m m $" K a "August Flower" Hr. Iorenzo P. Sleeper is very fell known to the citizens of Apple ton, Me., and neighborhood. lie says: " Eight years ago I was taken "sick, and suffered as no one but a 11 dyspeptic can. I then began tak- M ing August Flower. At that time "t ;L. i. ..rr,.. T:,.m. jl naa u icut ouiiuui Avvti- " thing I ate distressed me so that I 'had to throw it up. Then in a "few moments that horrid distress " would come on and I would have "again. I took a "little of your med "icine.andfeltmu "better, and after " Liking a little more " August Flower my " Dyspepsia disap peared, and since that time I "have never had the first sign of it. "lean eat anvthintr without the " least fear of distress. I wish all " that are afilioted with that terrible "disease or the troubles caused by "it would try August Flower, as I "am satisfied there is no medicine "equal to it." BEHIND THE 8CENE3. Tor that Horrid Stomaoh Feeling. IViiliifii Wlio Make Wwill for Tlicninuilvn. Why ia It that some houeekcopors show so littlo use of reason in somo of their operation);? I Imvo in niintl u - woman who, when bIio apilla anything on tho stove, will catch n brush or cloth rind hastily wipe it off. then, not con tent, will immediately whisk tho brash or cloth over somo clean portion of the stovo, thus leaving part of what she had been at so much pains to remove. Tho same woman, when slio ptita a stick of wood on tho firo, inste.id of drawing tho brands or coals together givoa n vigorous poko. which son tiers them in nil directions, and if tho lire he low tho chances are it will bo slow in kindling. tf clio picks up a pin and puts it tern polarity on tho front of her dresn. Bhe sticks it in witli tho head down, so that the next movement of hund or nrm may dislodge it. If she fastens an article of dreas with a common pin, she leaven the point sticking out, so hor hands uro al wuys lliiblo to recoivo scratches. Clood Housekeeping. Tlooro's wife was ono of tho no'jlc.it creatures, and ho never tired of sinking lif r praises. "A Priceless Blessing," AVER'S OIimtRY PECTORAL is tho best rcuiody for Croup, Whooping Cough, Hoarsoness, and nil tho sudden Throat and Lung Troubles to which young pcoplo nro subject. ICcop this modlcino in tho house. Hon. O. Edwards Lostor, Into TJ&f). CouhiiI In Italy, and author of various popular works, writes : "With all sorts of oxposuro, in nil sorts of climates. I have nuvnr, to this day, had any cold nor any affection of tho throat or lungs which did not yield to Ayor's Cherry Pectoral within 24 hours. Of courso I have never allowed myself to bo without this remedy in all my voyages and travels. Under my own observation, it has given rWlef to a vast number of parsons ; while In acute cones of pulmonary iullnminatlon, such us croup and diphtheria lu children, llfo tins boon preserved through its offocts. T recommend its use in light nnd fio quont doses. Properly aduilulstored, in uecordanco with your directions, It is a priceless blessing in any houso." Jcnnio Joyco is going to London to ap pear in tho principal music halls. Aialxj. McKcnna, daughter of tho late f'.tunley MeKonna. will go on tho etogo nest f eason. J2mi!y Rigl has returned to tho stago and is playing tho part of Kate O'Ncil in "Money Mad." Tlioro aro 000 peopld npon tho stago in 'he perfonninco of "Henry VTIIHiit tho Lyceum in London. They say in London that Graco rtaw tliomo is writing a book discussing tho dangers of the stugo. London will bavo a novelty in tho spring in the form of several Scandi navian plays, not by Ibsen. Mnrflbn.i P. Wilder is rated as tho pos sessor of $50,000. Ten years ago ho was working for twelvo dollars a month. Tho story that Mario Wainwright and Louis James, her hnsband, intended to ouco more star together is authoritative ly douiod. 'Christopher Columbus" is tho title of tho great spectacular work to bo soon in conjunction with tho Darnum & U liloy show next soason. A dramatic paper is of tho opinion that a theater dovoted to n stock com pany and another to bo utilized for comic opora exclusively would bo a "go' in Chicago. Audran, tho composer of "Miss IIol yott," has dedicated a now waltz to Mm Louiso Leslio-Carter and sends it to hor with an autographic lotter of congratu lation upon hor success as tho Quakeress. Aloxaudor Salvini has mado an excel lent rulo in his company that all mem bers thoToof shall meet for ono hour's fencing ovory morning. This is in or der to porfect caso and graco in gesture nnd movomont Tho wild boar that Sarah Bonihardt shot on a hunting trip in Georgia was a good thing for tho advertising agents to tell about, but tho Bornhardt has re ceived a bill for ton dollars from a farm er for killing ono of his tamo hogs. Hermann Vozin, tho Anglo-American actor, has been nwardod $Stf0 damages in an. action against tho proprietors of tho Colchester (England) thoater, for in juries received when knocked down by tho unoxjiccted fall of tho curtain nt that placo of amusomont. RAILROAD JOTTINGS. flyer's Cherry Pectoral rnnuiiru Br Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DruggUts. Trice $1 ; six bottUs, (5. F Japan has now over 1,100 miles of rail ways, but tho investments havo novor proved to bo profitable. At a mooting of tho Illinois Contral board of diroctors tho project of UBing electricity as a motivo powor for trains was abandoned. Tho Pennsylvania has let a contract for tho grading and masonry for tho four track road from Valloy creek to Downington, Pa., including a now stono arch brldgo over tho Brandy wino creelc A poworful syndicate, including Sec retary Tracy nnd William Clark, tho thread manufacturer, has organized tho Now Jersey Traction company to oior ato tho combined stroot railroads of Eliz abeth, Jorsoy City and Newark. At a mooting of tho stockholders of tho Chesapeake and Ohio Ruilroad com pany tho ofllcers woro authorized to is buo $70,000,000 worth of bonds for im provements, doublo trnckago, acquiring and constructing branch linos, etc. A curious foaturo of an oxpenso ac count is that tho Atchison Bpont CO per cent, moro for printing nnd statiouory and 60 por cent, loss for fuel, light and potty expenses of tho goneral ofllces last yonr than it did in tho previous year. Tho famous Oroya railroad in Peru, which was constructed by tho late lionry Moiggs, nnd is cousidorod ono of tho wonders of tho world, has boon oxtendod to Port Tuckor on tho Pichis river, thus making diroot connection from tho hoad of navigation on tho Amazon river to tho Pacific ocean at Callao. Tho Now York Central company tried tho experiment of using steel cross tfos on tho track in tho vicinity of Garrison's thrco yenra ngo. Tho result could not bo arrived at in a short thno, but after continuous uho it has now been deter mined that thoy aro not only sorvlcoable, but aa good us, if not superior, to wooden tios. ODDS AND ENDS. CHAT8 ABOUT MEN. Senator Kylo, of South Dakota, is a giant physically and is most robust. Professor John Fisko declare that there is not a competent scientific man in the world today who is not an evolu tionist Tho famous gunmaker, Dr. Galling, is a halo and well preserved man of seventy-two, with white hair, bnt a vigor ous body and brain. Passmore Williamson, of Philadel phia, tho fanrtma abolition ugitntor, cel ebrated his seventieth birthday recently, lie is of Chester county stock and a Quaker, Colonol William Mcintosh, of Doer Foot. Minn., a veteran of 1812. chops his own firewood and bathes nt dawn seven dayH a week in water from a spring near his solitary habitation. Tho oldest settler in Chicago, Jimmy Lane, is a man ninety-eight years young, for ho is an active unci bustling old follow. Who recently, to show his agility, ran np a flight of stairs. Rowluud B. Mahuny, of Buffalo, tho uowly upK)intcd minister to Ecuador, is a graduate of Harvard and only twehty-cight years old. Ho is said to bo an oxtremely scholarly young man. Representative Johnson, of Indiana, deli vera a speech at the rate of 280 words a minute. Tho only other man in tho houso who can approach Johnson in rapidity of utterance is Catehings, of Mississippi, whoso usual rate is 230 words a minute. Congressman isidor Rayner, from Maryland, is about forty years old and has become noted for his pre-eminence in learning as well as In eloquence. As for oratory, it is said of him that he has u Vocabulary as oxtensivo as Senutor Blackburn's, und ho is as fluent as Blaine was a dozen years ago. Ho drat took his seat in congress in 1887. WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. Mi w3 BY SCHEDULE. Tho board of trade of Columbia, S. C, bus undertaken to seo that an exhibit worthy of that state is mado at tho ox position. Sdmo Swiss painters at Geneva aro painting a largo panorama of tho Bernese Alps, with tho intention of bringing it to Chicago for tho World's fair. Tiio preparation of tho educational ex hibits from South Dakota and NewMox ico has been intrusted to tho women members of tho respective state boards. Tho Pennsylvania coal operators want to construct a building entirely of an thracite coal at tho exposition, nnd to havo 60,000 tons of best unthracite on exhibition. Tho horticnltural department of tho oxpositiou is planning to havo a mag nificent roso garden in which will bo fully 60,000 plants, besides largo groups in special areas. Chow Yu Ling, representing commer cial parties in China, has arranged to conduct a tea pavilion ou Midway plai snuco, and has applied for 1,000 square feet of spaco in tho Manufactures build ing in which to exhibit Chinese silks, ombroidorios, etc. Tho ladies' annox of tho Los Angolos chamber of commerce has applied for 40,000 squaro foet of outdoor spaco at tho Chicago fair, and proposes to erect thereon an adobe building. Tho Now York Society of Dccorativo Art has also mado application for spaco for an ox hibit of embioldorios in tho woman's de partment. WHISPERS ABOUT WOMEN. Close Figuring aft to Wliat Can He Katen White Waiting for the Train. "1 have only two minutes to get my breakfa 1 and catch my train," said a tall man iu nil Irish frieze nlster to the waiter in r. railway station the other morning. "What can you givo me in tho smallest possiblo time? Take into consideration, too, tho fact that 1 have left my false teeth under the pillow at my hotel." "Wo havo just tho thing for you. sir," and ho immediately brought a cup of coffee and a piefco of lemon pie. Tho gentleman sat down nnd in less than a minute from the time ho cave his order was rushing toward tho office for his ticket. "Ho mado pretty good tiiuo." remarked a customer who sat at tho next tablo. "Oh. that's nothing, "replied the waiter: "we beat that every day. J onco know a man who camo in hero who had only sixty seconds in which to get his breakfast, buy hid ticket and reach Ms train." "What did yon givo him? "Two soft baked apples and a glass of milk. He finished in just fifteen sec onds, took another fifteen for the pur chase of his ticket, and when 1 last saw him he was walkiug up nnd down the platform smoking a cigar, impatiently waiting for the train to stnrt." "I suppose most pusucngors who como in hero aro in a hurry?" "Never saw but two who wore not. and ono of these was a soldier who had lost both legs iu tho war. and tho other was a tramp who was waiting for the night freight. "When a customer comes in and saye ho wants something to ent in a hurry. 1 ask him how much time ho has or what train ho wants to catch. Now. 1 have a list of those articles that 1 can serve, jOUHE nnu wmen can oo eaieu in exactly tne time the passenger has to spare. To tho customer having ono minute for luncheon i servo baked apples and milk, if ho has two minutes, lemon pie and cold ceffee: three minutes, apple pie and hot coffeo; four minutes, slapjacks and Ceffee: fivo minutes, ready cooked sau sages and mashed potatees: six minutes, fish balls and hash: seven minutes, cold roost beef, nnd so ou. 1 tell you we work on springs all the time." And the waiter rushed off to serve another cus tomer who appeared to be in a hurry. Boston Herald. II alUE assessment roll for'Marlon county, for the year 1881, has been placed fn my hands for collection. Taxpayers will please come lorwnrd anil py their taxes, an ttiey will soon bo delinquent and costs added. K M. CHOWAN. SheriffBiid Tax Oollee.or, Marlon county a-ilem. On. Keb 17, IKU 2-22-tf-dw Those Afflicted Wltb the habit o( using to excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain n COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT TilK KEELEY INSTITUTE Forest Grove, Or., confidential Call write. BtrlctlV Bids for City Bonds. QKALED proposals will be received np to O 2 o'clock p m. of thefitb dy of April, J8U2, by the mayor or d city recorder oi tho city of Salem, lor tb& purchase of 533,000 worthofiondKon the city nfHiIem, Ore gnn, in dennmlnatlonsofijlOOuud upward?, thn Interest of thec bonds to be paid semi annually and to ruu twenty yearn, and to draw 6 per cent. Interest Ho bid will be received rnr the bond below their par .value. The city oi Hnlom reserves the rlslit to reject any or nil bias. ! il.D'VKlrt.Muyor. 3-14-td M. K.QiOUELL, Itecorder. HEART MCICK Ik ftll ftorrnn, I'alptUUoB, IfMUb ' motlmrlna l'nlnln Hide. fthoulilar and jIli-m, abort Mreath, OiipraMlon, Asthma, wont Asuei, rvenu nnu a mlla, riy, surau Amir i M. A. four botlloa HtMbtliailfortwalra rnr. "For ttjlrir rotn , vvinu in nonineii1ia.,are PT UK, WIIUV.V' NtW MKAIUUUnii aiaoororr by th eminent JnUlinn BpocUl lMrl4.Hllvr rrk. Neb.. ftr Ukina at HE1KT OUK fait baiur iMAhtiiAi) fortwalrfl vemra. "J OQblod with Heart IMam two bottlti of m. miles' heart duhi curoa mo.-i.et I lkxfan.JUucuuian, Mich." H. I). filutaon. Ware itatlon, Ua. hae taken DB. MILKS' HEART CURK for lUarttroublawlth area! retulc tire. IM liar, ITjtchbunr. Mlcb., we IU for It year wlta Heart Dlneaae, bad to hire buuie blp, Ilred on juH foodj need Dr. Miles' llart Our and all pelae loft her oonatani v cored her. Floa fiiakrated book Flint at dxuMlita. or adtlreu OnMlkta' MUdloal C.,llkrw.rt,lnd. Sold by D, J. Fry, druggl8t,8aloin. Act ou a now principle-. roROlaM the llror, atouitra aad bowola through tt ntrvr Dit Mu.iar I'uxa ipttililv tur btlioutnfei, torplJ. llror and comllpa, hub. . oinaiiaei, niuuoal. curontl Spdoaoa.Sgcta, ripmuifia iree at uruiryuta. II Uullti.O.tUUrLhKj. Bold by D, J. Fry, drujrglBt, Bnlem. OINSENO. THK POWER OF MAN ThC)iiaeiaprli,thSi)MO)rrtvot, janehmbrahlchlytbauOpJiiiu, They ell It QiBMntr BitaulDf the Power Pt Mas. When icaro the floett IBality ha heH old fa t per uc. Vow, why do the pay luch afrlceT VecauHUiey better ft clTua taeea the kauck 4eire4 nerre futcc. Mow uay pea?1 r (roM.'Wtak Mf What a dltrela albae ntr Yimi lack ii Kartra tor. "wjr, IMWMr. Ton ) all voa. Toh ara Uwaya ylnr w umfW,yirtBet- Vmm weker and weaker. Iff ten ta taavoloa oi mean, flar year cue haiiirf IntcUbjolJt clllyJLCaaUe if kaia4))f, y. crlu yolT -My taa aaaiw wrlaiyr of IvHer yo rati liar mm oKiWa lux, aneoiaieiy !ieUrtniin WritH. Jupanoflo women aro almoat wholly Yogutariana. Of tho thirty-two ducal and princoly famUloa established by Nnjioleon I four teen aro extinct. Typesetting is a popular industry among tho women of England, of whom 4,500 mnko a living thoroby. Tho moan doscont of tho Ohio river from tho jtmctiou of tho Alleghany and Monongiihola to tho Mississippi is about 5U inches por milo, tho diatanco being 075 mlloa. Tho largost sailing ship afloat is tbo French fivo mastod Franco, Inunchod in 1800. Tho vessel is 001 foot long. 40 brawl and has a depth of 20 foot. Qor nut totmngo is U,021. Thoro aro only 70,000 pooplo in Ice land, but thoy print eight uowspaiora ou tho island, As a result, about tho whole population is oducatod, in tho sonso that tho number or llllteratM u very small. It la figured out that if tho entire pop ulation of Uio world, comprising 1,400, 000,000 people, woro divided into fam Uloa of fivo, Texas could f umiidi each family with a half aero lot and havo plenty of land to spare. A superb new bridge has boon con structed in Rome, over tho ptcturcsquo Tiber, and it ia considered ono of tho uaoat modorn works in the city, It has boon christened Ponto Mnrghorita thoir majesties of Italy, NollioOuahinnn is ono of tho best min ing experts in Arizona. A daughter of tho lato ox-Pre6ident Saloman of Elayti is Rtudying mediciuo iu Paris. MIbh Ethel Mackenzie, daughter of tho groat throat doctor, is Baid to bo tho Loudon correspondent of a Chicago daily paper. Miss Aunto Dopew Paulding, a favor ite niece of Dr Chnuncey M. Dopew, has golden hair aud blue eyes. Miss Alico Belknap, of Washington, is a plucky cross couutry horseback ridor, but flho doesu't sit particularly woll for a girl of her lino iignro. A daughter of Congressman Baker farms hor own land in Kansas. Sho is snid to wear a man's garb and can plow and kw as woll as any malo fanner in tho neighborhood. Mrs. Bangstor, tho editor of Harper's Dazar, is said to be as attractivo ou tho lecture platform nsiu tho editorial chair. Bhe 1ms a very musical voico and a sin core aud graceful mnunor of spcivkiug. Jean Nelson won tho first placo in tho oratorical contest at Do Pauw univer sity, which has 1,200 stndonts. She is tho only woman who has attained this distinction, and sholsbntnlnotoon years old. Hor subject was "Industrial Froo- TURF TOPICS. An Intoroatlng Kxpcilment. Visitors to Mount Wtisuiugton can hardly havo failed to notice iu wjv oral places by tho Hide of tbo road leading from tho Glon to tho euxmnit curiouHly bont and twisted twJr. eomo of which strilr.gt resemble layers of rumpled cloth. Tho evi dence which tho forms of thefao rocks furnish of tho action of Botno tromen dous pressure in long past times, which was nolo to bend and fold the layers of tho earth's crust, is of a kind that appeals to tho eye and mind of tho most uninstmctod ob server. Tho geologist Bees in tho mountains themselves far grander proofs of the might of thoso forces of disturbance that have broken and corrugated the rocky shell of tho globe. Tho effectiveness of tho slow con traction, which tho earth has under gonp as its interior lino gradually cooled off, in upheaving and deform ing its surface, is beautifully illus trated by an oxperitnontof the French geologist, Professor A. Daubreo. ITo tool u dtskmded bell of caout chouc mado to imitate tho form of tho eai-th, slightly flattened at tho lioles. and covered it ith a layer of beeswax. Then tho ball was allowed to contract u littlo. Immediately tho beeswax suifnco was thrown into folds, and traetured, and upheaved in somo places and depressed in others, tho effect boing to produco a striking resem bianco to tho surface of the earth with its mountains and valleys and vast beds of broken and tilted rocks. Bo in a few minutes, bv this incon- ious experiment, a geological history of tho cat th in mininturo can bo en acted, and whilo watching it, with tho aid of a little imagination, we may behold bohio of thoso mighty proce&es which, acting through mil lions of years, have gradually brought our planet into tho condition in which wo seo it today. Youth's Companion. J. M, Needham, PAINTING. KALSO- MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leuve onlern J Irwin's, re.ir of Nnilth A Btclner's drug store. E. C. CROriS, and Packer State Bt. and Court St. The best meat delivered to all parts of the cltv. ilL&ih J t.J'JtJC w a fCC.- If You Expect to MAKE MONEY In tho Chicken Just ness you nerd the Pacific Incubator and Brooder. It Is cheap, reliable, substantial, easily understood, nnd will hatch any kind 'ok koos better than a hen, Bend Re "tamp to pay postage on our new S2-pge lllustra tea catalogue of Inciihatorn,'l horouchbred Fowls, O LV. HKX. NKfTlNUS, Bone mills, poultry supplies, etc. This book contains 80 sull-slzed colored cuts of Thoroughbred Kowls.aud Is replete with Information. AdrireH PACIFIC INCUBATOR CO., No. 1313 CASTRO ST., Oakland, Cal. PKOFKiHIONAI, CAi:i)S. GEO.H. BURNETT, Attorney at law, Halom, Oregwn. Office oer .Ladd a Hush's bank. fARCY& BINGHAM, Attorneys and JL counselors at law, Salem, Oregon, ilavlng an abstract of the recordsofj Marlon county, including u lot uud block index oi Balnm, they have hpeclal facilities lor ex nminlugtlllestoital estate. Business in tho supreme court and In the state depart ments will receive prompt attention. C! T.l p. of Bush b RICHARDSON. Atlr.rnev nt lnw. fllceuo xtalrs In front rooms of nw block, corner Commercial und Court streets, Balem, Oregon. JOHN A. OAHSON, Attorney at law Rooms 3 and i, Ladu s Lush's bank building, Balem, Oregeo. 8 1 lyr B. F. BONHAM. ON11AU & llOLMEH b: Office In Bush's block. riau aud Court, on (Jom'l W. H. HOLMES. Attorneys ut law. between btate rtllLMON FORD, attorney at law, Balem, I Oregon. Office up-utalrs In button's UiU lock. W. YOUNG. M. D.. Office formerly occupied bv l)r. Rowland, mrnxr Court and Liberty ktreets. '1 eltrolinna Nn. 45. Office heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: 2 u 4 p. m., nnd 7 to 9 p. m. Residence litth street on ciecirio cur une. Telephone No. U. by Flora Tomplo won nlnoty-elx nicoa and GoldBiuith Maid nlnoty-tivo. Monbara, tho groat Eaglo Bird colt, will inaku tho season of lbO'J at tho Woat inlastor farm, 1 wiloa woat of Lexing ton, Ky, Lonl Falmouth, whoso horses wero sold for ovor $500,000 when ho retired from tho Eugllah turf, ia again buying brood mivrea. James Duatin, tbo woll known trainor, has boon npixinted traiuor for Senator Stanford's Palo Alto stables, to succeed Uliarloa Manin. Ulackwoosl, who In 1809 created a son- sauon by trotting a mile in 8:31 aa n 8-yeaixild, dioil recently in S. Bailey's stablo, at Ticonderoga, N. Y, O. J. Uamlin, whoso success in bring ing out race horso trottors and icers ia not (inestionod, says that his brooding venture baa netted him SO por cont an nually, A now system oi shoeing horses has roceutly beeu invoutod in England, By it tho iron shoe are fixed to others mado of sail canvas, which are thon cemented to tho hoof. KnglUh reeling; In Australia. A fow years ngo Matthow Arnold, writing to mo ou tho Bubject of tho futuro of education in Australia, prophesied that tho rich class would 6eud thoir children to England. Noth ing of tho sort is lmpponing. Tho first generation, from which ho prob ably argued, has set no abiding fashion. Fewer and fewor rich Aus tralians will Ih) found nt Eton and Rugby and Oxford nnd Cambridge A batch of traveling Bcholarsliipa may eunblo a fow university pots to realize (or not) something of whni European culture has to teach them. But tho nvurago temper of Austra lians moro and moro shows itsolf oithor ignonmtly indifferent or hos tilo to tho outer world. Tho well to do "Australian uativo" ia beginning to got touchy about his nationality and to resent "importations" from "forolgn" lands, whilo tho rich pco plo havo not tho wits to soo tho dif ference between n good education' aud a bad. Ton years ago England was spoken of affectionately as tho old country or homo. How it is "homo," or, moro 6amu,tieuU '"omo." Tho inverted common mnko MOAF&f. & BROOK8, Physicians and H u re tons. Murnhv blucit. nn stairs, CommerUai street, Balem, Or. it. XV. 8 JIOTT, physlchin and sur geon. Office in Lldrlde Blocs., ba- Ureeon. Office houni iu tn f.'n m 2 to 4 p. iu. loiu, HlLllHOOK.M.D.irimipnn.ithlRt OflllO 155 Court street! Resldanpn HI7 L'h Btrcet. OoLeral urueilce. Hnivlai attention glvou to diseases of Women and children. li. Offl ith Btr T HOUSEU, M.O, 1'hysician and sur Eeon. i'mctlce limited to riiaiuituu of the nen'ous system. Catarrh including asthma andruntursnr hdinln. mi... i. Cottle block rooms 11 and li Office hours from U to U a. m. aud from 2 to tf p. m. ll'd'tf. Uoui R. T, O. HMITH. Dentist. W State street. Halem. Or. Finished dnnt.nl nn.ru. una ui diltv unNvniiimii. t-Miimi.a rinAM. tlons a specialty. SH. MIXTA H. A. UAVIS Office hours. 0 u. in. to 11 a. m.; 2 p. m. to a p. ni! j or ; night calls promptly attended to. npuclal attention iri en to dlsom.,, or- wr... ou and children. Office In New IHuk Blk.. !W5 Conuuerelal street. Retldence samt. TR. MILLKR H. LUND, Kplscopul XJ tpry; rnor Chemetcta and Cn Office hours 1 to 3 p in. Rec- nureh. ANMCKK. JKFFREY8. M. O. TresU nient of ladles and Chlldreu a spec laity. Office heurs: B to IV, and 2 to 4. Kl drldgo block, Malem.Oresou. WD.l'UOH, Architect, rums. Spec! , ccatlous and kupcrlntnudence 'r ail clasMW of buildings. Office ao Cora, meicitl .St., upktuln,, CdSiOPOLITAK DiSPEKSUr, Civ KAN! If yon would bo ck'uu nnd hayo yourclotlica dono up in tho nontestand drosuuat inunuor,1 Uikulhom to Uio S.4LKM STE.1M L.VtfXDKV whyro 11 work j done by wliito labor . and' in tho most prompt manner. COLOiNJSJ J. OLMSTED. Liberty Street all tho difference, and tho dropped "U" contains n clas coutomnt. Nino- teeath Centurj. A Lucky Kacjpe. Fortuuatu Ik llu aiun or woman residing In a inalaria-rtddtu locality who wcapv the drtda scourge. Not ou la a thou sand doc. When tho endeuno U iwrlodlntl and wide ipreud tulutlon. It u Just -as comuiuu to km hu! oommuultle Mimrtnir from U m single lud.vldual. Ihe luust vlgoroiui coumluilou Is uol pnf glust U-liovr unicU lw a untviu fetbleordlsonttrvd. As a means of iro tecttou agalust niaUiU. llosutlera HtomscU Ullivn tho supremo medical 30U 11 Will upioot ny lornj of ui UihU dlwMi ImnUntvd In the ustem, ad even In renlous vrheie luiasutatld coiupUluumo most uullguautiuiddeaoly such u the Uthtnui or Ittunnui. t)ulo- luala ud the tropica generally, U Is J luily ,JirJ.,, . u etut afaiuU. No lt4 eraoselou li II h curative and i.-e- iuye or c'atvulo luuiwtlou, Uv troube. ooumlimiloa, rbeuuuttuuu, kidney coiuplaluuKBaU grip 1 J.Mcp.i;STLAND,ClvllBanlUryaud JSjfJf iLs".tv,,Jor... :,,y kuneyora offioel Cottle-l-arkhurkt Block, Salem, Oregon. CI A. RUBKRT. Arch'tert, room -IJI. Mar j, quam building, rorllaud, Oie.'ou. UU8INCNS OAIIDS. HOEYE A MILLS, lrorrlctork the IVirce UlalUthtuidHhavlnxl'arlor, iuVe the onlj- IVtctluln Bath Tuba In the city, aw Com merclal street, Salem, Oregon. Ql'l BLi &s KAOUK Jt ALLKN, Blacksmiths and uwmuoeing ana tvrairiog. Only the workmen umnlnvhl. nmvuiu Li,u& lasurunoe building 'V MU 'J11 coV Ctoutntcunw, Sewer lnr, Cemiut Btdewalka, KxcavaUng. All work Kmmnllcilnn. i.i.. .. Lv orders with liirQ n tii.'m rtWPET-UYING.-l mate a specially oi Vj carvetHMwlng and lajlng; cnrieu taken up and rehod wit h g,reil (Si. Hout cleaning. Lvorder with J. 11. Lunn or BureaAbon. J.u.LUlliUlAy' TOHN KN1UHT, Blacksmith. Hone at tho foot ofUbrty atrret, Muiimo c p ( a Ss si r p g. - aa g C O I J 3! S3 S3 Oi O - S a O- P P - CfQ S3 CD B Q CD 3 S4 a: ex. CD P a o et O O CD rn 3- B p o- CD P ct- $ CD 3 a CD s p CD i--. : cd o CD 1 B p p p CO CD CD t P- CD P S P- o p CD O o CD ? P P CD CD t P P P- P O CO o CL, tn ct O a 09 O l i P P P a. 3. fD PU P P a. CD O P 3. P o CD O P CD m O ca CD CD ct- tr CD CfQ o o p p p- I I CD P a B CD 3. CD CD 03 w CD o p p p CD 03 ct- p crcj p O p o CD K CO C o o P-. CO e- -w 0 EH H D P CU CD O P P3 P et-O O p CO CT1 P P P- o CD S at O O P CD P ti CD 03 a CD CD I P, P P O P et P4 CD CD $ S- p P f3 O o co 3 a CD 3 li cl- p p PL CO CD P & CD B o p ct- P ct- 1? CD &r CD ct- n' CD 03 o o P- 03 CO o ti P- o CD 5T4 "P o p cr CT5 P CD - CD CD P ct- J 09 CD O P 3- S- l- - o p o ct O Ui P o CD 03 o P P-03 S1 fe P P- o" W 2 n- p p ct-CO 3- 03 ct- p CD P CD P- a 5 c p -3 CD ct- ct P 8- t ct- P CD O P to z& oo CJO CJO O e crs PT- OQ A LUMBERMAN'S RENDEZVOUS, This term might bo applied to Ktovoni Point, located on the WIconln Centml Lines, at the gateway to the vast forest Superior, a dltance ot 2X rollos without a Drcaa, on xrajuuou im vi. imuuci .u;, esU. Tho WULOiirln Itlvor lo which the lumbermen have given the lamlllar nnd somewhat affectionate title of "Old Wis cons," not alone acts as n lumber feeder to tho city by lurnlshlng through Ita numer ous tributaries an outl-t for thousands of acres orpine in the uppur rountry, but It furnishes a water power that Is second only to that of Neenah and Menaahn, which cities are nlso located on the "Cen tral." Millions of feet or lumber are cut every year, giving employment to hun dreds ol men. In addition to the lumber trade, it has numerous other manufac tories; It Is here where tbo large car shops of tho Wisconsin Central Lines are located. For ticket, maps, pamphlets and full information Bpply to O. F. AIcMcIII, O. V. andT. A., Minneapolis, Minn ,and toJas, O. Pond, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chicago, IU. MO-ly Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTS, Manager. Lock Box 1210, Seattle, Wash Breeders ol Thoroughbred Poultry of fol lowing varieties: 8. C. White Leghorns, 8. C. Brown Leg horns, White Plymouth Rocks, Barred Plymouth Ilocks, Pit Games, Black Lang shams. Light Brahamas, Buff Cochins, Partridge Cochins, Bronze Turkeys. Bend for Circular aud Price List. S late Treasurer's First Notice STATE OF OUEGON. TKKASUBY UErARTJIENT. Salem, March 19, lt-M. NOTICE Is hereby giveu that there are sufficient funds to pay the following outstanding state warrants; and that the same will be paid upon presentation at this effice: Numbers, I2S.I, 15S4, 1IW0, 2052, 2071, 2095, 2097, 209S, 21U, 2105, 2134, Hl, 21 IK, 2140, 2165, 21C0, 2161, 2185, ilCO, 2167, 2lGi, 2170. 2173, 2174, 2219, 2ib9, 2278, 2279, S2bl, 22S7, 2.90 2158, 2333, 2IH0, 2111, 2343, 2.1ft; ZiH, 2315, 2-4 p, 2347, 2318, 2149, 2359, 21W), 2302, 203, 2i01, IKJ03, 236S, 2374, 2375, 21173. 2377, 2378, 2J79, 2I8U, 2l, 2384, "40(1, 2107, 2408, 21.19. 2110, 2412, 24H, 2411 2490, 249J. 2-00, 2515. The above numb rs represent warrants endorsed on or before Semptember 18, 1891. Interest on these warrants will not be allowed after the date of this notice PHILMUrsOIIAN, 3-19-2W State Treasurer. L B. HUFFMAN, Livery Stable and Feed Yard. The Best Box Stalls and Corral In the I'lly, Quiet, family horses u specialty, (In rear Willamette hotel.) SALBM, - - - OREGON f SfS '2K?2wS THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Kntcs, ?2.50 to $5.00 per Day. The best hotel between Portland andSan Franclaco. Kind-class In all Its appoint, menu. IU tables nre served with the Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. 'J ? i t. jt .( a; iiV'Kr JTCI 1F..1C! 3 MJJ m -r - rz k JUMW-KimjU M ik riW W . .. IA H kVE KtsTi Tickets ON SALE , TO meruit, Omaha,KansasCity,Chicago, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, And all Points East, North and South, 270Coni'l slreot, Halem, Oregon. BOIBE & BAIUCEU, agents. DPMO mu D.C.SI1BKMAN, U, S. ', urIio .md lilun n.nut, P. 'i Box ?ai -it' i, 'if- xv. n.jpoty oouaf 01'i-v run for l.Jm tt jgSOO TJ&9k aft JjL w f s fensx ye 0 SIw .w -r . mmnnr:'? VtJl AN n TTITliT . V i - D.r MUUUIM feCAfig- MTM: i ii Jill jTjIIJH Ai1 HEALTH. tie nichaa' Ooldan Balsam No. Cures Chincres, firfc,and second stac Sores on tho Leprs lad Body; Sore Eai i Eyes, Nose, rtc, Copper-colcred Blotche Syphilitic Catarrh, diieased Scalp, ard primary forms of tie dlseaso known tr Sj-phllis. Trice, Sjr00 por Bottl Lo Iticlinu's Goldm Ilalsam No..' Cures Tertiary. Jlernrlaiayphllitlo Rheu ANYTHING. From baled hay nnd feed to flno toilet soap, Key West cigars, tobacco pipes, knives, etc. can always be lound at lowest prlc; at T. BUEROWS, No. 22S Commeruial HU, Balem M. T. RINEMAN DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Gieccries, Crockery, Glassware, Lumps, .WoedeD and W lllow ware. AH kinds of mill feed. Also yeeetablesaud fruits iu their season. ,,. 'ela.?s I,ric'e l'ald lor tountiy pioduco.' Wesollci asbare of your patronage. W i' State street Conservatory of Music. WILLAMETTE UNIVLIWI I'Y.-Glves music. Flyo teachers. Latest methods. Vocal aud lustrumcnuil music taught to tho highest proficiency. No Ube going east to study music. Expenses moderate. UlplomaR given on completion of course. 1 ext term begins Ftb. 1. 1892. fc. M. PAKVIN, (Musical Director. EX K.HALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator. Office at Chas, Cal 'ert's Mlllionery store, Balem, Oregon, ' M. L. CIIAMBKULIN, rresldent O.M. SMITH, II. M. BItANBON. GEO. H. BOUBEItK vicerresiaent. Treasurer UNION TITLE ABSTRACT 0U 275 Commercial Street, Maies the neatest and best Abstractsln the country. tracted Cords, StitTnesiof tho Limbs, ai. eradicates all dlseaso from tho syston. whether caused by IndjJretlon or abut. ol Mercury, leaving thriblood pure au healthy. Price SS OOJpor Bottle. Lo Iticlinu's GoIdenSuanisH Antt. dote for tho cure of Mnorrhcoa, Glee Irritation Gravel, and a! Urinary or Gen tal disarrangements. Price 84 So un Bottle. , ' tje Kicliau's Ooldeu Spanish In. Jection, forsevcro coasof Oonorrhoj, Inflammatory Gleet, Strlidres.&c. Prlcti $1 GO per Bottle. Ce Iticlinu's Goldia Olntmen' for the effective heallngdSyphilitlo Korea and eruptions. Price JlfOO per Box. Le Illclmu's Goldei Pills Nerr and Brain treatment; losof physical pow er, exces? or over-work, Prostration, etc. Prlco S3 OO per Bob Tonic and Nervine, I Sent everywhere, a a D, curdy cocks! per express. ; THE RICHARDSDmiiC0.fAgei!U 600 dc fin MAKKET ST., Ban FniMiAcy 0. Eids for Heating dipitol. The board ot capital bu.UIne commit 8lnupr invite healed propose lor heating the capltol building at Salenjor., either by stenm or h it w.ucr. BMers are to iurnMi then own plans andiptciflcatlouH. Lterybld shall bo accompaiStd with . . undertaking with one or .DOrtSiirkticH lu a sum equal to double the rtidunt of the nln tfl 1. nt.nm.nf, (... .I.Lb. . .1... ellect that If his bid shall be.toJepted, tho 7""" i" ,ifriunu me vorii upeciui u .".i.mmnLWluUt;0 WllU IIO PIUUH UUH SDf'i'lnnAtlfinM lliMar.f ni.li.. ... .... Ipt. imv ni- oil hlilu la ..ao. .-..! Illn .lll be opened at 2 o'clock ri 1 1. Monday. ....,,.. ..t.p(?., fibbiiciijLccuuvDO uce, r-aim, Oregon. HYLVESl'KIt Pl' OVEH, UKU W. MOBRIJE, PUIL. METS('U( nrm , OU,!a ,oi Conn3ii,8lonFl-'. WM. A. MUNLY, Clerk of Bud. 3-10 ..no TMPItOVKU OHDr.R, OP IlKD MKN.- a juiouuu inuo.io.6, ruiera. Holds council every Thursday evening, at 7.o0. iiigmiiu iu jraio insurance hall. KJUNK O. WAT&IfflSSS. J. H. HAAS, TUB WATCIOtAKER, 2I5K Ccmnerclil St., . Stlem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty o Spectacles, and repalrlhB Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. . ":',,lr,u Salem Abstract and Loan Co, The only Abstract book of Marion couuty. Ueal eMato orders tilled promtitiv unci safely. V. H. H. WATERS, MANAOBR. Capital City Rdanrait Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r, Warm 3Ie.ih at All Hours oi the Day ttabUahmenLmta UUr la thU A ffVwl lllKatonlliil ..i. .. - CliM.tylo U"W " Kea ,n nn" Twfcuty.ave centa per meal R H: r Tr-ivirr Uicrt atreet, between (ipera House and HINTING. Sfi.?.?!. !rA?Q' KHTABUHU. itarTia,. i VZ-TSllJ? .' tn the ISm, ,m b KwT dJ aJG5nt.US?r.d fS 0 NOTICE. XTOTICE Is hereby given Uitlealed b ds ., Zw"."." 'oivou uy inoaij oi saiei), until 10 npln..lr f, n. Anvil n iv .. .,.J grading, Rravellng nnd curUtiofall that j.. b ji uiuiiiuruiui sireei oeiw een ine south side ot Mill street and tae southern boilliniirv nf t h rltvnrk.iAta rMAnn.. .... cording to the plans and sn.dflcations on nln in (liir nMnA . a... i ,. "'" "o "iu ui iuo cii-iurveyor oi Balem, Oreson. Bids will l opened by the committee on streets nmpbbllc piop- nyu iuo tocona aay or Atril, 18W. it the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. ijald day or ns soon thereafter ns shall e convenient w iuciu. a. ueposu ei uv minded dot- nrfl ninul. Ofvnmnunt. M.li,M.n. . ..u antee of good faith on thipart ot tho muuer iiiai no win execute Ite contir.i I. nonn nnd itmlfirt.friiii. . .. t v.. ..i good and sufficient sureties U approved "i me muyor, in case suucontrncl Is ACTArflpn InaaM KMHai. n.l.l A,-. .. I., be forfeited to the city of Hiein In case of the lallurb on the part el be bidder to comply witt said requlreaeMta. raid bond, contract and undenting are i. o fllcd in the office of thalty survejor. .. - -.wm .VQV. , fc MO llgllh Ml IC ii any ornl) Dlds or any part or pari .uwcui uuu uucepL or reject iieremaiut;ir. (J. B. Mooiui, Committee on Streets and PtnKc Property. Notice of Assessmen; for Clie luelcetn Street In)provo meat. VTOTICE Is hereby given Jhit tho con . I H mnn IWIlnnll nt ,.a 1. ... C-.ln... i . eon, will at H o'clock a. m. of lie 5tu dav April, lb92, at the common pencil chim beratSalem.Oreon,procectoai.stssupiu each lot or part thereof Halle thcrelor 'th proportionate share of thoostof gradlLK. teraellng and curbing all tlutpart of CI mcketa street described a lollews: aiI that part east of Waterstreai and the w est line ot the the alley In blocki61 and 02, ir extended across the Btreeti,U that iiart nrpkt rf I,.-... L.An. .. .. . .. ,7 . .'"""WHIIU VQBHU1III1UUI UIU alley in blocks dl and to, lfexlejded auiM fliAstrn,. .ill a... . l ... .... i ... IT r.. v" ": (mi rnmi bvrc tiuu iuo wctt line ol the alley In bloctti ti and 0 ir extended across ihestreet; ailwestof Com. mereial street and the east Haof tho alley in bloc.s 411 and W, If exteudd across ilia dtrocti till Ainu ..r n . . . . ...., u oii ,.j omiuerciu sireei unu thowest Hue ol tho alley In ilockB S and p If extended across the strees all west o' Uberty street and the east llaiof the ml-y in b,ock 31 and 32, if extendtj aero tl o street; all east of Liberty stwt and tho westllneor theallevln blockimrt 21, .f extended t cross the streets W west o Liberty street and the east UneofltbeaHVy In blocks 31 anu a.', it extended Mms mo street; Hh west of High street aft the f-nt line of the alley In blocks 21 anlSl. If ex. teud.d acrowi the street all hut of Hirit stmt and the weat line of tie aa., ,u blivkm aud 5, If extended acrwi the street; all east of Church street and liiwet lino of the alley In block ta at d TLlf est. tided acrp-a the street; all west of Ctarch street and ihe east line of the alley in ultvas l uud u, tf extended acroM the Ifrctl; all tat Winter utreet; all west of Cottage met an2,JJu,n80ft,B alley la bhxk iM ?; W.tlf ejueuded acra,ati street- all the alley in blocks ta and 8J. If sxteudf d acroaa the alrcet;all w eit of biorner s-rcet and ttieean line of the alley a blocks Ki buu oj. ii exienaea acrota tl stret,ail cast of hummer street and uaweatllre js.T.i.. "" i;ib sireei, ui wv .i PPi'r,let-ntl thoeaitliherfthi i-llej iw?KV""odlfeltendedacro th V.l "" ?"' l-PlU.Itnt and tho Twelfth street and the weat ut of Tlitr-iVo'-."111 of Thlrtetath '-t ?Ui"y d,n 8?'en. Oregon. A(tordl..i- t- ;hei'anandaH!OICcatlooatlv"t "It la tbe office of the city tp-eyu- of . ... Onifon. Iiopb by order of iwjh.i. o , enuuy. uf the oily of ralein. Onsoa. (Lu W. K. GOODXL,Sordtrt Tr- . - --" outw vrfoo WaZw.MmKMm aj, t, ,1. ,' KWBM'M-Vii,pi i raHHpppwnppnninpmwwsvi.i.u iivgmmmiiMjiitmfmmmmpiQmigjQi''t KiCT.afia ak .. C il3 m