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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1892)
V? ',- !Vmyv-wS-i rTfy wwy '. - 'J "'"MH?f ' x ajy "jiwflpsi " -n-PTfr-a- -"i-w jjiwmKi;-wW9R"4af .' .msfjtw " ''w' "V rilMMMMIMM J. .H. LUNN J Positively Closiiuj tut fT COST. Loek: at the Prices. ts a ynrd. Apron Checks 08 Dross Ginghams ;..10 French Zephyr Ginghams 12 Fino Ingrain Carpets 45 Best b'oxbury Brussels 85 Fine Fancy Window Shades 75 each. Lace Curtains 75cts to 5.00 a pair. Everything in stock nt corresponding prices Show cases, fine safe, thread cases ut a bargain. Do not miss this sale. Opposite Bush's bank, Salem, Or. ME CAPITAL JOIIMAL. MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1892. THE BIO REVIVAL. GEO. I). GOODHUE. K. CAIIILL. BUILDING MATERIAL. Lime, cement, plaster, Lair, fire and building brick, Are clay, sand, gravel, blacksmith nnd house coal, wood, all kinds, wholesale and re tuil. Olllcu 05 State street. Goodhue & Caiiill. iiLIMlF k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, YVindowglass, Etc, Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. Strongs bakery takes the lead on l8up"rior bread cakes, pies and all I kinds of faucy baking. WE8TAUOTT & IRWIN. DATES OP LOCAL EVENTS. April 9. Democratic primaries. April 11 Miss Susan Hale, reader, Unity church. April 14. Democratic county con vention. April 20. Symphony club, Reed's opera house. CRors. Owing to the late rains there was only a medium acreage of full wheat sown. But with a good distribution of rain In May and June there is assurance of a big crop. Parts of February and March were favorable to a good deal of seeding, and the entile winter was very favorable to stock. More than the average rain fell last week, but absense of frosts was good for early fruits in blossom. There is more pleasure in seeing ; Biiowbanks of cherry blossoms on Uhe ground than the genuine boretin iarticle of the beautiful. The peach, apricot, some varieties of prunes, I pears and cherries are generally in full bloom, and so far in good con tention. Earlier varieties of straw- Kerries began to blossom last week. f rains continue there will be no frosts. The smaller fruits and ber fries are developing nicely. The hop men are busily engaged In working their yards, preparing for the com ing crop. The acreage Is being in creased in most of the counties. The weather lias not been favorable to the lumblng Benson, though the losses are much less than usual. Fun With Gypsi es.- One bun dred and llfiy people witnessed a Juot race Lttwtcn Lew Evans, a blacksmith at Knight's shop and one of the Scotch gj psies of North Salem. It was forty jnrds for f5. The gjp8y won in 4 seconds. He stripped stark naked and ran like a deer The gypsies ran foul of a Salem hone owner who waR to much for them. He had a horse not worth 10 cents, as a two hours drive lays him up for two months. But he was sheared and fed to look 1 .slick and the gypsies gave a pretty ;good cayuse for him. They traded the 10 cent horse to a farmer today for a plow animal. Meeting Sunday Nighfe Mr. Mills Comes Tuesday Rev. Oorwin's Opening Sermon. Easter lilies and cherry bloomes stood on the platform at the First M. E. church Sunday evoning. The house was packed with people. After reading by Pres. "NVhltaker, Rev. Kellerman said It would be too bad not to take n collection. This raised a smile and abou t $20 for the Mills meetings. It is announced that Mr. Mills could not come until Tuesday, but w ould make up t lie loss of a day at the close of the meetings. This caused quite a disappointment. But Mr. Greenwood will be here to sing and Mr. WllllaniB of Portland, will preach. On Tuesday morning at 8:30 there will be a liusiDLEw men's prayer meeting. At 2:45 there will be a ladies meeting and at 3:30 Mr. Mills will lead the afternoon prayer meet ing. DR. CORW1N SPEAKS. Dr. Corwin spoke from Joshua on witnessing for Christ and against one's self. This is what bothered the moral man, the no u-professing believer, who refused to confess be fore the world. His objection was to putting himself in a place where, if ho went wrong, he would have to witness agaluBt himself, and incur the criticisms made on those who professed Christ. Such a man possessed good char acter and his only wrong was avoid ing the responsibility which Chris tianity intended he should assume. To be a Christian was to assume cer tain moral responsibility and the nou professing believer left a loophole by not avowing publicly his princi ples. Join'ng the church in the true understanding was the easiest and the only right way to settle the question whether we were for or against Christ and hiB church. The speaker supported this with numer ous quotations, showing that setting up the plea of private purity was denial of Christ. A confession with the mouth was what was needed. All talk of our lives being an evi dence of our professions was futile. It was meu's Christian profession that provoked criticism and enmity and comment over their shortcom ings. Thin waB literally suffering for Christ's sake. Dr. Corwln's address was closely listened to and was a floe prepara tion for the weeks of revival work tht t are to follow. AT THE CHRISTIAN church a crowded house greeted Rey, Gwynne who also deliyered a discourse specially preparatory for the Mills meetings. school; while bad behavior means black marks and the longest con finement. Besides Superintendent Miles, who Is thoroughly versed iu reform school work, thcro are now six teachers, guards, etc. The boys do their own laundry work, etc. At nine o'clock at night they are marched Into a large room, where all are disrobed and their clothes locked up, so that they could only escape iu their night gowns if 'in attempt was made. It will bo teeu thut it Is no play liouse. It is very easy to get a boy in the school. The directors of a school district hnvo the power to sentence au incorrigible school boy. Justices, city recorders, etc., have the authority. STREETS AND BRIDGES. Permament Street Improvements Now Under Way New Bids Sappy Timbers. OREGON REFORM SCHOOL. Via vi Leotuke.-MIss Glassford's lecture to ladles Saturday drew a fine attendance, and a health class in "Vlavl" work is being organized. At Portland there is u weekly meet ing attended by several hundred students'. The next lecture is at 2:30 Tuesday at Insurance hull freo. For Sale. Three fresh cows, ouo mile west of reform school. C. F Tulcott. d3tw2t For Sale. Two horces, one 1700 pounds the other 1300 pounds weight Enquire of Wm. E. Burke, over Barr & Pretzels. 3-17-tf Senator Myers Tells How the Children Are Managed. There are some Salem boys and Salem parents liable to have a per sonal Interest in this newest of state institutions located at Salem. There Is a general impression that life iu Oregon's reform school Is sort of a picnic for the inmates. This is fur from true. In fact the discipline in, as It should bf , strict. The school Is a prison for bad boys, with reform atory advantages. Hon. JeiTMyers, who recently investigated the work ings of the school, tells an Albany reporter tome Interesting particulars. The boys on entering are made clean and dret-ted in neat gray suits. Then they ure examined as to their quali fications, both as to work and studies. A certain portion of the day Is given to each. The boys are tuught a trade according to their inclination or lit new. At present though the trades are limited. At thtlr meals they pit ut table with six or iten together, and have good, plain food. Each one tows his head I etore eating and asks a bless ing, until all have done it. Neither at their meals or nt work are they allowed to epeak to each other with out rernilision. f they do a black mark results. Good be liavlor brings credit murks, wh'ch means a shorter confinement, and a certain number are necessary to get out of the Pending improvements on Chem- eketa and Comercial utreets are well under way. Bids were opened Sat urday on four blocks of South Com mercial street as follews: L. .Mc Coy, $0,305.75; Geo. D. Goodhue & Co., $0,275.42; and Archie Mason, $0,160.95. Owing to s-une defect the bidB were returned and new bids ordered submitted Monday ee ningat7. They will be laid before the council Tuesday evening. WORK ON THE BRIDGE is well under way. It will bo 204 feet long, 09 feet wide with 14 feet walks on each side. The four blocks over Gaiety hill will he cut down to the grade of the railway, will be built of the same width, with 14-ft walks, curl-H, and tho roadwuy graded. THE GRADES OF CHESIEKETA will probably be changed at the council Tuesday evening, so as to lessen the expense about one-half. The intention is to allow each prop erty owner to have his own part of the street built at private contract, as the bids on tho whole Btreet are believed to be too high by many people. A KICK. Citizens are complaining to the s Ire 3 1 committee that the contractor on the South Commercial street bridge Is putting In sappy timber. They will investigate. Chemawa. bupt. Wasson ha taken churge of the Chemawa In dian school, and his wife will prob ably be installed as matron. Rev. G. M. Irwin will probably settle at Salem with his fatnily.Some eastern Oregon papers are mentioning his name for congress jn a compliment ary manner. Saltm will bo glad to have Rev. Irwin and family locate here. LOCAL AND rMtSONAf. Board of trade meeting touliiht. Salem HFpurngiis is in the niarret Capt. W. W. Martin is at his stoie again. Salem will hnvo a warm welcomo for B. Fay Mills. Keep your eyo on the Chemeketa street Improvement movements. Steamers Elwood und Bentley make regular trips up and down the rler. E. F. Purkhurst has returned from Idaho. Wm. Humbolt hns moved his cobbler shop uext to the postofllco block. Rev. Robert Whltnker occupied tho Portland pulpit Sunday lila own being filled by Row Clark, of Forest Grove, father of Mrs. Napoleon Davis. It will cast $409,000,000 to run tho government next year. It would be cheaper if they bought their rubber stamp supplies of E. C. Patton, 98 State street. In place of that constantly tired out feeling, Aycr's Sarsnparllla will give you strength. The llrst great Mills' meeting will beheld Tuehduy evening at 7:30 at tho M. E. church. Mrs. J. II McClaue will erect four cottages In North Salem contracts to bo let Saturday. Three vags and three drunks were brought before Recorder Goodell this morning. Only one paid cash. Supt. McElroy has a favorable lotter form the chief of tho depart ment of liberal arts, grants an TIIK FOLLY Of MANY I'AKTIES, The Portlnnd Telegram poke fuu at tboppltt In the panic and the U'tiiloi.ey to I'luulo iiuiui-rous new parties: "Tho Prohibitionists having cut loose from tho Labor party, or what over It Is called, ought to feel able to breathe freer. But It Is evldeut thot other secessions, disunions and die motions nre to follow. In their platform ndopted Thursday, they put one Democratic tariff plank Yet It Is nresumable that on the tariff questions some of the Frohl bltlonlsta are protectionists. Shall they not now aecedo and organize a branch party to be known as the lln..l,. tml.tllttr.n r...rl.. 9 'imv;ciuuinb x tuuiuuiuu tj Agalu, they do not all agree ou woman suilrace: surely It will not do for those holding diilereiit views on this subject to live, move nnd have their political being iu the same party. There are other differ ences or opinion among tucm, so that there is opportunity for a half a dozen or more parlies to bo carved out of tho Prohibition party jet. Of course they will bo very small in numbers, and nobody will pay any attention to nny of them, but there seems to bo a good deal of (satisfac tion iu a score or two of people, who are better than tho rest of humanity puttiug themselves up for olllce, and proudly voting for themeelves and for oue another. Cars Will Run. The manager of tho Salem Street railway has made complete arrangements to run cars from the Mills meetings. Every evening there will bo cars to go both ways at the M. E. church when the meetings close. This will be an ac commodation tho public will no doubt be glad to take advantage of. o the L.ITTLE unes. TUero are still many sick children in the city. Among the quite ill are C. D. Gabrlelson's eon, Mr. Johnson's daughter in the Cottle block, Mr. Derby's daughter, of Marion street. m A. F. & A. M. There will bo a special communication of Pacific lodge No. 50 A. F. &, A. M. this evening ut 8:30 p. m. Work In M. M, degree all masons cordially In vited to be present. Notice. There will be a'called meetiug of the W. C. T. U., Tuesday, April 5, at 2:30 p. m., at the reading rooms, for the purpoee of securinga matron, as the rooms liavo leen dowd for more ttiau a week. Our former matron being obliged to go else where on account of 111 health. By order of Secretary. School Clerk's Ofilce. I have moved the school clerk's ofllce to my ofilce. room No, 4, iu Murphy block, up-stalrs. dw-2 WylikA. Moores. T. HOLYERSON. Head Quartern for FANCY DRESS GOODS and LADIES' JACKETS, A full stock of COTTON and MUSLIN Underwear. I Special attention given to our Curlain Department this week. KOrriNGDAM aoil IRISH POINT hm, SILK and CHENILLE Mb Remember the Place, Oregon educational exhibit n liberal space at the world's fair. Deputy. E. W. Warren of Yamhill brought L. C. Mursou, and Rudolph Wick, for larceny. Deputy B. Brockway, of Doug lass rouuly brought John Hllbrand sentenced two yearn to the pen. The Arcade saloon fixtures have been moved to the residence of the proprietor. South Salem and the place Is closed. A half starved horse with a sore shoulder has been reported to the Humane society and will be looked after. Thos. Burrows, tho grocer, says if Paul Oberheim puts up n brick, he will have to build too, and Paul says ho will probably build thisyear Sleeping Angel Bell and Jumping Jim Weaver, of Iowa, and Mrs, Mary Lease, of Kansas, are coming to Oregon to enlighten tho people on politics. The Journal obtains tho highest rates from foreign advertisers that are paid In the state, except to the Oregonlan. It gives advertisers value received. Do not lio awake nights and cough! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will rolieve tho cough and Induce a good night's rest. The street commlcsioner has not had any lakes on our streets named after him. Ho Is too progressive for that. Mayor S. J. Chadwlck, of Colfax, Wash., son of ex-Governor Chad wick, Is In the city on a short visit to his parents. Tho committee on fire and water await tho return 'of Alderman Col lins, who is In California, when the Salem Fire department Is to bo re organized and expenses reduced sev eral thousand dollars per annum. Mrs. Judge Lord leaves this evening for Grant's Pass to attend the meeting of tho Stat3 Horticul tural society, where world's fuir matters aro to be deliberated upon. Tho local Woman's World's Fair club will not meet. They aro killing a ring ut the Tacoma city election. Of course, nothing but a Democratic victory kills a ring anywhere if itepubll cans are In control, according to the Democratic press. Comrade Bates had a good house Saturday night to hear his lecture on Andersonvllle. Ho proved to them thut his record and identity are genuine and entertained the au dience well to a lato hour. The Oregon Breeders and Speed association did not get a quorum Saturday night. There is to be another meeting tonight at tho council chamber and every stock holder Is requested to attend. Here's a bappy thought J Tho People's party organ says. "Will the Prohibition party affect the vote of the People's party? No, not hIuco we Jiuve declared for license ut coat." Liquor at cost under a govurnmeut monopoly every drink right out of Undo Sam's hands 1 SUte Superintendent MoElroy has Issued a circular to tho county superintendents of tho state, In which ho requests their views with regjrd to a school exhibit ut the world's fair. Exchange. Thut will bo wise. Oregon will theu have at least a lot of "views" to exhibit at Chicago. Oregon State Weather Service SUMMARY. Eola, Or., March, 1892. Elevation above sea level 070 feet. Mean temperature 60.2. Depart uru from normal 4.5 above. Maxi mum temperature 73 ou date, 10th Minimum termpcraturo 30 on dato 3rd. Mean of maximum tempera ture 54 9. Mean ot minimum tem perature 45. No. times minimum temperature 32 or below, 3. Total precipitation 3.23 Inches, Departure from normal below 1.43 Inches. Pre vailing direction of wlud N. 13, S.5, 8. W. 13 days. No. of cloudless days 2. No. of partly cloudy days 14. No. of cloudy days 15. No. of days ou which .01 of rain or snow fell 15. Highest barometer 30.400. Lowest barometer 20.051. Mean 30 005. Thomas Pearce, Volunteer Observer. Just 24. 1492 A7rvTOT 1-c ... wavjwJwI o 1 1 I -? icoo rmiBmt.irumi. . xvctj &&?$jrj&ua '." "" The nunxSn nftii "'"' ran oduiih intoma- iSSSSk -" r:n&2-t ZZWHttUWEtl'SMS nmmn,i.ti--' .'""V"' " uoi seem to hn nii !.;. "r.?"i InlnitCHiwiraJ. V. RreitovcueonsUpixtlon suit sh V. beuilaches. After It gets the system under control nn occasion si doso prevents re turn Wo refer by permission to W, H. Mar shall, IJnmiwtck Home, 8. T,; Geo. A. Wer ner, fct California Bt, 8. F.I Jin. a Mclrln, IS4 Kearny St., 8. F., and rniinjr others who have found relief from eouitlpntioa And tick nctt'taehcs. O. W, Vincent, ot 6 Terrencc Court, S. F write.: "I am 60 year of ag! and 1mo nad constipation 85 years. I was luduccd to try Joy'a Vegetable earsapartlla. I rccosculxcd In It nu herb tho Mexicans Used to ghe us In tho catly M'a for bowel troubles. (I camo toCal. In 1S33,) and I klicw It would lietp we and It has. For the flrt Itme la cars I can sleep well and my system Is regular The old Mexican herbs In this remedy are a csrUtn euro In contUpattou nnd bowel troubles." Ask for Vegetable Sarsaparilla For ealo by Dau'l J. Fry, 225 Com. atreot. ncrominorintlona roIiik terms wllbln th...k zsy&w&Mg&ffsii VL Ln.l ri tobVaiiV. ta ItbSnlwVS I TI l1 -- .-" --" IIUI J9I1I-H- SWIM 1UI u-. . . . . " " " - --; -. ,wa S w W Mr ?S E&ftffiifflft upon rtosc who SCSdto iHTC.EUE .W me. Wo wo, i S.? 1 u rvMirlnr f l.Ai. .-'' " ir ilia imnrtrtanMAr .-"." .- omiti ce. Ttoeftahhe;-."".?.?0? 9 boohs Joy8 A Young Men's Book is "Under Orders," tho story of a iotiugman who becamo a reporter, by Kirk Munroe, author of "Dory mutes," "Campmates," and other tales of tho better class of boy's literature. There Is sufficient plot and excitement iu this latest to hold attention even of older readers to the end, and nil the mysteries of the hidden machinery that grinds out tho modern dally newspaper is ex. posed to view by a skillful haud. Tho story Is wholesome, will enduro placing In any library of fiction, atid Is neatly published by G. G. Putnam's sons, Now York If some of our booksellers would take more pains to keep this class of boy's books on their counters, they would certainly confer a favor ou the community. Hero Is n publica tion that Is Instructive, exciting, and at tho same time not obscuring true Ideals of life. It is elovatlng to think that this publishing houso is one of the few that will put noth ing but good and pure Ilteruturo upon the market. HOTEL ARRIVALS. "WILLAMETTE" W H Ash, W F McCarthy, 8 F. E II Bfeltenbaoh, St Louis. Captain J A Sladen, S G Pier, S A Hance, Portland. O W Keeno, Eugene. J P Essenbach, 8 F. A B Seal, Albany. "COOK." John Jtutsoh, Mt Angel. O C Ragadale, I H Hampton, G Ernst. J W Muterbaugh, Portland. G W Cofreu, Boston. H J Klusoy, Dallas. T L Armstrong, Oakland, Cal. Your Uloou Undoubtedly needs a thorough cleansing this season .to expel Im purities, keep up the health tone and prevent disease. You should takn Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho best blood purifier and system tonlo. It is unequalled in posltlvo medlclulnl merit. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, porfectly harmless, eflectlvo, out do uot cause pain or gripe. Be suro to get Hoods. Notice to Contractors. Tho undersigned will receivo bids until Friday, April 8, at 2 p. m., on construction of four cottago house) In North Salem, Plans and specifi cations can bo seen at office of Boise & Barker, Commercial street. Right to reject auy or all bids reserved. d 4t J. H. McCormick. and CY.n,ln;ir.i.,l."i'.i7 v's" 'J SPALDING & ROGERS AGENTS, BUSH-BBEYMAN BLOCK. ' Chas. Smith, SUCCESSOR TO . J. C, BROWN & CO. Have Ro-oponed at tho Old Stand with tho most complete stock in Salem of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE, ROAD CARTS. -BUILDER'S HARDWARE A SPECIALTY.- Contractors and builders can find -here ovoiy article they need, in the most approyed and modern patterns. SUPERIOR STOVES AND RANGES. All tho former customers of this House and the general trado aro invited to call. Wo will treat you well. dw 248 Commercial Street. Choice Ed. C. Meats. Cross, Catarrh Can't lie Cared with local applications, as thoy canuot reach the seat of tho diseaso. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional diHuifee, and In order to euro It you have to take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, mid nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'ti Cutarrh Cure in no quack medlclno. It was prescribed by ono of tho best physicians In this country for years, and Is a regular prescription. It Is composed of tho best tonics known, coiiioiueu Willi ine uesi mood purl. tiers, acting directly ou tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of the two lugrel'entn Ih what pro duces such wonderful results In cur lug catarrh. Send for testimonials freo. F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, price 75 coutH. m Wantkd. Ladles to travel and lecturo or represent us In our retail depjrtmcn'. Apply to rooms 1 and 2, Cottle block. d3t The Porilund Baseball club and tho Astoria Lund Co., have tiled articles of incorporation. uoit.v, Having Just opened with a now lino of stoves and ranges, Barr & Potzel (In order to introduce them selves to tho public), will, for tho next two wcekH, offer a special In ducement In prices. 8-20-tf New Washington, Penn., people ore uot slow about taking hold of a now thing, If tho artlolo has merit. A few months ago David Byers, of that place, bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cough Reniedy, Ho has sold It all nnd ordered more. "It has given tho best of satisfac tion, I liavo warranted overy bottio, and huvo not had ono como back." 26 nnd 60 cent and $1.00 bottles for sale by G. E. Good, drug gist. Wholesnlo and Retail Dealer in Frcsli, Salt nnd Smoked Meats of all Hinds, Largest display in the city at my market. Best ser vico and prompt delivery to all parts of tho city. OS Court and 110 State Streets, llr frloud, look hero! you know bow weak and nervous your wlto is, und you know Unit Carter's Iron Pills will rolfove her, now why not bo fair about It nnd buy bar a boxr A woman who Is weak, ncrvoui and nloeplww, nnd vr bo baa cold hand und feet, cannot reel nnd net like u well roron, Carter's Iron Pllli equalize the circulation, remove ucrvoiuucia, and glvo ilrenutli und iroat. A itmii'i w-ra Miould always bo the name especially to Hit buabund, but If uhe li weak nud nervoua, und ue Carter' Iron 1'llln, she ennnnt bo, fur they inuko her "del like a dlirerent pemon" io tbey all my, and their tiusbandN my to too! HEX80N.-At Yow Park, on Bat urday evening, April 2, 1802, to Mr, and Mrs. J, H. lfenson, a daughter. MAItltlKI). Y. M. C. A. ThemeeUngHunday afternoon was led by F. N. Gilbert. Mr. Gilo reported that the associa tion would temporarily take potweo- lon of the Vatoldia c'ub rooms and become owuem of (he fixtures. At its meeting Saturday night the Alka-Hexperlaii society appointed a committee of time to confer with the Y. M. C. A. Iu regard to the sale of it library. I Fob Balk. Forty ftt-t front on Commercial ktreet. Klmt'iilaw lul Lr property. Enquire of Wm. It Burke, one-half block nouUi of BuBh'ii bank 'Uu-utairt. 3 10-tf WICIN8TA-RUD15-At the Cat.l- tal City restaurant cm Monday April 4, MImh Anastuzza Wlclimta o Henry Hudo, Jusilco Batohellor ofllclutlng. my.u, fOT rErt.-At Turner, on'Frid'ay night, April 1, 1802, Nora, the 8rar-old daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. A'ex Potter. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castorln La Grippe Successfully Troatod. "I have Just recovered from a second attack of the grip this year," says Mr. Jan. O. Jones, publisher of the Louder, Mexla, Texas. "In the latter caso I uued Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with couslderablo success, only being In bed u llltlo over two days, against ten days for tho first attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as tho 11 rut but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours afler being "utruck' with it, while in the first caso I was nblo to attend to huslui'SH about two days before get ting 'down.'" Fifty cent bottles for sale by G. It Goodo, druggist. Portland Seed Comnanv, P.W.MILLBR, Manager. SEEDS, TREES, i Fertilizers, Tree Spraying Pumps, Etc. Send for Catalogue. 171 2d St., Portland, Or. Tho shrubs planted on the stato house grounds at Salem camo from our nursery. Bco them 2-20-lm-dy JOHN HUGHES, Dealer hi Groceries Pnlnta.OllH and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and llordcr, Artiste' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, liny. Food and Fgiico Posta, Grass Seeds, Etc, NKW ADVttltTUIIiAlKNTB, liuckUn'l ArulcaHalre, The Htt Halve In the world for OnU, iirulM. More. Ulccnt, Halt K lie um, Vevet Horu.lVtter, 'hap6d llandi, CbllDlalne Corn nad alt Hklu Kmpttoai, and rl lively cure Pile, or n fay required. It U KuaranUed to Klve perfect MtUUcUoo or money refunded. Prte. 9S nu per box. ror ie by Doa'l J. Pry, sauoiuttt. QBPRICES fieaWBaking U Powder Vsd ia Millions of Homw40 Yerg tl SUadar4 Hernia and Chronic Diseases DU'S. BIIIMP & IIOU8EII, Devote upeclal attention to Nervous, OU arrhal, Aetlnnetlo und Throat Troubl i. Hernia (rupture) cured without putu or detention irom builneM and Guaranteed In Kviry Cut, li.ery variety of remote and Chronla dlfeeaeci treated by the inont udancud method known to Electrical and Medical elenco. 'twenty yearn experience In nur Kry nnd the application or electricity. Oilfce3.ViCimriierelal treot,, llunh-llrey-rnun JIUck, 8alem. Notico of Assessment for Che- niokota Street Imnroro ment. NOTIOK U hereby given that the com. niou council of the city ot Haleni, Or eoii, will at s o'clock a, m. of the Stn day ot April, lia.!, at tho common council eiutm boratHaUim. Oregon, proceed to osscm upon eaah lot or part thereof liable therolor IU proportionate nuare or tnecesl or s graveling and curbing all that part 25c Want Column. Notice Inserted fur ONK OKNT 1'iSK WOlll) KAClt INHKUTION. No adver. tlMtmeul lnwrled In thin aolumu for leu thun twenty.nve cunt. fTWlt HUNT Two furnUbed room on 1 lower floor lultabie fordrcnamaklug. No. lsj Center Ht. Wi 81 nOHHALK. A good driving horse with X1 bugyy und liurntn. Atn bartruln. in. qulro of 0. (J, KouU, No, 1KJ Ccuter itrcet St-lw took lllKNT New liouio In North JJ Hulem. Apply to H. Holer, North Baletn, or at J o u um ai. office, 3UIK AUCA-mcHl'KUtAN HOCIKTY Meetc every Haturduy evening at 8 o clock, In the hall over the HUiie luu rauee bulldlnir, MeetliiK are open to the public. nv. itobenWhiiukoni'rt. Iir. W. A. Culck, Vice I'mlcleuU 10 911 EX K.JHA.IvL,, Paper Hangerand Decorator, Oriloe at CluuTUilvert' Mllllonerv tr,r Haleni, Oregon, M.UOlIAMllKItMN, .. . . tmlilnutt II. H. ISHANMUft. Vleei'renideut. O.M.HMITH, Heoreturv. UKO, H.WIUllKUr, irwuurer. UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. tJi Commercial Htreet. . MVe the uttel and best AUtract In the country. J. H. HAAS, TILE WATOnatAKJgjR, 2l5HCraMc!!8t !, 0r, (Next dour to Klein.) . 8Pjey ol SpeeUelM, nnd repAirinc Uoekj, Watch asd JwUy, proportionate uliaro of thecest of grading. graveling ami curoing an mat pari or Che. meketu street deioribcd a follow! All that pirt eiut of Wnteriueet and the west llneofthotlioulley in block Bl and 03, If extended ncroKS the etreeti bit that part west or front itreet and the etut line of the alloy In blocks (it and 01, If extended ncrowj tho treet; ulleatofJ,ront itreet and the wot lino ot the alley In blocks 4U and 60, Lf oxtundedacrettstheHtreet: all wort of com mercial street and the east line of tho alley In blocks 41) and fiO, If extended acroa the street; all east or Commercial street unt tho west lino ot the alley lu blocks 81 and IU Ifexlended across the street; all west of (liberty street and the east line of the alley lit blocks si and IB, If extended across the street: all east of Liberty street and the west lino or the alley In blocks 21 and 83, lr extended across the streets alt west of Uborty street and the east line of the alley In blocks 31 and iU. if extended across the street: all west of liluh street and tho east lino of the alley in blocks a and 21, U ex tended acroe the street; all east of UlcU street and tho west line of tho alley la blocks i and 6, If extended aoross the street; nil cast of Church street and the west Hue of the alley In blocks Wand 70, If extended across the street; all west of Church street nun lueeiui line oi lite alley in uiocjcs and ft, lf extended across the street; all cast of Cottage street and the west lino of Winter street; all west of Cottage street und tho rust line of the alley lu blocks U) and 70, If extended across the street; all etutol Winter street and the west lino ot the alley in blocks H aud Kl, if extended scross the street; all west of Hummer street and the cast line of the alley in blocks Kl and Kl, If exUinttud aerctM the street: all east of Hummer street and the went lino of the alley In bloeks 85 and S. If extended across the street, all west of Capitol street and the east line of the alley In blocks S3 and W, If ex tended acres tho street! mi east oi cupitol street ana the west line of Twelfth street; all east of Twelfth street and the west Unit of Thir teenth street; all eutt of Thirteenth street and the west Hue ol Fourteenth street, alt situated In Balew, Oregon, According to the plain nnd spedrlcallons thereof an Bio In the ofilce of the city surveyor of Waleuir Oregon. Done by order of the common council of the elty of Suiein, Oregon, this l&th day of March, 1WX 11. U UOODCIAUeeorder. Salem Abstract and Loan 0. The only Abstraat books of kiartoa county, iteal estate orders Ailed promptly aud safely. W.H, I-I. WATJSRS, MAKAQKR. Capital City Kestaynat Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WufliMeahit All Ink it ttofcjr None but whits labor eraploye la vkk tatabiuhnitut, A good .sulMUntlal rotAl 0OQk4 la ftv olnss stylo Tweuly-fW oeuU per meal KD KKONT. Court tslrset, faetws Ope Jiosus Mt MtV'a JUvor