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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1892)
EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. w . iSi VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." BAJLEM, OHiSGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 28, 1392. "TO-DAY'S JNTSWS TO-DAY." NO 5ff' """l'MMMWMiMMMMMMMMMMWMMMHaWMMWM.MWMMMI'.M"M"1'" ' " " " ' " ' " " " " To Close Out UK CAPITAL JOURNAL. ki "Y X F"" e ,""'"'")h T IT! X "l LXKi tld H0FER BR0THERS' " Edi,ors ?7TW W JT5L JZ31JC3J JLwV; To Malce Room for New Stock:. WE- WILL OFFER A LIBERAL 'DISCOUNT. A NEW LINE OF POCKET TESTAMENTS -JUST RECEIVED.. PATTON'S State Strut Book Store, Ni 98. mmanmtanm THE RACKET STORE See the Following List of Bargains in- LADIES', GENT'S and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY Our Variety is Complete and Our Stock the Largest.- We Can- Save You -20 to 30 Per Cent UBLtBltKDDAlL.Y.EXCEITSUNIU'V . BT TUB Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. Butldlmi Entered at the postofflce nt Balem, Or., a second-dors matter. A LABISH VICTIM INSANE. ON ALL, GOODS IN THIS LINE. INSPECT OUR GOODS AND BE CONVINCED. 261 Commercial Street. E F. OSBUH. PLEASANT- Home You can buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and- has the advantage of street cars and city water. Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the Postoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on Wm 6ETTHEJ.4M.LAWNM0WER In Three Sizes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STt., SALEM, OREGON. One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. Harritt -SUCCESSORS Iclntire, TO WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR tjes-s.1- j STAPLE IB FANCY GROCER S ?W (aaaaV A aak. BH KflJ CTlaf M Jmnk Lv fl& ssaH for Infants and Children "Castorlalsso well adapted to children that I recommend itai superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. AncmcR, M. D., Ill So, Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and its merlto go well known that It seems a work of gupererogatlon to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos JUbty, D. D , New York City. Late Pastor Bloomlngdale Bet onned Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, 8our Stomach, Dlarrhcoa, Eructation, KU13 Worms, gtvea sleep, and promoted d Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it lias invariably produced beneficial results." Enwm F. Pardsi, M. D., Tho Winthrop," ISSth Street and 7th Ave., New Tork City. Tub Cnrrxua Company, 77 Honiuv Btbekt, Nbw Yobs. At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. H. GLASSFORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES AND OFTICE3 FITTED UP IN Georgia Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc. MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Reorof 260 Commercial Street, Salem, Orcein. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SAXKM SALEM, - Alnnufnctures-STEAM ENGINES, T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent IRON WORKS, OREGON. Mill Outfits. Water Wheel Governor,!, Fruit UrylnBOutnu.TmcUonEn(,:!m.,CrestlU General ac Purifier and Reels. ints anil manufacturer of t'ho celebrated Waulstrom l'atent Mid Farm inacninery maae ana rcpin-u. J. M, Needham, HOUSE PALNTING, KALSO MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leave orders J. Irwin's, rear of Smith A Htelner's drug store. NAILS ! BUILDER'S LOCKS ! TrllN.GES ! HARDWARE l AT Barr & Mzel , Plumbers and Tinners, 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem, Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete lmoof,Slove aud Tluware, Tin rooflug and plumbing a ppc(aUy7EUnawB for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. J$OW THE YEAR ROUND At 143 Court Street. HOUSE - and - SIGN - PAINTING, nAPnrAiil? PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. TToWmlnlncr Wall T lit ill IT. CtC. VamiailUIR ail" -'-"" D " ' " " EX KHALL, Paper Hanger and Decorator. Ofllce nt Cliaa. Cnl perl's Milllonery store, Saleu, Oregon. "Natural Wood Finish. Only First-clawi Work. E. E. SNOW ig OV Sata Track i Dray Co. DRAY8AND TRUCKS always ready for ordere. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of flee State 8t..onpo-ilte8a- Draya and truckp may be found throughout the dav ai Am Tin nrtrlra the corner of State and Cnrumrciar street improved 6uhKii of nr;u aikn,- I Knmlatun ', Halem. Holds council every Thursday evening, ut7:S0. WlKWum In Mate insurant hall, K. O. KAKKK, PropUit. KUiVNK C. V, ATEItS, fblcf ofliecords. SEW DAILY MAIL STAGE Itctwecn Aurora, Buttcville, Clminpoeg, St. Paul and Fairfield. Tnvi AnmrftitAllv at 10-30 a. rn. Ar rived at Kalrfleld 8 u. rn. Ilcturnlng-leave Fanrdeld at s p. ra. Arrives at Cbampoeg flnm Arrive t Aurora, via Buttevllle.utB a. m. Con nect with morning. P. Co. trains eolnK uorh and south. Passengers, baggage Mid frelilit carried at reen'ar rate. Service begins Monday. March 17, 1H, Those Afflicted With tho habit oi using to excen, Lipil, OPIUM Oil TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THK KEELEY INSTITUTE Koresl Grove, Or., Cull write, ritrletly confidential Executrix Notice oi Final Set tlement. NOriCU is hereby given to all whom U may concern, that tho undcrxignod ui-exeutilxortheiUtoofCalvlnNeal,dt cefbed.lmvo filed ihelrtlnul account oltald tsitate in thtCountyUourt of tno Uto of Or. for Marlon county and that HulurdayrJune 4, lbW, nt one (1) o'clock; p. in. of said day, at tho count Court room lu the county Courtihouhe lu auld Murlou county, has been tixed by tho Court us the time and pluie for the hearing of the same, and ob Jectl.m theretu, Uutcd this April 23. 1892. ANN EUSAHKTU NKAU JK-JSK M.NKAli. 1-28-51 Co-Kxccutilx of said Estate, Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The bear class of work in our line at prices to compete with tho lowest Only the, best, ipatynal used WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. OAFITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking bulnes In all Its brunches. l'rfiden Vlco i'renldeut l-n.nlir GEO. WIU.IAMH WM.KNUlANO HUOU licNAItV. UittECTOlO': Geo. Wllltams.Wm. Hue inn. Pr. J. A. Itlchardtou, J. w. Ilodsou. (J. Ai Baker. uanx m new r-xciuuua u4jv w njiu njercial tret. 8:1U Sealed HldH Will be received until noon of Hnturday, An.ll:J. 1KW. for the nurchrso of the oue stor)' frame awclllng, situated on the east sld of summtr street, detweeu Court and Cheuieketa streclM lu this city. The right Is rewerved 10 reject uuy or all bids. A liberal tune will be glveu for its removal. For further particular apply io 4-X-U1 FUANKK.nulXJKIN. A Big Lawsuit in Which Ono of tho Defendants Is in an Asylum. The Philadelphia Lodger of re cent date had quite an article about Dr. aud Mrs. Hnminell, victims of the Labluh wreck, that occurred ntar fialein In Nov. 1890. It will be recalled that Mr. aud Mrs. Hamniell were at Balem for somo time, until BUfllclently recovered to proceed on their bridal tour, upon which they wero engaged at tho time of the disaster on the- Southern Paciflo Railway. Dr. Hamniell who, as will be wen by tho arllclo below, Is now Insane, mm exniuinvd at Salt m by Dm. Richardson and Cuslck, with especial reference to hi mental disturbances, If any, from the lu- juries received at the wreck, and both physicians intimated that ho would probably lose his mind. It will bo seeu from the artlc'o in the Ledger of Philadelphia that their surmises were correct, which is quito a compliment to the science of the medical gentleman at Baltm. Hero is Tlin AIITICIjK IlEFKRnEn TO. Tho latest chapter In the domestic drama, in which Dr. "Walter Ham niell, a well-known physician of this city, and Annie D. Ramboruer, the flrt-t female graduate of the Phila delphia college of dentistry, figured so prominently several years agu, was tho adraisslou several days ago of Dr. Hammell to tho Insane de partment of the Pennsylvania hospi tal, as Insaue patient, while his wife lies 111 at tho residence of Dr. Ham niell's father, In Palmyra, N. J. Tho paitlculars of Dr, Hammell's marriage to Mias Ramborger, who at that time was on the high road of professional success, is still fresh lu the minds of tho public. After the marriage tho couple made a tour of Europo and upon thelr return went West, and It was while travel ing through Orecon, on tho South ern Paciflo railroad, that their train was wrecked and b th were lujurid. ISults for damage were subsequently Instituted against tho company, the amounts demanded being $20,003 in each case. While prepared to pay all ex penses and somo compensation for the Injuries received, the company was not prepared to pay any such amount as demanded and set on foot an Investigation. Tho doctor al leged that his medical practice, which by reason of his Injuries ho was unable to continue, was worth $16,000 annually. Counsel for the company claims that an examination by an expert physician appointed by tho railroad company, revealed tho fact that both tho doctor and his wlfo wero feigning greater Injuries than really existed as tho result of tho accident. Friends of tho doctor deny oven the suspicion of feigned ineaulty on his part and contend that Iho means of defense used by tho railroad In prying Into his domestic n flairs bo preyed upon him as to unbalance his mind. MILS. HAMMi:i8 STOHV OVTIIB OA8K. Mrs. Hammell was seen at the homo of her husbaud's parents at Palmyra, N. J., yesterday. Her ap pearance certainly Indicated extreme sufIerIng,"butHhe volunteered a dc ncrIttlon of her Injuries and those of her hutband, and their move ments slnco tho accident. "After the crash on tho railroad we were taken to a hotel lu Balem, Or., whero we remained for many weeks," she said. "Wuilo there wo employed attorneys and brought suit agalust tho Southern Paciflo Railroad com pany for $05,000. Wo then camo East to secure expert advice and treatment In my husband's case, for sluco the accident he seemed slightly demented, gradually growing worse, until about ten days ago he was taken to KIrkbrlde's, where the phy sicians consider his case almost hopeless. My own iujurlcH consist of what the doctors say Is u perma nent curvaturo of tho xpluo and I uin compiled to wearu metal jacket at all time. Blnco tho suit was brought agents and detectives of the railroad compauy have dogged our footsteps and this more than anything olhe has paused my bus- baud to becomu violent, his constant ravings king about detectives and railroad nun," a good motto, and n free silver club on that basts would enlist hundreds of good men of all portions lu our country. Silver clubs are forming all over the country. In several statrs the sMver coinage issuo has been strangled by common consent of both parties, and there Is not suf ficient confidence that tho People's party will amount to much, so that earnest friends of silver aro driven to tho wall and denied any expres sion of thclt views. Thero Is no way for them to have a voice In mat ters of finance unices there Is a b!1 ver party formed. Tho Democrats In Illinois aud tho Republicans In Coloiado have clerttd free silver delegations to their respective na tional conventions. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S Gov't Food Report. aking bwder ABSOLUTELY PURE The mainspring of our progress Is high wages wages at such a level that the worklngmcu can spare his wlfo to presido over a home, can command leisure, go to lectures, take a newspaper, and lift himself from tho deadening level of mere loll. That dollar left after all the bills are paid on Saturday night means education, Independence, self respect, manhood; It Increases the valuo of every acre near by, fills the town with dwellings, opens public libraries and crowds them, dots the continent with cities aud cobwebs It with railways. Tho oue remaining dollar lusuies progress and guaran tees millions to Its owner, better than a score of statues. It la worth more than a thousand colleges, and makes armies aud polico superfluous. Wendell Phillips. A Little (lirl's Kxpcricnco In a Light house. Mr. aud Mrs. Loreu Trescott are keepers of tho Gov. lighthouse at Sand Beach, Mich., and aro blessed with a daughter, four years old. Lust April sho has taken down with measles, followed with a dreadful cough and turning into a fever. Doctors at homo and at Detroit treated her, but In vain, sho grow worse rapidly, until sho was a more "handful of bouea." Then Bhe tfled Dr. King's Now Discovery and after the use of two aud a half Dottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's Now Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get n trial bottle freoat Fry's drugstore,! Commercial street. A Good Chance. "Tho wisest thing that Salem could do at the present, time would bo to got right and'grade tho penitentiary switch of the'gouthem Paciflo railroad to an eastern conuectiou with the Springfield branch. Then In all probability Stayton would connect with West Stayton and thus tho cars of this eastern branch would be pulling in aud out of Salem ovory day. This course would no doubt secure for Salem tho cross road she wants. It looks liko now Is the time to strike." Citizen. Catarrh Can't Be Cured with Looaij Applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, aud In order to cure It you havo to take internal remed'es. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In ternally, aud acta directly ou the blood and musous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of tho best physicians In this country for years, and Is a regular prescription. It is rn nmoHod of tho best tonics known. combined with tho best blood puri fiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two IngredloutH is what pro duces such wondorful results lu our Ihk catarrh. Send for tcatltnoulalt free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by brugglsts, price 70 cents. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria t Worklug tils Own Head. "Yes," Baid tlioold Georgia colonel, "I think that up to tho ago of four toon tho colored children loarn quito aawollaathewbilo; hotter, perhaps, out tlioro thoy seem to coinoto a a alt. "I recall a fyoy 1 owned boforo tho irar, who was as sharp as a steel trap and a great pot of myself and family. At tho timo 6f tho incident t am about to relate ho was about 5on yeara of ago, and so full of mis chief that it bubbled out of him. "Whenever ho broke out of bounds and got unbearable I sent him with a noto to tho overseer, with instruc tions to flog him, always indicating the weight and nuinbor of stripes. "Seeing tho unfavornblo conse quences of carrying that bit of paper to tho overseer, ho said to mo ono day: " 'Massa, ken dat papah talk!' " 'It can, I replied. It tolls when you aro idlo and won't work.' " 'But you don't nobbah work, ez I seoz,' ho said. " 'Oh,' I replied, 'I work with my head and that is tho hardest land of work.' "Tho noxt timolgavo tho boy a noto to tako to tho ovorseor, ho wont off strolling his forehead. "I soon learned that ho had de stroyed tho paper instead of deliver ing it So I called him up and asked him why ho had not obeyed me. " 'Wa'al, mnus3a,' said tho boy with o twinklo in his oyoa, Tzo douo been doin somo t'inldn fo' myso'f, an Tzo allowed as how I'd start in an work wid my licad tool' "Now York Ad vortisor. Pronunciation In Our Schools. I would liko to call attontion to a matter of which I may bo very igno rant. I refer to tho education of our children in tho public schools. Somo of my children attend Publio School No. 39, and I very often hoar them pronounco very familiar words in an outlandish way, tho queer thing about tho matter being that, in speak ing to pooplo whoso education was taught thorn at a later day than my own, thoy toll mo that thoy woro in structed to pronounco tno words as l will try aud illustrate, tho fminy point being that thoy now utter tho words as I was taught thirty-six years ago in tho publio schools. Horo aro somo of tho werds: For dog thoy must say doag, for now, nouw; for doll, dol noighs, nays; soft, soft; wrong, wrong; long, lang; wronch, rontzo; fast, faast; Newfoundland, Nouw Findlond; Now York, Nouw York, oto. Now, what's tho benefit or uso in teaching childron pronunciations which thoy do not apply in after life! F. Forstor in Now York Sun. TOE MEN CniNEE. How Ho Manufactures Opium ami Carries on a Trado. DUGAN BROS' Plumbing and llcatiug Co., Wholesale and retail duller In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS, OS Commercial street. Telephone, NO.J33. BI1.V1-II l'AIIIY. Tho Indications aro that a silver coinage party will be formed. It Is onlv tho natural and Just result of the reaction against tho Idea of mak ing gold the only legal tender money The single gold standard Is not cheer fully received Ly the mamej of American people, and rather (han sacrifice their convictions upon the mutU r they wjtl uultd to form u sil ver parly. Equal rights for gold and eilejuj J. P. Blalze, a real estate dealer In Dea Moines, Iowa, narrowly escaped ono of tho severest attacks of pneumonia whilo In the northern part of that state during tho recont blizzard, says tho Saturday Review. Mr. Ululzo had occasion to drive sovernl miles during tho storm and was so thoroughly chilled that ho was unable to got warm. Inside of an hour ho was threatened with a severo case of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Ulalzo sent to tho near est drug storo au got a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which ho had often heard, and took a number of largo doses. Ho says tho effect was wonderful and that lu a short time he was breathing quite easily. Ho kopt ou taking the medicine aud tho next day was abje to como to Des Moines. Mr. Blalze regards his cure as simply wonder ful. 60 cent bottles Bold by Geo. E. Good, druggist. Tiitlr gtntloactlou and Kood edict on thnyUui really make tliein a purled In tie pill. Thoy iiltatollitne, wlioune ilium Carter's fettle Liver Pill may well bo termed "Perfection." No one knows bolter thuu those who tmv uiuiri Vrtar's l.llllo Liver Plllu whut relief they lime given when taken for dy peinls, dftslneM, pain In the side, consti pation, and disordered sleuiucli. Do not despair otciirinK your sick head, sche when yon con so ctully obtain Uu ters Little Liver Pills. Tbeywlll tlfocl u prompt and permanent, cure, 'ineir action U mild and natural. Hucklen's Arnica Salve. The llest Halve la the world for Cuts, Hruises, Hores, Ulcers, Bait Ilheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chupid Hands, Chilblains, rns and all Bklu p.rui'tlons, siidiwi. lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is Kiiaranleed to siva perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Vrl'e, SScenu per box, . yor sale by Uan'l J . ffty, 233 Coiniit. Hackney Cabs In Tendon. Tho growth of hackney cabs in London has boon of late years enor mous. At tho boginning of Charles I's reign thoro woro only twenty on tho street ranks, and a proclamation was issued for tho suppression oven of thom. They continued, however, to bo moro and moro hired from tho jobmasters, and "tho king's majes ty" accordingly took into his consid eration "tho restraint of excessive carriages to tho destruction of tho highways," and also "to tho great disturbance of tho king, queon and nobility." No coach was thenceforth per mitted to bo hired hi London for any distanco short of threo miles out of town, "savo by persons who shall constantly keop four sufficient ablo horses for his majesty's sorvico whensoovor his majesty's occasion shall require thom." Tho judges al ways rodo on horseback to West minster in all weathers. Illustrated London Nowb. Did Au Untruthful Boy's Work. Pretty Teachor (sovoroly) - your mother write this oxcusot Bad Boy Yes'm. Pretty Teachor Humph I It looks very much liko ono of your scrawls. Bud Boy Mamma wrote it; but, ploaso um'm, sho had Bister Jonnioin ono arm, crying with a bumped head, and brothor Willio in tho other with a cut fingor, and a lot of sowing on hor lap, and sho was rocking tlio cradlo with hor knoca and sho had to write with hor toes. Prottv Teachor (in tho ovoning) I am very sorry, Mr. Poorcliapp, but I havo changed my mind. I shall never marry. Good Nows. Itubber Shoes aud Chest Protectors. Rubber shoes and arctica during wet and snowy weather will eorvo to keep tho feet dry and warm. Tho so called chest protectoru and aU ar ticles intended to cover only certain parte of tho body with thick flannel aro not desirable, as thoy roudor such nn area vory sensitive to cold. Babyhood. five Young Kulers. Tho flvo youngest sovereigns in Europo aro William n of Germany, thirty-two yeara; Carlos I of Por tugal, twenty-eight years; Alexander I of Sorvia, fifteen years; Wilhol mina of Holland, olovou years, and Alphonso XIH of Spain, flvo years. l ' T "jT """TT - -'' "" WHERE IT COMES FROM. Opium Manufactured by tho Chinese From Raw Material. Pittsburg, April 28. For somo time it has bcoii noticed that tho Chinese in this city wero turning out great quantities of opium. Not only did they seem to havo all they wanted to smoko and uso for manu facturing Into tho various forms In which it Is used, but they seemed to havo quantities of tho drug for sale. ' In fact, thero seemed to be so much opium going through tho city In various ways that the United States authorities grew rather suspicious, and at last becamo convinced that tho drug was being smuggled into tho city in somo manner. Last night the United States levenue officers determined thoy would go through tho Chinese quarters in tho city, hoping chance would throw In their way somo oyidenco by which they would discover tho methods of the , smugglers. A number of officers were dressed in citlzeus clothes and spent some hours going through tho various quarters. Thoy went through a good many dens before thoy struck anything suspicious, but finally ono of .tho officers, while poking around iu one of tho houses, called the attention of tho rest to a quantity of tho crude material of which opium is made. A further search rovealed largo quantities of this raw material. In a moment it flashed on tho officers whero all the opium was coming from. The " Chinese had learned to make it from tho raw material, thus escaping pay ment of the high tariff on manu factured opium. Tho officers are making investigations along this lino in all tho largo Eastren cities, os It Is bolloved that this manu facture of opium is conducted on a wholesale scale lu several of them. Thero Isevory indication that the Chinese havo been carrying on a largo and lucrative business ever sluco the new tariff went into eilect. VESSELS FOR EUROPE. Ono Sailing tho American Flag Twelve Flying Foreign o Colors. Ban Fuanoisco, April 28. There wero twelvo vessels In port under engagement for wheat, etc., to Europe, and four of them had char ters for a now crop loading. All but four wero iron ships, and the entire list included only one American ves sel. Each has Continental option. Vessels aro now seldom being char tered for a direct port, though occa sionally a charter calls for such op tion. Rates of vessels already char tered for a now crop loading range from 28s Od to 82s, i)d, one hayiug accepted tho first named, two the latter and ono 80s. Total amount of tonuage under the engagement wsa 21,600 tons, against 48,100 tons on corresponding dato last year, There wero In port yesterday fifty-eight disengaged vessels, having an aggre gate tonnage of 102.700 tons, m against ouly 6G00 tons a year ago. Yesterday's list comprised forty-four British vessels, thirteen American and oue Nlcaraguan. Disengaged vessels pro located at various points. Of tho disengaged vessels the Brit ish iron ship Andrada has been the longest In port, having arrived Sep tember 22, 1801. Forty-three of the dlsougaged vessels aro iron. The In ward coal fleet contributed thirty, seven of the fifty-eight vessels now disengaged. At neighboring porta thero were fourteen chartered or die engaged vessels representing 17,900 tons of tonuage, agalust 10,000 ton on the same dato last year. Under' tho head of miscellaneous charters thero wero eight vessels, two of which load lumber for England, one takes lumber to Sydney, two go to Now York with general cargoes, and threo others load merchandise, ono each for Honolulu, Central America and Melbourne, ToU amount of tonnage of all claws on the way to this port yesterday w 210,800 tons, against 273,800 tout oa tho corresponlng date lest year. Whrnit freights are nominally quoted at 22s Od fur iron, for United King dom, Havre or Antwerp. A LATH AOCOVMT. The Corner tee U OranVn Mo- USMAt LsYst, jbwYork, April Si. The Ant stono of the great wiuo5um wbkfe is to perpetuate the mettWkry of Get. Grunt w M4 Ik jHyiwiiU pur Q I ,W AsrVdvrw-