lffeitliHfs7pffs7 . """ffWSS1 0 " EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPEB." SALEM, OBEQON, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1S92. "TO-DAY'S .NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 78. ..'HWpW'-'-'yTn ijmj iiiy!UKT ij"tj PHTTON'S Special Sal B 'B'L -E3- fp ', jir.i. va wamb-ubt e 3 s No. 7. r THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. Adiscountof 10 per cent.will beallawed on all Biblesuntil afterthe Mills' meetings 98. PATTON'S State Street Bool Store, Ik THE RACKET STORE GRAND SHOE SALS 1 Meu'a Rubber Boots $2 00 worth $2 75 Plow Shoes - 90 " 125 Better P 1 15 1 50 Oil Grain Plow Shoes 145 " 175 Men's Cougrcss 1 45 and up Boy's School Shoes $110,130 and 145 f Dress Shoes 1 40 " 1 80 Phllrtrfiii's Fine Shoes ; 35, 550, Bo Ladles' Glove Calf Shoes 1 15 worth $1 OH Grulnl " if i llilf Klirwn - 1 45 " 1 DoiiKola Shoes 1 45 " 1 TlnnPil H iopb 1 80 a 'Ja Flexible Dongola " 2 15, $2 40, 2 75 ii ii 40 75 75 75 O e: Fioe Don Oxford ngo Ties la Kid " 2 GO, es. Heavy "' - 80, $1 00, 1 10 .1 Children's Kuuoers oniy The above list offers some 6f the greatest bargains ever known west of the Bocky mountains, convinced call and examine. No trouble to show goods. 3 oo, . 1 25, 1 45, To be 261 Commercial Street. E F. OSBURN. Aw Tiro Why Lots in Pleasant the SELLING SO RAPIDLY? -RT!r!.ATrST! the LOTS, PRICES and tne TERMS are sure to auifc everv body- Take a walk or drive through the property and see the HOUSES and SIDEWALKS in course of construction. MATERIAL is being hauled n tlie ground for ten -Call On- AMERICAN ROUND WASHER. Washes Easiest and Cleanest. Barrel Churns 1 Butter Moulds i UBIJSnEDDAIbY.KXCKPTSUNDA'i BT TIIK Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Btrcet, In F. O. Uulldin? kntered at the postoffloe at Salem, Or., a second-class ir.nttir. A WEAK KETLY. Tho Democrats havo 150 majority in Jhe house and Wall street beats them and defeats the Bland silver bill.1 And that too with a speaker elected on that issue, and nearly every Deuiocratio member of that body elected on a silver platform. For shame, gentlemen! Is that a government of tho people? Is that a representation of tho freo will of tho masses? Is that Democracy? No 1 It is bowing down to the golden calf of Wall Btreul. Salem Journal, Rep. Well, admitting this is all true, let us turn about and gazo for a moment upon tho Republican party. It was not a large minority of that party, but all of them, very nearly, that helped to beat the silver bill. It is the Republican senator, with a few exceptions, who are relied upon to defeat it in that body if it should ever get there. Ami it is a Republi can president, the especial friend, candidate and tool of the monome- tallists and monopolists, who is pledged to veto the bill if it should pass both houses. Is this u party of tho people ? Who is doing tho most obsequious and subservient "bowing down to Wall street ?" Portland Telgrnm. We feel sorry for your poor little weak reply. It can hardly stand alone. But then, to long as its lungs ate strong enough to yell lus tily, "your another," it will unswor your purposes. try In this country. Tho British hostility is natural; it has been monopolizing the tln-plnlo Industry of the world for years, to Its great advantage, and it naturally desires to continue, that sort of thing. Tho importers In tho Eastern cities, now organized under the name of tin plate consumers, which is mislead lug, handle the British tin-plates and share the profits of that monop oly. Of course, they will lose thoso profits when the tin and terno plateB used In this country ore produced by factories iu Indiaua, Illinois, Ohio aud other states and sold direct to the tin-can manufacturers and the Jobbers. Indianapolis Journal. A WINNING CANDIDATE, A veteran Republican in review ing tho possibility that Mr. Harrison may not be renominated for the presidency, names soveral worthy men as deslrablo candidates, but ho omits the unmo of all names, around whom tho Republicans, whito aud black, rich and poor, radicals and conservatives, throughout tho coun try, aud Miller men aud Piatt men in tho statu of New York, if there still bo such, would delight to rally, and that man Is Robert T. Llucoln. If Benjamin Harrison is to bo set aside Robert T. Lincoln is tho man to nominate. With Lincoln as tho candidate the colored men of tho Southern states would havo enthu siasm aud courage enough to face tho danger of voting and voto for tho son of the immortal Lincoln who proclaimed their freedom, and several of tho old slave states could bo carried for him. Highest of all in Leavening Powcf. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report; I) Baking Powder j&m ABSOLUTELY PURE -AT- GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY BTd., SALEM, OREGON E. One-half block south of Bush's ) bank, up stairs. Harritt &L -SUCCESSORS TO Mcintire, WBLU3R BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR- STAPLE ID -'xrijO.A.ST. FANCY GROCERIES, At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. ja n iPfe fll Ha. ' u m B fli m H SUGGESTED COMMENT, , Vol. I, No. 1, of tho Hubbard, Or., Herald Is received. It is a good local paper. for Infants and Children. "Castoriafc bo well adapted to children that I recommend It ai superior to any prescription known to we." H. A. A&cbkx, U. D., IU So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, K. Y. "The use of 'Castoria' Is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CisiiOs JUwrnr, r.D , New York City. Late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Bef ormed Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Bour Stomach, DlorrhCDa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d Without injurious medication. ' For soveral years I havo recommended your Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as It has invariably produced beneficial results." Ecwim F. Pirdeb, H. D., The Wlnthrop," 125th Street aud 7th Avo., New York City Tub Cnrriun Copurr, 77 JlnnoiY BrauT, Nkw Yoiue. B, F. DRAKt, Proprietor. SALEM IRON T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent WORKS, . OREGON, M You can get the latent USIC 5 Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins. LOWEST PRICES AT EASTON'S, 8IO Oommerolal Streot. Send for Catalogue FREE NAILS I LOCKS ! HINGES I BUILDER'S HARDWARE l AT Barr 4 Petal Plumbers and Tinners, j 214 & specialty. Lawn Sprinkler and plumbing n Estimates for Tinning aud Plumbing Furnished. 216 Commercial St.. Salem. Uartien nose iiuu A comnletn Imnnf Htnvm and Tinware, uu iwhiuk SA.LBM. ..---- Manufactures STEAM ENGINES, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governors, trull Drylne Outfits, Tractiou Engines, Crestinc. etc. Farm machinery mado and rcralrea. Uenerul agent and rnunufactureis of 1 he celebrated Wahlstrom Patent Middling? I'nrlfler and Reels. Karm machinery made and repaired. FINANOK. The Spokane Spokesman advances this idea: Tho best and only safe way to nvcrcomo I he danger to the borrow ing class of the insertion of gold clauses in evidences of indebtedness is to givo the country plenty of money, "every dollar of which is equal to every olhor dollar." At present this is true, though evi dently the country is alarmed that It may not long continue. Gold continues to be sent abroad and American securities pay for tho bal ance of tr.ide In our favor. Un doubtedly this system cannot long continue, because tho supply of bo curltlca is not sufTlcieut, and the balance of trade promises to con tinuo for many years to como In favor of this country. Tho return of gold is then Inevttablo unless in the meantime the United States has announced that It is willing to re ceive payment for its products in sliver. The drain of gold to Amer lea will Inevitably lead to two re sult?: It will bring gold and silver to a much closer bullion value and It will forco European nations to join us in international bimetallism. There is no question but that, as Secretary Foster has pointed out in the interview already quoted in tbee columns, the world is rapidly coming to the bimetalllo system, and that tho failure of tho Barings brought England a long distance In that direction. An international agreement would at ouco put tho motuls ou a par for all time to como and raako freo colnago of silver as unquestionably safo as the free colnago of gold Is today. The free coinage question has been moved froii' politics and killed by tho aolion of tho Democratic congicss. TRUCK AND EXPRESS. Ryan & Co,, (Successor to; MORGAN & MEAD. Truck & Dray "Line. Good Teams, Prompt and Careful Work, Satisfaction in all Cases. Office at the old stand, opposite Htate Insurance bulldlne. Also have One Clyde atalllOD at the stable for cervlce. SNOW THE YEAR ROUND At 100 Chemeketa Street. House - and - Sign - Painting. n ,-r . -rr-, ,i W..11 Tint Inc. etc Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish.. Only First-class Work. E. E. SNOW. xfv DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, bay, coal aud lumber. Of fice Htate St.. opposite Sa lem Iron works. Drays and tzacx mnv be fouBdJthroughout the corner ef State and Commercial street. Salem Track A Dray Co. the dav at White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business. Careful work a specialty. J. V. WHITE. SUTTON & SON, Kxprcss aud Baggage. Do hauling and quick delivery to all parts or the city with promptness and rare. Leave orders at It. M. W ade A Co'. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of "Wlllamtt Hotl, 3ALBM - - - OREOCN Sasli and Door Factory Frontt Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line nt prices to c nipeie Vith the lowest. Only the best material used. W.M. DeHAVEN, Boarding and - Sale - Stable. line Anur west ofLunn's Dry Ikxxts store .Hiii.i.ritari nlt fomtlv fJADll. Homv Ul attvAtjoa paid to transient stock, felll I DUGAN BROS' Plumbing and Heating Co. ) Wnoleealeandlretall dealers In STEAM kM PLUMBING GOODS 200 Commercial utreeU Telephone No, 83 NEW DAILY MAIL STAGE Ilctwccn Aurora, IIuttcvIHe, Immpocg, St. Paul mid Fail-Held. Leaves Aurora dally at 10:30 a, in. Ar rives at Kairfinld 8 p. m. Hemming leave Kasrfleld at 4 p. in. Arrives at Cbampoeg 6 p.m. .Leaves Chnmpocg o a.m. Arrives at Aurora, via Uuttevlllf, ut 8 a. in. Con necw witti morolnictf. I. Co. trains golnc north 6 nd out!i. I'asieugeis, baggage and freight carried at regular rates, Hervlco begins Monday. March 17, lt2, (jUH.JlOKKKll,l'ropr, tetJMionalBaii 8ALEM, OREGON. GENERAL BANKING NAPOLKON IJAVIfl, Dtt. W, JI. UYUD JOUH 110III rre!dent. .Vice 1'resldenb IMMI.IKT WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Sobserikd, 1200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. (JEO. WILLI A MH ITesldeu Tho Republican legislature and county ticket should express itsolf in favor of lower tuxes. Taxes nro too high in this county. It is ouly Eastern Oregon papers, run by olllco holders and subjeot to Portland iniluoneo that nro whoop ing up Hermann. There is a settled determination ou tho part of tho peoplo to get reform In tho county court. Mr. Grim met with a defeat In Ills can didacy for county judgo beauso new men are wanted thuro of tho right kind. It seeniB to be settled that tho free-colnago bill was strangled for political reasons. Beyond a doubt a big majority of tho Democrats in tho houso were pledged to voto for free silver, but a little thing like that seeniB to make no diflerouco when tho Wall-street end of tho party cracks tho whip. Tlmes-Mountalneor: Hon. Dinger Hermaun, will very likely bo nomi nated for congreca by tho state con vention, and will bo re-elected next Juno. The Willamette pooplo havo no capable material for congressional honors except tho ludofatguable Dinger, and, thorofure, as a mstter of necessity, ho can succeed him self as often as ho desires. W, KMULAHD. ilfj JIUOH HONAIIV. Vice J'rc.ldrul PIRKCTOItS: Oso. WUllams.Wra. Knc land. Dr. J. A. IUcbarison, J. W, lloUon, J, A. Maker. iianic in new jsxetuoze wocx on ww iurcUltU4. -W IS TIIIH iiii: DKMOCUATIO 1'ItO. GItAMf Tony Noltner, secretary of tho Democratic slate central committee, says In his Portland Dispatch: "In Minnesota the Farmers' Alll unco leaders aro proparliiR to follow the example of their brethren in Kunsas and Nebraska, and uniting with the Democrats to defeat the llepublican candidate for tho presi dency. The basis talked of for a fusion is to have the Democrats sup port an Alliance man for governor, and divide tho presidential electors, giving five of tho nine to tho Demo crats. At tho last election in J BOO tho Democrats polled 85,841, the Republicans 88,111 aud the Alliance 58,614. Tho union, therefore, If carried out, would give an ant! Republican majority of over 60,000.' This souuds very nice, Is this tho program in Oregon? Has not this arrangement a familiar clang? It seems to us same such thing has been tried before. A fusion with the Alliance is being attempted in nearly all the Houthern states, and the plan stems to bo to fuse all along the line. Rut alacrity to toys has bveu an old-time weakness of minor ity parties. TIN I'LATK IMI'OltTKUS. "'I here are three classes of men who oppose the manufacture of tin plates in this country," remarked a dealer in tin cans, "(he Urltlsb tin- plato manufacturer, the Eastern Importer of tin pluteaaud the (a-9 tradu newspapers and orators," This is an Juterektlng trinity, in which the third party works in the Interest of tho first two, who Interests aro foreign, agaiunt (mom wboe Inter ests are AinerU-an, These elements are laboring to tuevent the building up of an extensive tin-plate liidus- Peudloton Tribune lloforo tho next legislature adjourns it must boI tlo tho problem of convict labor in this Btato, and the propor settlement of tho matter will requiro tho best efldrts of Oregon's solons. Tho old methods are not adapted to modern conditions. The rights of free labor and the best interests of tho state's Industries aro of first Importance. POSTAL IMPROVEMENTS. What tho Postofilco Dopartmont Has Dono Under Harrison's Administration, The figures and facts of an official nature showing tho wonderful progress of tho poatofllco department road lino a page from n fairy tale. It hardly seems posslblu so muoh could havo been done. Tho sum mary of tho work is ns follews: From March 4, 1880, to March 6, 1892, there were established 10,540 new postofllccs, mora than one-sixth of tho whole number In exlstonco. To tho 2,554 presidential offices of 1889 there have been added In three years 407 about 18 per cent, of tho entiro number of such offices, which is now 3,131. In tho matter of tho reveuuo, tho thrco years prior to tho present administration increased postal receipts $24,000,000, moro than 18 per cent. Tho three years of this administration carried tho rovonuo from $154,000,000 to $105,000,000, nn Incrcnso of moro than 20 per cent.; in other words tho $24,000,000 gained by tho last administration was main tained and over $40,600,000 added to It, Tho registration fees in tho same timo wore increased a half million dollars. Iu these three years, to tho miles traveled with malls, woro added ex actly 64,817,103 miles by railroad, steamboat and star service Tho rate of pay iu star and steamboat service has been decreased. Thero havo been 2,120 new routes opened, 256 now railway postoffices nnd compartment cars put on, and 1,010 additional clerks employed in rail way malls, mainly on account of now Borvico. Tho increase in tho number of monoy ordor offices during tho three years of tho last administration was 1,185, or 10 por cent.; tho lncrooso iu the tlireo years of this administra tion has been 1,820, or 22 per cunt,, and tho prcsont year will probably double the total of tho monoy order offices. Free delivery has been established in tho last three years at 150 offices, and tho entiro serylco has been strougthoued and oxteuded by tho addition of 2,400 carriers. Tho last report of tho last administration showed a total of 858 letter carrier offices; up to dato thoro aro 651, Catarrh Can't Do Cured with local api'XjIOAtions, as they cannot reach tho scat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and iu ordor to cure it you navo to tuuo internal remcqies. Hall's Catarrh Ouro Is taken In ternally, and nets directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is uo quack medlcluo. It was prescribed by ono of tho best physicians iu this country for years, and Is a regular prescription. It Is composed of tho best tonics known, combined witli tuo best bioou puri fiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of the two lugrcdlonta is what pro duces such wouderful resulta in cur- lug catarrh. Bend for testimonials freo. F. J. Cheney fc Co., Trops., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by druggists, price 76 cents. A FRENCH ANARCDIST. Tho Police Ferret Record Oat His MARION COUNTY TOUCAN TICKET. Rkimiksentatives: TILMON FORI), Salem, T. T. OEER, Macleay H. D. ORM8HY, Knight, JOHN O. WRIGHT, Salem, SAMUEL LAYMAN,Woodburn. Shekiffj JOHN KNIGHT, Salem. County Qlkkk: D. C. SHERMAN, Salem. County Judge: W. O. HUBHARD, Fairfield. County Commissien: J.T. ANDERSON, Howell. SUJ'KHINTENDKNT Of BOHOOLHJ J. B. ORAHAM, Woodburu, County Theabuiieh: Jl. GRANT DROWN, Aumsyille. County Abbessoh; D. D. COFFEY, Mill City. County BuitruYou; B. II. HERRIOIC, Macleay. CountV Cokoneiu J. a BTOTT, Gervala. I'alplUtlon of the heart, nervouintus, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and fevt, pain la the back, and other lonns of weakuess are relieved by Carter's Iron 1'Uls, made specially for the blood, nerves and complexion. All cases of weak or lame back, backache, rheumatism, will And relief by wearing one of VuHet" Hniart Weed and Ilella. donna Ilachach llastsis. 26 cents. Try them. If vnu are nervous or Carter's Little Nenrs tills. makes you nervous, and nervousness Mubu wna asvs.1(S est III Ski Vferif4sriK you miserable, and ibeM little pills cure IMHU. dyspeptic try Is. dyspepsia La Orippo Successfully Treated. "I havo Just recovered from a second attack of tho grip this year," says Mr. Jos. O. Jones, publisher of tho Leudor, Mexla, Texas. "In the latter cose used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, und I think with considerable success, only boing in bed a llttlo over two days, against ton days for tho first attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the lirst but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed In about six liours after being 'struck' with it, while in tho first case I was ablo to attend to business about two days before get ting 'down.'" Fifty cent bottles fur sale by G, E. Goode, druggist. Pooplo's Party County Convention. A moss convention of tho Peo ple's Party will bo hold in Snlcm on Friday, April 1st, at 10 o'olock a. in,, for the purposo of nominating a fill) county tloket, and for tho transaction of any other business that may como before tho mooting. By order of tho county central committee. G. W, Weeka, Chairman. F. M. Alijaucui, Secretary, 8-21-dw-td New Washington, Peiin., pooplo are uot slow about taking hold of a new thing, If the articlo has merit. A few months ago David Dyers, of that plat, bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, He hansold it all aud ordered more. 'It has given the best of satisfac tion, I have warrauted every bottle, aud have net bad ono come back," 25 and 60 cent and $1.00 bottle for sale by G. E. Good, drujf gfct, RECORD OF A VILLIAN. Anarchist Ravachol Confesses to Numerous Crimes. Pabis, April 1. Ravachol, tho anarchist leader, was subjected to a rigorous examination as to his past Kl XM life, lasting flvo hours. Tho result showed him a greater vllllan than was supposed. Ho confessed to tho murder of tho old hermit of Notre Dame, Do Grace, but denied the murder of an old man-servant at Variaoll in 1885, and his former wife in 16SS. His denial, however, was not very strong, and many discrepancies appeared In his repltae in relation to them. The police are of tho belief they will yet discover evidence that ho killed both. Borne tlmo ago an old man wa killed with an ax. When Ravachol wm questioned in regard to this crime, his answer was very weak. He vm a graveyard ghoul, and told of a number of graves he had jobbed. When tho police searched his lodg ings they found among other evi dences of criminal operations a set of counterfeiter's tools. When ques tioned regarding tho possession of theso unlawful helongiugs ho coolly acknowledged that ho belonged to a gang of counterfeiters, but persist ently refusod to mako nny admission that would lead to tho detection of his confederates. It is acknowledged on all sides tho police had good rea son to bollovo that Ravachol would mako a desperato resistance against arrest, und thoso who condemned them for not arresting him aom davs aco now admit tho police were t '1 right In not attempting to effect a capturo until they bad made sure thoro was no chance of his escape. Tho Echo states that Ravachol ad uiitted he was the author of the Boulevard Bt. Germain explosion. Tho chief of detectives asserts that Chaumartin, an acomplice of Rava chol now Undor arrest, betrayed bis loader and told the police that Rava chol Intended to blow up the bouse of Bulot, ono of the prosecuting couubcI in the recent anarchist trials. Bulot'a residence, 80 Ruo Ollchy, was the Bcono of tho destructive ex plosion of Sunday morning, Rava chol lived at St. Mande, near the Wood of St. Vlncennes, four miles southeast of Paris. Ho waa seen going to Paris Sunday morning, carrying a small portmanteau. Ravachol is watched In prison night and day by three detectives. He is tho illegitimate son of German parents, born In France. OLD CLAIM ON CHILI. An American House is Trying to Collect It. New York, April 1, A cW gram from Valparaiso says Minister Egan has presented to the Chilian foreign olllco a claim In behalf of the liquidators of the American house of Alsop. Tho claim amounts to nearly $1,000,000 In silver, and also Interest. Over twenty years ago one Gama, a Brazilian, obtained righto from tho Bolivian govommont for guano deposits at Mexillones. Alsop advanced Gama largo sums of money, but a disagreement arose be tween them as to tbo guano deposit. The Bolivian congress passed a law granting Altop a piece of land of a certain slzo for every mine found In tho Bolivian coast district. After tho war between Chill aud Bolivia in 1880, this concession was dis allowed by tho Chilians. Bolivia bad also agreed to allow Akop a percentage ou custom duties at Arloa, This was afoo a subjeot of dktagree. mont with Chill aiter the war. AIsop's claim has been in statu quo ever since. Successive Ataertoan, ministers havo talked over the sub ject with the Chilian government, but with no result. It is said a aU) ment with Balmaceda had nearly been eOecUd by Egan when tba M- -, volution broke out. The agrceawtia between Chill, Peru and BoHvkt P vldes that If, in 1803, the pro viae of 'IVi Ana ulifujlil vnia, in -"-"' a a - 4 tart or uuui. nw wwr aew imr , certain outstanding otafMf TJwtarslrAVlt Ottawa, April I,CeeW IV, consul-general at Ottawa for lb United States, ta. ai mm JMaMMl.. of the dfrtWnt &t tstatt ai WiV Ingtoa, lodged eowptaiok wtah Its Canadian govKsm8it of a largo number of Hmtoarabto iswutsraista wbluiiftitkkrftyikitsUstiUd State by way of Caaada, and mh queated that tk Aamiian sovanv ft: h J (t