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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1892)
T5V" 'VBW" "T- jy-'ipBg--y yrv. '1 irf- o ' EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. ?. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OKEGOtf, THURSDAY. APRIL 14, J892. "TO-DAY'S JNT2"WS TO-DAY." NO. 89. -sS y i PA JUST TTON'S State ARRIVED AT Itreet Book Store, JAPANESE NAPKINS. T. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. McF. Patton, 98 State St. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. I UBUSHKDDAIl.Y.EXCKI'TSUNDA'i JIT THIS Canltal Journal,PubIishlng Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, tn P. O. Uulldlnx Entered at the postofflce at Balem, Or., n Becond-clBfB rrntlir. natlonnl Democratto coavontlon for prcsldont. THE RACKET STORE CRiLlTD SHOE SALE 1 Men's Rubber Boote 52 00 worth $2 75 Plow Shoes M 125 Better " " - 1 15 1 50 Oil Grain Plow Shoes. i 1 ?5 ' 1 75 Men'n Congress ' ---- 145 and up BoVs School Shoes $1 10, 1 30 and 1 45 r Drens Shoes -- ' 1 40 " 1 80 il.ll.l.....,),, I?l., - dO. OOP, OO " Heavy " --- - 80, $100, 1 10 Children's Rubbers only rin, k i:af m.u or.Mii. nff.liR o-rofiffisr, bargains ever known west jiv, uw . y ..., a A "" convinced call and examine Ladies' Glovo Calf Shoes 1 W worth l 40 Oil Graiu " i '" Calf Shoes 145 175 Dongola Shoes r 145 15 Tipped Shoes 180 2 2o Flexible Dongola " 2 15, ?2 40, 2 75 Fine Dongola Kid " 2 GO 3 00, 3 25 Oxford Ties -'- 1 25, 1 45, 1 05 it ii I (i ii ii No trouble to show goods. of the Itockv mountains. To bo 261 Commercial Street. E F. OSBURN, PLEASANT- Home Add ition You can buy property in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has the advantage of street cars and city water. Remember it is within ton minutes walk of the Postofficc or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. .Call on Wm. GETTHEJ.4M.LAWNM0WER In Three Sixes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS ATwwsbw GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STr., SALEM, OREGON. One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. Harnft iclntire. -SUCCESSORS TO- WELLBR BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR STAPLE Al PAP HCW At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. for Infants and Children. ' C aitori a Is BO well adapted to children that I recommend It aa luperior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Aacmca, M. D., Ill So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. T. "The use of Castorla' la so universal and Its merits bo well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are tho Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easyreach." Cuuvos Martw, D.D , New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdalo Beformed Church. Castorla cures Colle, Constipation, Bour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes a Without injurious medication. For several years I have recommendec your ' Castorla. ' and shall always continue to do so as It has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pakdzb. M. D., Xhe Wlnthrop," l5th Street and 7th Ave., New York City Tns Csstaub Comfaot, 77 Munnur Bthket, New York. You can get the latest MUSIC 1 Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins, LOWEST PRICES AT EASTON'S; 3IO Oommerolal Street. Send for Catalogue FRBB T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent WORKS, - OREGON. B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEM IRON SALEM. - Manufactures STEAM ENGINES. Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governors, Fruit Drying ' Outfit. Traction i Engines. Cresting, etc. Faun raucblnery made and repaired. General agonS and inanufactureis of the celebrated Wahlstrom l"atent MiddllngB Purifier and fleels. Farm machinery made and repaired. TRUCK AND EXPRESS. NAIL'S t LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDEFi'S HARDWARE i AT Barr & Petzel , Plumbers and Tinners- Garden Hose aud Lowu Sprinklers. complete hue of Stoves and Tinware. Tin roofing and plumbing, a Sy. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. 214 & 210 Commercial St., Salem A .specially SNOW THE VEAR ROUND At 100 Chomeketa Street, House - and - Sion - Painting. ... if Yirn in 7amzntr nnil papr HansUM, luaouu" ?." ,.'''""' - , ITS Tlv Ryan & Co., (Buccessor to, MORGAN & MEAD. Truck & Dray Line. Good Teams, Prompt and Careful Work, Satisfaction in all Cases. OfHceat the old stand, opposite Btata Insurance bulldine. Also have One Clyde Htalllou at the stable for eervioe. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business, spu laity. Careful work a J.K. W1JJTK. DUGAN BROS' 1IAUU1SON VB. QUAY. Following interesting dispatch re veals a struggle that has been going on in the Harrison administration since the first day of its existence: "A ppeolal to tho N. Y. Sun from Philadelphia. April 10th says: There will be no reconciliation between Senator Quay and President Harrl son, and as a result Harrison may eventually not bo a candidate for renominntlon. A few days ago Representatives Bingham, O'Nell and Royburn, accompanied by Postmaster-General Wanamaker, called upon the president to Urge him to forget the past and to receive Quay. This was the idea that tho Penn sylvania Republican convention, to be held April 20, would declare for Harrison, and to assure him of tho sixty-four delegates from this state to Minneapolis' Tho sur prise of tho delegation was great when the "president turned to Wan- namaker and said! 'The less you have to do with Mr. Quay, tho bet ter it will bo for yourself. He is not a ill man to associate with.' Then the president" said he was not so certain about accepting tho renoml uation unless ho was assured that the party was harmonious, and that It would stand together on all ques tions. He said he saw hero and there evidences of dissatisfaction, and that he preferred stand aside rather than to place himself in the power of Mr. Quay, and some other men who had attempted to dictate to him for his reuomination. The president told tho representa tives that ho would not place tho patronage of Pennsylvania in Quay's hands, because tho men Quay had commended to him were no better than himself, and were net fit to hold office. The president B,iid that if it depended upon Quay, whether ho should get the Penn sylvania delegation, then, ho would not get it. Wanamaker talked in his most persuasive manner, but it was of no avail, and the president warned the postmaster-general to keep away from Quay. "When this was told the senator be was angered, Ho immediately turned to dls(UPS with hisiellow senators the avalll ablllty of Blaine as a presidential candidate, and tho boom for the secretary last week is duo to Quay's work." The Quay crowd have not been able to "run" Benjamin Harri son sluce the start. While it shows a determination on Harrison's part not to be ruled by this crowd, it also reveals tho possibility of a tight in tho Minneapolis convention. The Quay crowd undoubtedly want t6 force Blaine Into tho race. Blaine, forced into the race by a crowding procebS, originating wim o nana m patriots marshalling under Quay, would prove so objectionable as to deserve defeat in tho eyes of a great many Republicans. Blalno upon his own merits as a statesman would not arouse these feelings, that he would as a marplot aud uccompllco of revenge. When tho Republican party turns to Blaine as a candidate he must be unshackled and unfettered from any persons who aro involved in a quarrel with tho present administration, Politicians who merely "arraign" some other party or Bome cttlzen do very Httlo good In tho world. It is oftlrmatlve, enterprising, helpful activity for some good attainable end in government that Is needed. Show us some good man to elect, or some good measure to bo carried neighbor, that there is a reasonable show for carrying it, and in God's name let us go at it and do it. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest V. S. Gov't Food Report. Royal Baking: Powder &S&S&M ABSOLUTELY PURE It is finally inlrly acknowledged that tho proposed Dolph exclusion law Is not really intended to exclude tho Chinese. In fact, Its purport is to only keep in force the oxlstiug law, which, as everybody knows, permits thousands of Chinese to come annually across our borders. Wo behove tho people of this coast dcslro tho total exclusion of Chlnece laborers, but this is not tho DoIph Idea. Portland Telegram, A whole lot of small-loro politi cians who are incapable of fair or broad viewB on any subject take pleasure in criticising The Jour NAii. If these persons would spend one-half as 'much time praying for light on ono single subject for their be-fuddied brains, as they do throw ing mud nt the rest of tho world they would be entitled to encumber the earth for at least a moment of the tlmo which thoy now so foolishly waste. Specimen Gases. S. H. Clltlbrd, New Cosset, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia aud rheumatism, his stomach was dis ordered, bis liver was aflected to an alarmlug degree, appetite fell away, aud ho wus terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electrlo Bitieracured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, III., had a running soro on hlB leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electrlo Bitters aud seven boxes of Biickleu's Arnica Salve, and his leg Is sound and well. Join Speaker, Catawba, Ohio, had live largo lever seres on uis ieg, uouwra said ho was incurable. Ono bottle of Electric Bitters aud one box ol Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured him entirely. Sold at Daniel Fry'B drug store, 225 Commercial street. Plumbins: and Heating Co. i Wholesale and retail dealers In Miuimm! nnniK UvvfWi STEAM AND PLUMBING 2fc9 Commercial utrect. Telopbone No. 83 SUTTON & SON, fix pro 88 nnd Baggage. Natural Wood Flnfeii. Only Flrbt-clnw Work. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, ooal and lumber. Of fice State BU, opposite Ha- Drays and true". "y be foundlthryughout Uie dav at Salem Truck it Dray Go. I.. T. Miivrftrlsci Uit corner 'f State and Uwunmialnl trft Sash and Door Faatory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The beat class of work in our line at prices to cr.nmeU with the lowest Only tho best materml used rto.banllng and quick delivery to all Willi uruuiuiiivn uuu WuUft it UO . part of the city with prouj; care. Jeave orders ai n. .v LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South ofWIIlsmttt Hotl. ALUM - - - OREGON W. M. DeHAVEN, Meg - and - Sale - Sialic One dr wet of !muu' Dry Doods iitore ouHtatefclrtit. Onlet family Uama. Bt. Ul attention rild to transient atock. &1U NEW DAILY MAIL STAGE Between Aurora, Buttevillc, Chumpocg, St. Paul and Fairfield. Leaves Aurora dplly nt 10-30 a. m. Ar rives at Fairfield 1 1. m. Itetumlng-lcnve Fairfield at i m. Arrive at Champoeg Op. m Arrive atAurcra.vtttHuttevllli',at8 a. m. Con nect with la'ioinetiil'. Co, train going north and wuth. I'oueneeiR, baggage and freight onrrlnd nt reKUlur rat Hervio begin .Monday, iiarcn iv. io. t.U3.JiOi;FKlt,I'ropr, BUOOKSTliU flOUMKNT, Harrison Is tho man. Let us have more highly civilized roads. Bad roads aro the farm. death to profits on pit . T rlfS I Ml onal Bank SALEM, OUEGON. GENERAL BANKING SAl'OUVOS D.VVXH. jnjm :uiit-. President ..Vice Frealdent. Ou.bler WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BAN KINO CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Soburibtd, $200,000 Traueact a general banking builnes In all It branches. .l'retlden Protectionism, reciprocity aud plenty of good money aro the doctrine. What Savings Banks Show. There is perhups nothing which shows so conclusively tho flnanolal condition of a people as tho statistics of savings banks. From the very nature of tho system on which they do business, men of meunsaud those who need continually to turn over their capital do not patronize them. Thoy aro the depositors of tho por. It is evident that tho agitators who are going around tho country preaching Iree tfado -and -calamity havo not studied tho figures tha,t tho reports of these banks exhibit, or if thoy have they have evidently failed entirely to draw any correct deductions from the study. Tho investigation of these statis tics is ono that au American can make with pride. It shovs conclu sively that tho people meaning by tho word tho wage-earners of the country are in a far better condi tion than thoy are In any other country in tho world. According to (ho report of tho comptroller of the treasury there aro in thlrtyflvo states and territories which ho names, 4,858,023 depositors, who havo on deposit ?1,624)844,600, or an overage of f358.04 per capita. Tho state whloh stands ut tho head of tho list Is California, with $787.74 per capita pn deposit, while Ithodo Island comes secoud with 5485,88 per capita and Now York somewhat further down the list with 1387.10 percaplta to Its credit. . Catarrh Can't Be Cured with Local ArpuoATiONB, as they cannot reach the seut or tho disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you havo to take internal remeuies. Hall's Catarrh Cnro is taken In ternally, and acts directly on tne blood aud musous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of tho best physicians tn this country for years, nnil In a reirular nrescrlnllon. It is composed of tho best tonics fenowu, combined with tho beat blood Drumhead of Human SVla. Writers on curioua subjects of ton rofor to a "curious will mndo by a cortnin general of Revolutionary f amo" in which there is a clauso pro viding that tho Bkin of the testator is to bo made into two drumheads. I notico that theso Bamo writers al ways neglect to givo tho nomo of this "general of Revolutionary fame." Tho fact is, tho eccontrio person who left this curious "last will and testa ment" was not a general at all, but a common everyday private, who for merly lived at Mcdford, Mass. Tho namo of this patriot was Solomon Sanborn, and ho was a warm friend of tho now venorablo doctor-poet, Oliver Wendell Holmes. In his will Sanborn left his body to Dr. Holmes on condition that tho doctor would carefully removo and tan tho skin, which was finally to bo converted into two drumheads. These, properly fit ted in a drum, wore to bo inscribed, ono with tho Declaration of Independ ence and tho othor. with Pope's "Universal Prayer." Had everything been carried out as Mr. Sanborn intended it should bo, this drum was to havo been presented to a local drummer, a f riond of both Sanborn and Dr. Holmes, on con dition that ho, tho drummer, repair to tho foot of Bunkor Hill monument on each succeeding anniversary- of that famous battlo and boat tho soul Btirring strains of "Yankoo Doodlo" upon tho dried cuticle of tho departed patriot. Tho provisions wero never carried out. St. Louis Republic Kdlblo Fungi. Attention is called in a London' medical journal to tho fact that, though there is liability to deception of a somewhat dangerous kind in using tho ordinary forms of ediblo fungi exhibited in tho morkc-t, tho number of such fungi as aro saf o to indulge in is really greater than is. Commonly understood. It is neces sary, however, to bo informed of tho qualities which distinguish tho odibl0 from tho poisonous varieties, theso, hoing as follews: A high color, a scaly or spottoa surface and tough, or watery flesh aro usually associated with poison? ous properties, whilo tho ediblo spo4 ciea aro seldom higlily colored, scaly r-apotted, .but. usually white or; brownish, and. brittl6,'ori"-K:fcur tho former, moreover, growing clusr tered on wet or shady ground, the latter singly in dry pastures; then, too, fungi which havo a bitter or styptic taste, or which burn tho faur cos. as well as thoso which yield ft DR. FIELD SPALDLNG. Lutheran, a Baptist, aa Episcopalian, a Catholic, Now an Episcopalian. It is easier to get au endorsement from tho politicians than from the people. There are some good things in the Republican platform but there Is so much rubbish it la bard to find them. Senator Dolph does not wish tho Iudlansof Alaska to bo deprived of whisky, nor tho American houso keener of a Chinese servant. Some of the Democratic papers are shedding crocodile tears because Judge BoIbo was not renominated. If ha had been they would have helped defeat him. UKO. WILL1AM8 WM. ENGLAND HUUli 1IIVNAHV .Vice President DIJUXmnUB Uo. Wllliaiu". tviM. j-us Und, Dr. J. A. ItlcnartUon, J, W, Hodon. J. A. lUkttr. . . liuak In new Exchange block on Com mercial atruet. WU Water competition is the only check unou extortlonato railroad cbarues and Mr. Hermann has secured 130,000 for a eurvey of the Willamette and will begin improve ments at twenty places. flers, actiug directly on puri- tlio mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of the two Ingredient is what pro duces sucli wonuuriui results in cur ing catarrh. Send for testlmonlult free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by brugglsts, price 75 cenU. In order to make Oregon promi nent, which stato will not have an exhibit nt the worlds fair, the Port land Telegram wuuts Governor Pennoyer'o uame presented to ttte J. P. Blalzo. a real estate dealer in Doa Moines, Iowa, narrowly escaped ono of tho severest attacks of pueumouia whilo In tho northern part of that state during tho recent blizzard, says tho Saturday Review. Mr. Blulzo had occasion to drive several miles during tho storm and was bo thoroughly chilled that he was unable to get warm. Insldo of an hour ho was threatened with a severe cose of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blalzo sent to the near est drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of largo doses. He says the effect was woudcrful nnd that In a short tlmo he was breathing qulto eawlly. He kept ou taking the medicine aud the next day was able to come to Dm Molne. Mr, Blalzo regards his cure as simply wonder ful. 60 cent bottles sold by Ceo. E. Good, druggist. pungent milk, thoso of livid color, and such aa assume various hues on bruising, aro to bo avoided. Another point to bo borne in mine is that all plants of this kind road? ily undergo decomposition, and aro thoroforo to bo oaten as fresh as possible. Orowlne Old QrncefuUy. Tho Lord helping mo, whon I am really and truly an old woman ; whon thoro is no further gainsaying the fact; whon I can no longer keep step with tho musio or join in tho song, I shall tako my seat in tho cornor "like a littlo man" and leave tho world to young folks. It is tho old folks who koop hopping to and fro to tho youngf stors' fiddling who holpkoop things in an uproar. Why not grow old gracefully, as long as thoro is no ap nea! from tho cast iron law of ad vancing years? What if an old cap tain, who chanced to bo riding on a ship manned by a crow of young and competent men, should insist upon flinging them into a cornor and ruur ning tho ship after a navigation chart of fifty years ago, planned for anoth er and a distant soa? What tho con fusion on shipboard would bo in such a case is but a faint symbol of what things aro in a homo whoro tho old folks moddlo and interfere in tho conduct of affairs of which thoy know as littlo as tho old captain knows of tho nofv chart and tho nowsea. I lovo old folks, but I lovo them in easy chairs and snug comors, grace ful, roposcful and acquiescent. Chi cago Herald. Some Laughable MUtake. Ono has of ton admired on railway bills tho announcement that tho "ton o'clock train will start at 10:30" nnd othor similar notes; and every ono will recall in this connection tho old story of tho priest who gavo out on tho third Sunday of Ad von t "This being Ember Wook, Wednesdays and Fridays will bo Saturdays." Wo re member onco hearing at tho con clusion of a pastoral, "Given, otc., this year of Our Lord eighteen thou sand and eoveuty-thrco," Then the priest, unfortunately for himself, bo camo conscious of his mistako. Ho paused, looked, and then said, "Yea, eighteen thousand and seventy throe," London Tablet. OF CHANGEABLE WOtND. Dr. Pield Spalding Cannot Find th8 True Religion. Boston, April 14. .The announce ment that tho Rev. James Field Spalding Is to return to the Episco pal church has created a sensation among religious people here. On tho last Sunday of last November" Dr. Spalding, who had been for twelve years rector of Christ Episco pal church, Cambridge, formally announced to his people that he in tended to enter the Roman Catholic church. In his sermon on that oc casion he explained that he could no longer feel at home in the Epis copal church because of Its rational ism, freethinklng and toleration of unbelief. Coming as it did just m the excitement over the confirma tion of Bishop Brooks, his with drawal was regarded as significant. People hero believed that It would bo followed by tho withdrawal of many other high church Episcopal ians who were scandalized by the electipn of Dr. Brooks. This wa not tho case, howover, and now It i is apparent that that even in the case of Dr. Spalding the step wa hasty and ill-ndvleed. Dr. Spalding was originally a Lutheran, then a Baptist, then nn Episcopalian; but even that did not provent him from accepting or rejecting Catholicism. He would seem to have run the gamut of religious experience. It 1 not knbwn what Induced him to re consider tils acceptance of Catholi cism; but those who know blra beat Bav that ho probably accepted It largely on sentimental grounds, and that a closer acqualntaaee wlfcb. It convinced him that It was not what ho really wanted. He can again enter tho Episcopal ministry jf u so desires, and it is generally be lieved he will do so. f.-rft. ttete, -j:::"". . , ' MUOH-MAMtlEP MAqg-' Has Different Families In geveral f of the States. '' Madison, Ga., April 14. BIshorj A. U. Hoon, of tho Methodist churoh of California, has telegraphed Rev. Warren Calder, president of Emery Methodist collego, Oxford, Ga., to, havo arrested, if possible, Rev.Edg: Dunbar and wife, tho former being a minister in tho conference, and divest him of ministerial credentials. The charge Is that Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar are Hying In an illea.'al union, and tho Blory in the case i nn interesting one. Mr. and Mre. Dunbar arrived at Oxford soma time ago to ylslt a son who 'at tending collego there. They were well received, and Mr. Dunbar filled tho pulpit for Dr. Candelar on more than one occasion. It developed that twenty-five years ao Edgar Dunbar, who Is a native of Florid, married a beautiful woman there and raised a email family. He afterwards eloped to Little Rook, Ark., and assumed the name of Beth Burnett, Ho admitted to the Methodist conference of Arkansas that ho had another family. He became tired of his aeoond wife and fnmllv and cloned with Mr. Hefndon, wlfo of a neighboring local preacher, going to Southeru California, whero he resumed his own namo of Dunbar again. Dnn bar's second wife devotol several years ferreting out hia whereabouts, and Anally succeeded in locating htm in California, The attention of the authorities of the Methodist churoh there was called to the eaes aud they at once concluded the rn&a was a hypocrite. Meantime Dun bar, suspecting something wrong, left California, stating he was going to New York, but instead weut to Oxford, The bishop promptly tele graphed to have Dunbar and intercepted, but the message was sent too late, as tho couple had left Oxford. Their son, wbo Is at col lege and whom they bave been visiting, knew nothing of the situa tion until Informed by President Calder, The boy, after bearing the story, Immediately followed parents to New York. Telegrams have been aeot to New York to ar rest the couple. TXOUXLX IV A LBOAHOH The How Shs Signed tho CUeek. Among tho more recent etorfo of fomiuino banking is ono of a young lady who, in a fit of abstraction, signed a check, "Your loving Susie." i$QW York Evening Sun. Obiaeee firoaslr 'BkMieve4. Ban Fxancmcq, April I Washington siieeM saye: Bo Cu, who appeass to the blue s a tatstlstor and attaahe of Chlaeee legation, is o longer jh. "As-.