Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 16, 1892, Image 4

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MH)ipipwiPPl''mNMuii i
I suffered severely with face neu
ralgia, but in 15 minutes after appli
cation of St. Jacobs Oil was asleep ;
have not been troubled with it since.
No return since 1882. I'. B. ADAMb, 1'crry, wo.
fjmammm m nm 11 m
m WI.WJM 'J11, 'H JIL"XJSl)H".i
n nmiiinmiii 'I1'" i-vmr
cv.'.a DEVIL
He Illustrate the Duty Incumbent Upon
Christians or Embracing Kvery Oppor
tunity That OfTom to Do Oood anil Ad
vance tbo Causo of Christ.
Brooklyn, May 15. In his Bcniior
today Rev. Dr. Tnlmnge illustrated, in
potent and convincing language tho
duty incumbent upon Christians of cm
bracing ovcry opportunity that offers in
tnis lifo to do good and to advance tho
causo of the kingdom of Christ by a bold
acknowledgment of their principles lo
foro men. Tho tost selected was, M.trk
is. 2.), "Thou dumb and ilenf spirit. I
cliartre thee, come out of him.'
Here was a case of giuat domestic an
guish. Tho son of tho household was
possessed of an ovil spirit which, among
other things, paralyzed his tongue and
made him speechless. When the influ
ence was on tho patient he could not say
a word articulation was impossible
Tho spirit that captured this member of
tho household was a dumb spirit so
exiled by Christ a spirit abroad today
and as lively and potcnt-as in New Tes
tament times. Yet in all tho realms of
Rorniouology 1 cannot find a discourse
concerning this dumb devil which Chnst
charged npou my text, baying, "Guno
rmt or him."
Thero lias been much destructive -ni
perstition abroad in tho world concern
ing possession by evil spirits. Under
lilt form of belief in witchcraft this do
lu vii swept the continents. Persons
weri' . upposod to bo possessed with some
evil spirit which made them nblo to do
btroy others. In the Sixteenth century
in GiMiovu 1,500 persons were burned to
de.itli as witches. Under 0110 judge in
Lorraine 000 persons were burned to
tteutii as witchos. In 110 neighborhood
of Fumco 1,000 persons woro burned,
hi two centuries 200,000 persons woro
B'ni'i as witches. So mighty was the do
Insion that it included among its vic
tims Home of tho greatest intellects of
nil time, such as Chief Justice Matthew
Halo and Sir Edward Coko, and such
rouowned ministers of religion as Cotton
.Mather, 0110 of whoso books, Benjamin
Franklin said, shaped his lifo and Rich
ard Baxter and Archbishop Cranmor
and Martin Luther, and among writers
and philosophers. Lord Bacon. That be
lief, which has become tho laughing
stock of all sonsiblo peoplo, counted its
disciples among tho wisest and best peo
plo of Sweden, Germany, England,
France, Spain nnd Now Englaud. But
while wo roject witchcraft any man who
believes tho Biblo must boliovo that
thero nro diabolical agencies abroad in
tho world. While thero aro ministering
spirits to bless thoro aro infernal spirits
to hinder, to poibon and destroy. Christ
was speaking to a spiritual oxistenco
when, standing boforo tho afflicted ono
of tho toxt, ho said, "Thou dumb and
deaf spirit, como out of him."
Against this dumb dovil of the text, 1
put you on your guard. Do not think
that this agont of ovil has put his blight
on thoso who, by omission of tho vocal
organs, have had tho goldon gates of
speech bolted and barred. Among thoso
who havo never spoken a word aro tho
most gracious and lovely and talented
bouIb that woro over incarnated. Tho
chaplains of tho asylums for tho dumb
can toll you onchanting stories of thoso,
who nover called tho iiuino of father or
mothor or child, and many of tho most
dovout and prayerful souls will nover
in this world speak tho namo of God or
Christ Many a deaf muto havo I seen
with tho angel of intelligence soatod at
tho window of tho oyo, who novor camo
forth from tho door of tho mouth.
What a miraclo of loveliness and
Juiowlodgo was Laura Bridgmau, of
New Hainpshirol Not only without fac
ulty of spuoch, but without hearing and
without Bight, all theso faculties re
moved by sickness when two years o(
ago, yet becoming a wonder at noodlo
work, at tho piano, at tho sowing ma
chine and an intelligent student of tho
Scripturos, and confounding philoso
phers, who camo from nil parts of tho
world to study tho phenomenon. Thanks
to Christianity for what it has dono for
tho amelioration of the condition of tho
doaf and tho dumb. Back in tho agos
they woro put to doath as having no
right, with such paucity of cquipmont,
to live, and for conturics thoy woro
classed among tho idiotic and unsafe.
But in tho Sixteenth contury camo
Podro Ponce, tho Spanish monk, and in
tho Sovontoonth contury camo Juan Pab
lo Bonet, another Spunish monk, with
dactylology or tho (Ingor alphabet, and
in our own century wo havo had John
Braidwood and Drs. Mitoholl and Ack
orly and Poet und Gullaudot, who havo
given uncounted thousands of those
whoso tongues were forever silent tho
power to spoil out on tho air by a man
ual, alphabet their thoughtn about this
world and thoir hopos for tho next. Wo
rojoico in the brilliant Inventions in bo
half of thoso who woro born dumb.
Quo of the most impiottiivo audiences
I over addrossod was in tho far west two
or throo years ago an audience of about
000 persons who had nover heard a sound
or Bpokon u word, nn interpreter stand
ing beside mo while 1 tuldrosbod them,
J congratulated that audience on two
advantages thoy hud over tho most of
us the ono that thoy iwcnpod hearing a
great many disagreeable things, and on
tho other fact that they iwcajwd 6ayiug
things they woro sorry for aftorward.
Vot after all tho allovlatlons n shackled
tonguoisan appalling limitation, But
we are not this morning Braking of
congenital mutes. Wo moan thoso who
aro born with all tho faculties of vocal
ization und yet havo boon struck by the
ovil onomontiouod latho text- tho dumb
devil to whom Christ callod when ho
said, "Thou dumb nnd dvuf spirit, I
charge thoo, como out of him."
Thero has been ttpuiliwwiiutloM of si
lenco. Home ono has Mid that aileuoo
Is gulden, und sometimes tho greatest
triumph to to kocp your mouth shut.
rT -
But bometiinefl silence is ucr.iue and tho
direct result of tho baleful influence of
the dumb dovil of our toxt. There is
hardly 11 man or woman in this house
todiiv who has uot been present on some
occasion when tho Christian religion bo
cmno a target for raillery. Perhaps it
was over in the storo some ilay wlien
thoro was not much going on and tho
clerks were in a group, or it was in tho
factory at tho noon spoil, or it was out
on tho farm under tho trees while you
woro resting, or it was in tho clubroom,
or it was in a social circlo, or it was in
tho street on tho way homo from busi
ness, or it wns on somo occasion which
you remember without my describing it.
iioino ono got tho laugh on the Biblo
nnd caricatured the profession of re
ligion as hypocrisy, or made a pun out
of something that Christ said Tho
laugh started and you joined in, and not
one word of protest did you utter. What
kept you silent? Modesty? No in
capacity to answer? No. Lack of op
portunity? No. It was a blow on both
your lips by tho wing of tho dumb devil,
f somo ono should malign your father
or mother or wife or husband or child
you would flush up quick, and either
with an indignant word or doubled up
fist make responso. An yet here is our
Christian religion, which has done so
much for you- and so much for the v orld
that it will take all eternity to celobrato
it, und yet when it was attackul you
did not so much as say: "1 differ, 1 ob
ject, 1 am sorry to hear you say that.
Thero is another side to this."
Vou Christian peoplo ought in such
times as theso to go armed, not with
cirthly weapons, but with the sword of
the Spirit. You ought to havo four or
five questions with which you could
confound any man who attacks Chris
tianity. A man ninety years old was
telling me a few days ago how ho put to
flight a scoffer. My aged friend said to
the skeptic, "Did you over read tho his
tory of Joseph 111 tho Bible?" "Yes,"
said tho man; "it is a fine story, and as
interesting a story ns 1 over read."
"Well, now," Baid my old friend, "sup
pose that account of Joseph stopped half
way?' "Oh," said tho man, "then it
would not bo entertaining." "Well,
now," said my friend, "wo havo in this
world ouly half of everything, and do
you not think that when wo hear the
last half things may bo consistent, and
that then wo may find that God was
Oh, friends, hotter load up with a few
interrogation points. Vou cannot afford
to bo silent when God and tho Biblo
and tho things of eternity aro assailed.
Your silence gives consent to tho bom
bardment of your father's houso. You
allow a shir to bo cast on your mother's
dying pillow. In behalf of tho Christ,
who for you went through tho agonies
of assassination on tho rocky bluff back
of Jerusalem, you dared uot faco a sick
ly joke. Bettor load up with a fow ques
tions so that next time yon will bo ready.
Say to tho sceffer: "My dear sir, will
you toll mo what makes tho difference
botween tho condition of woman in
China and tho United States? What do
you think of tho Borinon on tho mount?
How do you liko tho goldon rule laid
down iu tho S'ripturos? Aro you in
favor of tho ton commandments? In
your largo and oxtonsivo reading havo
you como across a lovelier character
than Jesus Christ? Will you plcaso to
namo tho triumphant deathbeds of in
fidels nnd athoists? flow do you account
for tho fact that among tho out and
out boliovors in Christianity woro such
porsons as Benjamin Frauklin, John
Ruskin, Thomas Carlylo, Babington
Maeaulay, William Peun, Walter Scott,
Charles Kingsley, lloraco Bushnoll,
James A. Garilold, Robort E. Leo, Stone
wall Jackson, Admiral Footo, Admiral
Farragut, Ulysses S. Grant, John Mil
ton, William Shakcspoaro, Chiof Justico
Marshall, John Adams, Daniol Webster,
George Washington? Ilow do you ac
count for thoir fondness for tho Christian
religion? Among tho innumornblo col
logos and universities of tho earth will
you namo me threo started by infldols
and now supported by infidels? Down
in your heart nro you really happy in
tho position yon occupy antagonistic to
tho Christian religion? When do you
havo tho most rapturous views of tho
noxt world?
Go at uhn with a fow such questions
ami ho will got so red in tho face as to
j suggest npoploxy, and ho will look at
Ills watch anu say no nan an engagement
and must go. You will put him in a
swont that will beat a Turkish bath.
You will put him on a rout compared
with which our troops at Bull Run mado
no time at nil. Ann yourself, uot with
nrguuiouts but interrogation points, and
1 promiso you victory. Shall Mich a
man as you, shall such 11 woman as you
surrender to ouo of tho meanest spirits
that over smoked up from tho pit tho
dumb dovil bpoken of in tho text?
But then thoro aro occasions when
this particular spirit that Christ exor
cised when ho said, "1 chargo theo to
como out of him," takos peoplo by tho
wholesale. In tho most responsivo reli
gious audience havo you noticed how
many pooplo uovur sing at all? Thoy
havo a book, and they havo a voice, and
thoy know how to read. Thoy know
many of tho tunes, and yet aro silent
while tho great raptures of music pass
by, Among thoso who sing uot one out
of a hundred sings loud enough to hear
his own viiico. Thoy hum it. They givo
tt sort of religious grunt Thoy make
tho lips go, but it is inaudible With a
volco strong enough to stop a street car
ouo block away, all thoy can afford hi
tho prtiiso of God is about half u whis
jior. With enough sopranos, enough
altos, enough bassos to make a small
heaven between tho four walls, thoy lot
tho opportunity go by unimproved.
Tho volumoof voice that ascends from
tho largest audieuce that over assembled
ought to bo multiplied about two thou
sand fold. But tho mlnlbter rUoa and
gives out tho hymn; tho organ begius,
tho choir or proceutor loads; tho audi
onco aro stuudiug so that tho lungs muy
havo full expansion, and a mighty har
mony is about to ascend, when the evil
spirit spoken of iu my toxt tho dumb
dovil spreads hla two Viloffl, one over
tho lips of one-half tbo audience and the
other win-; ovt-r the hpsof the other half
of tho aniiii'iicu, and the voices roll back
into the thiont from which they started
iindoiily hereand therounythingishcard
and nine-tenths of the holy power is
destreyed: nnd the dumb dovil, as he
llios away, B,iys, "I could not keep Isaac
Watts from writing that hymn, and 1
could not keep Lowell Mason from com
loslng tho tune to which it is sot, but 1
Mnote into silenco or half silenco the lips
from which it would havo spread abroad
to bless neighborhoods and cities, and
then mount the wido open heavons."
Give tho long meter doxology the full
Btipport of Christendom, and those four
lines would tako the wholo earth for God.
During tho cotton famine in Lanca
shire, England, when the suffering was
souiothing terrific, as tho lirst wagon
load of cotton rolled in, tho starving
people unhooked tho horses and drew
tho load themselves, singing, until nil
Lancashire joined in with triumphant
voices, their cheeks sopping with tears,
"Praise God from whom all blessings
flow." When Commodore Perry, with
his warship, the Mississippi, lay off tho
coast of Japan, he bombarded the shores
with "Old Hundred," pjayed by the
marino band. Glorious "Old Hundred,"
composed by William Franc, of Ger
mauy. In a war prison, at ten o'clock
at night? the poor fellows far from homo
and wounded und sick und dying, ouo
prisoner started tho "Old Hundred Dox
ology," and then a score of voices joined,
then all the priboners on all tho floors
took up tho acclaim until tho building,
from foundation to topstono, fairly
quaked with tho melodious ascription.
A British man-of-war, lying off a for
eign coast, heard a voice singing that
doxology, and immediately guessed, nnd
gues&ed aright, that there was an Eng
lishman iu captivity to the Mohammo
daus; and iu tho small boats the sailors
rowed to shore and burst into a guard
houso and set tho captive free. 1 don't
know what tune the trumpets of resur
rection shall play, but it may bo tho dox
ology which is now sounding across
Christendom. How much more hearty
wo would bo in our songs, and how
easily wo could drive back tho dumb
devil from all our worshiping assem
blages, if wo could realize that nearly
all our hymns havo a stirring history.
That glorious hymn, "Stand Up for
Jesus," was suggested by tho last words
of Dudley Tyng, who was dyiug from
having his right arm torn off in a
thrashing machine. That hymn, "What
a Friend We Havo in Jesus," heard
through a telephone, converted an ob
durate boul. "Shall Wo Gather at tho
River?" was a hymn first sung in our
Brooklyn Piospect park, at tho chil
dren's May anniversary, and then started
to cnchclo the world. "Where Is My
Wandering Boy Tonight?" is a song that
has saved hundreds of dissipated young
Tom, tho drummer boy in the army,
was found c rying, and an officer asked
him what was the matter! "Oh," he
said, "1 had a dream last night. My
sister died ten years ago, and my moth
er nover was herself again and she died
soon after. Last night I dreamt I was
killod in battlo, and that mother and
sister camo down to meet me." After
tho next battle was over, some ono
crossing the field heard a voice that he
recognize as tho voico of Tom, the
drummer boy, singing "Jesus, Lover of
My Soul." But at tho end of tho first
verso tho voico becamo very feeble,
and at tho oud of tho second verso it
stopped, nnd they went up and found
Tom, tho drummer boy, leaning against
a stump and dead.
That hymn, "Oh, for a Thousand
Tongues to Sing," was suggested to
Charles Wesley by Peter Bolder, who,
aftor his conversion, said, "1 had bet
tor keep silent about it." "No," Baid
Wesloy, "if you had ten thousand
tongues you had better nso them foi
Christ." And then that angel of
hymnology penned tho werds:
Oh, feu- n thousand tongues to slag
My dear Iteileomer's praise,
Tho glories of my Mod and king,
Tho triumphs of his grace
Jesus, tho name that calms our fears.
That bids our sorrows ceaso;
TIs inuslu in tho sinner's eurs,
'Tin lifo and health and peaou.
Whilo much of the modern music is
a religious doggerel, a consecrated non
bouso, a sacred tomfoolery, 1 would like
to seo somo great musician of our time
lift tho baton and marshal Luther's
Judgmont Hymn, Yarmouth, Dundee,
Ariol, Brattle Street, Uxbridgo, Ployel's
Hymn, Harwell, Autioch, Mount Pis
gah and Coronation, with a few regi
ments of mighty tunes mado in our own
timo, nnd storm Asia, Africa and Amer
ica for tho kingdom of God. But tho
first thing to do is to drivo out tho dumb
dovil of tho text from all our churches.
Do not, howevor, let us lose ourselves
in gonernlitios. Not one of us but has
had our lives somotimes touched by thu
ovil spirit of tho text this awful dumb
dovil. Wo had just ono opportunity of
saying a Christian word that might havo
lod a man or woman into a Christian
life. Tho opportunity was fairly put
before us. Tho word of invitation or
consolation or warning camo to the in
sido gato of the mouth, but thoro it
halted. Somo hindering power locked
tho jaws togothor so that thoy did not
open. Tho tonguo lay flat and still in
tho bottom of tho mouth ns though
Btruck with paralysis. Wo were muto.
Though God had given us the physio
logical apparatus for speech, and our
lungs were filled with air which, by tho
command of our will, could havo mado
tho laryngeal muscles move und tho vocal
organs vibrate, wo were wickedly and
fatally sileut For ull timo nnd oternity
wo missed our chance.
Or it was a prayer meeting, and the
service was thrown open for prayer and
remarks, and thero was a dead halt ev
erything silent as a graveyard at mid
ulght. Indeed it was a graveyard and
midnight An embarrassing pause took
place that put a wet blanket ou all tho
meeting. Men, bold enough ou business
oxchango or in worldly circles, shut
their eyes ns though thoy were praying
iu silonco, but thoy wore not praying at
ull TIkjV wr-ro busy hoping somebody
plso would do his duty. The women
lushed under Iho awful pause and mado
their fans more rapidly flutter. Somo
brother villi no cold coughed, by that
ouiid ti) in r to fill up the time, and tho
meeting wan slain. But what killed it?
tho dumb devil.
This is the way 1 account for tho fnct
that the stupidest places on earth are
Home prayer meetings. 1 do uot seo how
a man kcep3 any grneo if ho regularly
attends them. They are spiritual re
frigerators. Roligiou kept on ice. How
many of tut havo lost occasions of use
fulness? In a sculptor's studio stood a
figure of the god Opportunity. Tho
sculptor had mado tho hair fall down
over the faco of tho statue so as to com
pletely cover it, and there were wings to
tho feet When asked why ho bo repre
sented Opportunity, the sculptor an
swered, "Tho faco of tho statue Is thus
covered up because wo do not recoguizo
Opportunity when it comes, and tho
wings to the feot show that Opportunity
is swiftly gone."
But do not let tho world deride th6
church because of all this, for the dumb
dovil is just as conspicuous in the world.
Tho two great political parties will soon
assemblo to build platforms for tho pres
idential candidates to stand ou. A com
mittee of each party will be appointed
to mako tho platform. After proper de
liberation the committees will come in
with a ringing report, "Whereas" and
"Whereas" and "Whereas." Pronun
ciamentoes nil shaped with tho one idea
of getting tho most votes. All expres
sion in regard to tho great moral evils
of the country ignored. No expression
about tho liquor traffic, for that would
loso tho rum vote. No expression in re
gard to tho universal attempt at tho
demolition of tho Lord's day. No recog
nition of God iu the history of tliis nation
for that would lose the vote of atheists.
But "Whereas" and "Whereas" mid
"Whereas." Niuo cheers will bo given
for tho platform. Tho dumb devil of
tho text will put ono wing over the Re
publican platform and tho other wing
over tho Democratic platform. Thero is
nothing involved in the noxt election ex
cept offices. The great conventions will
bo opened with prayer by thoir chap
lains. If thoy avoid platitudes and tell
tho honest truth in their prayers they
will say: "O Lord, wo want to be post
masters and consuls and foreign minis
ters and United States district attorneys.
For that wo aro hero, and for that wo
will strive till tho election next Novem
ber. Give us office or wo die, forever
and ever. Amen."
Tho world, to Bay tho least, is no better
than the church ou this subject of silenco
at tho wroug time. In other words, is
it not time for Christianity to become
pronounced and aggressive as never bo
fore? Tako sides for God and sobriety
and righteousness. "If the Lord bo God,
follow him; if Baal, then follow him."
Havo you opportunity of rebuking a sin?
Rebuke it. Have you a chance to cheer
a disheartened soul? Cheer it. Havo
j ou a useful word to speak? Speak it.
Be out and out, up and down for
righteousness. If your ship is afloat on
tho Pacific ocean of God's mercy, hang
out your colors from masthead. Show
your passport if you have 0110. Do not
smuggle your soul into the harbor of
heaven. Speak out for Godl This morn
ing closo up the chapter of lost oppor
tunities, and pitch it into the East river
and open a new chapter. Before you
get to the door on your way out this
morning shake hands with somo one,
and ask him to join you on tho road to
heaven. Do not drive up to heaven in a
two wheeled "sulky" with room only for
one, and that yourself, but get tho big
gest Gospel wagon you can find, and pilo
it full of friends and neighbors, and
shout till thoy hear you all up and down
tho skies, "Come with us, and wo will
do you good, for tho Lord hath promised
good concerning Israel."
Tho opportunity for good which you
may consider insignificant may bo tre
mendous for results, as when on sea
Captain Holdane swore at tho ship's
crow with an oath that wished them all
in perdition, and a Scotch sailor touched
his cap and said, "Captain, God hears
prayer, and we would bo badly off if
you're wish woro answered." Captain
Holdano was convicted by tho sailor's
remark and converted, and became the
means of the salvation of his brother
Robert, who had been an infidel, and
then Robert became a minister of the
Gospel, and under his ministry tho god
less Felix Neff became the world re
nowned missionaiyof tho Cross, and tho
worldly Merle L'Anbigno became tho
author of "Tho History of tho Reforma
tion," and will bo tho glory of the
church for all ages.
Perhaps you may do as much as the
Scotch sailor who just tipped his cap
and used ono broken sontenco, by which
the earth and tho heavens are still re
sounding with potent influences. Do
something for God, and do it right away,
or you will nover do it at all.
Timo llios away fast,
Thu whilo wo inner remember;
Ilow boou our lifo hoio
(J rows old with tho year
That dies with tho ucxt December.
An Arithmetical Problem.
If you nro good at figures got out your
paper and pencil and try this sum. Here
is a simple problem in arithmetic: A
baby is born in 1892. Now suppose its
ancestors had married ut tho ago of
twenty -ono, from tho timo of our Lord
iif ty-six generations ho w many grand
fathers has that baby had? Tho answer,
in round numbers, will bo threo figures
followed by fifteen ciphers. Professor
Proctor at one timo figured that if from
a single pair each husband and wife had
married at the ago of twenty-one for
5,000 years tho population of tho earth,
if there had been no deaths, would uow
bo 2,100.915 followed by 144 ciphors.
IVhy Thoia Is Alwaya Plenty of Silk.
Tho market for raw silk is merely
"steady." China, Jnpun nnd India are
such iuexhaustiblo storehouse.! of it that
they cim send us twice our needs with
1 out materially affecting tho price. Chi
cago Tribune.
How does he fool ? lie feels
blue, a deep, dark, unfading, dyed-in-the-wool,
eternal blue, and lie
makes everybody feel the same way
Aurjust Flovvor tho Romody.
Howdoos ho fool? He feels'n
headache, generally dull and con
stant, but sometimes excruciating
August Flower tho Remedy.
Howdoos he fool? He feels a
violent hiccoughing or jumping of
the stomach after a meal, raising
bitter-tasting matter or what lie hau
eaten or drunk August Flower
the Remedy.
How does ho feel? He feels
the gradual decay of vital power ;
he feels miserable, melancholy,
hopeless, and longs for death and
peace August Flower the Rem
edy. How does he feel? He feels so
full after eating a meal that he can
hardly walk August Flowor the
G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.
its--v t3&z
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Vbestorative pisP
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Tbo Amarlcan poopls aro rapidly becoming a
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St. Vitus Dance, Dr. Mlloo' Croat Rostoratlva
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RUlned 20 pounds from taking It. sirs. 11. A. Gard
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Act on a tew principle
roptuate tho liver, stomach
and bcnveli thiovgh the
ncrce Di- 51u.es' Pn.i.8
speedily xrt billoaenees,
torpid liver cud constipa
tion. Smallest, mildett,
BnreBtl 50doss3,25cts.
Srmolet) trie at rtrunKlsts
U MteMed. to , EUhart. lad.
gold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Saletu.
i Good all the time. It removes (
1 the languor of morning, sus-'
tains the energies of noon, lulls !
1 the weariness of night.
1 111 3 Reer'
1 delicious, sparkling, appetizing.'
Don't be deceived If a dealer, for the sake
nf larger nrofit. tells vou some other kind
It "just as good" 'tis false. No imitation I
is as good as the genuine Hires .
t a ijA',- 'cr-Wr 9f "P" ix jt "J
83C& MEN
Puffer unnecessary. Don't you
know thu exhaustion, debility,
failing manhood, and general
weakness, brought on by early '
follies, dissipation and excesses,
can bo cured. Don't get discour
aged, wo havo cured hundreds
at their homes by mailtreatment
Your cise will bo diagnosed free.
Write to-day. No cot to learn ,
your condition.
cosmopolitan mwmi
Mirket. Stockton and Ellis Sis.,
fi k, !x ira
Gas and flasoliM
!FJ0'J!T ITavo fewer parts, and r
nEE2XSU&4u' tlii'ivluioU'Riltkelytogetout
oro-dsr than uny other rkj o.- choline engines now
1 1 IU J i-t I'fht. -.no buiutr, tura tha wheel, una It
runs ad J.J.
No douolo or f.U..ii -xilolon, so frequent with tho
UMvli-blt) ti-.-utt,
If you would bo clean and hayo your clothes dono up
in the neatest and dressiest manner, take thorn to the
M'hero all work is done by whitol labor aud in tho most
prompt maimer. COLONEL J. OLMSTED.
Liberty Street
Tor Simplicity It Hoots tho World.
It Oils lufelf Automatically,
Jfo llntterlog or Kloctrlo Rparlc.
It runs with a Cheaper O rade of Guollne than any
father Kugtae.
rem PK3CHIFT1VE ciBcuiA&a Arrtfro
PALMER & REY, Manufacturers
Sn Francisco, Cal ami Porttuid, fir
Columbia Poultry Yards,
J. M. BRENIf , Manner.
Lack Box 1210, Seattle, Wash
IlreedPra ol Thoroughbred tmitry of fol
lowing varieties:
8. U. White leghorns, 8, O. Ilmwn lg.
horns, White I'lyrnonth Hooks, Barred
Plymouth Hocks, lit Gauits, llh-ek lang
' (hams. Light Urauama, Buff Cochins,
Partridge Cochlnsllrouze Turkey.
Bend tor Circular aud Price List,
g. ! 8 g
M CO w
el- " w
t M o
CD P W ,
H l 2
p S 2- t
et- p? trt "3
e? 30 05
P Js CO ,
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p. 2 v '
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B' 3 p- t-3
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C 2. co- 3
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C i-k el-
3 m o 8-
i B o
p p p
td g.
p p
B g c
p- 8 -M
p co
p 51
e- f S-
p CO P-
co 3- sr
P w a
s ?
CD ii "'
o 3- t-
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p CO &J
Bz " rt
' CO
E O f.
et P 2
J 0O
A 1 co
ie. fD
-9 Hj
- Pi
gr err
Kales, $i.",0 to $5.00 per Day.
Tho bnut hotel hniweon l'ortlnlid and Ban
I'mnolfori. Klnt-clnxa In all its appoint
rtipul. IU tallies are Nerved with the
Choicest Fruits
Urouii In tho Wlllamclta Valley.
A I, WAGNER, Prop.
GEO 11. HUllNrrrr, Attorney at law,
rulesn, UreKn. Ofllco over Lndd a
Bush's Imnk.
i T. ItlPHAHUSON, Attorney at law,
). othce up stairs In front rooms of new
noli ulouk, comer Commercial und Court
strecU, Jalem, Oregon.
JOHN A. OAItSON, Attorney at law
Itormis 3 and 4, Lndd & Bush's banh
building, Salem, OreRon. 8 1 lyr
BONHAJt A Holmks. Attorneys at law.
Olllco In HiiBh'g block, between State
aud Comt, on Coiu'lHt.
TILMON FOKI), attorney at law, Salem,
Oregon. Olllco up-stalrs In PattnnM
. Burgeon, aiilem. Oregon. Olllco lu
IMar-ldse block, upstairs over Williams
England's bank ilesldcuco corner Btuto
and B. K. corner Inter street.
WH. YOUNG, SI. D.. Ofllce formerly
. occupied by Dr. llowland, corner
Court and Liberty stieets. Telephone No.
45. Ofllco heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: 2 to 4 p. in ,
und 7 to 9 p. in. Residence lHtli street on
electric car line. Telephone No. 9.
MOAKKK & BtlOOKB. Physicians
and Surgeons, Murphy block, up
stalls, Commercial street, balem, Or.
EH. W. 8 MOTT, physician and sur
geon. Oillce lu Lldrldge Ulock, Su
i, Oregon. Olllco houis IU to 12 u, m.
2 to 4 p. m.
17 B.PIIILimOOK,M.O.,HomeoputhlBt.
Vj, Office 153 Court stteet; Residence 347
High street. UeLeral practice. Special
attention given to diseases of Women and
DH. MINTA H. A. DAVIS. Oillce hours,
9 a. iu. to 11 a. Hi.; 2 p. in. to 5 p. m.
Day or night calls piomptly nttended to.
Special attention given to dtseaseN of oni
on and children. Olllee In JNuw B.tnk l'.lk.,
305 Commercial street, llesldeuee si. me.
DH. T. C. SMITH. Dentlst,92 State stieet,
Salcin, Or. Finished deutu) opera
tions of every description. Painless open
tlonsu specialty.
WD. PUUI1, Architect, Plans, Sped
. llcatlons and superintendence lor
all classes ol buildings, Olllco 290 Com
mercial St., up stairs, .
J 71 J. McCAUSTL,AN),Clvil Sanitary and
It. Hydraulic Englucer. U. S. Deputy
miueiul s.ur.or. City surveyors oillce
Cottlt-Parkhttist Block. Salem, Oiejou.
1 A. HOUKHT, Architect, room 421, Mar
quam uuuuiiig, roriiuua,urcgon.
,U(JsiNiiS CAJiUP.
HOE YE MILLS, Proprietors the Porce
lain Bath andtibavlua Parlors, Uuvo
tho only Porcelain Hath Tubs In the city.
2U9 Commercial street, H.ilem, Oiegon.
QPHAGUE t ALLEN. Blacksmiths and
O hoteshoelug and lepalrlng. Only the
best workmen emplojed. Opposite State
Insurant! building
B. SMITH & CO., Contractor, Sewer
ing, Cement Sidewalks, Excavatliir,
tc: All work Dromntlv done. Salem. Or.
Leave orders with Dusan Bros. 4:15-lm
CARPET-LAYING. I make a specialty oi
cai pet-sewing and laying; carpets
taken up and relaid with great cure. House
cleaning. Leave orders with J. H. Lunn
or Buren t Son. J. G. LU HUMAN.
JOHN KNIGHT, Blacksmith. Horse
shoelngaud repairing a specialty. Shop
atthefootof Liberty street, Salem, Oregon.
PJ, LARSEN & CO,, Manufacture of all
. kinds of vehicles. Repairing a special
ty. Shop 45 State street.
May 12th.
EVERY LADY her own cut
ter by attending the
Kellogg Sclioo
ot cuttuiK, iiacn scholar cant
bring in a dress aud is taught tog
cut wituoitt renttlng.
Come the first day and takel
the full course. 5-5-lm-dw
1 1
Fm Q-
yAV,uarJMiAijciJgrwi.irawJ y-v. - -r"
In the County Court, fcr Iho county ol n,
rlon, Htutn of Oregon. ' '
Iu tho matter of the oi-tnto of) ,, ,,
Henrj Uelss, Iieeeascd, WinUon.
To all tlio imlrafifRald decrdent. known
orntihuowu GIIEKTINd! ' Rnown
lu lliei,atiiuof tlinH'aio of Oregon vnn
nro hereby oltcd aud required toiipK'nr in
tho count v court or the stale of Orr-Ruu f ?
the counts or Marlon, at tho cMirt ro-im
thereof, at Halcm. In thooountj o Mnrlfin
on Monday, the Itth day ol 1, ay, ik ,
10 o'clock In the fbronnon or that daj th, n
and there to show cause, If nny there he
why an order hhould not ho made, authu '
Izlug nnd empowering tho ndn.lnl 'ln-nV
ofBaldcstato. lo Kelt tho real property be.
lonRlngtosaldcstaic; which la descrlhei
as follows, to-wlt: tho eiiRl Uof th" nortt
west ii of section Ot, 0,s. it a k., conu .
Ing 81.35 acres, sltuutei In Mario couln
Oregon. '
Wllnes tho Hon, T. L. Davidson. JudLi
of tho county com t, of tho slate of Oreeni
for tho county jot Marlon, with iheeeal o,
said court affixed, this 5tli dnyofApil,
AttesU U.O. SHERMAN, Clerk
SKAI-1 4.(4
Bargains! Bargains!
rn South Salem, on electric line. Lots Im
proved and unimproved, either single or
iu imith, j.erino easy. i;au ana sea me
at my residence corner ot Commercial and
mien streets, V. 11. SIMPSON,
j?e Qft Le Kichau's
c mm
JlABit: MUaUail
I"" Klchnn Oolden Balaam No. J
Cures Chncre, first nd second sta-es
Sores on tho Legi und Body; Sore Ears
,yeJl?s?t '!.. topper-colored lliotchei,
Syphilitic ratarrh, diseased Scalp, ocd all
primary forms of tho disease known u
Sj-phllte. Vrtt, 85 OO per Bottln.
be lllclmu's Golden Ilulsam No.'i
Cufe'-Tertlary. MercurlalSyplillitlo Hheu
matlBm. Tains In the Bones, rains in th
Head, batk of tho Neck, Ulcerated Sort
Throat. S-phllitlo Hash, tumps and co "
tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Urals, and
eradicate all diseaao from the system,
whether caused by indiscretion or abut
heahbv. Vrlre JS OO per Ilottlo.
l.o Klclinu's Golden Npaulsh Antl.
dote for the euro et Gonorrhoea, Clcet,
Irritation Gravel, and all Urlnaryor Oenf
taldlsarrangemenU. Price 84 50 per
o Itlchau'g Golden Spttnlsh In.
lection, for severe oases of Gonorrhea.
lnflAmmatoryGIeet,Strictures,&c. Price
91 60 per Dottle.
? .'''L' Oolden Ointment
for the effective heallnjof Syphllltlo Snrcs
anderupUons. Ptlrt,$l 6b per Box.
Lo J,leJ"u Ooldew Pllla-Nrm
and Brain treatment; toes of physical pow
.exc.or of-ork. Proatratlon, to.
Price 83 OO per lloz
Touto nnd Nervine,
8nt evrrywbere, a a tt, eocurery packed
per express.
THE RICHAnDs"Bmia C0.,Ageuli
WO fill JOARK.CT T.,
an trrsisisjUfMt, C
4A fMsTV rana
WANTEP. salesmen, local nnd travr .
Ing. To represent our well known
house. You need no capital to repref-i t,
a firm that warrants nursery st'ck fin -class
nnd true to name. Worn ull tLe jej
S100 per month to the rlsthl man Apiiy
quick, stating ago. L L.MM Ato,
St. Paul. Minn.
Nurserymen, Florists aud Heedmi-n
and Packer
State 8L and Court Ht, The best mint
delivered to nil parts of theeltv.
Capital City Itetairit
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r,
Warm Meal at All Hours ol the Duv
None hut white labor em noyed in tin.
A good substantial meal o - ked In llrti
class style.
Trteuty-flve cents per meal
Court street,' between Opera House and
Mlnto's Livery
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta. Line
7:0C p. m. I Lv.
9:lh p. in. Lv.
8:15 a.m. Ar.
Kan Krnn.
Ar. I 7:35 a. i
Lv. E:2 n .-..
Lv. 7:tX)p. i t
Above trains stop only at following m
tlons north of Ilosebuig, Knst I'ortian 1
Orgon City, AVoodburn, falem, Albn: y
Tangent, fahedds, Halsey, Hnrrisbur
lunctlou City, Irvln g an tlj .ugene.
8:3U a. in.
11:17 a. m
0:50 p. m.
Lv. Portland Ar. j 4:S0 p. i.
Lv Salem Lv. UiO p. n ,
Ar. Hoseburg Lv. 7:00 o. i ,
Albany Local, Dally ISxcept Sunday.
fi:0U p. in.
7:62 p.m.
D:tX) p. m.
Ar. 10:.so a uu
Lv. 7:31 (.. in
Lv, 0:30 a. ni.
Second Class Sleeping Cars-
Kor accommodation ol passengers holding
second clnss tickets attached to
express trains.
tYest Side Division, Between Fortland
and Cervallis:
7.r30 a. m. Lv. Portland Ar.
12:10 p. m. I Ar. Corvallis Lv.
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trains of Oregon Pacific Itulhoad.
4M p. m. I Lv. lortland Ar. I
7:25 p. m. I Ar.McMlnnvllloLv.
8:20 a, u:
6:15 a. m-
Through Tickets
, To all points
For tickets and lull information regard
ing rates maps, etc., apply to the. Compa
ny's agent Salem, Oregon.
E.P. HOGEKS, Asst. U. b and Pars. Ag't
B. KOKHLEK. ilRDager
From Terminal or bterior Points lb
Mem Pacific Railroai
Is. the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It is the dining car route, ltruns throng!
vestibule trains, every day in the j ear to
(No change of cars.)
Composed of din lug ears unsurpassed,
Pullman drawing room sleepers
Ol latest equipment
Sleeping Cars,
Best that can be constructed and in wlild
accommodations are both lrco and tor
nlsbod for holders of first and second-claa
tickets, and
Acontlnuots llua coni:o;tlng with U
lines, altordln? direct and unlnterpW
Pullman sl r lonscau fce fl
oured in advt f.U any area'
the road.
Through tickets to and from ol) pcuitj
in America, England and Europe ie
purchased at any ticket ollte of tLia co
Full Information concerning mt lip'
of t nilns, routes and other detaiU iiitiht
on application to any agent or
A. JJ. UHAliLIV" ,
Atslhtant Geueral Pasenier rt t. flj
121 Urst stieet, cor. W astir -d """
lai n '"cfon
bHAW & DOWNING, Ajsentfc
And Oregon Development '"yD,!
steamship line. 225 miles shoiter, a) np
lsv time than by any otbei loulv. 'JJ
Ciass through passenger and freight "'
troni Portland and all points In the w
Inim-tte vallev to and Irotn 5an t ntW"
Lei Albany
Leave orvallls
Arrlv Ycqulna
lavc aqulna
Leac Corvallis
Arrive A'hany
urcrurninr ii.wi-nt HiiDdavH
liwiu'vuii- - : ..k
hi r
i wry,
10-35 A J
1110 A
O. A C. trains connect at Albanv tit
The above trains connect at YAQPJ ' l
vriin iith nmn , av.nnmEUL i-w " -r
3f8timRlilnl)titween Vaoulna and i
N. B. Passengers irom Portland aaa
WUlamette Valley points can m,","SJ
connection with tue """.,
VAOU1NA KOUlEat Albany orLVinatJ
and If destined to Bau Francisco, 6r
arniuge to arrive at Yaquina the evtaw
ueioro uai oi Mining. ., . ,j
PMngjhr an Prelest Bt AJi"t
nwtit. Tor lnfnrmatTn appiy n.i
""LMAN 4CO, Freight and TlcWj
0.a HOOOK Ac't Oen'l KJt
Paw. AgL, Oregon VvM
n TT ITARWI.r.1. .Tr. finn'l FTl:
. "A. T stnnn
I 6:3rpTi . 1
i-:36 p. m
,. ji&. & t
: &,&&-&&& J&.14