-s-ypnipjpw. V'7T u vmrvp ii. f fir. H m tt f if ;r W jjr I. w August Flower I?or two years I suffered terribly ynth. stomach trouble, and was for all that time under treatment by a physician. He finally, after trying everything, said stomach was about worn out, and that I would have to cease eating solid food for a time at least I was so weak that I could 6twork. Finally on the recom mendation of a friend who had used your preparations A worn-out witu beneficial re sults, I procured a -" Stomach. bottle of August mower, anu com menced usintr it It seemed to do , se good at once. I gained in w strength ana iiesn rapiaiy ; my ap 1., petite became good, and I suffered no bad effects from what I ate. I feel now like a new man, and con sider that August Flower has en tirely cured me of Dyspepsia in its worst form. James Dbdbrick, Saugerties, New York. W. B. Utsey, St. George's, S. C, writes: I have used your August Flower for Dyspepsia and find it an excellent remedy. f li- ft? SI & . TJestooauve r !AOACH Of nil fonn'.Weiirnlcln, Bpnm. TU,Klt-vp-lf3.le, DilMncn, JJlzzfnes, Ulticn, Oplnx Tin bit, nrunUrmie.r(o..aro cored by HIS. tltJAXV XtCSTOIlATIVC XUaVIA'Et flteaJrefcxI by the eminent Indlnnn Specialist la nervous duoases. it does not contain opiate or dawrermis dnxn. "Havo lfn inking UBi BUMSV 2SKHTOR ATI VI! TiTJtVlSr. tor r.pHaituf. From September to January hcrona EJnirUioJVerIno 1 had nt lean 75 convulsions. tuo iiaro no moro p about jour raontbe. If lias brwiabt roo relief nnd euro. I have takru It t'it CMluinjr. mid nftor uiltis tt for one week hua Hid no attack. Jlurd C. llraslue, HcntbvlUp. Pit. 1 juo book of frreat cures nod trial bottles Flf-ll! ft-Druu ltts IlTerrrrlieis, or address cn.Mlt.S9 MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, J:id. Solil by 1), .f. l,'ry,!(lruKKiHt,floii'. tnd notarsf tor tbrea rountns' nm(s. jouh jj. totLiB, jwmoo, mii ii," llinTDboenutlriB DU. MIXES' KESTOJB- AT1YX3 WEJ-VINKfor aboutour month, a 1 Act oil b now prlncip'3 roffaliUo ths livor, strm xh Mid bowls th touch ht ntrtf. Va. Mn.rsr 1: ..ji tptclltv ture iilllousB eg, torpid liver and renst'ps tUm. fim!lt, ulld .it, areou uu uncos, yrjt-va. ijcn in iinuui is. Brmtiine If - ij Eel Co., KlbirJ, 4. Bold by D. J. Fry, drugglm, Kuliu. . THE POWER OF MAN 'The Chinese prlze.ih Ginseng root, rn-tt:li more highly than Opium. They rail it Ulutong meaning tho rower of Man, Wbon sesree tbo finest quality hit been sold for 1 100 per ounce. How, why do the pay such n price llccaasotKpybt-llsveftklves them Hie lunch desired nerve force. How nunr people sutler from weak ness What a distressing allinoulf You lack vim, nerva foroe. energy, rower, You feol all gous. You are always rrnyinff or strenrin,yeigoe ting weaker and weaker. Listen to the Tolce of reason. Place your rasa before Intelligent speclnllits copabls of belplnr, yes, carina; yon. ly tlio mere vrrltlne of a letter you ran hava your cum diagnosed free, absolutely lro of all charges. Wrlto to-day. COSMOPOLITAN DISPENSARY, Eteotton, Market and Ellifl Street, ' AN FRANCISCO, - - CALIF. jgiiickets J ilmP ON bald JDISNVMR, Omaha,Kah$asCity,Chicago, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, And all Points! East, North and South, ATV 870Coml atroot, HjUem, Orcijou, 1JOI8K Uhls for Healing Capitol. The botrd of capital ImlhlliufcoinmU glBiiors luvltonenlca inpouU lor licatitiK the ouplU)! bulldinir ut Hnloni, Or., either by sloam or lint wiilor. llUldora nro to turnlah their own pinna utul ipeoltlwttlonii. Kvery bid slmll b nooompimlod with no undertaking with one or miiro surletle la a sum ttiunlto double the amount of the bid to be unproved by tho board, to the efjodt that Ifhli bid shall be uooentod, tbo bidder will porlornl the work Mpeclflcd therein In iiocordnuoo wkli tho plans and apeolUcatlonx theruror. The right to rr. Jnctnny orull bids la rosvrved. illda will be opened Ht 'J o'olook p, in. Monday, April U,1M1. at the oxetmtlveoMro.Htilnm, Ureoa. MVliVKSTKIl I'KNNOYUii, UKO. W. MolllllDK, i'HIIi. MfcTWyilAN, Hoard ofOnininlsslnnerfi, WM.A.MUNrjY.Clerkoflloard. S-IOlmo Those Afflicted Wltb the habit ol using to excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can. obtain COMPLETE, PERMANENTCURE AT TUB KBELBY INSTITUTE? Forest Orove, Or., CaU write. Hlrlotlr eouIAentlal. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, QIU2GQN. lbfm, 2.50 to $5.00 f?v Dy. TiM bert ttoUl between fortlmid Md ej rwmeteso. 'lrt--.Us la all ju apmilni. . lu tdblen r frved VilM U' ChnltniHt 1't'ultti Uiwwtt lu tbP SVll(U(Ue Vnljty. A. 1. WAGNER, Prop. CAMP CREEDE'S FIRST BABY, Crvt-Xo Ametliy.t McDonald Is IlrrNanie, mid HUf (Jot Oreat Welcome. On Inl. 10 n baby was born lu Camp Crvfda. It was the flrt, and na Mich will orenpy a uni'ine nlcho In history, 'flio uowH of tho ownrnrire thrilloI tho camp, and ita uffect was electrical. J. 8. McDoiialil. n canny Scot, was the fa ther, and for four' days tho thatched cabin of the hardy miner was besieged with great rongh men frenzied to get n poop at the "barby." When finally its mother consented to tho sweet faced lit tle tot being brought ont, the scene nioiind tbo houe was remarkable. The big. bnvwiiy fellows seized it na If to devour tho wee bundle of flabby llesh, and chucked its dimpled chin and cheeks with tho affection of women. Its father was king of Jimtown for u week, and contrary to the nsnal rulo his money was too good to buy cigars. Any man who wonld bring the magic, softening influence of a baby into the rough lifo of camp was deserving of the best. And Mt-Iiuuald fc'ot it John Kinneavy start ed a subscription for the mother, father and baby. To l.ie father -was given two suits of- clothes, a mining outfit and a jug of Old Crow. Tho mother was pre sented with the most palatial ra idence in the heart of tho Four Unndi od on Capitol bill, a blue silk dress and a monster bonnet, with a huge oatricb plume on it that trailed a foot boyond the rim of tho headgear. But wliat was to bo tho baby's name? Tliat was a question of such heavy weight that three days of solemn delib eration wero devoted to its discussion. Tiio father exhausted tho entire gamut of tho McDonald patronymics, bnt none of them suited tho camp. As the prod igy was a girl tho mother considi-red it her exclusivo privilege to choaa tbo name. Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth and nil tho grand old names were suggested to no avail, and then Mrs. McDon.tld in desperation ran over all tho fanciful namos tho novelists nro so fond of. such n Maud, Lillio, Clarisse, Pearl, etc. Out to uono of these would tho miners ngreo. A council was held, and after a lengthy debato in which every man of tho fioventy-flve present had a voice, E. C. Coffman. it society leador of Denvor, who now lookB tougher than the inpst begrimed miner, shouted from tho top of n ljeor keg: "How is Crccdo Amethyst McDonald?" "Ooodt" "Fiuo!" "Couldn't bo bet ter!" wero somo of tho enthusiastic re sponses. Tho appropriateness of tho nuir.o was at ono apparent to all of thorn. It combinod all tho eloineuts of iwpnlarity in tho camp. The first part of it suggested tho hardihood of the founder of tho camp, and tho second part was a reminder of tho richest vein in the district. Withal, tho namo was euphonious and exactly tho sox of tho baby. Then Creedo was sent for. Ho was told of tho object of tho mooting and its result, with a broad hint of what was oxpected of him. "Well," said tho prospector, with his homoly faco suffused with blushes, "I'll do as much as nny of yon, boys, and maybo a littlo more. Ill givo tho baby tho Daisy mine, which is right closo to tho Amethyst, and might turn out to be on tho samo vein. Besides, I'll send to Puoblo for $100 worth of togs for tho littlo one and givo it a gold ring and ear rings." This speech was greeted with throe cheers and a tiger, and then the meoting turned its attontion to another very im portant point. Tho baby would havo to bo christened, and who could do that job bettor or was moro entitled to the honor than tho Rov. John Gaston, of Ouray, who had preached tho first ser mon in camp in Watrous, Banningor & Co.'b gambling rooms. This happy thought flow from a nook in tho sooth ing think box of Cy Warmon, poot of tho ltockies and managing editor and litorary diroctor of tho Crcodo Ame thyst, ono of tho three dnily papers of tho camp. Cad Davis, editor of tho Leadvillo Horald-Domocrat and ono of tho recognized loaders of public thought in Crocdo mid Jimtown, was consulted and gave It his sanction. Tho prepara tions fpr tho christening wero intrusted to Johnson, of tho Creede Candloj To bor and Warmon, of Tho Amothyst; Lewis, of Tho Nows, nnd Lawyor Brain ard, just from Harvard. Tho date of tho christening hasn't yot boon fixed, but when it does occur it promises to bo an ovont of oven moro in terest to tho camp than tho discovery, of another vein richer than tho Last Chanco. Warmon will write a poem, Davis is to deliver an address nud Hugh Mahon,,of tho Colorado Graphic, is to read an es say on tho Malthuslan theory. Croodo Cor. St. Louis Globo-Domoorat, ii11 A Tip to Inventors. Thoro is n good opening for an invont ivo Amoricnn mechanician to construct a signal gong or tolograph for communi cating between tho ongino room nnd dock, also for transmitting steering and lookout signals, alarm gongs, etc. It appears to na that an English firm main tains a closo monopoly on thoso special ties just now, and tho field is somewhat noticeable on account of no American Instruments or system being on Uio markot This is not as it should bo, nor do Y0 believe but that moro porfeot, durable and efficient mechanism might bo devised by an American who would turn liis attention to this apodal feature of a steamer's outfit, and it is a foregone conclusion that a lurgo patronago awaits tho inventor thoroof. Mnrino Record, Probably Ilelouged to Home MUer. Tho oldtimo copper cent has nearly disappeared from circulation, and it Jh somewhat remarkable that Mr. O. E. Qrooly should recently havo recolrod about five dollars' worth In tho settle ment of an account Throo yearn oxcoptod, overy Issue from 1817 to 1850, Inclusive, was rcpre Bontod.Exoter (N. H.) News Letter. CORN HUSKING FOR LOVE, A KoTel Hatch In Wlilrh at Pretty Ctrl tVus the I'rUo. A dificusrdon of corn husking, an dent cuKtoms in guneral and the vaunted superiority of tho old boyH over tho rising (feneration led to a most interesting match last week. Tho Bcono was laid ten miles north of CrawfordsviUo, Intl., on tho farm of Dr. Wilkes, where it had been an nounewl there would occur a grand husking match, not exactly an old fashioned ono. for tho corn was still on tbo stalk. Tho young men of that section wero out in force to participate or back a favorito. but when tho spot waft reached it was found that Grant Layton and Charles Parker wero the favorites, and all declared that one of them must surely win. As the others did not caro to Buffer defeat it was mutually agreed to withdraw. and the race wan between tho favor ites. The young men, who nro lead era in tho social Four Hundred thoro abouts, wero raised on adjoining farms and for yearn a bitter rivalry has existed between them. Grant leadn the choir and the sing ing school, but Charley is generally the lost man down at a spelling match. Grant dances divinely and Charley is not to bo sneezed at in that lino. Besides no dance can bo a success without the latter acting as a prompter. Grant can break any colt in Indiana, and Charley is be yond the rango of ordinary vision at a shooting match. Both are athletes and both are proud possessors of veryBwell outfits in tho horse and buggy line. In a word, their accom plishmeuts are about equal and their leadership in social circles is undis puted. But, strange to relate, both havo a hankering "for tho same" -a liright, black eyed littlo charmer, tho reign iug belle of the neighborhood and still in her teens. Heretofore it had been nip and tuck Initween them, but thoro seemed to be an under standing between tho three that a marked preference would bo Bhown to tho winner of tho husking match, so tho boys wero only tho moro anx ious to meet on tho sands of Dr. Wilkes' forty acre cornfleld. At 7 otelock the contestanta, each accompanied by a wagon, two borsew and a driver, entered tho arena and a few minutes later time was called. Grant, with much composure, sailed off down tho long rows of that big cornfield, husking tho golden ears with as great avidity as Samson slow tho Philistines with the jawbone of an ass. Charley, the champion, was fairly wild and husked as ho had never husked beforo. At ono end of tho field the boys al ways cast their eyes toward a certain spot whero stood the littlo charmer, between a father and big brother, but a smiloor a nod would send them back to tho next row with renewed energy. During the afternoon thero was uo percoptible vantage. It is what in dice parlance is termed "horse and horse," and money was going up all tho while. But at length tho sun declined to shed more light, and all hands, howling and cheering liko mad, gathored to hear the count. Tho Bupremo moment arrivel, and the Layton faction fairly split tho blue canopy of heaven when the official counter, from tho bottom of an inverted sorghum barrel, an nounced that Grant Layton was the winner,. having husked 151 bushels and 08 pounds to Charley Parker's 149 bushels and 48 pounds. To add to tho discontent of the Parker fac tion, Layton also broke tho short timo record by husking thirty-one ears in ono minute and throwing! thirty or them in tho wagon. When tho cheering had subsided and tho stakeholders had distributed tho cash, tho conquering hero was hoisted by some half dozen of his enthusiastic backers and carried to tho supper tablo, tho head of which, as a Boat of honor, had been reserved for tho winner. Tho tired but happy huskor boro tho tremendous honors very modestly, wldlo tho pair of black oyui that hud acted as tho great incontivo and wero now spar kling with no loss intensity than his own hovored about that end of the tablo and loaded it with all the deli cacies that tho houso afforded. A froo and easy, good old fashioned danco followed, in which Layton, who was too weary to navigate, did not participate. Neither did "stakes," but as thoy sat thoro smil ing and happy and tho center of at traction, thoro was moro than ono who '"lowed they would mako a sponky team." Parker, tho vanquished, bore his dofeat with good grace and received many compliments on tho good flght ho had mado, oven though victory had not perched upon his banner. Chicago Horald. Two Kiuisaa Cities. Thoro are two Kansas Cities, ono in Missouri and ono across tho river in Kansas. But thoy are really only ono city. Tho practical union of tho two cities has progressed because it was natural that it should; men owu property in both cities; men sloop in Kansas City, Mo and work in Kan sas City, Kan., and men have their homos in Kansas City, Kan., and thoir places or business in Kansas City, Mo. Morning and ovoning tho cars ore crowded with workers of overy grade going both ways. It is difficult to tell which crowd is tho larger. Kanma City Star. Trie RORBEfT THAT NEVER 13AME. An Iiiler.-itln.t Ineldrnt of Clt;- Ufa with Tito Surprising Kndlncs. 'Hi!" .-dio.ited tho bridge man who stood a' Lj uop of the stairs. "Weil, v.-.ittiaitf" asked tho young man whoiii tho bridge man had shouted at. "Li that your rubber 1" demanded tho bridifj man, pointing with his too tit a tiny overshoe which was lying on tbo platform. Tho young man walked back to where tho rubber was, and placed liia foot alongside of it a big foot it was too. "What do you think now?" ho asked in an aggravating way. Tho bridgo man did not answer this question. Instead ho kicked the ru1 ber viciously and sent it flying into a retired corner, and then ho .went about his business. Presently tho train moved off with tho young man with the big foot in tho front car. Opposite him was a pretty girl. Tho youngman thought she was tho prettiest girl ho had ever seen. Suddenly a look of surprise caino over the girl's faco, and she leaned forward and took a survey of her feet, which one after the other she pushed out from uudor her slightly uplifted skirt. They did not look at all liko mate3. Ono of thorn wa3 dad in a beautiful French kid eIioo, which. except for one or two sputters at tho anklo. w.'.s as bright as if it had just a out of the shoo store ; thero was a nasty mud covered rubber on the other foot. Tho girl seemed to wonder what had become of her other rubber. She was just in tho act of peering under the seat for it when tho young man accosted her and told her of his inter view with tho bridge man. "If you will wait for mo at tho New York end I'll go back to Brook lyn and got your rubber and bring it to you," ho said. Tho young woman protested. "I couldn't allow you to do that," she said. But tho young man said that she must allow him to do it, and when tho train reached tho terminus ho hastened away to recross tho river, leaving the woman at tho foot of tho stairs. Arriving at Brooklyn, he rushed down ono fh'ght of stairs nnd up the other to get froin tho stopping place to the starting place, and at onco dived into the corner whero ho had seen the rubber thrown by the bridge man. Ho found tho dainty littlo thing, picked it up, hopped on a train with it and was onco more en route to the metropolis. At tho New York end ho leaped from tho train before it had stopped and almost tumbled down tho steps, so great was his haste. But where was the young woman? She wasn't whero he had lotther, that was certain. Suddenly he saw her Btanding by tho sido of a young gentleman, and actually loaning on his arm. "Hor husband, I Buppose," mut tered tho man with tho rubber. "I wish he'd come," ho heard the young woman say rather impatient ly as he appi-oachod her. Evidently she had not observed him as he had descended tho stairs. Then a thought born of angor came into his head. Actuated by it he turned on his heel and mado a run for a Madison avenue car. Just as tho car passed tho Tombs ho tossed the rubber out of tho back door into tho street. "What's that?" asked the con ductor. "Oh, nothing," answered tho young man; "at loast, nothing but an old overshoe." New York Times. l'rdnoonrl Hopples, Yet tayrd. From a lettsr written by Mrc Ada js. nurd, or u rot on, ti. jj., we quete: "Wua taken with a bad cold, which BP'iled on my luugp, cough set in mul Dually terminated in consumption. Four aoctors gave me up, saying 1 could live but a short time. 1 nave rufelf up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with tny friends on eiirlli, 1 would iiitfi my absent oiipm Ikvc. Mv hunlmxl win. nilvixpd lit t'ct fir. j King's New Diw-nvery lor con.uui- iii'ii, nninn iiiiu fiius. t guve nil trial, took ill nil, eight botUec; It has cured me, and tlmnk God I hid now a well ni'd licatty woman," Trial bottles free at Daniel J. Frv's drug store, 225 Commercial street, regular size, we. mid i,w. Baby crifd, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria . Ono IVajr of Stopping u Hole. "I do not know if one way of stop ping a leak in a saucepan is general ly known, " eays a young housekeeper, "but it struck mo aa original, and it is certainly vory simple tuid effica cious. I went into tho kitchen the other day and saw that my cook, who is French, had something simmering on the flro. As she was pouring it out I saw a white rag at tho bottom of tho saucepan. "What is that, Paulino?" I said. "Oh, did madaine never seo that way of mending a hole?" she ox vd. "But seo, it is vory simple," i.uJ she pulled out tho littlo piece of linen and showed mo quite a largo hole in tho agate pan. "I put the corner of a bit of linen tlirongh, so," sho wont on, "and then I pull it until tho fullness is jammed voiy tight; thon with a knifo I cut it off on each sido and it holds perfect ly." "But I should think it would burn," I said. "It novor does," said Paulino, "but I don't know why perhaps because it remains wet voilal" Now York Tribune t Civ KAN! If you would bo dean and havo yourdothos dono up in the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to tho SALEM STKjtW LAUNWKY where all wpvk ' done by whito labor and in tho most prompt main er, ii. t Coppar Ore In the Grecian Arohlpelaeo. Many of tho numerous islands which are dotted over tho Grecian Archipelago, on somo of which we liavo telegraph stations, seem capa bloofsupplyingconsidorabloainounte of coppor ore if tho roads in thoso mountainous districts wore such as to insure a comparatively easy trans port, Unlortunatoly inmost casos this is not so, and whero mines have to bo mado roads havo also to be con structed, which of course makes tho undertaking vory expensive. Cham bers' Journal. A Favorite Seat. Friend "Why do you do your sow ing at this window in tho air shaft? You can't half seo, Mrs. Do Piatt No, but I can hear boautifully. Now York Weekly. COLONEL. J. OLMSTED. The Collapse or a rtotten Tenement, With crumbling- foundation and shaky-, hulstna; walls, is not mora certain to be loked for than the sadden giving vruy if a constltuUrm sapped by overwork, unr. inltUnraaeilety er exposure to harUnhlp and malign cllmatlo intluenctt.. Asulnal the disastrous effects or each and all of these. Jlostetter's i titpmaoh Vltteia la n eirrptualaanrgniard. Itrortltlealhajstem !? tkemhy lanulnglntolt nsh vigor begotten of renewed and complete dhra. tiou and MtlmulaUon of the food, ana lu consequent reparative action upon the ex hnustcd Untie and Impoverished olrcu'a- H?.1v.1J?,iMPI!lTfor undergoine, without Injury, pf an uuusual amount of bodily or BOMrtal work, no means of avert In malarial lnrvtica, or disorders boru of bad diet and Impure water equal t his su. portative floe defensive vltorator. Take It for dysperma. constlpatron, blltoruneM, rbfUBMUeto. Wdjjw trouble, u jripp . ' Ilurklen'a Arnlrii b'nlvc. The Best S.ilve Ih the u-prtil for Cotr. llruises. Kor b, Plrer'.Pnlt Klicum. Fever toies, iciter, i napreo nana-, untioiainn. Corns And all Fkm KruptlmiH, nnd posl tlvely curra 1'ttec, tir ho pay rtqnlrcd. It is guaranteed to g:ve perfect mtlfiictloii or money refiintleri. i'lli-e, 25 cunts per box. Kuranleby unn'U Krv, 125 Coin St. iCARTER'Sl cure Sick Headache and relieve all tho troubles lncl dent to a bilious state of the system, such at Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress afte: eating. Fain In the St le. Ac. Vlillo their most remarkable succcyn In- been shown In curlns tTeadacne, yet Carter's Little LtVER rim are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. r.vcn u iney only curea EAD che thoy would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; hut fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find '.Neso little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them, liut after all sick head JCJiii5 s tho baue of so many lives that here Is where ve make our great boast. Our pills cure it whlli) others do not. CAtiTKn's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make dose. Tboy are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action SIimss nil who use them. In vials at 25 cents; ve for $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by malL CASTSB HEI1CIHE CO., 17c Text Ml. Small Doss. Small & VKOFKSSIONAI. CAIIDS. GEO. H. BURNETT, Attorney at law, Salem, Oregon. Ofllce over Ladd J Bush's bank. ryAIUJY & HINUHAM, Attorneys and J counsclorH r,t htw, Salem, Oregon. Having an abstract ot the recordsof Marion county, Including h lot nnd block Index oi Balem, they have tpoial iUcilltlen lor ex amining titles to real estate, iiuslucss in the supreme court and In the state depart ments will receive prompt attention. l T. HIOHAUDSON, Attorney at law, ), ofllce up stairs In front rooms of new usb block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. JOHN A. OAUSON, Attorney at law. Rooms S and 4, Lada & Hush's bank building, Salem, Oregen. allyr B. F.UONUAM. V. II. HOLMES. Boniiam & liotJiKH, Attorneys at law. Office In liubh's block, between Slate and Court, on Xm'18t. TILMON FOKO, attorney at law, Salem, Oregon. Office up-sUxim In 1'uUon's uiock. H. UBAD31IAW, PHYSICIAN AND t uiitf,LUU, OttlCllI, UirgUlli JlJJtJV IU Irtrlilrto lilLrh imalnira mtj.m 11 111 I.. , a. . lUssldenco corner Btalo and b, K, comer Winter atreot. Ktoi It. YOUNG, M. D Office formerly OCCUDled bv Dr. llou'land. corner . . I . 1. --A l n . . ' ri" iiiurt uuu juiueriy aireuis. .w. Tulenhone No. uince neurs: s a. m, to 12; 2 to 4 p. in., v and 7 to p. in electric- car line. llcsldeuco lttlt sticet on Telephone, No. 9. roAFlSfc. A BROOKB, T . 1VX und Burgeons, Murphy bluctr, Physicians blttuk. uu stairs, Commercial street, Halt-ni. Or. EK. V. ti MOTT, phjslclan und stir geon. Office In Kldrldge iilock, ba i, Oregon. Office hours 10 to 12 a, in. 2 to 4 p. 111. fligb B. PH ILHHOOK , M. D.,Homr opathlst. Office 165 Court sti eel: Residence 817 liirh ktrecl. GeLerul nroctlce. Hrwvlnl attention given to dibcuses ol Women and children. T.HOUSEH, ll.D. Physician and sur , geon. Practice limited to diseases of the nervous system. Cutatrh Including asthma and rupture or hernia. Office lu Cottle block rooms 11 and 12. Ofllce hours from U to 12 a. m. and from 2 to 0 p. iu. 11-3-tf. y U. T. C. SMITH, Dentist, W btate street, ""( ui. lumucu uiutu upera PdlnleeH opura. D turns ofeverydescrlptlon. nous a specialty. tt. MINTA B. A. DAVIB. Office hours, 0 a. m. U) 11 a. m.: 2 n. m. to a n m 'ay or nhrht calls uromutlv hikik1pi tr ..Ti, .. .. - - i .r 1- " opvuini uiieuuuu given to aise.lsesor worn, en und children, (irtlnn In N-t-t? iiat.b- im. 805 Commercial street. Itekldcuce uaiuv. H. MILLEltaLUD, Ep'-M-ophl ttc- uiry; corner i.-nemeiet nun I'hnwh rtlce hours 1 to H p. iu. Duj Oifl ANN1CHF. JKFKHKY8. M I). Treat ment of ltdlCB and Children a sr. laity. Office heurs: to 12, anu 2 to ). Et. dridgo block, Baleui, Oregon, WU.PUUH, An-hltect. Plans, Sped , Itcatlons and superluteudcnce lor all classes of buildings. Office 2UU Com marclul St., up Mnlrs, 1,1 J. McCA LSTlNl,Clvil BaultMry aud 111. Hydraullo Engtueer. U. 8. Deputy mineral survryor. City surveyors otlloo Cottle-i'ark hurst lllock, Sulcin, Oregon. CA. K011KRT. Architect, rtiul, Mar . quam building, rortland, Oregon. A LUMBERMAN'S RENDEZVOUS. This term might be applied to Btovens Point, located on the vv isconsln Central Llueo, at the gateway to the vast forest n-ilon -which extenns North to Lake H .perlor, h dManro ol WO mlle without a break, on account of IU v-t Inmber Inter- t. The Wlst-our.ln Illver to which the li.mbrram nave given ino inmiuar ana .imewhAtnflect'nnatu title of "Old Wis. c -us.'' not lone nclsnsn lumber feeder to t .xnitv bv liiiti.iihluf through Its nuiner- c is t-'buturesan outkt for thousands of k -re of pine in theuppur muntry, oai it 1 .rnUtiea a wnter power that is second r-ily to that of Necrtih and Menasba, v blchcHlcs ore also locrttedon tho "Oen. t ai." Millions or feet or lumber are cut 'err year, glrlni; employment to hun- 0 reds ol men. Innd'ltlonto the lumber trade, it has numemms other mnnufac t r'esj It Is here where the large car shops e: the Wisconsin Central Lines are located. for tickets, maps, pamphlets and full Information apply too. K. McNeill, C. P. andT. A., Minneapolis, Minn., and to Jos. 1 Pond, Oenentl Passenger aud Ticket Agent, Chicago, 111. MCly TRUCK AND EXPRESS. Ryan & Co., (Successor to; MORGAN & MEAD. Truck & Dray Line. Good Teams, Prompt and Careful Work, Satisfaction in oil Cases. Office at the old stand, opposite State Insurance building. Also have tine Clyde Btalllon at the stable for service. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business. Careful work a specialty. J. F. WHITE. SJTT0N&S0N, Rx press ?i ml ISaggagc. Do hauling and quick delivery to all pans oi tne city wnn promptness ana nro. Leave orders at R. M. waded: Co's, LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of "Willamette Hotel, S-A-LBrvI - - - ORBQON W. M. DeHAVEN, Boarding - and - Sale - Stable. One deor west of Lunn's Dry Doods store on State street. Quiet family teams. Hpec lalnttentlon paid to transient stock. :ltl M. L. OHAMBERLIN, O. M. SMITH, President. Secretary. H. M. BRANSON. GEO. H. BOUBERT, Vice President. Treasurer. UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. 275 Commercial Street. Makes the neatest and best Abstracts In the country. FEAR & HAMILTON Lonns negotiated on improved farm and City property. 8AI.EM. Orecon. Boom 14, Bush Bank block. 6 12dw Capital City Restaurant Jas. B&tchelor, Prop'r. WarmMeahat All Hours oi the Day None but white labor employed in this establishment. A good substantial meal cooked In flrtt claps style. Twenty-nvtJ cents per meal, RED FRONT. Court Istreet, between Opera House and Mlnto's Livery J. H. HAAS, TELE WATCHMAKER, 2I5K Commercial St,, - Salt m, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ol Spectacles, and repairing Clocks, Watches and .lewelry. THE ELEGANT NEW Barber Shop und Bath Rooms, S47 Commercial St. Two doors north Red Cornsr drugstore, JOSEPH FUSEE, Propr. PPNT MG" i t.n.e r NK OK T!1K LARdKsiT ESTABLISH- Ut .li i tie Buiii. : nwer rate thnn wuuua. i areesi block icai ttiunts in theMte.t.aid bigrjeU discount. Send for iMrltof Job prlntlntr, and catalugue ol legDl blanks. E. M. WAtllC. 8! earn Printer HaJ.m Orn lltmiNKSS CARDS. TTOKYE MILLS t'roprietorMheT'mxe XI lalu i ButbaudshavluePurlors. Have tTie only Pomlalu Bath Tubs in the city a Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. CjrRAaUE A ALLEN. Blacksmiths and ij noresnoeing and remlrlng. Only the best workmen employed. Opposite State lasuranoe bulldlni tf.w nmui r4: j Leav SMITH &oov Contractors, Sewer, ine;. Cement Bldewalks, Kxcuvatlns; All Wnrsr nmmntlv H.-' irf. ''5i Leave order with Duytn Bros'. lMm pAUPET-WYING.-l make a specially oi , V catpet-MWins; and UylUK carpet taken up and reUid with trtit care. House oleanlnir. Leave orders with J?lt Lurfr? , or Buren a Hon. J, p. LUhrman. ' fOUN KNIQHT, Btackimlthniorsa , ". . eKand repairing u specialty. Hhop ' at the foot ox Liberty stroot, SaUmSrSrtin! I r i P JiHHKNw,V'.!Unu,treoraU Nolico of Asscsment for In- proyement of South Com- mvrcinl Street. fOTICE is hereby Blven that the Com IS mon Council of the city cf SJalem, Oregon, will nt 8 o'clock p. in of the 18th day of April, 1892, at the Common Council Chambers at Salem. Oregon, mrimil in asses uron each .ot or nart tlinmir lini.i. tberelor It proportionate bhare of tho const of craning, graveling and curblnz of Commercial stre.t between the sonth side of Mill street audi bo Doutheru boundary of the City efslem, according to the plans andsp. .mentions on file In tun fllce of mo ciiy surveyor oi SHiem, urexon. Done by onler of 'he (Mmmnn Council of cuuem.urettnn.inisMnnay or April, lfcia M. E. QOODELL, Iteoorder. Liquor NOTICE For Application for License. To nil whom it may cencern: Take notice tbst the unartcned will apply to the couuty court o Marion ooun. ty, state otOmmn, at tbHlay term, 1M of said court, fur a license to sell sairltuous, jiibh rub vinooa liquors in iww qunntttKs than one callon. in A jmm nraMni. inc.i,i oounty of Marion, for the pnrlon ot ono year from the date of Usuln. o! asld lleeose. s 3) l-l rc3 i 3 oo 1 o tJ d r-3 s O t si P CO 'hi p - & & Z CD C3 O , , CO ct- O "- O s i s CD o w4 P- H 13 p S- s a S co 5. cT CD - jj. c fcd L S3 I-- cf " g. V! 03 co O 8 CD -;- 2 f H CO p e- 'O o, S p CD , i i P P CQ l P CD p , O O 9T ct- CO CO o " P ct- S g E? P- cf H ct- . P g 0 B' cV EL -m 1 1? p a o1 a s cd qu o. B m & g ET. 2. S 1 CD o- 5- o- P o- ? Ct s, f w S a en T 3 f ' z 3 O-J C5 CO CT2 c; gj. B3 co E3 CO b tr mrt IT CD Notlco of Flnnl Account. To all whom Is may cencern: vrOTirKls hereby Rivpn that tho nnder. I sle;u.dadmlnlstrf.trlxorthe estate ol Ozlas Hhaw, deceased, has this day fiica her flnnl account ns such in the count court for Marion county, Oregon, nnd said court has r.ppolntcd .Saturday the loth dav ol April, INrr, nt 10 o'clock a. m. of said dar at the com t house In Rnlcm iu said count as the time und plocn for hearing any ob' Jectlons which thero may be to siiij atv count and for the settlement thereof MR8. JANK ill UMBAUUH. Administratrix of Kstata of Oilas Shaw imXtHlU. balem, March 12,189). 8 174tw EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CAilrOnKIA T.XTRTJt.1 TRAIN lttm 'DAII.'l BETWEEN ronTUND ANDB.F. Bouih. 7.-0C p. ra. 0:18 p. m. 8:15 o.m. f Nortl 1"V. Portland Ar. I 7:iioa. ic Lv. Salem Lv. I 6:28 a. n. Ar. Han Kran. Lv.) 7aXp.ru Above trutnasuip only at following nli tlons north or Roscburg, East Portland OMgon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany Tangent, Hhedds, Jfaltey, HnrriRbure Junction City, Irving unit Eugene. UOSKllCKO MALI, DA11.V S:3T) a. m. I Lv. 11:17 a. ra I Lv 6:60 p. m. J Ar. Portland Ar. I -i::-o p. m. Salem Lv. ( 1:40 p. m. Roseburg Lv. 7KW a. m Albany Local, lml ly Kxcupt Sunday. 6.-00 p. ni. I Lv. :b2 p.m. I Lv: 9AW p.m. Ar. 1'iirt In oil pulem Albany Ar. 1 10:K0 i7ia. IjV. I 7:3(J u, ul. Lv,i6aia.ni. PULLMAN BUFFET SLELW. Second Class Sleeping Cars- For accommodation ot passengers holding second cuss tickets attached to express trains. Vest Side Division, Between Portko and Cerviillis: IA1IV (EXCEPT SUNDAY). 7:30 a. m. fTJvI Portland Ar. IO.in H A rlnn.nllln T im . in. iiunuuiiiii. 6:30 p. vi, 12:65 p. ni. At Albany and Corvnllls connect witL trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. KXPRES3TnAIN (DAILY KXraCPTBUNrTAJ-" (.40 p. in. 715 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. Ar.McMinnvlllQ Lv. "SiaTaTuT. 6:46 a.m. Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH for tickets and lull information regain ing rates maps, etc., apply to the Coinpu ujrs agent Salem, Oregon. E.P. ROGERS, ArsU ii. F. and Pass. Ag'i R. KOKHLEH. Jtannsei THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steamship line. 226 miles shorter, 20 lioure less time than by any other toute. Pint class through passenger and freight llr.t from Portland nnd all points In theWJl lamette vallevito nnd from Han Franclttt TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Kuuuays). Leave Albany 1.-00P& Leave Cor vallls 1:40 PM Arrive Yaqulna 6:30 I'M Leave Yaqulna 6:45 A W Leave Corvallls 10:35 A M Arrive Albany ....... n:io a K O. t C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls. The above trains connect at YAQTJINA with the Oregon Development Co's Lin rfHteamxhlns between Yanuina and Ha Francisco. N. B. PaepengcrslromPortland'and all Willamette Valley points can make close connection with the trains of the V AQUINA ROUTE at Albany or Corvnllls and If destined to San Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaqulna the evening before date of failing. Passenger nml Freight Bates Alvrsrs ttt Lowest, i-'or lnformatlen apply to Messrs HULMAN & Co Freight and Ticket Agents 200 and 202 Front st,. Portland, Or. o CO. HOQTJE Ao't Gen'l Frt. & Pass. Agt., Oregon Paclflo R. R. Co., CorvalllK, Ot ;0. H. HAaWKLL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; A Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 301 Montgomery St.: From Terminal or Interior Points tbo im Pqnii m Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It Is the dining car route, it runs through vestibule trains, every day in the year to ST. PAUL AND (No change of cars.) , Composed of dining cars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepeis Ol latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and In which accommodntlens are both lree and fur nished for holders of first and second-doss tlokets,and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnuocs Hue connecting with all lines, aflordlngr direct aud urinterrupted service. Pullman sli pre- rwp vat Ions can be se cured in advt n t-UGT'.gli any agent of the road. Through tickets to and from all po'nta in America, Kngland and Europe ecu be purchased at any ticket office of this com pany. Full information concerning rates, time of trarn8,routesandotber details fumUhod on application to nny agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. .No. 121 First street, cor. Washingten: Porti land, Oregon ' SHAW & DOWNING. Agept. $07?N iv.'(f AN I HEALTH. he niclirm's Golden Balsam No. J Cures Chancres, first and second staires Bores en ths Legs and Dedy; Bore Ea-s. jreJS.:Vl?,?l .. Coppercolored Biotcht, Syphllitlo Catirrh, diseased Scalp, ard all primary forms of the disease known si Syph lis. Price, S5 00 per Ilottl-, I nicliau'a Clold.n Dalsnm No.a Cures Tertiary. Mercurlsl Syphllitlo Bhou matlsm. Pains la , the Bones, fains in thi Head, back of the Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat. Syphllitlo Hash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, and eradicates all disease from tha system, whether caused by indiscretion or abutt ol "crcury, leaving- the blood pure and bealtby. Price 85 00 per IotUe. t,o Illchaa's Golden Spanlsk Anil. r?!o..,0r-.th0 curo ' Oonorrboja, Oteet, .Irritation Orarel, and all Urinary or Oenl tal dlsarrangemsaU, Price 84 se pes Bottle. I Rlchsrn. Ooldaa Spanish In jection, for severe cues of Gonorrhoea, JpjUmraatory Gleet, Btrleitires,&c, Prlc 91 SO per Bottle. "? I?lo2"R,a. Ooiaen Ointment for the effective healing ot Syphllitlo Bores, anderapUons. Prireil 00 per Box. L Klehan'a GoldeR Pllls-Nfrrt and Brain treatment: lots ot physical pow jr. excess or orer-work, FicctoUon, eta Price 9S 88 per Bex., Tanie nnd Nerrlne, Sent sTtrywbars, a a D- Mrasr ncked ptrerprsM, TI!E RICHARDs"dKU8 CQ.,A.e.tt KW 11 HAKKGT ST., Umm iTrmuttatm, l yiiSO 9ANBNJCDER, u J fr V-