CAPITAL JOURNAL. 4- VOIi. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." flAJLEM, OREGON, CTITJKSDAY, APRIL 21 1892. "TO-DAY'S 2TETVS TO-DAY." NO. 95. EVENING & PMTT ON'S saaggsgaEWjjiMJBtaagca V! 'trssaasizss2jeBraB Special Sale No. 9. DIARIES 1892, f Pmon State Street Book Store, I0.J8. THE RACKET STORE GB.&ND S3HOB S ALB 1 x Men's Rubber Boots 52 00 worth $2 75 ' Plow Shoes 00 " J 2o Better " " 1 15 " 1 50 OU Grain Plow Shoes 145 ' 175 Men's Congress " 1 45 and. up Bov'a School Shoes- $1 10, 1 30 und 1 45 "" Dress Shoes 1 40 " 1 80 Children's FlDe Shoes S5-,5' , ' Heuvy " - 80, $1 00, 110 ii it Ladies' Glove Calf Shoes 51 15 worth $1 40 " Oil Grain " 1 45 " 1 76 Calf Shoes 145 " 175 Dongola Shoes 1 45 '' 1 75 Tippen onoes i eo v" - ia " Flexible Dongola " 2 15, 12 40. 2 75 " Fiuo Dongola Kid " 2 00, 8 00, S 25 " Oxford Ties 1 25, 1 45, 1 05 Chlldion's Rubbers only 25 The above list offers some of the greatest bargains ever known west of the Rocky mountains. To bo convinced call and examine. No trouble to show goods. 261 Commercial Street. m9mmx,bQjMTitiiBinmKii "i E F. OSBURN. MfjimUrrTiT w ... - .- . rwiaii.i ihkw - i - . PLEASANT- Home Addition You can buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has' the advantage of street cars and city water. Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the Postoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on GETTHEUM.LAWNMOWER In Three Sizes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS MHiiMMMAMaMMH Mwaawi mmwmm GRAY BROTHERS, N. V. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STri., SALEM, OREGON. Wm. One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. CO fev Line Walking Sticks, BIRD CAGES, CANVAS GO cc en and s, Cases and Belts. CD (J) (D (J) rr 1 (D CD You can get the latest M XT S.I C, Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins. LOWEST PRICES AT 3IO Commerolal Street Send for Catalogue FREE EASTON'S, fL V A Wfcam f fill I -wi W wt leMhimlM iiOiiMiilirllMiiiiiMi irfTf iiiftiiJiil JLlil for Infants and Children. "Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to anj prescription known to mo." IT. A. Ancnin, 11. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brookljn, N. Y. "The use o( 'Castorla' Is bo universal and lta merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Fow ore the intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." Carlos MinTYN, D. D , New York City. Lato Pastor Bloomlngdolo Bet armed Church. Castorla euros Collo, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kill3 Worms, elves sleep, and promotes d pestlon. 'Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommendeo your ' Castorla, ' and shall always continue to So bo as it hsa invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. PinDBB. JI. D., "The Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New Tork City Tn CcNTxnn Company, 77 JIuniuv Btoeet, New York. B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. 6- PERKINS, General Superintendent; SALEM IRON WORKS, SALEM, -------- OREGON. Manufiirturrs STEAM ENGINE. MID Outfits, Water Wheel Governors, Fruit Drying Outflls, TracUou Engines, Citstli'g. etc. Farm machinery made nnd rennlred. General aefnts nnd mauufneturers of the celebrated Wahlstrom Patent Middlings Purifier and Keels. Farm machinery made and repaired. H. GLASSFORD. CARPENTER, BUILDER AND CABINET MAKER, BANKS, STORES AND OFFICES FITTED UP IN Georgia Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc. MANTELS, BUTCHERS' AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, WIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO. Rear of 260 Commercial fitreot, Salem, Oregou. NAILS I LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Uni u t Pete Plumbers and Tinners, j 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing ana plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tiunlng aud Plumbing Furnished. SNOW T)HE year round At 100 Chumeketa Street, HOUSE - and - SlON - PAINTING, Paper Hanging, Kalsominiug, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing nnd Natural Wood Finlah. Only Flrb-clas Work. E. E. SNOW. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for ordure. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal uud lumber. Or Hon State St.. oiinooite Ha- lera Iron works. Drays and tracts naty bo fouud throughoul the dav at the corner of Btato and Comraer.Maf streets. Salem Truck & Dray Go. Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, The best, class of work in otir lino at prices to compete vith the lowest. Only the best material-used J. M, Needham, HOUSE PAlJMTrNG, KALBO MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leave orders J. Irwin's, rear of inllliA .Stelner drug store. EX K.HALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator, Ontce at Clws, Cal 'ert's Mlllionery store, riulum, Oregon. fMJ'ItOVED OUDER OF RED MKN. i Kniniafcun TribeNo. 8, Hulera. Holds council every Thursday evening, U17SS0. W lgHHin iu htate insurance hall, E. V. HAKKlt. tooplief. KUANK O. vVATfclta.LtilefofJUcordii. KEW DAILY MAIL STACK Jrtwecn Aurora, Ituttcvillc, C'liiinipoeg, St, rani and Fahlleld. leaves Aurora dally at 1033 a. rn. Ar. rtvrs ut folrrleld 1 p. in. Returning lev rairneiu ui p. m. Arrives at uaiuiKg I Op, in 1umaL'nHinpofcSa.m. Arrive s( Aurora. vl liultevllle, ut a. in. Cou coct with uiorulngM. P.Oo. trains golnx north and toutii. Fiuiiengerr, baggage und I freight curried at regular nit. fesrvlM beglas Monday. March 17. 18S2. first. N First National Ban I Wt CAPITAL JOWiAL. H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. 1 UEUBUKODAILY.EXCEFTSU.NDA'V BT TUB Caoltal Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated,) Offl co, Commercial Btreot, In F. O. Bulldlnv Entered at the postofflce at 8alem,Or.,at second-class mntur. boomers are really borae-eeokera wbo expect to bottle in and develope the new territory. It Is to be hoped that they will bavo better luck than the ninjorlty of those who rushed Into Oklahotun. "HARD FOR A DECENT WOMAN TO UVE." The Journal believes the law requlriug anyone wishing to canvass in Salem to soil any article to take out a threo months license is a bad law an unjust law aud should be repealed. The Portland papers nnd the press have copied liberally front The Journal in support of ita position. Copying Miss Young's card the Poland Dispatch calls the atten tion of the publiototholast eeuteuce where the lady Bays: "It Is so hard for a decent woman to live," and adds this cemment: "This Is the keynote of tho whole n flair. A prostlttito can do any thing on this coast. She can peddle with impunity and she is not molested, but just lei a decent woman start out and she gets a cold shoulder on every side. But if she is immoral she is all right. "It is a fact worthy of note that thero are more profligate' women in this, iu ratio to the population, than in any other partof tho United States. The cause is plain and clear to all. The are given the preference here In tho duties of all womanly employment, and tho only avenue open to the while girl or deeem woman by whloh she can L-arn u living In immoral purposes. U Is n shame but It Is truo. "Any man coming here can ped dle. No mutter who he may bo. The fluid is open to all nationalities not excepting Che Dago nnd the Ohluaman, but when a woman en iUPgcs In the calling to support her self honestly and perhaps those de fending upon her she is at once a public target for publlo aud private iu&ult und outrage, "The good citizens of Salem, tho eapitil of the great state of Oregon, should feel ashamed of themselves for&o rudely, ruthlessly and wan tonly discouraging a poor woman trying to earn an honest living by calling In the strong arm of the law und tlnowJng her in jail." Boston Jeurnal: Only n year ago thn Oregou republican stato conven tion indorsed tho free silver fallacy. Now it elects four delegates-at-large to tho republican national conven lion who are unqualifiedly opposed to free coinage. This suggests how rapidly even lu these far western states republican sentiment is crya. tnllizlng iu fuvor of honest money. Oregenian: Oregon's delegation to the democratic- national conven tion, headed by Mr, Bush, the able banker of Salem, will support Mr. Cleveland for tho presidency. By this act it will take a Btand ngainst free coinage of silver. Mr. Bush knows what sound mouoy Is, and the mouses of democracy in Oregou who have been agonizing for silver will llad all their wishes frustrated and their efforts paralyzed. SALEM, OREGON. GENERAL BANKING XAl'OLKOK DA Via President. Ph. W. U. HYRD Vice 1'reeldent. JOHN MOIU Cashier WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, 1200,000 Tracsai t u general banking business In all lta brancucs. UEO. VTJLUAilH I'rcslden Wm.ENOUA.NU View President HUUIl ilcNARV Cuablcr DIRECTORS: (Jeo. WlllUmn.Wni. T.nt Iflnd, Dr.J.A. Itlc iutrdron, J, W. llodson, i, A. Hakw. Ifaok In new Licluinge block ou Com mprt lal strcrt. R.U-U Those Afflicted Witb tbe bablt ol using to excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM OH TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT TUB KBELBY INSTITUTE , Forest Orove, Or Call write. MtrtcUr eoufldeullal, The Democrats never weary of talking about the "court house ring" und the enormous county debt. Down in Jackson county tho Demo crats havo piled up a debt of more than $180,000, compared with which Clackamas county's debt is but a mite, bo that the amount paid in Intesest is more than is annually ex pended on tho county roads. That is a specimen of Democratic econo my. Iu Clackamas county but for the necessity for replacing a large number of bridges destroyed by the (lood of 1880, tho present Republican couuty administration would have paid a material part of the debt in clined by Democrats. Oregon City Enterprise. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report R$&1 Baking; Powder m ABSOLUTELY PURE NEAR AND FAR. At tho Little End of Nmhoro lived a single little mant Ro had nobody for company but a Utilo black and tan; There was not much to do there, aa perhaps yon w 111 suppose Tor aa ho had no neighbors, ho had neither f Honda nor foes. And so ho frit to irondorlnB, and wondered night and day: "1 wonder why the people lire so very far away! Tbey most find It Inconvenient, I should think extremly sol For when they como here, they will havo so very far to gol" Til RO .U Inst he took a hlch resolve; ho eahli and sco Why those misguided people live bo far away from ruul Perhaps it is their Ignorance and I can sot them straight Doforo they rtow so very old that it will bo too Uvtel" do he walked and walked and walked and walked until ho fonnd a city. And to the people ho expressed his wonder ment and pity. do was completely thunderstruck when Bomo ono chanced to say, " TIs yon, my worthy llttlo friend, who live co far awayl" Ho wont home pondering deeply; ho seld: "It cannot bet That porson la insane 'tis thoy that livo so far from met Out I'll bo patient with them, and perhaps they'll learn, some day, That such a distance from my homo most noeds bo for awayl" Margarot Vandegrlft in St. Nicholas. BUGGKSTUD COMMENT, Why should not all of tho city of Slem be brought into the city limits? This district will elect someone to congress besides a mere kicker like Veatch, Borne very good Democrats wero shanghaied at the late Marion coun ty couventiou. The Oregon Democracy sends a solid Cleveland gold-bug delegation to the national convention, The big four may come out ahead yet lu the city council. They will if thoy ever come beforo tho people. Tho Democratic candidate for county Judge don't seem to have many friends among the DemocratB It looks as tho' The Jouhnal's prediction of a thousand Republican majority in Marlon county would be realized. There is not any good reason why Balem should not have retrench ment and reform. Personal Interests must stand aside. The Louisiana lottery was defeated ut tho election by 30,000 majority, nnd tho colored population helped to kill the monster. The Journal bolleves thero is no inconsistency between rigid economy in city ufTalrs and a pro gressive policy of perraunent street Improvements. With the street commlbsioner and city engineer BUBnonded aud the council agreeing to cut tho city at torney down to t300 a year thero Is a little for the kickera to glory over, At tho luto Democratic county convention of Marlon county, a dele crate wob Been wearing a tuft of wool, labeled "free." The conven tion appropriately nominated htm him for coroner. Tho Dalles Chronicle. Ono troublo with Balem Is that one-fourth its area is taxed to muin tain a city where the other three fourths getH the benefit from and pays nothing towards It. Tho city 1-oneflte should Include tbe whole city. Catarrh Can't Do Cared with Local Applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you havo to tako internal remedies. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, nnd acts directly on the blood uud musous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of tbe best physicians In this country for years, ana is a regular prescription. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with the best blood puri fiers, acting directly ou the mucous surfaces. The porfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in cur ing catarrh. Send for testlmonlalt fioe. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by brugglsta, prico 75 cents. New potatoes as eggs nave already largo as hens' been dug and euten near Tho Dalles. Tbe Pullman Tribune estimates that tho fruit farmeis along the Buake river in the vicinity of Waw- awal will produce 200,000 boxes of over and above what is used at home. The assessor of Grant county Bays that ho Is assessing property at the same rato as last year, except cattle. The rate for cattle Is $12, sheep $1.75, and horses from $15 up. James Small, on tho John Day river, lost 1000 head of sheep during tho dlsogreeablo weather last week. Mr. Btewart'B loss was also heavy, but tho exact number was not learned. Although parties have searched nearly every doy for tho body of Isaac Stone, supposed to have been drowned neur Corvallls about threo weeks ago, no traces havo yet been discovered. Electric Dlttors. This remedy is becoming so well known aud so popular us to need no special moutlon. All who havo used Electric Hitters sing tho samo song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all thut Is claimed. Electrlo Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and KIdneyB, will remove pimples, bolis,salt rheum and other affections caused by Impure blood, Will drive malaria trom tho system and prevent us well as cure all mulurlal fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and Indigestion try Electrlo Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 60c. aud $1 per bottle at Dau'l J. Fry 'a drugstore, 225 Commercial street. Styles In "Wooden Legs. Tho dcrrand for willow wood for artificinl logs has grown immensely in recent years. Tho f nnny men ou tho stago talk glibly of cork logs, but light willow limbs aro moro popular. English mpkors clnim that tho best willow in tho world is to ho found along tho hanks of tho small streams in (heir southern counties, and thero seems sorao ground for their conten tion, although an immenso quantity of good willow wood is cut ovory year in this country.' Statisticians say that ovor 1,000,000 English speak ing men 'oar or walk onwoodon legs, and tliia accounts for tho onor mous trade in limbs of this Mnd. Tho old fashioned stump with an iron tip on it is seldom soon now. It was a groat success in its day, and with reasonable caro and luck lasted cIobo on to a lifotdmo; hut it was too awkward and conspicuous, not to eay noisy, to bo popular. Tho modern wooden log is moro costly, but it is much more comf ortablo, and many a man who is compolled to walk by tho aid of ono can givo pointers m graco and doportmont to others moro bloased by iortuno. Bt. Louis Uiobo-Domocrat. POLITICAL NEWS And a Variety of Other News of Some Importance. Dr. Alice H.BtocU ham, whoso visit to Count Tolstoi was characterized by him us tho cause of a ''turning point iu thought," leaven Japan next month for Ban Francisco in the completion of her tour around the world, The absence of all drunkenness umoiifr tbe crowds thut ilockc to tbe BUuetou reservation U a noteworthy feature, an It proves that lheo J, P. Blatze, a real estate deulcr iu Dcs Moines, Iowa, narrowly escaped ono of the severest attacks of pneumonia while In tho northern purt of that stato during tho recent blizzard, says the Buturday Review. Mr. Blalzo had occasion to drive several miles duripg the storm and was bo thoroughly chilled that ho was unable to get warm. Inside of an hour ho was threatened with a severe cose of pueumonlu or lung fever. Mr. Blulze sent to tho near eetdrug store au got a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Ilemedy, of which be had often heard, aud took a number of largo doses. He says the effect was wonderful and that iu a short time ho was breathing quite easily. He kept on taking tho medlcluo and the next day was ablo to como to Dea Moines. Mr. Illalze regards his cure us simply wonder ful. 50 cent bottles sold by Geo, E. Good, druggist. IIuclcll'u'M Arulcu Bttlym, Tbe liest Halve in tba vrnrJQu Out), liruises, Horrii, Uleen, Bait KrMP Stiver bote, TetUr, Cuauped lUndJPmlbUlns, Corns and all Bkla KrupiwJ; aud pout, lively corei 1'lles, or no payretiuliea. it U gUMruuletxl to Kite pmfcet auturaction or tttojer refunded, I'rlcu, 23 oenU per box. vox sal by Dau'l J . fry. Com KU An Insolvent Vonngitcr. Ono boy has an allowance of twon-ty-fivo cents a week ostensibly for spending money, hut really to enahlo his parents to imposo peciniinry ponaltios on him. Ho is required to replace from his own purso tho hats and shoes and neckties lost, tho fur niture destroyed, otc. j ho is also fined fivo cents for ovory morning ho comes to breakfast moro than so many minutes lato. But how much effect has all this! Ho is as indifferent to monoy as if ho wore a bird of tho air. Tho only result of tho Bystom is to koop his mother busy with an ac count book in which tho balanco of. doht against liim increases with every mon tli ; for ho had hardly bo- gun to havo a regular allowanco ho f oro his heedless and destructive pro pensities drained his pocket of overy cont, and then tho charges rolled up so fast that tho Incomo could not pro tend to kcop pace with thom. Baby hood. Tho Jeweler's Story. A jowolor who wants to koop his trade should nlways toll his customer just how much alloy thoro is in any article of gold. Thoro aro somo grades of gold bo low that pooplo who aro in tho habit of perspiring fxeoly cannot wear bucIi without ita becoming blackened. This is not tho worst of it. K tho porspirntion is froo it sometimes happens that tho acids given off aro enough to poison on account of tho alloy in tho article. In somo cases rollod gold or highly plated articles aro safor than a lw grado of gold. A Jowolor in Chica go Tribune Thunders tonus. As a result of experiment and ro Bcarch, Mr. William Marriott, of tho English Motorological eocioty, claims that thundorstorns aro not of an erratic naturo, as generally supposed. Ho describes thorn as consisting of 'atmospheric whirls" following laws similar to tlioso of other cyclonic dis turbances, London Public Opinion. looking Ahead, A littlo girl, aged threo, asked her father for moro candy, hut was told to wait until tomorrow. Looking out of tho window for a fowtnomonts eho suddenly colled out, "Papa, it looks liko tomorrow now." Ithaca Journal. Thoro aro in Minnesota and tho Dakotas bono heaps corresponding' eomowliat in structuro to tho ehoU heaps of tho east. Tho mass was evidently accumulated around the topocs or earth lodges. Some Particulars of tho TriJ, Whon ho Wa3 Acquitted. Tancouveb, B. C, April 21. Tho mall by tho steamer Empress Of Japan brings details of the defense submitted in tho trial of Lieut, HetherlnRton, U. B. N., for killing Qowcr Roberson, beforo the United States consular court In Yokohom. The case had not been concluded at tho date of tho steamer's Bailing on March 31st. Mr. Tison, for the ac cused, made a presentation of tbe facts and .produced numerous wit nesses. He said ho would produce testimony to show the relations be tween Grower Robinson and Mrs. Hetherlngton, the former's dis honorable conduct, and the Justifi cation whloh Lieut. Hetherlngton had in taking stringent measures to protect tho honor of his family, and also that the feelings of the accused wero bo wrought upon by the eon duot of the deceased that the act was unpremeditated. Captain Bftrt lott detailed his endeavors to get Robinson to leavo Yokohoma, after Hetherlngton had threatened to kill hltn. In an interview with Bartlett, Robinson said: "I believe Lieutenant Hetherlngton is justified In his conduct. I deservo ehootlng, I deserve anything1 I have been expecting Lieut. Hentberington to shoot me." Massachusetts Republicans. Boston, April 21. Tho Republi can slate convention to choose four delegates and alternatee-at-large to the national convention met at Tre mont temple. E. B. Draper is tem porary chairman. In an addrese on taking the chair be Bpoke at some length, saying tho New England manufactures wero satisfied with the MoKluley tariff on wool, and in opposition to free silver. Committees wero appointed. That on perma nent organization reported the name of Hon. W. O, Loveriug for permanent chairman, aud he was chosen. The platform is opposed to free sil ver, and says, in vlow of the decline in its prico of bullion, purchases by tbe treasury and issues of certificates thereon should bo suspended for a time; It declares any changes in the tariff necessary from time to time should bo made by the friends of protecliou, not tbe enemies; Indorsee reciprocity; favors extension of civil service reform, tho enactment of a national bankruptcy law; lawe for rebuilding the merchant marine and strengthening tho navy; for the ex clusion of pauper and criminal lm migrants; declares the nation should care for needy veterans; and indorses Harrison's administration for vigor, Justice, eincienoy, freedom from Bcandal and brilliant diplomacy, Illnlno coming In for special men tion. Pennsylvania Republican. HAHiusnuiia, April 21. Thq re publican convention to nominate a supreme Judge, two congressmen-at-largo, four electors-at-large and eight delegatcs-at-Iargo to the national convention, met hero today in the opera houso. Goneral James Latta, of Philadelphia, was chosen tempor ary chairman. On taking the chair General Latta briefly addressed the convention. Tho platform congratulates Rhode Island on It late victory; declare unbounded confidence in President Harrison as a "leader without fear, and without reproach." It savs in the disputes with Italy and Chili and Iu the reciprocity negotiations he acted with a Judicial temper and American spirit, and couple the name of James G, BUine with these achievements; Indorses the MoKluley law and halls with mUs faction tho signs In the reoent elec tion that tho country has come to realize Its wisdom; attacks the Dem ocrats In congress for attacking pro tection piecemeal, favors a ship canal joining lakes Erie and On tario; opposes the free coinage uf Oliver, but favors the puroh of : American silver at the, market value ' and the issue of treasury notes lu payment; declares wore stringent immigration kws are necessary, Tho convention tbeaehose del- galM-at-large and atteraatea. OearsAUea eC Oeiand gejfr Cincinnati, April 21, Th mlttee recently ajkpotnted at a i meeting us (swam, la mil i tlonl eouvetvttett of eceomd of the UuUe4 WMm M CioauH mniUrsrrxTimrmamfmmatmmmmm'miimmt