Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 02, 1892, Image 2

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    rvrnvifilllii !PwiwilUiIliHillW-?u M
EjMj"IV; iWp mnitniitiumm'mgmni-''
l r
., I
64 r-
oil & CUInrsa merchant U defined
as a Cbliieae iK-reon engaged In for.
elgu trad-. Dolph pitbmitted htf
form of rrgUl ration certlflcatea of
rrsMence t'i Chinese laborers in thin
country, but not to resident nier
cliantB. Hhcrnitui wns adverse to
tbo Issuance of any registration cer
tificates whatever, but Bald if Dolph
and Morgan desired such certifi
cate he would offer no opposition to
It, Geary labored with Dolph for
a considerable time In endeavoring
to gain his consent to a certificate
of registration for all Chinese within
the United States, including labor
ers, merchants, teachers, and
traveler, but Dolph would not agree
tilt, Dolph and Sherman are re
calcitrant. The bill with the above
provisions may be reported to the
tenate and house today.
An Old Feud.
MoitRiLiroN.Ark., May 2. News
has reached hero of the billing of
Dr. U. H. Horn, of Van Buren
county, forty miles In tbo interior,
lift Tuesday, by William Hat'ey
A feud has existed for several year
between Horn and the Hdtleys, aud
they have had several shooting en
counters, and two or three have beer
billed. Dr. Horn and William Hat
ley, the principals in the feud, me'
accidentally while on horseback
and both men began to fire. Hatlej
sent a bullet through Horn's bnln.
and three shots Into his bodyaftei
he fell from his horse. Hatley sur
redered to tho authorities, and
claimed that the killing was In self
defense. A Message Prepared.
Washington, May 2. Tho prcsl
drill has prepared a message to con
grej calling attent'on to the toll
imposed by the Canadian govern
mentou American vesiels using tin
Wel'and and St. Lnwrence cniialf.
and suggesting the propriety of leg
islation imposing similar tolls oi
Canadian vesso u udng S u t Stc.
Marie canal. The message wll
probably bo transmltt d next week
Heavy Fire.
PiTTSnimo, May 2. Fire Satur
day destroyed a building occupier1
by the Household Ciedit company
and J. 8. Roberts, who'esaio papei
company, nnd damaged a uumbei
of other bui'dlngs. Total loss
Boiler-Makers Will Strike.
Chicago, May 2. The boiler
makers of this city, who have beei
threatening to st'lho for tome time
Jato Saturday bight decided not tc
return to wi rk until tho demands o
$2.75 as min.mum wages for in
eight-hour day Is granted. Tin
ptrlkers i umber 000, tud the Ilglr
is likely to be a bitter one.
Will ft alum to Work.
Pittsburg, May 2. At a confer
ence Saturday between committee!
representing the miners and opera
tors, it wns decldtd that the rallroao
coal minors of the Pittsburgh dis
trlctwhl 1.0 ti work today uudei
tho sca'e of wages now in force.
A Million Iri nilti.
A friend In need U n friend indeed,
ana not less ihuu onu million peopli
have found Just such a friend in Dr.
King's New Discovery for consump
tlon, coughs and colds. If you liuvt
nover used this great cough medl
cine, one trial will convince you
that It has wonderful curntivu pow
ers Is all diseases of tho throat, chest
and lungs. Each bottle is guaran
teed to do all Unit Is claimed or
money refunded. Trial bottles free
at Dau'l J. Fry's drugstore, 226 Com
street. Largo bottles COc. end $1.00.
Will take notico that tho delin
quent roll of Marlon county foi
tho year 1H01 is now In my hands
for collection with warrant for lovj
aud salo attached. All parties
owing delinquent taxes will call at
my office aud settle at onco, as the
entire roll will be advertised foi
sale on tho 1st of May.
SlterHl and Tux Collector, MurloL
County. dw td
IJiicUltn'B Arnlc.i Pnlve.
The llest Halve Ih the world for (Hitr
!rui8e.horfB. lilcers, BjiII Uliouni, l-'cvu.
Bores, Tetter, Clumped Hnndu, Chilblain
Uorm uud all fcklu Eruption, and pol
lively euros rilw, or no piiy uiititred. I
Ucuuruuleid to clvu neifecl nUUfuotloi
or money refunded.
. : . . i i.n .......
ITieu, J l-ltllH pri
box. For mlo by l-im'l J
Pick Headache ntul n'llovo all the troublra Incl
dent to n bilious btato of tho Rjrtem, tucli iu
DIuIiiuxh, NaiiH-n. Orousliiewi, UUtrrai nflci
eating, l'aliiln IIiohi te .U Whllo tliWrnioM
remarkable uc.re ha Ux-ii uliowii lu curlnj
Headac- . yet CiUTxu'a I.ittlk Livcr Piuji
ore equHlly valiiAblr In Conntirmtion. ciirin
and pirrcntiiis tin aiui Ini; comnlaliit. tt hilt
they alto correct all dUordrni of the atomach,
Hlmulata tho llvcr and regulate th bowoU,
Kvca If lliey onb" curwt
Aclia thAjr would Im almost prloelwu to tho
who atifTor from tbta dUtrcsslnir complaint -but
fortunately their coodntus doe nut vnd
hero, aud thosa who once try them will II ml
ttiflto lltUe iillla raluablo In to many waja that
titer will not be willing; to do without tlituu
Uui after all aide head
U tba bane cf o mau v !! tliat hem la where
we make our Krtl boasU Our pUU cure tt
while othat do not
U..IM1B MUM Ml. I (U. V in j IIH.ll (
au.1 Tery eaay to take One or t o pltla make
dnw. They are etrhuly trcetalileand do ,
Boicripenr nunro. i t I v their Kvnti artion
PleaieilUhoiam thoi. In viaii at ornt i ,
Jro for It roia rvvr. iir.v, ia- enl by uuxu.
CAS7U l:i:ii!E CO., Sn Ink.
HHM p B r Pf-
Steamer SunkJack
Ilia Ripper Found
Two Mombors of a Church Driven
IJimMNtiToN, N. J. May 2. Rev. I
Father Tracy, pastor of St Paul 1
tatlioltocnurcn, yesterday oruereu a
policeman to eject Matthew Gaynor
and daughter. Tueo Ulcer refused.
The priest drawing a revolver, forced
Gaynor t urine from his knees, and
drove him out of tho edifice. The
trouble is said by Miss Gaynor to be
due to the fact she had received the
attentions of a protestant. Tin-
ptir-st deuouueed tho companion
hlp from the pulpit and Huallj
Ifbarred the Gayuors the church.
O i several occasion's Tracy bos cre-
.ted n sensation by the oitterdeuuu-
tattoos of the members of the
iiurch whom he found guiliy of
n'cmperauce. He has also de-
munced dancing iu severe terms
He lias also nourished a revolver in
he pulpit. Gaynor -vlll lay coni-
Mimplaint iiefore Bishop O'Fnrrell.
Advances are Made Working to a
Cheyenne, May 2 Advance
loiklng to a compromise between
the stock'men and rustlers has beei
made by representatives of Johnson
county. A paper uddresbed to cat
tle owners Invitefl them tofiendtrust
A'orthy and discreet persons to tln-li
raoch to look after their rounding
up and preservation of their prop
erty. The paper which is-signed bj
tie ciunly c'immiRudoucrH and
iln-rlfl pledgi9 cattlemen protecliou
tn lliolr Interest. The proclamation
is received by the cattlemen with u
feeling of resentment. The peace
delegation Is discouraged at thon
ouil they have received from the
cattlemen but say they will maRe
overtures and hope to bridge over
the difieulty.
Deeming is Found Guilty and is
not Insane.
MnMiouiiNE, May 2. The Jury
iu the Deeming case has returned a
verdict of guilty of the murder of
his wife aud added that the prisoner
in not insane.
Cummings and a Masher.
Washington, May 2. Congress
man Amoi Cummings discovered a
handsome man (laying otlenslvo at
tentions to his wife. The lady has
been annoyed for some time when
Cummings administered corporal
punishment to the masher. The
latter did not give his name but one
of his Mauds informed Cummings
tho masher would challenge him to
light a duel, in case ho refused he
would publicly horsewhip him.
A Double Collision.
IIuohiotek, May 2. A freight
train on the New York Central,
taking wnter ut Chuichvlllo this
morning, wus ran into by aunt! er
freight. A minute Inter another
crushed into tho wrecked cars, the
mass caught lire. Twenty-live car
and much freight were destroyed.
W. II. Jones, engineer, was killed
aud F. IlichurtlHou, a iliemau, whs
Lake Steamer Sunk.
DrrrnoiT, May 2. I'lie Lacka
wanna lino iron steamer, Russia,
wus sunk last night near Ron
ilea, on Lake Erie, after a colli
ilnn with an unknown steamer.
Tlie crew escaped. It is not known
what became of tho other vestcl.
U0KKA1.O, N. "., May 2.
steamer whluli sunk the
Uussla on Lake Erie wus the Cauu
illun steamer Celtic, which wus also
Conferees Agreod.
Washington, May 2. The house
and senate conferees have reuched
an agreement on tlitClilniso liill,and
Is to be reported to the senate today.
The batls of tho ngieemedt is suid to
!....!... 1. .1.111 I.... A ..i t.. ........ .
CiiiOAno, May 2. Four hundred '
plumbers struck this niorulng for
nine hnura and mltilimiin wages of
;WJ cents iwrhotir.
Kt. I'A Uii, May. 2. Musler plumb
uoimJBimiouui,uui.u..inmHl-mu-B t.(IV0red iii the collar of the three--providing
for tho registration fb,ry brIl.k 10U.e, 180 U-oadwuy,
resident Chinese, aud suspension of wuiiamsburg. On the second iloor
ball In habeas corpus on application. ; llv, ,, John eoaHori hls Wlfe) four
Tho P umbers. j dnughtere nnd boh. Tlie faml'y be-
o-s are beginning to weaken. ifHibbH. 'lheni were ten In the faiu
h pit bible the strike will be settled i'y ve of whom are mk-sing. Tho
and all nioit will bent work toinor-' 2 yeur-old baby boy and ono of tho
row, having secured their demands. f'H were taken to tho hospital
frightfully burned. It Is thought
Firo at Leadville. they rati not live. A fireman found
I.kai)vim,r, Colo., May 2.-Ltist' Ihnjaiuin Ttibbs, 12 years old, on
night, ii flio whkh slatted on the!'1"5 I bird iloor budly burned about
stngo of Loebs varlelv theatre, dt- Hu fitcuaud bauds and overcomo by
st roved tin structure and a half
bit ok ou State street. There wus a
number of narrow escapes. One
woman ami chl d weie burned to
death. Loss $2-1,000
To Crush Reading Combine.
TitKNTON, N, J., May 2. Tho
alt i nicy general under the dlteo-
t ns of the governor Is bcarchlng for
ho Inst uuans of cniblilng the
Heading combine. If no law caulpltal. At 2:30 tho lire was not under
bo found to meet the ease u neeml (
b8Ioii nf the leglalature wll'
pu ,,y U fn to euuul one,
i,,.,i tvn, T.n
LSCapea UOm Jftll.
STA Boha, Cal., May l Oeo.
V. Hi uegy, n i ii.lciiiiivd murtU r i ,
tH-uv d rnin Jail ibis morning,
The Yellowstone Park Lease,'
Heavy Fire, Etc.
Very Severe on the Police Gamb-
ling, Etc.
Portland. May l.-We And from
corroborative te.4lm-.ny that gamb
jn(. ,s w,.Dg op.ny carried (
8everrtl pjaCe8 ,n tb8 city, an 0f
ou at I
gjld '
places being well known to the no-
lice, who are expected and iu duty
hn..mi ... MmnnsH ilia Mme. but we
have had no evidence to show any
disposition ou the part of the police
departmi ut to do their duty toward
the supprtssiou of gambling; whllo
on the contrary, we have evidence
Ihatthe police officers (to not dare
to make any move against the
uamblers without special orders
from their chief.
Further evidence In tills matter,
while not conclusive, fully convinces
tills grand jury that large sums of
money are being regulurly paid by
the gamblers for the protection thej
nceive; that every gambling bouce
house iu the city has been running
In full blast during our term, nnd
tho ou'y mov- against them during
that time was when tluee of out
number vis'Ud the several game
running, wbhout any hindrance or
nelay ou entering, and afterward
swore to tbo complaint which in
dicted nine of the principals, six of
whom have come up and paid their
Hues of $100 each. We have it from
ii '.eadlug ( flb-lal that the others will
pxyas soou as they make a win
ning. Neither the city norcount
Ulcers nave made any move lowarn
elosiug the games during our term
although they have been repeatedly
notified by different members of
this grand jury th it the games an
ruuning, showing conclusively thai
our city and couuty offlciu's ouly d
their sworn duty for the suppression
of vice and enforcement of our law
when compelled to do so on the
sworn statement of a private citizen,
undeven then with great reluctance.
We further find that the bunco
and confidence operators of the
coast make this city their principal
field for work because they have
little fear of being molested.
We have had direct evidence be
fore us, but not sufficient for a con
victiou in the couits, showing that
certain of the paid detectives of thit
city stand in with the confidence
men for a "dlvy" of their proceeds,
In consideration of which they have
full protection, and the unwarj
visitor to our city not only loses bis
money, but leaves the city; for if he
is a tranger hero without monej
and iimIsb a complaint ho lalmo-t
certuln to be held in jail from one
to three mouths ns a witness. Pre
ferring his liberty to his money, ln
leaves town, nurt Ihe conildenct
niau, protected by our noble ofilcials,
( lf) rea(Jy fnr ,)l8 uext vlctm
The jury Is alto In possession of
evidence that satisfies them thut
many houses of iii-fame i ay them
regular fees for protection, and con
sequent y keep soliciting fiom their
doors and windows In open viola
tion of the law.
We also have e Idence that a large
number of sa'o ins uro cairylng on
tholr business without a license,
pending tho decision of tho cltj
council in regaid to the buildings
they occupy, also being ut-ed as
a gambling house, and that several
have received licences since April
l.-t, coutrary to the oidluauco regu
lating tho same; all of which proves
conclusively to this grand Jury that
curtain departments of our city gov
ernment, and especially tho pohc-,
uuder the present system is rotten
to tho core, uud wo hen by recom
mend that the city, though its attor
ney, present a bill to the next legi-
pueHlaturo placing the pollco depart-
'"eui in uiu minus in ulu unuer me
direct supervision of the common
council, thus placing the respunsi
lty nnd remedy nearer tho people.
Work of tho Plamos in a Brooklyn
Tenement House.
Ni;w VoitK, May 1. At 1:45
o'tiloiik iIiIh mnriiini' n II n Wiin ilia.
une panic Mrlcken, anil dt-Hpltf tLe
I'rnlng cries and shtuits the (luugli-
ter, Mnggle, jumped from the win
.!.... ....! ....... Iw.tell.l.. .n....t...l mi.-
mm iiiiii tun m'liiuij' iijuii;ic:u. i lit'
third floor was rccupiod ly Thomas
the biuoke. Anether ilremau carried
out the 2-yeni-old baby, aud others
did some good service. Smoke
drove the lirenieu out tlmilly. It
was thou found live children of tho
Tubbs family were still nut-sing, aud
it could uot bo learned whether or
not the children were still lu tho
building. Several of thobo burned
hiul slckeuwl by the smoke were
removed to that astern district hos-
control, audi be people living lu the
liouK-s adjacent to tho burning
building, wei running Into tho
ftiutt Imlf-olail, or with their
clothing in their arms Tha last
report say It Is belUivwI the tlve
Tubbd ohlldrtu perished la tho
Ex-Sheriff of Walla Walla
County Sinking Fast.
walu walla, May sl-a. s.
1 Howies' insanity hit teases rapidly.
I Duriiiit Friday lie was confined In a
cell aud was ery violent Foveral
' I linen during the ulght he tore his
blankets into etrij s in trying to
UHUghuufcelf. It was umewiry to
keep a watcher on the top of the cell
to cut down the rope as fast as he
tied it up. wnen me guaru epenea
tneceii aoorcaiuronyiiowiesruBDCu
out of the corridor and a fearful
struggle ensued, it toon Beven men
t-.ubdue him. He has not been
given an examlnnlion yet, and pro-
lwljy w " not. ns tl,e plyfcrian h of
ine opinion ne win nor, live in nis
present condition two days.
Oregon Will Not Be Represented
at Chicago.
Portland, May 2. It is now as
good as settled that Oregon, as n
state, will have no representation at
the Co uniMan world's fair exhibit
iu 1593 nt Chicago.
Buch was assured by the decidedly
negative and apathetic action taken
Saturday In the chamber of com
merce ro.ims. The meeting was
called to aider by Hon. J. T. Apper
son, of Oregon City, hut alter re
marks by one or two f the dele
gates adjourne 1 sine die without
taking any action whatsoever.
Tellowst ne Park Lease,
Washington, May 2. Tho ques
lion of the Yrllowsione Park lease
wasanaiu investigated Ly the house
nubile lands committee, E. C.
Walters, of Montana, for ytars
niaDiigor of the Yellowstone Park
a'soclatlou, te.-tifying. Aletttrwus
read by him addressed lo T. F.
Oakea, in substance as fol'ewp:
'The party to w horn $oC00 worth
Yellowstone Park wtocntu u stock
1-5 to go when paid for in dividends
is P. C. Kern, of 8t. Louis. Will
ou plrase have Gibton or the pro
per person notify him f the situa
tion, namely, the nmount held by
order of tlie directors. My frlendB
vili probably explain to him fully,
is he desires."
A member of tlie committee asked
the witness whom the terra "nij
friend" referred to. Witness replied
it was his lawyer. Witness was
ngaiu asked to tell why $3000 in
dock was so promised and for what
purpose. Waters said he bad ome
to Washington to secure certain
teases from Secretary of the Interior
Vilus, but had accomplished nothing,
uud upou seeing lie ci.uld not get
anything done, lie said toOakesthat
when another administration came
in he could get the matter through
Heackuowhdged arqu .Intauce with
Russell Harrison, and said be
thought he might intercede in the
matter and help him to get things
lixed up. Upou close questiouiong
by a member of the committee,
witness tuid the fSGOJ iu stojk was
intended for Rus-ell Hainson, but
neither he (H irrisou) nor Kerns
knew anything about it. Harrison,
however, was to give, his aid and
surety for the public good, and did
not know tlie stock was set uslde for
him until last spring, when be was
told so. Walters lurtbtr said he
never promised Russell Harrison
stock for his influence, and when he
was told of it Hariisou appeared
very much embarrassed, uud said he
would not have hod the matter done
tor uio tiling. Harrison told him,
aid Walters, that lie would t-ee
.Secretary Noble and lay the matter
before lilm, but whether that was
ever dono lie did not know, as Gib
son has conic on to Washington to
attend to tlie matter and stay uutil
It was coueludtd. The c mmittee
will continue tho investigation
tod v.
A Sun Special.
Ni:w Yoiuc, May 2 A Pun
Washington special sass: "There
was a rumor at the capltol Fa urday
to the effect that ex-licpiesei tat.ve
MacAdoo, of Nt w Jersey, who is
bore, came us a missionary from the
Olevelaud managers Iu New York
to propoio that both O.tveland
nnd Hill be withdrawn Irom the
presidenti.il race in fuv rof William
C. Whitney. It istt d tl o friends
of Cleveland are at lust I eginnlug
to realize he cannot be t ected with
out New York, and thai so long as
Senator Hill lion the seeuty-two
delegutt-h pled go.l to him there is
euro to be a bllerniid fatal ftcliouul
fight hi the Emplro stale. The
Cleveland inmate said to be willing
to withdraw their favorite, provic
for Infants
"CiutorlB U sawell uUpted tocluTdren tht
I rrcommend It u superior to any prescription
known to me." II. A. Akcxis, M. D,,
111 So. Oxford BL, Brooklyn, N. V.
MTh uu of 'Ciutoria'Is Bounlrersal and
Its tuerlu to well known that it em( a work
or (upurerogatioutoendorkelL JTow are the
tnteUlsunt faniUlea who do cot keep Caitoria
wltfcla eay reach."
Cjlblo Miarnr. D.D..
New York Oty.
Late Pajtor BloomlngUto &ef onuul Church.
Tu CmTi.cn
Ing the Hill faction wi I Join them '
in tho imminent to give the solid
and loyal support of New York
Democrats to Whitney. MacAdoo
has been lu the clly for forly-elgbt
hours, nnd his tnovi nieiitfl have'
been quite mjsterlous. His mission
is said to be known to a few persons
nnd he cannot le found "
Arizona Wants Treo Silver.
Pbi-acoit, May 2. Tlie Demo
rratic coinentlon held I ere Satur
day Adopted a resolution in favor of
free coinage of silver. A rcso'ution
wae presented recommending that
the .delegates to tbe nallonol con
vened support Cle eland for presi
dent, but It was delentcd.
Signed by Governor Flower.
Al.HANY, N. Y., May 2. Gover
nor Flower has sigued the bill con
cerning tbe appointment of In
spectors of electlous for New York
City, also tbe reappointment and
excise bills.
The Prohibition Convention.
Chicago, May 2. The national
executive cominittte of ihe prohi
bition party was in session Satur
day. Its business was the comple
tion of tlual arrangements for a
national convention at Cincinnati,
June 29.
SN Fkancisco ft I., April 2.
Wheat, buyer sia.-on 51.51J.
Portland, April 2. Wiie.il val
ley, J1.&591 40 j Walla Walla, 51.35
CmrAOo Ills , April 2 At close
wheat wa3 steady, cash May 80,
July 80
Deserving Praise.
We defaire to say to our citizen",
that for years we have U.-eu K-lliut
Dr. Klug's New Discovery for on--uiupllou.
Dr. King's New Lift
Pills, Duckleu's Arnica Salve ana
Eliclric Hitters, and have n'-vei
lutulltd remedies tiiat sell as well,
or that give such universal satisfac
'ion. We doliol hesitate to guarau-
ee them every time, and we stand
rndy to refund the purchase price,
if saisfaeiory results do not follow
their use. These remedies have wori
heir great populaiilv on their mer
its Dhii'1 J. Fry, druggist, 225
Commercial strtet.
J Smith, Geo A Ltnley, P Jacob-
f-en, S F.
EA Dimmlck, F Barrett, Port
land. W LEwing, Westfield.
W H Stanley, Cieyeiand.
W W Powell, Tacoma.
G M Frank. Philadelphia.
R li Ma.vender, H Loudon, S F,
C S"ii.soti, L S Basset, Sheldon, la.
DE Dunbar, C P Bryant, Mrs.
McCoy and son, W J Hauna, Port
D-L Woodran, J W Muteribaugh'
T Prestou, Portland.
S Speucer, W Scliulz.
A L Wishmau, H A Petus, J
Phillips, Aberdecu, Dakota.
D H Jobiif-ton, Mehama.
Wiajipeil In a I'o'sonou? Veil I
In tliemlhts that we see rising from tin
hnri!Min tlut-'ilsh stream!), from low huidt
soaked by Ircshetc or irom maishy mudd.
duls uu the outskirts of papulous cities,
lu-k (llbeaso nmt rte.tth Imnotiml in this
polsouuus veil uf mist uro Isolated busln-'
structure, liiauulacturln? vlilatses anc
humble tenements. For lhote wbc
elluer irom motives of buhlness Interest i
dlie necessity are dally constrained t
6roitIio tl.ls enveaomed atiuospheie.lhen
Is no linmuult) saved In an efficient medi
cinal nafcuurd. Uostetler's titomucti Hi',
ters fully nils the need, protecting whole
communities from lh.' luslilucits attack. of
malaria, a diseiise winch In its more inn
llenant lornis Is scarcely less to be dreadec
In the iudlvldual thin ts'pbus. liver;
type of It tboniiiKbly oradicuttd by the
liltiers. This peerless medicine also le n
rtlPt dybpepnla, countiputiuu, liver und
kidnet trouble, rheumatism uud nervous
ness. "J is u i estorutlve, too, of appetlt ,
sleep and llesli.
A traveling man who chanced t
be in tlie store of E. V. Wood, al
McKees Rocks, Pa., says while h
was waiting to see Mr. Wood, t
little gill came in with a bootle hi
beled Chamberlain's Pain Halm nuc
said: "Maiuma w nits another bot
tle. She says it i the btst uiedlciuf
for rheumatism she evtr used." 5(
cent bottles sold by Geo. E. Good,
"Special Bakgain". Twelve
ucies near tho city, 800 fruit trees,
good hou?e, well with pump, vest,
em slopv, two acres timber, small
fruit of every kind, will be sold be
low cost. See Meeks & Scott, 2&
Commercial street. 4-23-7t
Evruvjiody Go).". Where'
Why, to Hellenbrand'ia restaurant,
Sroat & Gilo have the lest aspar
agus you over ate a new kind, d-tl
and Children.
ContorU etirefl Collo, OomrtlpaUon,
BourSiouiach, Dlorrhcsa. ErucUUon,
Kills VToroia, ivi aleep, and proototes d
Wluiout injurious medication.
w For aeTeral years I liare recomraf nilw.
Sour Castona. aud nhall always couUnuo to
o so as U hjd tnvariably produced beneficial
Eowt T. Paumi, M. Dn
- TUo WlntUrop," U3tu Stret and Tth Ar,
New York City
Ooupjuit, TT Mvbbat Btbsxt, Nkv Yoax.
Perdozen fortheflnent flnUhed
I'UOroOKAl'HW lntheclty.
lESjComnierclal Street,
Contractor and
Salem, - - Oregon.
Oier Hniall's Clothlog .Store.
Millinery Store,
Itcmsred totx.tlle block.
Spring Ooods Arriving.
. Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, 2Mb andCbemekeU Street.
Real Estate
and Insurance.
First stairway uortb oflUush
is beautiful with a bad sltln, covereil
with pimp) s, freckle", moth or tan.
have been nuked many times what
will remove these unsightly blem
ishes. No face paints or powders
will remove them, ns they are caused
by Impuro blood. Tbe ouly Eure
remedy I have ever seen Is Sulphur
Bitters, and iu hundreds of cases
I have never known them to fail.
Editress Fashion Gazette.
.o uso of Hood's Sarsu;arlll.t
ises of scrofula, upon wliieli oilier prep
r.itlons li.ivc been Kerie-., .tleldtotho
ecullar curatle power., of this medicine,
'litres . ing cics t dypcpsia, excrucl.it
g c mpl.iln'.s ot tlie kidneys and liver.
gun. zing ltcti fa
ud p..ln of s: It E
'leuni, d'iorce-
Me c-.m-s ot e.it.irrli. and aches and pains
i'iumiat.;!n, aro cured ly Hood's Sar-
. :i'.a. It l uiJCes tlie blood, aud at tho
1 tt 'io tc.its tho st ni.icli, creates an
o, :.i il lcs strtugth lo etcry ftinc-
f the only. Give it a trial.
General Debility
'"or fo'ii yean mv wilu suffered vlth
ai tumor lui.clies ou tno glands uikIui'
ir.riiis, and cincinl debility of tl.owholo
stesn. S!io Lccame ;c poor In hcallti
it wo w.io or. tnc verffl of despair
gardlng her recovery. Plijslclans did
jt seem to understood her case; at all
vents she never diii cd any beiiiflt from
heir treatme.it. She finally couUudcd to
ry Hood's Sarsapaillla. The linmadi to
licet was so marked and satisfactory I..it
ho contiuued to tiKc It, and tlilf ' tho
esult: Sho lias gained In weight
From 34 to Hi Pounds
nd Is stronger and In better health than
he lus bee.i for yeais. The bunches ui.der
tier amis 1. io diminished, aud wo believe
Hood's Sirsaparilla will bo too much for
them In time." J. J. Noitcuoss J2C Com
merclal Street, Boston, Mass.
Hood's Sarsapiirilia
Soldt.yJr.'jUts. fjl; tliforji. Trcparedby
I. HOOD S CO., Apothecaries, Low ell, Maai.
IOO Doses One Dollar
A new and O implcto Treatment, consNI.
inf (suppositories, ointment in capture.
)8oa box. nnd pillt; a poslliic cuio for ex
ternal. Internal, blind or bleeding. Itching,
throulc, recent or hereditary 1 tics, and
many other dUeuscH and temnlo weak
nesief; it Is always a great benefit to tho
waenil hrtiltli 'lbo flrt discovery oi a
medlcil cure renderlnK an operation with
the knife unm-rcs-TV herenltLr. This
remedy has never been known to full, Jl
iHir box.ti or $o; t.eut by nn.ll. Whj uOVr
tromtliiKt r'lhc dl-e:so when a written
iwaruim'uiM.ivcu with il boxed, to rcfuad
th money it not cured 3end et.imp for free
nmple. CliiiivntH) Hsned bv WoonAnn.
Oi.AiiKK & Co., wlioU nleand retail druu
iist, wileagentH, I'oi tl.md, Or. !, -dvr
Wednt'alny, May 4Mi.
TheFoln Iltlnvtef:rni"n ninlert Com.
tdliinon the Mueriran "-trge.
Tiiile I'ledlueli in of firO. W. LED-
S prmted by n uni'bimlly competent
troupe of player. In the re-nrltttn,
powerful yet simple li.)ino.piedv.
Jfot h wtrW tine or fupej.tlon in ih
ho e p uy. but an iU.ucdxU'0 olir tint
- -Hu und gnrl.
Hunch berilil. I tho only (nt! n-lKlntil
lnr oriuunnn c.ninl U .Uu fuvo.ltrmm
(nnnda lolhf Ooldfi' ( tf.
ltneiedMntoUH !. ut I'uUnu' .
Vnrn ImI1 Unyllund food to tint; talltt
n. hey West cixfr. tohncrt) p'p,,
Mil ves. eta. eon ilwiXilutlnnmi n i,u-
prices; at
hclii:ie Shop, Guns,
Sporting Goods, Etc,
MT8 Commercial Blrcft,
Fashionable Hairdresser,
Latlles' and Genta' Barber
184 Court "Street.
Livery Feed and
Boarding Stable,
ticrnmiiMcnt Mnrlcct
Fresh and Salt Meat and
U SUito 8tre6t.
J. J.
California Bakevy.
101 Court Street.
Leading Salem Modiste.
y5 Commercial Bt.'
Scientific Horseshoeing.
On State Street.
General Blacksniilliliig,
47 State Street.
Salem Haclunan is
Be9t Line lu the Clly.
Court Street.
Cabinet 'Work,
107 State Street.
127 Court Street
Oregon Land Company's Price List.
10 acres ofland 5 miles south of Salem (post fHce)
aest fruit land, nearly all cultivated. There will ha 100
bcres set to fruit, immediately adjoining this tract, this
spring; price, 50 per acre, $100 cash, balance easy pay
ments. Choice of four ten acre fruit tracts five nines south of
Salem (postoffice) one 11 in cultivation, very sightly; two
others three fourths in cultivation, balance in good timber;
one three-fourths in cultivation, balance in pasture, 45
per acre, cash, balance easy payment a d Ion time.
Choice of 25 ten acre fruit tracts six miles south of
Salem (postoffice) best fruit land, very desirab e location;
springs and running water, adjoining The Oregon Land
Company's model 100 acre orchard farm, three miles from
steamer landing. First choice $G0 per acre, cash,
balance on eight years time, enabling purchaser to pay for
land out oi the fruit crop. This land will be set out tn
fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner,
by the Willamettee Valley Fruit Growing company so
that a two year old orchard, complete in every respect,
will cost the purchaser $125 per acre, including a good
fence around it.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company has
now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and will
take pleasure in showinjr anyone, who takes an interest in
fruit growing in the "Willaniett Valley, what they are
doing and how their orchards look. Tho people of Salem
and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at
the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com
pany, in the Gray building with the Oregon Land com
pany, and take a ride to Sunuyside aud see what is being
done in the way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem,
Oregon. You will enjoy the ride to Sunnyside and see
something worth seeing.
19 80-100 acres cultivated land with house, spring
and orchard 3 miles from Turner, $60 per acre, cash,
balance in three equal annual payments.
18 40-100acres cultivated land with barn and running
water, 45 per acre, cash, bala ce in three equal annual
payments. First payment will be taken in work.
6 fruit, tracts ranging from 12 to 14 acres each, all
cultivated, 200 fruit trees on each lot, land all plowed, 4o
per acre, i- cash, balance in three equal annual payments.
"Work such as carpenter work, cutting wood, m aldng
rails, building fence, setting out and cultivating trees taken
in part payment on land; also horses, harness, wagons, o
buggies taken on part payment ou land; also good city
property, when unencumbered by mortgage or other claims
taken in part payment on land.
A Great Musical Event !
Friday Evening, May Gtli.,
fiuyportd by
The Greatest Coloratura Binger In America
INlrS PAItSlATEn, An Eminent iltzzo
EIL BENGEU, Basso from Ihe Metro
politan Qpera House, New York.
EDUAUDKCHAKF, Rols I'laalst. Ilecelv
er of the Ureat Mnscbeles l'rlte.
UOQER UUPUY, A bupcrb Tenor.
a'Heserved sent 91; admission below
c; m ,ery 50. Net proceeds go to the Wll
lamttio Unherslty. llcketb on sale ai
tub irn's boi.ksiort' from May 2.1.
SFMBTttK8-wanted by Hart A Tnll
loferro, niercbant mil Mrs, C3 t outt S.
TTiOt HKNT-New hrura in
P Halem Arp'v to E. Ilofer.
Salem, or at Jouiwai, office.
Cl ATiESMAN. VnRPT Atlrt man pmma
p Free prepaid ou nt One of our wrenM
iio8xT,eNeTYor;,rJmflveyen, p'-
Hernia and Chronic Diseases
Devote special attention r Ncrvou. Cat
BTThal, Asthtnatlo and Throat Troubles.
rttVenE!-p,u!?)?urd w "ut pain or
EIrv C. bulue 1 GuwiMeed In
Kveri- variety of Female nnd Chronic
dlMffM treated by the tnou advanced
methodi known trVi,w..rfi V .rv. ,
t2c?'-P?,taiy J" experience In tar-
-. u.u iub HDDiicaunn
,ce ase oommiiiT ".I.S- SC'nf
nf .Im(,h
man Hl-V R.i.n, -. "u-u.
260 Liberty Street, on
Electric Car Line.
Fruit nnd Cisjnw,
P O BlocU
ClfnB nnd Tobacco.
243 Com'l Street
Coffee House.
Open all Night
Meat, Poultry
xiiict Fi.sli Market,
Insurauco Bloek.
Salem, - - Oregon,
Jealer in Groceries, Paints, 0IN
ami Whulov Gloss, "Wall ra
rer and Itordor, Artists' Mn
if rials, Lime, Hair. Nails ami
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc,
For Sale.
Three lots in North Halcm on street cur
line, ulbo 21 acre liult land i-buumH 1I,IU
eiuit of Salem. Call on
81 at Insurance orhco
QnarJcrly Teacher's Exantin
tion. OTIOEU hereby srlvn that the net
riMttii r ntii.rfu. v rvnmitii.ltiill 1 IC
nllcanlH for teachtr'n certlflcatts win
1 B1.KU L( ,1W J ,.. " .
nem in
1 bo Court House,
In Salem, Oregon, commencing at 1 o-c'
5 m ! Wtduesdaj, tbe tllh dj "'
ly, 18MJ. AppllcnnlH mul boprebeuta
the opening setslou. A(iplicunts lur kt' J
diplomas under tbe law putsidbj tbe o.
Isiutun'ut tlifBs8on of lhill, will alo i
oxamlutd at tbe same time xnd pi. ce.
I). . . YuUEll,
CnnntyPohoolSuperlutendrut l.irMai' n
Couuty, Oregon. -jb-U il
and Packer
Stat 8U anl Court St, The bet
delivered to all part or the city.
Staple anil Fanrv fwfenVs.
CrocVerr. Mlaunvnrn. Ijiinua. WotreJ
and Wllluw ware. All kind ol n IU !'
Also verttablcwuud fruit lu their ra
"Hlj!het lrIoo paid lor country pioduce.
.- , .
I W J8JBtatCtrvt
jr. .
ii)'fcliaiiiii,i"if-iiin 1