesday, Juno 1st. The conference business meet ings were of much interest, as dele gates from all over the state were there representing the dillerent or ganizations of the church. The regular services and devotional ex ercises were very interesting. The Rev. Bishop Becker pu-sided. On Sabbath at 10;30 ho preached to a lame audience so large there was not standing room lefc. It was pro nounced by all to bo the bishop's best. But before 7:30 p. m. the new Presbyterian church (where the con ference was held) was full and run ning over, all eager to hear him again. There was not left standing room. At the same hour Rev. P. B. Williams, of Portland, preached to a large audience at the M. E. church, also Rev. Stuart, of Philomah, preached a fine sermon at the C. P. chuich. Botli gentleman were members of the United Brethrep conference. There were several ac cessions to the church, three min isters joined the conference from other denominations, two ministers were regularly ordained. Salem will have a lecture from Bishop Becker on next Saturday evening at 7:30, nnri three sermons on next Sunday, at 10:30 a. m., at 3 p. m., and at 7:30 iu the evening. As they have tne W. C. T. U. hall engaged for regular preaching service, the bishop will not speak there unless other arrange ments should be made. If so there will bo given due notice. The Kindergarten. On last Friday Miss Ballou's Kludergarten was dismissed for the summer vaca tion. This school has been worked up from half a dozen pupils to its present enrollmeut of forty-five, which makes a fine showing for this juvenile school. In the fall it will be reopened, and probably iu connec tion therewith an advanced grade, conducted on the Kindergarten plan. There Was No Fire. There was a. fire alarm at 7:30 yesterday evenlug, which called the depart ment eut: but there was no nre. The cause of tho alarm was a blazing flue of Dr. Byrd's house, at the corner of Court and Church streets. The Cannery. The first install ments of strawberries were re celved this morning and the work of canning will be commenced to morrow. The fruit is plentiful and of good quality. WANTED.-A good girl to do housework. Call at 308 Liberty Ptretit. - """ Fort SALE.-TWO or four lots iu Portsmouth Villa can be had ut a bargain by inquiring of Miss Ames, at the University. - - Picnic lunches. -Most any thing you could ask in this line, at Broat A Gile'a. The sweetest fresh dairy butter In tbe city at Clark AEppley'i HOLVER30N. AND LADIES' Swiss Embroideries, Hamberg Embroideries, Demi-Flouncing, Skirt Embroideries. Goods in all HOLVERSON'S, 301 Commercial Street. A REPUBLICAN VICTORY. Republicans Sweep the County Ticket Except Clerk Treas. urer and Judge in Doubt. At 3 p. m., suillcleut returns are in to indicate that Democrats elect Egan clerk, Cook treasurer and that It may take official count to deter mine between Harding and Hub bard for county judge. Balance of Marlon county ticket is Republicau John Knight will carry the county by three to four hundred plurality. James Batchelor Is elected justice by 61 plurality. Complete returns from twenty four precincts give Brown 1711, Cook 1805. Brown may still get iu. At noon county judgeship is very close; returns from all but ten pre cincts show Hr.rding and Hubbard nearly a tie. The remaining pre cincts may give Hubbard a small majority. ROSE-STRAWBERRY SHOW. Details of Arrangements for a Suc cessful Exhibit Thursday. The second annual rose and etraw berry show conducted by the Mar ion county Fruit Growers' associa tion opens Thursday and continues Friday and Saturday, of this week. Indications point to a bigger show and a far greater success than last year. ENTRIES. will be malle at the Armory build ing Thursday forenoon and the show will be open to the public at 1 p. m. Wm. H. Savoge will make the en tries of strawberries and Mrs. J. II. Strickler will receive entries of roses. For the convenience of all who de sire to make entries, Mrs. Strickler will make the entries at any time before Thursday. Those who have not received premium lists can ob tain them by calling at The Jour nal office, or on T. McF. Patton, J. W. Cox, or Mrs. W. W. Martin the rose committee. Good Roads. R. Moore, super visor of road district No 3 borrowed the city grader from ithe city coun cil and during the three weeks lie had it in his possesslou he did some effective work on the roads in his district, about three miles south of the city. This is the proper thing anything for better roads. Marion county wants good highways and there should not be an idle gruder au where. Annual Cajipmeeting. The Oregon Christian Missionary society meets at Turner, June 23d, and con tinues, in connection with the yearly campmeeting, until July 3d. The association has ample facilities and old tabernacle will be converted into a dormitory. Geo. Turner and his sister Mrs. Davis, have erected a flue tabernacle, und it is well seated. The tabernacle is to be dedicated the first Sunday of tho convention. Elder David Wetzell, of Portland, preaches the dedicatory sermon. To the Ladies. "Viavi" stands alone, the greatest medical discovery of the nineteenth century. (From an M. D., iu the Ladies Health Journal, Newark, Ohio.) You are cordially invited to call and Investi gate for yourselves. Oillce over 4 and 9 cent store, Cottle-Parkhurst block, Commercial street, Salem, Oregou. lm STRAWBERRIES Millions of them, and prices way down at the Blue Front. d Bun umbrellas a new line new designs new prices, very low at E. F. Osbum's Racket store. Large numbers enjoyed the band concert of eacred music at Wilson's avenue yesterday. 200 Dozen. Lulled and chil dren's hosiery will bo slaughtea-d ul 10 cents and 15 cents per pair at &. F. Osburn's Racket store. Salem street Improvements art very favorably commented on bj visitors, e After the Grip And after typhoid fever, diphtheria, pneumonia, or other prostrating di eases, Hood's riarsaparllla Is Just what is needed to restoro thostreugth and vigor so much desired, and to expel all poison from the blood. ! has had wonderful success lu unnj such cases. Hood's Pills act especially upoi the liver, rousiug It from torpidity to its natural duties, cure constipa tion and assist digestion. Gluteua h ive yuu trlwl it? Vsjr delicate. Sold only by Sroat & Gile. FURNISHINGS. Widths. LOCAL A.N'l) PERSONAL. Hon. Jeff Myers is in the city looking after his building interests. Cashier II. P. McNary went to Portland this aftcrnoou. Rev. Henry Gilbert and daughter, who have been visiting with Gilbert Bros., started today for their homo at Kalamazoo, Mich. An elegant line of silk fichus at Tho Palace. Red shoes full line at Krausse Bros. Fine shoes a specialty nt The Palace. Call and see tho new styles lu Oxford ties. The $2.50 shoe that takes the lead is Fargo's, at R. J. Fleming's, State street shoe store. The choicest summer drinks at Simpson Bros., Electric store. Headquarters for strawberries is at Sroat & Gilo's, they are able to till all orders. Read the New York Racket's column add. There is a great saving in buying their lino of goods thels prices are very low. 0 4 2t Hart & Taliafei ro have tho finest stock of pieco goods ever in the city, and are prepared to please every body on a new suit. "WIRE LEAF" Jnp T is the BEST Blue Front. dw To arrive tomorrow, those square toe Oxford ties for ladles at Krausse Bros. Mrs. E. S. Bollinger and the children left yesterday for their old homo at York, Pa., when they will spend the summer. The Salem Baptists are consider ing building a new church. Four thousand dollars is said to be iu sight, toward an $8000 church. The Capital Lumber Co.'s Salem mills started up ogaln this morning, JERSEY BUTTER-Bluo Front. d Ladies and children's fast black hose at 10 cts. E. F. Osburn's Racket store. Better Tlian a $1.00 liottlo of blood Purifier. Dr. W. H. Evans, the leading druggist of Sanford, Florida, says: "I always feel safe in recommending St. Patrick's pills I carry in stock." There are none better, and one dose of tbem will often do more good than a dollar bottle of any blood pu rifier in tho market. For sale by G. E. Good, Druggist. Berries for canning see Sroat & Gile they control 15 to 20 acres this season. 100 Boxes for Salem. Every body will be glad to know that Salem is not out of soap. E. F. Osburn's Racket store has just re ceived nearly 100 boxes. Soap for a song. FRUIT JARS Blue Front. -Prices low at the dw W. B. Simpson is still offering some cuoico property in ooutn Salem at a sacrifice. Anyone look- ng for a bargain in desirable prop erty should see him. 5-31 tf m Everybody Including compe titors, agree that Clark & Eppley have the finest display of fresh Ore gon vegetables on the market. - m Everybody Goes. Where? Wny, to Helleubrand's restaurant. CARTER'S 1 PILLS. U3 mi CURE 3iclc Headache and rellere all the troubles Incl dent to a bilious fctato of the system, such ai Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress aftei eating, I'aln In the Hide, Ac While their most remarkable success has been shown In curing llendaei i, yet Cxmrn'it Little Liver Pilli ire emiilly valuable In Constipation, curing ind preventing tins annoying complaint. whil hey also correct all disorders of the stomach, timulato the liver and regulate the bowels. ".veu 11 UlCjr tJUIJ I.U4UU ELjPIJr rlie thy would be almost priceless to those ho suffer from this distressing complaint, h t fortunately their goodness does not end ,. re. and those who once try them will find isa little pills valuable In so many ways that ,ey will not be willing to do without them, -kit alter all sick bead ACHE s the bane of so many live that here Is where mke our great toast. Our piUs cure It l.ikt others do not t'iKTtn' Urn. Livtn Pnxs are Terr small mi very easy to take. One or two pills make . de. T!y are strictly vegetable and do ot gripe or purge, but by their gentle action Jease all who ime lliro. In vials at a cents; Ive for $1 Sold everywhere, or sent by malt enra xxzvsi ea, i?i Tt MR UBS. bill Met safK i ' REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. J. Sloat Fassott Elected Tempor ary Chairman. Minneapolis, June 7. Iho con- ventlou was called to order nt 12:0o p. m. J. 81oat Fassett elected tern- porary chairman by acclamation. Adjourned. Minneapolis, June 7. 1:15 p. in., convention adjourned till 11 o'clock tomorrow. Minneapolis, Juuq 7. Tho con vention adjourned till 11 o'clock to morrow. Jt stated Rusk Is tho second choice. of the Harrison men. CONGRESS YESTERDAY. Bills to Admit New Mexico and Arizona. Washington, June 7. In the house yesterday Hatch moved to suspend the rules and pass tho anti option bill. The motion was agreed to, yeas 168, nays 40, and tho bill ac cordingly passed. Blanchard, La., moved to suspend the rules and non-concur in tho sen ate amendment to the river aud harbor bill, and agreo to a confer ence. The motion was adopted, yeas 147, nays 59, and Blanchard, Catchlngs and Henderson, of Illin ois, appointed conferees. The senate amendment to the naval appropriation bill non-oou-curred in, on motion of Herbert, Ala., and conferees ordered; Elliot, Herbert and Boutello were ap pointed. Bryan, Neb., moved to suspend the rules and pas-s the bill appropri ating $50,000 for tho pedestal for n monument to General Sherman; agreed to. Washington, Tenu., moved a sua pension of the rules and the pas sage of the bill admitting the terri tory of New Mexico into tho Union. Perkins, of Iowa, demanded a second, which was ordered, aud the bill passed, 107 to 3, amid loud ap plause. Smith., Arz., moved to suspend the rules aud pass the bill admitting Arizona to statehood. Tho bill passed, yeas 147, nays 12. Fornoy, Ala., moved to suspend the rulei aud pass the legislative appropriation bill. The bill passed. McMillan Introduced a concur rent resolution for final adjourn ment of congress on July 4th; re ferred. Orangemen Against Blaine. Detroit, Juue 7. W. J. P. Tray now, supremo grand master of Orangemen in the U. 8., will send following to Grund Master Gamble, at Minneapolis teday: "You are authorized to state for me to tho del egates of tho national convention that Thomas W. Palmer, of Michi gan, or any other equally good American on either ticket will re ceive one million and one fourth votes, none which will over bo cast for Blaine." Traynow says the reason for this is Blaiue's partiality to the catholics iu making his ap pointments and because he attended high mass in the capltol over the body of Senator Barbour. Removal Notice. Dr. E. B. Phllbrook has removed his residence from Court street to 184 State, opposite Court House square. His office will also be there on aud after June 2d. 0 1 td Chicago And Return. One fare for the round trip. The Union Pacific will sell tickets to Chicago and return ut one fare for the round trip to those desiring to attend the National Democratic Con vention which meets Juno 21. For dutes of sale und limits of tickets or any additional information apply to W. H. Hurlburt, asst. general passengerageut, Union Puclflc Sys tem, Portland, Oregon. 5-31-td If there ever was a upcciflo for any one complaint, then Carters Little Liver Pills are u specific lor sick Ucadacho, and every woman, should know this. Only ono pill a dose. Try tliem. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. Tucy first make you nick ana then feave you constipated, Cnrter's Little Llvor Pills regulate the bowels and mako you woll, Do.c, ono pill. More ciKt'8 of sick headache, biliousness, constipation, can be cured Iu lets time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. National Democratic Convention, Chicago, June 21. For tho accommodation of those desiring to visit Chicago on the above occasion tho Union Pacific will sell tickets to Chicago and re turn atone fare tor the round trip. For dates of sulo aud limits of tiokets or any additional informa tion apply to W. H. Hurlburt, asst. general passenger ageut, Union Pacific Hj stem, Portland Oregou. 5-3l-td Jluckleu's Arnica Biilve. The liesl Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruise). Moris, Llcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, letter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all bklii Erupllous, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give purled satisfaction or money refuuded, t'rlce, 25 cents per box. or sale by Lan'l J . Fry, '& Com rJt. Before Starting on a Journey A person usually desires to gain some in formation us to the iiioti desirable route to take, and will purchase tickets via the one thai 111 alford htm the quickest und best service. Iiefore starting on u trip to Chi cago or nay point uboufd provide yourcelf witfi a map and time table of the V, Uconslo central Line The trains run on this route are vestlbuleand are eau'pped with Pullman's latest Drawing Room nittp ers, elegant iuy Coaches und Dining Cars of latest, design, built expressly for tuts ser vice, and are exquisite iu iurulshlngs and convenient unci comfortable in arrange ment and complete lu every detail that they have no superior la comfort and tle gauoe. The dlnfng our service Is pronoun, ced by all the most e'egaut ever Inaugur. ated, and is operated in the lnteiett of IU patrons. Past trains via the Wisconsin Central Line leave Minneapolis dally at I'JM p.m. and &2S p in., and HI. Paul at Ism p. in. and 7:15 p. in., making favorable connec tion with all trains fioui the West and tioutbweat Pur tickets, maps, pamphlets and full Information apply to O.K. McNeill, C. P. and T. A., MtnuutpoUs, Mlau., and to Jas, a Pond, General Passenger wad Ticket Agent, Chicago, IU. 1-lfrly CHATO ADOUT MCN. Rider Haggard thinks Egypt tho most interesting and tho least explored coun try in tho world. Tho writings of Mr. Gladstone fill twenty-two pages of tho British museum printed catalogue Dr. James McCosh, lato president of Princeton collego, is now ongaged In completing his litorary works. James Whitcomb Riley has found lec turing so remunerative that ho does hardly any literary work now. Madison Cawein, well known as ono of tho promising younger American poets, is nn accountant hi a business house at Louisville. General Longstrect is writing a book of war tales in which ho himself promi nently figures. It will bo entitled "A Soldier Under Two Flags." Ono of the sights of tho Bois do Bou logne in Paris is thespectaclo of tho English embassador, Lord Duffcrin, on his bicycle, accompanied by his son and an escort of attaches of tho embassy. General Wado Hampton, of South Carolina, upon whom fortuno has smiled but charily sinco tho war, has recontly acquired an interest in a Moxican silver mino that promises rich developments. General Gollifet is the most popular military nersonase in Franco. Hn mm. mandod a battalion of tho Vcrsaillos army durinir tho Commnno. nnd it is said to be owing to his energy that tho uiaurreuiiuu was put, uown. Dr. Gnnsaulns. of Chinntrn. in flin owner of tho famous portrait of Robert Browninir minted bv Moscholcs. It was tho most satisfactory portrait ever mado of tho poet, not only to his family and friends, but also to Mr. Browning him solf. BEHIND THE SCENES. Mmo. Lehmann says that her doctors will not allow her to sing in opera at all noxt seasons Ann Hathaway's cottago has become tho property of tho English nation. Tho price paid was 8,000. Ada Melrose declares that sho has nevor missed or delayed a porformanco for any reason during her cntiro career on tho stago. Arthur Wallack, ono of tho sons of tho lato Lester Wallack, contemplates a short tour in three light comedies onco in his father's repertory. It is said that thero nro not 100 actors and actresses worth $1 00,000. Joseph Jef -forson and Joseph Murphy aro tho richest actors. Lotta is tho richest actress. Mary Anderson continuos to enjoy ab solute caso and quiet at hor picturosquo homo in Tnubridgo W0II3, England. Thero has been a' revival of tho rnmor that sho contemplates returning to tho stago. Sybil Johnstono, who nchieved what some considered unenviable notoriety by appearing on tho stage ns tho scantily draped rnpdel in tho "ClomenceauCaso,' says that next year sho will star in Shakespearean drama. William B. Hincks and Bonjamin Fish, executors of tho ostato of P. T. Barnum, have filed in tho probato court, Bridgeport, nn account of tho' first year of thoir stewardship. Tho estate shows a gain in value of nearly $300,000. When thoy assumed charge its total value, according to tho inventory, was $4,270,532. TURF TOPICS. The fastest milo run ovor tho Memphis track was 1:42, by Ethol, during tho lato meoting. Hal Pointer and Direct will meet nt Washington park during tho North western Breeders' meeting. Buffalo Girl, 2:12J, and Direct hnvo been matod. The foal will have an average speed inheritance, of 2:09j. A. V. Pantlind, 2:20, by Hamlet, was sold tho other day for $160. Ho was speedy in his day, but a little faint hearted. Govornor Flower, of Now York, has signed tho bill to make it a criminal of fenso to tnp tho tolegraph and tolephono wires. This is a safeguard to tho city poolrooms. Charloy Patterson, the driver of Twist and other well known Kentucky trotters, has hecomo a lenight of tho pig skin, and will horeafter try his fortunes with tho gallopers. Conqueror, tho horse that trotted 100 miles in the year 18J33 in 8 hours, 55 minutes and C3 seconds, was sired by a son of Imp. Bollfounder, and out of a mare by tho same horso. Sonator Stanford, of California, has throe horses that ho could probably soil fpr 300,000, and could disposo of an other $100,000 worth and hcarcoly niiBS them off the ranch nnd then havo $1,000,000 worth loft. AROUND THE THRONES. Tho queen of Portugal invariably sits by her husband wliilo ho does all his work. Tho oldest reigning sovereign is Chris tian IX, king of Denmark. Ho is sov-enty-thrco years of ago and has reignod twenty-eight years. Queon Victoria is tho next oldest. In many princoly Gorman families ovory malo who is born is christened by tho hereditary nanio. Tho result of this peculiar custom may bo illustrated by the fact that in tho reigning house- of Reuss tho Ileurys run up to Henry LXIX. It may not be gonorally known that it was to tho Empress Eugenia that Mile. Bonhour owed almost tho first recogni tion of her talents, and it was from tho empress' hand that tho artist received her highly prized decoration of tho Le gion of Honor. Prince Fordlnahd of Bulgaria is little renowned for anything save his hugo collection of dressing gowns. Ho has a perfect mania for this kind of useful garment, and has paid as much as 100 guineas for an embroidered robe mado np for him in Paris. Usd in Millions of JHome DRDDisnC'C ail llii 1 nadBaklng UjPewder: AT ACTUAL, COST. CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS. FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS FOR CASH ONLY. G. A. R. Suits $8.50 with buttons Those suits nro all wool, regulation cut. sl. s. :B3&s:Fx:EiXa:D as oo.9 OPPOSITE LADD & BUSH BANK ijfr4 a ArnJ jj '. r 1 mm better and cheaper lad BloocL in' ma TtTrnwmii mjmsrtrrr.yA-n Irapuro or vitiated Moeil Is nine tiroes out of ten caused by somo form of constipation or Indigestion that clog up tbo system, when tho blood naturally becomes Impreg nated with tho ellcto matter. The old Samaparillai attempt to reach this condition by at tacking the blood with the drastlo mluural "potash." Joy's Vegetable Bnrcaparllla Is modern. It goes to tho scat ol tho trouble. It arouses the Urer, kldnc s and bowels and Invigorates tho circulation, and tho impuri ties are quickly carried off through tho natu ral channels. Charles Ice, at Beamish' Third and Market Sts., 8. F writes: "ItookltforvlUsted blood and whllo on the first botUo became convinced of Its merits, for I could feel It twos working a change. It cleansed, purified and braced mo up generally, nnd every thing Is now working lull aud regular." Vegetable SarsapariBia For sale byDan'l J. Fry, 25 Com. street. Any one going East cannot atibrd to miss seeing Shaw & Downing, agouts of tho Northern Paclflo rail way. Thoy make tho lowest rates. Everybody knows what It is, and that is tho reason they go to Hel lenbraud's for that puro Ico cream soda. That pain undor tho shoulder bladols dyspepsia. Tuko Simmons Llvor Regulator. That shortness of breath is dys pepn!a. Take Simmons Liver Reg ulator. SltninonsLiverltegulator Is a most exceleut appeilzing tonic Saml. S. Pentz, Chap, to Bishop of North Carolina. SALEM MARKETS. Wheat- 09o per bushel. OuU 3545o per bushel. Potatoes 25o per bushel. Flour $5 per bbl. Bran (Sacked) 518 por ton Shorts (Hacked) $20 por ton. Eggs 20o per dozen. CliIckenB Roosters, 7o per lb.; liens, 1012o per lb.; broilers and fryers, IGo per lb. Turkeys 1212Jo per lb. Ducks 1216o por lb. Geeso 7o per lb. Lard 75c$l per pull. Butter 16M25o per pound. ik'cf 7(i)12lo dressed, 80 on Veul Co, dressed. Pork 7c dressed; OJo on foot foot. Wuy on" Color, The lino of health t Who can mistake It, Tho wullourow, the deepened tint or tliu check, these associated with brightness and unlimttlon of the eye, a cheery exprcs HluooUhcctiuntoiiu'.co.urolnfulllblelumulu Unit the liver Is performing lu functions uetively, aud that conniquentiy digestion und the bowels are uudUtiuuod. If the complexion and eyeballs have a sutrrou tint, or the (ace Is drawn aud void ol sp.ighllluess, the. blilury glund Is almost curtain to bo out ut order, llectlfy tho dir lluully with the npurutnount antlblllous spiclne. Hostel ter srtloiiiucli liltierB.wliloli promptly lemeUien not only the ubove out ward und visible signs ol biliousness, but alo tho sick heuduche, constlputlon, vert tlio, for upon the tongue, nausea, sour breath and rains through the right s'do wliluh tliuructerlzcN It. The liver isuUuys sorio'.'oiy involved In malurla, for which the Hitters Is a sovoielgn specific. This medlciiiu remedlis with equal proinptlti'de und comnletnvts, klduey oomjdulnt, dys pepsia, rheumatism und nervousness. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed t Costorla! to Years the SUndard- Joy3 ALL GO UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Dear husband, be SPRING SUIT -AT WOOLEN MILL STORE. Our home made goods are much - than Eastern Goods. 299 Commercial Street. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Orc- kou for the County ol Marlon. James Shirley, plaintiff, vs. A, Li. llodson, C. E. Ilodson, J. W.llodsou, Hello Ilodson, Ulanche Ilodson, taivlna Mccormick. W. II. AlcUormlck, B.J. llll llngton, O. V. lllllliieton.W. II. Ilodson, KUu Ilodson, 1. I'. Thompson, aud A. C. Ilrey, delondenta. To A. O. Brey, the defbndnntnboveDnuied: In the nutno of tho state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear ana answer tho complaint Hied nguiust you lu the above entitled suit, on or beioro tho ad Monday iu Juno, 1KU2. to-wlt: Juno ia,Soi, the sumo being tho first day of tho next term of tho ubove entitled court, and If you fail so to answer tor want thereof, plaiutlir will apply to the court for the re lief demanded therein, to-wlt: A Judg- ineni UKninst aeiouaauis, a.. Xi. lioaum and U. K. llodson for the sum of JHOO, to gnther with Interest thereon at the rate of ten percont. per annum irom. November I), 1(82, Icbh the following payments thoreon, to:vU: SI 10 Novomber if. lx&l: U0 Novora. berU. 1881: J20 Auu8t20. 18SU: JIMJulv !T2. 1887: K.B.DO December U, 18W: JjO;August m, iobu; sK.zojuuy o, ioai, jiu uciouer 0, JBUi; also that phimtlll have Judgment against said defendants lor $150 as attorney's fees In this suit, and that plaintiff have Judg ment agalust said defendants for all costa and disbursements of this suit. Hocoud, a decreo for tho foreclosure and galeagnlnst you und all of tho above named defend ants, of tho mortgage proporty mentioned lu plalntlnV complaint, to-wlt: The frac tional b- K. Jf. bolng the N. K of the a. k. ii aud loU I und 2 of section 2i lu t, 6; u, it. 3 w.i v. m. uuu me iruciiouiki w. a oi mo IU. vr.ii of section DO, t. 8, h. h. 2 w., V. M ex cept 10 acres oU of tho east Bide ol tho frao- tlonal w. X of tho w. Kf tho a. w. M of Bucuuu ou iu ma iuriu ui u puroieuogrum, extending across Bald land. Thero lolng lu all of tliU conveyance lSl.UlacrcHOf Jana less 17K acres off of lot No. 2 deeded U John WitUohem. All of said land situated In Marlon county, State of Oregou, Uy the BherlR of Marlon county, Oregon, accord. Ing to law and the practice oi this court; that tho proceeds of said sale may bo ap plied lu payment ol the amount duo to the plaiutlir, and that said dcfondantBtnd each of them, and all personsclalmlug un der them.aud eaoh of tnem.orauy of them, subsequtut to said mortgage on Bald prem ises, either as purchasers, incumbrancers or othorwlse may be barred and foreclosed of all rights, claim or equity of redemption In the said premises aud every part thereof and that the plaiutlir may have Judgment and exocutlou against the Bald dofondunU U. K. Hudson aud A. L. Ilodson tor any de ficiency which may remain artor applying all tho proceeds ortho sale of uuld premises properly applicable to tho satisfaction or said Judgment. Third, that the nlalntlff. or any other party to tho suit, may become u purchasser at Bald sale, that the sheriff execute a certificate of sale to the purchas er una inai uiu sum purcuuser ou ict iuio possession of the said uremlses tiroductlon of the sheriffs certificate of sale thereof, and that at tho expiration of the time for reuempnon, tuut mo suorur oxccuio a deed to the purchaser of said premises, unless rodeomod as required by law; that tho nlulntin may havo such other aud fur- thor relief In the premises as to thla court may seem meet unu cquiiauie. xou win further tako notice that this summons Is served on you by publication In the UAi'i tal Jouunai.,. of Bniem, Marlon county, Oregon, by order of lion. It. 1', noise. Judge of the ubovo entitled court, made at Cham- ners at naiem, jiinnou county, uregun, A mil 21. 1UIU. ordering and directing Lhnt said summons bo published therein once a wee lorBix consecutive weeas. H. T. HIUHAHUSON, -28-7t Attorney for Tlalntllf. J. M. Needham, HOUSE PAIrJTING, KAL80 MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leave orders J. Irwin's, rear of Hmlth a Hteluer's drug store. TMI'ItOVKD OltDKit OK IlKD MKN. 1 Kumlukun Tribe No. 8, Halem. Holds council evory Thursday evening, at 7:!K, Wigwam lu bfate Insurance hull, F. 0. 1IAKEU, l'rophct. latiVNK O. WATEIIH, Chief of ltecord. DUGAN BROS' Wholesale and retail dealers In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS, 240 Commercial street. Telephone No. 113. NEW DAILY ip STAGE Between Aurora, liuttovlllo, humiioeg, St. 1'uul und FalrIcia. leaves Aurora dally nt 10:50 a. m. Ar rives at Fairfield 8 p, in. Iteturulng leave Kusrfleld ut 4 p. in. Arrive at Cliauipoeg d ii. m. leaves Chum no ir 0 a. m. Arrl vtti at Aurora, via lluttevllle.attf n. m. Con nects with morulngH. 1. Co. trains going north and south, l'asitengers, baggsge sua freight carried at regular rates, Bervloe beglus Monday, March 17. 1892. UUb.llOEr-Klt.l'ropr. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, aU Sabwriicd, $200,000 Transact a general banking business In all its branches. UEO. WILUAMH Fresldtn Wm. ENOLAND-. .Vice inwldent Hlilr 1IUUU MCMAHV. DIHKOTOKB: Geo. WUlUms.Wm. Eiig land, Dr. J. A. lUeoardsoo, J. W . Uodson, J. A. Maker. Hank in new Exchange block on Coio mercbvl stmt. fclU Plumbing and Heating Co., sure to buy your THE- Authorized Capital $600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Hatem, Oregon. W. A . CUBIClv, Pres. V. W. MAItTHC, VlcelTes. J. II. AliUKUT, Cashier. State, County and City Warrants bought at Tur. dw Administratrix Notice To whom It may cencern: ronCE Is hereby given that tho nnder 1 N signed was on this nth day or May, lw)2, duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Isaac F. Huffman, lato deceased, of Marlon county, Oregon, by tho County Court of said Marlon county. All persons having claims against said estate aro re quired to present tho Bnmo to the admin istratrix with proper vouchors, at tho of fice of Iter attorneys, Uonhara A Holmes, in Halem, Oregon, within six months from tho data of this notice. MAllx HUFFMAN. Administratrix. Salem, May U, 1891. 6-10-5 Executrix Notice of Final Set tlement. NOTICE Is hereby clvon to alt whom Jt may concern, that the undersigned co-oxecui rlx of t he estate or CalvlnNeal,de coused.uavo filed their ilnal account ol said estate In theCounty court of tne state of Or. for Marlon county and tint HalurdayJfuue 4,1OTJ, at ono (1) o'clock p. in. of Raid day, at tho County Court room lu the County Court ihouso In said Marlon county, baa been llxed by tho Court ns tho time nnd place for the hearing of the same, and ob jections thoreto. Datod this April 23, 1892. ANN ELISAIIETH NEAL. JESSE M.NEAIj. -28-5t Co-Executrtx of said Katate. Executrix Notice. VTOTIOE Is hereby given that tho under i signed has this day beeu appoint ed by tho Hon. County Court of Marlon county, executrix of tho last will and tes tament of Charles l'lgler, deceased, all per sons having bills against Bald estate are requested to present them to me at my residence corner 1) and Hth streets, Kngle wood addition to Balem, properly verified, within six months from tills data, and all porsons knowing themselves Indebted to Bald ostato are requested to make Immedi ate payment, BUHAN riGLEK. April 22, 1802. Hkth It. llAMMEn, Attorney for Admin utrlx. i&-5w Administrator's Sato. VTOTIOE is hereby given that by vlrtno JN of aa order and llceuse of sale duly made by the county court of Marlon coun ty. Oreiron. on the 23d day of Mnv. 1892. authorizing and empowering mo us ad ministrator ol the estate of Henry Uelss, deceased, to sell the real property herein after described for tho satisfaction of claims against tho estate ot said decedent. X Will uu Saturday, tho 2d day of July, 1892, at tho hour of 1 o'clock p. m. in tho after noon of said day at the door ot the county court houso In Salem, Marlon oouuty, Ore gon, sell at publla unction for cash lu baud on tho day of sale, to tho highest bidder, all the right, title. Interest and estate which salt! Henry Uelss, deceased, had at the time of bis death, in and to tho fol lowing described real property, to-wlu The eoHtliulfol tbo northwest quarter of sec tion (J. T. 8 ., n. 2 x., of the Willamette Meridian and oontainlng 8133-1CW acres, situated In Marlon county, Oregon. T. O.BUA W. Administrator ot the estate ot Henry Uelss, deceased. 6-Q-Aw Notice. NOriUK Is hereby given to all whom It may concern, that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Nancy iTurk holder, deceased, hua riled bU final uccoant ot Bald estate In the County Court of the Htato of Oregon, for the county of Marlon, und that the court has set the time lor the hearing of Bald account on tho 25th day of Juno, 1892, at 11 o'clock A. M., of said day, ut the county Court Itoom In the Couuur Court Houseln the elty ot Balora, Marlon County, Oregon, and that uuld account will be passed upon, together with the ob jections thereto, If any, by tho court, at said time and place. Uutsd this May 23rd, 1892- J. O. MILLER, Administrator of the Estate o( Nancy llurkholder, Deceased. Sheriff's Sale. county of Marlon, on the lid day of May, A. U. IsVJ, and to tne directed upon a Jucu ment and decree duly rendered, entered ot record and docketed In and by anld court on the IBd day of February, A. U., ISM. in a certain suit then la suld court pending, wherein Leo Drown and L. M. Itodell Co., IMtrtuent doing business under the rim name and style of Lee Drown & Co., wern plaintiffs and J. T Kearnswe defendant, la favor of plaintiff and against defendant, by which execution I am commanded to sell the real property herelnaftordeucrlbiMl and out of tho proceeds of said sale to pay the costs and disbursement of said suit; taxed at ttoMJU and tho of ll&Ujl, with, interest thereon ut the rate nl K ptr cent. per annum slneo February av, 1SW. I wilt ou 1 Saturday, tko 18th day , lift., at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, at Ut west door of the coudty court bouse. In sto len), Marlon 'oounty, Oregon, sell to Um nignesi umaertorcast-ou iiiouay set alt the right, title. Interest and M which suldJ.T.Keurna bad In or to toe billowing described real property, to-wttt LoU t. a and In block No, a In Whit. ney's addition to tne town or auyioa, u linn county, Oregon. Sheriff, Marten Oo Orfoa. By A, T. VfAUf, lfeuuly. Taken Up. A red and white spotted cow "wits Koth ears slit, and branded on rlcal Owner can gtt hum by mWIIde wftn Miw OXAMMaKAnkl cow wit plf(n JMSH 0