Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 09, 1892, Image 1

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VOJj. 5.
NO. 851
U S "5" "fT ft i
tKil 2 UN 8I2
I McF. Patton, 98 State St.
Men's Rubber Boota
' Plow Shoes
Bettor "
Oil Grain Plow Shoes
Men's Congress '
Roy's School Shoes
,f Dress Shoes
Children's Flue Shoes
" Heavy "
The above list otters
convinced call and examine.
261 Commercial Street.
You can buy property in this most popular Addition
on any terms.
It i3 high and dry and has the advantage of street
cars and city water.
Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the
Postoffice or Court House.
Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on
One-half block south
At the old Stand, next door to Post Office.
You can get the latest
Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars
and Mandolins.
BfMT & PfitZCl Papers and Tinners,
214 & 210 Commercial St., Knlem Garden Hose ami Luwu Sprinklers.
A complete hue of Stoves and Tiuuaie. Tin roofing nnd ilurablug a
specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumblug Furnhhcd.
At 100 Chemeketa Street.
House - nnd - Sion - Painting.
Paper Hanging, lOtltunnlning, Wall Tinting, eta Varnishing ami
Natural Wood Finish. Only Firot-ohih Win U. K. K. SNOW.
n i m i n n n dravs and trucks
Satan ruck k Dray w. shisb
Jem Iron works. Dwy. aud trucks uay le fnuuil3tbrtnghim the Irv at
th miner t State and ("niniiw.uH. street..
Sash and Door Factory
Front! Street, Salem, Oregon.
The boat class of work in our line at priced to cmpe
with the lowest. Only the beat material used
JO Ol 1 Ol 1 11
u uiuiu urn uui uuua uiui v
$2 00 worth $2 75
00 " 126
1 15 " 1 50
145 175
1 45 and up
- $1 10, 1 30 and 1 45
1 40 "J 80
35. 65c, Oo
80, $1 00, 110
some of the greatest bargains ever known west of the
No trouble to show goods.
mn-UTftt.- tMMtmmrvm twtnum y
of Bush's bank, up stairs.
3IO Commercial Stroot.
Send for Catalogue F"KICG
XI -110 I reflflft.'rf .Xlf M
Ladles' Glove Calf Shoes
" Oil Grulu "
" Calf Shoes
" Dongola Shoes
" Tipped Shoos
" Flexiblo Dongola "
" Fine Dongola Kid "
" Oxford Ties
Children's Rubbers only
E F.
In Three Sixes.
i If " P
for Infants
"Cm torlals so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." II. A. Ancmcn, II. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
"The use of 'Castorla' Is bo universal nnd
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castorla
within easy reach."
Carlos lUivnrs, CD ,
New York City.
Lato Pastor Bloomlngdolo Reformed Church.
TnK Cemtaur
f wm i mll mmi B J ill
B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor, T. & PERKINS, General Superintendent
SALBM, ........ OREGON.
Mnnuractures STEAM ENGINES, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governors, Fruit
Drying Outfits, Trnctlou Engines, Cresting, etc. Farm machinery made and repaired.
Genonil agents ami innuufacturuis of the celcbruted Wuhlstrom Patent Middlings
Purifier and Reels. Farm machinery made and repaired.
Ryan & Co.,
(Successor to,
Truck & Dray Line.
Good Teams, Prompt and Careful
Work, Satisfaction in dll Cases.
Office at the old stand, opposite Hliito
Insurance bulldlnif, AIho lmu duo CI do
.Stallion at the stable for service.
White's No. 60,
Now ready for business. Careful work a
specialty. J. F. WHITE.
Express and Kniige
IKi hauling and quick delivery to nil
i! me my wnn jirompmtms nun
Leave orders At it. M. Waiifcit'u'
South of VyiHamtttte Hotel
3-A.LBrvl ... OREOON
W. Ivl. DeHAVEiN,
Boarding - and - Sale - SlaUe.
Oiie d..r neat of Luna's Dry Doods urc
ou 8UI klreet. Quiet family learns, tinea
Ul utku((oq r14 (o transient Hck. fe(
$1 15 woith $1 40
1 45 " 1 75
1 45 " 1 75
1 45 " 1 75
1 80 ' 2 25
2 15, $2 40, 2 75
2 00, 3 00, 8 25
1 25, 1 45, 1 05
Rooky mountains. To bo
' """""t'-"''""'
and Children.
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation,
Kills 'Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d
Without injurious medication.
" For several years I have recommendco
your Castorla, ' and Bball always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced, beneficial
- Edwin F. Pakdzb, H. D.,
" Tho Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave.,
New York City,
Company, 77 Munruv Street, New York.
Plumbinff and fleating Co.
Wholesale- and retail dealers in
2s Commercial street, Tcliphono No. SI
Itctwccn Aurora, lluti cville,
Clmmpocg, St. I'aul tuul
1hvm urura dally at 10-30 a. m. Ar
rive at Kntmcid il p. m. Itetumlng leave
KaxrfieM ut 4 p. in. Arrives ut Ciianioeg
P, in Leaves Clmmiog0 a.m. Arrive
uiAurpru. via liuttovlllc, utH a. rn Con
necU witii ni'irnlnKS. 1. tVj. tmlni golnir
north aiuUontli. I'asieners, but'troge unu
rrulebt ijiri .4 Ht if-Kular nuej.
Service begins Monday. March 17, 1B02,
First National Bank
ft. W. I. ijym
.Vice PreMiUunt,
JP1TAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact a general banking business
In all IU btunches.
UVM. WIIJ.IA1W I'renldeu
Wm.KNULAN'D Vlca JVesidenl
HUOli MUNAI'.Y Ctuhler
UIUEOTOIta: Oto. Wllllami.Wm. Eag
iHitd, Jir. J, A. KlciutrJson, J, W, ilodwtu,
J. A. Ilaktr.
Kauk in now Kxcliimga block on Com
meiclul street, 8.1J-U
tCaoital Journal Publishing Company,
Office, Commercial Street, in P. O. Bulldlnk
Entered at the postofflce at 8aiem,0r.,iv
1 second-class irottir.
It baa bceu the custom of Tiik
JoubnaIj to begiu tbo week by giv
Ing a uonaplcuous place toTalmugo's
sermon, It usually closes the week
witb a Batukday Night rev!uw,or
9onteiuplatlon, lu which the wocb or
follies of mankind couio under ob
servation. In this way TnE Jouu
NAL is a moralist on a Bmall Bcale,
and it prefers to make no larger claim
as it has a holy horror of anything
po excessively virtuous as to be
above the human averuge.
There has been much to cull atten
tion to religion, as it is called, the
past week. Large meetings have
been hold aud a concentrated effort
has been made by all the most earn-
est professed religious workers com
bined aud united. It is expected in
two weeks two thousand people will
receive the new light of the gospel
of Jesus aud henceforth go on their
way rejoicing, with a new song on
their lips, a new chart of life and a
new code of conduct. Their family
if religious-will be htippy, if skepti
cal of orthodoxy will await tho ro
Hilt of years to bilng out the fruits
of lepeutunce aud conversion. So
the world will wag along.
Is it any better for this religion ?
All or nearly all will say it is.
Without tho churches It is doubtful
If u sane state of society and self
government by the people wore
possible. By means of revivals tho
churches are recruited. If wo desire
churches wo must desiro revlvale.
When all this is said, there arises
still a doubt, whether with mulii
plielty of churches society is any
cltaner and healthier, homes any
happier, divorces fewer, crimes less,
und morals better than fifty years
ago, befoio tho rapid conversion
processes were adopted.
The discussion of tho question
uroubes a spirit of coutioverey that
will bring little good, perhaps. But
the question, what is religion, is the
most important ono of the ago or of
any age. it is louuuea in laitti ana
belief aud wrought out In workc.
But all the former without tho latter
are especially condemned. Neither
is I be letter of faith and belief of
any importance, as the Phurlsees
kept all thut and were condemned.
By a simple contortion of logio
some denounce the confessional but
decline how ono must confess to his
rt'llgio 11 h profession or he is ruled
out by them from the household of
faith. Iliey insist on verbal pro
fusions as .more important than
But you say, how will the world
know that I've got religion? It is
not necessary tho world Bhould
know it. You do not have to pro
claim it from tho housetops that
you'vo got religion. Your family,
your neighbors, and those you do
business with some of them will
make the discovery. It cannot be
that they are ull mean people and
lefuso to do you justice. You can
not get by any process what they
refuse to admit that you aro pos
sessed of, because if religion is any
thing it will aflect your relations to
and deallugs with others.
There is no selfishness in true
religion. It is the very opposite.
It seeks no cinches hero or here
after. The idea that many people
seem to have of religion, that it is a
means by which they will get into
heaven und enjoy an everlasting
stale of bliss and iu that way be
bolter of!' than some ono else who is
going to u placo to sutler endless
torment, this idea of religion is no
more nor less than highly orguu
l.ed selfishness. It is a depraved
and degrading conception of the
illvluo will, and Is nothing but u
theological sugar-coating of human
seltluhness and labeling it the pill of
talvation, as bo mauy quacks oiler it
from the pulpit as a cure for all tho
evils of life.
Tho United States has tuken Lord
Halisbury at his word, Tho seuutc
ratified the Behrlng sea arbitration
treaty yesterday by a unanimous
vote. In view of his explicit ud
mifislun that when the arbitration
treaty was ratified "both partita
mustudmlt that contingent rights
liavo become vested In tho other,
which Loth desiro to protect," tho
Hrltlsh premier cannot now refuse
to renew the modus viveudl with
out stultifying himself. Having
passed the treaty, this country Is
entitled to demnud that tbo modus
shall be revived In an effective form
without a duy's uuuecefesary deluy.
Much time has already been lost In
the mutter, owing to Lord Salis
bury's procrastination. Tbtro in no
more to lose if tho seals aro to have
genuine protection.
The wibdom of the president's
resolute course Is vindicated by the
resultc. Ouly a short time sgo.
Lord BulUbtiry was intslBllng that
there was not tho slightest occasion
for a modus viveudl, and his dis
patches indicated very clearly that
he did not proposo to renew tho pre
vious agreement. Tho determination
of the administration to maintain
American rights to tho uttermost,
backed a it was by tho sentiment
of the entire nation, forced a com
plete change of front on tho part of
the Tory ministry.
Lord Salisbury's latest action Is an
unmistakable retreat from his
former position. It marks another
diplomatic success for tho adminis
tration that maintains the dignity
of the United States with equal
half savage nations und tho en
croachments of the mightiest em
pire iu existence.
Tho annoucement of the election
of Mr. Mills to the United States
seuate was made in the house of rep
resentttlives by Mr. Traoy, of Now
York, the leader in the anti-silver
fight. Ho went to tho Republican
sido of tho houso and mado tho an
nouncement in the midst of tho sil
ver debato. It was received with
great demonstrations of joy by the
Republicans and antl-sllvor men. In
fact, they "outdid" his supposed
frlonds In demonstration. This may
not be generally understood. It
was meant to have an eflect on those
members who were fuvorlnir. free sil
ver, but were a little weak iu the
knees, and it was offered them as a
demonstration of tho fact that the
bosses could "take care of a man
when he went contrary to the wishes
of his constituents." It was well
known by tbo whole houso that
Mills had been opposed to tho con
sideration of tha silver question, aud
that ull thut any anti-silver man
wanted was to postpone considera
tion until after tho full elections. It
was also well know that tho papers
published over the entire land thut
Mills had agreed with the New Eng
land nnti-sllvor Democrats that if
he was elected speaker he would
pack tho committee on coinage,
weights aud meusures against silver
so thut it could not bo brought up
at this session of congress. Conse
quently, the announcement of his
election to the senate from u strong
free silver state was calculated to
demonstrate the power of tho bosses,
and they made a great parude of it
in the house.
Resolution against option dealing
passed by unanimous veto of the
great labor cenference:
Wo, your committee on options,
beg leave to report as follews:
Whereas, tho present pruotlco of
dealing or gambling iu eo-culled
"options and futures" on tho various
furm products aud necessaries of
life is of nationul Importance, aud
involves not only a moral principle
but an economio question, bolug dis
astrous and pernicious to producers
aud consumers ullko, iu compmiBon
to which lottery gumblirfg sinks into
insignificance; und whereas our
respectful memorials' to congress
have so far been on tiroly disregarded;
now, therefore, bo It
Resolved, That we most solemnly
protest against this iufumouB evil
and demand tho passago of such
laws as will effectually eradicate ail
gambling or dealing in options aud
Better roads Is a bigger issue than
anything lu ilght in state politics.
A tinplnto factory Is being erected
at Duluth, Mlnu. It is to havo the
most upproved machinery and is to
be a largo and important concern.
Tho Spokano team, members of
tho Pacific league, wore beaten today
by The Spokesman umateur ntuo In
a ton-Inning contest by a score of 7
to 5. Spokane Special to tho Scattio
Tho Dalles Chrenicle: Tho Port
laud Telegram Buys, "thero Is u
standing premium" offered to any
man "whoso condition, In any way(
has been bettered by tho MoKlnloy
luw." Hand over your premium,
Mr. Telegram, to the editor of this
Journal. Ho has saved $5 on his
family sugar sluco the McKlnley
luw went Into effect.
A Dallas paper nays: Stated In
pluln English the sum of tho whole
matter Is, wo waut better rouds, nnd
unless the question is agitated, pub
Ho ecntlment aroused and somo im
mediate action taken, mauy of our
furniere will bo very apt to give
their trade to towns which exhibit
a more zealous spirit in their behalf.
"if gold money is the measure
aud standard of tho value of all
thlugH, are not present prices gold
prices?" Gold money Is not and it
cuunot Lo mudo the standard of
vulue of all things; but attempts aro
made to force our exporters to buy
gold In Europe for Import here, und
the prices they get for such exports
are gold prices very low, when thoy
bid gold very high In trying to get
It for Import. St. Louis Republic
Flllul duty is the strongest trait In
tho Chinese utid Japanese character,
but It Is frequently proverted and
becomes to western eyes more of a
vlct than u virtue. Such a porve
Biou was seen recently lu Japan
when the daughter of a sick man
brought him a cup of blood taken
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Iv2 Powder
from her own veins and besought
him to drank it, us sho had a vision
that this was tho solo means of his
recovery. Iu the same lino of Belf
8ncrifice Is the voluntary embracing
of a disreputable life by both
Chinese aud Japaucso girls in ordor
to support their parents. Christian
ity has made some impression upon
tho Orient, but apparently it has
had no effect in rooting out this re
volting misuse of filial lovo.
Society MuBlcal Event A Salem
Girl's Succens Dearth of
Socioty Stir.
Leading Salem Bocloty people take
part in tho Kinder Symphony con
cert a week from noxt Wednesday
April 20. It is to bo under direc
tion of Miss Genevlovo Hughes, a
cultured musician, lato of Boston
conservatory. Mrs. Phelps, a Chi
cago society lady will aot as harpist,
Mrs. F. L. Willmau, as pianist.
Miss Lena Morgan, of Portland,
recently returned from. Paris, will
muko her second appeal unco as
vocalist. Prof. Coomer adds his
wonderful skill on the cornet, Carl
Denton's orchestra will supply
choice renditions betweon tho acts.
But tho original feat tiro of tho
whole performance will Ho Iu tho
Kinder Symphony proper, roudered
by the following erchestra: Miss
Jonuio Gray nnd Miss Helon Edes,
pianists; Miss Leila Wators,trumpet;
Miss Edna Moody, drum; Miss Lulu
Htrsch, cymbals and ratllo; Miss
Sallio Shaw, rattle aud bells; Mrs.
Kruuso, triangle; M. Bush, bells
nud nlghtiugale; Miss Carpenter,
sledge and cymbals; Miss Lena
Bieyman, metallaphouoaud cuckoo;
Miss Metsuhau, castugnetts; Miss
MoNary, 1st kazoo; Miss G Wynne,
2nd, kazoo; Mrs. Cavauaugh, whip
snapper and bob-white; Miss Dal
rymple, waldteufel and lohrlns
blaslum. Madolln club: P. H.
East on, H. G. Krelss, Chas. Chase,
Paul Denton.
On Monday April 4, at their homo
182 Couter street, Mr. und Mrs.
David Workman's received a few
friends und relations lu honor of
Mrs. Workman's 02nd birthday. A
lino dinner was served und the occa
sion will long bo remembered by
Mr. und Mrs. J. N, Hearty, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs.
Johnnie Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Man
ning, Mr. and Mrs. Maidon, Mrs.
Maiden, Mrs. Bagloy, Bert Vander
vert aud Miss Kittle Miller.
Til u soclul way Salem has experi
enced an unusually quiet weok.
Tho great revival has swallowed up
utteutlon even of tho whist players
aud dancers and Salem society is
veritably keeping lout in a serious
manner. Tho Hawkoyo club and
Old Folks' Whist club have both put
off their regular sessions, tbo former
owing to sickness in tho family of
Mrs. F. N, Derby, and tho latter
presumably purely out of Interest In
the rnoro serious matters of life,
Friends of Miss Muudo Purr will
hear with pleasure that sho has
achieved great fauccess In tier musical
studies. Sho 1s n member of tho
vocul class ut Scharwenka's conserv
atory, New York, and has had tho
honor to be presonted to Pattl this
week. Her voice is In a fair way to
prove her fortune. Sho finishes the
course at New York, and then will
take u two year's course at Borllu.
Hearty congratulations are awaiting
her from mauy Salemitcs.
Specimen Cuses.
S. II. Clifford, Now Cassel, Wis.,
wus troubled with neuralgia unu
m I . ... .( n . In . I. I., .tnmnili .....n .lie..
lUVUIUHIJQUi. ijio oiumuuii uuo uio-
ordercd, his liver was affected to an
ulurmiug degree, uppetite foil away,
aud ho wus terribly reduced in flesh
aud strength. Threo bottles of
Electric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shenhord, Harrisburg,
III., hud a running sore on his leg
of eight yearn' Btandlng, Used three
bottles o? Electric Hitters und eovou
boxes of Buoklen's Arnica Sulve,
aud his leg Is sound and well. John
Speaker, Cutawba, Ohio, had live
large fever sores on his leg, doctors
said ho was Incurab'o, Ono bottlo
of Electrio Bitters uud ouo box of
Bucklen'u Arnica Salvo cured him
entirely. Bold at Daniel Fry 'a drug
store, i'lH Commercial street.
ily friend, look here) you know how
weuk and nervous your wife Is, and you
know that Carter's Iron I'lls will relieve
her, wnv why uoi be fair about it and buy
her a hoxT
A woniuii who is weak, uorvous and
slwpliti, und who ho cold hands and feet,
uunnot feel and act Use id well perton,
Carter's Iron 1'llls equalize the circulation,
remove i.ervoanncM, aud give strength
A inun'M wife should always be tho same
especially to her husbacd, but IfslioU
weak aua nervous, and use Carter's Jrou
tl t la SlIlU All ! V.J. ... It J. ..... taa. 1. n
"feel llko a different pcrum; they all I
uty, ana their tiuUuid say o too) I
Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report.
Rail Road Accidents, Murders,
Fires, Etc.
Four Murderous Anarchists Pun
ished for Crimes Etc.
Behlin, April 0. Deacon von
Ponluskl, an important citizen of
Koscllec, Prussian Poland, was
fatally shot in his bed by four
masked men Thursday night. His
wife, lying alongside hor husband,
was uninjured. Tho village was
aroused and an expedition organized
to hunt the assassins. Tho assassins
were surrounded in a near by wood
and two were Bhot dead by villagers.
The other two, seeing escape im
possible, Bhot themselves, dying in
stantly. When the bodies were
examined, letters of introduction
wore found on them with tho words,
"Executive Commltteo of tho Polish
Anarchists," containing instructions
to murder Deacon von Ponluskl and
to commit other outrages, Bhowlng
that tho Polish anarchists are
thoroughly organized.
Mount Vehnon, O., April 0.
Ono of the most serious wrecks that
has occurred on tho Cleveland,
Akron & Columbia railroad for
several years happened about
twenty-three miles east of here, at a
point culled tho Summit, u very steep
grade. Freight train No. 24 wus
going west, assisted by u pusher
and the flagman, and on tho Sum
mit hud orders to hold No. 8 express,
going cast, until No. 24 passed.
This, ho failed to do, resulting in a
collision in which about a dozen or
more passengers were nioroor less
Injured. Those most seriously in
jured aro T. B. Reed, onglneer of
No. 3, und Mrs. Jonathan Tipton, of
Black Creek.
Montevideo, April 0. Near
Guadeloupe, Uruguay, an Italian
named Trovers!, his wlfo and three
children, tho eldest a girl 22 years of
age, were found murdered at tbelr
homo yesterday. Tho dead bodies
showed numerous dagger wounds.
Truversi recently realized $1000 from
tho sale of his crops, and tho money
was known to bo in the houso. Tho
murderers carried off tho $1000,
Thoir identity Is unknown, but it Is
thought they wero acquaintances of
tho victims.
Huniinqton, Va., April 0. -A
freight train ran into a span of tho
bridgo, knocking it down, four cars
going into the rlyer just east of hero.
Passenger trains wero delayed about
twelve hours. No loss of life.
Toledo, 0 April 0. Saniuoi
Clark, ngod 00, was fatally shot by
Gcorgo Leitliart. A lawsuit between
tho gentlemen, both of whom stand
high tn tho community, is popularly
supposed to be tho cause.
.SukiiUYVI&lk, April 0. -Viotor
Mills, a large flouring establishment,
situated iu tho heart of this town,
has boon totally destroyod by flr.
Loss, $25,000; Insurance, $12,000.
Havanna, April 0. AtElPorvo
nlr, a colony near Clenfuegos, Cuba,
750,000 acres of Arrebas sugarcano
wore destroyed by flro.
Aubaiile, Mich., April 9, Wes
ley M. Featherly, editor of the Lake
sido Moultor, known as tho "Arizona
Kicker," has mado so many enemies
by his violent pon that at a secret
meeting Tuesday evening tho citi
zens adopted resolutions ordering
him to loavo tho city in ten days. If
ho docs not comply, they threaten to
carry him to tho city's limits and
there give him a coat of tar and
feathers on his nuked flesh from,
head to foot. He Is a fighter aud
will stay.
San Fhanoisco, April 0. A
Washington special says, regarding
the contract for tho Joinery and
plaster work on tho Port Townsond,
Wash., public building, that the bid
of Nicholas Bros., of Tacomu, $34,
000 for redwood, $38,000 for native
maple, $38,470 for Alaska cedar, and
offering to complete tho work lu
210 days, was tho lowest offered.
Bhkjien, April 0. East Bremen
Haven quay was destroyed by flra
Thursday night with all the gooda
oi) storage there. The loss lncludi
3000 bales of cotton aud 400 too of
corn from the British steamer Ben
gerehead, Captuin Smith, from New
Orleans; also a largo quantity of
general merchandise, which wu
to huve been shipped cut tfce Britten.
steamer Intrepid for New Ywk.
Des Moines, la,, April 9. Tn
Crocker school building, the largeat
lu tho city, was burned yesterday,
Tho main portion of the bulldluK
was destroyed; loss, $20,000. The
teachers kept perfectly cool wba
tho alarm was given and RMrafcsed
(he scholars out safely,