I nil i hphto),p,wiI "V "& vtv"? " TJW"m J tss -n nrirrT i ZKT .A. Lawrence, Kans., Aug. 9, iSSS. Gcorce Patterson fell from n second-story window, striking a fence. I found him using ST.JACOB OIL. He used it freely all over his bruises. I saw him next morning at work. All thcbluespots rapidly disappeared, leaving neither pain, scar nor swelling. C. K. NEUMANN, M. D. 'ALL scar nor swe RIGHT1 ST.JAOOBS OIL DID IT. T THE TABERNACLE. lit. TALMAGE ON THE POTENCY OF THE NAVX OF CHRIST. Ike Name Itself Has a Certain lloauty of Sound, but No familiar Nome Can Ro Dissociated from the Character of the Vernon Who Hear It. Brooklyn. May 1. While Dr. Tnl- mgp is ablo to hold vast audiences spoil- wind by his oloquenco, whatever BtiD- ect I10 has in hand, hp is never so elo- uent, or so evidently a great orator, as hen ho preaches Christ as the one hope 'or the regeneration of the world. T.ie act was proved this morning whon lie HBCoursed from the test, PhilippianH ii The numo which fa above every auie. Paul is hero making rapturous and ntbusiastic description of the name of Jhnst. There are merely worldly names hat sometimes thrill you through and hrouKh. Such was tho namo of Henry Jlay to a Kentuckinu, tho name of Wil- Isitn Wirt to a Virginian, tho name of Daniel Webster to a Now Englander. By common proverb we have come to Hevo that "thero la nothing In u nine:" and so parents sometimes at the laptismal altar give titles to their ci.il- iren. reckless of the fact that that tltio. that name, will bo u lifetime hindrance 'or a lifetime help. You havo no right to irivo your child u namo lacking 'either in euphony or tnornl meaning. It 11 a sin to call a child Jehoinkim 01 righith-pileser, or by anything that i dtoaKJTO'iblo. Bccauso you havo liad an ojcasper.iting namo yourself is no reason why you should inilict it upon your 'progeny, and yet how often it is that we neo :t namo full of jargon rattling down from generation to generation simply iMCiiixo a long whilo ago some 0110 h;p- 'neiieil to bo nfllicted with it. instiin- lions and great entorpri&eH soinotinies without sufUeicnt deliberation take no ntenclaturo. Mighty destinies havo been decided by a name. While wo may by a long course of Christian behavior got ilnmir tlm infqfnrrnnn of Imvilii; bi.'Gll h.lt- Itized with tho namo of a despot or a cheat, how much hotter it would navo been if wo could havo all stnrted lifo without any such incumbrance! 1 SVECT TO THK MEMORY. When Paul, in my text and in othor ! passages of Scripture, burst fortli in na- i pirations of admiration tor tho name of Christ, I want to immiro what aro the characteristics of that appollation, "The tiarao whicli is abovo every namo." in 'tho first place, speaking to you in legard (to tho namo of Christ, 1 want to tell you fiit is an easy namo. You aro sometimes introduced to pooplo with long and un pronounceable names, and you havo to liiston cautiously to got tho namos, and ilyou havo to hear thorn pronounced two I or threo times boforo you risk trying to Jiuttor them; but within tho first two fiyoars tho littlo child folds its hands and looks upward and says "Jesus. Can it be that in nil this church this I moraincr thoro aro ronresontatives of nnv f 'household whoro tho children aro fu- miliar with tho names of tho fathor and mother and brothor and sister, yet know .nothing about "that namo which is above nvnrv Tin.iiin7" Hoiniitimcs von forirot tho inamo of a quite familiar friend, and you havo to think and think boforo you got it; ibut can you imagine any treaic or lutoi- 1nnt liv whfoh von should forcrot tho inamo of Jesus? That word seoms to fit ,tho tonguo in every dialect. Down to old ago, whon tho voico is tremulous and 'tmcortaln and Indistinct, oven thou this frogal word finds potent uttornnco. , Whon an aged fathor was dying, ono of tho children caino nud said, "tuthor, Ido you know meV" and in tho delirium 'of tho last sickness ho said, "No, I don't jltnow you." Another child enmo and .said, "Father, do yon know 1110V" "No," ho said, "1 don't know you." Thon tho ivillago pa8torcamo in and said, "Do you know mo?" Uo said, "No; 1 don't think ,1 over saw you." Thon said tho minis tor, "Do you know JesusV" "Oh, yes!" 'said tho dying man, "I Unow Jesus; chief among ton thousand is ho, and tho ono altogothor lovely." Yes, for ull Rgos and for nil languages, and for all conditions is nu easy namo. Jesus, 1 lovo thy diamine name, TIs iiiubIo to iny car; Fain would t BouiiU It out bo loud That heaven ntul earth might hour. LOTIiLY NAMES IN BCltllTUUK. But I romark further in regard to this namo jof Christ, that it is n beautiful inamo. Now you havo noticed that you cannot disossocinto a namo from tho choraotor Qf the porson who has it. rThoro aro sorno namos, for instance, that iro ropulsivo to my ear. Tlioso names wo attnictivo to your oar. What is tho 'difference? Why, 1 hnppened to know socio persons of that namo who wore icross or sour or queer or unsympa thetic, and tho porsons you havo hap .ponetf to know of that numo wore kind 'and gonial. Binco, thon, wo cannot dls ftseoclnto a nmno from tho character of tho porson who has tho namo, that eon (deration mnkes tho namo of Jesus un Wnkably beautiful. I cannot pronounce that namo in your presence, but you thtnic or uotiueuoin, SjQthsemuno nud Oolgothu, ami you see Mis loving faco, and you hoar Ids tender jvolco, and you feel his goutlo touch. As boou as 1 pronounce his numo in your feresonco you think of him who banquet' d with heavenly hlornrclis, yet camo down and breakfasted on tho fish which tta rough men hauled out of Uonesarot; cm think of him who, though tho clouds tho dust of his feet, wulked footsore tho road to Emmuus. I cannot speak his namo in your hear th s inormiiir. but you iimiic right Wwayof tho shining ono who restored mm centurion's daughter, and who JMped tho bliud mnuHo sunlight, nud wtto made tuo cripples cruicu umvn. who looked down into tho laughing of tho babo until it struggled to go Mia: then Hinging his anus around it iwprcselug n uifcs upon us nmtiunu w, said, "ur SUQU w uio Kiuguoui or vn." 1 vhlch stands for lovo, for patieu6o, for self sacrifico, for magnanimity, for every tiling that is good and glorious nud tender and sympathetic and kind! It is aromatic with all odors. It is accordant with all harmonics. Sometimes, when I look nt that namo of Jesus Christ, it seems as if tho letters were made of tears, and then they seem to bo gloam ing crowns. Sometimes tiiat namo seems to bo twisted out of tho straw on which ho lay, and then it seems to be built out of tho thrones on whicli his people uro to reign. Sometimes 1 sound that word Jesus, and 1 hear in it tho sob of (iethsein.mo and tho groan of Calvary, mid then I speak his name and it is nil a-ripple with gladness and a-ring with hosanna. Glorious namo! Take all tho glories of bookbii dery and put them around tho pago on which that namo is printed. On Chrittmas morning wrcatho it on tho wall. Let it drip from harp's string and lot it thun der out in orgau's diapason Sound it often, sound it well, until every star shall seem to shine it, and every flower shall seem to breathe it, and mountain and sea and day and night and earth and heavon acclaim in full chant, "Blessed bo his glorious namo forever." "Tho namo which is ubovo every name." IT THRILLS IN BONO. Havo you over heard in a Methodist church, during a time of revival, a score of souls como to tho altar and cry out for mercy under tho power of just two lines of glorious old John Wesley? Jesus, the namo high over all. In heaven or earth or sky. To tho repenting soul, to tho exhausted invalid, to the Sunday school girl, to tho 'snow white octogenarian, it is beautiful. Tho aged man comes in from u long walk, and ho tremulously opens the door of his homo, and ho hangs his hat on tho old nail, uud he puts his cane in tho usual nlaco. and ho lies on his couch, and ho says to his children and his grandchildren, "My dears, 1 um going away from you." And thoy say, "Why, whoro aro you going, grandfather?" "Oh." ho says, "1 am going to Jesusl" and so tho old man faints away into heaven. And tho littlo child comes in from pluy und she flings hersolf into your lap. and slio says, "Mamma, I'm so sick; I'm so very sick;" and yon put her to bed and tho fovor is worso and worso, and some midnight whilo you nro shak ing up tho pillow and giving tho medi cine Bho looks up iu your faco and says, "Mamma, I'm going away from you." Yon Bay, "Why, whoro aro you goiug, my darling?" And sho says, "I am go ing to Jesus." And tho rod cheek that you tako to bo tho mark of tho fovor turns out to bo only tho carnatiou bloom of heaven. Oh, was it not boautiful when a littlo child hcurd that her playmate was dy ing, nnd sho wont to tho hout.0, und sho cltnnbored upon tho bed of hor dying playmate, and sho said to tho dying playmate, "Whoro aro you going to?" and tho dying girl said, "I'm going to Jesus." Then said tho littlo girl that was well, as sho bent over to givo the parting kis3 to her dying playmate, "Well, thon, if you mo going to Jesus, givo my lovo to him." It is a beautiful numo, whether on tho lips of childhood or on tho lips of tho old man. When my fathor was dying the villngo minister said to him, quoting over his pillow this passago. "This is a faithful saying nnd worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus camo into thowoild to save sin ners," and there ho stopped. Then my fathor linishod tho quotation by saying, "of whom I am chiof." But I remark again, in regard to this nnmo of Christ, that itis a mighty name. Rothschild is n namo mighty in tho com mercial world, Sillnnan is n namo mighty in tho scientific world, Irving Is a namo mighty in tho litoiary woild, Washington is a nnmo mighty in tho po litical world, Wellington is a numo mighty in tho military world; but where iu ull tho earth is a nnmo so potent to lift and thrill and arouso and rally and bless as tho namo Jesus? Why, tho sound of that ono namo unhorsed Saul nnd throw Newton on his faco on ship's deck; and that ono namo today, whilo 1 spoak, holds a hundred million souls un dor omnipotent spell. That nnmo in England today menus inoro than Vic toria, in Uormnny that namo today moaus more than ISutnoror William. Oh, mighty namol IT ACTS LIKE A TALISMAN. 1 havo seen 11 man bound hund and foot of tho devil and captive of all evil habits, nt tho sound of that numo dash down his shackles nnd march out for ovor free. 1 have, soon a man overcome of misfortune and trial, every kind of troublo had ho; but at the sound of that nnmo tho twi dropped, nud the clouds parted, uud tho sunbuist of oternnlglnd ness poured upon his soul. I huvo seen a man hnrdoned in infidelity, defiant of Ood, full of jeer and scoff, jocoso of tho judgmont day, reckless of eternity, nt tho sound of that namo blauch and cower and groan and kuoel und weep anil repent ami pray und bollovo and rejoice and triumph. Oh, it is n mighty namo. Under its power tho last temple of superstition will como down and tho last Juggernaut of iniquity will bo shattered to pieces. Tho toil horso of caruago, spoken of iu apocalyptic vision, nud tho black horso of doath must como hack on their haunchos, whilo tho White horso of vic tor) goes forth, mounted of him who hath tho moon under his feet and tho stars of heaven for his tiara. Mighty munol It will llrst mnko tho wholo earth tremblo, and then it will mako all tho nations sing, Mighty namol Othor dotniuioua seem to bo giving wayi Franco had to giyo up some of hor favorite proviucos; Spain has lotit it grout deal of her powor; many of tho thrones of tho world uro being lowered; ninny of. tho acoptora of tho world are being shortened, but overy tract distributor, uvory Biblo printer, every Christian iu. tititution ostaUlshod sprends ubrond tho mighty namo of Christ. It has already boon hi ml under tho Chinese wall, uud iu the blberinu snow castle, nud in the Urueiluu grovo, and in tho eastern najrodo. That namo will swallow un all Qk, Usautiful naino, the uamooJf Jeans, other named. That crown will yot cover upullothenrowus. That empire Will jot coinpufs ull dominations. All crlmm uliall reano fcod nbcli-nt IrauiUshall falL Returning JuMlco lift aloft her scale; Puace o'er the world her olhe wntid extend, And white robed Innocence from heaven descend. WUO CAN FOHOKT THE DIVINE PHYSICIAN? But 1 roinnrk again, taking a step for ward in this subject, that the nnmo of Christ is un enduring name. You got over tho fenco of tho graveynrd and yon iiull the weeds book from tho namo that has nearly faded from tho tombstono, nnd you wish that Walter Scott's "Old Mortality" would come ulong and re chisel it, so that you might really find out what tho nnmo is. Why, that was tho namo of the greatest man in all tho town. In all tho country. In all tho state, now almost faded from the tomb stone. And so tho greatest names of this world either have perished, or aro perish ing. Gregory VI, Saucho of Spain, Conrad 1 of Germany, Richard 1 of Eng land, Catherine of Russia. Thoso names w ere ouco mighty, and they mudo tho caith tremblo. Who cares for them now? None so poor as to do theni rev erence. But tho name of Christ is en during forever. It will be preserved in tho world's hno art. There will bo other Beljinis to sketch the Madonna, and other Ghirlandwtjos to present tho bap tism of Christ, and other Bronziuos to show Christ visiting tho spirits in prison, and nthor Giottos to appal the vision With the Crucifixion. It will bo pre served in tho world's literature. Thero will bo other Alexander Popes to write tho "Messiuh," and other Dr. Youngs to celobruto his triumph, and other Cowpers to sing his love. It will bo preserved in the world's grand and elaborate architecture, und Protestant ism shnll yet havo its St. Mark's and St. Peter's. It shnll bo preserved in tho world's literuture, for there will be other Paleys to write tho "Evidences of Christianity." More than all, it will bo embalmed in tho hearts of all the good of earth and all the great ones of heav en. Shall tho emancipated bondman over forget who set him free? Shnll tho blind man ever forget tho divino physi cian who gave him sight? Shall the lost and wandering over f 01 get who brought them homo? Why, to make tho world forget that nnmo would bo to burn upnll the Bibles and burn down all tho churches, and then, in the spirit of nniversal urson, go through tho gate of heavon nnd put tho torch to all the temples and man sions nnd palaces until iu the awful con flagration all heaven went down, and tho people como out to look upon the charred ruins; but even then they would hear the uamo of Christ in tho thunder of falling towers, nnd In tho crash of tomplo walls, and seo it interwoven into tho flying banners of llame, and tho re deemed of heaven would say, "Lot tho temples and tho palaces burn; lot them burn; wo havo Jesus left." Blessed bo his glorious namo forever. "Tho namo which is abovo every namo." My friends, havo you made up your mind by what namo you will accost Christ when you seo him In heaven? Now that Is a practical question. For you will seo him, child of God, just as certainly as you sit thero and 1 stand hero. By what namo havo you made up your mind to call Christ when you first moot him in heaven. Will yon call bun "Anointed Ono," or "Mebsiah?" or will you tako some ono of tho symbolic terms which you read in your tsibio on eartn terms by which Christ was designated? Till! HOSK OK SIIAnON. Some day perhaps you will be wander ing umong the gardens of God on high, tho pluco abloom with eternal spring time, infinite luxury of lily nnd rose and amaranth, and perhaps you will look np into tho faco of Christ and say, "My Lord, thou art tho Roso of Sharon and tho Lily of tho Vnlloy." Sometimo thero will bo a new soul como into heaven to tako its pluco in tho firmament and shino us tho btnrs forever and ever, and tho luster of a useful lifo will shino forth tremulous nud beautiful, and you will look up into the tnco of Christ and say, "My Lord, thou uit a brighter star, tho Morning Star, tho Star of Jacob, tho Star of tho Rodoeinor." Some day you will bo walking among tho fountains that toss in tho sunlight, falling 111 crush of pearl and aniothyst into golden and crystalline urn, nnd wnndering up the round bauked river to tho place where the water first tinkles its silver on tho rock, and from chalices of lovo you will bo drinking to honor and everlasting joy, nnd you will look up into tho faco of Christ and say, "My Lord, my Lord, thou art tho Fonntiln of Living Water." Some day you will bo wandering among tho lambs and sheep of heaven feeding by tho rock, re joicing in tho enroof him who brought you out of tho wilderness world Into tho sheepfold, uud you will look up into his faco and say, "My Lord, my Lord, thou art tho Shepherd of tho Everlasting Hills!" But thero is another uamo by which you can call him. Perhaps that will bo tho namo I have not mentioned yet. 1 imagine that heaven Is all full. Every throuo has Its king. Evory harp has its harper. All the wealth of tho univorso has como into heaven. Thoro is noth ing to bo added. Tho song full. Tho ranks full. Tho mansions all full. Heaven full. Tho sun will set niiro with its splendor the domes of tho tomplo and burnish tho goldon streots into a blazo and lx rotlectod buck from tho solid pearl of tho twelvo gates, and It will bo noon in heaven. Noon on tho river. Noon on tho hills. Noon in tho vnlloys. High noon. And then yon will look up, gradually accustoming your vlslou to tho sight, shading your eyes at tho first lest they bo extinguished with tho insuifornblo splendor, until after awhilo you can look upon tho full irra diation, and you will cry out, "My Lord, my Lord, thou art tho Sun that Novor Seta." 13 IT HtKCIOUB TO YOU? But nt this iolut 1 am staggered with tho thought that there muy 00 persons In this house for whom this uamo has no charm, though it la bo easy, though it is bo beautiful, though it is so potent, though it in .o enduring. Oh, como to day and boo wuether there is anything In Christ! 1 challenge you to test with mo this morning whother God is good, and whother Christ is precious, nnd whether the Holy Ghost Is omnipotent. Como. my brother, I challengo you. Como, and we will kneel at the altar of inorcy. You kneel on ono sido of tho altar nnd 1 will kneel on the other sido of tho altar of mercy, and wo will not get up from our knees Until our Bins are pardoned and wo aro ablo to ascribe all honor to tho name you pronouncing it and pronouncing it "tho name which ts nbovo evory namo." Ida worth If all the nations knew, Sure the whole earth would lave him too. I pray Ood ho may movo upon this assemblage now, that wo may seo him walking through all theso aisles, that tho Holy Spirit may spread his wings over this auditory. Now is your timo for heaven. Oh, my friends! meeting onco, perhaps never again until tho books aro opened, what shall wo say of this morn ing's service? Havo I told you tho whole truth? Havo you listened to tho whole truth? Now is your timo for hoaven. Como into tho kingdom. If you never had an invitation before 1 givo it to you pow. I da not ask what your sin has been or what your wandering. That is not pertinent to the question, Tho only thing is whether you want Christ. Como In, tho farthest off. Como, tho nearest by. "Where sin nbounded grace shall much more abound." Is thero in all this august assemblage a man who feels he is too wicked to come? Yon nro mis taken. Come now. "Now is tho ac cepted time: now is the day of salya tion." Oh, ye who are young! come now. It Is no gloomy religion that 1 preach. It will tako no luster from your eye. It will take no color from your cheek. It will tako no spring from your step. I know what 1 am talking about. I havo felt tho consolation of this graco in my own heart. It is not a theory with mo. I know In whom I believe, nnd ho has been so good a friend to mo I have a right this morning to commend his friendship to all the people. Oh, come luto tho kingdom! Do not say you aro too bad. "Lot the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts," "Look unto me, all ye ends of the earth." How is he going to do drive you into tho kingdom? He will not do It. If you get In at all it will bo because you are drawn in by his lovo. What does he say? "Look unto me, all ye ouds of the earth." Ho was lifted up. What fori To drive? No! lifted up to draw. Oh, como now, come now into tho kingdom of our Lord Jesus! You have heard of that warrior of ancient times who went into battle against Christ. Ho hated Christ, and ho wont Into battle fighting Christ; but in the battlo ho got wounded, ho was struck by tho arrow and he fell, nnd us ho lay with his faco up to tho sun, ant tho lifo blood was oozing awny, ho put his hund to his heart and took a hand ful of blood from tho wound, and held it up toward tho sun, and cried out, "0 Jesus! thou hast conquered." And if today, my hearer, struck through by tho arrow of God's gracious Spirit, you realize the truth of what 1 havo been saying, you would surrender yourself to the Lord who bought you; you would say: "1 will uo longer battlo against Christ's mercy. Loid Jesus, thou hast conquered." Glorious name! I know uot what you will do with it; but 1 will tell you one thing boforo 1 stop 1 must tell it. 1 will tell you one thing here and now, that 1 tako him to be my Lord, my God, my pardon, my peace, my comfort, my salvation, my heaven. Blessed bo his glorious name forever. "Tho name which fs above every nnmo." l'lowed Up S3, 000 In Hold. During tho troublesome times attend ant upon tho occupancy of the contend ing armies during the war, Mrs. Mary Wilson buried n jnr containing $b000 in gold, nnd as her death was very sudden Jier heirs found no clow which would lead to the discovery of tho money, nnd it wns thought that it had been found and carried off. Not long since Milleago Whitlock, who was plowing on tho Wilbou farm, which is eighteen miles west of Ozark, Ark., found tho jar and contents. Ho endeavored to keep the matter a secret, but it leaked out, and tho grandchildren of Mrs. Wilsou have brought suit ag.iiust Whit lock to recovor tho money. Cor. St. Louis Republic. 99 "August Flower Mr. Lorenzo F. Sleeper is very well known to the citizens of Apple ton, Me., and neighborhood. Ho says: " Eight years ago I was taken " sick, and suffered as 110 one but a " dyspeptic can. I then began tak " ing August Flower. At that time "I was a great sufferer. Every " thing I ate distressed me so that I "had to throw it up. Then iu a " few moments that horrid distress " would come on and I would have " to eat and suffer "again. I took a "little of your med icine, and felt much "better, and after "takihga little more 1 ' August Flower my 'Dyspepsia cusap "pcared, and smce that time I " have never had the first sign of it. "lean eat anything without the " least fear of distress. I wish all "that are afflicted with that terrible " disease or the troubles caused by "it would try August Flower, as I " am satisfied there is no medicine "equal to it." 0 For that Horrid Stomach Foaling. DB.EUE3 'gpy$lj VjESTOfiATlVE Jlpgr F NERV,I,L vilSl FgDrnffflfiti. - Prostration Nervous HlceplcHsncin, Sick nnd Jforvonn Ilcndnclie, Ilncknclic, Dizzlnerw.JIoi. bill Fenrh, Hot I'lasliei, Tforvous l'il 'i, St. Vitus Dnucc, Oflnni Ilubtt, DruiikciineNN, etc., nro cured by Dr. Allies' Kcntorntivo Nervine. It docn not contain opiates. Mrs. Sopbla C. Urownlcc, Del,a'nd, Fla., suffered with Epilepsy for W yoiro rnd testifies to a complete euro. Jacob retro, Ella, Oregon, had been suffcrtnir itIUi Nerr ous Prostration for four years, could not sleep, nothing helped htm until ho used Dr. Miles' Re fitoratlvo Nervine; bo Is now well. Fine books Free at drupglsts. Dr. Miles' Nerve and LlvorPllle, SO do-cs for 25 cents are the best remedy for Biliousness, Torpid Llrer, etc., etc. Dr. Mllos' Medical Co., Elkhart.lnd. TU.IAI. BOT1XE FUEE. Sold by D. J. Fry, druggisSaloni. Act on a new principle regulate tho liver, Btomnch and bowels thiough the nervrs Dn. Miles' Pnajs tpeedily curt hillousnesB, torpid liver and constipa tion. SrncllnBt, mildest, parent! COdo8(!S,25cts. Srmtiles free m druculsts. 0- -Is Med. Co , Elkbait. Ind. 8 ild by P. J. Fry, druggist, Saleui. tcosEssjr The Last Drop Is as good as the first. No dregs. All pure and whole some. The most popular drink of the day. il 3 Beer. A perfect thirst quencher. Don't be deceived!! a declrr, for the tike of Hrer profit, tells joit some other 1 ind is "just as good" 'tis false. Noiimution is as good a the genuine Hires'. H S?M )i"'M mni &$xr7& ysvte H Tho Smiimur Ciirnot. "Tlioso of ns wbo lio in tho sub urbs," said Mr. Staybolt, "aro wiiiting now for suinuiur so tlmt wo may again hear tho comet of tho amateur, which wo miss during tho winter pc-riod of in door lifo. It won't bo long now boforo wo shall again bit out on tho veranda and hear tho notes of 'Oft in tho Stilly Night, 'Koll on, Silver Moon,' 'I'd Offer Thoo This Hand of Miuo,' und 'Whon tho Swallows Homeward Fly,' wafted through tho quiet air." Now York Sun. Or Intureat to Kallnuy Kestuumiit Slen. A potrifiod hum of a largo hog wns recently found In n fluid on tho poor farm iu this county, nnd is now in pos bession of Ueorgo W. Itosoberry. Tho specimen Is almost perfect, oven show ing tho saw murks. The lino of division between tho llesb nnd skin Is also very plain. Tho llosh.sidols beautifully or uamonted with shellfish nnd othor water animals. It is a line pieco of nature's handiwork. Salem Cor. Indianapolis Journal. A Locomotive Strati) bout. Swedish papers describe n novel kind of construction, termed a locomotive steamboat, built nt Kristaustud, for tho navigation of a chain of small lakes, separated by falls, tho boat boiug fitted for this purpose with wheels fitting a track, and powor may bo np.diotl to oitbor tho propeller or tho drivimr wheals of tho locomotive part of the machine; tho track la 3 foot 0 inches gnue, with grades of ono lu thlrty-threo, and having curved of a radius of 100 motors. l V VlK rVPfrvf ih BD .d i 'PkU 1 1 1 H !s&S u yf ON SALE it?sm"l to C Iv KAN! If you would bo clean nnd hayo your clothes done up in tho neatest and dressiost manner, tako thorn to the SALFM STEAM LAUNDRY whoro all work is done by whito laborj and in tho most prompt manner, COLONEL J, OLMSTED. Liberty Street 4W UMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, CINCAGO, ST. LOUIS, Andlill Points East, North and South, PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONbT SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS AND DINERS: Steamers forllarrt o 3 n Kr.inolio Kvery i Days, TICKETS "rSSP EUROPE For rate and ueuurnl luformntmu cjII ou or uddreii, W. 11. UUUIUKT.AMt.Genl. 1'oss. Ast, M Wnslilugtou St , l"OUTLANl), OKKG0M J. H. HAAS, TITE WATOIOLAJtETC, 21SK Ccmmertltl St., S 'm, Ot j. (Next door to Klein'.) HpvcUlty ot BpecUiclM, od renatrlnx aock.waicnMuaj(lry. f C2' i 3' I II w o :- 3 ?? CO CD c5 - p CD s- " g S?' j 6 ' 05 m sr.. 3 t 3 P- S CD' d, CD CO l ' . W 5. & $ ? et- tr m.' to ef g; p C5 S- w Er1 o cd p C 5 p CD CO CD 3 Cf cu CJ ftp (f, S 5 M C- " a P ST1 " - a 5- m n CO CD o CD -n . s- r ' 8- 9r 2 w - p 5. & & W S S o n P CD f cu 5". 5" - 3- w! P 03 CD t P - PL, C O cV 5". w E cd C: . P K - CD p cr q q 8- s. &r K 2L 4 M P sT 3 " c 2 05 CD P-1 O to P. C1- F 1 S O C3 CD - -i -i CD o P 3 i cr: r- CO p 2 2 t co CD "' p CO S p pu. p 1 I - -ST" 1 0 CAD D3 Si.- Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRKNTS, Mnnngor. Lock Box 1810, Seattle, WnsU llreedcm ol Thoroughbred Poultry of fol lowing vrlctlen: B.U.whltoUTriorns,p. v. jir.m.. . hornn. Whlto 1'lymoutli Kocko, llnrrcd Plymouth UockB, Pit Onirics, Illnck Lnng han. Ught llrnhnmas, Buff Cochins, Partridge Cochins, llronie Turkeys. Bend lor Circular and Price List, If You Expect to MAKE MONEY In tl)o Chicken Busi ness yon uceu mv Pacific Incubator and Brooder. .. . . .nii,.Ki aiitwtnnltnl. easily undersuSrd.and will u'atch any kind of eSSI betterthan heu. Send o iiup to nu v nostfl go on our new o.-i"." ",',:;, KacnteK Sue of IncubfttorM hnroughbied KOW1S, U V1.V. iir.-. no'"""i mills, rultry suppl h. etc. cutn of Ti oroughbrt d Fowls.andls replete Willi inioiiiiii". --" PACIFIC INCUBATOR CO,, No. 1313 CASTRO ST.. Oakland, Cal. ION D.C.SHERMAN, U. 8. PenBlon and Claim ngent. P.O Box aSl.sulom, Oregon. Deputy County Clerl' Vrlta for blnnks. w A LUMBERMAN'S RENDEZVOUS. This term might ho applied to Htceni Polut. located on the Wlfronsln Central Lines, at the gateway to the vsst fprcst region which extends North to Lake Hunerlor, a distance oiaomlle 'without a break, on actountof IU vat lumber Inter rsU The Iseimrln Illvcr to which the lumbermen hae given tho familiar and iU!.l,l.,.in.rllhriAlll tltlo of ''did Wis cons." not alouo acts ns n lumber feeder to .i.u.. h. tin nlulilriL' throueh Ita numtr ous tribuinne-. an outl. t for thousands of acres or pine iu im upiui yumj, " iw lurnUlics n water wiwer that is fceaind only to that of Neennh nnd Meuashn, which cities ar also located on the "Ceii. trni." Millions of feet of lumber are cut every jenr. giving employment to hun dreds ol men luiidilltfonto the lumber trade. I bus numerous other manufac manufac eories: It Is here where tho largo car nhoj s of tho WlwonblnCentnl l.int;areiocnteu Kor tickets, maps, panfphlets and full Information nppi iny r. i.iu.-ini . and T. A , Mlnueiipolls, Minn , and to Jn O. Pond. General Pai-songor und llckii Agent. Ohlcago, 111. MB-ly TRUCK AND EXPRESS. PENSIONS L B. HUFFMAN, liverv Stable and Feed The Best Box Stills and Corral In the'lty. Quiet, family norseso hpcciiuij. (In rear Wlll.unttto hotel.) SALKIVI, - - - OREGON VKOFKS.SIONAL. CAKUS. Ryan & Co., (aueecsvor 0) nl ORGAN & MEAD. Truck k Dray Line. Good Teams, Prompt and Careful Work, Satisfaction in all Cases. OOlceat Iho old Ktimd. opposite Htato ...... HnnnA lillllllllli.. AlMII Iiilu tlnu Undo Aumii"vv u... ........ ..... -- Mla.lloD at the ntnb'e lor ici vice. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FJNJKoT TRUl'K, Nowreudj for buslniss. Can fhl work n specialty P. w lln'' GEO. H. BURNETT, Attorney at law, Salem, Oregan. OUlte over lidd 4 Uush'g bank. .1 vnnmisnnn 4. Ijidct A Hush's bank building, Baleui.Urcgen. rv'AUCY & 111NOI1AM, Attorneys and IJ counselors at law, .Salem, Oregon. Having an abstract ol the i ecordsof Marlon county, including u lot aud block Index oi Salem, they have special facilities. lor ex amining titles to rtul ehtau.. Business in the supreme court and in tho state depart ments will ricelNO prompt atteutlon. ST.niCHAKDSON, Attorney at law, . olllce up -tHlrs in fiont rooms of utw Dunn block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Baleui, Oregon. SUTTON & SOft, Express and Buggngc, Do hauling and quick delivery to n I parts of the city with piompthet,s and care. Leave orders at It, M. Wade & Co'k. 8 1 lyr ti. F. BONHAM. W. II. HOLMES. Boniiaji & Hol.MhH, AtloineyH at law. Olllco in Bu.h'a block, between State and Coui t, on tx.m'1 St. mILMON hOKD, attorney at law, Salem, JL Oregon. Office ur-hlairs in Patton's block. T H. BUADSHAW, PHYSICIAN ANU j li.iarldge block, upitalrs over Williams 1 England's bank. Hesldence corner State i and H. K corner inter street. WH. YOUNG, M. D.. Office formerlj . occupied by Dr. How land, coiner 1 Court aud Liberty stitels. Telephone No. 45. Office houn,: s a. in. to n:; z to i p. iu., and 7 to U p. m. Iltsldeuce isth street on electric car line. Telephone No. 9. MCAFEE & BROOKS. Physicians and Surgeons, Murphy black, up siatrs, commercial sireei, ouieiu, ur. TvK. W. 8. MOTT, physician and bui- I I ..OT l T.M.I lnA llln.l. C gcOXl. UUiltJ 111 .1U1JUJ1 liiwnp ot.' em, Oregon. Office hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4 p. m. T B. PHILBROOIC, M. D.,nomeopathlst. Jli. Office lo5 Lourt street; Residence 317 High street. OeLeral practice. Special attention given to diseases of Women and children. DR. T. C. SM ITH, Dentist, 92 State Btreet, Salem. Or. Finished dental opera tions of every description. Painless opera- lions a specialty. DR. MINTAS. A. DAVIS. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 11 a. in.; 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. Day or night talis promptly aueuuea to. Special attention given todlseasesof worn ou nnd children. Office In New Bank Blk Mo (.ominereial street. Residence same. DR. MILLERS. LUND, Episcopal Hec tory; cornor Chemektta aud Church, Office hours 1 to 3 p m. m r v 1, LITTrill I ..lill.nl TUnna Onutt. WU. UV.,1, AIVUUCV.I. ,UUO, Ql. . llcatious and superintendence lor an cms.-ea oi uuuaings. umce uuu ahw uterclal St., up stairs, EJ. McOAUHTLAND.Clvil Sanitary and . Hydraulic Engineer. U. H. Deputy mineral surveyor, city surveyors otnee Cottle-Park hurst Block. Salem, Oregon. Pi A. ROBERT, Architect, room 421, Mar V7, quam Diiuamg, roruaua, uregou. DUSINIISS GAUDS. HOEYEAM1LLS, Proprietors the Porce lain Bath nnd shaving Parlors, Have tueoniy I'oreeiain rJatuTuus in me city, 209 Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. O PRAGUE & ALLEN. Blacksmiths and O horehhoelng aud repairing. Only the best workmen employed, insurance uuuaing Opposite State B. SMITH CO.. Contractors, Scwer A . Int', Cenieut Hldewalks, Excavating, Oiic: flu uik iiu'iiiuj uuue, aaiem, ur. lcjveordcrL with Di:;-n Bros. 4:16-lm OARPLT-LAYING.-I make a specially oi rarpet-sotvlug and laying; carpets b'fcen up nud relaidwlthgreulcare. House cleaning. Lieave uraers wiin J. ii. i.unn or uuren a bou. j.u.lu human IOHN KNIQHT. Blacksmith. Hnna ) shoeing and repairing a specialty. Shop '..iuu nibui juiueriy eireui, ouiem,uregon 2J0tf M J. LARSEN A XJ Manufacture of all L . Kinusnt euicies. uopairiu u Bpeclal ly. Shop 45rUate-treet. THE YAOUINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development compan't ktunnshlii line. 'a miles shorter, 20 houn lrt time than by any othei loute. Flrf Pias through pasencer and freight lln train Portland und all points In the W'i lamette vallevito nnd lrom Sau iranclsir TIME SCHEDULE, (Eicept Sundays). LmI' e Alluinr l-p(Virvallls . . rrle Yaimlua - ljve Ynqulnn ... Ive CoivuIIIh . Krriva Albany . . - 1:00P -1:40PV - - &30 P -&IUM . . IMS A M 11:10 A A! O. A P. trutnu vinn.it a nt,n -.j vrrVallli: """ uuo The above tram connect at YAOVINA "J." th regon levelonme nt Co'b Lit rstvimkhtnxlMtwen Van ulna uud tin m. IJ--"8pngeni from IVirtland and al lllamette Vairev points can make cln. ixjunecilon with the trains of tli. YAQUINA JWUTK at Albany o7corvallI 4Ud If drvtlned to ban Francisco, shoul urrHmte to arrive at Yaqulna the evenlt.i iMt&jru iUU oi ulli u; r.ifirrr 4 frelrit Hiln AIwr tbi HUUM N Co., Freight and Tlckel cvnu JUO and SU2 Front t, Portland, Or. CO. HOUCK Act OenU Frt, & ISw. A gU, Oregon Paclflo R. R. Otu, .0. H. H48WUL, Jr. 0en0FrT14 ' Pas. Agt. Oriwon Development Co., aw Montguraery d LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. ELLIS & WHITLEY. LIVERYMEN, South of Willamette Hotel. SA-LKIvl --- OKEQCN W.M. DeHAVEN, Boarding - mill - Sale - Stalk One dKr vsestof Lunn's Dry DoodSMoi ou Slate street. Oulet lamlly ttatns. br-i lalnttentlnu paid to tiaubieut stock. c:ll THE ELEGANT NEW Barber Shop nnd Bath Booms, 247 Commercial St. Two doors north Red Cornsr driiEBlore, JOSEPH FUSEE, Propr. ONE OF THE LARGhbT ES'lABLIf- II nienw In the State. Lower rates tlmu Portland. Largest stock Legal Blank li? tho State, a-"d ulggest dletount. Senu lot price list of Job printing, und catalogue ol legal blanks. K. M. WAITE, Slim Printer Halem ()rprn rllte jsJoyKSfaia f -SsRi2wltfMS Wr- BA'SREKfeaSsaRSS y m 7); IQ r ki H a p in UJ g 3 cr z c iaR'& o a . M ' THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Kates, 82.50 to $5.00 perDaj. The best hotel between Portland ni.dt'Mii Francisco. First-class In all Its oppolui. menu. Its tables are sened v.itli tl o Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. HAY, WOOD AM) FOTATOFS Hay G5 to 75 cts. Wood 8.1 to C4. Pit toes Uo ctw Lea e oi ders with Clark il, ploy, IIW Court street. 4 E. ANDERSON. frloo iXviiArfiriii! A-' . . .,41 4jf iaji ww&mm ff 6 La Sldua'3 Ml I M,'C AN LlAnTTi MUtM w,)icis, fUASt HEALTH. te Rlcliua Oolilen rjaliam No. I Cures Chncre, first and sucond Blanc Sores en tho Legs and Body; Sore hi 8 hjres, hose, etc., Coppcr-c lorul Uiolc ie Syiilillitiot'Atirili, dWascd Scalp, arl !' primary forms of tho dieae known a. Sj-phlll. I'rlr, r, 00 per liot. I.e Illclmu'a Gulden ilulinm No U Cures Tertiary, Jlercurlallfe-pldliUo Rliuu matltm, Taini In the Uone, Taint In t Head, back of the Netk. Ulcerated Son Throat, SyphmUo Ituh, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, 6'iJ endicatc-s all disease from the ij-s'odi whether caused by Indlarretlon or hu of Mercury, leaving the bljod pure m healthy, Price S5 00 per Ilottln. Lo lllchau'c Qolden SimniiH Ail dotn for the cure ef Oonorrhaa, O.'i'ct, Irritation Oravel, and all Urinary or Ueni talditarraDgemcnts. I'rtcoSa 50 1"' liottle. ja Itlchau'a Ooldeu Hpanlih Iu Jectlon, forserere rauesof Qonorrhii, lntUmmatory Gleet, Strlotures-ic PrJc 91 CO per Ilottlo. La Itlclinu's Oolden Ointment for the effectWe healing of Syphllltlo Sim and eruption. Prlr41 00 pr Dot .e nichttu Oolden I'll It Nfrt and Drain treatment; loaaof physical pa er. excess or orer-work, Prostration, eta Price S3 00 per Box Te.ilo and Nerrlne, Sent eTrrjrwburo, KUli, eocartly packod per express, THE RICHARDSTRUG C0.,AQ2itf ftUU All SAUKCV T., lt imUKlMO, Ov "ofcwuAM mov mw ", IBSses-saj.