tjjj. jt J a 'TlBJPfPEP''1 EVENING o i VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1S02. "TO-DAY'S JSTEWS TO-DAY." o. . i wmi ww 5?wWW;!Wr'i' " f-vr-T CAPITAL JOURNAL. G3K5fttS3?.ia22 Look This List Over and See What You Want. '. McF. PATTON, m CAPITAL JODRJSAL gaagassg I 'iMi it ' . The Siili Street Stationer, No. 98, Oiks Great Inducement for tlio Purchase of Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Plain and Fancy Stationery, Piush and Leather Photo Albums, Pocket Cutlery, Scrap Books, Tissue Paper for Paper Flowers. From 10 to 20 per cent. Can he Saved by Baying Your Books anil Slationcry at Ilic State Street Book. Store. CAWj AND SEE FOR YOl'BSKIiVEK 't THE RACKET S Al ORE JLJLy3 1 Men's Rubber Boots ' Plow Shoes Better " " - Oil Grain Plow Shoes Men's Congress ' Boy's School Shoes ,r Dress Shoos Children's Fine Shoes " Heavy " $1 ?2 00 worth $2 75 90 " 1 25 1 15 " 1 50 ... 1 45 " 1 75 1 45 and up 10, 1 SO and 1 45 .. 1 40 "1 80 . 35. 55e, G5 ... 80, $1 00, 1 10 Ladles' Glove Calf Shoes " Oil Grain " " Calf Shoe3 " Dnigola Shoes " Tipped Shoes " Flexible Dongola " - " ' Fine Dongola Kid " " Oxford Ties Children's Itubbers only The above list offers s me of the greatest bargains convinced call and examine. No trouble to show goods. Commercial ever known west of the Rocky si 15 worth $1 40 1 45 " 1 75 1 45 " 1 75 1 45 " 1 75 I 80 ' 2 25 2 15, $2 40, 2 75 2 GO, 3 00, 3 25 1 25, 1 45, 1 05 25 mountains. To be e f: osburn. ....y.-,.. .;.. .rr- rrrr-'-.v-rrrr" a'--""'?' Why Are Those Lots in Pleasant Home Addition SELLING SO RAPIDLY? :s:SC2.iL1TS2E the LOTS, e PRICES and the TERMS arG sure to suit everv hody' Take a walk or drive through the property and see 'the HOUSES and SIDEWALKS course of construction. MATERIAL is beinS hauled on the ground for ten s? -Call On- RELIABLE SEEDS. True to name and guaranteed fresh. Field, Flower Seeds. Garden and H0FER BROTHERS, EJitoiS. UBUBIIKDDAILY.KXCKITSUKD VY lir THE Caoltal Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.! Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. HulUtn Entered at tho postofTice at Balom oi.. . scrcnd-clnss rnotHr. Stools Tlie Largest When you buy of us you are sure to get what you want and a first-class article. No old seeds in the Store. AITKEN & PALMER, 126 and 128 State Street, - - SALEM, OREGON. Win. F, BURKE, Proprietor, One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. Harritt & Sflcintire, -SUCCESSORS TO WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR -522..'- STAPLE AID Fill GROCERIES, At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. You can get the latest MUSIC N 1 Bf4 Ti I If I .1 I A 1 for Infants and Children. "Cattorlals so well adapted to children that I recommend It a superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ancnrn, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria' fa so unlvemal and Its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Ouoos Matittk, D.D., New York City. Lata Pastor Bloomlngdalo Reformed Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, fives sleep, and promotes ct gestion. Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommendo5 your ' Castoria. ' and shall always continuo to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. PAnnrs, M. D., "Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are., New York City Tnit Ckntaub Company, 77 Moniur Bntn, Now Yoiui. J. M, Needham, HOUSE PAINTING, KALSO MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. 5 Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins, LOWEST PRICKS AT EASTON'S, 3IO Coramsrolal Street. Mend for Oatalocue FREE SNOW THE YEAR ROUND At 100 Chemeketa Street, House - and - Sign - Painting, Paner Hanelncr. Kalsominlnp;, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and tural Wood Finish. Only First-class Work. E, E. SNOW. Leave ordors J. Irwln's.lrearof Smith A Htclner's drug store. Natural Barr & P etzel ) Plumbers and Tinners, Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware. Tin rooting and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning aud Plumbing Furnished. 247 Commercial street, Salem. DRAYS AND TRUCKS Iwuys ready for orders. anu uenver woou, . coal and lumber. Of- State St.. opposite Ba- ... . . f lem Iron works. Drays and truck- miy b round mrougnour. me cwv ai the corner ef State and Commercial utrwem. Salem Truck & Dray Co. i V fleet: B. F. DRAKE. Proorl.tor. T. G- PERKINS, SopMistwdait SALEM IRON WORKS, SALEM, OREOON. Manufactures STEAM BNQINKH. Mill OutflU. Water Wheel Governors. Fruit iwiriVnuLflu Traction Engines, Cresting, etc. tuna machinery uisde and repaired. GenSSltMnuaid ninufactureisof the celebrated Wchlstroiu J-ateul Middling Purifier and Reels. Farm machinery made and rep3lred. Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTS, Manager. Lock Box 12 10, Seattle, Wash Breeders oi Thoroughbred Poultry of fol io wine varieties: B. C. White Leghorns, B. C. Brown Leg horns, While Plymouth Rocks, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Pit (James, Black Lang shams. Light Brahamas, Buff Cochins, Partridge Cochins, Bronze Turkeys. flnrt tor Circular and Price List. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meah at All Hours oi the Day None but white labor employed in this establishment. . , . . A good substantial meal cooked In first class style Twenty-five cents per weal, RBD H" RO N T Court street, between Opera Honso and MInto's Livery LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIO. Tho People's Column Full of In quiries and Kicks as Usual. Ed. Journal. I umUislnod thero whs a big remonstrance out which a great many signed baying the present bridge was good enough for bouth Commercial street for twenty yet. What has become of it? Old UuinoR. It has so far not been pn Rented to tho council. If it la Tun Jour nal will print it In justice to all par ties to the discussion. WHO SHALL BK CLKK1C? Ed. Jouknal. In ent-o of a con test as indicated in your colums, who will act us clerk V Patron. The present clerk will hold over until thu courts decide. AN OPKN LK.TTKK. TO THE IIONOItAULi: Ceuncil: The reoplo have a light to uxpeet from you geutlemeu a let up on a do nothing policy. You wuo elected on tho issue of pomnuieut public improvements. Tho people, the business men aud tho heaviest tax payers have asked of you a substan tial stone or brick arch viaduct on South Commercial street. Do you propose to give them a plank aud pile structure that will coat the city just as much now, and more In the long run? Is It not I lino to stop erecting rotting aud decaying pile bridges? You gentlemen are pledged to im prove our streets. If you have any respect for tho votes given you by tho people a few months ago, you will not let this year go by and gieeu bcum standlug In front of our business places, aud residence streets almost impassable. You will not allow a mayor who seems to bo a echo of a respectablo non-resident to thwart you at every slop to make needed Improvements. Are you gentlemen awaro that a finely improved street will go far to double tho value of overy foot of proporty fronting on tho Htrect Im proved ? Let tho honorable mayor shake his head at you as 'ho likes and hammer the desk till ho Is blue. He and his crowd will never bo put In control of the administration of this city utiles you are recreant to your pledges and dovold of all senso of duty to tho public. Business Man. an appeal for aid. En. Jeuiinal: I deslro through your puper to make tho following appeal to all Salem "pastors and church members: Wo, tko colored people of the city of Salem, mako an appeal to you to aid us In paying oil' tho debt on tho church building. Donations can bo sent to pastor St. Paul's A. M. E. church with names of givers, as wo deslro to publish all names of parties who do not object. Any wishing to address me by mall can do ho, caro of Wlllamotto uni versity. Yours, G. W. White, pastor. pnrse.built onmlle of good road. At this time the county in question was said ti eoutalu tho muddiest road In P.ul thu objict iesaon of the mile of roadbed had Its eflect, and iuv tho sumo county la cole brniefi fur its good roads. Wltlii'U going Into statistics as to the number of horses owned by the farm Vif this country, it Is plain tha a condition if affairs 'which exacts the labor of two horses to do what nhould bo the work of ouo is dis astrous 1i the bunliH'88 sense. Good road3 are tho lest possible invest ment for a j-tato that cares for the prwperily"of Ha greatest producing Jis. Thev are of the greatest lm pouauco to railroad?. Good roads wuuld easily double the width of the bell or zone of supply r-f railroad lines, and would maintain such supply winter aud summer. This would avoid the troublesome glut of freight when tho mud diles up, and the waijl of business hen tho frost leaving tho ground, produces lm pds.Huble roads. All this fcecms clear" euough, but Is hard to Imprebu upon those most nearly concerned, llow far state or federal aid should bo devoted to the end of seeurlug guod loads Is a queotlou for political economists. It hxems clear that without some such aid tho end will never bo readied. In Europe, the state is the road maker. The great caits of the French farmer, with broad tires, roll smoothly over splendid Telford surfaces, a taudem team drawing immense weights without painful etlort. A parallel plcturo is pre sented in other countries, England aud Italy among tho rest. The work of road improvements la being furthered by constant agitation, by publication of manuela on tho sub ject, and by an excellently edited monthly magazine published in Now York. All this work will eveutually have Its eflect. It has been found that roads can bo laid under tho boud system without overburdonlug the taxpayers, and it seems probable thut fifty years from now, the people will contem plate with amazomont tho condition of things that permitted a whole reclon of farming Industry to bo paralyzed by a "mud blockade." Ex. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Re RcJVhJ Baking" 1. Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE DUGAN BROS' Governor Pennoyor Bays ho will not attend tho Democrats etato convention or his party. Ho did not attend It four years ago and will not now for the reason that ho does not believe that public ofllolals should intorfore, even by their pres ence, with delegate conventions fresh from tho body of tho people. Btatm ov Ohio, orrv or Toledo,!.- Luoah County, I "" , vnAmt J. (Iiiknky makes oath thut he 1h tho senior partner of tho llrm 61 K. J. UllENKV Co., doing business lu tho City of Toledo, Couuty and BUito nforesnld, and llio sum arm win piiy mu mini ui un-. HUNDRED DOLLARS for unoli aud overy cuueof OATAiiuii Hint cannot bo cured by lh0uBoofHAL.siaATA,jin,.Cu.j.NKYi Hworn to hefofo me and subscribed In my. presence, this Utli day of P.oeinbcr, A, D. 188, A. W. OL K AHON . sKAi.1 Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh Curo is taken in ternally uiul acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, freo. F. J. Ohknky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 76 conts. A largo orchard is to bo planted on tho lowlands near Blalock's station, below Walla Walla. About IUt acres have already been prepared and a current wheel will pump water from the river for Irrigation purposes. It is said these lands, when Irrigated, produce unrivaled rrutt. Hopjrrowers in Polk county in tho vlclalty of Dallas aud Eola report that the hop louso has made Its appearance lu those localities. Next year they (tho lice) will probably be found grubbing up tho yards, pro viding they aro as much earlier In proportion aa those Polk county lice. B iker City Blade: Already sev eral families have removed from tho Eastern fetutes and settled In our midst, and au tntorvlow with them will ahow you how well our mineral resources aio being advertised throughout tho East. Tho-.o arriv ing uow uro only foreruuuers or what aro to come, and over 100 families! aro expected during tho coming summer. ltoscburgj-Rovlow: W. K. Cald well Informs us that hopgrowlng la to le'.'clvo Bomo attention In this boo lion lu thn futuro. On Hubbard crei k, B. Bpraguo will put out a yard of plx acres, and J. E Zachra, one of fifteen acres. On tho Cala poola, J. S. Mires will have a yard comprising Beveraluorea. This Is a good move, as tho Umpqua valley Is uuequaled for hops. School Clerk Wllliama Is engaged in making a consus of tho La Grande school dlssrlot. Tho school population last year was GOO. Tho clerk lutb already enumerated 750, aud this Is oxcIubIyo of tho territory north of tho railroad traok. It la evident from present Indications that tho total school population will exceed 000, or n gain of something like 30 per coin. A geutlemau who was walking over tho mil at Astoria, locating uumo town lots, camo very near gottlng shot. A ball, ovldontly shot from a rillo, whizzed by his head too close to mako him feel comfortable. It wua discovered that the shot was fired by a boy who waa hunting birds. Tho geutleman agreed not to glvo tho boy away if ho would never do so again. By tlio Loss of Her Baliy Woman Takes Her Life. A Littlu III a Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, Tho best class of work in our lino at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used. If You Expect to MAKE MONEY Id the Chicken linsl negg yon nerd the Pacific Incubator and Brooder. It Is cheap, reliable, substantial, easily understood, and will batch any kihd or boom better than a hen. Send to tump to pay fxMtuKe on our new M-page llliutra led eaUlozueof Incubators.ThorouKhbred Kowls, OALV. 1IKX. NKTT1NU9, Hone raHif. poultry supplies, etc. This Imnk coatalns 00 sull-slsed colored cuts of Thoroughbred Kow!,and Is replete with Information. Address PACIFIC INCUBATOR CO,, Ho. 1313 CASTRO ST., Oakland, Cal. Those Afflicted With the habit oi uslue to excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Kitrnt (Jrer, Or Call wrjte. MricUr COsQdvtjUal PlifeiJMWo. 0I "Wholesale andlretall dealers In STEAM AND PLUMBING 309 Commercial ntrteU Telephone No. 83. NEW DAILY MAIL STAGE Between Aurora, Uuttcvllle, t'liunipocg, rSt. 1'aiil ami Fuirlleld. Leaves Aurora dully at 10-JO a. in. Ar rives at KuliAeld 8 p. in. ReiunilUK-leave Vasraeld at 4 p. in. Arrives at Chutnpotg p.m. Leaves Cliaiopfx-if da. in. Arrive at Aurora. Vlu Uuilevllle,at8 a. in. Con- utt-u wiin morning!), r. uo. iraius iuiui north and south, i'osiengeis. bazifttKu and freight carried ut reuular rates, riervlce beg us Monday, llareh 17. ItW. Uh. JiOhKUll, i'rpr. FEAR & HAMILTON Loons negotiated on improved farm and etty projrty. oom 14, Busb flaalt bloclc flits E. O. CllOSS, and Packer ui.uui .ffM.4 1,, fTha Vt tra, dtUrtrttl to all psi of Up city, THE ROAD PEOBLEM. How a Few Miles of Good Roads Oporatu as an Object Lesson. Tho road (mention is uow one of the great Issues of tho day. Of all civilized countries, the United Btates probably holds tho palm for bad roads. The annual messages of gov ernors of states have taken cogniz ance of the need for better roads; the roads of a dlblrlot have Jieen made a subject for Indictment by a grand Jury. In tho dally paperH we read of a mud blockade, when farm ers wero couuneu 10 tiieir nouses becauso the roads wero Impasaable, Their produce was locked up, money became scarce; the local merchants suflered in their business, so that a local financial crisis was the effect of bad roads. Wo read that a farmer in Pennsylvania, whllo using a six horse team to haul a Dingle load of hay, had one of his homes fall In tho road, aud the horse drowned bo fore It could bo got out. This quts- Hon, "How ore tho roads?" bo fre quently put In country places, telle a whole story of the dependence of farmers on roads for their prosperity, comfort, and even for aoclol recrea tion and enllghtment. Without practicable transit, thero can bono aupporl for family gatherings, lecturex or lycoums, and the very schooling of the children of thu country depend on the same thing good rondtf. OccNidouly It Is found that the people In a given district Mho to the Imrx-stuncc 0f this subject. In New Jersey, a fjroup of adjoining coun'lea have positively truns the face of the country by constructing many rnllea of oiacad amiicd or telfordlzed rodii. In Kentucky, la pntu of New York, in tbo suburbs of Uoaton. and other idem the aauiH movement ban pro Ind,, qKNKHAb NKW3 NOTES. Iu overy portion of Wasco couuty farmers aro busy plowing, and largo areas or ground aro being prepared for grain. Iloseburg voted a special 10-mlll school tax without a dlssouting voice. That's business, and It spoaks volumes for the enterprise and pro grcsslvcucsH of Its citizens. Last Monday tho town of Lexing ton voted u. 10-mlll tax, a large part of which will bo UBed toward tho early construction of a $1500 school houso. Tho poatolllco business of Albauy has been very satisfactory during the first quarter of 1802, and will warrant raising tho ofllco from a third to a second clasa olllce. A. L. Alderman, of Tillamook, has been appointed deputy collector of customs for Tillamook bay, and has been ordered to Astoria to take oath and recelvo instructions," TheBonauza mine, near Robln Mouvllle, Is being worked at present and uh a remilt Is making souio ex cellent yields, a gold brick, valued at $1218, being thu clean-up of only twenty-one days' run, A subscription paper is being cir culated for the purpose of improving tho Guthrlo road. This is ono of tho worst pieces of road running to Dallas, aud one thut has a great deal of travel over It. Tho progress of laying tho new steel rails on the Woodburn-Bprlng-field branch railroad from Bllverton Is very slow. A small force of China men lit at work and the rails are laid only a distance of about two miles from Woodbum. George . Itoblnsou, suerlnton dent of the Colorado mine, situated about eight miles from 1'ralrlo City, brought In f 1176, a clean-up after a few days' run. Tho gentlemen says that he has a three-foot vein of ore which will average f 100 per ton. Baker City U to have a baseball team this teuton, aud It has been auggcated that, aa Walla Walla could not go luto the Northwest league, the old l'cl(la Interstate (Jlrl'H Experience Lighthouse Mr. and Mrs. Loron Trescott aro keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Band lieach. Mich,, aud aro blessed with a daughter, four years old. Last April she was taken down with measles, followed with a dreadful fnni'li and tiirnlner Into a fever. Dootoia at homo and at Detroit treated her. but In vain, she grew worso rapliily, until she was a more "handful of bonos." Then sho tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after tho use of two and nhalf bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery Ih woith Its weight In gold, yet you may got a trial bottle freo at Daniel J. Fry' drugstore, 221 Commercial street, New Washington, l'enn., peoplo aro not slow about taking hold of a new thing, If tho article has merit. A few montliH ago David Dyers, of that place, bought his first stock of Chamber aln'a Cough Remedy, llo has sold it all aud ordered more, "It has given tho beat of satlsfao Hon, I have warranted overy bottle, and lutvo not had ono como back." 25 and CO cont aud fl.00 bottles for sale by Q. 12. Good, drug glut. BALKS! MAIWKX ItlU'OUT, A Hynopsls of the Markets lluj-lng unit Helling, l'rlce. w:visKr quotations. ICKTAII. 1'liICKft. HhoulrtcnUKigur oured,per lb,10, llreakfast bacon 16 Hains-Mugurcured,!per;ilJIGJe. llocr-fi9lij l'ork-ad 10 MuUm-M)2He. Voal-lOl2Kit. .. . , Timothy keed-l'er pound, Hal selling lied clover seed l'er toiim!, 1 to. WlUUieioverseeu rttrpuuuu, juv.f . Altlke lHo iwr iKjuud. Ilea uip luuiwr ihiuuu. Lincoln Onus 12o jwr pound, liixllnn. llViixir ixiund OrcUurdUrass..l7a iMiriwund. New potntoiu 40! per bushel. Canned KruluJ'ettclies, M IW, aprtept, H tv, blacklerrle, U; corn, best grades ll ur, toMiuuxm t fjO: string beuns II Mr, green peas It A; lr uoi, lu two lb vuus. Yttmu VegcUibfes-rotatotm )o; carrot SKe: parsnip Via. onions 8o per lb. KUh.J4uliiion 8.100 per lb; Hturgeow ft 7o per Ib-sinall fish Wo per lb; sultsalinou, 7loo ir lb. Mtnrixu.i'KiciM, Wheat-iuth Bla, storagellfic. Mour-l'er barrel. m,tsHWIbr, OaU l'er bushel, &.i lUrley-I'er bushel. tsSSOo. liruu-lVr ton. rt WJiit!mlll, saobed. Hhorts-rer ton. raw " oiirl. ubi-t'or tou. f MH " luriied. Wooi-lto to els. Kggv- 14c per down. I'uiutocs t'er bushel, 16c com meal 3o per pound. Cheese VbAUo per iind. imta piums ,-eriu. ooo. -rr iu. ii SUICIDE BY HANGING. How Mrs. Gatherino Myers Tosi Her Life Yesterday. Poutlanp, March 15.Ctttheriu Myers, a German woman, wife o Antone Myers, proprittor of a 6au sago factory at 287 Third Btn-et hung liersolf iu her room yesterday, aud tho body is now resting at thl morgue. Tho story of tho tragedy ia tru closing chapter In tho drama oft sad life. Driven orazy by grief ovei thu death of a babe while yet suck lng at Its mother's breast, Mra Myers. In a fit of madneiw, ha rk parted this world. Mr. and Mrs. Myora llvo in room. over tho Oril saloon, at 237 Tbi street. They aro natives of Ger many, having been In this country about twelve years. They have been married only a few years, and thi frulta of their union was tho child tho joy and pride of the parent hearts. But It was too frail to be nurturet Into strength iu this world, aud six,! iiinnrlin nftnr lln hlrtti tho httho was' ImI.I I.. ,1. ....... ... WI.a rri nt il.rtiJ Ullll ill VIIU IUV. XUU IlKXl U, il llttlo ouo unbalanced the ruotusrs mind, and sho has been demented over since. Not u fow weeks ago the J doctors attending her decided that sho must bo committed to tho Insane asylum, but, as her insanity had never taken a desperate form, her lniBbaud was loth to havo her taken away frpm him, Yesterday Myers was worklug usual lu his factory baok of the loon, and had left his wife in her, room with no suspicions of any uti-, usual demonstrations on her patt. About 0:30 ho had occasion to go upstairs, and found her hanging by a ropo and swiuglng clear of tbe Hoor. A ribbon doubled was w ourely tied around hor neck, and a common clothes lino was fastened at ouo end to It, aud the other around tho sill of tho transom over the door. An overturned chair was ovuleticcthat sho had climbed on to It and fastened Iho ropo, and then kicked It over. Myers was too overcome to collect Ills soilpcs, aud instead of cutting her down rushed out of the room and downstairs, crying that his wife had hanged hcraolf. John Bellsls, deputy sheriff, was passing at the time, aud on hearing Myers' cries went upstairs with him to investi gate tho matter. Ho immediately cut her dowu and dispatched a messongor for adoctorandacoroner. Tlio woman's eyes wero open as u hung iu her ghastly situation, and she winked several times, but WM tumble to say a word. It was evi dent that she had not boon in the position long. 8ho was black in the face and unconscious, and expired before tho arrival of the doctor, Tno coroner arrived soon after, and tho woman was taken to the morguo. A ueop reu mar on uer tieek showed only to plainly how stio had met her death. She is ft plain looking German woman of about 30 years of age. Bhe had no other children. 5 Bothering tho Settlers. San Antonio, Tex., Maroh 15. Tho situation on the lower Uoi Grando border on tho Texas stdo ia . assuming a serious aspect. Com plaints from honest and highly re spected cuizeus concerning the al leged unjust actiou of certaiu United Btates troojw continuo to pour Iu from all quarters, to the effect that they are being harassed by troops for alleged complicity with Garza, Itobort Bummerlln, legal representa tive of ail the wealthy ranchmen who so fur have been arrested, baa gouo luto tho matter with a view of making a strong legal flght. He has also preferred very sensational charges, backed by oflldavlU, liefore President Harrison, against Captaiu John liourke, uroa-td. In l'arke Couuty. a rod enthusiast, out ef bis prlvatV Wague may possibly b rtorrfanl;MKL prlfcUpmn iiuuer sv oer noum MlAe. id I for good Ijard-iualasperib , llams yitt piund,ll13o. siaes VMiuper in. j perio. . )pr pound, ulb, Oae7iaprlb, Uop,16C iiacon sides Wl Hhouldr-K9a Chloktus..7ai0o Turksrs 10 to Vln i7prn. Going to kria 1, Wabuinoton, March 15, The United States steamer TbetU, wnleb has boon surveying oft the ooast of Lower CsJJfonils, liaa arrlvtd at Ban Dlego'and will h ordered to San Francisco to be rlUl out Pat sorvlco In Pouring sea. Mortality el Xtsicui GMtlaU Cn-Y of Kxxioo, Mareb la. There liaa bmu gwat mortality among the geaerak of the Mexican army during the Met law snoalbs and the long Hat w increaacd Bun j day by the dt er QenertJ Iguaoio i ronojoM a) bta bean ia A9Untu. a m ffid m;fM "yaw l4sAWIMJftAilttfM Mjfctajt.1fcni i ll r ii I'm i 11 1TT J-f 4&mmm irtmm aa aiiBssetaWBesMajstaasMSsleM , ErSm