EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. -V "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SAliEM OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1892. "TO-DAY'S .NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 72. VOL. 5. HTTON'S PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS We will allow a PATTON'S THE RACKET STORE GRAND SHOE SALU 1 Men's Rubber Boots ' Plow Shoes Better " " Oil Graiu Plow Shoes Men's Congress ' Boy's School Shoes " Dress Shoes Children's Fine Shoes " Heavy " The above list offers convinced call and examine. 261 Commercial Street. Why Are Those Lote in Pleasant Home Addition SELLING SO RAPIDLY? PBICES and the TERMS are sure t Ruit evei7 body Take a walk or drive through the property and see the HOUSES and SIDEWALKS in course of construction. MATERIAL s being hauled on the ground for ten -Call We L BURKE, Proprietor, One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. Harntt -SUCCESSORS TO WKLLBR BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS STffl ID FANCY GNH . At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. You can get the latest MUSIC, 4 Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins, LOWEST PRICES EASTON'S, NAILS 1 LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE i AT Barr & Petri 214 & 210 Commercial St., Saleru. Garden Hose and Lawn Bprluklera. A complete line or Stoves and Tinware, Tin roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furniahed. SNOW THE YEAR ROUND At 100 Chemeketa Street. HOUSE - and - SlON - PAINTING, Paper Hanging, Kalsornlnlng, Wall Tinting, etc Varnishing anil Natural Wood Finish, Only Fln,tr-eluh Work. E, E. ENOW. SJnlam Triio.lr & Tlrnv lift lem Iron works. Drays aud truck tb corner or HUte ana uomuierouti tarn. Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to c.inpetc with the lowest. Only tho best material used. Special Sale discount of 15 per cent, on State Street $2 00 worth $2 75 00 " 125 1 15 " 1 50 145 " 175 1 45 and up $110,130 and 145 1 40 " 1 80 35. 55t, 65 80, $1 00, 1 10 some of the greatest bargains ever known west of the No trouble to show goods. fclHHW IIA'llll'IIW W Jl the LOTS, the On- FOR RED STAR- Mclntire, -AT 3IO Oommerolal Street. Send for Catalogue FREE Plumbers and Tinners, DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Bell and deliver wood, ' hay, coal and lumber. Of fice riLite SL.onimnile Sa may be fouud. throughout tbcdavut all LEATHER and PLUSH ALBUMS for Book Store. No.. 98. Ladles' Glove Calf Shoes " Oil Gralnj " - " Calf Shoes " Dongola Shoes " Tipped Shoes " Flexible Dongola " " Fine Dongola Kid " " Oxford Ties Children's Rubbers ouly E F. OSBURN. Studebaker Wagons, Hoosier Seeders and Drills, BALL BEARING DISC HARROWS. AT GRAY BROTHERS, COB. STATE AND LIBERTY STS., SALEM, OREGON. for Infants 'Castorla ii io well adapted to children that I recommend ltas luperlor to any prescription known to mo." II. A. Aschib, II. D., Ill Bo. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castorla Is sounlrersal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of eupererogatlon to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." CUblos Hirttw, D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Bef ormed Church. TiTS CSNTXUB B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEM IRON WORKS, SALBM, - . - - Manufactures BTEAM ENGINES. Mill Drying Outfits, Traction Engines, Cresting, etc. Farm mrcbinery made and repaired. General agents and manufacturers of the celebrated Wahlstrom Fulcut Middlings runner ana lteeis. f arm mocmnery raaae J. M, Needham, HOUSE PAINTING, KALSO MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINI8HING. Leave orders J. Irwln's.lrear of drallh A Htelner's drug store. E. C. CROSS, Butcher and Packer Htate Bt. and Court Ht. The best meat delivered to all parts of the cltv. If You Expect to MAKE MONEY In (be Chicken Uusl ness you need the Pacific Incubator and Brooder, It Is cheap, reliable, snbitantlal, easily understood, and will batch any kind or egos betUr than a hen. Bend So .tumpto par pontage on oar new M-page Illustra ted catalogue of Incubators.ThorouKhbred Fowls, UALV. HKX. NKTTINUM, Jlone mills, poultry supplies, etc. This book contains 80 sull-slted colored cuts of Thoroughbred Kowls,and Is replete with Information. Address PACIFIC INCUBATOR CO., No. 1313 CASTRO ST., Oakland, Cal. Those Afflicted With the habit ol using to excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THK KEELE? INSTITUTE Forest Grove, On, Call writ. BtrlcUv confidential No. 5. fl 15 worth $1 40 1 45 " 1 75 1-45 " 175 1 45 " 1 75 1 80 2 25 2 15, ?2 40, 2 75 - 2 GO, 3 00, 3 25 1 25, 1 45, 1 65 2-5 Rocky mountains. To be and Children. Castorla cures Collo, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote d cestion, Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommendeo your ' Castorta, ' and shall always continue to do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial results," Edwin F. Pabdis, M. D., "Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Btroet and Tin Avo., New York City. COMPANY, 77 MUBIUT STQEET, NW YORK. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent - - - . - OnEOON, Outfits. Water Wheel Governors. Fruit ana repaired. ml U Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meah at All Hours oi the Day None but white labor employed In this ektabllsbuienU A good substantial meal cooked In tint' class style Twenty-five cents per meal, RKD P"RONT. Court street, between Opera ilonse and Mlnto's Livery DUG AN BROS' Plumbing and Heating Co., Wbolesalandfretall dealers In STEAM AM PLUMBING GOODS 2U Commercial street. Telephone No. S3. NEW DAILY 3IAIL STAGE Between Aurora, Iliittcvlllc, C'liampoeg, St. Paul and Fairfield. leaves Aurora dally at lftSQ a. to. Ar rives at Fairfield I p. m. Iteturnlug leave Kasrfleld at p. in. Arrives at C'hstnpo tp, m. XxaveMCbamixxYea.m. Arrive at Aurora, via Hutltvllle, at S a. m. Con nects with morning H. I. Co. trains golnc north and south. I'lutsengcrrs, baggage and freight carried at regular rates. Bervloe begins 41 on day, March 17, UK. OUrt. HQiCyXll, i'ropr. FEAR & HAMILTON, Loans necotUted onllraproved Una and city property. SJLIklCNl. Osmuotx oou U, Bush Hank bloeJc 6l3dt Cap THE CAPITAL JOIMAl. H0FER BROTHERS, Editors, UI1LI81IKD DAIt.Y.KXCEPTBUNDA'i BT TH1 Canital Journal Publishing Company. , (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building Kntered at the postofflce at Balem,Or.,iv. second-class matter. Bt ONE THOUSAND MAJOIUIY. That is tho watchword of victory of tho Marion county Hopuulicaus this year. That is tho size of the majority they propose to roll up for Harrison, protection and reciproc ity. That will bo the result with a good ticket, a good campaign, and four tickets In the Held, as present indications point out there will be. Tho indications are there will be a Republican, Democratic, Peoples' and Prohibition ticket in tho Held. The ouly result of this will be In creased majorities for tho JRepubll cau ticket. Republicans are pretty well satis fled, as a rule, with tho Harrison administration. They are reason ably well united and harmonious. The Democratic party is divided on the Hill-Clevelaud line, on the protection-free trade Issue, aud on the silver question. AVhilo tho musses of Democracy clamor for free silver, the Wall street and bankiug Dem ocracy shrink back In horror from grantiug such a concession. This icsuo will defeat any Democratic candidate in the eastern and north middle states. The lyomocrncy Is not united on a single great issue. With this llatteriug outlook why should not the Republicans of Marlon look up with encourage ment? With any ordinary good management aud harmonious work tho peoplo will ratify every nomina tion of Thursday's convention. Tho slight disaffection caused by de feated candidates will disappear and the ranks will close up, Tho party that has always stood for tho Union, the party that abolished slavery, and a party that has of its own notion btrtick a death blow to tho Louisiana lottery, has a fluo out look in old Mariou. TUB F1GI1T LOU TIIUASUIIBR. This was one of tho most hotly contested battleB of tho couvontlon. Thero were a number of strong men running, and the managers hud a man. Tho popular candidate was J. H. McCormlck, of North Salem, aud ho grew steadily aa tho ballots proceeded. If the delegates could have been left to their own choice aud freo will, he would havo been the nominee. But Jap Miuto saw his rapidly growing strength, and took his coat oft'. From that time on tho fur flew. Mr. Mlnto mudo a personal appeal to his friends, and nlop;x.d tho tldo that woe so rapidly going to McCormlck. Tho Swaf ford vote was rapidly transferred to Brown, who was backed by some very strong men. The swap by tho Mlnto men was mndo in tho nick of time, and Brown got in by a very small margin. McCormlck led in tho race on three long tedious ballots and was ouly defeated by personal spite, and Mr. Miuto's energetic ef forts with his friends. It was a victory for the Mlnto men, but It was an houorabio defeat for Mr. McCormlck. THKLKGISLATIVK T1CKBT. The Republican legislative ticket is made up mostly of new men this year. Balem having tho most aspirants for the big fat offices It was natural that tho deals should tie made mostly In favor of tho out lying precincts. It Is a sCrotig working Republican delegation. It contains some of tiie best campaign speakers in the county nnd this is very Important ihts presidential year. It will be an educational speuking campaign and the orators of tiie party have been put to tho front on the legislative ticket, It Is doubtful if Messrs. Ford, Qeer and Onus by have their superiors on tho stump In this valley. The Democrats will have hard work to match up with them, The delegation is also made up of public spirited uud progressive men. They will not father any had legis lation aud may bo relied upon to do the right thing for the people on all occasions. Tho ticket is u safo und representative one. JOHIII'U PIMON'j JlKTIltKJIKNT. The telegraph announces that in an Interview yesterday Hon. Joseph Simon suited that ho would go to Kurope about May 1st to remain a year. Mr. Bhuon'a third term as state fcenator from Multnomah county itxpirtii next July. He Is -10 years old, and ha been In the Oregon senate twelve oontecuttve years, having been elected In 1880. In 1680 and 1691 ho wan president, and at eery w-wlon Lie li&s been the most prominent man In tho legis lature. An president of the (senate, It Is confessed by the abhat men In both parties, ho has never been equalled, HU concentration of mind on the variout measures thut came Iteforo the senate, and the ease with whluh he dlrxed of their per plexlug features Is something mar- velouj. His retentive memory Is prodigious, nnd on this account no legislator over feared his bill would 1ms forgotten when Mr. Blmou's at teutiou had been directed to It. One of the chief causes of Mr. Simon's success as a politician was his fidelity to his promise. This may seem strange to somo county )K)ltttcIaus and parvenues in politics; but it is a fact beyond dispute that a political promise mndo by Mr. Plmou was never broken. It was a difficult thing to secure his promise, but when glvou It was never vio lated on auy grounds. This sticking to political promises through all tho perplexing chauges of political cam paigns, allied with Mr. Simon's genlup, courage, nerve, political Muiuolty mid pre-eminent ability as a general, installed htm in the con fidence of tho leaders of tho party aud compelled tho admiration of his political foes. Tho absence of Mr. Simon in Europe for one year from next May will eliminate from Oregon politics its most powerful nnd successful general. Tho Republicans may cast about for a long time before they can place at tho head of their party a man so well qualified to insure it tho repeated successes that Mr. Simon has obtained. Now men may bo fouud who are nbln on tho stump, strong In debate, great in their local precincts, but thero will be few that possess the mental bal auce, good judgmont, keen por ceptlvo faculties, marked Intelli gent nnd ability to handle and harmonize tho disgruntled elomouts of his party with tho skill aud dex terity that has mado Joseph Simon tho great Republican leader. As toria Town Talk. TIIOSIS MAltKKTB OF Till! WOULD. When tho ndvocato of freo trado has nothing else to talk or wrlto about he devotes nn oration or edi torial to "tho markets of tho world." Ouo might imagluofrom suoh utter- auces that thero was a boundless extent of profitable markets watting to be Invaded byAmerican commerce tho moment that wo should let down tho bars of protection. Now, If any nation in tho world has knowledgo aud experience of tho markets of tho world that nation la tho English. Thoy have enjoyed for forty-five years tho - luxury of froo trade, and havo searched overy nook and cornor of tho earth from Capo Horn to Grceuland, not forgotU tho most distant isles of the oceau, for a market. As a result wo aro told in a cable dispatch that at tho meeting of the associated chambers in London, the presldout expressed the belief in his address "that tho present rocoptivo capacity of tho world's market had been reached by the supply, and tho Immense in crease in British morcantllo ship ping raised an outlook fur froni pleasing. Ho i feared that tho ln crcaso would overrun thu powers of employment for tho capital Invested and that It was likely that ship ownoro would have to wait a loug timo for satisfactory profits." Thero could bo no higher author ity on this subject than that wo havo quoted. It is tho concentrated, expression of tho opinion of Eng land's business men, deliberately framed on tho basis of their own experience. That Is, tho markets of tho world are supplied, and, if Amcr. leans should discard tho barrier of a protective tariff, thoy would bo throwing their own market opon, without any other market being opened in return. Thero is no moro llatulout hum- hug than tho talk about umrkots of the world. Every important nation txcept Great Britain has a tariff for protection, und tho ouly way to get at other markets is through recip rocity. Protection Mid reciprocity go hand in hand In guarding the In dustries and building up the com merce of tho United States. TBI State of onto, Git oKTolkdo,!.. l.UCUM OOUHTY, Khamk J. UiiENier makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the nrm ol K. J. OHKMfcY A Co., dolnif business In the City of Toledo, County and State uforefcaid, nnd the said firm will pay tho sum ol ONK llUNDHKDDOIXAlWforfcucli and every caseof Catauuii Ibat cannot bo cured by the use or II all's Uatahuii Cuhk. KllANK. J. C11KNEY. Htvorn to before me und subscribed Id my pruHence, this Utli day of December, A, I). 1WS0, A. W. Ql.KAHON, mKali Notary I'ubllc Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally uud acts directly on the blood und mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J, Ciiknk & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 76 cents. UKNKKAIi NKW8 NOTES. Willlum Mason, who has been In Monmouth since 1606, Is now 70 years old. Besides having Invented the first sulkey plow ever used In Polk county, he has invented three farm gates. Thoee destructive Hbeepcatcru, tho coyotes, have been slain lately In considerable numbers In Grant county, fudging from tho number of scaljw brought Into tho county clerk's office for bounties. Shearing seriMon liaa arrived, and the sheepmen are availing them selves of the present fine weather. Many nbeepmen will null their wool of! to market as soou as powd ble, nod not be worried auy wore about It, Kyeu If the price U low, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Roy&l jx& ABSOLUTE! PURE they find It economical to sell to the first buyer. Cattle Interests In Eastern Oregon were never in bettor condition for years than in the present season. Horses, horned cattlo nnd sheop aro In good flesh, nnd the grass on tho hills is excel Ion t for this season of tho year. Now potatoes nroieportedntHopo, Idaho. Thcso woro not Imported, but wero dug In a garden in that city, tho other dny. New potatoes by tho middle of March are not to be had evory year, oven in tho favored Northwest Stockmon In Wasco county nnd on tho north side of tho Columbia expect a busy season. Further east shecpowuera aro equally jubilant. They got through tho winter with an unusually light percentage of loss, and look forward to a prosper ous seasou. Tho clip of wool this season will bo in better condition than for sev eral years past, aud tho yield will be abundant nud of good quality. Wool will not begin to como to mar ket for somo time, but Tho Dalles warehouso men aro preparing to handlo tho largest cllpof any season. Mr. Luokoy, agent of tho Warm Springs Indian reservation, In forms tho Prlnovillo Rovlow that crlokets aro appearing in largo num bers at tho agouoy, nnd fears arc entertained for crops tho coming season, If cold weathev is exper ienced this month thcso crlokets may bo kilted and tho harvest saved. Saturday was n very busy day at Tho Dalles stockyards, and thlrteon carloads of cattlo woro received from Idaho nnd shipped toTroutdalc, aud today thero aro four moro feed ing. As tho spring weather becomes settled, cattlo of nil klnls are moved to market, and Tho Dalles stock yards coutrols uearly nil shipments. A lady at Antelope, a fewdayb ago, having her Ufa mado miserable by tho continuous "sprees" of hor husbaud, determined to demolish tho cause, and undertook an Indi vidual orusndo against tho saloon ou her own account. Sho demolished the flxturos around tho bar with n club, and then mado for tho coal oil lumps, whon the barkeeper put hor out. Some of tho citizens of Ante loeo ndmlro hor grit, and do not severely critlclso hor Judgment. Ashland Tidings: Mrs. G. S. But ler has a pet squirrel which disap peared last fall, and was supposed to havo been killed by some of tho town dogs, but camo out from its whiter quarters last week, aH livoly as ovor. W. H. Shepherd, of Emi grant creek, has u curiosity In this line In tho shapo of n whlto chip muuk, which, for several years past, has hibernated evory winter, nud come out lu tho spring to hunt up Its quarters In tho Shepherd house at otice. Tho thriving littlo town of Dufur Is looking its host at tho present time. Tho surrounding hills havo donned their emerald mantles; the wild flowers aro in full bloom; grand old Mount Hood, so appropriately called tho bride of heaven, In IU pure whlto robes, never presented a moro beautiful or Inspiring appear ance Tho farmers are delighted with the promises of abundant crops, the outlook for a bountiful harvest bolng better than known for years past. m i A Million Frlendii. A friend lu need Is a friend In deed, and not less than ono million peoplo have found Just such a friend lu Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption, coughs, uud colds. If you have never used this great cough mcdlclno. ono trial will con vince you that it has wonderful curative powors in all diseases of throat, chest nnd lungs. Each bottle Is guaranteed to do all thut is claimed or money will bo refundod. Trial bottles freo ut Daniel J. Fry's drugstore, 2125 Commercial street. Large bottles 60o nud f 1,00, Now Washington, Peuu., peoplo aro not slow about taking hold of a now thing, If tho article has merit. A ftiw months ugo David Byoru, of that place, bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, He has sold It nil und ordered more. "It has given tho best of satisfac tion. I havo warranted overy bottle, aud have not bad one come back." 25 and 60 ceut and $1.00 bottles for sale by O. 35. Good, drug gist. Wi 'fbers aro many forms of nervous de bility In law tut yield to the ua of Carter's iron 1111s. Those who aro troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, eUj,, should try them, ' ' lUcktche Is almost Immediately relieved ty.wursj ouo of Carters broart Wd and itelUUonu lUckaeho I'taslor. Try one and b fr from jmlrj. rioa cents. for any case of ueryousne, lUtpleM noM, wwjk sumiach. indigestion, dytpep sis, fry Carter's Utile Nervs l'uis. llslltf lssurv. Tua only Bervsinedtclua tor Uu prlos lu uuukst. - K-rmW wi . w,...,., ftaJBdhfc j.ABew A'w Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Baking TOE MODUS Y1VE11. Views of Army ami Navy Officers, Etc. WAR IS NOT PROBABLE. That Is tho Opinion of Army and. Navy Officers. Ban Francisco, March 25 Rear Admiral Belknap deprecates tho Idea that nny serious international trouble Is Imminent as a result of tho Behrlng sea difficulty. "It is hardly probable," ho Bald, "that tho two great countries will become In volved In a war, or oven In a serious complication, ovor a few fishing ves sels in Behrlng sea. I think the wholo matter will bo arranged with moro or less amicability. There . may bo somo little friction, but it will hardly bo attended with mo mentous consequences. Tho United States and England, as also Russia, thoroughly approclato the situation, and recognlzo tho fact their mutual Interests necessitate a diplomatic ad justment of tho controversy. I think that tho settlement, whether It is mado sooner or later, will be peaceful, and no belligerent action on eithor eldo need bo appre hended." General Thomas A. Ruger said: "I havo had no official Intimation of any call upon tho military forces, and with regard to tho situation in. tho Bohring sea I can only glvo an individual opinion, and thut Is that thoy havo not trot through with tho talking part of tho business yot. War between tho United States and England would he, without doubt, tho greatest military problem the world of modern times has ever known. Look at tho Immense mutual interests existing between tho two nations, to which tho-whole sealing question Is but as a drop lu tho bucket, and I think you must bo convinced that tho uttermost and last thought of resort would be a declaration of war. It Is truo Eng land's navy is tho largest and strongest in tho world, but in tho event of hostilities breaking out tho United States has money suffi cient to mako hor own navy equal to that of Great Britain at short notlco. As to tho army, I think wo aro moro than equal to any army she can put In tho Sold, I think nny troublo of this nature Is very far off and very unlikely to happen over tho Behrlng sea ques tion." An Insane Milllonalro. Nkw Yomc, March 25. George Sqeppard Pugc, tho millionaire chemist, whose otllco in Now York Is in 00 Wall street, aud who lives in Btanloy, Morris county, N. J., was committed to tho state insano asylum at Morris Plains, N. J.,Mon day afternoon. His affliction was brought about by oyer application to business and a sovero attack of tho grip, from which ho suffered last winter. Mr. Page has been for soveral years a prominent figure in Wull street; He lived lu princely stylo at Stanley, His estate thero embraces soveral hundred acres, and tho hotiso itself Is on the side of a hill overlooking tho Passalo river and tho surrounding country. Mr. Page was always eccentric. It Is said that In summer ho used to In vito nowspaper men to his house, nnd on driving them back to tho station would nttlro himself lu knickerbockers und red stockings, nnd curry pistols in his belt, all of which was dono for show. Mr. Page, Just beforo his sickness, con cluded a business transaction lu gss interest!) that Involved $1,000,000. That matter preyed upon his mind. A Sonnatlonal Divorce Bait. GwoAao, March 25. A divorce suit, apparently promising interest ing developments, was begun yester day by Mrs. Ella Uurllngtuun, wjfe of tho Oak-street druggist whose departure tor Europo during the Cronln oxcltemeut caused much comment. Tho couple camo to Chi cago In 1874 with only 600t md now ho Is worth 175,000, wbloh Mm. Burllugbsm sets forth that sbe helped to earn, Tho defendant's refusal to purchase a home, notwith standing his amplo weans, and a bellof that he is about to ataft far Europe with another wowwa, art the grounds ad vauced la th yrW bill for divorce. It Is utidewteed that Lo Caroo, who gave suck m Mtlutial testimony before the Par noil commission In London, was a partner In the drug bualaeee be with Ilurllngham. The Big Suar Dal. I'jJUllEi.fUiA, Marok IB. TWe utct retloenoe in rnid Powder1 v i s p r t t a, l' . ? i B r. m id te 2; 3a tat ftVL (of Vr is- or hit tae let, fed t riu of to aid ; irU lr, fty. ,6 r -la the b ass, uw; tm, SMS, MS. JOTS tor ftt & fe, w 144 ty k r. , al! Y, A, est jtoce Cut