Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 31, 1892, Image 2

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    "WBIWH-w jiijf u
Mop to It, The Canadians bim view
OwriluailobwHh alarm. Tho trade
a lt,rr ooubuU Pent 1 Ottawa
4uutt.i who saw the cabinet rutn
"" . ... ... .. iM tio
r?. ahd a bill win eomo iu .
FVtoMe tUlB WCCK afclu-4 i" "-
.J i on Chlncso bo increased
sfcmafSO to $100 each, and that fur-
restriction r" put on -orrylng
them. Tin bill will bo
frame bo that only one Chinese
ball be carried to every 100 tons.
More Details-Three Men Badly
Hurt and Others Injured.
Boston, March 81.-At 4 o'clock
yesterday morning a fire started lu
the engine room of Clarke's hotel,
Washington street, and quickly
Miread through two floors. Bomo
guests Jumped from the third floor,
,, hPtvlldcrcd to use the fire escape
ropfB. Three men were badly hurt;
one, F. W. l'erry, oi ju"""m
Mass., died at the hospital, and
T. W. Bouthbrldge, of Cambridge,
Is probably fatally Injured. Property
loss will nmount to $30,000. An
other man Injured Is Mr. Btockwell,
of Laconla, N. H , ono leg broken.
About fifty guests were In the hotel,
among tbem members of the "Shen
andoah" company. Three members
of engine 20 had a narrow escape
from death. Tboy wer. precipitated
into the front basement by the giv
ing way of a grating protecting the
basement window. The cellar was
a mass of flames, and for a moment
It seemed as If the men must be
burned to death. They were safely
rescued, however, although in an
exhausted condition.
Denounced in the House Yester
day as a Conspiracy.
Washington, March 31. Tin
Springer fro wool bill was di
nounced In the houso yesterday ast
conspiracy botweon the cotton ralsei
at tbo South and the woolen manu
facturera of the North to enrlcl
themselves at the expense of tin
prosperity of the nation. Thl
charge wju made by Representative
J. N. Taylor, of Ohio, and wll
doubtless bo the subject of some vJg
orous retorts from Democrats. B -youd
this utterance, tho tarlft din
nnnnlnn. wns without the usual lu
cldonts. But'or, o" Iowa, made his
mulden speech on tho tarifl, and al
though sharply questioned by sov
cral Repub leans, ho maintained
hlmBelf with credit. It. is settled
that this week will close general
discussion on tho bl 1, and Chairman
Springer himself wl.l probably ap
pear on Monday with a motion to
suspend tho rules for tho passugo ol
tho bill
Sscuroly Guarded and More Evi
dence AsninBt Him.
Meliiouune, Australia, March 81.
Deeming Is guarded night uud
day uboard the Ballarat by seven
watchers. It hnB been discovered
that he has pluclud tho hairs of his
miiBtaoho out by tho roots In order
1 1 bulllo Identification, A detcotlvo
hlntB that ho possesses evidence
showing that Deeming committed
some of tho murders attributed to
Jack tho Hipper.
Mumiouknr, Match 81. Tho po
lice bcllovo thoy havo discovered
proofs tliat Deomlng murdered n
man named Koays, with whom ho
went to tho Capo of Good Hopo
from Australia In 1888.
Sllvor Mines to Shut Down.
Dhnveii, March 31. Tho manager
of tho Aspou Consolidated Mining
company at Aspen, the managers if
several rich silver mines at Tollurldo,
have received orders to shut down
work lusldo or a week. This action
will throw 1000 men out of omploj
mont. Tho causo for closing Is tho
very low prlco paid for sliver.
Eureka Mill Burns Figlit at
n a TlMAiniA '
UURnun lioiuu
Fire, Etc.
il.uliiHluilluuinliil.lili.wn'JI " ' '
frwft this morrilii rsUih may In-! York harbor and rniullrrcMy to Pro-1
creaSe the dumac. ' videtice without Htunge At isew
A Murderous x-uuuv; w- IiweiUeaUnc" Boodlta Haven the party win he jnini it,
Killed HiB Wife and UMldren. ., toe,BaU f00"1 , , ox-Qovernor James E Campbell, of
jiuea uw Cnit-AO , Mamii 31 -The grand ort , Ntpu, y,i. lnHt
V III", ......." - --- - -
Loudon by cx-
Colombo O., March aloaejotJ ''' '' "t8l'onof tght, and nt New
ytle, an exoldjer and tho1ohrff l l""'g Pfe" Governor Tbonu.9
'-..i-i .m from tlm Koldlew' agalnstStato Attorney Lougenecker. nnr,0,,nt 0ov,r.
onnvlot. went from tho Soldiers1
Home at Dayton to Flndlay yes
terday, and butchered bis wife
nnd two daughters with a hatchet.
tpnvft f iilmpnee. and staved iiuletly
i; .. . ,,. i.i. ..:...." ..t..;.
in ino nouee wim uia uuduoiwhu(j
A D iperate Tight Between Co
! Volfflfl PlflCft.
-- f , . . , ,
BAN FRANCisco.MarchBI. -There though estranged tamny. innuay
was another bloody affray at San he carefully 'sharpened a murderous
ii- ...rHnv. NODO OI LQOIuaieuou uu wuwi ihim ;iv.
huvu:'u':Z..La r. if. .a a iIav he r-rusl.wd the skull of his
miniiin iiLib in wvm -
M. Waller,
Cnnnotlnnt (invprnnr Ruuel.
mi .... m . . . -. .1 vw .- . --. f
ine nature oi ine eviaence s nWMaMachB , meet ,be othor
known. Jail (Jlerk Price, who as- stategmen at Provdence. This Is
slsted Longeneokcr In punlshlm?, , . .. nHt.nnpo ,lnrrt nf the
He returned home on Huuday on j ??l 8t haa beca orresled nnd I Democratic army that Is to attack
ur.u iu ... lu llh0(le j6ian,i during tho next
Colored Men Strike. , ten days. Senators Palmer, Faulk-
LOUIS, March 31. All the er. wci'iieison anu jjjbcki urn win
ue tue next ouea iu leave uuiu lur
the field of action.
Ban P n a nci boo, March 31.
Wheal buyer bcaeon I1.04J.
Poirn.ANi),Maroh 31. Wheat val
ley, f 1.60f 1.55; Wftlla Walla, f 1.45
Ohioaoo, March 81. At clota
wheat was firm: cash, .'7J, May
full ii r
tho uiu ol IIihkI'm Harsuiiarllla.
cases of scrofula, Ukhi which otlifr iroi)
nmltoni liavo been mwi'rU, yield to two
liocullar curative iowm of tUI medicine.
I)l8tii'iii) cases of dytiwiula, excruclat
1C coini'Ulut of tl'to kldneya and Utcr,
and fain of salt KGSU I lS
rheum, dUugmo- f, fw TrS
oVilo cac nt catarrh, and ache and palni
of rlivumatUm, nn cured ly Ifoor Bar
eaiiarllla. It jmrlOw tho Wood, and at th
eai la tlmo tone tho ttoinacli, create an
rjUK'tllo, and s've trcBthtoccr)rfuno.
llouot tlio body. QUoltatrUl.
Ccnoral Debility
"I'or four year my Uto ullcn!d with
largo tumor bimciic on Uio gland undur
tho arm, nnd n?eiierl debility of tho wlioJo
yttein. 8ho became i loor In health
that wo "two on tho Yew pf doinalr
reeardlnir hor recovery. riylclaus did
not teem to undmtnud her caici at all
cveuU h never derived any benefit front
their treatment. Bhe nuaUy concluded to
try Hood's BamjwwlUa. Tho immediate
cKeet wm o nurked and MtWactory Umt
ho continued to tako It, and this is tho
Htulti Bho Um fial"e4 w1
From S4 to III lund
awt ( tronger and In bttur UeAltU than
M Iim bocn for year. The bunehe under
kr arm bnv dlmlnUJel, and we, believe
to' iarajatUU will Ue too much for
i (a Ufc" J,J.ffoncao.Kovwu-
Hood's Sursapariua
4l.y4iiu- lUfrp. I'rlre4tiy
0, 1. WOH PO, AiWMiti,,ti U, .
pot) Off Dlr
oonvioU' quurrel. Martin Gleesou
and James Wilkinson, convicts, en
gaged in a desperate conflict with
balo hoots, which would have re
mlted In certain death to both had
it not be-'n terminated hy the timely
Interference of the guards, Gleesmi
...,Co, Wllblnnnn of Irving to
shirk work.
Euroka Mill Burns.
Eoiikka, Ca March 81. John
Vuoco'h mill at Eureka burnul this
morning. Less $2U,000; noitifur
nnce. The mill caught fire at 80
and In twenty tnluules was all
aflame. It was the oldest mill o
Hum'iolt bay. The Ioms Is Uta .
Tho fire Is now under control.
First Pig Tin from Coast.
New Youk, March .11 The flra
shipment of pl tin to reach thU
city from San Frauciseo arrived oi
the Pacific Mad steamship, New
port, from Colon. It conslnted
831 pigs weighing 22,000 pnundr
Tho tin is of the best quality.
A Notable Woman Dead.
Pjjcknix, Ariz., March 31. Pai
Mion lti.leri(iiiHZ, it Mexican wouiai
105 years old, died at Tucson Iasl
nteht. Renora Roderiquez waf
muld of honor at tho Mexican vlcr
reKttl 0'iurt under Bpaulsh denomlna
tlon. Later she wi 8 attached to th
household of tho Ill-fated Maximil
ian, and ufterwards of Ciucode-
Mayo, who followed the fortunes ol
Emperor Itut bide.
Cullom Bays No.
WASJUNaTON.Murch 81. Senator
Cul'om has sont a letter to ex-Mayor
Ilooho, of Chicago, regarding the
presidential nomination, saying he
deshes his name Hhall not bo longer
usrd us a candidate; that people
KKi'in to favor tho nomination of
Prmldent Harrison. Ho adds: "I
hid a Republican; I bellevo in the
principles and policies of tho party,
uud expect always to do my part as
.may be ablo in upholding It while
in power and securing for It victory.
Who havo bofore us In Illinois and
in tho nation a great and stubborn
battlo. We must havo harmony in
our ranks."
Bohring Boa,
Ottawa, March 81. A member
of tho cabinet says: "Instructions
had been sent to tho collector of
cubIoiiib of British Columbia to re
fuse a clearance to Behrlng sea 10
days ago which gives confirmation
to tho statement that Salisbury was
determined upon agreeing to tho
niodus vlvendl at that time.
Scalers Oan Oloar.
Toiionto, March 31. A special
from Ottawa says: It Is not true
tho colli ctor at Victoria bus been
authorized to refuse tealers clearance.
Collector Milne t-lmply has been
told to notify sealers In clearing for
Behrlng sea thoy do so nt their own
risk and In tho event of tho modus
vlvendl being agreed upon, they will
bo required to strictly observe its
No More OleaxancoB.
Ottawa, Out., March 81. The
collector of customs at Victoria has
been notllled by telegram from here
not to allow any more clearances to
vessola going to Bohring sea.
Ohio Eedistrictod.
Comjmuus, Ohio, March 81, The
legislature yesterday onaoted Into
law a bill redlstrlotlng tho state for
congressional purposes. It given
Democrats six districts and tho Re
publicans tlfteon, Jut reversing tho
present apportionment.
A Prairie Fire.
Norton. Kansas. March 31. A
prnlrlo lire has swept over several
townships In Norton county. Hun
dreds of families havo loot every
thing. William Duuu was burned
to Uenth.
Kontucky Republicans.
LnuiHViM.1:, March 31, The state
Republican convention adopted n
platform cordially endorsing tho
MoKlnley law, reciprocity, and tho
Uepubllcnn administration, aud
recommending delegates selected by
this convention to vote for Harrison's
.i !..- n1l.. uiltti Mm trfatwin. I
and leaving her fur dead, dealt u
blow at bis dHUuhter Einnin, who
ofceaped with a slight wound. Then
he rushed upon the invalid, once
his wife, and a teirible struggle en
sued. Ho landed six blows on tho
woman's head wlth ut breaking her
skull, the finger of her right hand
beiug cut ofl by a blow. When the
woman was exhausted the fiendish
ex-husband crushed her skull. He
then cut the pluuo and pictures and
furniture to pieces, nnd gave him
self up. The Jail Is guarded, and
nubile feeling Is nt the lynching
iMiint. Mrs. Lytie and Delia will
.Ho Tlio onlv motlvo assigned Is
total depravity,
Fi.MilAY, March 31. At 12:30
i his (Thursday) morning a mob
stormed tho Jail, took L tlo out
and hanged hlni. Wben the mob
tlrst reached the jail It could not
gain tdmltlunee. Tbo members of
It then procured oil well drills and
battered down tho door. Lytle
was il rugged out Into the street and
taken to the bridge where a rope
h'uh placed about his neck. Just as
no was being pulled up a shot from
revolver woa heard nnd the rope
parted. The determined men were
not to be bflled, however. Lytle
was picked up ano taaeu to me
nearest telegraph pole'where he was
strung up. The victims nro still
alive, but the death of Mrs. Lytle
nnd her daughter Pella Is hourly
colored steamboat firemen, rousta
bouts and loncrnhoreraen tothenum
hr of 1590 struck this mornlnir K bepobucan campaign.
unrior ft, a nnniiv nf tho Fa.w:i. Columbus, O., March 81. The
tlon of Labor, paralyzing tho river campaign iu itnoae isiaua nas
huMnefia. All Is oulet so far. aroused the Republican managers in
i unio, parucuiany nns meannounce
I ment that ex-Governor Campbell
31. Tho . venn in (nk flip ftnmn In Hint ftl.lto
Fruits and Cigars,
H. O. Blook.
The Capital of Burmah
Indian BUI.
Washington, March
senate has rejected by 20 to 34 the
amendment to strike out of the In
dian appropriation bill the provision
to assign army officers to duties as
Indian agents.
Modus Vivendi.
Wahiiinoton, March 31. Nego
tiations for the renewal of modus
Vivendi la progressing favorably
with every Indication of speedy
Anti-Option BUI,
Washington, March 31. The
house committee on agriculture have
agreed on a substitute for 11IU nnii
option bills referred to. It is said to
be much milder than the Hatch hill
Indian Reservation.
Gothhik, O. T., March 31 The
governor received a telegram, from
becretary Noble Raying the
Cheyenne and Arapshoe reservation
will be opened April 1(.
The Cruiser Raleigh.
Norfolk, Va March St. The
cruiser Raleieh wus successfullj
launched nt the navy yard today.
Silver Mines Closing.
Denver, March 81. Many addi
tional mines are preparing to close
down on account of thp low price of
silver. ,-
t nimnimrve.
Lh a iiuiuiuuijio,
Cigars and Tobacco.
243 Com'l StiQot.
this week put them ou their mettle,
Goverror McKInley, Secretary of
State Daniel Ryan and Colonel Wil
liam H. Hnhu, chairman of the Re
publican state executive committee
have left to preach the doctrine of
protection to Rhode Islanders,
Through the dross Carelessness on
the Part of Some One.
Seattle, March 31. The steamer
McArtbur, of the Coast and Geode
tic survey, was sunk at tho coal
bunkers Irst evening. Hhe was load
ing coal with all her ports on deck
u ide open. The coal came in more
rapidly than was expected, lifting
the boat to port until water rushed
through her port holes, She was
towed a few yards nearer shore as
she was going down in the hope
that she might land high enough to
be partly out of water when the
lido goes out, but it Ib thought she
landed over a rock ballast pile, and
it is possible that she will break
In two when the tide goes out.
Horseshoeing aud
Baok of Reel Corner.
Coffee House.
Open oil Night
J. J.
On State Street.
Horse shoers.
General Blacksmlthing,
47 State Street.
and Horseshoeing,
130 State Street.
Machine Shop, Cans,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
Q08 Oom'l Street
Livory, Feed and
Boat ding Stable,
44 State Street.
Salem HacJc Man is
Best Line in the City.
Court Street.
Calcutta, March 31. Dispatches
from Mandalay, tho capital of Bur
mah. say a fire has been raging there
since 11 o'clock Thursday night.
Three-fourths of tho city is iu ashes
and tho lire Is not checked. The
loss of life Ib ureat. Tho rest of tin
city will bo destroyed before morn
Jngnud about 25,000 families will be
homeless. Among tho buildings
destroyed nro tho old palace, the
now government telegraph oillce
and two convents.
ItAaooN.March 31. Fire In Mand
alay yesterday burned Itself out,
after causing Immense damage.
Today. There were tyo fresh out
breaks. Tho llrst iu tho eastern
part of tho city hid the origin In a
cluster of huts. Tho flames spread
a mllo, when tho wlud ohanged aud
drovo them baok to tho law courts,
Thoy thence extended toward
tho Iucompurablo 1'agoJa, de
stroying n number of
largo valuiblo pagodas. Tonight
tho third llro has Just broken out In
tho British ointqiun- nt, the Haines
are ragiug furious y It la Imposslblo
to form uu oatlmato as to tho money
loss, but It must bo Immense.
Kills Hie Divorced Wife and
Gets Lynched Himself.
127 Court Street.
Arriving Dally.
274 Com'l Street.
Fashionable Hah dresser.
Ladies and Gouts Barber
124 Court Street.
A. M. CL0UG1I,
Undertaking and
Cabinet Work,
107 State Street.
Lunch Counter.
MEALS 15 Cents and Upwards.
101 Btate Street.
California Hakery,
101 Court Btreet.
"221 Commercial StreeT.
Large Line of Loose
Per doien for the finest flntnlipd
1VT Commercial ft.
FiUslmmona and Hall,
Ihwn-ON, March 31, Carroll
trainer of Boh FIImIiiiiumih, haa de-
Oonyention &t
PoinxANi), March 31. Tho state
Prohibition convention was called
to order at 10:30 n. m. About 200
nersons Including ten ladles
were pietent. A temporary organi
zation was etl'tcted by tho election
of A. "NV. Lm-BB of Monmoutu, as
chairman, and W. T. ltlgdon aa sec
retary. The morning Bceslon was
taken up In the appointment aud re
ports of commltteea on orgaukation.
Committee on credentials reported
188 deletiates.teH orvihom aro ladles,
asentltUd toslt In tho convention.
After tho appointment of a com
mittee ou platform tho convention
adjourned till 1:30 p. m.
Train Hold Up.
BlHMlNCiHAM, Ala., March 81.
A powenger train ou tho Paolflo
road was held up by robber ten
miles south or hero this morning on
the long trestle. Itoblera tired Into
tho cara to overawe tho pasfongeru,
they also shot and wounded tho poo
tul clerk and tho tlugtnan. They
robbed tho mull ear of registered
letters to the amount of $1000. Tho
express car wki unmolested. They
are helm: purued with bloodhounds.
Wisconsin Democrats.
St. Paul March 31,-Tho Btato
Dtmcciulioicnvtntlon fertile elec
tion of dclej.ntcn to the national
convention met this afternoon.
a lone faot onal wrangle a
Deliberately Empties His Revolver
Into Her Body.
Ci.evki.and, March 31. A talj
young man rung tho door bell at the
resldenco of Herbert Fitch, JJo, 2p
Jennings avenue, about 1 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, and Mrs. Fitch
came to the door. The man grabbed
her by the hund, ana exclaimed:
"Why, Jennie!" "Why, Frni.k, is
I hut you?" returned Mrp. Fitch,
with a pleased expression. "Oh,
youknovme, Jennie? Well, you
will be sure now." Then, dropping
iter hand, the man diew a revolver
and Jlnd, the bullet passing clear
through Mrs. Fitch's breaBt and
coming out at tho back. Tho
wounded v man screamed aud
turned to run, when he find three
more shots at her, all time taking
elleet In her buck, and the fell to tho
ttoor. Wlion tuu neighbors rushed
iu they found the fellow eoollj
reloading his revolver. Borne one
suggested that a doctor be sent for
"There is uo use," eald be; "I have
done my work too ci mpletely fi
that. I came here from Fort Wayne
this mornipg to kill herj that Is ull I
came for, If I had found her sou
anywhoro around I wi uld have
killed him also." To tho pollco he
said ho was Frank It. Diaeger, of
Fort Wayne, Jud aud gave his age
as SO. When asked why ho had
shot the woman, ho said: "She
and her curted son havo had me
under a spell for live years and I
have lust cot free. I eamo here to
kill her and I don't feel sorry. I
have wanted to do this for some
tlmo and I nm glad tho thing Is
over." In n statement which he
had ntoparcd,Draoger Buys that Mrs.
Fitch and hrou. havo bad a strange
lutlueuco over him and ho thinks
they hypnotized hltu. The spell
was over him for flvo years and It
Just left him last Saturday. Draeger
Is undoubtedly insane. Mrs. Fitch,
who Ib still alive, but gradually
sluklng. is 88 years of age. Her
husband Isa couduotoron the Valley
rullway and her sou Is employed ou
the same line. Her brother Is the
husband of Draegor'a sister. Draeger
huuir around the neighborhood of
the Fitch resldenco all the foreuoou
and got two boys to Inquire at
various houses until he found the
rtjzht one. A dispatch from Fort
Wayne says that Draeger has acted
queerly for some tlmo.
Democratic and Republican Orators
....- .. Ia r.iMli.iiiil wnillnln .1
noslted flOCO to bind a match bc-i"'"r " ' '' "w " i Qolng to Rhode Island.
tweeu the Aiwt.allan nnd Jim Hall J , , h I Washington, Mbtc1i 8i. a large
forH0,lXX,Qucenbury ruU a before X" I delegation. Hy of eminent Democrats left
u responsible club, Olympic, of Now brtBotui deiegnt o u j. 1VBWyivnla Rail-
Orlem.B, pro'ened. , Mattlu Captured. ' rotu, colonial expms ui!j th's
llU.MBMl'l'l B'l tvu . v .. ,., l-nir I,.,.,! ln fl.p wnrlt
Ithrnle Itsland fur the
I'attv. Anmrc them U
Oi ...tV.I......i.i Liu I ii iiPAiiaml " .1 .! I.itaitiiil Mtu lk(lltlk lltttl "
Increase of Capital Stock.
tock- Ib rented that Poter Martin, one ":"".'
31.-.The of themruwho murdered Thomas VvMASitio i
Nkv Ynitic, March
t 4 V . . ........ t. ,. t . akKj.a.nml wa 1 . -t m.BH....'t lliu linllli.t IttliJ -
iMiuuinumiwii) i jsawaniB nu uuic i. --, .. w j K f Na.mn.tl e young
up iwi eiwtt nun uiv rtivu uccu wiiiuicm iki ' memlier w
Its cap
tui 1 on.
Another Anarchist,
Paiub, March 31. Th-1 icvhuvo
ieatut he tttiurehUt, llelauuay,
charged wl''1 (nlingdvuauilt(
BfcUUN, Mitrch 81.U Ichetag
I in'Rip'orog ill "otUy.
lrk.iA I nlff.rAfrvrk ctuu l
wounded, and that John MuIIIub, I u (w dMltfllMl the wun.
WIO ouicr .-..., . "'",.... I IV At. ion. nf Wwl VIn
lyuched. . . 'glnla; W. C. P. Breckinridge, of
Storm in California. Kentucky? H. Pt. George Tucker, of
Cli I oo, Oal., Match 81.-A Virginia: T. J. Geary, the Pacific
hail torin uecouipa'uled hy coast orator; Owen Rwtt, of Illinois;
bovcn thunder itul lighln ug pn and J. M. Allen, of Mississippi,
vailed lu'royifctertlay doiujr conlde The parly U ft In a prlvatecar, which
able damage lhew wa a heavy will bo twiufewti around ew
Repeal Recommended hy the
House Committee.
Washington, March 31. Enloe
submitted to the house the report of
tho committee on the merchant
marine, recommending the repeal of
the mull subsidy uct. It dissents
from the policy of subsidies, on the
ground thai it is lobbery, and says
lr the priueiple of subsidy Is right,
it should apply to nil; that the
common pluuter has as much
right as tho thlp-owner. The
minority argues iu favor of the re
tention of tho law, based upon fig-,
ores showing the impetus given to
ship-building under the new reeime.
Comment is made upon the refusal
of the majority to hear the testi
mouy or investigate the workings of
tho uct. It is maintained that had
we pursued in the past the subsidy
polley wo would hold the supremacy
on tbo high seas in the meicbanl,
marine, instead of paying princi
pally to England during the last
thirty ytais an enormous tribute ol
over three billion dollars for tran
sporting goodB.
Dan Hawkins Knocks Out Spider
Oallagher in Four Rounds,
San Fkancioco, March 31. Dan
Hawkins knocked out "Spider"
Gallagher In four rounds last night
at the California Athletic club.
Gallagher was tho favorite In bet
tlug with those who never seen him
perform, but at no stage of the fight
was he in it with Hawkins, though
the latter was nervous and nearly
lost his head uft.r recolviug several
jubs iu tho nose. Hawkins' blows
seemeu like those of sledghammers
when compared with those of his
frull-hke opponent and he wou the
tight by boring In nnd smashing
Gallagher in the wind with his left
aud lauding with his right on the
nose and cheek. Hawkins sent him
down twice In tho third round, and
punched htm so hard in tbo fourth
that ho collapsed and fell to the
tloor on his face, his e ocouds throw
ing up the sponpe.
The Probable Agent and Counsel on
Part of TJ. S.
Washington, March 31. Secre
tary Blaine has resumed his official
duties. At n conference between
the president, Mr. Blaine, aud Gen
eral Foster yesterday a letter pre
pared by tho fecretary replying to
Salisbury's last note was accepted as
defining the po-ltlon of this govern
ment. As It mills for no material
change lu Salisbury's proposition, it
is expected an agreement will be
reached lu a short tlmo. Iu the
matter of arbitration, General Foster
will bo aaent, and ex-Mlulster
Phelp, of Vermont, tho leading
counsel, on behalf of the United
States, Ex-Seuntor Spoouer, of
Wisconsin, will probably bo Invited
to. ctasoouuse', The two arbitrators
mi Ik half of the United States are
not yet chosen.
A Singular Accident.
Pikknix, March 31. A remarka
hie accident occurred at Palmss,
Mexico, to a Mormon family on
r8turday. Brloe Young was riding
behind another wagon, when a
loaded gun lu the fiont wagon
was accidentally discharged, the
bull p'erelufj Mr. Ymiug'B shoulder,
then thrmiph hU Nin' hip, and
throuuh the hshv'"! ead, and struck
Mrs. Mary Roberts, dhughter of Mr.
Youusr. Tha bullet Berlously
wounded the father and ton, aud
German MentMarket
171 South Com. St.
Fresh and Salt Meat and
Ked Rubber Stamps.
Prices the Lowest.
08 State Street.
Meat, Poultry
and Fish Market.
Insurance Block.
Leading Salem Modiste,
205 Commercial St.
Contractor nnd
Bnletu, - - Oregon.
Over Bnmll's Clothing More.
. 3iiIIiurj Store,
Removed to Cottle BloIt.
B rllig Goods Airtvf br
t. J. citrss.
NaMiral Wood Finishing.
Cor. 20th and Chemeketa Streets.
Beal Estate
and Insurance.
Fist stairway noith of Bush
2.39 Liberty. Street, o
Electric Car Line.
Just Imported
Issue the best policies of any company,
It is under the best Insurance Law in the Unien:
It gives a Guarantee of Cash and Paid-up Insurance every year.
It does not "tontine" its policies, but gives Cash dividends or additional
insurance each year.
It will loan you money on its own policies, at 6.
You cannot loose a dollar paid into this company, on account of the fa
mous non-fprfeiting law of Massachusetts.
It gives you the most protection for your money, and does not tie you
down with conditions, that might loose you the insurance.
Don't insure till you have examined into this company. Write me your
name aud age and I will send you a sample policy.
H, G, COLTON, Gen'l Agent, Portland, Or., 33 Stark St.
J. L MITCHELL, Local Agent, Salem, Or.
Good Agents Wanted to Travel.
V ii
Linn County Republican Nominees. ;
Albany, March 31. The Linn
county Republican convention havo
made tho following nominatiens:
Representatives, W. W. Richardson,
A. Acheson nnd J. H. WiRle; county
judge, J. N. Duncan; commissioner,
John Vf. Pugh; sherlfl, A. A. Kees;
clerk, David Andrews; recorder, W.
B. Wright; treusurer, Jqhn H.
Waters; superintendent, J. H. Jew
ett; assessor, W. F. Deaktns; sur
veyor, E. T. T. Fisher; coroner,
Wm. Fortmlller. Delegates to the
state conventien: H. H. Hewitt,
II. A. Rampy, H. B. Springer. 8.
Mcllree, 8. A. Dawson, J. R. Smith,
O. S. May, J. W. Miller, W. W.
Parrlsh, W. R. Kirk. Tho delegates
will go Into tho couveutlon un
pledged for candidates for any state
i fllce.
Suicido at Seattle,
Beattle, March 81. Geo. W.
Nash, formerly retail grocer, com
mitted suicide yesterday afternoon
Dy bunging himself with a window
cord. He naa acted strangely for
the last six mouths. His wife found
at different times cords about the
houso all of which were tied Ih a
hangman's manner. Yesterdoy
afternoou ho went out of doors; fif
teen minutes later stio found him
hunting iu un outhouse. Tho cord
was so loug he could stand ou the
floor. In order to complete the work
he had drawn his legs up close to his
body. BusiuwB reverses, despond
ency, and weak mind are given as
tbo cause. He left iaper dated
Muruh 14, In w hleh the administra
tors of tno estalo are named. He
leaves a wife and two small children
and property to considerable value,
but heavily mortgaged.
Fire in Montreal.
MoNTKF.vr., March 31. Marson
Brw.' storeroom for feed and hay
was burned at midnight. Loss, $S0,
000. Tha watchman aud family
were resoued unconscious. Two of
the children may die.
Uids for City JJouds.
O BALED propotali will be reclved up to
it) 3 n eiocK i iu. or
worth of boudt ou tbecltr of Balem, Ore-
3 o'clock n tu. oflhetth dy of April,
1810, by U niaror ntd city recorder ol tha
cly oiKalem, for the partUuo of tJQ,ao
ln ilenamliukticni of lift) and UDward.
a Interest or tnee Donai lo bepla ieml
innuillr and to run twenty yean, and t
draw 6 per cent. tntere4t. So bid wtU be
received rr tne bond miow taeir
.value. The city ol Balem reMrrea
killed tho baby Instantly, ellgbuy S'jMmiUTor
TtOUmliUgMrf, RoD.r.B. I J-lMd M. X. OOODEUlltCOrder,
Oregon Land Company's Price List,
10 acres of land 5 miles south of Salem (postpffice)
best fruit land, nearly all cultivated. There will be TOO1
acres set to fruit, immediately adjoining this tract, this
spring; price, $50 per acre, 8100 cash, balance easy pay
ments. Choice of four ten acre fruit tracts five miles south of
Salem (postoffice) one all in cultivation, very sightly; two
other three-fourths in cultivation, balance good timber;
one three-fourths in cultivation balance in pasture, 45.00
per acre, cash, balance easy payment and long time.
Choice of 25 ten acre fruit tracts six miles south of
Salem (postoffice) best fruit land, very desirable location;,
springs and running water, adjoining The Oregon Land.
Company's model 100 acre orchard farm, three miles fronii
steamer landing. First choice 60 per acre, cashp
balauqp on eight years time, enabling purchaser to pay for
land out of the fruit crop. This land will be set our t"
fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner,
by the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company so that
a two year old orchard, complete in ever respect, will
cost the pur baser 125 per acre, including a good fence
around it.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company has
now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and will
tako pleasure in showing anyone, who takes an interest in
fruit growing in the Willamette Valley, what the are
doing and how their orchards look. The people of Salem
and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at
the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com
pany, in the Gray building with the .Oregon Land com
pany, and take a ride to Sunnyside and see what is being
lone in tho way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem,
Orogon. You will enjoy tho ride to Sunnyside and see
something worth seeing.
10 80 100 acres cultivated land with house, spring and orchard 3 miles
from Turner, f60 per acre, cash, balance in three etmal annual payments.
18 40-100 acres cultivated laud with barn anil running water, f45
per aere, 1 cash, balance lu three equal annual paymeuts. First payment
will bo taken In work.
lu UU-100 acres cultivated land, running water on land, $40 per acre,
cash, balance lu three equal annual payment. First payment taken iu
896S-100 acres pasture and timber land, all good land, with running
water, 3 miles from Turner, ?26 per acre.
0 fruit tracts ranging from 12 to 14 acres each, all cultivated, 200 frnH
trees ou each lot, land all plowed, $45 per acre, cash, balance In three
equal annual payments.
Wrk such as carpenter work, cuttlntr wood, making rails, building
fence, netting out and cultivating trees taken In part pa.tment no lai"1:
also hordes, huniet-8. wagons, or buggies taken iu part navmeulon land.
Aim eiwxi city nronerty, wnen unencumbered nj
olaiuic, taktu lu part payment on land.
by mortgage or otl r
I 'e tvtTx "-uluirtav erreUix at 8
oVuk, In tne bail oer l lrle Jnsa
ran bulktinir. Mtrtlnnare re to the
pab'tc. hev. Robert Ntutaker.lrt. Dr.
W,A.Owlok,Vteei,rttd6uu 101 U
T NTK1 pirt to do enn. Ui i
K. Uber I ware .rill tv nalJ
cw.upttfcni prvnn nrdsnne but Ortlu
hlp need MUniy. Call at uortbtAkl corn r
oi uouri anc
k Hammer itreeta. S-fe-'i,
)HlVlia4tokdihWa)UjkiNat tn(lkltiml,'
,. S"n , - j