Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 14, 1892, Image 4

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mai a, i Ttuait aaafcgJWM if
nr. tacobs oil,
Sprains, Bruises, Cots, Wounds, Soreness,
StifTeoss, S'.vetllng3, Backache, Neu- A
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ramie, ouiauua. uuiuo.
, Wesson Dnum from tlio Bible Story of
Of, King of lltshnn, Whose Bedstead
T"Wn Nine Cubits Long and Four Cubits
Brooklyn, March 13. Dr. Tnl-
,agogavo anotlioi illustration tins
morning in his sermon at tho Tabor-
"naclo of his wonderful nower of
drawing useful, practical lessons from
? bo ouscuro tcxi, wuicu, to uio ordi
nary mind, Beemotl incapable of yield
ing any spiritual edification. Tho
text was Deuteronomy iii, 11: "Only
Og, Icing of Bashan, remainod of tho
remnant of giants; behold, his bed
tnil wtin n lwviRtpnii of iron ! in if
not in Rabbath of tho children of
i Amnion? Nino cubitn was tho length
tlioroof and four cubits tho breadth
of it."
ThoBtory of giants is mixed with
myth. William tho Conqueror was
said to havo boon of overtoworing al
titude, but when in nftertimo his
tomb was opened his bones indicated
that ho had boon physically of only
ordinary size. Roland tho Horo was
said to havo been of astounding stat
ure, but v.'hOn his sopulcher wts
examined hiH armor was found only
largo enough to fit an ordinary man,
Aloxandor tbo Great hud helmets
and shields of enormous sizo mudi
and loft among tho people whom ho
had conquered, so as to givo tho im
pression that ho was a giant, although
ho was rather under than over tho
usual height of a man. Dut that in
other days and lands thero wero real
giants is authentic. Ono of tho guards
of tho Duko of Brunswick was oight
jand a half feet high. In a musoum
in London Ls tho skoleton of Charles
JBirno. eight foot four inches in
staturo. Tho Emperor Maximin was
ovor oight feet. Pliny tolls of a giant
'nino feet high, and two othor giauti
nino and a half feet,
i So I am not incredulous when I
,'couio to my text and find King Og a
giant, and tho sizo of ids bedstead,
turning tho cubits of tho text into
feofc tho bedstead of Og, tho king,
must havo been about thirteen and a
half fcot long. ,Tu'jVhi; from that,
tho giant who occupied it was prob
ably about cloven feet in stature, or
nearly twice tho avomgo human
Jmzo. Thoro was no need of Rabbin
,fcal writers trying to account for tho
presenco of this giant, King Og, as
,thoy did, by wiying that ho camo
down from tho other side of tho
oQood, being tall enough to wudo tho
iWatora bosldo Noah's ark, or that ho
rodo on tho top of tho ark, tho pau
'pcmgcrs inside tho ark daily provid
ing liim with food. Thoro was noth
ing supernatural about him. IIo wns
pimply n monster in sizo,.
Evnnrnuxn HAcitiinoEu to ht itiurnTii.
j Cyrus and Solomon slept on beda
of gold, and Sardanapnlus had no
ucuHioiwis oi from iiurwii up wuu ' i1Hnuu ,, i ,.f .rin,.fn ;,.
him, but thto bwlHtenc or my text , elo ,, co, giants in usefulness. Thoy
wis of iron-owryUiing mcrillco.1 1 liv0 not out moro Uinn lmlf thmr
bical pygmies may bo judged by thoir
eurroundiugs. That man has been
thirty years faithful in attendance
upon churches and prayer meotin.TJ
and Sunday schools, and putting
liiinsolf among intense religious as
sociations Uo may havo his imper
fections, but ho is a very good man
Great is his religious stature. That
other man has been for thirty years
tmong influences intensely worldly,
l nd ho has shut himuelf out from all
ether influences, """and his relifrious
staturo is that of a dwarf. No man
over has been or can bo indojndent
of his surroundings social, iutol
kctual, moral, religious.
Tho Biblo indicates tho length of
iho giant by tho length of his bed
stood. Let no man say, "I will bo
good," and yet keepovil surround
ingH. Lot no man say, "I will bo
faithful as a Christian," and yot con
tort chiefly with wordlings. Yon
aro proposing an everlasting iinixn
nihility. When a man departs thw
lifo you can toll what has been hia
influence in a community for good
by thoso who mourn for him, and by
how sincere and long continued ai e
tho regrets of his taking off. Tmpio
may bo uo pomp or obsequies and n
proteiibo at opitaphcology, but you
can tell how high ho was in conse
cration and how high in usofulneus by
how long is his shadow when ho
comes to lio down.
What is truo of individuals is trao
of cities and nations. Show mo tho
freo libraries and schools of a city,
and I will toll you tho intelligent o of
its people. Show mo its gallery of
pointing and bculpturo, and I will
tell you tho artistic advancement of
itd citizens. Show mo its churches,
and I will toll you tho moral and
roliirious status of tho placo. From tho
fact that Og's bedstead was thirteen
and a half fcot long, I coucludo tho
giant himself was about cloven foot
But lot no ono by this thought bo
induced to surrendor to unfavorable
environments. A man can mnko his
own bedstead. Clinntroy and Hugh
Miller wero born stonemasons, but
tho ono beciimo nu immortal sculptor
and tho othor a Christian sciouiist
whoso uamo will nover dio. Tumor,
tho painter, in whoso praiso John
Ruskin oxpended tho greatest goniuu
of his lifo, was tho mm of a harbor
who advertised "a penny a shav."
Dr. Pridcaux, ono of tho greatest
scholars of all timo, earned his way
through collogo by Bcouring pota and
pans. Tho lato Judge Bradloy worked
his way up from a charcoal burner
to tho bench of tho supremo com t of
tho United States. Yes, a hhui can
decide the bh.o of his own bedstead.
Notice, furthermore, that oven
giants must rest. Such enormous
physical ondowment on tho part of
King Og might suggest tho capacity
to strido across all fatiguo and omit
slumber. No. Ho required an iron
bedstead. Giants must rest. Not
appreciating that fact, how many of
tho giants yearly break down. Giants
business, giants in
'tor ntrougth to hold this oxcessivc
avoirduiM)!, this Alp of bono and
flesh. No woudor this couch win
kept as a curiosity at Rabbath, ami
people wont from far and near to ndo
it, just as now people go to museum
to oouoiu uio armor or uio aucionts.
You say wliat a tighter this glimt.
King Og, lmtst havo loeu. No doubt
of it. I tupposo tho sizo (if his sword
and breastplate corresponded to t ie
gizo of his bedstead, and his utt.L
across tho oattionom and mo l if i
etroko of Iiiu arm must havo been t.p
palling. With an armed hot lu
oomos down to drlvo back tho Isrn'il
itos, wlio aro marching on frm
Egypt to Canaan. Wo havo no p a
tioulars of tho battlo, but I thluk fie
Israelites tromblod wlioir thoy u .v
tills monster of a man moving dovr
to crush them. Alau for tho Israolit e '
Thoy try tooscapo the consequence
of overwork by n voyago acioss tlio
sea or a sail in a summer yacht, or
call cm physicians for relief from in
soninia, or restoration of unstrung
norvon, or tho arrest of apoploxios,
whan all thoy need Is what this giant
of my text resorted to an iron bed
stead. Lot no ono think bocuuso ho
has great strongth of body or mind
that ho can afford to trillo with hiB
unusual gifts. Tho commercial world,
tho literary world, tho artistic wo-ld,
tlio political world, tho roligioua
world aro all tho timo aquako with
tho crash of falling giants.
King Og, no doubt, hud a throne,
but tho Biblo novor mentions his
tin ono. King Og, no doubt, hud a
crown, but tho Bible novor mentions
lilt ni'nu'n Iv'tmr Otr twt ilmilif lirwl
WmUiolrtroubloanovercecwer W.iat n BC01)tor, 'hut tho Biblodoes not men
can men flvo and a half toot high .y, Uonhlsscoptor. Yet ono of Uo largest
againBt this warrior of olovon f ot
and what wui short swords do an'.t
!a awonl whoo gleam miwt havo I on
'liko a flash of lightuingit Tlio ba t 1
'of Editi opoued. Moses mid his or i;
mot tho giant and Ida army. T1j
Lord of Hosts descended into tt;
'fight, and tho gigantic U"iiteH t'u.
Oghml juado when advauoing mt
xuo lkiuio wore more man oqsiuu i
by the gigantic strides with which la-
retroatod. Huzza for triumph tut
Igraell Sixty fortiflwl clticu sur-i-oudorod
to them. A laud of lade
itcribuulu opulouco comcM into thcti.'
possession, and all that id loft of the
giant jdug is Uio titm iKKHtetnJ
"Nmo cubits was tlio length thoroof
awd four cubiU tho brcxultli of it"
Why did uot tlio Biblo glvo us tho
mm of tho giant instead of tho aizo of
Sbo bodatcHid! Why did it not indi
ato that tho man was olovon feet
Ugh instead of telling us that hij
och was tliivtcou and a half foot
kucf No doubt, amongothor things,
ttwas to teach ua Uiat you can judge
m a maq by his surroundings. Shou
a mans nssoaatos, snow mo a
man's hooka, show mo n imiu's homo,
aud IiviU tell you what ho ia wititout
mr telling mo ono worn about him
Twi cannot only toll n man, accord
uy tho vtm
scoptor. Yet ono of Uio largest
voiwi of tlio Biblo is takon up in do
wnbing his bedstead. So God all up
mid down tho Biblo honors sleep.
Adam, with his head on a pillow of
LMonic roses, litis hisslumlwr blest by
a divine gift of beautiful eompunion
Hliip. Jacob, with his head on a pil
low of rock, has his bleep glorified
with a ladder filled with descending
and Bsconding unguis. Christ, with
a pillow made out of tho folded up
coat of a fisherman, honors slumber
in tho back part of tlio storm tossed
Tho only caso of accident to sloop
mentioned in tlio Biblo was whon
Eutyehus foil from n window during
a sermon of Paul, who hud proochod
until midnight, but that was uot so
much a condemnation of sloop ai a
consuro of lougbormous. Moro uWp
14 what tho world wants. Eoon
mir.0 in everything but sleei). WU
Ham II. Sowurd, tho renowned bociv-
Uuy of state, in tho midst of hu
ovunnatiteriug toils longed for the
caixvcity to rest, writing In hia mem
oituidum book, "I havo never found
but ono invaluable lvcijK) for having
a good night's rout, and that is to
havo been ivsUckj and Bleoploss tho
night before. "
Yhan Prosidout John Quinoy
Adams and tho distinguished Jiwinh
Quinoy weut to luxir Judgo Story
locturo on law to his students, and,
bird, thoy retired at tho timo tho bird
puts his head under his wing.
Ono of our national gins is robbery
of Bleep. Walter Scot; was eo urgent
nlxmt this duty of slumlw, that
wbon arriving at hotel where
thoro was no room to sleep in, except
that in which thoro w.j a corpse, in
quired if tho dcccoK vl had died of a
contagious diwjeso, and when as
fured ho had uot, took tlio other bed
in tho room and foil into profound
est sluinlwr. Thoso of small endur
ance must certainly requiro rost, if
oven tho giant ncodj an iron bed
Notico, furthermore, that God's
peoplo on tho way to Canaan need
not bo surprised if thoy confront
somo sort of a giant Had not tho
Jsmehtish host had trouble enough
already! Not Red sea not enough.
Water fammo not enough. Long
inarches not enough. Opposition
by onomics of ordinary Btaturo not
enough. Thoy must meet Og, tho
giant of tho iron bedstead. "Nine
cubics was tho length thereof and
four cubics the breadth of it." Vv hy
not let these Israelites go bmoothly
into Canaan without this gigantic
opposition? Oh, thoy needed to have
thoir courage and faitli further teated
and developed I And blessed the man
who, in our time, in his march toward
the Promised Land does not meet
moro than one giant.
Do not coucludo that you aro not
on tho way to Canaan because of this
obstacle. As well might tho Israel
ites conclude that thoy wero not on
tho way to the Promised Land because
they mot Og, tho giant. Standing in
your way is some ovil propcni ity,
some social porsecution.somo business
misfortune, somo physical ditiebs.
Not ono of you but meets a giaj t who
would liko to how you in twain.
Highor than eleven feet this Og dark
ens tho sky and tho rattlo of his
buckler stuns tho ear. But you aro
going to got tho victory, as did tho
In tho namo of tho God of M kw .
and David and Joshua and Paul
chargo on him, nnd you will loivo
his camua in tho wildornebo. Yo.i
want a battlo shout! Tako that with
which David, tho flvo footer, assailed
Goliath, tho nino footer, when that
giant cried, with Btmging contempt
both in manuor and intonation,
"Como to mo, nnd I will givo thy
flesh unto tho fowls of tho air
and to tho boasts of tho field,"
and David looked up at tho mon
ster of braggadocio and defiantly
replied: "Thou coinost to mo with
a sword and with a spear and with ti
shield; but I como to theo in tho
namo of tho Lord of Hosts, tho God
of tho armies of Israel, whom thou
liast defied. This day will tho Lord
deliver theounto inino hand, and I will
umito theo and tako thino head from
thee, und I will givo tho carcasses of
tho host of tho Pliilistines this day
unto tho fowls of tho air and to tho
wild beustn of tho earth, that all tho
earth may laiow that thero is a God
in Israel."
Then David, with probably thrro
swirls of tho sling about his head, got
it into Bufllciout momentum and lot
fly till tho cranium of tho giant broko
in and ho fell, nnd David leaped on
bib carcass, ono foot on his chest nnd
tho othor on his head, and that was
tho last of tho Philistine But bo
suro you got tho right battlo shout
and that you titter it with tho right
spirit, or Og will roll over you ae
candy as at night ho rolled iuto his
iron bedstead.
Brethren, I havo made up my mind
thni wo will havo to fight idl tho way
up to tho Promised Land. I ut,ed t
think that after awhile I would got
into a timo where it would 1h smooth
air 4 cosy, but tho timo docu not como,
and it will nover como in thi.i woild
By tho timo King Og ib used up tr
that ho cannot goMntohis it embed
btoud, some other giant of opposition
looms up to dispute our way. Lot ur
stop looking for an easy timo and
make it a thirty yearn' war, or a sixty
years' war, or a hundred years' war,
if wo livo bo long.
Mimt 1 Ihi cnrrloJ to tlio bMu
On Hum cry tx iU of oiuk,
WUllu othvra fought to w In tins iirlie
Ami nullcil ttirouu'li blood wul
Do you know tho namo of tho b'g-
gost giant that you can jxiksibly
mtot and you will meet him? He
is not olovon feet high, but one hun
dred foot high. His bedstead is as
long as tho continent. His uamo is
Doubt His common food is infidel
bocks and skeptical lectures and min
lhteis who do not know whether the
Biblo is inspired at all or inspiiol hi
siotd, and Christians who tmi more
infltlol thon Christian. You will
novor reach tho Promised Land un
less you slay that giant. Kill Doubt
or Doubt will kill you. How to over
como this giant? Pray for fidth, go
with peoplo who have faith, muI
everything that encourages faith,
avoid as you would ship fever and
funiillpax tho peoplo who lack tA'Au
In this battlo against King Og iw
not for weaiou8 thecrut.-a of dunn
ing Christian or tho bharp u ot a
controversialist, but tho sword of
tnith, which ia tho word of CKd. T..v
word "If" is made up of t'.e spine
numlier of lottois as the awutf O '.'
and it Is jiust ua big a giant. "K" ilu
Bible bo truu. "If" tho soul Lt "n
mortal. "If Christ bo Q d "W
our belief and bohaviur be" . u-.do
our future deatlny. "If Jf'lf.
I lmto that word "Ii." u4h V. i v. r
pays it is ft conjunction; I say it i u
armed giant Satan breathed upon
itacurbo when ho said to Christt "If
thou bo the Sou of God." What a
dastardly and infamous "H." Against
that giant "If' hurl Job's "I know"
and Paul's "I know." "I know that
my Redeemer liveth." "I know iu
whom I have believed." Down v. iih
tho "If" and up with "I know."
Oh, thnt giant Doubt is such a
cruel giant 1 It attacks many in tho
last hour. It could not lot my mother
nlono even in her dying momerts.
After a lifo of holiness nnd coubc na
tion such as I nover heard of in bny
one clso. sho said to my father,
"Father, wliat if, after all, our
prayers and struggles should go for
nothing." Why could sho not, af .or
all tho trials and sicknesses nnd be
rcavementa of a long lifo and tho in
firmities of old nge, bo allowod to go
without buch a cruel stroke from
Doubt, tho giant? Do you wonder I
havo a grudge agahiht tho monster?
H I could I would givo him a bigijer
bounce than satan got when, hurlod
out of heaven, tho first tiling ho
struck was tho bottom of perdition.
Another impression from my buI
jfct tho march of tho clinch can
not bo lmnrded by gigant;c opio3i
tion. That Ismelitish host led on by
Moses was the church, and when Og
the giant, him of tho iron bedstead,
camo out against him with another
host a frcdi host against one that
seemed worn out tnings must havo
looked bad for Israel. No account is
given of tlio bedstead of Moses ox
ccpt that ono in which ho first slept
tho cradlo of aquatic vegemtion on
tlio Nile, win re tho wife of Clio
nephrcs. the Idng, found tho floating
babo, and having no child of her
own adopted him. Moses of ordi
nary sizo against Og of ixtraordi
miry dimensions.
Besides that Og was backed up by
sixty fortified cities. Moses was
backed up seemingly by nothing but
tho desert that had worn him and
his army into a group of undisci
plined and exhausted stragglerj. Eut
tho Israelites triumphed. If you spell
tho namo of Og backward you turn
it into tho word "Go," and Og was
turned backward and mado to go.
With Og's downfall all tho Bixty cities
surrendered. Nothing was left of
tho giant except his iron bccUU ad,
which was kept in a musoui l at Rab
bath to show how tall and stout h"
onco was.
So shall tho last giant of opposition
iu tho church's march succumb. Not
sixty cities captured, but all tho cit
ics. Not only on ono sido of Jut clan,
but on both sides of all tho rivers
Tho day is coming. Hear it all ye
who aro doing something for the cc n
epiost of tho woild for God and the
truth, tho timo will como when, as
thoro wns nothing left of Og the
giant, but tho iron bedstead kep at
Rabbath as a curiosity, there will b
nothing left of tho giantB of iuiquiiy
oxcopt boinothhig for tlio relic h n t
era to examine.
Which of tho giants will b tho last
slain I know not, but there wilj bo a
muboum bomowhoro to hold tho relics
of what thoy onco wero. A rusted
sword will be hung up tho only relic
of tho giant of war. A dei lijohn
tho only relic of tho giant of Inebria
tion. A roulette ball tho only r 'lie
of tho giant of Hazard. Apicturod
certificate of watered stock tho oily
relic of tho giant of Stock G.mbliu
A broken knife tho only re! .oof the
giant of Assaasinntion. A yellow
copy of Tom Paino tlio only relio of
tho giant of Unbelief. And ir-it mu
seum will do for tho later ap a cf the
woild what tho honbedstctu! at Rab
bath did for tho oarlior ages
Do you not boo it makes nh tho dif
toienco in Uio woild whether wo aro
fighting on toward n miserable defeat
or townul n thud victory All tho
Biblo promibos prophesy tin latter,
and ko I cheer you who aro the troop3
of God, ami though many tl lags aro
dark now, liko Alexander I review
the army by toichhght, nnd I givo
you tho watchword which Martin
Luther proclaimed, "Tho Lord of
Hosts I" "Tho Lord of Ilotsl" nnd
I cay out oxultingly, with Olivor
Cromwell at tho battlo of Dunbar,
"Let Gtxl arise; lot his enemies bo
Muko idl tho preparations for tho
world's evaiigoltaation. Have tlio
faith of Robert and Mary Moffat, tho
miabiouni ies, who, af tor preaching in
Buchuiuiftland for ten yours without
ouo convert, when asked what they
would liko to have bout them by way
of gift from England, said, "Send a
communion borvico for it will bo
Burely needed ," and suro onough tho
expected iugntheiing of mauybouls
was reidizod and tho communion serv
ice arrived iu timo to celebrate it.
Appropriately did that missionary
write in an album whon his auto
graph was rocmeated .-
My nlbum U tho sa uo tiiwut.
Whoro 4litrkiHM rolteus and t4mi0ttU urbt,
Without ouo my uf light.
To wrlta tlio immo of Jeeus tluvv.
Ami oltit to worlds loth bright muI fulr.
Ami mhi tliowKtr ixnwxl In irn)nr,
I my BHjinmio iUltht.
WHmtover your work and wherover
you work- for G oil for waul ! You
in your way and I in my way. With
holy pluck, fight on with aoaif.dug
ot tho strength of Thoiui'-t Tivu
bridge, who at Iukormatm had ono
log Bitot off nnd tho foot of tUi other
lag, and when they proponed toourrv
him off thofirfd replieel: "No; I do
not move until the batle is won."
Whatever lie the rockiiur uf the
church or etato, have the cftlmucwB of
-""MT'-trjitr'iy ' ijjgi !'
U$ tho old adage.
Mur )m Jfooiw' but by Uio boo'w lu
Kttda, by tho pictures ho nOrolrra. by I Avheu iuitel to sit besido tho judge
"wnivu uv Hiwuiio, ij miw iwiw ana uoui iou fwieoi), tlio judge an
jkJfWH ' propiiately iwlntixl to them and .ud
rnnmw gtwuw win menu jijkuuvw, to UW Btuaoittrt, "BuhOld th0 0-il Of
HbJijaOinKl EfcUltS fllld intellocnuu toot at earlv rlnlnif." I TUhU iit4
mtmim, Uke phyrical glanto or jhy wtw, people arowat tlw volco ot tho
C Iv E AN!
If yuu woM bo clean mul hnyo yourolothyg dono up
in Uio nuMtntaml flnvssiisst maiu.or, takolhom to th
45s &M. STMA H h ll'.IKV
wltara all work in Uoiie Uy vhlt Inbor and in tho most
pwini.t innmwr. COLON KL J, OLMSTED.
Liberty Streot
thonged woman in an eorthquako
that frihtenorl everybody else, nnd
who, When askod if slio was not
afraid, said, "No, I am glid that 1
have a God who eau shake tho
Whother your work bo to teach a
Sabtath ctafls, in uurso nn in-alid, or
reform a w. jr.elcror, or print a tract,
or ixu'.a r household, or bear Uio
quorulousuesM f senility, or cheer
thed .hvurtraod. or lend a soul to
Christ, knew thct by fidelity you
may help 1: steu the time when Uio
world shrdi Ikj snowed under with
white lily and incarnadined with red
And, now. I hansain with you that
wo will como back somo day from
our Buporstellcr abode to see how tho
world looks when it Bhall bo fully
emparadised its last tear wept, its
last wotuad healed, its last shacklo
brokon, its h .t dert gardenized, its
last giant of iniquity decapitated.
And when wo land, may it Ikj some
where near Uiis spot of earth where
wo havo together toiled and strug
gled for tho kingdom of God, and
may it bo about this hour in tho high
noon of some glonous Sabbath, look
ing into tho upturned faces of somo
great audienco radiant with holiness
and triumnh.
How doos ho feel ? He feels
blue, a deep, dark, unfading, dyed-in-the-wool,
eternal blue, and he
makes everybody feel the; same way
August Flower the Remody.
How does ho feel? He feels a
headache, generally dull and con
stant, but sometimes excruciating
August Flower the Remedy.
How does hofoel? He feels a
violent hiccoughing or jumping of
the stomach after a meal, raising
bitter-tasting matter or what lie has
eaten or drunk August Flower
tho Remody.
How doen he feel? lie feels
the gradual decay of vital power ;
he feels miserable, melancholy,
hopeless, and longs for deatli and
peace August Flowor ths Rem
edy. How does ho feel ? He feels so
full after eating a meal that he can
hardly walk August Flowor the
G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.
Japanese Fuilti About I'luivcrg.
Tlio Japanese consider it especially
difficult to arrange chrysanthemums,
and seven faults aro noted which
must carefully 00 iniurded against in
disposing of largo blossoms of this
plant. A blosbom must not present
its back in a composition, nor yot
turn its full face to view ; the differ
ent flowers must not havo stems of
tho samo length ; Uireo must not bo
arranged in a triangul.11 form, nor
may any number bo placed in a regu
lar btepliko way, Uio flowers should
not bo hiddon by leaves, nor should
u largo, open blossom bo put near tho
base of tho composition, and finally
tho artist must not fall into tho sin of
color sandwiching or placing a blos
som of ono color between two others
of another tint. Garden and Forest.
Tke Verdict
OF ALL who havo used Aycr's Fills
for Biliousness ami Liver Com
plaint Is that thoy aro tho best over
mailo. Being freo fiom any mineral
Ingredients, nud sugar-coated, Ajer's
Pills aro adapted to nil ages, constitu
tions, and climates.
"UtivliiR usod Aycr's Pills for many
years In my practice and family, I feel
instilled iu recommending them ns an
nxcullent cathartic nud liver medicine.
Thoy sustain all tho claims inuilo for
them." W. A. Westfnll, M. D., V. P.
Austin & N. W.ll. tt. Co., Burnet,Toas.
'Aycr's Pills heon my stomach and
liver in porfect condition. Pivo jcars
ago I as nfllicted with enlargement of
the llor nnd with a soero form of dys
pepsia, most of tho timo boiug unahlo to
retain any solid food on my stomach. I
Dually began to tako Ayer's Pills, and
after using only three boxes of theso
magical pellets, was a well man."
Lucius Aloxandor, Marblehead, Moss,
If j on havo Sick ITeadacho, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, or Piles, try
Ayer's Pills,
Dr J. C. Ayor tt Co., Lowell, Mass.
f?oM by all DrugRUU and Dcalcra la Medicine.
I 2 ?38 Wi
1 1EC9SJ
Tti.ro la r.othlrK like th RESTORATIVE
NERVINE tlK-Terct j the ri peclMUt,
DR. MILC9, t euro all nrrroua dthwMt, ai
lUadJirtis, tho Bius, Norvoua Proatrn
tlon, 8lenplsonesa, UournlRln, Ot. VHU04
Dunoo.riti nnd Hysteria. Minr rhrtuai
usaltlu lhir irmtMiiNi, u.l Mjr uxt rMuli ara
wiNXlerfnl. luta huiJrvdt v( ttotiimwiUU
Itia tbew (rem drvwt:i jU, " e bars ner known
anttUinit Uta It " S 1 m A Co , bjraoo, N Y.
KTefTP1H.l9a1l.lr.11.i4,- wtdut tml." J.G.
Wolf, UUikl-l. i .till. "; mUk wlrcr w erf r
htd.'' Wowlwor h 4 C-, Irt Uajne, Isd.
".Nnln .' 1 bott.rUia anrthlMi etr
had" 11 V Wjiti ti one rd, H. U. Trial
botll aad ImvW ui 1 umKviuiaXVceatdrsocUU,
DR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart.tnd.
Bold by t). J Fry, drit?lii,K1am.
Act oq sew ptlnclple
rMlal tb Hter, itomuh
tad bowU UivljJi u
nrM Da. MiutrPiuji
f-, tun toltoafartj.
Bold by D. J, Fry, drujrgUt, Balein,
3 K
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I '
Stallion Show!
Tuciltl! Annual Stallion dhow nl Fine
Horses will take nlnco at
Sainiday, March 26, 1892.
All perfon ft om verj where baInsstal
lions will iileubo Httmd. Farmers bring
jourmnrojaurt colts.
1 hts prmnlAes to be the largest and best
FtRlllonshnw vet held. A number of hor
ses will be tillered lor gale and buyers will
h ive a flue opportunity to get tlie bent.
Uy otderti inc Willamette Vuiloj Horse
Breeders' AsocUtlnu. T. U. SUA K,
A L. Ill D'ov, ''eo. President,
T. C. HUAW, 1
.1. T. Picrwith, yrommlttee,
J. A. TANNUt, )
First National Bank,
UK. W H. HV Kll
...VlCf President.
Those Afflicted
With the habit ol using to excels,
Can obtain a.
Forest Grove, Or., Call write. HtrlcllT
President. Secretary.
Vko President. Ticnsurer.
373 Commeiclnl Street,
.Makph the ne.itast and best Abstratts'lu
tho country.
If You Expect to
In tho Chicken Uusi
nebs yon iioeil tho
Pacific Incubator
and Brooder.
It Is clienp, rf-llahle, mbstantlal, easily
understoi d, and lll batch anv kind ot
i.quh better thiui a hen. Send tic mump to
pay po'tago on our new M-pajjo UlU'Ura
ted catalogue of Im uhiitniit.'lhoiourhbred
Fowls, OALV. HbX. NKITINOS, Hone
mills, poultry Mippllia, etc.
This book coHtnlns 1.0 sull-slzed colored
cuts of 'lliorotiglibred Fowls,andls rfplett
with lnfonmtb n. Address
No. 1313 CASTRO ST., Oakland, Cal.
Staple and Fancy Gioceries,
Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, JWoedet
and Willow waro. All kinds, of mill feed
AIho vecctjiblesiaadfrults lu fielr scusoi
"Highest I'rlce pnld for country produce.
Wosollci nshare of jour pHtion ic;e,
0-9 132 t'Utt street
Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day.
1 he best hotel between Portland adKan
FraucNco. Flrst-claRS lu all Its appoint
ments. Its tables aie served with the
CJioiccst Fruits
Grown In the Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
mm Tickets
:And all Points
East, North and South,
2T0rom'l street, Balem, Oregon. BOISE
&. BARKER, agents.
xenrsions East.
Takinp In Sllssourl rher points. Ne
bnihka, Kansas, Iowa, Mionignn, Illinois.
Indlnna.Ohlo by wnj of Chicago to Colum
bus. Ohio, then return to tho Willamette
Valley. Write our friend regarding this
excursions, taken trip Mint-self east nnd
see your old home nnd friends. For full
Information call on It. 11. Ryan, will be at
The Jouiwai. office ou buturday after
no)ns. R. R. RYAN, Mannger.
This term might bo applied to Stevetu
Point, located on the VloonHn Central
Lines, at the gateway to tho nt foroot
tis on which extends North to Ixke
'urerlor, r dMunee ol SO mile wliixuii n
brruk, on necounlofllM at lumber Inter
M. The Wl-oofin IUer to which the
nmbonnen have glen the ftinlliar and
"onuu hat nlleoUonato title of "old Wis
arns " not alone acta as a lumber ftder to
theel'x by lurnlhtinrtUriuh H in.mer
oils MliutuneiiunoulLt tot thousanda of
ae-vif pine In theuppur iHinlrj-. but It
InroUi os a wnir now, that U tcoond
hlettelllMaresl iixMietn the "Ceu
Uhl" MUIcin f ft! of iuaiber nre cut
rv year, giving-inpayment to hun-
'IrMl ill nmn In u.l I.I.,.. . .,., ....."
! J .'.'. hJ8 n ''""u other mauu&e-
t"l1f: ft U hAm u I An. IhA lkhu ... .1
at t he tt'.,n.I,P...:,r. .-' U."T
'nfi,r'nonPllyloO K. McNeill, i'. I'.
IVIvT-h I,,,",',:-,' M",n ttoU J"
. l .nd.v!"la,, 'wong'r nd airkt
Agent, Uh'cigo, III j.ib iy
Conservatory of Music.
utrtordiaRUige to ktudtns of
mwl aud InftrumentMl inn4e tunxbt to
. 1 I6itwy. .Noum giln t i
.?. ?1' Mlo. KxpM Diodrmia.
ilptOiM clvsu no miltlon of couiv
ext term bsln Kcb. I. lt i
Muical Plrtctor,
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Trtiunact a gnernl banking buslnesa
In all Its branches.
Wi. IUCUIjAKI) Vice President
I)IHS(1X)K3: Geo. Wllllain,Wni. ng
land, Ur J. A. Richardson, J. W . Hodson.
J. A. linker. , , ,
Rank in ne Exchnlige block on Koni
aierelnl tn-nt. 8.12-tf
1 Kninlahun TrlbeNo.8, faloin. Holds
nmuoU eciy Thurndny evening, at 1.J3.
rtlgwaui lnhtntoIUHUrnnco hall,
F. r HAKL'R, i'ropbet,
ril'K r. WATKRS.ehlef of Records.
Livery Stable and Feed Yard.
Tho Best Box Stalls and Corral In the I'lty.
Quiet, family horses a specialty.
(In rear Willamette hotel.)
U, S, IVnslon and I lain-, t-gent. I'.O
Box mta'em. O'tgon. Deputy rjounty
lert- V'rltp f..r biHi-lt!.. w
" pToTL E !
Ahk for Hiiwl'e
Or whole Wheat Flour, healthiest
attd besttitfiling bread. Also the
Fuuious Pur Auroia Euok-
wheat Floui.
"llur-t's best I'nll holler 1'ioctw Flour."
Vlso our pure H. e Flour. Ask your duller
forthtbe goods and take no substitute.
J. D. HURST A PON, Aurora.
Ire ana ia-
U, W. 11EKLKU Aveni Silem Oiwrn
Paper Hangerand Decorator.
Olllce at Chas. Cal ert's Mllllonery storei
Salem, Oregon
Salem Abstract and Loan Co
Tho only Abstract books of Marlon
county. Real estate oidera
filled promptly and
yA'YLaajji!" tT:v. .y-x. rr
From baled h iy nnd feed to flue toilet
soap, Key Wiht cigars, tobacco pipes,
knives, ete. am nlwajH belounuat lowest
prices; at
No..E26.Commercial Ht,, Salem
And Oregon Development company'
atonmhbip line. :! miles shorter, 20 hours
Ipss time than by any other loute. Hist
ciass thtough pnssengtr and freight line
from Portland and all points In thoWU
lamette vallevito andliom San Francisco
TIME SCHEDULE, (F.icept Sundays).
Le&e Albany 1.-00FM
LeaeCorallls ....... .1:40 I'M
Airlo Yuqulna - 680PM
Leave Vnqnina 6:45 A M
Leae Conallls 10:35 A 11
ArrUe Albany 11:10AM
O. & C. tralus tounect at Albany and.
The above trains connect nt YAQUIN.V.
with the Oregon Development Coa Lin
jfStenrnshlns between Yanulna and Ha
.,. !' Isscngcrs lrom Portland nnd aK
Willamette Valley points can make clc
??RS?t.l5IJ ,wwlth the tnims of ths
i AQU1NA ROUTE at Albany orCorvaUlB
and If destined to San Francisco, should
arrange to arrive nt Yaqulna the evening
before date of sailing.
I'assenger an.l freight Kales Alwuye the
K'S?!; A?r nlonnatian apply to Messrs
?UL?Iif Co-a PrelRht and Ticket
Agents ax) and 202 Front si., Portland, Or.
O.C. HOGliK Ac't Gen'l YU A
lass. ArL, Oregon IaclflcR.R. Co.,
i, tt ,a,n,, , Con-allls, Or
,0. H. IIA8WM.L, Jr. Gen'l Krt; &
Pass. Aet. OreRou Development
jlCo., 804 Alonteomery St.;
500 "ffinwfirri
4? ro Le nichaa's
ffv -. naiiiiiii
s& mm
Ji!ftiuf' e'c",to,?I1r-colorul Blotches
fcyphllitloHUrrh. diseased Scalp, acd al
Primary formj ol tho dlseasa 'known ai
in.Mll.. Price, 83 OO per Bottle.
Le tolcliau'a Oolden Ouliam No. 8
tairei-Tertlary, ilerturlaliyplaUUe Kheu
matum. Paint In the Bonn, faint In the
Head, hack ol tho Neck, CIcerated Sore
Throat Svphilitio ibuh. Lumps and co"
tracted Cords, Stiffness ol the Limbs, an J
eradicate all disease from the tyitm,
whether causd by Indlarretloa or abuse
o "?rcury- !fvlnir the blood pare and
healthy. Price 85 OO per Mottle.
lio lllctiau'a Oolden Hpantth And.
r?..,orth8 f"" Oonorrhoja, tHeet,
Irritation Orarel, and all Urinary or Geni
tal disarrangement!. Prlc94SOpex
L ItlcliBuU Golden Hpanlah In.
Jectloii, forserere raaetot Oonerrhaa.
lnflammator jDleet. Strlctureatc Prlc
81 GO per Battle.
L Illotian's Golden Ointment
tat tha eaoctire healincof Syphilitlo Sore.
anderapUona. Price ft 65 per Box.
u .'l.l,:!lau " Co'den Pllla Sttrt
and Brain treatment; lots of physical now
2- .",:2!(2T,.OT"-wt,rk Prostration, et
Price 83 OO per Box
Tanlo end Nervine,
Sent everywhere, Caill tscarely meteel
ptrexpreas. v
THE RICHAnDs"DRUfi C0.,Aaenti
100 V fill niAHKKT ST.,
rnUaCOKta. Oti,
I 1