Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 11, 1892, Image 2

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lirst Coaviction Under the
AlieH Contract Law.
1 The first Conviction Under tho
Now Law.
Trbnton, N. J., April 11. It. J.
Corttp, lepreseutin Ihe Hamburg
American steamship line, this
mirnlng plead guilty to violating
the alien contract labor law in bring
Jog over four Immigrants under con
tract, and falling to return them
when required to do bo. Ho was
fined $300 and cost". This Is said to
bo the first conviction under this,
law. Several similar cases are pend
ing against the other steamship
lines, but understood they will be
. con.estec'.
A Now Scheme to Bo Adopted by
the Salvation Army.
London, April 11. -In nn Inter
view yesterday with Mr. Cudman
director of General Booth's bociii
redemption scheme (of which, h
fact, It is said Cadmau was Ihe ren.
originator), it was explained thu
tho matrimonial bureau, which tut
Sulvatlou Army people propose t
establish, will be mainly a cummer
cial venture; that Is, it will not b
carried on free of charge, thougl
there is a philanthropic spirit under
lying tho scheme. It Is intended
U facilitate suitable marriage
among peoplo who have few oppor
tunlties for varied acquaintance oi
social Intercourse. Close inqulrlo
will bo made In all cases and uegotl
ntlons will bo earrl d on only In be
half of persons found worthy In all
respects. The clients of tho bureau
will bo of all classes. Rich and pool
will bo treated alike, and no luttiiirj
will bo mad -as to tho creed of tut
applicants. The bureau will bo set
In operations us ,dlly for nr
athleat as a follower of the Salvatloii
Array. Mr. Cadmau believes thai
tho result will be to materially
lessen the number of unuultuhh
A Husband Attempt's to Poison
His Wifo.
Newark, N. J . Apill 11. Fiauk
Damio who keeps a saloou on Mar
bet street, wnsanestod late Saturday
night charged with attempting to
poison his wifu aud but for the
police ho would Imvo accomplished
his design. Early last week Superin
tendant of Police Brown received
word from a wholesale drug house
in New Yoik that two men from
Newark had purchased five pounds
of arsenic The salesman suspected
them, although they said tho polBou
was for manufacturing purposes.
Detectives met tho meu at the depot
and followed them to Damlo's place
Whore they parted. Dnmlo's com
panion took tho package to "Waverly,
one of tho suburbs of tho city,
where ho hid the nrsenlo In au un
iuiiublted building. After ho left
tho ofllcers took tho package
to tho pollco headquarters leav
ing In Its placo a similar package
containing tartar emetic. The
next day Damln's compaulon
was Been to go to tho packago uud
take out a quantity of tho supposod
poison, which ho took to Damlo's
placo. There It was placed In a
botlle partly filled with whisky and
according toDamlo'u statcmout, the
men bet her 10 cent sho could not
drink two glasses of It, Sho drank
tho stuir aud was immediately
taken very Blck. Sho says her hus
band beutB her every night, and she
has a wound on her head which he
Inflicted with a kulfe. Damio denies
any intention of killing his wife and
his compaulon refuses to talk.
Of Raum and tho Ponsion Offlce
Washington, April 11. In the
pension Investigation, George W.
Wayson, formerly assistant chief
special examiner pension bureau,
declined to say whether or not he
had borrowed money or secured
endorsements from his subordinates.
Ho admitted ho took thu disposition
of an examiner named WHHamsou,
showing the latter had borrowed
money on pension certificates con
trary law. Tho witness is still refus
ing to auswor further questions, the
committee has decided to report to
tho house a resolution requesting tho
oommlsslouor of pensions to dls
ohargn him. Tho same notion was
taken in regard to Harvoy C. Kills,
who declined to answer questions.
Tho Bar at Coos Bay Washed Out
in tho Lata Storm.
San FHANClfaO), April 11. A
welcome pleou of uuws to coasters
was brought In by tho Areata
from Coos bay, yesterday, Captain
lianghoruo reports that almost tho
entire bur at the outrauo to Coos
biy harbor was washed out during
the lute storm and that tho entrance
cm he eirected as easily as through
the Golden Gate. It Is thought the
bar will undoubtedly form ugulu,
but It will tko hoiuo time for tho
barrier to ua uu Iti formur propor
tions. J. K. Porter Djad,
Watkhv nu). N. Y., April 11,
John. K, Portor, fe-i n counsel for
thepwp'ftlu Ui trial of the Gar
field utMiihi, (1 ) ', and for tho
defenue In the Uwti.iuf trial, dk-d
fiiU m rnlua',
A Man Crazed by His Son's Death,
Attempts Suicide.
PiTTsmmn, Pa., April 11. Afire
soon after midnight destroyed the
residence of James Hawley. All
the inmates escaped, oxcept Joseph
T.lnlnn. nn L(l HtOl BOH. WUO Was
burned to death. When his burn
in.t.n.1 f..ll mi tho first lloor. Mr.
Hawley, crazed wltli gnei, sprang, Humbert, from mol vioieuco
Into tho flaming building aud threw hj lcrifr Fell instantly remains in
himself unon what remained of it
Ho was dragged from his perilous
position, his rescuers sustaining se
vere Injuries. He then attempted
to cut his throat w Ith a piece of
glass, but was prevented. Soon
after ho mado a third attempt at
suicide by dashing his head against
u post, and falling in this, ho tried
for tho fourth time by running his
head against a wagon wheel. He
has met many losses of late, bib
'urn having burned and cattle poi
soned. It is said Unit this last flu
ras Incendiary.
Richard Hancock Shoots His Wife
and Kills Himself.
Winlock, Wash., April 11. A
most awful tragedy occurred here at
10:20 laBt night. KIcbard Hancock
shot and fatally wounded his wife,
and then turning the pistol fired a
shot through bis heart. Hancock
has been dissipated for sometime, and
has threatened the life of his w Ift
ind family. He was trying to get hU
wife to give him money, with which
to settle some pressing financial
matter, and, she refusing, he quar
reled with her. She ran from the
house pureued by her husband, who
fired three shots, one passing through
her abdomen, and tho third through
her wrist. Sho cannot llvo till
Preparing for tho Convention.
Chicago, April 11. The local
finance committee, having chargt
of tho arrangements for tho Demo
cratic national e nventlon, has
hold another mt eting, at which it
was decided to let contracts for the
erection of a wlgwum on the lake
front. It has already been decided
that tho work of construction must
be begun by the 10th, as the na
lonal commlltoo is beginning to
cot uneasy at (ho apparent delay.
So far $30,000 h is been raised toward
tho fund of J50,000 which Is needed
for oxponses pf lha convention, In
cluding tho cost of tho wlwam.
It is thought that the rest will be
raised without dlllloultySwhon tho
building begins to loom up. The
necessary permission to ubo the lako
front for this purposo has been given
by tho city authorities.
A Paintor's Horriblo Death.
San Bernardino, Cal., April 11
Coroner Thompson was called to
South Riverside yesterday morning
at 11 o'clock to hold an iuquest on
the body of a man named Murphy,
who met with a horriblo death. He
was engaged in painting with tar
tho interior of a largo plpo line, aud
was about 250 ftot from the opening.
At 0:30 o'clock a donso volume of
smoke poured out and heartrending
cries were ho ird. After tho flro was
extinguished volunteers crawled in
aud dragged out tho charred remains
of tho unforlunato man. It is be
lieved that Murphy lit a match to
smoko when the tar took fire and
burned aud suffocated him beforo
escape was possible,
Doclarod Untruo.
London, April 11. J. W. Low
thor, parliamentary secretary of tho
foreign office replying to tho ques
tlon In tho commons, declared the
Btatomotit that England Is Bohomlng
to Becuio tho harbor of San Qulntln
In Lowor California ai a coaling sta
tion under tho cloak of tho Mexican
International company Is untrue.
Rewarded for Kindness.
Tacoma, April 11. Mrs. Karl
JohnBon, who shot herself three
dayB ago on account of her husband's
suluido In Jail, died yestorday morn
ng, leaving her property to Police!
Ofilcor Crawford, who was kind to
her. Tho woman was of wealtky
parents and her first husband was
also wealthy.
In the IIouso Today.
Wasiiinoton, Aptll 11. Iu the
house on motion of Berborrow, Illi
nois, a bill was passed rupenllug tho
Joint resolution passed iu tho fifty
first oougrtss, authorising tho secre
tary of war to leaso tho pier at tho
mouth of the Chicago river.
To btop Drilling.
PiTTsnuiio, April 11, Tho leading
oil producers of tho Southwest arc
preparing for u general suspension
of drilling operations for six months
to bring about an advauco In prices.
Tho Custom Frauds.
Han FitANUis.ro, April 11, Tho
U. S. grand Jury bus completed Its
labors In the Investigation of the
customs frauds and will report to
Judge Morrow,
An Ex-Confedorato Goneral.
Washington, April 1J, Goueral
Charks M. Fluid died at his retddenco
In nils city Saturday night, Brlght'a
dlaf'iHo being tho immediate cause of
his death.
In tho Senate.
Wamiiimiton, Airll 11. Palmer
Intiodiicid his bill to rtiuovo limita
tions 1 1 it"' payment of arrears of
Iron Company Assigned,
Ai.i.kntown, Pa., April 11, Lo
lMgh Iron G ., iiusuttlgued, Efforts
aro bviiig muda to Korgault.
Tho Company Will Escort tho
Murdorers to Baker City.
Baker City, Or.. April 11.
Obeying the orders of the governor,
Company "F," 3d regiment O. N.
G., left this city on the 12:45 a. m.
train, en routo for Vale, Malheur
county, to assist tho sherltr to pro
tect William and John Bailey,
charged with ihe murder'of William
the coll with Ihe prisoners, aud
avers that tho cowboys will have
to walk over his his dead body be
fore they get tho murderers. The pre
llmlnary examination occurs today.
It Is reported that the cow boys swear
that tho prisoners will never leave
the county all vo. Militia will escori
tho murderers to this city if bouud
o . er,
Governor Pattison for a Non-Instructed
HABBisBtma, Pa., April 11 It
Is reported that Governor Pattison
Is using his influence to prevent in
structions for Cleveland by the
Demoeiatic state convention next
Wednesday, in the belief that bh
prospects for the nomination for
piesideut would be promoted by
non-action iu this matter. The
povenor uuhelj states that the dele
gates to the Dtmocratlc national
convention should not be instructed.
Nearly all the tounty conventions
hi Pennsylvania are on record for
Cleveland, 'ihe democracy of the
Keystone state is stirred to an ul
Urual degree because of the peace
conferences between Governor Pattl
s n and ex-Senator Wallace. They
ii. ot this wtek at ihe executive
mansion, i.nd, It Is fb11, the meet
ing was brought about by the gov-
n nor, btruiii-.e he desires a united
party in the state, iu order that bis
chances for presidential honors sbtll
not be dimmed by factional lights.
Senator Wallace will attend the
convention Wednesday. He is op
posed to Cleveland and against Hill
which leads the Democrats here to
believe that he will not interfere
with the Pattison boom.
The MailB Will Be Discharged at
San Diego.
San Diego, Cal., April 11. Post
master Kutchin, of this city, has
received notice from the superin
tendent of foreign malls at Washing
ton that hereafter all malls brought
up from South aud Central America
and Mexico by the Pacific Mail
steamers, destined for way and all
points In the Unitid States will be
discharged ut tho port of San Diego,
and will be dispatched from this
office. This Is one of the many
points San Diego, bus been fichtlng
for. The new order will expedite
the mail service ver. much aud will
result in saving from twenty to sixty
hours for all cities in the United
States west of the Mississippi river.
Nino Persons Drowned.
Boston, April 11. Lost evening
Instructor A. F. Norburg, of the
Boston Farm school, ou Thompson
Islund, left the city with ulne boys
connected with the school In a sail
boat to go to tho lelaud. Midway
tho bout woa upset by a squall, and
all were tin own into the icy water,
and the instructor uud eight boys
were drowned. At tho end of four
hours tho boat drifted ashoie with
two survivors.
Now Orleans Conflagration.
New Orleans, April 11, Since
tho firo of laBt Sunday, when five
cotton-presses and five squares of
tho residence sictlon of tho city
wero burned, It Is said to be the
woi k of incendlarlt b. An Investiga
tion Instituted by theinsurancocom
panlos of this city has developed tho
fact that the firo was csusod by
sparks from a passing switch engine.
Tho low by tho cotton firo Is now
placed at $1,550,000, and thut In the
residence part of tho city at $750,
000. Anarchists Pires.
Vienna, April 11. Incendiary
fires continue here hut owing to tho
extraordinary precautious of tho
authorities little dnninpo has been
dono so lar. They aro attributed to
anarchists, but it Is believed tinny
of them are sot with a view of rob
bery during tho excitement. A
similar state of attaint is reported ut
Lyonfelden In upper Austria.
Peace to Venezuela.
Washington, April 11. The
navy department aro Informed that
tho U. S. H. Norwalk sdled from
Laguayara today for Curacoa, West
Indlea. This is taken to meau peace
has beon restored to Venezuela.
The Wigwam.
Ciiioacio, Ills., April 11. Work
ou tho Democratic national conven
tion wigwam liemui today. It Is to
bo completed beforo Juno 6.
Small Pox.
Niw Yonic, April 11. Three
mora cases of small pox was dis
covered today, making eleven since
Saturduy. Cases are mostly in down
town tenement district.
Portland, April 11,Whoat val
ley, Jl.40fl.45; Walla Wulla, $1.85
Ban Fbancibco, April 11. Wheat
buyer season $1.20,
OmcAao, April II. At elite
wheat was easy cosh $.S0.
InrfinnnnoliH Ih'in crate
strurtctl for Cleveland
and (iray.
Tho American Minister to France
Highly Honored.
New York, April 11. Ohio's
sons, resident In the empire city of
the republic gathered around a dis
tinguished son of the Buckeye state
ut Delmonclo's Saturday night and
feasted and made merry. It was an
assemblage, Independent of party
affiliations, or options, which met to
honor Whitelaw Held, minister to
France and editor of the New York
Tribune, who has Just returned from
Purls. There were 150 guesta pres
ent. Mr. Blaine was unable to at
tend tho dinner. D. O. Mills. Cbas.
Dana, Geo. W. Childs. Warner
Miller, Chauncey M, Depew, Charles
Foster, S. V. Elklns and uian
other distinguished people were
pnseut. Gen. Wagner Swayue
gave the greeliug of the society tc
Mr, Reld, and after a toast which
11 tingly honored him, the latter
spoke feelingly of his gratitude at
the welcome accorded bim.
Iu the course of his remarks, hi
"A few years ago he had occasion,
in presenting a gentlemen (recently
dropped from tho s.nate, and who
described himself as a 'dead states
man'), to point out that he had In
him the material for an uncom
monly live president. He bad not
seen any necessity for apologizing
for any mistake made In tho predic
tion. Now it Is said the other party
is looking for a candidate. Htro is
the first niesiueni of tne Ulilo so
ciety ready at hand. A statesman
himself, and the son of a statesman,
and, if for any reason that name,
Ewing, is not called, (hen, in the
language of my frhnd Mr. Bennett,
would like to know why not Calvin
d. Brlce. Two states claim him,
uud he is bright enough for the
whole forty-four, The Ohio man
continues to be prevalent. In the
present cabinet, for Instance, out of
seven members four are from Ohio.
Wheu these four vote together and
the president joins them, the rest of
tho concern mutt feel lonely."
In closing, Mr. Held paid he was
happy to have escaped in apparent
safety from public service, and made
a heartfelt expression of most grate
ful thanks.
Some Speculation on the Result in
Rhcde Island.
New Yokk, April 11. The Tri
bune siivb: "From the East comes
light. Little Rhode Island is large
enough to deal the free traders a
stunning Llow. The Ippe that
'Cleveland and reform' will carry
the Eastern states is burioi under a
plurality of 2070 In a sm ill state,
where the Democrats had a plurality
of 4419 in 1889. In the light of re
cent events a presidential estimate
of some yulue can bo made of this
election. The new ippolntment
gives to the South 159 electoral votes,
to the East 117, and to the West 108,
the total being 444, with l23 to elect.
The South must retain all of its own
votes, and secure 04 votes from the
North; but If the South carries New
York with SO votes, New Jersey
with 10, Connecticut with 0, and
Indiana with 15, or 07 Northern
votes in all, it will bo still in the
minority, If It loses one small South
ern state as West Virginia with 6
votes, or Florida with 4. If Con
nectlcut, New York, New Jersey,
Indiana, Iowa und Montana be
classed as questionable with their
83 electoral votes, It follows that the
Democrats might elect If they could
carry all these uud prevent a loss of
more than 18 votrs In the South, but
the chuuee thut all these- Northern
states can be carried by the Demo
crats seems decidedly smaller than
tho chanco that tho Alhanoa will
cost them more than 18 Southern
Appraiser Shaen, of San Frjn
cisco, Is Not Aft aid.
New Yobic, April 11 A corres
pondent saw Jacob Shaen, asls-tiu(
appraiser of Sau Francisco. Ho is
hero to attend a meeting of local
appraisers, whloh Is to bo held next
Tuesday. When Shaen was asked
about tho trouble Iu tho custom
house In Sau Francisco he did not
seem worried, and tieated subject
very lightly. In conversation with
him, tho impression ho left on the
listener's mind was that he had no
fear of being removed. He hud Just
returned from Washington, but
while there tho subject of his dis
missal wus not mentioned to him.
"The first direct report of any
trouble In tho San Francisco custom
house," ho b lid, "reached mo today,
I received a telegram from a friend
there which stated a San Francisco
paper said I was to bo removed, aud
thut I was in Washington squaring
up my accounts. Now, I want It
understood by my friends and ene
mies ulike that I fear nothing, for
there is certainly no trouble In
my department. Tbore may bo
something wioug In others than
mine, but I don't know anything
about It, I have nothing to do
with woolens, dry goods or luces.
When 1 loft home everything was
all right. Tho reason why I am
here uow Is because I received order
from the secretary of the treasury
tocomoou mid attend the anuual
meeting of the local appraisers,
which will take lace next Tues
day. I arrived a few days earlier
to learn about some changes In
the prices of imported goods. It
Is very singular that Assistant
Treasurer Bpauldlug, with whom I
wus closeted for some time Saturday
iu his office In Washington, did not
mention the snbject of tho trouble
out there to me. Next, however, I
will say to the treasurer thut 1 situ
ready to show my books nny ilino if
be has any suspicion of wrongdoing.
I don't think there Is any cbanco of
my being removed for cause. I
don't admire my position very much,
but I will do my duty while I hold
Wantsd a Dam Site.
Pikenix, Ariz., April 11. A seri
ous Bbootlug affray took placo yester
day afternoon at Dam Kite, Rio
Verde, 20 miles from this city. Cap
talu John King two years ago lo
cated Dam Site and claims he has
expended in the neighborhood $-5000
improving nnd surveying the same.
Six months ago a company of
Minneapolis capitalists jumped the
claim and began a series of improve
ments. They have been working a
force of twenty-five or thirty men
since that time aud have likewise
acquired title to about 50,GG0 acres
of land lying under the contem
plated reservoir. Yesterday King
ordered the party to quit work at
the point of u rille, which they did.
Tho latter insisted upon them leav
ing their camp and upon their refus
ing fired several shots, none taking
effect. The camp cook, named
Crum, returned the fire, hitting
King in botli legs. He was brought
to the city in a precarious condition
and it is thought he w ill die. Crum
is under arrest aud It is likely a bit
ter feud will follow for tho posses
sion of Dam Site.
Proceedings in the Raum Invest!
Washington, April 10. In the
Raum Investigation yesterday, Rep
resentative Cooper, of Indiana, said
during hh absence from the city an
attack bad been mode on him, and
there were some things needing an
explanation. On their fuce it looked
us if he wus connected with very
reprehensible matters, which had
been done in his name and without
ids knowledge. He had no connec
tion with anything irtegular, and
requesteu permission to examine
the pension fllce records and testi
mony, iu order to make a full and
complete statement. James W.
Donahue, pension clerk, testified he
had caused the arrest of Major Bar
ker, the dlr missed chief of the rec
ord division, for failure to pay bor
rowed funds and finally secured the
money, but Baikcr reduced him
from section chief to a clerk. Then
he tried to have him dismissed, and
the commissioner and Assistant Sec
retary Bussey recommended it, but'
Acting Secretary Chandler Interfered
and prevented it.
Cleveland and Gray.
Indianapolis, April 10. Several
Dcmocratlo conventions were held
yesterday. Those of Allen, Marlon
Owen, Wairack and Green Instruct
ed for Cleveland and those of Dubois
aud Franklin for Gray.
Indianapolis, April 11. A livelj
contest took place in the Marion
county Democratic convention be
tween the Gray and Cleveland fol
lowers. The Cleveland men, how
ever, were victorious, they succeed
ing iu having a resolution adopted
declaring: "As tailff leform will
be tho paramount issue in the next
presidential election, it is the judg
meul of this convention that Grover
Cleveland should be tho nominee of
the Democratic party for president,
and Isaac P. Giay for vice piesl-
Marion county has eighty dele
gates to the Btate convention and
tho actlou Is a severe blow to (he
Gray boom.
A Patient's Mysterious Death.
Columiius, O., April 10. W. C.
Watson ana .). JM. lterr, manager
aud medical director respectively, of
the Chicago Opium and Liquor
cure, an institution recently estab
lished lu this city, were arrested
C8terday on a charge of murder.
Tho an est grows out of the myster
ious death of David M. Shoemaker,
n patient at the ''Dlpslcura." Shoe
maker died at 2 p. m. last Tuesday.
An autopsy developed a rupture of
un artery and a fracture of the nasal
bones in the head. There were also
eyidencts of strychnine In the
stomach. The latter Is supposed to
bo due to the treatment adminis
tered. Tho Injuries are unaccount
able and tho arrests wero mado by
order of tho coroner.
Murder In tho First Degree,
WASinNctTON, April 10. Howard
T. Schneider, who on January 31
shot aud killed his wife aud her
brother ou the street while they
with a Hftler were on their way to
ehuroh, was yesterday convicted ot
murder In tho first degree. The
parties were all prominent in social
elieleri. Mrs. Hchneldor's family
.iiftiM? I to longer keep him at their
hump because of his lnzlue3 aud
ad Ii hits, anl Schneider nwiltid
them ou the street and shot his wifo
aud brother-in-law.
Another Story About Blaine.
Krw Yokk, April 11. The Com
mental Advertiser's Washington
special says;
'A devoted friend of Blaine's
tohl your correspondent Saturday
inai ue nan Had
along talk with
Blaluo on the subject, and could
state positively that Blalno would
accept the presidential nomination'
l'erdoren fortlo finest finished
PUOTOUUAI UMlnthoclty.
Machine Shop, Guns,
Sporting Goods, Etc.,
S01 Commercial Btrec.
lK)Commerclal Street,
Contractor and
Salem, - - Oregon.
Over Small's Clothing Store.
Millinery Store,
Removed to OotUo block.
Spring Goods Arriving,
Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, 20 tli and Chemeketa Street.
Heal Estate
anil Insurance.
First stairway north of Bush
if oflored him by tho Republican
convention. He said Blaine did not
really want the nomination and
would until i anything to secureit,
but he won d not decline it. Tho
source from which this comes should
put the mailer beyond queMion.
The Governor Orders Out Oo. F,
O. N. G.
Baker City, April 11. Latest
advices from West Fall. Malheur
county, say the killing of William
Humbert by Bailey Bros, was a
cold blooded murder, The trouble
began at tho Democratic primaries,
neiq baturuay. Tne contest was
close and exciting. Considerable
whisky was consumed and bad blood
soon commenced to crop out. At
one time two of the contestants for
delegates w ere a tie, one being one
of the Bailey Bros., who Intercepted
Wm. Humbert, ubo attempted to
vote, hot w ords followed, and in a
few minutes Humbert started for
home. Shortly after one of the
Bailey boys said he had been cut on
the arm by Humbert. A brief con
ference was held aud one of the
sjaug suggested that it would be the
proper thiu to overtake him and
kill him. Five of the number at
once mounted their horses and
started to carry out their murderous
threats. When Humbert had
arrived within a shot t distance from
his homo he was overtaken by the
Bailey boys who were on swift
horses and, it is alleged they riddled
him with bullets, four shots taking
effect iu the back. Humbert's little
daughter saw the shooting and ran
to her father, but was too late to see
him alive. Tho excitement runs
high iu that section and strong
threats of lynchiug are Indulged in
by the cowboys. Sheriff Fell is
doing all in his power to protect tho
prisoners and petitioned Gover
nor Pennoyer to detail Co. "F,"
O. N. G., of this city at once. A
telegram was received from the
governor ordering the militia to
depart immediately.
If the cowboys, who are now
organized do not carry thoir threats
into execution before the militia
arrives, the murderers will be
escorted to this city for safe keeping,
The attorneys today concluded
taking testimony in tho case of Ore
gon Land Co. vs. State Insurance
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Castorlai
"Safe and Certain"
IS the testimony ot Dr. George E.
Waller, of Martinsville, Va., in
reference to Ayer's rills. Dr. J. T.
Toller, of CMttenango, N. Y., says :
"Ayer's Pills are lilrrlilv nnnrAHntml
They aro perfect in form and coating,
and their effects are all that the mos
careful physician could deaire. They
nave supplemented all the pills former
ly popular hero, and I think it must be
long before any other can bo made that
will at all compare with them. Thoso
who buy Aycr'a Pills get full value."
" I regard Ayer's Pills as one of tho
most reliable general remedies of our
times. They have been In use In my
family for various affections requiring a
purgative medicine, and have given un
varying satisfaction. We have found
them an excellent remedy for colds and
licht feyers." W. It. vnn.inn. w,
Worth, Texas. '
"I prescribe Ayer's Pills In my prac
tice, and find them excellent. I urge
their general uso In families." John
V. . Brown, M. D., Oceaua, f, Va.
Avpk5q PiIIq
J w vj
Dr J C Ayer & Co' Lowell, Mass
fllRti. E. C. RONCO,
Fashionable Hairdresser.
Ladles' and Gouts' Barber
124 Court Street.
(Senium Meat Market
i 131BouthOom.Bt
Livery Feed and
Boarding Stable,
41 State Street.
Fresh and Salt Meat arid
j. j. mm,
Scientific Horseshoeing.
On Stato Street.
California JBaJtery,
101 Court Street.
221 Commercial St.
Large Iine of Loose
General Blacksmithing,
47 State Street.
Salem Modiste.
Commercial St.
Salem Haclunan is
Best Line In the City.
Court Street.
ETntlcrtnkiiig and
Cabinet Work,
107 State Street.
ujuiuhi mv
127 Court
Oregon Land .Company's Price List.
10 acres of land 5 miks south of Salem (postoffice)
best fruit land, nearly all cultivated. There will be 100
acres set to fruit, immediately adjoining this tract, this
spring; price 850 per acre, $100 cash, balance easy pay
ments, Choice of four ten-acre fruit tracts, five miles south
of Salem (postoffice), one all in cultivation, veiy sightly;
two others three-fourths in cultivation, balance good tim
ber; one three-fourths in cultivation, balance in pasture,
$45.00 per acre, cash, balance easy payment and long
Choice of 25 ten-acre fruit tracts six mile south of
Salem (postoffice), best fruit land, very desirable location,'
springs and running water, adjoining The Oregon Land
Company's model 100-acre orchard farm, three miles from
teamer landing. First choice $60 per acre, cash, bal-
nce on eight years' time, enabling purchaser to pay for
and out of the first crop. This land will be set out to
fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner,
by the "Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company so that
a two year old orchard, complete in ever respect, will
cost the purchaser $125 per acre, including a good fence,
around it.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company has
now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and will
take pleasure in showing anyone, who takes an interest in
fruit growing in the "Willamette Valley, what they are
doing and how thoir orchards look. The people of Salem
and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at
the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com
pany, in the Gray building with the Oregon Land com
pany, and take a ride to Sunnyside and see what is being
done in the way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem,
Oregon. You will enjoy the ride to Sunnyside and see
something worth seeing.
19 80-100 acres cultivated land with house, spring and
orchard 3 miles from Turner, $60 per acre, cash, balance
in'three equal annual payments.
18 40-100 acres cultivated land, with barn and running
water, $45 per acre, cash, balance in three equal an
nual payments. First payment taken in work.
39 68-100 acres pasture and timber land, all good land,
with running water, 3 miles from Turner, $25 per acre.
6 fruit tracts ranging fron 12 to 14 acres each, all cul
tivated, 200 fruit trees on each lot, land all plowed, $45 per
acre, cash, balance in three equal annual payments.
16 19-100 acres cultivated land, running watter on land,
$40 per acre, cash, balance in three equal annual pay
ments. First payment taken in work
"Work such as carpenter work, cutting wood, making
rails, building fences, setting out and cultiyating trees
taken in part payment on land; also horses, harness,
wagons or buggies taken iu part payment on land; also
irood city property, when unencumbered by mortgage or
other claims, taken in part
If You Expect to
In ibe Chicken llusi
ness )ou need the
Pacific Incubator
and Brooder,
It In cheap, reliable, substantial, easily
iiderstood.KOft will Latch any Ki;.n or
vooh better vuan a hen. Bentl 80 t.tamp tu
pay tOKtuge on our new 82-page IlliMra.
ten 1-1,1 li ii rf luci baton.'! bnroiiLlibrett
jn"1 AIA 11 X. NKTUMIB Ton
mills, poultry mipplit-ii. etc, '
1U,i 1 Ik k .onij), ju fcul -sired 'uiorcd
No. 1313 CASTRO ST., Oaklai.d, Cal.
Fron baled bay and feed to flue tollei
knives, etc enn alirnnli,. .'.'.'
prices; at "" "w""'
P I i i MM I y 1 " Y-- CH rfl-
2,50 Liberty Street,
Electrlo Car Line.
Fruit and Cigars,
P. O. Block.
Cifyai b and Tobacco.
243 Com'l Street.
Coffee House,
Open all Night
Meat, Poultry
and Fish Market,
Iusnranco Block.
payment on land.
U, S, Pension and Claim agent. !.
Box ML Salem, Oregon. Deputy Oobi
Clftr- Vrlte for blanks.
Htate BL and Court Bt The best nem
delivered to all purtu of the city.
Columbia Poultry Yards,
J. M. BRENTS, Manager.
Lock Box 1210, Seattle, WwH
Breeders ot Thoroughbred roultry or fol
lowing varieties:
8.0, White leghorns, P. O. Brown Ur
horns, White Plymouth Rocks, Earrrt
Plymouth Rocks, Pit Games, Black Ur
shams. Light Brabamas, Buff Cocnli
Partridge Cochins, Bronze Turkeys,
Send lor Circular and Price List.
Livery Stable and Feed Tiri
Th Beit Box SUlli nd Corral In thy t.
Quiet, family horses a specialty.
(In rear Willamette hoteL)
BA&BM, - - - Otu"
10,VUuiujuervUll BL, Bleu.
&4?n4W a - Wat PWniiHWiM 1" n v
itir h rf. I---4 .. n