Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 06, 1892, Image 3

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    ?rrv- ?MrJH"ii'WW vm:,1Jzm&rwslmwwwm'&'? x.rqi55pp"
'lllWPffl!W"W Trm&!1'
J. H.
J Positively
Dr 83 Ginghams 10
French Zephyr Ginghams 12
Fine Ingrain Carpets .45
Best Boxbury Brussels 85
Fr e Fancy Window Shades 75
Lace Curtains
LiruL', cement, plaster, Lair, fire
nnd building brick, fire clay, sand,
gravel, blacksmith and house coal,
wood, all kinds, wholesale and re
tail. Ofllce 95 Bute street.
Goodiiue & Cahill.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Strongs bakery takes tho lead on
superior bread cakes, pies and all
kinds of faucy baking.
April 9. Democratic primaries.
April 11 Miss Susan Hair, reader,
Unity church.
April 14. Democratic county con
vention. April 20. Symphony club, Keed's
opera house.
A Prisoner Escaped. At the
last term of the circuit court Dan
Morris was sentenced to pay a fine
of $100 for assaulting his father-in-law
at Sweet Home. In default of
payment he had served about a fifth
of a fifty-days term this morning
when he concluded to pardon him
self. In order to give him an airing
Sheriff Scott was letting hint bring
in some wood. Morris wheeled one
load in and went after another, the
sheriff, not being very well, remain
ing on the front steps. Instead of
returning, Morris lay his wheel
barrow down and skipped out
through the back door of the wood
shed and up fifth street toward "the
southwestern part of the city. Mr,
Scott immediately discovered his
departure, but was unable to follow
him himself, so sent a deputy, Mr.
Troutmau, after him who had not
captured him at press time. It
would be a good thing for the coun
ty if it was the means of Morris
leaving the country entirely. Al
bany Democrat.
Asylum: Kepokt. March 31,
there were 7G1 patients ut tho state
asylum for the insane. The report
says: "At the cottage farm the
large house newly finished has been
furnished throughout. About forty
patients have been removed to this
farm, relieving, somewhat, the con
gested condition of the wards of the
hospital. One hundred and twenty
five acres have been plowed on this
farm, of which eight acres of the
new land have been sown with
wheat, eight acres of the old sown
with wheat, and five acres sown
with oats and wheat mixed to be
harvested us hay." Many other
improvements and preparations for
the coming crops are mentioned.
Democratic Primaries. The
Democratic primaries will be held
Saturday in the different precincts
fiom 1 to 5 p. in. The voting places
have been designated as follews:
Salem No. 1 Mausion house; No.
2 Ryan's stable; No. 3 Old court
house; No. 4-Ellls &. Whitley's
etuble; Prospect Power house. In
these precincts voting . will be by
ballot, and hi the other precincts
there will be iuush conventions as
follews: Euglewood Wade's hall;
East Salem, probably at Knpllnger
school house; Yew Park Basement
new school house; North Salem,
placo not yet determined.
Fresh halibut, Divlson & Wi.it .
Head Quarters ftr
A full stock of COTTON and MUSLIN Underwear.
Special attention given to our Cur'ain Department th's week.
Remember 'he Plac,
LooLc at tlie Prices.
08 cts a ynrd
75cts to 5.00 a pair.
The Revival Work Well Under
Way at Salem.
And Those That Are at Ease in
Zlon His First Two
The house was nearly full at 3:30
p. m. Tuesday, in spite of the steady
downpour of rain, to hear B. Fay
Mills' opening service at Salem.
After prayer by Rev. Whltaker, he
spoke from II Cor. vlii, 6, and It
was pronounced by ail a masterly
effort. All the ministers of the city
nearly were present and all agreed
that it was a powerful effort. Oue
remarked that he had not been so
moved in a spiritual way since he
had been on the coast. Others said
it was the grandest pulpit talk ever
listened to in Salem. Several de
clared that Mills was in every way
the superior of Moody, in short was
the greatest living evangelist.
No man can really give mouoy to
the Lord'd cause who has not first
of all given himself. Three things
are characterise of a gift. 1st It
must be voluntary. If there is a
measure of force employed it is not
a gift. God does not force men to
give themselves. 2d It must be
unselfish. If any price, even the
smallest, is paid it is not a gift. It is
good tliut we are not required to
pay any price, for nothing that we
could pay would buy one moment
ofeternul life. Every effort of man
to create life, even in its lowest
forms has failed and must fall.
Eternal life is the gift of God, and
man's gift of himself Is not any
part of the price. 3d It must be
irrevocable. Not as the child who
gives and takes again. Men must
give themselves wholly to God. The
emphatic word of ttie text is "first".
The beginning of the Christian life
is surrender to God. Some leok for
christian experience before they
give themselves to God. This
wholly reverses tho natural order.
Men must give themselves to God
in order to get a Christian ex
perience. The most Intellectual men
are utterly incapable of finding God
witbout a surrender of themselves
to God. This point was strictly
Illustrated by reference to tho con
version of Horace Bushuell, al
though a skeptic, believing only in
the existence of Him and the differ
ence between right or wrong. He
gaye himself up to do God's will as
it might he made knowu to him.
His coverslon was complete and
great his after service as a religious
teacher. The conversion of Bush
nell was compared to the conversion
of a poor heathen who had never
heard thegospel, but being convicted
of sin gaye himself up to do the will
of the "Great Spirit" and thus found
the truth. Instances were cited of un
educated men and women who had
worked mightily for God tbroucb
His complete possession of their
hearts. He defined life as consisting
of knowledge, experience aud ser
vice. Hive you given yourself to
God? People sometimes ask howl
waut to begin, with Christians
alone, or with the unconverted,
with men or with women. I waut
to bein with my own heart. Tho
personal appeal to God in the words
of the Psalmist, which followed was
touching even to the most careless,
as was ulso the heart-searching ap
peal to the pastors and ieopIe. The
sermon closed with a tender, search
ing prayer of self consecration.
The house was filled at an early
hour and at 7:30 I lie aisles were filled
to a crush for standing room. After
nous Rv. Gwyune offered prayer
in a most effective manner. Mr.
Greenwood, sang "Throw Out the
Lifeline" an I the audience took up
the chorus.
B. Fay Mills now road from Rev.
ill, 7. "Jesus of Nazareth
Everything in stock at
corresponding pi ices Show
cases, fine, safe, thread cases
ut a bargain. Do not
miss this sale. Opposite
Bush's bank, Salem, Or.
By" was then sung in a rather fetblo
manner. The choir seemed to want
all the music to come from the ati
djeuce aud vice versa.
The text was from Amos vl, 1st
verse. "Woo to them that are at
ease in Zlon." He depicted the
woes of Israel iu ancient times and
bald they were a race whose his
tory was written In advance. Three
classes were uow-.i-days at ere In
Zion. First church members wlm
were Inconsistent; they ver
worse than infidels. A good Chris -
lan could not leave his meat Mild
unpaid. Christians who go to places
whero they should not, drag
other weak meu down to
hell. The nominal Christian
who tempts other men will be held
up to the bar of God on a par with
the worst evil-doer.
Another class who are at ease iu
Zion were those who did iu Rome
as the Romans did. This was a
fallacy. It was like doing on earth
as they do in hell. There were imi
tation Christians- Christians for
revenue. It was an awful thing to
speculate in one's religion. Now
York merchants wrote "business Is
business" over their stores, and "re
ligion is religion" over churches,
and they did not mix them up.
Half-heirted Christians were the
ourse of the world. Another class
who are nt ease In Zion are those
who arej Indifferent to their fellow
man. Christians nowadays kept the
minister busy keeping them
Christians. He closed with an
earnest appeal to the people to
wake up aud save the souls that
were perishing nil around them.
His entire sremon was addiessed to
those who have the name but not
the spirit of Christ. A consecration
meeting was held in the lectin e
room after a short prayer by Rev.
8:30 a. m. Prayer service for men
2:45 p. m. Ladies' prayer meet
ing. 3:30 p. m. Everybody's meeting,
conducted by Rev. Mills.
7:30 p. m. Uuion services.
10 a. m. Meeting for men only by
Rev. Fny Mills.
3:30 p. m. Meeting for young peo
ple between the ages of 10 and 30
7:30 p. m. Meeting for non
church members nnd those who
come with them.
Friday nt the close of the
services Mr. Mills will conduct a
meeting for Sunday school superin
tendents and teachers.
Fifty business men in attendance
at morning service.
The ushers have provided addi
tional sittings for this evening.
Camp a ion Paper. Best nnd
cheapest political newspnper in
Oregou Weekly Capital Jour
nal ten weeks for 25 cts. Any
working Republican, or anyone with
a little time, cau eusily make up a
club of five or ten and earn a liberal
commission. Send iu for terms to
agents and sample copies.
Selling Out. E. O. Small has
positively decided to go out of busi
ness and announces 'a closing out
sale in the Weekly Journal. He
is a well knowu business man and
has a large stock, on which he pro
poses to cut prices all to pieces.
A Puiilic Ball. At Macleay on
Friday evening, May 0, Co. "I,"
Second Regiment O. N. G., will give
a ball at the armory. Coomer's
orchestra will bo In attendance.
Supper $1 per couple. "I" com
pany'a farewell dance.
Designs. If you would be posted
on what is the newest thing iu or
namental designs in wall paper,
see Keller & Marsh's Immense new
stock now on exhibition.
Wanted. Ladles to travel and
lecture or represent us in our retail
department. Apply to rooms 1 aud 2,
Cottle block. d3t
For Bale. Two burses, one 1700
pounds the other 1300 pounds weight
Enquire of Wm. E, Burke, over
Barr & Pretzels. 8-17-tf
The Committee Fixes ort Juno
3 and 4. for tho Spring
Charles B. RIely, John Whitley
and J. J. Httrkluy, the committee
appointed by the boaid of directors
of the Oregou Bret ding nud Speed
association to arrange I he program
for the pprintc races, met Tuesday
night and pn pared the followlug
program and fixed the dates for the
races as the 2, 3 aud 4 of Juue:
1 Three-fourth dash, nil nges,?200.
22:25 pace, 330.
3 3:50 trot, $250.
4 One-fourth mile dash, $150.
5 Half-mile dash, $200.
O-Three-year-old trot, $250.
7-2:29 trot, $350.
8 -One mile dash, $350.
92:35 trot, $350.
10 Free for-nll trot, $400.
11 Gentlemen's roadster race,
mile dash, $150.
The 3-year-old aud 2:50 trots' are
for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and
Montana horses only.
World's Columbia Exposition.
Thirty million people are going to
visit the world's fulr, to bo held nt
Chicago next year. Are you going?
Have you arranged for accommoda
tions after you get there ? If not, a
little reflection will provo to you
that the Co'umbian Fair Excursion
Co. oiler something you need nud
must have, viz: A first-class rouud
trip ticket to Chicago, you to select
your own route going and returning.
A good room iu.a first-class hotol for
seven days, with tho privilege of
retaining longer if desired nt $2 per
day six days admission to tho fair-
free transfer to nnd from depot nud
hotel, a uniformed ageut of tho
company meeting you at depot upon
arrival. The cost Is placed at the
low prise of $105 payuble $5 down
nnd the buluuce In monthly install
ments if desired. Past history Fuyc
t hut unless you make some provis
ion beforehand, you will have to
pay $10 per day for theso same or
Inferior accommodations. Your
contract will be transferable, or 1
unused, money will be refuuded.
We can save you money, trouble
and worry. Is It not. wortli your
while to investigate? Full informa
tion and circulars' will be cheerfulh
furnished by Spalding & Rogers,
agents, Busu-Breyman block.
FkomTurner.-Ed.Jourhal: The
board of Oregou Christian Mission
ary tociety of the Christian church
met at Turner Tuesday lo arrange
for their aunual meeting, to be hold
Juue 23d to July 3d. The tabernacle
which George Turner nnjl his sister,
Mrs. Davis, presented to this body
will be dedicated June 20th by Rev.
David Wetzel!, of Portland, assisted
by Rev. W. It. Williams? of Salem.
Rev. W. R. Williams will give a
series of Bible rcadiugs eacli day of
tho meeting. Arrangements were
made to fit up tho old tabernacle
into a dormitory, so that all who at
tend can be amply cared for. A
series of sermons is being arranged
with a view to Bible education aud
progressive Christianity.
Sunday School Convention,
Tho Seventh Annual convention
of tho Oregon Stato Sunday School
association will bo held In the Ccn
tounry Methodist Episcopal Church,
Po rtiaud, east side, by invitation of
that church, beginning Monday,
May lGlh, at 2 o'clock p. m., nud
closing Wednesday. May 18th, at 12
o'clock m. As this Is a mass con
vention, ail Interested in Sunday
school work are invited to bo pres
ent, and every Sunday school iu tho
state is urged to send one or more
representatives, Anangements will
be made for tho umul reduction of
fares on railroads. For Information
address Geo. II. Himcs, chairman
executive committee, Stnto Sunday
School association, Portland, Or.
Strayed on Si'olen. From Bill
Anderson's saloon, u nice white cat
with hole punched In each ear. A
liberal reward will be paid for re
turn by owner.
A. D. Grcdn, who has been n
bricklayer nt Salem for a year or
more, has gout) to his former home
at Patterson, New Jersey.
Haviland China. Lovely deco
rated dinner sets Just received.
See display In show window "Blue
Woodjiuun. The town of Wood
burn ask bid fur tiling Main street,
tiles to be furnished by the city.
Big Lumber Bargain.
I li tvo i b nit 35,000 feot of lumber,
rough uud drtwed', whluh will be
sold very cheap. Tho stock must
go. J, P. Jacokson.
Wanted. All the people in town
having poultry to sell can find a
ready market and highest cosh price
paid fttDavifton und White's market,
01 Court street. Bring them nUiuif,
t will call for them.
BrHAwuxitniHS. For Matluxon,
iessle, Hubacli, Pearl, Crawford.
Oregon Everbearing and other uew
varieties as well at Wllonn and
.-jharp'ew. Call on E, Hofur, Salem,
Foil Balk. Forty feet front on
Commercial fctreet. rlrot-olaM hul
ceas prorty. Kuqulre of Wrn. K.
Burke, one-half block Miulh of
Hush's b.tnk tio-Ktniry. 3-10-'f
U ve ly chocolate i-- Blue Front
Druggi-t Pu'nnm was at Port
land yesterday.
Bl Gecr has purchased tho old
Geer farm In tho Waldo hills.
The county court met nt 1 p. m.
today for the regular April sisslon.
Filday will be observed as Arbor
day lu many of our schools and
The friends of A. B. Huddlesou,
the Jefferson hardware man, nro
pushing him for sheriff.
Justice Applegnto sent tho 50th
boy to the reform school nnd that
institution has now nil it wilt hold
until more quarters are provided.
There was no meeting of tho
couucil last night as a number was
away nt Portland.
Tho school board met yesterday
afternoon and audited bills for teach
er's salnrles and lutcrest on bonds.
Chno. L. Ogle has filed a plat with
the county Recorder of Yow Park
addition to Woodburn.
Mrs. Selden, of Rosebtirg, who
bus been the guest tho past three
months of Mrs. Dr. Cusick, ic
turned today.
Satem postoflleo receipts for ye:ir
ending March 31, 1892, were $18,-
184.44, an increase of $2060.23, or 13
per cent, over the previous year.
Sylvester Ray, for larceny of n
mare In Morrow county, will take
his sunshine In square chunks nt
tho state prison for one year.
In place of that constantly tired
out feeling, Ayer's S.irsnparllla will
give you strength.
The couuty court is busy with
roads, rebate of taxes, paupers and
The Mills committee did not call
on tho snloous for funds or to close
nt 7 p. m.
Rev. J. Bowersox and wife, E. S.
Bolllngor aud F. J. Strayer are dele-j-ates
to tho annual conference of
the Evangelical church today at
Daniel L. Button, of Crooked
Finger creek, is in tho city looking
after a now road that Is to he opcuid
from Crooked Finger prairie to
Scott'sjnills, or more nearly from
Dr. Rowland's camp homo farm.
A Salem citizen says: "What
busines have our city, county nnd
state ofilcialfl who nro neither dele
gates, alternates or candidates to
leave their public offices nnd go
several days to tho state convention."
Tho improvement of South Com
mercial street uud other public busi
ness Is of more importance, gentle
men. At the public meeting held Fri
day at Woodburn tho required sub
sidy for tho 75 barrels roller process
mill was raised, Mr, Soott was
present aud formerly accepted tho
terms. Ho. lias returned home and
will start bis sawmill to work getting
out lumber. Ho expects to have
men at work clearing tho ground
next week and a concrete foundation
for both mill and warehouse will bo
laid within threo weeks.
It is too bad the my t ideal fool kil
ler does not really exist. Of course,
ills existence, If ho were a faithful
servant, would bo death of a majority
of the people. Woodburn Indepen
dent. If ho could exist even for a
half second aud get in his work on
tho Woodburn editor, tho wholo
Willamette valley would breathe a
sigh of relief.
Do not Ho awnko nights nud
cough! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will
relieve the cough and induce a good
ijight's rest.
More aud prettier decorated semi
porcelain wuru Just received ut tho
Blue Front.
The best spring medicine- Is a doso
or two of St. Patrick's Pills. Tlioy
not only physic, hut clennso the
whole system and purify the blood.
Sold by Geo. 13. Good, druggist.
Tho New York Racket Btoro lias
Just received another Jurgo Invoice
of all kinds of good in their lino, go
uud see them and bo convinced that
they will give you goods at lowest
prlco, lots of their famous 60 cent
unlauudrled shirt Just received nnd
will suit everybody. -1 0 d 2 wl
Bear In mind that on tho evening
of April 20lh the Symphony club
will glvo tho finest muuloale ever
presented to a Hulum audience, such
artists oh Mrs, , harpist; Mrs,
Willmau, planiel; Miss Lena Mor.
gan, vocalist jProf. Coomer, cornetlut,
agisted by the Symphony club com
posed of (If teen members, llemcin
her the dute.
Your Mood
Undoubtedly needs a thorough
cleansing this season to expel lin
purltleo, keep up the health tone
and prevent dl&euM), You should
takn Hood's Sarsaparlllu, tho best
blood purifier und system tonic. It
is unequalled in positive metllciuial
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless, effective, but do
not cause pain or grie. Be sura to
get Hood.
Porch, flounders, cat fish, stur
geon and other fish at DuvIroii &
White' Court street market.
I1 inn if in i.ni.i.i.im.im
l Powder
Jm& ifl Million of Horn
Geo II itolllster nnd wf, Sinyton.
R H Sexton, Salem.
V Walter, J Clark, E Barker,
W L Boaumcut, GervaU.
H Lacy, Detroit.
W It Bllyeu, Albany.
II A Daniel, Boston,
S Bloom, T Manor, Sau Fraucleeo.
Ed Solomon, J Schleck, W J
Hauner, J J Ross, Portland.
J R Forest, Ben Bergfleld New
Geo H Young, Boston.
H Smith. Albany.
J Kuhu, San Francisco.
C Eaberg, R H Scott, Dallas.
W M Hlakey, Victoria, B C.
B F M Long, A F Nolsou, F F
Hayes, Woodburn.
T W Rutherford, Mnriou.
J R Clark, Stephou Putnam, L
Ragan, Portland.
A A Mayler, San Frauolsco.
C Ludwlg, Ankeny.
Notice to Contractors.
The undersigned will recelvo bids
until Friday, April 8, at 2 p. m on
construction of four cottage houses
In North Salem. Plans und specifica
tions can be seen at office of Boiso
& Barker, Commercial street. Right
to reject auy or all bids reserved.
4-6 4t J. H. McCokmiok.
All that know themselves in
dehtcd to mo, for work nt tho ceme
tery, please call and settle. And
those who wish ordors filled will
call early. J, W. O'Donnel.
4 5 2w
School Clerk's Offlco.
I have moved tho school
ofilco to my office, room No. 4, lu
Murphy block, up-stalrs.
4-4 12t Wylie A. Moores.
Having just opened with a new
hue of stoves nud ranges, Barr &
Petzel (In order to introduco them
solves to tho public), will, for the
next two webks, offor a special lu
ducemeut lu prices. 8-20-tf
January rausfers $170,220 60
February .transfers 203,074 05
March transfers 175,674 89
April to date 20,270 00
Al'RIL 0.
Isabella G M Korb and husband
to Autou Korb; sj uw nud uj nv
see 3, 7, 1 o, $000.
Joseph Cavender and wlfo to Oscar
Cnvendpr; 50 a, bco 80, 0, lw, $200.
O W Remington and wlfo to E R
Tyrrelj 100 a, sec 10, 7, 1 o, $1.
Sumo to E R Tyrrel 100 a, sea 10,
7, 1 o, $1.
Geo H Jones to Enio M Hanok; It
12 bl 18, Nob Hill add, Salem, $350.
David Manglo and wlfo to Geo
nnd Mary E Asliby; 1 a, sec 10, 0,
lw, $500.
F M Ford to Tllmon Ford quit
claim to It In bl 85, Salem, $100.
L M Kirk and wife to R B Dun
can; lis 5, C, bl 47, University add,
Salem, $1000.
For Sale. Threo fresh cows,
oiio mllo west of reform school, C.
F. Talcott. d3t w2t
Planet Jr. seeder, garden cultiva
tors nnd gardon plows at Knapp,
Burroll & Compnnys. Salem, w-tf
Bain wagons, Oliver plows, Moni
tor drills and Deerlng binders at
Knapp, Burroll & Company, Salem.
w tf
KELLY. Tn Salem, on Tuesday,
Anril C, 1802, to tho wlfo of John
W. Kelly, a son.
CLAGGETT.-On Tuesday. April,
5, 1802, to tho wlfo of W. D. Clug
gott, u daughter.
MOORE-SMALL. At tho real,
deuce of Ed T. Judd, in Turner,
ut 4 p. m Tuesday, April 5, 1892,
Margaret M. Moore, of Ottawa,
111., to Matthew Small, of Silver
ton, Rev. Thompson olllclatlug.
POTTER. At his homo on South
Commercial street, Tuesday night
atlOo'olock Aprllfi, 1802, J. U.
Potter, uged 73 years.
John B. Potter was ill uhout two
weeks of grip and was 73 years
old. Ho has been in Oregon since
1853, locating In Linn county, nud
moving to Salem last November.
Ho was a native of Ohio, but was
raUed lu Illinois nud moved here
from St. Joseph, Mo. He was a
member of the Methodist church,
and was comfortably fixed, Ills
second wife and six children by his
first wlfo aro living. His sons ere:
WIIIIh, living ut Lyons, Alex at
Turner, and Joseph nnd James nt
Ogden, Utah. The daughters urei
Mrs. Julia A. Jtobertbon, Htaytou,
uud Mm, Ilattle J, McLcon, of Chi.
cago, Tim fuuerul will be at th
residence on Commercial street,
South Halem, Thursday at 0 a. m.,
Rev. Aldcreon officiating.
40 YW the SUacUriL
mtlE COLtTMnr AN K"Allt uvmtoomwnA ...
terms wnntn tho reach ofnll. Many people do notaerm to boaTi it th i2S5r
feonrlnic room and nocommodiHIonsln ndvanco. It la StlmiSId thiivumwnLSf
an uverasronr 1(0 000 per dar. will visit tii fair 4hi . l!?JJr2 1 . tS0rW,0Cop3l,
viz: Flrsf-claM accommodations For run Information call on prwnhw, r
Havo Re-opened at the Old Stand with tho most complete
stock in Salem of
Contractors and builders can find horo every article they
need, in tho most approyed and modern patterns.
All tho former customers
gonoral trade aro invited to call.
fcL.D. C.
Wholesale and Retail Denier in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of all Hinds,
Largest display in tho city at my market. Best sor
vico and prompt dolivory to all parts of tho city.
05 Court ami 110 Stato Streets.
Portland Seed Company,
F W. MILLER, Manager. ,
0 Fertilizers, Tree Spraying Pumps, Etc.
Send for Catalogue. 171 2d St., Portland," Or.
The shrubs planted on tho stato houeo grounds at Salem came frrm
our nursery. Seo them 2-20-lm-dw
Money can bo had on chattels nt
loan oHIco of E. E. Wild, Buah
Broyman Blook. 3-17-2t
For a mild tonlo, contlo inxntlvo
and lnvlgornut tako Simmons Liver
Rolling harrows, lover harrows,
oprlng tooth burrows, al! klnda of
narrows at Knupp, JJurroll & Com
pany-H urancu nouso iicnr
Wlllamottu hotel.
IiiJmti'lliouriJ. V.
B. relieve! (-onitliiAtlcm
ikUIcU llt'AdflCllCX,
A Hit It cell tho iwitcm
under control mi occnilminl doo iirevonti re
turn. Wo rrfer by jicnnlulou to W. jr. Mar
thai), Jirmtiwlrk Home, a K.j Oco, A. Wer
ner. Mil nl.funiU St., H. y.: Mm. f. Melviu,
!W Kenrny Ut, S. P., urn! mniiy olhen who
Imvo found rollflf from conttlpatlou nnd tick j
iivnuaouei. o. w. Vlucout, of fl Torrence
Court, 8. P. wrltm "I m CO yer of ago
nd lmvo Imd oontlitlon 26 cra. I vu
Induced lo try Joy' VcgotaWo Hnrfjirlll.
I recognized lu It mi herb tho Mexican
nal to vivo u la tho early K' for bowel
trouble. (Icainotot'aLlul,)andIkiiow
It would help inu aud It hat. tor tho rtrH
tluoJuytart I cautleep well and my tytloin
It regular. Tho old Mexican herb lit (hit
remedy aro a certain euro In couiUpation
and bowel troublei." Atk for
s Vegetable
For sale by Dan'li J. Fry, 225 Com.
Denier In Groceries, Taints, 011a
and Window GIhxh, -Wall Pn-
ter and Uorder, Artists' Ma
?riulfl, LI mo, Hair. Nulls nud
Shingles, liny. Feed and Fence
Posto, Gross Seeds, lite,
Hornla and Chronic Diseases
ItovoUipecUlittUiitlon to NtrvoUt, Cut
nrrtiAi. Attluiivtia aud Throat Troublei.
lUruU (rupture) cured without pain or
deieutloa from builuew nnd GhuhImiJ a
tiftj Cim.
Lry variety of Keualo and Curoulo
(llteoatti Heated by Uio iuimI adraiuwd
method known to KltUlcwl and Medical
Uue. Tw ui Mr eirxrluuee In ur
aery and th upplirttUou of MottftOly
OiflMu aw (Jommorclal atrcet. Jiiuc-lJmv.
nun lflwk, Hem.
has eatabUehea Wkmrntir
of this House and the
We will treat you well.
248 Commercial Street.
Barber Shop nnd Batk Roosas,
S47 Oommoroiul St.
Two doors north lied Cornsr arugttore,
Democratic Primaries and
TIMIK PlttlOCKATIO Primaries for Ma
X. rlon county will bo held ou the 1Kb, of
April hi t lie varlou preelacl.
TliOMluNoa.I.a.lf, and 1'rofpect will
bo held by ballot from 1 to 0 p, n.
in tho bitlnnoe or the precinct thoprl
murlca will bo held at I p. ra.
The Marlon county Democratic) conven
tion Will beheld on Thnndnv. tha lull
rtftV nl Atirll nLgn'Mliubti ... '
xiio various preciu
dolcuntea a follew:
"7."-"?" "' " ". -" I-.-
flio various nreelucU will bo entitled to
Murlnn ,
A KuatHllverton.
.'J WixMluurn-.
ofKlkhorn .
Uliampoejf. i
sntytou .
Kalein No. 1
Mouth Halem
Howell I'rulrle-.
-JtlNortli Halem
HuieiaNo. a .
Maoleay . ,, .. . . ,
rjui tuue;
i.iiicoiii. i
Turner J
Wet 8 Iverton (I
hi. i-uui
noreo .i
llreltenbush .
Hubbard. ....- 3
Uervnli 10
Naieinno. 3 J
l'ropcot- )
BuiflowooU 6
Kalam No, 1
Yt,uf ls.w
Silver KaiLu
iii fl
Total -. .. ..163
Chairman Ueinocnttlo Couuty Contra!
It. U. MuliANB, secretary.
25c WantCoIumn,
. Nutlets luaerted tor ON IS CKNT FKR
tUemeul Inserted in tbU column for la
than tweuty-nve cent,
liioi( KNT.Twa ruraunta roosoa m
I' lower rtoor euitubie furitrwanuUliM,
,m Center HI
noil HAbtiL-A good driving- dom n
J.' bua-iry aud I utrsiciM. At taryjaliu
quire of 0.O.KoaU, Wo.la Center air
FHIItENT New how U Xoii
hatem. Apply to K, Motor, rtft
X. Muiie every Watuiiy tyww at g
ouiixuc, Biiw nail over ik m( lnu.
public Rev,
r ewi la ilut
l km4t.