EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL ,ti VOL. 5. THE PEOPLE'S PAPEIt." SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1892. ttn TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 84. PHTTON'S tsacESSva !; J .'ieti ?1 JZD A discount of 10 per ATTON'S THE RACKET STORE CEAND SHOES SALE! Men's Rubber Boots Plow Shoes Better " " Oil r.iln Plnw Hlinoa L Men's Congress ' I Boy's School Shoes " Drws Shoes Children's Flue Shoes " Heavy " The above list offers convinced call and examine. 261 Commercial Street. ! mi PLEASANT- Home You can buy property in this mo3t popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has the advantage of street cars and city water. Iiemember it is within i Postoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this 1 B One-half block south wm Harnti -SUCCESSORS TO WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR STAPH IM MIT GROCERIES, At the old Stand, next You can get the latest- MUSIC Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins, LOWJBST PRICKS AT EASTON'S, SIO INAILS ! LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT 3JT (I P6tZ6l Plumbers and Tinners, 1214 & 21G Commercial St.. Salem. A complete hho of Stoves and Tinware. Tin roofing and plumbing a Ispecialty. Estimates for Tinning and SNOW THE YEAR ROUND At 100 Chcmrjketa Street. House - and - , Paper Hanging, KulHomiuing, Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class Salem Truck ft Dray Co. ' lem Iron works. Drays and tniotat th eorni-r ef 8tate and CommnrclHl btreots. Sash and Door Factory Fronts Street, Salem, Oregon, Tue best class of work in our wita the lowest, umy Special Sale No. 7. cent.will be allowed -JHXaOSXSSB- State Street $2 00 worth $2 75 - 00 " J25 1 15 " 1 50 1 45 " 1 75 1 45 and up $1 10, 1 30 and 1 45 i i " i w 35. 55c, b5 80, $1 00, 110 some of the greatest bargains ever known west of the No trouble to show goods. n ,.....Mi.i .. timntmnmitimf&mmmjmwaji! Addition ten miuutes walk of the spring. Call on UUI 1II1IL.! of Bush's bank, up stairs. door to Post Office. 5 Commorolal Street. Send for Oatal ogue PRUE Garden Hosw and Lawn Sprinklers. Plumbing Furnished. Sion - painting, Iclntire, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Work. E. E. SNOW. DRAYS AND TRUCK always ready for order. Sell and deliver wood. hay, coal and lumber. Of lice Stato St..onnoaILoSa- roiv be fouudthroughoUt thp uav at line at prices to cnijvete tno oesc material usea on all Bibles until afterthe Mills' meetings Book Store, Io 98. Ladle' Glove Calf Shoes " Oil Grain " " Calf Shoes , " Don gola Shoes ' " Tipped Shoes " Flexible Dongola " " Fine Dongola Kid " " Oxford Ties Children's Rubbers only... RELIABLE SEEDS. True to name and guaranteed fresh. Field, Garden and Flower Seeds. Ttie Largest Stock. When you buy of us you are sure to get what you want and a first-class article. No old seeds in the Store. AITKEN & PALMER, 126 and 128 State Street, - - SALEM, OREGON. for Infants " C as tori a Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." n. A. Archer, M. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of Castorla' la so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." Carlos Mirtth, D.D , New York City. Late Pastor Bloominsdale Eef ormed Church. Tub Cuwriun B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G- PERKINS, General Superintendent SALKiM IRON WORKS, SATJBrvI, ........ OREGON. Manufactures 8TEAM KNG1NES, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governors, Fruit Drying Outfits, Traction Engines, Creatine, etc. Farm mhchinery mado and repaired. General agents and inanufactureiB of tho celebrated Wahlstrom Patent Middling Purifier and Keels. Farm machinery made and repaired. TRUCK AND EXPRESS. Ryan & Co., (Successor to) MORGAN & MEAD. Truck & Dray Line. Good Teams, Prompt and Careful Work, Satisfaction in oil Cases. Office at the old stand, opposite State Insurance building. Also have fine Clyde StalllOD at the stable for service. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business. Careful work a specialty. J. K. WHITE. SUTTON&SON, Express and If uggugc. Do hauling and quick delivery to all cure. Leave orders at II. pans oj ma cuy wuu prompinuig ana M, WB ode A Co'. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of Wlllomctt Hotal, 3ALKM ... OREOON W. M. DeHAVEN, Sale One deor west of Lunn's Dry Doods store on Utate street. Quiet family teams. Hpeo Ul attention paid to transient stock. tai 1 15 woith $1 40 1 45 " 1 75 145 " 175 145 " 175 1 80 ' 2 25 2 15, $2 40, 2 75 2 CO, 3 00, 3 25 1 25, 1 45, 1 05 25 Bocky mountains. To be ? and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d pcstlon, Without Injurious medication. For several years I havo recommendeo your ' Castorla, ' and shall always continue to do so as It has invariably produced benoflclal results," Edwin F. Pardzb, M. D., "Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Am, New York City. Cokpaot, 77 Murray Stiucbt, New York. DUGAN BROS' Pluinbing and Hcatias Co. J Wholesale and retail dealers in STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS, 2 9 Commercial street. Telephone No. 83 NEW DAILY MAIL STAGE llctween Aurora, Ituttcvillc, CImmpocj,', St. Paul aud Fairfield. leaves Aurora dally nt 10.30 a. m. Ar rives at Kali Held U p. m. Ileturnlng leave FoerflfclJ nt-l p. m. Arrives at Champotg p, in. Leaves Champoeg 0 a. ra. Arrives at Aurora, via lluttevllle, uts a. Hi. Con necU with mornlngti. I'. Co. trains going north and hoiitli, l'ofuengors, baggage ana freight carried at reguHr rmg. Service begins Monday, March 17, 1MKJ. nUd.llOEKI-JK.l'ropr. I 8ALEM, OREGON. GENERAL BANKING NAiOLKON IJAV1H tin. W. If. MYHD JuIIN MOI1I ... , ..President. .Vice President. :..Cahit!r WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Sobscribed, $200,000 Transact a Knentl banking; business In ait its broncnes. OKO. wti.r.TAMH ..,,.. Presideu Wk. kni.ani ",V-" Resident IIUOH MllKAItV , -,..hl,t DIHEOTOIIB: Geo WUlUms.VV'm. Eng land, Dr. J. A, lllehiudson. J, W . llodMn, J, A. liaker. , UanklunewKicbaDie block on Gow Inereukl street. &1J-U URN irst. Nntinnnl Ran THE CAPITAL JODMAL. H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. . UBUBHEDDAILY.KXCEPXHONDAY, BT THE Canltal Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. llulldln. Kntered at the postoffice at Salom,Or.,n Recond-clnfs matter. THE WAY IT ItAINSt?) Following from a Dakota paper 1b about aa correct and reliable as the accounts of the kickers generally, who after a short experience begin totell all about tuo climate of Ore gon. This is from tho La Moure Chrenicle: "It Is raining like thunder and has been all day. The mud is about thirteen feet deep on the average. It Is a common thing to see n large salmon away inland nowadays. It rains so blasted hard they can't tell when they are out of their element, and they swim through tho lain until thoy light on some tall fir tree, miles from the salt water. Fish are often found hanging on tho limbs of trees, dried by tho suu of summer, smoked by the forest lircs of autumn and with yery little troublo nre made ready for the table. As for game, it can be very easily captured in the winter. The partridge and thegroUBe become webfooted from wading through mud in search of food, and when they undet take to ily these webs act as an impediment to their flight. Deor, elk and ante lopelbeconio sore-footed from mud gathering about their fetlocks aud arc liuable to run. Bear, fox, wolves ana other fur-bearing anlmuls are subjected to ?o much dampness that their claws grow yery soft and thoy are therefore rendered quite harm less! So you see that every animal is subdued by nature to a docile pet, aud man becomes supremo ruler over all beasts. All this is brought about by the beautiful rains we have. Even agricultural pursuits are benefitted by these rains. They never dig potatoes here. After thoy are ripe and the stalks fall to the ground the first heavy rain that comes washes tho dirt away from them and leaves them on the top of tho ground, already cleaned. All the farmer has to do Is to go around aud cather them up." KXPKNSE OF STREET CLEANING. Following is taken from the pro ceedings of the Portland council; "Fliednor introduced au ordinance tb ddtiway with the Btreet-cleanlng and sprinkling department, aud to cause all street cleaning and sprink ling to be stopped, aud to make arrangements for disposing of the horses, carts, etc., of the department. He said the Introduction of this ordinance was not Intended as any imputation on the committee having this department in charge, butbecausoowlugto the naturo of our streets it was impossible to keep them clean. Tho macadam im provement made dust in summer and mud in winter, and the clean ing of these streets was only the hauling away of what had cost a great deal of money to put on tho streets. Since tho department was organized nino years ago, over $240,000 had been spent, which amount would have Improved nearly all our busiuess streets. Tho ordi nance was read twice and referred to the street committee." Salem has paid enough for haul ing mud oil' the streets to improve several streets permanently. The so-called Portland macadam streets aro nothing but gravel. "With Huch facts before their eyes will Salem people build gravel streets ? It will not do to ho "too previous" by over four or five years. If politicians put too much hell into a ticket tho people will have to knock some of it out; that is all. The Democrats of Brooks will bring out a candidate for clerk, Win. II. Egan, a farmer aud fruit growor, ho having tho largest gooseberry patch In tho county. Reply to Geo. Roff. Editou Jeurnal: Now I would not havo noticed the article hut as ho has used my naiuo I believe that as The Capital Journal has seen fit to publish his articlo It Is right that I answer it. I believe that enough has been said about it, but I will give you a few facts about it. In tho first place it was dog eat dog. Let the people decido ubout It. Now for Mr. Rotr. Lot Mr. Roff swear on oath that I said anything more than that I was in with the Prohl's only us far as the use of liquor was con cerned and I will agree to vol, the strait Democratic ticket In June, which for the last twenty-three years I have voted tho Republican ticket. Now for the friend he says I have in Brooks. How does he know that have a friend? Let mo put tho friend and a rattlesnake together and I will lake the ruttlesnake. Now If there cannot be n piece put in tho paper without on the face of it It Is from the Jones family they bad better quit and not eay any thing. Mr, Rod baa a spite some time bock for me. Let the mutter drop for two yean and we will take our cuances. iu a, bpuaoue, INQERSOLL'S ELOQUENCE. Tribute to Walt Whitman On the Occasion of His Funeral. Again we, In tho mystery of llfo, are brought face to face with the mystery of death. A Rreut mau a great American tho most eminent citizen of this Re public Is dead beforo us, and we havo met to pity a trlbuto to his greatness and to his worth. I know that he needs no words of mine. His fame is secure. He laid the foundations of it 'deep In the human heart. Ho was, above all that I havo known the poet of humanity, of sympathy. Great he was so great that he rose above tho greatest that he met without arrogance, nuil so great that ho stooped to the lowest without condescension. .Ho never claimed to be greater or lower than any other of tho sons of men. He camo into our generation a free, untrammelled spirit, with sym pathy iW all. His arm was beneath the form of tho sick. Ho sympa thized with the Imprisoned and despised. Aud even on the brow of crime ho was great enough toplaco tho kiss of human sympathy. One of tho greatest Hues of our literature is his. Speaking of an outcast he said: "Not until tho sun excludes you will I exclude you." Ho was built on a broad and splen did plan ample without appearing to have Imitations passing easily for a brother of mountains and seas and constellations caring nothing for the little maps and charts that timid pilots hug the shore with, and giv ing himt.elf freely with the reckless ness of his genius to winds and tides caring for nothing as long as the stars were above him. And ho walked among men, among writers, among verbal varnlshers and vc neerers; among literary milliners and tailors with the unconscious dlgulty of an antique god. Ho was tho son also of thatdlvlue democracy that gives equal rights to all tho sous and daughters of men. Ho uttered tho great Ameri can voice, uttered a Bong worthy of tho great republic. No man has ever said moro for tho rights of humanity moro in favor of real democracy or real Justice Ho neither scorned nor cringed was neither tyrant nor slave. Ho asked only to stand beneath tho groat flag of nature, the bluo and tho stars. Ho was tho poet of life, tho poet of love, the poet of tho nniural. Ho was not only tho poet of love, not only the poet of democracy, not only the poet of the great republlo ho was tho poet of tho human raco everywhere. Ho was not con fined to tho limits of this country, but his sympathy wont out oyer the seas to all tho nations of tho earth. Ho stretched his hand and ho felt himself the equal of all kings and of all princes and tho brother of all men, no matter how high, no matter how low. Ho has uttered moro supicmo words than aoy writer of our coun try, and possibly of almost any other, Ho was, above nil things, a man. And above genius, abovo all tho snow capped peaks of Intelli gence; above all of art, rises tho true mau greater than all, Ho was a true man. And ho walked among bis fellow men as such. Ho was also, as has been said, tho poet of death. Ho accopted all life as death, and he Justified all. He had tho courage to meet all, aud was great enough and splondid enough to harmonizo all and to accont all there is of life as a divine molody. You know bettor than I what his llfo hus been. But let mo say one thing. Knowing, a? bo did, what others can know aud what they cannot, ho accopted and absorbed all theories, all creeds, all religions, and bolieved In none. His philoso phy was a sky that embraced all clouds and accounted for all clouds. Ho had a philosophy and a religion of his own, broader, as ho bolloved and as I believe than others. He accopted all, ho absorbed all, and ho was abovo all. He was true abso lutely to himself. He had frankness, courage, and lie was as candid as light. Ho was willing that all the sons of men should be absolutely ac quainted with his heart and brain. He had nothing to couceul frank, candiddJure.Horeno, aud for years and years he was maligned and slandered simply because ho had tho candor of nature, Ho will bo understood yet, and that for which he was con demned that is, his frankness, his candor will add to the glory and tho greatness of ills fame. By hitching together the be ginning and closing paragraphs of a Portland Telegram editorial wo got this result: The Republican state platform Is as long us tho Mosaic law and has Just about as much bearing on cur rent political questions. " w Upon this Issue tho Democrats are prepared to go tierore the voters sua Join battlo with tho Republican tlOfllfl, Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed t Castorla ( Highest of all in Leavening Power. Ro&! jx&m ABSOLUTEttf PURE Russian peasants aro Belling their ohildren, to keep them from starv ing. Eugene T. Canfleld, a millionaire of Now Whatcom, has died In that city. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, If you havo a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will bo paid back. Budorors from la grippo fouud it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect re covery. Try a sample bottlo at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it Is. Trial bottles freo at Daniel J. Fry's drugstoro, 225 Commercial street. Large size 50a. and $1.00. The Eden Musee, a Now Orleans varloty theatro, was destroyed by fire. The loss will reach $70,000. Arplno Douanadino, of San Fran cisco, shot his wifo in a fit of jeal ous rage and theu Bhot himself. Sho will recover and ho will dio. Herr Buhte, clvio treasurer at Shoeneck, Prussia, committed sui oido by drowning, because some of his embezzloments had been dis covered. Catarrh Can't Bo Cared with local applications, as thoy cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you havo to take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood aud mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of tho best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with tho best blood puri fiers, nctlug directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in cur lug catarrh. Sond for testimonials freo. F. J. Ciikney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, prlco 75 cents. William Humbort was shot and killed at Nampa, Idaho. William Bailey, who had an old grudge against Humbort, is supposed to bo tho murdoror. Tho steamor Lucy Lowe, loaded with 1200 barrels of limo from Roche harbor, caught flro off Deception pass, and was entirely consumed. Tho loss is about $8000. Johu A. Torrenco, deputy collector of Internal revenue nt Bolso City, has disappeared, leaving his ac counts badly mixed lup. It is not known yet what IiIb shortage will amount to. Specimen Cases. S. n. Clifford, New Cassol, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was dis ordered, his liver was affected to un alarming degree, appetlto fell away, aud ho wus terribly reduced in ficsh aud strength. Threo bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrlsburg, III., had a running soro on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and soveu boxes of Buoklon's Arnica Balvo, and his leg Is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, Ohio, had ilvo largo fuvor sores on his leg, doctors said ho was Incurable, Ono bottlo of Elcctrio Bitters and one box of Bucklon's Arnica Salvo cured him entirely. Sold at Daniol Fry's drug store, 225 Commercial street. J, P, Blalze, a real estate dealer iu Dcs Moines, Iowa, narrowly escaped ono of tho severest attacks of pneumonia while in tho northorn part of that state during the recent blizzard, says tho Saturday Review. Mr. Blalzo bad occasion to drive sovoral miles during tho storm and was so thoroughly chilled that ho was unable to got warm. Insido of an hour ho was throatoned with a severe caso of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blalzo sent to the near est drug storo and got a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which ho had often heard, and took a number of large doses. Ho says tho eflect was wondorful and that in a short timo ho was brouthlng qulto easily. Ho kept on taking tho medlcluo and tho noxt day was able to como to Des Moines. Mr. Blalze regards his cure as dimply wonder ful. 50 cent bottles sold by Geo, E. Good, druggist. ily friend, look here! yon know now went and nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter's iron 1111s will relieve her, now why not be fair about It and buy Iter bos? A woman who is weak, nervous and lecplHSs, and wuo has oold hands and feet, cannot feel and act like a well persou. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousneu. and irlva strength and (rest. A man's wife should always be the same especially to ber husband, but If she is weak ana nervous, and uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her Mfeel like a different rannn'1 so thev all say, and their husbands say so too) Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Baking Powder TELEGRAPH MEDLEY. Tho Results Obtained Smokeless Powder This Country. From IB BRIEF TELEGRAMS. Firo, Murders, Trotting, Los3 of Llfo, otc otc. Pullman, III., Aprils. An over turned pan of hot grease sent $75,- 000 worth up in smoko yesterday. Tho market hall building, situated on Market square, corner of Steven son and Twelfth streets, was tho structure destroyed. Tho building was a two-and-one-half-story brick building, the property of the town of, Pullman. Tho original cost was $30,000. A largo number of stall men lost small amounts by tho fire. London, April 8. The British ship Erato, Captain Jones, from Iquiquo, capsized yesterday and sank at Hamburg, at which port sho arrived March 12. Though very eflort was made by boats from the surrounding vesselsyto save those on th,e Erato, fifteen porsons aboard her wero carried down and drowned. Dookfield, O., April 8. Last Monday at Omaha quarry Bud Price, whlto, killed Bud Malone, colored. Deputy Shorlff H. C. France, of Cincinnati, tried to far rest Price, and Price and his brother-in-law, Tom Proctor, attacked Franco. He Bhot and killed both. Hanqinq Rock, O., April 8. Daniol MoDanlols, a widower, 40 years old, proposed to Minnie Hayes, aged 18, aud was refused. He Im mediately crushed her skull with a hatchet, then out his throat with a razor. Tho girl will die. McDaniela Is alive in jail. Chicago, April 8. The most im portant work done at the meeting of tho American Trotting association was the separation of the trotting and pacing standard. In the futuro tho pacer and trotter will not bo registered undor the same provisions, Sioux Falls, S. D., April 8. George and Frank Eastman, aged lQ and 12, ato wild parsnips. George is dead and Frank la dying. A companion is badly poisoned, hut w,lll recover. Denver, Col., April 8. Michael Roonoy, a laborer on the stato capi tal building, now In courso of erec tion, fell from the sixth story and yas instantly killed. . ,Bt. John's, N. F., April 8. After a long debate in the assembly, Morlno's resolution for a modus vjvondl with Canada was defeated by a straight party vote. Several BupporterB of tho goyernmont re fused to voto at all. Mr. Bend declared that bo would prohibit the salo of bait to tho Canadians until tho Bend-Blaine convention had been assented to. Ho also said that Newfoundland had been promised concessions by tho United States, but thoy had not yet been matte public. DEEMING THE MUSDHKES. A Dressmaker Indentifies Mis Portrait as a Former Lover, Melboukne, April 8. Although the Jury returned a vordiot of wilful murder against Deeming, ho has not altered his demeanor, and is Jocular and lnsolont at times. Every day tlio additional evidence received shows tho man Is entirely devoid of cdnsclonco, although his bravery la questioned, as his victims wore women and children. London, April 8. The Globe yes terday says: "A dressmaker, living In tho East end of London, has recognized a portrait of Deeming as that of a mau who courted her under the name of Lawson, In th-e autumn of 1888. Sho says thy were walking togothor on tho night of September 29, and parted from each other at 11 o'clock, Tbo fol-, lowing morning tho shockingly mutilated bodies of the women, Strido and Eddowcs, were found la the Whltechapol district, Next day the dressmaker and Lawsou heard about the murder, and the latter, lnactvcrtly Bald: 'Look at th time; I could not have coeuettted the murders.' He Inimedlatly (Heap pcared, and she has not seen blm since." SMOKSLWW ?OWSXlL gome Excelled KecwHs OtUtoii at a Trial TtnUr. Newpoiit, K, I., April 8. Fur ther experiments mado wttk Urn navy smokeless powder at Um fcw pedo station exprawly for tle S-Juob. uayy gun, With octHry gun ?! n n I H ! 11 i . i 1 t i mi