, W!)MI!,timHIUiPliIHfpPWJ Mty&1WWmPW' -w1--"' ,srrtwi frtin i ft ft i sy "WEgfffJJpJI US' ' VfMliwU f ''WWWyyWWg' 9? Tjerman Syrup G. Glogcr, Druggist. Watertown, Wis. This is the opinion of a man who keeps a dru store, sells all medicines, cotrrcs in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than anyone else how remedies sell, and what true merit thtiy have- He hears of all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge: "I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef fective work in my Coughs, family as Boschee's , -.t. German Syrup. Last Soro Throat, . a j Hoaraoness, at my store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re lief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge for iU A few days after she called and paid for it, saying that she woulunever be without it in aiture as a few doses had given herrelief." (D DR.IBIIE8 )S kfRESTORAHYE Jgr y nervine. WSgrnl tk rasa VrAhi STARTLING FACTS! Tao American people aro rapidly becoming a Pico of nflirous wrecks, am tho fullowlnu sur.fcsti tho best remedy l Alpbonsollenipliliig.of Ibtler, Pa swears that when bH son was speechless lrora ft. Vltui Dsnco. Or. Miles' Croat Rontoratlvo flervtno cured blm. Wra. J. 1L Jliller.of Ytlpar sJso.lod ,J.I).Tarlor,of Lofansport, lad., each palncdS) pounds IromtaklDij It- 4lrs.II A. Gard ner, of VUtula.Ina.Tfas cured oHOtoW cohthi el' nsadnr,andmu:li headache, Cliilncu. bark, ache, and nervous prostration, by ouo b 'Uio. Daniel Mvors. Rruoklyn. Mich., says his dao. bter was cared of Insanity of ten Tears' (landing. 1'rtsl bottles and Cne book of rotrvolous cures. F.iEU at druggists TMJ remedy contains no opiates. Dr.rmioo,ModlcalCo.,Elkhnrt,ind. EIA!i BOX1XE FBEE. ftnld by "D, J. Fry,!lruu-c;It,-ale i. Act on b new principle-- 1 regulate tho liver, etou acb ono boweli through the SrS nerrt Dn. lluis' P ixs torpid liver and constipa tion. Smallest, mililjat, surest! Bptloi20,20,'ts. brmiiks ue nt nrUL'irfsla B . aw). Co , Eillart, 111 Ro'd bv T). J. Fry. tlruguU. HuIhih. ySs&Ki M lo csa sbuei re-it-.ro .'.; . M ..... ZVZ rniir iinnAria.irT. lmrvt vnii -r-m : " -.'.'. :.-.. ri know tnat cxnsusuon, aeomty, laiiiuu iuuumuuu. nuik kuukim U-ri wcoknou, brought on by early rW follies, dliilratloii and exeeaici. ,rT1 can bo cured. Don't net dlicour- HJi seed. Wo baro cured handrods JK ..... . ... .Ut- ot inolr lio:nc by mail treatment. l Your caa will liu dlagnoied free. Vfrlto to-day. No ooit to learn your condition. C03H0P0LITAH SI5PE1W Market. Stockton and Ellla Stfc, BAN FRANCISCO, CAL f JsWJJJ tiso XiZA ,T. afci J iWkl ON SALE II nUuiSfrm II to VENVMlt, OmahaKansasCityjChicago, ST.l'AUL, ST. LOUIS, And all Points I East, North and South, yTOCom'l atreot, Halem, Oregon. I10IMK at jiAitik.r.u, UKeum. Bids for Hentinir Capitol. The board ot capital building commit leuera lovtta Htialeu iuoikmuU lor lieuKug the ciipltol bulldmic ut Bittern. Or., either by uU'um or hot wuler. llldd&m nro to uiruisii ineir ownpiuiiHuim (iiH'omcjiiiouk. Kvery bid ahall foe iiccotupnuled with ut undertdktnir with Olio or moru nirlftlwt In aauiu efiuulto doublo tho uiuounl of tho bid to be upprovvd by tho board, to lliit ettect that If hla bid ahull bo accepted, tho uiaaer win punorm mo worv spicint'ii therein In nooonlttmo with tho pluiu unit Nprcincatloua therefor, tho right to n tuct iiuy or mi uiu is nwerwii. jihih win is opened at 'J o'clock p. in. Monday, April ii.imt;, uiiiiiHXttflutivnoiiicn,n.iimi Oiv-Ol HVliVEUTKU I'KNNOVKU, (J1W. W. McllUlDK, I'lIlUMiffTHUIlAN, ltonrd of OnimnUatoners. WM.A.ilUNM'.C'lerkoflloiird, il-lU-lmo Those Afflicted With tho h.tblt ol uatn: to oxnaw, LIQUOR, OHM Oil TOBACCO Cuu obtain m COMPLETE, PERMANENT 1CURE AT TilK KEELBY INSTITUTE! lArt drove, 0r Call wrlle, Hlrlcth confidential. THE WILLAMETTE, JSAL&jr, OHEQOK. Kates, i?2.W) lo Jp5.00 irDitj. TUe bt hotel bf I wm fortlnnd nailAi KntiicUou. i-lrsv-Llasii In all 1U uiipoinl tueutc. IU tatilr are sorvod wllh tti- Choicest Fruits Orwn in ihu WllUiutti VulU'y A. i, wauner, prop. MATftVMONIAL POINTEnS. T)r. Drnoks Sajs ttedheailnl Men Khonld Not HOSTJ Auburn llalred Olrls. "Marriago was the thctao upon which Rev. Dr. John A. Brooks dis course! at Uio Prospect Avcnuo Christian church. His text was from Ephmians xxii. 32, 33: "Wives sub mit yourselves unto your own litis ljands as unto tho Ijord, for tho bus Iwml is tho liwul of tho wifo, oven as Christ te the head of tho church. Nevertheless, let every ouo of you in pai-ticular so love his wife oven as himself and tho wifo sec that sho reverences her husband." 'CourtHbip Ls the most serious time foraimuiorwonian,"saidDr. Brooks. "Many bad unionshavo resulted from bad courtships. It is tho time to be earnest, honest and truthful, not a tirao of smiling, sighing, pleasing and captivating It is tho timo to study happiness, concord and congeniality. "Marriage is either a blessing or a curse. Plutarch said, A man must eat a bushel of salt before I can take him for my friend.' How much moro imtwrtant it is when ho is to bo taken for life. There should be h.tnnony in age between tho parties marrying. A young person should not marry an old ono. Tho one will seek life and its active joys, the other rest There Bhould bo hanno ly in neatness and cleanliness. A clean man -will not feel at home if ho re turns to a dirty house, nor u neat woman care to go out with a husband slovenly and uncleanly. There should bo harmony also in physical tempera ment Both should bo strong and vigorous, and ought to have a tern per as nearly equal as possible. "A redheaded man should never marry a redheaded won.an if he waute peace in the family. There should bo harmony in social position. A man should never marry a woman whom ho would bo ashamed to take to his family and tho soci -ty in which ho moves. In intel igence there should also bo harmony. A man does not want to marry a wom an who cannot enter into his intel lectual enjoyments. Above all. there should bo harmony in religion. There can bo no happiness in a family where a religious wifo or husband has to associate with an irreligious wifo or husband. "Every young man should study tho woman ho is to marry with great care. Ho should study himself to know tho traits ho wants to match in his wifo. Never marry a woman for personal beauty alone. Her beauty will fado after awhile and you will ceaso to lovo her. Beauty of soul is tho thing to lovo. This will survive tho failure of personal beauty and live on until death. Do not marry a fretful woman. Her fretfulness and peevishness before marriago will turn into quarrelsome and stormy in vectivo after marriago. "Never marry a fashionable wom an. Instead of her homo sho will bo ever thinking of fashiouablo society and of preparing for its enjoyment. Sho will burden you continually with expenses for her wardrobe, carriages and extra servants, and leave you al ways in your homo desolated. On tho other hand, select a woman who is a cood housekeeper. Your home ought to bo tho most blessed and de lightful placailuring life, and if she does not know how to make it sucli sho is not fit to Ikj your wifo." ICan saa City Times. Orlcln of the Tomato. Tho English word of direct Indian origin most frequently in use is to mato. A nativo of tropical or sub trop'cal America, it was cultivated by tho biimectn or the Incas and ilon tczumas, as well as by tho other somiciviliiied natives, long before tho advent of .Europeans on this hemi Bphoro, under tho lintno of tumatl or tomntl. Though introduced mto i.u ropo nhnoat na early as its congenor, tho potito, it is only lately that it has mado its way mto popular tavor. Thoro it was first known to tho Eng hsh as lovo applo, to tho French as pommo d'nmour and to tho Italians as pomi d'amoro, and theso names aro still in uso, iwriwtuaniig Uio old, widespread notion tliat its uso as food had an iniluenco on tho amatory tins slons. Rural Now Yorkor. AN dFrENSIVE PROVERB. How as trtnoeent Little Iteraark CatiM-d Lot of Uartl Fetllng. "Folks that quotes, had oughter b" mighty keerful who they're hitlin," said Abner Griggs, the wiseaero of Brookvillo Cornow ; "but then again," ho added, "folks liadn't oughter bo s'fearful tetchy, seems 's of" "Have you got anybody special in your mind, Undo Abnerrasked thoyoun man to whom tho old farmer was talking. "Well, yes, I don't mind sayin t' I hev," replied Mr. Griggs. "O' course it's a statement 't bears on any number o' cases in a gen'ral way. But what yo was jest sayin "baout takin up them kecrle-s words o' Fred Jcnlnn3' put me in mind o' th' Hill sisters, Suan an Rebecca: they died 'fore your day." "What's tho story? Tve heard of 'em both," said tho young man, as the old farmer paused for a moment ov iJcntly lost hi recollection. "Well," said Uncle Abner, "yo see they was gettin on in years, but they didn't seem f realize it Twas com mon f r folks t' spsak of 'em as them two old Hill gals, but they never sus picioued it not fr a minute. But thoy was terrible tetchy, alius on th" lookaout fr snubs an slights, an made it land o' liard fr folks. "One ovenin they went to a sewin boo t' Mis' Deac'n Emmonseg. It ap pears t someways or 'nother they thought 's mndr's could Iks they was expected, when they wu'n't That particlar bee was. meant fr th youn? folks. "WelL naow, Susan an Rebecca was a good forty years older 'n th oldest o' th' rest on "em. They didn't seem t hev sense 'nough t' go away when they faoundkaowthine? stood, so they stuck right there Mis Deac'n Emmons, she was as perlito to 'em as sho knew haow, but they seemed t be kinder offish. "WeIlT after th beo was over, some o' th young fellers come in I was mongst tli' lot an thoy got to play in games. Th' Hill sinters, they staid ricrht alone, an th young folks took 'cm inter their fun; but they was kinder stiff, an didn't ketch holt o' th' games over'n above quick. "Fmlly one o' th gals, said, 'Le's play Shoutin Proverbs.' an little 'Mandy French, 't bed jest come homo fr'm boardin school, sho spoke up quick she was kinder quick spoken alius an says sho. 'Oh, Shouting Proverbs is as old as th' hills I" "An sho never ro'lized what she'd said till she see them two Hill sisters rise up as stiff 's a couplo o' pokers, an mako a curchy, each on 'em, t' Mis' Deac'n Emmons, an say, 'I'll bid ye good evenin !' " Tw'n't no uso tryin t' oxplain," concluded Uncle Abner with a remi niscent chuckle of amusement "Thoy alius thought t' th' day o' their deatlis 't 'twas intended fer a slap right t' their faces. Tw'n t no good tollin 'era 'twas a common sayin, a kind of a nrovorb like I When folks wanted them Hill sisters to a getherin after that, thoy alius hod t' make a pint of invitin 'em special, by word o' maoutii, an they never went t' 'nother sowin beo. long 's thoy lived 1" Youth's Companion A Doctor for Mehuonler's Dos. Hero is a good story of a doctor and a painter's wifo. Tho doctor's name does not appear, buttlie painter was Moissonior. Mine. Moissonior sent for tho family physician in a great hurry. Ho camo, thinking somo illness had overtaken tho artist But it was not tho artist; it was only a lapdog. Ho pocketed his pride and attended tho patient, who soon recovered. At tho ond ot tho year tho bill camo in, but thoro was no item for attendance on tho dog. Mmo. Moissonior noticed tho omission and told tho doctor to chargo. Ho would not chargo; ho said ho could not cliarno, ho was not a vot Ho was very glad to bo kind to tho dog, etc. Tho lady insisted. Well, said tho doctor, tho hinges of my gardon gate aro rusty; aak M. Moissonior to bring his brush and paint thom for mo. Pall Mall Gazette. Didn't Understand. In tho days of tho old schoolship Massachusetts a Sunday visitor ouco addressed tho sailor boys on board m what ho probably thought was an offoctivo maunor. Tho next day in tho school tho question was asked, "What did you loaru from tho re marks of Mr. X. yesterday?" To tho Burpriso of tho teachor ono boy gavo this answer, "I learnod that no was talking about two things that ho did not seem to understand, sir naviga tion and religion, sir." Boston Ad vortisor. Sho Couldn't WalU Lady I'm sorry your mamma is out, my pot, for 1 wanted vorymuch to see her, and I can't remain until sho returns. Sho has gono shopping, I prcsumot Little Pet No; sho'a gono to mako uixty-fivo calls. Lady-Oh, is that all. Thou 111 wait Ssttlcd at Last. Tho old question as to whether tho upper part of a carriago wheel in mo tion moves faster than tho lower part Booms to havo boon definitely settled by instantaneous photography, which shows Uio top spokes indistinct, tho bottom clear cut and well defined. St Louis Republic, Teeth of a Shark. In respect to its dentition tho shark is a vory romarkablo creature. Tho white shark has seven rows of tooth, whilo othor species vary in tho num bor of rows thoy possess. It must bo understood, howovor, that tho shark only uses ono row at a time. Tho othor rows lio down insido tho mouth behind tho edgo of tho jaw, erecting thomselvos when it is timo for thom to tako successively tho placo of tho first row. Whou ono observes how koon edged theso incisors are it seems no wonder tliat they can bite off a big ropo as readily as if it wore pack thread. Washington Star. Children Aro Iteatly Animals. Tho children of tho frivolous and neglectful havo certain cliances which Uio carefully brought up chil dron miss. For tho first fivo years of a child's lifo, says Uio doctor, it Bhould bo treated hko a httlo animal, with certain instincts and propensi- tioe Uiat must bo corrected as ono corrects a puppy too mischiovous or too snarling. Now York Evening Sun. A Good Thine; to Know, If you havo timo to do so, learn Uio namo of your next door neighbor. It may savo tho grocer's boy somo troublo whon ho comes to your house with Uio wrong bundlo, and is also handy In caso of funerals. Chicago Tribune, CLEAN! If you would bo cleau nud hayo your clothes done up in tho nuntcstiuul drossiest manner, tako thom to tho SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY whuro all work is done by whito labor and in tho most prompt uianner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED. Liberty Streat tsl. to California in IStft. t Tho sV Oxfonl arrivxl in San TrancLiv.-. ironi Boston with sixty four &kt:i J mechanics, who during Uio vo., .jr uf 19C days had manufac tured r.11 t1' ir tents, cots and ham mocks bad built a boat had made dagger -)t okl files and inlaid Uio uandhM with gold, and having landed on somo islands and found some pearl oyster shells had covered the ban ! dies of their knives with pearl in placo of buckhorn. They hail con otructcd a blacksmith's shop on board, and if a marl broke bis pen knife there was another man who could mend it The captain com plained that they used up every kind of material they could lay hands on. and that it was with diliculty he kept them from cutting up his ship. Even the boys were noted for their wits. A Salem lad eighteen years of age printed on canvas in San Fran cisco tho words "American House" and "Broadway House," and sold them as signs for twenty-two dollars. Another day he earned seventeen dollars and another fifteen for doing similar trifles He and a companion picked up the boxes that had been cast aide an u ;eless in tho city after the gijods had lcen old from them and got four or five dollars apiece. George W. Sheldon in, Harper's. The Dog Went WrenR. M. F. Miinnaugh, the popular Pat ton avenue merchant owns a very smart dog. When Mr. Mhnnaugh is short of apples or other fruits he orders the doir. Frank, a fine setter, to co to a neighbor's store and bring liim what he wants, nisi ho dfes He was b:igging upon tho intelli genco of Fr:uik a fow days ago to a lady friend who is a very strong Pro hibitionist, and sitid he could give Frank a note to Hill & Shank's meat market and the dog would go and get his dinner. The good lady doubted this, and Mr. Mimnaugh wrote tho note and told him where to go and for what Tho dog took tho note, listening attentively to instructions, and to tho CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. CURE Pick Hendarho and rritere all tho troubles tnel drat t" a Lilntw state of the sjrttra. such a Dizziness, Nausea. DroHTlnesm Distress afl catinjr. Pain in II Sid &c While their mos remarkable success lies been shown in curltif ' H SxP ITeafocs A yet C nrtu. a J jm LnrtR Pitt are rquall) rsliitt le in Constipation, enrinr ind prerentiDp tlm annoying complaint, whik ther alio correct all disorders of the stomach Mimalatfl the lirer and regulate Uie bowels 2ven If they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those vhn ciifTar from thfe riuttreftsinsr comnlalnt but fortunately thlr goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills raluable In so manr ways that 'tiey wtn not De wnung to no wiuiuut iucju. But alter all sick head s the bane of no many Ures that here is where i nuke our :rmt boast. Our pills cure It chile ctbei d" hot CiaTKa"8 L,tm k f.ivrn Pius are rery small an' veryey tv tate One or two pills make i ! so. Tbey are Mrtrtly vegetable and do o't rfro or mir?e, bnf by their pentle action ! w all whu i. 0 - r. In vials at 25 cents fp .t M .- fvi ri here, or Bent by mail. CAJm 13 :- i CO., Vn leti. ':i a M Bos. bull fe A LUMBERMAN'S RENDEZVOUS. This term might be applied to steveD Point, looted on the lHfiucin Central Line-", at the guiwy to the vast forest region which extends North to lvtk Superior, a dlntance otaX) miles vtithoutr break, on nceountof Its va t h.mler Inter ests. The Wisconsin Klvcr to which thi lumbermen have giten the lumllljr ant somewhat atlectlonnto title of "fid Wit cons " not Mloue nets its a lumber feeder U thecltr by lurnish'ntr throi'ih Its n umer ous trlbuuireo on outlet for thousands ot acres of pine In the uppur crtjutry, but 1 lurnlshej a water power that is teconC only to that of Jeenh and Menasha which cities are also locate! on the "Cen traL" Millions of feet of lumber are tir every jear, giving cmploynn-nt to hun dredsotmen. In addition to the hunbei trade. It has numerous other mantifiu t t. e r:. .,!. 4.4.i ,i; ! terles: It Is here where the large car nhop; disgust of Mr. Mimnaugh trotted dl 'ofU'wUrnn-inCentralLiuAnreiocated. rectly to Frank OTDonnell's liarroom. The good laly thinks even the dogs are being corrupted. Ashevillo Democrat Queer Tricks of Defective Slslit. Almost any nearsighted man eoidd write an interesting chapter on tho queer tricks which his eyes have played upon him. Such a chapter would include experiences like this: Tho other day a gentleman who i3 not so very shoi'tsighted was aston ished to beo a man going along Wash ington street accompanied by a red calf, which was gamboling by his side. It would be impossible to de scribe tho comical appearance to tho beholder of this prancing calf on the sidewalk of Washington street The gentleman looked on in wonder as tho man and the calf drew nearer, and then ho saw that the animal was merely a setter dog. Only an in stant beforo ho would havo sworn that ho saw tho beast as plainly as ho did now; but then it was a calf, and now it had undergono a sudden transformation into an Irish setter. Boston Transcript The Crystal Paiaco. At ono period during tho building of tho Crystal Palace home 7.000 work men wero ongnjed in its erection, and somo idea of its vastucns may bo obtained from tho faot that 9,612 tons of irou wero iiood in tho frame work, besides 173 tons of bolts and rivets and 103 tons of nails. Wero it possible to placo the panes of glass employed end to end, they would bo found to extend 242 miles. For heat ing purposes alone there aro fifty miles of piping under the floor and ten miles moro of pipes carrying tho water supply to tho fouuta.ns. Whon tho complete fountain system is in full go, as many as 11,763 jets aro playing and throwing 120,000 gallons into tho air ovory minute. One great display consume. (3,000,000 gallons of water. London Tit-Bits. Copper Camo from Cyprus. The word copper is generally ad mitted to bo derived from Cyprus, as it was from that islund that tho ancient Romans firbt procured their supplies. In those remote days Cyprus and Rhodes wore tho great copper districts; and even in our own day now discoveries of copper ore, especially the beautiful bluo and green ores front wliieh tho motal is so much moro easily obtained than from tho copper pyrites and other sulphuretted ores of Cornwall aro being mado nearly every year in tho islands of tho Mediterranean. Cham bers' Journal. Sliorti;hU-i!iH'KA. It is a disgraco to our educational institutions that half of oiir students bruig away from them myopic shortsighted eyes, and that, oven in our grammar schools, children who havo linrdly reached thoir teens beconio lifo long slaves to specta cles, formerly regarded as the al most oxclusivo kidge and buitlon of old ago. And it must be remem bered that short bighteducss is not a moro inconveniouee. but a disorder that tends toward ultimate viMinl dis organization. Youth's Oomjuuion. A Ilrave UtCorU Aunty Why did you laugh when you told mo your dear littk dog wu- deodt Id ttlo Dick (chokingly i- tJo's to keep from cryin. Good Now. 1 ha Pie if lusaiiltv Cannot be unced in extenuation rif the rondurtof hosts of people who coi--u i Inflict Injury upon theiiuehes, and lay the foundation for serious and dlMitir"u bodily troublo by the use. In reason nnd out nf season, upon slight oeccssll" and without dlrcrlinlnatlon, of drast'o eg. labia cathartics) and poisonous inlueial cholagoguea notably tba various lonnt ol murcurr- to relieve simply couttlpstion a complaint remediable ai any star by the persistent nse of Hosteller's stomach Hitters. This famous remedy nev r erlpea, evacuates too copiously or Wtukwu the bowel. f there Is any other tntc aperient In or out of the pharman ptuU nf which this can truthfully besald, aie unaware of lu Abandon the fat uoitthabH of dostoe and use this benign rrgulaW which also seta right weakened slnmaehs and disordered livers. IlbeuuunUn , neuralgia, sleeplessness. loss ol apiwtlte. malaria, debility and kidney couipuiluu are trouble all comjutruUls by the uiturs. maps, pamphlet rnd .. -.-.-. ,.-....... .. in ormaiion "rpiy 10 u. r. "or tickets-. fui McNeill. '. I' andT. A.. Minneapolis. Minn., and to.Jnt-. . 1'ond, General Passenger and Ticket Agi nt, Chicago, III. M6-ly J. M, Needham, HOUSE PAIJNTING, KALSO MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. leave orders J. Irwin's,1! ear of Smith a SUlner's drug store. Pgper Hangerand Decorator, ' lllce at C'has. Oal ert's Mllllonerj' fctort, Ba em, Oregon. PKOl'lSlONAX. CAItDS. GKO. H. BUUNE1T, Atbrny at law. talem, Oregun. Ottlce over Lntld a Bush's bank. DJAltfi XH1MU11AM, Attorneys ano counkclorH at law, SPlum, Oregon, Having an ubitntct oil he rttordsof Marlon county. Including a luUmd blork Index oi Salem, the) hau biwclul fuiiinit-s lur ex aminlug titles lo real cututc. liii.iuhs k the supreme court uud m the st-itn depart ments will reeeixe pnimpt ittitimou. Q T. HICIIAUUSON, Attorney nt lav. ij. olllce up btalrs In front iimiiiis of new Bush block, comer Commercial and Court streets. Balem, Oregon. JOllM A. tAKVJN, Attornuj iU law KoomsSuLd -1, LadU d Btiab's bank imliniiig, Salem, Oregen. 8 1 lyr u. t . BUNHAM. W. H. UOLMES. Bi.MLAU a. iioi.I-.M, Atturuejh ul law Olllce in HUhliV block, between Suu nnd Court, ouOim'lHt. 1 1 UL.MUts KOKO, attorney at law. Salem JL Oregon, Office upttalrs In 1'uttouV bli ck. Bil. UUAI)SUAM,1'11V81UIAJ ASli . Surgeon, aleln, Oregon, oalcfl In bldrldge block, uptlairs our Williams A Knuluud'b bunk ltesldeiue corusr btati indH. K corner Winter street. "ITT H. YOUAO.M. 1., Oltlct) fornierl YV . occupird by IJr. itonland, corner Court and Liberty (streets. Ith'pl.uuo 'o. 45. Olllce heurs: 8 a, m. to 12; 2 to 1 p. in., t-nd7to9p. in. Isldenre ISth street on eitcti le car line. Telephone No. 9. MCAKKfc. i Bltooiis 1'lijblclans uud burgeons, Muriihy Uleck, up btuirs. Commercial street, bnlern. Or. TIU W. H lion', phyhlelau and ur J geou. Olllce lu Klurtdge Block, i. lero, Oregon, OOice hours iU to 12a.ru. 2to4p. ni. T7 B.rHILBUOOK,M.D..HoineopathlsU All. Office 15.5 Court street; UedtdeuLO 'M', High street. GeLerul practice, fapecial attention given to diseases of Women aud children. T T.HOLT&Kn.M D. fhysicianaudsur I . geon. fractld limited to dueiues oftbe nervous sstciu. Catn.rh Includlnv asthma and rupture or hernia. Office in Cottle block rooms 11 and 1. Office hour from 9 to 12 a. in. and from 2 to 6 p. in. 11 tf. Dlt. T. C. SMITH, Dentbt.W hiato btrcet, Halem, Or. I-lnltihed deiital oirr,. Uons ol e ery description. Palp lea opera. tlonnasiKciulty. fIt. MIMA H. A. 1JAVIS Ofiloe hour, ) a. m. to 11 a. in.; 2 p. in. to 5 p. m. ly or night calls proiuptlj iittcudwi to. Special atteiitiou gi en to dhe.u-e of won,, en aud children, urlire In New Bant: Hilt., 3J5 Coiiimerelal binet Itoslilonce tsmi. DH. Mill fcil a I UM), hplM.-Ojl Hef toiy.coruorCIiemeL.eta uL.l Chureh. Olllce hours 1 to 3 p. lu. ANNU'fcK J Err HEWS. M I). Treat ment of Ijidmt and Chlldroii n siw-. laity. Oft'-ce heurs: 9 to IV, aud 2 U. 4. El drldge blooa, salem, Oregon, J U. I'UUll, Architect. Han, hpeel , nattious aud superintendence hn all cliuu-es of buildings. Office 2S0 Com mercial Ml., up stairs. 1? J ,McCAlsTUM).civilRanlur and 111. Hydraulic Knglneer. U. i. Oepulj mlueral surrnr cit sunnyors ottlce Cottle-furk burst Uluck.'alom. urejoii. ! r A. ItuUKKT, Arohllect,ro.im4Jl. Mai , V.'. J111 UUIIUUlg, 1 , rortUO, CTOfcTU. UUSIN't!.' OAUIl-,. T IOtYh.t MILLX. 1'roorlelnn. ilu Kmw. I XX latulUihaudhhavlngl'aruim. Havtr Mliu only IVrorUin Hath Tubs In the eity , gMUimioeielal street, balom, Ort-tfuu. 1 Ql'lUUUK i ALLHN7iiliekm7th7nd p boreaboelug aud repairing Oiily the best workmen employed. Oprwwite wtaU . la.uranoe bulldiug A U.riMITlI(X)..Cnntrarloni, rVwer. V. o. Cemeut Sidewalks, Kxoivatlu;. Ktce All work prompUy done, talent Or Uave orders itrt Uunn Bros 4ilMm nARPCT-tAYING.-imake aTijUIty m Kj caipel-Mtaliig and hying; wrpou lAeo iipaudrela'dwithgritoar. HJJ clmulug. Iavo orders with J II. iZt or llurcu a Hon. j. o. MJHIUIAN fOIlN KNlilllT. HUeksmlth. Ilnrse PJCili,W?Nv? r'O-?Unufaure of alt , kinds of vehicles. Bepalrlug a special. CO CO m co o o w Oo 8 to f s rj (TO I m - S CD CD CO v i I D.C.SHERMAN, U, 8, Pension and Claim agent. 1.) Bix 181 .ilem, Umun, Deputy County C""- Vrll for blank. w E. O. CKOSS, Bulclier and Packer t State Bt. an H Court St The best meat dellvcied to aU parts of the cltv. Nollco or Final Account. Tfinll r1trtrn In rnns AnHf.. I"'"" " id nt j 1"1IIV1U VTtrlli K Is lierebv given that the under. ! 1 KlFn(ladinlul.irnlrlxoftheeiate.. I Milan Hhaw. doeted. hns lhis,iv m.J her tlnal account ns surli In Hie cruui court I" Marion ciiini,liregoii.nnd aift court has apiMilnied biilurday the loi . ,;.,' ol April, 1WJ. a 10 o'clock n. m of taid ali nt the court house In Falem lu said cnuo ns the time slid place, for hearing any M Jecllons which there may be to said ae. tviiitit anrt f.ir tlif. attlt.tnrnl tl,b...r ."HO ini'EilinuflUAUUlI Administratrix of Kstate of Uzlaa Hhaw Deceased. Salem, March 12. ISM. S17-6t Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. UREN115, Manager. Lock Box 1210, Seattle, Wash Breeders ot Thoroughbred Poultry of fol lowing varieties; 8. C White Leghorns, 8. C. Brown Leg horns, White Plymouth Rocks, Barred Plymouth Hocks, lit Gaines, Black Lang shams. Light Brahamas, Buff Cochins, Partridge Cochins, Bronze Turkeys. Send for Circular and Price List. State Treasurer's First Notice STATE OF OREGON. TKEASUBY OEPAKTMEHT. j 8ALKM, March 19, ISM. NOTICE Is hereby given that there are sufficient funds to oar the following outstanding state warrants; and that the same will be paid upon presentation nt 41,1a riftlm,. Mumh.H TM 1T.CI lUOn W1V) 2071, 2095, 50!I7, 209S. 2(a, 210), 21iM. 11 15, 21 W, 2140, 2155, 2100, 2101, 21(S, Clj, 21S7, 2IGS, 2170 2173, 2174, 221,2.69, 2278, 227B, 2281, 2287, 2.U0, 2SS6, 2338, Z1I0. 211, 2MJ, 2:1H; 2341, 2345, 2MH, 2347, 2148, 2349, 2.W), 2100, 731JI, 23G3, 2104, 21fltf 2308, 2374, 2375, 2376. 2377, 2378, 1179, 21S0, 2B1, 2381, 24W, 2407, 2408, 2409, 2110, 2112, 24H, 2414 2190, 2198, 2CO0, 2515. The above numb n, represent warrania enaorseu on or DCiore Semptcmber IS, 1891. Interest on these warrants will not be allowed after the date of this notice PHIL SlEraCUAN, 3 19-2w Httito Treasurer. L B. HUFFMAN, Livery Stable and Feed Yard. The Best Box Stalls and Corral In the I'lty. Quiet, family bort.es a specialty. (In rear Willamette hotel.) SAUEM, ... OREGON iyA" -IW iJagKrVX .srf- eS2r?r&S? If You Expect to MAKE MONEY in the Chicken 1'iisi iR'.ss ou lined the Pacific Incubator and Brooder. It Is cheap, reliable, substantial, easily understood, and will hatch any kind of egos better than a hen. Send 8c 'tamp to pay postage on our new 6-page lllustra ed catalogue of Incubators.'l horoughbred fowls, OaLV. HtX, NETTIAOS, Meno mills, poultry suppllts. etc This book coHtalns 30 sull-slzod colored cuts of Thoroughbred Kowlt.and Is replete with lnformat'on. Address PACIFIC INCUBATOR CO., No. 1313 CASTRO ST., Oakland, Cal. ANYTHING. From baled hay and feed to fine toilet soap, Key West cigars, tobacco pipe, knives, etc. can always be lound at lowest prices; at T. BTJKROWS, No. 226 Commercial Bt., Balem M.T. RINEMAN DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Gioeeiies, 5JCrockery,G lass ware, Li mps, ; Woeden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. AIbo veeetablemnd fruits in their season, "Highest l'rice paid for country produce.' Webolici a8hareofyour ratronage, -9 132 blate street Conservatory of 3Iusic. WILLAMETTE UNIVfcRSITY.-Glves superior advantages to students of music, l''lvo teachers. Latest methods. Vocal and Instrumental music taught to the highest proficiency. No use going east to study music. Expenses moderate. Diplomas given on completion of course Neit term begins Feb. 1, 189J. Z.A1.PARVIN. Musical Director. IMPROVED OltllER OF RED MEN. 1 Kamlabun Tribe No. 8, Balem. Holds council overy Thursday evening, at 7:10. Wigwam in btate Insurance hall, K. fi. KAk'Kll. Prnnhot FRANK O. N.AIERS, Chief ofRecords. Salem Abstract and Loan Co. The only Abstract books of Marion county. Real estate orders tilled promptly and safely. W. H. H. WATERS, MANAGBK. uapital Cilv Restaurant !Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarmMeak at All Houis of theDa None but white labor employed in this establishment. A imrul Biih.tanHol mm.l nl.n ... . class-style. "" ""-""- Twenty.flva cents per mea'. R a D V R O M T. Oourt stret, between Opeia .House and Mlnto'g Livery M. L. CUAMUSItLIN, o. M. SMITH Vice Pre d.nt Treasurer. UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. 275 Commercial Street. Males the neatest and best Abstracts in tbecountiy. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCmiUIER, ZliXCemmsrclilSt, . J ilem, Oregon. (Next door to VTit'- i . - ..., SSg&AJ&SSiJg' "" i hlili Siiu. fifSb u. ,,, 8t"- L0''- rates tbaa Jtan Priiiur t&im grSo, EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Sliasta Line CAUrOKNtA KXHKUriS TUAIN RUN DAIJ.l BtTWKia POKtfUND AJD 8. X. South. 7-Of Ti I I .V P-18 p. m. I Lv. h:15 cm. I Ar. TVJSt. PWianU Ar. 7A.n. i fMl,,. imt Finn .r. I 7i v. I 5-C .v-1 '. Lv. 5-2H a. . liT. ..Mlltl. Above traius stop onl) at fnlioning . tlons north of Host burg, EnM Iortiniii Oigon Clt, Woodbutn, Kilem, Albat Tangent, Bhedds, Jlnhey, Harrlsbu.'i Juiicllou City, lr lug and Eugene. ItUJEHUHO liAI.L DAII.V, Lv. Portland Ar. . t.-Op. n, Lv Halem Lv.J 1:40 p. n.. Ar. Koeburg Lv. 7-OJ a. m Albany Lncil, llally Kvcrpr Kundar, i-M a. in. 11:17 a. m h:'M p. in. 6-00 p. m. I Lv. 7:62 p. m. Lv: D-00 p, ni. I Ar. Pur laud iMlrm Albany Ar, Lv. Lv. 10-sJr a, 7 La. i) ti.30a. r PULLMAN BCFM SLEBPEU& Second Class Sleeping Cars- Kornccouimndi.lioD ol pa,tBpirwhoIdIi second c nss tickets attached to eipreos trains. ft-'e-st Side Division, Between Portlaci ana Cervallis: 1'All.Y (tXCKIT SITNDAY). iSili. m. 12:10 p. m. Portland Corvallis Lv. TiiTp. 12j5Vp.li At Albany and Corvallis connect wK i trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. EXVBE33 TRAIN (DAILY EXCEPT SPNMA 4:40 p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I KuXI a. l. . 7gi p. ni. I Ar.McMlnnvllleLv. 5:45 a. i . Throueh Tickets To nil points EAST and SOUTH For ticket and lull iutorintiou regal t me rales maps, etc, apply to the CVmj- ny s agoiit s.ilem, Oregon. K.P. IIOGEIW, AseU O. and Pass. At t R. KOKHLKR. StanHcn- THE YAnuiNA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAb And Oregon J)eelopment company i, steamshl). line. 2U5 miles shorter, 20 het: lesstimethan by any otuei loute. 1 In . class throuzh pastenper and freight Ul troni Portland and all points In the j lamette vallcvilo and irom San Kranvisu TIME SCHEDULE. (Kxcept fcundays). Leave Albauy 1.-0UPA, Leave Corvallis - 1:10 Pi: Arrive Yaqulna ....... 5:.-0Pij Leave Yaqulna- ...... -:45A V Leave Corvalli3 .... Kka5A :' Arrive Albany - - 11:10 A i. O. & C. trains connect at Albany aim Coivallis. The above trains connect at YAQIMNA with the Oregon .Development Co's Lii jf.utiiiishlris between anulna aud K. Krauolsco. N. R. Passengers from Portland nnd all Willamette Valley points can make clow connection with the trains of tin V AOUINA ROUTE at Albany orOorvallis and If destined to San Francisco, shuula arrange to arrive at Yaqulna the evenlr( befo.e date of sailing. Passenger and Freight Kates .Uw&yt It Lowest. Kor Information ajiply to aieM-r-HULMAN A Co., Freight nnd Tich-t Agents 200 and 202 Front st,. Portland, l r. O.O. HOUUK Ac't Gen'I Frt. A Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific R.R. Co. Corvallis, Or ;0. H. HASWKLL, Jr. Gou'l Frtj A Pass. Agt. Oresron Develcpm-ut Co., .M Montgoirerv i.'.: From Teraiual or iLtenor Points (lit Noilta Pacific llailioi.( i Is the line to tako To all Points East and South. It is thedlnlng car route. It runs through vestibule trains every day In the yeai 10 ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (So change of cars.) Composed of dlnlngcars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Ol latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars, Best that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both lree and lut nlshed lor holders of first and second-cln- tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnuots line ooiine;tlng with i.ll lines. nUordlng d'rect and, unlnterrut'lrj service. Pullman slcpo """""''Ions can bcr cured In adviiut-t t..rvsli any agent nt the road. Through tickets to and from all po'ctn In America, England and Europe can I - purchased ut any ticket office of this cun pany. Full information concerning; rates, ttotf of traIns,roule;ancl other details furnished on application to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Aslstfnt General Passenger Agent, $ 121 First street, cor. Washington; Po I- land, Oregon SHAW k DOWNING. Atrer.t JR500 T? Y gSS&NOCBv. fVXttSC l&iiwrtl ifcon IlB4au te. mm yRl t? SBBIBKK I UA "- SWT. IGasa- WWW t- ?i (sjiyy JsiTf HEALTH. Le nichnu's Oolilen Balsam Xo. 1 Cures Chancres, first, and second stajt Sores en the Legs and Body; Sore Ea ' Kyes, Kose, etc, Copper-colored Biotcl 8ypMHtlo t'starrh, diseased Scalp, srd i primary forms of tho dlseua known ' Syphilis. Price, $5 00 per Hot 11". Lo Itlcliau's Golden Ilulsant So i Cures Tertiary, JlereurlalnihlliUo Kht matlam, rains in the Dones, Pains In tiu Head, back of the Nk, Ulcerated Sort Throat. Svphilitic ltash, Lumps and co tracted Cords, Stiffness ot the UmbJ, suit eradicates all disease from tho system whether caused by indiscretion or ab-j. ol Mercury, leaving the blood pur an- healthy. Price S3 00 per Pottle. IiO Jllchau's Golden Npanlsh An I dote for the cure et Gonorrhoea, Urtti Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Oei tat disarrangements, l'rice Si SO Vet Bottle. f Itlchau's Oolilen Spanish In lection, forsovere cases of Oonorrb:'. Inflammatory Gleet, 6Ulctures,4x. Pries 81 6t per Bottle. te Itlcliau's Golden Ointment lor the effective rwaling of Syphilids 6orr and eruptions. Prlrefl 00 per Ilox Le Itlchau'a Goldeu Pills Vrrt and Brain treatment; loss ol physical po er, excess or oter-work. Prostration, t?i Price S3 00 per Box, Tonic aud Nervine, . Bent everywhere, C. O. li, eealy P per express, THE RiCHARDs'oRUQ COAgeutt 600 All HARKCT ST , lsnrt-fmMsM(H , tVtneKffKStttSUKMS&XniSSStSSS. vW .TSSys.(UL,- t-icwjXTSB. " i'irrfifrTiliiitii tgjggtf mmnHmrr ((rW?! i mkimwmtl,m ?" p, -i- Y-z-n . ' :&.