HJFv'tFB m-r HUNT j5L Lawrenck, Kans., Aug. 9, 188S. r.i.r.nn PntfffKnn fell from n second-story I k m " . t . , T .iih.I ! tttitrte I window. strtKine a icncc. iuuuu " ""& 1 1 ST.JACOBS OIL. In. . 14 r.t.. ntf nrnir li? hrtilsiv:. I saw ' 1.1 ..'.. f.nrL All llirllllCSDOtS IllIUIICAllIIUllllUK . .." -- ----- -1 raoidly disappeared, leaving neither pain, scar nor swelling. C. K. Neumann, m. l. 'ALL BlOHTI ST, JACOBS oil did it." lad In 031 Sui thri GOD OE THE STABS. TALMAGE FINDS A LESSON IN ORION AND THE PLEIADES. , the Kenlatnan nnd I'ropliet Tin ro WmSoiuo Stdral Uiion Even In . arelogy- Tho Grcnt Cntliedrnl or Co kfiM end tho llamtiln Worshiper. r 1 Brooklyn, March 20. Iu this ivr laon Dr. Tttunrtiro traverses va ic realms of tiionabt to teach iist-fitl everyday lessons, based 011 tlio U;,t. Amos v, 8, "Seek him that mulct tb tho Soveii Stars and Orion." l H UUILUUY 1U1U1U1 l"w; lino . i ? Amos of Tokoa. IIo plowed Lie .oartli and thrashed tho irrain bj a H ye ha pi: lo defrVnow thrashinjr machine just invr.it- coaled, as formerly tho caf.'o li. 1 .ut uencsilio trram. Ho cathcrcd the fnul of Gci the Bycamoi-o treo mid Hrarifled it lh With au iron comb just before it v. as f getting ripe, as it was tiecessaiy and customary in that way to tako fr m 'it tho bitterness. Ho was tlio son of toI, a poor shepherd and stuttered; but jj 'boforo tho stammoring nfctic fie orjr Philistines and Syrians and Phorii n.r; cians and Moabitesand Ammonius jjjl. and Edomites and Liraclitcs titan O bled. Moses was a lawgiver, Daniel v .is ul princo, Isaiali a courtier and Da :d ?t king; but Amos, tlio author of n.y p text, was a peasant, and, as might !h p? supposed, nearly all his paralloliffi is Jr aro pastoral, his prophecy full of tie ijdor of now mown Hay, ana uio r. t tin of locusts, and tho rauiblo of au is -with sheaves, and tho roar of wild beasts devouring tho Hock whiio fip -bhepliord camo out in their dofonp3. IIo watched tho herds by day, and 1 y night inhabited a booth mado o it of bushes, bo that through the'-o branches ho could seo tho stars 11 night long, and was more familiar with them than wo who have tig it roofs to our houses and hardly ovor seo tho stars except among tho fc.ll brick chimnoyB of tho great towr.3. But at seasons of tho year whon tho l.mvla wm-n In Knrv.lnl rlnnn-nr lin w nvrmlil ofnv rmf ii flin nnon finlrl nil through tho darkness, his only sh 1 tof tho curtain of tlio night heaven, with tlio stellar embroideries oi.d silvered tassels of lunar light. TIUB SOLITUDE OF AMOS. What a lifo of eolltudo, all aloro vrith his hordsl Poor AmosJ And at twolvo o'clock at night, hark to tho wolf's bark, and tho lion's roar, and tho bear's growl, and tho owl's te-wbit-to-wbo, ami tho BorjKmt'fl hiiw hs ho unwittingly stops too near while moving through tlio tliickot.il So Amos, liko othor hordsmon, got th luibit of studying tho map of tlio beavens, bocauso it was so much of tho time spread oufboforohim. Ho noticed somo Btjira advancing and others receding. IIo associated their dawn and sotting with certain sea sons of tlio year. Ho had a poetic saturo, and ho road night by night and month by month and year by year tlio poem of tlio constellations, divinely rhythmic. But two rosettes of stars especially attracted his attention whilo seated on tlio ground or lying on his back under tho open scroll of tlio midnight lieavous tho Pleiades, or Sovon Stars, and Orion. Tho former group thia rustio prophot associated with tho spring, as it rises about tho first of May. Tlio latter ho associated with tho winter, as it comes to tko meridian iu January, Tho Plei ades, or So von Stars, connected with all swootneas and joy, Orion, tlio herald of tho tempest Tho ancloutH woro tho moro apt to study tho physioguomy and juxtaposition of tho hoavonly bodies, bocauBo thoy thought thoy had n special inilueuco tipou tho earth; and porhapa thoy cworight. If tho moou ovory fow Lours lifts aa'l lets down tho tides of i ilin Atlnntio ocean, nnd tlio oloctric atorms of tho suu, by all scientific admission, affect tho oartli, why not tlio stars havo proportionate effect? And thoro aro somo tilings which make mo think that it may uot havo "boon all superstition which conuected tha movomonts and appearanco of ibo heavenly bodies witli great inonU events on oartli. Did uot a motoor run on ovangolistio errand on tlio fint Christmas night and doaignato Im rough cradlo of our Loixl! Did wot tho stars in tlielr courses fight against Sisorat Was it morely coin cidcutal tliut boforo tlio destruction of Jerusalem tho moon was eclipsed toe twolvo eousocutlvQ uightHt Did it moroly happen bo Uiat a now Htar affiearod In constellation Cassiopeia, tmA thou disappeared just boforo JOS Charles IX of LiVaneo, who was vwotudblo for tlio St Bartholomew Wttwimcro,diodt WiisitwiUiouttiigniil coo that in Uio days of tho Itouiau wnparor Justiuian war and fumino were procoded by tlio dimness of tlio ufl, which for uwirly a year gavo no naoro light than tho moon, although tfewo woro no clouds to obscuro itf THB ANTHEM OV IHK BTA118, ,Astrology, af wr all, may havo boon Muothing moro tlian a brilliant baatitonum. No wonder Uiat Amos C Mw taxt, having hoord thoso two ottHHus of tho star, put dawn tho fltaut rough Btafi of Uio herdsman Ml took into his brown hand and cat and knotted Angora Uio ihj of a nrafibM nnd ndvbxxl tho recreant momq of his Uuio to roturn to Uod Wf bf, "Souk ITini that maltoUi Uio iBMntunu unon.- 'ima win 1, which Amos gavo 7M years B. 0,, k jtwt as oppropriato for tw, f ttw Jtnrt iaco Amos mw, tu wo miiBt coe, tlint tho God v h ma.li tha Pleiailes and Orion must ix) th..' God of oiticr. It was not so much a star hero and a star thoro Uiat i.n prcsscd Uio inspired herdsman, 1-ut seven in ono group and seven in t'ao Other group. IIo saw that night af ter night and season after i won ind decade after decade thoy hed kept stop of light each ono iu its OAVU place, a sisterhood never cliwh tng and never contesting preccflouco. J'l-om tho tune Hesiod called Uio 1'Ioiades tho "seven daughters of At uis," and Virgil wi-oto in his TEncid (f "Stormy Orion" until now. thoy liavo olisorved Uio order cstablishod for thoir coming and going; or1 or written not in manuscript Uiat my bo pigeonholed, but with tho baud Almighty on tho dome of Uio sky, so that all nations may read it. (rdsr. Persistent order. Sublimo order. Omnipotent order. What a Bcdativo to you and mo, to whom communities and nations oijio timos seem going polhnell, and world ruled by sdino fiond at haphitzard, and in all direcHons malatlmi'istra tion! The God who keeps woven .voiids in light circuit for six thou riauil years can cortainly keep all the affairs of individuals and nations and continents in adjustment. Wo had not bettor fret much, for tho peasant's argument of tho text was right. If God can tako caro of tlio sovon worlds of tho Ploiadcs and tho four chief worlds of Orion, ho can probably tako caro of tho ono world wo inhabit So 1 feel very much as my father felt ono day when wo wero going to tho country mill to get tho grist ground, and I, a boy of seven years, sat in tho back part of tho wiigon, and our yoko of oxou ran away with us and along a labyrinthino road throng li the woods, so that I thought ovory moment wo would lo dashed to pieces, and I mado a torriblo out cry of fright, and my fattier turned to mo with a faco perfectly calm and said. "Do Witt, what aro you crying about? I guess wo can rldo as fast as tho oxen can run." And, my hearers, why should wo bo affrighted and loso our equilibrium hi Uio swift movomont of worldly events, espe cially when wo aro assured that it is not a yoko of unbroken Btoers Uiat aro drawing us on, but that order and wiso govonimontaroin tho yoko? GOD'S INFINITE ORDER. In your occupation, your mission, your sphoro, do tho best you can and Uion trust to God, and if things aro all mixed and diBquioUng, and your brain is hot and your heart sick, got somo ouo to go out with yon into the starlight and point out to you the Pleiades, or, hotter than that got into somo observatory and Uirough tho telescope boo further Uian Amos with tho naked oyo could namely, two hundred stain in tho Pleiades, and Uiat in what is called Uio Bword of Orion thoro is a nobula computed to bo two trillion two hundred thousand billions times larger than Uio mm. Oh, bo at peaco with God who mado all that and controls all that tho wheel of tho constellations turning m Uio wheel of galaxies for Uiou sands of years without Uio breaking of a cog or tho slipping of a band or Uio snap of an axlo. For your pla cidity and comfort through tho Jxrd JesiiB Christ I cliargo you, "Sook him Uiat makoth Uio Sovon Stars and Orion." Again, Amos saw as wo nuiBt seo, Unit tho God who mado thoso two groups! of tho toxt was tho God of light Amos saw that God was not satisfied wiUi making ono Btar, or two orthroo Btars, but ho makes Bovon; and, having finished Uiat group of worlds, makes anoUior group group af tor group, To Uio Ploiades ho adds Orion. It Booms Uiat God likes light bo Well that ho koops making it Only ono boing in tho univorso knows tho statistics of Bolar, lunar, Btollar, mo teorio creations, and Uiat is Uio Croa tor himself. And Uioy havo all been loviugly christened, each ouo a name as distinct as tho names of your chil dren. "IIo tolloth tho uumbor of tho Btars; ho calloth Uicm all by Uieir names." Tho bovoii Ploiades hod names given to tiiom, and thoy aro Aloyono, Moropo, Coliono, Eloctra, Storopo, Taygoto and Mala. But Uiink of Uio billions nnd tril lions of daughters of starry light Uiat God calls by name as Uioy swoop by him with beaming brow and lustrous robo I So fond is God of light natu ral light moral light spiritual light Agaiu and again is light hnrnpsuod for BymlKillEaUon Christ, Uio bright and morning Btar; evangelization, Uio daybreak ; Uio redemption of na tions, Sun of Uightoousiiess rising wiUi healing in his wings, O men and women, wiUi so many sorrows and slus and jwrploxitieti, if you want light of comfort light of iiardon, light of goodmws, in earnest prayer Uirough Christ "whw Win that make Ui tho Sovon Stars and Orion." WITHOUT VAIUJUILKNESS. Again, Amos saw, as wo must boo, Uiut Uio God who mado Uicoo two archi'tolagoes of stars must bo an un changing God. Thoro hail boon uo change In Uio stellar nppearuuco In this horumau s uruumo, ana his fa thor, a shepherd, reported to him that thoro hud lecn no change In Ms lifetime. And thto two clusters hung over tho celestial nrlor now jiwt as thoy woro tho first night Unit thoy Bhona ou uio buonlo bo worn; tho ramo as when tho Egyptians built thp Pyramids, from Uio top of which to watch thorn; tho sumo as whon tho Chaldeans calculated tho eclipse; Mm mm m whoa Elihu, ftccordiag to the C6ok of Job, wont out to Pdy tl " -."Jrora b wall's . to sauio under Holowai.' syitem and Copcnu'atu byntem; tho samo from Ualuithencs to Pythagoras, and from Pythafjoras to Hcrschol. Surely a chongeloes God miiBt havo fashioned tho Ploiades and Orion I Oh, what an nnodyno amid tho ups and downs of lifo and Uio flux and reflux of Uio tides of prosperity to laiow Uiat wo L avo a chaugeloss God, tho same yes t nlay, tod.iy and forever 1" Xerxes garlanded and knighted Uio steersman of his boat in tho morn ing and hanged him in thoovening of tho samo day. Tlio world sits in its chariot and drives tandem, and tho horso ahead is Huzza and tho horee behind is Anathema. Lord Cobhara, in King James' timo, was applauded, and liad thirty-fivo thou sand dollai-s a year, but was after ward oxecratou, and uvea on scraja stolen from tho royal kitchen. Alex ander the Great after death remained unburied for thirty days, because no ono would do tho honor of shoveling him under. Tho Duke of Wellington refused-to havo his iron fence mend ed, because it had boon broken by an infuriated populace in somo hour of political excitement, and ho loft it in ruins that men might learn what n fioklo thing is human favor. "But tho mercy of Uio Lord is from over lasting to everlasting to Uio:n Uiat fear him, and his righteousness unto tho children's cldldren of buch as keop his covenant, and to those who remombor his commandments to do them." This moment "Seek him that maketh tho Sovon Stars and Orion," Again, Amos Baw, as wo must eeo, that tho God who mado these two beacons of tho oriental night sky must bo a God of lovoand kindly warning. Tlio Pleiadcd using in mi sky said to all tho herdsmen and shophordB and husbandmen, "Como out and enjoy tho mild weather, and cultivate your gardens and fields." Orion, coming in whiter, warned them to prepare for tempest. All navigation was regulated by tiieso two constellations. Tho ono said to jhipmaster and crow, "Hoist sail for tho sea and gather merchandise from other lands." But Orion was tho jtorm signal and said, "Reef sail, aiako things snug, or put into har bor, for tho hurricanes aro getting thoir wings out." As the Ploiades were tho sweot cvangel6 of Uio spring, Orion was the warning prophot of tho winter. GOD'S LOVK AND JUSTICE. Oh, now 1 got tho best viow of God I over had I Tlioi-o aro two kinds of sonnous I nover want to preach tho ono that presenta God bo kind, so in dulgent, so lonient, so imbocilo Uiat men may do what they will against him, and fracture his ovory law, and put the piy of their importinonco and rebollion undor his tiirono, and whilo thoy aro spitting in his faco and stabbing at his heart ho takes them up in hiQ arms and kisses thoir in furiated brow and chock, Baying, "Of such is tho kingdom of heaven." Tlio otiier kind of sermon I nover want to preach is tho.ono that represents God as all flro and torture and thundercloud, and with red hot pitchfork tos3mg tho human raco into paroxysms of infinito agony. Tho Bonnon that 1 am now preaching bo liovt in a God of loving, kindly warniug, tho God of spring and winter, tlio God of tho Pleiades and Orion. You must romoinbor Uint Uio win tor is just as important as tho Bpring. Lot ono winter pass witiiout frost to kill vegotation and ico to bind Uio rivers and unow to enrich our fields, and thon you will havo to enlarge your hospitals and your cometories. "A grcon Christmas makes a fat graveyard" was tho old proverb. Storms to purify tho air. Thermom eter at ton degrees abovo zoro to tono up tho system. December and January just as important as May and Juno. I toll you wo need Uio storms of lifo as much as wo do tho sunshine. Thoro aro more men mined by pros perity than by adversity. If wo had our own way in lifo, boforo this wo would havo lioon impersonations of solfishnebs and worldhness and dis gusting sin, and puffed up until wo would havo been liko Julius Uuwar, who was mado by Bycophonta to Ik llovo Uint ho was divino, and Uio freokols on his faco woro as Uio Bfcu-s of Uio firmamont Ono of Uio swiftest transatlantic voyages mado last summer by our swiftest steamer was becnueo Bho had a stormy wind abaft chasing her from Now York to Livenool. But to Uioso going in tho opiKsito direction tho storm was a buffeting and a hindrance. It is a kid tiling to havo a storm ahead, pusldng us Iwck; but if wo bo God's children and aiming toward heaven, tho storms of life will only choso us Uio soonor iuto tho harlior. I urn bo glad to bellovo that Uio mousoons and ty phoons and mistrals and siroccos of tho laud and son aro not unchaiued maniacs lot looso upon Uio earUi, but aro under divino Bupervision I I am bo glad Uiat Uio God of tho Seven Stars is also tho God of Orion I It was out of Dimto's suffering camo tho BUblimo "Divina Commcdia, " and out of John Milton's blindness camo "Paradise Lost," and out of miser able infidel attack camo Uio "Bridge water Treaty" iu favor of Christian ity, and out of David's oxilocamo Uio songs of eoubolation, and out of Uie Bufferings of Christ camo Uio possi bility of tho world's redemption, and out of your iHircivoinont, your ionso- iimummimmmmmmmttmtmmttmmtAmtUumAJbm cution, your poverties, your misfor tunes, may yet como on eternal heaven. tits .sTinoirr of the bible. Oh- w' j i. n ciorcy it is Uiat in tho text awl i-': i .' and down tho Biblo God ind u '- us to look out toward other Wur1 ! Biblo astronomy in GentJiu. hi Joshua, in Job, in tho Psalnu, in Uio prophets, major and inir r; in St John's AjKicalypRO, i .-at ticaliy saj lug : ' 'Worlds I worlds ! worlds! Got ready for them I" Wo Jiavo a nico little world horo Uiat wo stick to. as though losing Uiat wo 1 )So all. Wo are afraid of falling off this little raft of a world. Wo aro t frnid that somo meteoric iconoclast v some night smash it, and wo want everything lo rovolvo nround it and aro disappointed when wo find that it revolvoB around Uio sun instead of the sun revolving around it What a f iiKS we make about this little bit of a world, its existence only a Bhort timo lietwecn two spnsuis,'Uiopar- axyHin by wluch it was hurled from chaos into ordor, and tho paroxysm of its demolition. And I am glad that so many texts call us to lock off to other worlds, rwny of tht-T-i larger at,d grander and inorom-plc'rtent. "Look there," mi a Job, "at IJ -zaroth and Arcturus and his sons!'' "Look thero," says St John, "at Ujo moon undor Christ's feet!" "Lok there," say-j Joshua, "ut tho sun standing uill abovo Gibeon I" "Look there," bays Moses, "at tho sparkling firmament 1" "Look there," says Amos, tho herdsman, "at Uio Seven Stare and Orion 1" Don't k t u.-. bo iwl about thoso who shove off from Uiis world under Christiy pilotage. Don't let us Ikj i o agitated about our own going off this littic bargo or sloop or canal boat of a world to get on Eomo Great Eastern of tho heavens. Don't lot us per Bint in wanting to stay in this barn, this shed, this outhouso of a world, when all tho king's palaces, already occupied by many of our best friends, aro swinging wide open their gates to lot us in. THE HEAVENLY MANSIONS. When I road, "In my Father's house aro many mansions," I do not know but Uiat each world is a room, and as many rooms as there are world's, Btellar stairs, stellar galler ies, stellar hallways, stellai windows, stellar domes. How our departed frionds must pity us shut up in Uiese cramped apartments, tired if we walk fifteen miles, when they some morning, by ono stroke of wing, can make circuit of tho whole btellar sys tem and bo back in timo for matins I Porhaps yonder twinkling constella tion is tho residenco of Uio martyrs; that group of twelve luminaries is Uio celestial homo of tho Aposties. Porhaps that steep of light is the dwelling place of angels cherubic, seraphic, archangolic. A mansion with a3 many rooms as worlds, and all their windows illuminated for fes tivity. Oh, how this widens and lifts nnd stimulates our expectation I Kow littlo it makes tho present, and how stu pendous it makes tho f uturo I How it consoles us about our pious dead, who, instead of being boxed up and undor tho ground, havo Uio rango of as many rooms as there aro worlds, and welcome ovcrywhoro, for it is the Father's house, in which thoro aro many man.(iousI O Lord Gou of tho Seven Stare and Orion, how can I endure tho tmnspoit, tho ec stacy, of such a vision I I must oloy my text and sook him. I will seek him. I feeek him now, for I call to mind that it is not tho material uni vorso Uiat is most valuable, but Uio spiritual, and that each of ua has a soul worth moro than all tho worlds which Uio inspired herdsman saw from his booth on Uio hills of Tokoa. I had Btudied it boforo, but Uio ca thedral of Cologue, Germany, nover impressed mo as it did Uio last timo I saw it. It is admittedly tho grandest GoUiic structure in tho world; its foundation laid in 1248, only eight or nino years ago completed. Moro than six hundred years in building. All Europo taxed for its construction. Its chapel of tho Magi with precious 6tones enough to purchaso a king dom. Its chapel of St. Agnes with masterpieces of painting. Its Bpiro springing fivo hundred nnd oloven foot into tho heavens. Its stained glass tho chorus of all rich colors. Statues encircling Uio pillars and en circling all. Statues abovo Btatues until sculpture can do no more, but faints and falls back against carved stalls and down on pavements ovor which Uio kings and queens of tlio earth havo walked to confession. Nuyo aud aisles and transept and iwrtals combining Uio splendors of sunrise. Interlaced, intorfoliated, uitorcolumnod grandeur. As I stood outeido, looking at tlio doublo rango of Hying buttresses aud Uio forest of pinnacles, higher aud highor and highor, until I almost reeled from dizziness, I exclaimed; "Groat dox ology in Btouol Frozen prayer of many nations 1" THE IIUMULK 80UL. But whilo Btaudiug there I saw a poor man enter and put down his pack and kucol beside his bunion on Uio hard floor of Unit cathedral. And tears of deep emotion camo into my oyea as I said to mysolf r "Thoro is a soul worth moro than all Uio mato rial surroundiugs. That man will live after Uio last pinnaiio has fallen, and not ono stono of all that catiio- dral glory shall remain uncrumbled. Uo is now a Lazarus in tocb and pov erty and weariness, but immortal, and a son of tho Lord God Al mighty, pud tho prayei bu now offers, though L:nid many supersti tions, I Iwhovo God will hear; and among the Apostles whoso sculp tured forms stor.d in tho surrounding niches ho will ut last bo lifted, and into tho presence of Uiat Christ whoso sufferings are represented by tho crucifix before which hobowB; and bo raised in duo timo out of all his poverties into tbo glorious homo built for him and built for us by 'Him who makotii Uio Seven Stars and Orion."' .JtUU'lHUgtlVI HI Ui-'MTi CLKAN! Tf you would bo clean nnd linyo yourclothoa done up in U)hoatct nnd drossiest manner, take them to tho atliEM STKAS1 LAUNDRY wharf -tfUfrYflrk is done by white labor nnd in tlio most prompt irmnriur. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, fe Liberty Street "August a h Fl 9? lower " I have been afflict- BlliouanosQ, " ed with biliousuess ., ., "and constipation Constipation," for fifteen years; Cinm..h "first one and then Stomach ..another prepara. Paln9. " tion was suggested " tome and tried but "to no purpose. At last a friend " recommended August Flower. I " took it according to directions and " its effects were wonderful, reliev "ing me of those disagreeable "stomach pains which I had been "troubled with so long. Words "canuot describe the admiration "in which I hold your August " Flower it has given me a new "lease of life, which before was a " burden. Such a medicine is a ben " efaction to humanity, and its good "qualities and "wonderful mer- Jesse Barker, "its should be "made known to Printer, "everyone suffer- Humboldt, " iug with dyspep sia or biliousness Kansas. G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr.Woodbury.NJ. A 9Ian of Peace. Dr. Gatling was at the Ebbitt Houso tho othor day. "Yes, I'm tho cause of tho Gatling gun," ho said with a smile. "I invented it. I look on it as ono of tho great philanthrop ic works of tho age. Saved no end of liven, my gun has. How? By scaring people. Its uiero presence has kept down more tumult and riot, and without oven parading Uio streets with it, than anything olso I know of. Pvo letters to show to that effect People who don't stop to think might carry an idea round witii 'em that fm a bloodyminded man. Not much. Fm for peaco every timo. So's my gun." Washington Cor. Kansas City Times. Mervous Prostration, SO prevalent, especially among women, results from overtaxing tho system. The assimilative organs becoming de ranged, tho blood grows weak and iin poverished, and hence " that tired feel ing" of which many complain. For all such cases, there is no remedy equal to Ayor's Sursnparllla. Tako no other. "Somo timo ago I found my system entirely run down. I had a feeling of constant fatigue and languor and very little ambition for any kind of effort. A friend advised mo to try Ayer's Sarsa parilla, which I did with tho best re sults. It ha3 dono me more good than all other medicines I lae ever used." Frank Mellows, Chelsea, Mass. "For months I was afflicted with nervous prostration, weakness, languor, general debility, and mental depression. liy purifving the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I was completely cured." Mrs. Mary Stevens, Lowell, Mais. When troublod with Dizziness, Sleep lessness, or Bad Dreams, tako Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rmrAHED Br Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all DrugjUU and Dealers in MeJIcim. DB. MILES jik T5atiye Wggm Nervous Pmsmjcn, NIociletmoHft, Klolt nnd Tervna llcnilnclic, Ilnrknclic, lixzinoia,ttoi bld Fnr, Hut FlnahcM, Norvona I7npcpslu,IiilliiosH,Cnrunliii,IIyH. tTli, rili, Ml. Vitus' Ditnco, Opium llnlilt, Irmikeiinc-MN, etc., nro cured by Dr. Mlloi' Ucntorntlvo Xenlno. It doei not contain opiate. Mrs. Soila C. llrownlee, DoLand, Fla- suffered with Kpllrpsr for W year and teitlflea to a eomplotocure. Jacob l'otre. Lllu, Oregon, had bean aulforlng with Narr oua rrottratlon for tour year, could not aloep, nothlnir helped him until ha mod Dr. Miles' rto torntlvo Narvlnai ho It now wall. Kino books at dropetiu. Dr. Miles' Nerro nnd Liver Pills, Ad docs lor V cents at tha be remedy tor Biliousness, Torpid Urer, oto., etc Dr.Mllos' Nodical Co., Elkhart,lnd. TOIAI, HOTTrXE TKEE. Sold by U. J. Fry, tlnifjuist.Knlem. Act on a bow principle re gnlate tbe lirar, stoniich ud bowels MrvuoA (At ntrut Du. Alu-xs' 1iuji yii."y curs klMoaanus, torpid lirer and constlpv tlon. hmalleot, mlldo.t, rureotl 5pdooes,20ctJ, Kamules Ire at truni'istJ. P ju H:t Co , HUut. IU eUl bv V. J. Fry, rimiwUt, Salrtn. A LUMBERMAN'S RENDEZVOUS. This term might be applied to Htevrnt lMtnt, located ou the Wisconsin Central Duet), at the Kuleway to the vast Aireet nvlon which extends North to take Huperlor.adUUueu o art) mile without a break, nn nrrouut of luvnt lumber Inter vals. Tbe Wisconsin ltler to which the lumbermen have clen the mitullar and Komett ht atteotlonatu title of "old Wla cxins." not alone ncu at a lnnttier feeder to thoclty by turnlshlnir through Iu utnner oii triuuiarieManoutVt for thmtnd of arrexofplnelu theuppur rountry, but It lurnMie a water totr that Is second only to that of Nstah aud Menaaha. which rltle are also Iootet on the "CVu. trai." Alllllouaof feet of lumber are cut every year, g-tttng employment to hun dreds ol tneu. luuddltlonto the lumber trade. It has uumerotu other niauufuc torlea; It la here where tbe Urse cur ahoM of the Wisconsin Central Uneaareioealed. 'or tickets. uiart, pamphlet and full Information apply too. K. MoNetlL (1 T andT.A., Mluueapotls, Minn , and toJaa. C iVnd, General fasenjer and Tiektt AH'ut, Chicago, 111, ' M-ly T.DOSESfejT o CD 1 e- $. o o CD 0 CD O p ct- o cr CD 3 o s BaBaassaassacMiaBSBflBBa CO O w CD 9 o p ct- s- Q en . i a i b 3 tl e o CO P a, CD Ut h p CD p a p- Q CD cj p &. CD CD P CD P O a- cr CD TO et- p CT5 3 w p S o o P 3. P o CD o et- CD P ct- o n fro 5' eg crq o1 P ro K. fr ET. p o ro ' P K M p- 2 S5 - cT " H e p s, p a 5r Si d- P P P P W CD CD CD P O - .. P e- CD O u o p o CD P P P CD Q P P- 3. .-D P- P P P- 9 CD -! M. O CD CO P Pd CO o P-i o p- a. f. CO : O cs tr CD O P p p -1 W P P P- o CD CD M -p O'? CD 2. ? P CD $ I P 5 - ts p o t: fe CO CO p- p CD ? CO CD 2 O P CD at .o n CD P e- J5 O O P. CO CO o. Oi o CD CO o p p p p- 3. CD P- Pi P- o p o, P-. ?r co ro W Si P P 4- CD i Pj 2t ST tr CD t3 t3d p CO "fc m CJO rs CO 2. crr CO & a o P -t- P o p P ro CD CD - ct- co p S" E p CD i-i. o o CO O 0 CD g W P P P. m CD P et- w p a ?r CD p 3. o CD CO P H P4 P ci-CO l7incitonno on; tiuudujaim, lui BALEU, OREGON. GENERAL BANKING NAPOL.KON BAVI8 Dlt. W. U. BYIID JOllti MUIU. Presldent .Vice l'resldent. .Oishler J. H. HAAS, TILE VATCHMAOn, 2ISK Cii"merell St,, - lem, Oregon, (Noxt door to Klein's.) Bpoclniiy oi speo'nrle, and repairing Clock. Watches and Jerelry. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, 1200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GEO. WIL1.IA.MH WM. ENGLiANII UUQII MciNAJtY I'reslden -Vice Preoldent CashIer land, Dr. J. A. Itlchardson, J. w, llod&on, j. a. u.-iKcr. Hank In nef Kxchnugo block on Com mercial street, n.-j-u L B. HUFFMAN, Livery Stable and Feed Yard. Tha Best Box Stalls and Corral In tho Ity, Quiet, lamlly hordes a speclnlty. (In rear Willamette hotel.) SAIiBM, ... ORBOON MOM D.C.SHERMAN, U, 8, Pension nnd Claim agent. P.O Box JSl.Halem, Oregon. Deputy Count ClerJ' Vrlte for blanks. w JN8URANI E Kf i li. y f jlii HUM WiJlLUii.! 1 U rino. O, W. UEKl.Klt. Aennl. Blem Oroc:in Company. Klre ond Mn- Salem Abstract and Loan Co. The only Abstract books of Marlon county. Heal estate orders illled promptly and safely. W. H. H. WATERS, MANAGER t Fa &- S g fAWJQr2SEXrit-iiirjrU.r-v -. f vhiiCC'jsS' ANYTHING. From baled hay and feed to fine toilet soap, Key west cigars, tobacco pipes, knives, etc. can always bo lound at lowest prices; in, T. BUKROWS, No. 22tf Commercial 8t., Balen. M.T. RINEMAN DEAIKK IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockeiy, 'Glassware, Lumps TWoeden nnd Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Alwi vecetablenodfrults in their (.eapou. "illghest Price paid for country produce." Wesollci ashaieofiour p.itmii(!e. 9-9 I.Ufcitiiteatreot Conservatory oi' Music. WILLAMKTTE UNIV1.R8K Y.-Gives superior advantages to students of music. Klo leacbeis. Jjitest methods. Vocal and lustrumcntal muMc Inught to the highest prollclenry. No use going cast to btudy music. ExpenneH moderate. Diplomas given on completion of course. ext term begins t'eb. 1, lb3. Z M.l'AltVIN, MuMtral Director. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OHEGOK. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day. The best hotel between Portland nnd Pan Krat'clsco. V irst-clius In nil Its appoint, ment. Its tables are served with the Cltolcest JTniits Grown In the Willamette Valioy. A, I. WAGNER, Prop. Tickets ON SALE DENVER, 0maha,Kansas City,Chicago, ST. PAUL, ST. LOUIS, 'Mi all Points East, North and South, 270 PftinM fitrcwit Qnlam nAn nniu fc ,1 . ti:"l"l a,'"W W4VfeWM. WUAOH PRINTING aNKOFTHK LARQfcHT ESTABLISH menta n the Htale. Lower rules than l)rtland. Largest stock Legal ULtnks ir price list of Job printing-, and catalogue tl legnIbUnka. K. M. WA1T.E. .Hteftiu Printer aalwn Orwn (S50C 'J'scvz. m&ws V'Jfu aAT -5a Vj asft m. tv v HEALTH. 4n( & EIcJiaa'fl VCAM (YA - A fiftsj"' ilUASg I I E. K.JHLALL, Piper Hangorand Decorator. aSSog&r1'' mttioay 'tore, M.UCHAMBRUUN, O.M, SMITH, Le niclinn! Golden Dalsam No. J Cures Chancres, flnt and second stages Sores en tho Legs and B"dy; Sore Ears Eyes, Nose, etc., Copper-colored Blotches Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, ard all Srlmary forms of tho dlseaso known at yphllle. Trice, fB 00 per Hot tie. Lo Itlclmu's Golden Itulsnm No. Cures Tertiary, Mercurial 3yplillltlo Rheu matlsm, Pains In tho Bones, Palm In the Head, back of tho Neck, Ulcerated Sort Throat, Syphllltlo Hash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness of tho Limbs, am eradicates all diseaco from the system, whether caused by Indiscretion or abuas of Mercury, leaving tho blood pure and healthy. Price 85 00 per Ilottle. Lo ltlclinu's Golden HpanlsH Anti dot o for tho cure ef Gonorrhoea, (Meet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. Price 8 50 pel Hot tin. Ue Itlclmu's Golden Spanish In. Jectlon, forserere fjisesof Gonorrhcoa, Inflammatory Gleet, Strictures,&c. Price 91 r0 per Ilottle. re Itlclinn'a Golden Ointment lor tha cflectivo heallngof Syphllltlo Sorei, and eruptions. Price $1 00 per Box. Lo nicliau'a Golden Pills Nem nd Brain treatment! loss of physical pow cr excess or over-work, rrostratlon, eta Price 83 OO per Box. Tonlo and Nervine, Sent everywhere, C. O. D., securely pockcc per express. THE RICHARDs"5nUG C0.,Agcut? 609 611 MABKKT ST., Sara Francleeot OW EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta. Line CALIFORNIA KXPKE3S TnAIN RDN DAIIA BETWEEN FORTXAND AND S. F, Kouth. "North. 7:0C p. in. I Lv. U-IK p. in. Lv. 8.15 n.iil. Ar. Font, ca Snlern Bin Frnu. Ar. Lv. Lv. I T.6 I f..i 7:1 :6oa. in '.W a. in :00p 71) Above tiaiiiHKlop only nl lullOMlnc m tlonsuotth of IlcsebuiK, Lnnt I'tntlnr,' Oregon City, Woodburn, btiltin, AII.iik Tangent. Hhtdds, Haltey, Hurrlabui. lunctlon City, li vltjg and I.ngene. KOSKDUKO MALI, DAI1.Y, HM a. m. 11:17 a. m 6:50 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. I 4: 0 p. n: Lv Salem Lv. 1-40 p. id. Ar. Itoteburg Lv. 7.00 a. h Albnny Local, Dally Uxcept buinlnj. 5 00 p. III. 7:51! p. Ml. :00 p. in. Lv: Ar. Port land ."idem Albnny Ar. I 10:.i0a in Lv. 1 7.31 j;. liV, I B:.i0 a-, m. PDLLMAN BDFM SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- For accommodation ot passengers holding second class tickets attached to express trains. (Vest Side Division. Between Portland and Ceivallis: IVULY (EXCEPT SUNDAY. 7:30 a. in. laiOp. rn. fLv lorlland Ar. I 6:30 p. jlT, Ar. CorvallM Lv. li 5s p. ir.. At Albany and Corvallls connect 'Witli trtilus of Oregon Paciflo llailroad. EXMtlKS TK.IN (DAII.Y EXCE1TBPNDAY 1'ortIanrT 1:40 p. iu. I Lv. l'ortland Ar. 7&3 p. m. I Ar.McMlnnvilleLv. b:iXlu, in. 5:15a. in. Through Tickets To ull points LAST mid SOUTH bar tickets and lull mtorniution resid ing rales maps, etc., apply to the Coioj a nys ugent balem, Oregon. KP. IIOGEIIS, Asst. G. t and Pass. A g't K. KOKULKH. AiaDa, ( r From Terminal or Interior Points the icRM Is the lino to take To all Points East and South. It is the dining car route, ltruns thiough vestibule trains every day in the year 10 ST. PAUL AKD CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Composed of dlnlngcars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleeper- Of latest equlpuiti I TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can he constructed nnd In lHh accommodatlens are both Iree and iur nlBhed for holders of first and second-il.it s tickets, and ELEGAFT DAY COACHES. Acontluuors lice connestlng with ill lines, niloidlng d'rect nd unluteimi w I service. Pullman sit eper re ervntions can tc si cured In adviccc ton,Keli any agtni nl the road. Through tickets to and from all points in Amtrica, England and Europe cat- Le purchased ot any ticket ofHce of this ,.,. pany. l-,ill Infn.mollnn Mn.n..M . .. .H.uWiwaiiuuuiumuiiiE rales, tiit.e of tralns.roiites and other details furnist id on application to any neeut or A. li. UHAKLjTOK, Assistant General Passenger Agent. !o iTnd.Orcgon ' ""' " "! " '" SHAW & DOWNING, Arenn 11. M.11IUK'V - .r:-".---"-', viiei-reauttnt rresldunt. beeretan-' OEO.H.BIUUEHr, rnjl 1 , " iwimrr. UNION TITLE AJlSTlt (7T CO. uommerclal Street. .heciSut.UetMlaU(,bcstAUUcU ln 1"!W Lffi?K O? "KO MEN.- rbunoll every Tturdy evMdng, at 7S0. Wgirara in btate Inaursnre liaW, fc' "w"0' . ,., ......-,, ,.ui v iicwru, THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development compunj's steamship line. 125 miles Bhorter. SU i hours Iss time than by any othei loute. I-nt ciass through passenger ond freight hi IrOin IVirfliltlH nn all nnln.a l ..... ,11, lamette vullevito and trom Ban Frapc mo TIME SCHEDULE, (Kicept Btinciaysj. I.enve Albany ijyj yt Leave Corvallls ........ j:4u P Jl Arrive Yaqutna &so I' :.' Leae Yuqulna . ..... .b:A M Leave OorvnllU IfcEfi.v Jl Arrive Albany ....... u-jia V O. A r Imln. AnnB.. .. ,, ThAfihnVAtMln. mi.huI ... .m.,k. !5t lhe Orecon Development Uo' IJn JfHtfmhlrlipen Van ulna and 8i Kruclcrv. ivmi R J?" Fe ,rom l'ortland and aU W lllametto Valley point can make clou ASF1 A, K"UTEVAlbany orOorvHl.Ms and If destined to Ban Francisco. Btculd foredateofVallTng.4"1" w eTmg if.1W;rv?r,urorm"",,n apply to fieura T?;S JiV-A- "lt and Tthet Ajenu aoo and aoj Front L, Portland, t .r. CC. HOOUt: Atft Gen'l Frt. f raw. AjrU, Oregon l"adfle R. K. Oi. r Y-iiAswtxL r.3v$,&0r IVaa. A&L Qttgaa Derelopment Oa, m Montgomery iL; I'M '-jttt nnffwwylff'