- v if EVENII CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 01. rilK CAPITAL JOURNAL. IN THE SOCIAL REALM. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report, - -Wft (""-V - nG PHTT 300 RO E Largest Tablet on trie Market, Only to be bad at -sPATT0N'S STATE STREET BOOK STORE.H- THE Men's Rubber Boots Plow Shoes Better " '' Oil Grain Plow Shoes Men's Congress Boy's School Shoes Children's Flue Shoes - Heavy " The above list offers '.ouvinced call and examine. 261 Commercial Street. Why . Are Those Lots in Pleasant Home SFXLING SO RAPIDLY? ISISSOJlfe-'CrgilS tlie LOTS, the PRICES and tho TERMS ave sure to suit eveir body- Take a walk or drive through the property and see the HOUSES and SIDEWALKS course of construction. MATERIAL is beinS hauled on the ground for ten Call On Win. E. BURKE, Proprietor, One-hnlf block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. Harritt -SUCCESSORS TO- WELLER BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS TAPLE 11 At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. You can get the latest MUSI Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins, LOWEST PRICES AT EASTON'S, SNOW THE YEAR ROUND At 100 Chemeketa Street. Mouse - and - Siqn - Painting, Paper Hanging. Kalsomlning, Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class Ikfr & P07jf)l Plumbers and Tinners, 247 Commercial street, Salem orapl specialty em-chiliy. Estimates for Tinning and A ctiraulctelnieof Stoves and Tinvi.ro, Tin rooting Said Truck & Dray Co. g !eui Iron works. Dravs and trucks may L found throughout the day a the comer of State and t.vaianil struts. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEM u.nnMn-ai HTRAM FN'GlNr. Mill Outfits, Wfcter WheU Governor, Fruit ., an?JtTi,mFnSrn!crrttInt etc. Farm rm.er.lowy m,4 amd repair. L ".'Mnfa WuhWtrom lint Middling. Purifier i rlfler and Reels. Farm machinery rrad Sash and. Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our lino at prices to compete with tho lowest. Only the best material used- Special Sale No. 4. TABLETS 480 PAGES FOR 10 CTS. RACKET HO 52 00 worth $2 75 00 1 zo 1 50 1 75 -,V",7T - $1 10. 15 45 " 1 45 and up 30 and 1 40 " 1 35. 65c, 80, $1 00, s me of the greatest bargains No trouble to show goods. niinHl mm aoTsA-CKEss - ntire FOR RED STAR- .83?. C ? 3IO Commerolal Street. Send for Catalogue PREB Wall Tinting, etc Work. Varnialiing and E. E. SNOW. Garden Hoso and Lawn Sprinklers. and pluinblnK a Pluuihl ug Furnialied. DRAYS AND TRUCKS I'aya ready for orderu. ana ueiiver woou, , coal and lumber. Of- i ritate St.. ontKwiteSa EIOSjESID "3T3E3 mi mm, T. G. PERKINS, Genera! Supcristeadest. IRON WORKS, Site. lrtT aoa H-pairec CA o Ladle.' Glove Calf Shoes Oil Grain " - Calf Shoes Dongola Shoes "P Tipped rihoes KI.yl!,lnTinirnlil " FineDongnlu Kid " " Oxford Ties Cliildien's Rubbers only ever known west of the E F. MMMMH RELIABLE Trim to name and ?uaranteed Flower Seeds. Ttie Largest Stock:. , When you buy of us you are sure to get what you waul and a first-class article. No old seeds in the Store. AITKEN & PALMER, 126 and 128 State Street, - - SALEM, OREGON. for Infants "Castorlals so veil adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription Known to me." II. A. Ancnxx, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castoria' Is so unlTersal and its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are tho intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Martw, D.D., New York City. Lato Pastor Rloomlngdale Eef ormod Church. Tmt Centaur J. M, Needham, HOUSE PAINTING, K ALSO MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leave orders J. Irwin's, rear of Smith Htelner's drug store. Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTS, Manager. Lock Box 1210, Seattle, Wanh Hrecders of Thoroughbred Poultry of fol lowing varieties: B.C. White Leghorns, 8, C Hrown Leg horns, White Plymouth Hocks, llarred Plymouth Rocks, Pit Games, Ulack Lang shaun. Light Brahamas, Buff Cochins, Partridge Cochins, Bronze Turkeys. Hcnd lor Circular and Price Lint. Annual .School Election. NoTlCKUhereby given that the Itaru lar Annual Kchool Election 8cho- PIk. irmt No. it. of Mnrion county. Oregon. will be held at Heed's opera house in tha olty ot Halein, on aionaiy, jiiarcn n, a. ' ! fnr tho nuroose of elwllDU (1) one dl rector, for the term of (3) three yean.; one Brbool clerk ror tne term or one year, eaia olM-tlnn til brcln nt 2 o'clock n. m. of Mild day. With tJeoree H. llurnett, O. L. Watt and a. O. Van Wagner s todees. A. K MTHANO.Chhlrrnon. Attest, W, H. flIMPaoy.DUU Clerk. Bids Wanted. VTOTICK Is hereby given that sealed bids l wilt be recolve.1 by the Uly of Balein, Orc-jcon, until March II, P-W.IU the bourrf o'clock a. m . for the graveling, grading and curbing ofall that part of CuemekeOt street between tneeastbank of Willamette river and lb eatl side of Fourteen' b street, uccordlng to the plans and pcla catloos on ril nt the city surrejur'MoQI e. A deposit or tmi must iu-co';-rany inn uics m h guarantee ut good f th on the bidder that lis will cxecuti nu.4 irv 'I ih. innnr thai H vrill cTimta antral. iii' band and undertaking, ard furniah gnil and sutilrlenl inrttirs approved by the m-yorln chjm inn conirnci t is awarded to ald btdder.whleli dtuot 1. snail bo forfled in thai lty of Halem In rose of a failure oa the tart of said bidder to comply with any nt &aii4 rwiulrvnieiiLs fesld boDd.eoBtiact Hod undeitaklogareon lilel.i theomrvuf the city surveyor tu my oi raiMa ttaxvr tho right to rrject any or all bldn. Oorporatlons tniut state In tbrJr Mas tht tbey are corporations, coiKrtnerhlp and auodations mmt give all the ciran of members tn the ci partnership or asU. lion and the name under wbleh thy do boilneu. M. W HLNT. m CUAH.U Mm)KKS, H.L.L.tKHEL'X.Fr IL Committee on Nirretsand F'ibllo Properly K. J. UtCAUHTltAXV, City Burveyor. B.T, BlCUAH'JrtO, City Attotcey. rORE 1 $1 15 worth $1 40 1 f 1 145 " j- ' ? 1 80 ' 2 2o 2 15. S2 40. 2 7o 2 GO, 3 00, 3 25 to, i. uu Rocky mountains. To lie riWI SEEDS. fresh. Field, Garden nd and Children. Castor-la cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Ellis Worms, gives sleep, and promotes a pestlon. Without Injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always coiitinuo to do so as It lias Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F, Pardii, M. I)., "Tha Winthrop," lth Street and 7th Ave., New York City Coufany, 77 Murray Street, New York. o&szaHsa Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Mcak at All Hours ol the Day None but white labor employed in tbt establishment. A good substantial meal ookrd In flrtt cluHtt style Twonty-11 v cents jwr inenl, RED KRONT Uoi'.rt Mrtct, betwten Opera Jlnuo and Minto's Livery DUGAN BROS' Plumbinc and llcalin JVU., Wholesale sndlretall duo I era In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. 2nU Commercial street. Telephone Ha. SJ. NEW DAILY MAIL STAGE Between Aurora, Buttcvillc, Clminnoeg, (St. Paul and Fairfield. Leaves Aurora dally at 10-JM a. in. Ar rives at Falrflnld S p. in. IUturulng leave FiurHclJ at 4 p. in. Arrives at C'li!iiV p, m Ieavt(.'haiiirog0a.iu. Arrive ut nutoru, vIm iiutievlllv. at 8 a. in. Cou (.ecu with tunrulDirri. 1. Co. train golnir rl ii'Tthundtoutb. I'OHengeis, baggage und rn-lnl .urriul m rrjtiur nlra "?"."""" "l.ru. . rtn lee Ugtus ilonday, Moioh 17, IWi, .On. JiOKFJiU, i'lotr. FEAR 6l HAMILTON, LoniMi nsKOtUiied on linnroted faun and tty properly. jA.Llir.1. Oregon Jtoom II. Bush Hank block. fiUdw t E. ! Buteher o. cnoss, and Packer HUUtit. an Court blt-Th best uust IdeUTexcd 10 all paitsof thedty. OSBIM- H0FER BROTHERS, - - - Editors. UBLIBHKDDAILY.KXCEPT8UNDAY, BY THK Caoltal Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) OlEoe, Commercial Street, In P. O. Itutldlti Knttreit al the postoltlce at Salem, Or., n Bticnd-oJhtt irntto. THK ritOGUKSIVI.9 AND THK MOhS- HACKS. As has been indicated lu these columns that is tho fight in thin couuty that is most likely to Uis place all other issues. An is well un derstood, tills paper has been In clined to n conservative polloy. It has taken the farmer's slrlo ou many leading questions not to flatter the farmer but liecuuse It believed that right. When the prosperity of Sa lem and Salem's working people Is lu tho scale wo have always taken their side. That was tho case at tho lato city election. We favored tho side which promised to push perma nent public improvements. We bvllovo In that still. When tho Milling company asked favors, to give it a chauco to still further Improve ita plant, we favored Uiat because we want to Bee every factory running aud every possible sourco of employment thrown open to our people. So lu electiug a dele gatiou to the legislature, we believe in keeping the rapid development of this city in tho foreground as the vital issue. The Jouhnal still believes in a 'policy of true conservatism. Truo conservatism means keeping our working people employed aud every House occupied by a family aud mure now I amies aud factories and hitjinei-9 enterprises and street rail roads aud motor lines and trans continental railways will follow. Tho issue is progress vs. moss baekism. Mossbacklsm means veto lug street car franchises. Revoking their power to extend over couuty roads into tho suburbs. Idlo work, meu. Dead towns. It means, say ing that the muddy streets and im passible roads that "were good enough for us 40 years ago are good enough now." It means saying, when you speak of advertising for factories, capitalists, etc. that "we have too many peoplo hero now." It means no encouragement to rail roads to bulla lu here ana Iionco no more railroads. It means no en couragement to manufactories and hence no more factories. It means opposition to motor lines, to street car lints, to improvements of our streets and roads and to the general building up of a city here to good bridges aud viaducts where needed. It means every man for himself, Instead of working unitedly together for tho public good. It means iiiossbuckiMU, Progress, means tho encourage ment of the building of motor aud electric hues in the city, into the suburbs and along the county roads beyond. It meuns beautiful subur ban residences. It means happy, contented, prosperous homes forour workmen. It means good wages. It means prosperity instead of a grinding cent-per-ceut buBlue?s whereby n few get rich aud tho many keep poor. It means tho grading and cleaning up of our streets, tho building of u viaduct and good bridges whoro needed. It means the encouragement of rail roads, motor Hues and various in dustries instead of putting such re strictions upon them as to be pro hibitory. The great question before our peo ple is mossbacklum vs. progress, it is greater than politics, It is greater than anything else. It will not down. It is a question that decides the future of Salem wo have tho two elements here, everyone knows till?. The triumph of pno, means the building up of a beautiful, live progressive city. Tho triumph of the other means idle workmen, vacant houses. The time lias come for a public choice to bo made. LINN CO0NTV POLITICS. The Alliance party in Linn coun ty lion put out a very good ticket for county oMcfH. They have had the (rood fionoo to put up no man who liu heretofore apMarcd on the tlcketd of other parties. The Alli ance convention wgh held beforo either of tho oilier purlieu met in convention and they picked up now men, aud the whole ticket 1h giving great witlsfactloii among tho farm era. At leant twothlrdH of tho Alliance were formerly Democrat, and they hold about nine hundred voU'H In the organization. Heretofore nomination on the Democratic ticket In Linn county was equivalent to an election. The nominee could rent liln farm, move to town, and prepare to qualify. ThU Ih all chaiiKtd into a doubtful Htate or attaint with the odds In fuvor of tho ItepubllcanH, who have been about three hundred In the minority heretofore. This In a flat lering state ofnifalm, which, though a little hard ou the machine Demo crats ut the couuty neat of Linn, will tend to Improve county govern ment uot a little. Ucyiew of the Week Past in Amusement Affairs. HOW FAR WIVES MAY DRESS HUSBANDS Lc.il' Ywir Ball Croquet Church Musicales Fes tivities of Various Natures. OUll MATUUDA-S NIGHT. To what extent should a mau be tilled by hid wife in matters of dress? ,l'o tlio extent that he can possible please her, without ollbndlng good taste. Ib uot that a square answer? For sho may have a desiro in the matter not in accord with good tafte. To dress to please her and be laughed at for your paius wheu you go down tho street is not just tho thing, don't you know, if you are uot u Ward McAllister lu embryo. If you havo made tho rulstako to select a wife who has poor taste lu matters of dress sho will uot worry about your dresslug luauy stylo you please or no stylo at all. If your wife thinks she knows how a mau should dress, but does not, theu the fuss begins. Most women havo a penchant for light spring salts. What married mau has uot heard this: "I do wish you would get a nice gray suit, such as Brown wears?" Bo the dear man gets a gray suit whether It becomes him or uot. Ills dear wife admires him in it as the object of her allcotion dressed in the colors of her choice, even after the coat begins to hang down at tho pookets or bag at the knees or hitch up an inch too high ovor his shoes. Of course, there are limitations in the philosophy of clothes thatoveu your dear wife's request cannot over ride. Your clergyman will seldom get out of his conveutial black, tho' It were far better that ho did In Bomo cases, as in proportion that ho dresses differently from other men lie will find others difficult of ap proach by him. Ills clothes are a Chinese wall toward tho heathen at least. In caso of some clergymen the garb of their profession is naturally becoming to them aud docs not1 exercise the Intluenco of a rcpollaut force so far as others are coucorned. Tho truo gentleman will neither attract nor repel ou account of, or by means of his clothes. Tho sarufc is truo of a lady. So, after all, to what extent shall a mau bo ruled by his wife in the matter of clothes, Is of secondary importance. Tho spirit and bohavlor shall shlno througii the dress as the sun through a veil the veil may add a sheeny splendor or may obscure tho rays, but cauuot hide tho real light of tho individu ality. Tliero is nothing about tho ministry of tho Gospel that pre cludes a man being a good follow and it perfect gentleman not even ills clothes. There Is ono point ladies cantiot err upon that Is in asking that tholr husbands who are business or professional men wear well-blacked shoes. The heels should not bo red aud the lines should bo drawn at use of stove blaoklnir. A man who should so far forget himself as to appear in a business dress and his boots blacked witli tho slovo brush should bo sharply reprimanded by his wife. Bho should be In power that far at least. I)ut her authority should not extend to trimming his beard except by Ills consent. Ex cisions whether of taxes or hirsute appendage shall be made only with the consent of tho governed. Hav ing laid down the law of marital relations lu matters of dress for head aud foot, the philosopher of theBATUitUAYNiairr column will desist for a week. WJUtyT OLU1IS. The Motor Whist club did not meet Inst Wednesday evening owing to Illness of Mr. Ureyman, the mem ber at whoso house It was to huve met ou Htato street. Tho Hawkoye club also deferred Its regular meet ing out of respect for the annual school meeting. These are two flourishing social clubs that have welcomed many a newcomer to Balom In a cordial wuy and made them feel al home by their cordial greetings. The club that pursues such a policy does n good work for our city lu giving It a reputation for liospitulity. CltOQULT has always been a leading dissipa tion at Bulein and the city beauts a club whose members are all over seventy years old. Some have played ulnco they were boys and they are boys together still In en thusiasm for the mullet. Mauy new private grounds are preparing for this noble game and the decide light Is to be called lu requisition for night pluylug. OIIUKCJI PARTIES are beeluulng to Ui planned for out doors more. The boys are already gathering wild flowers nnd woods and fields will be redoleut with them from now ou, Timrehjui txeuaper- oya J3X& AMOIUTEIY PURE feeUlood of home entertainments In Salem churches tho past winter, the Presbyterian and Methodist societies leading In high-class musical enter tainments. One society la talking up a coureo of Shakespearian lec tures. ST. PATRICK'S DAY IN THE KVKNINd A neat card lu imitation gold-leaf Informs yo local that "tho members af tho Laurel Leaf Dancing club are going to havo a good tlmo on the evcnltiK of March 17th." Musio by the Oregon State Insano Asylum orchestra. The grand march at the armory begins at 8 p. m. TUB ASSEMBLY CLUll loap year party Wednesday ovenlng wasmnnnged by Misses Mao Car pontor, Leila Waters, Stella Cannon, and Ella Dearborn. Novel features were tho revival of old dances like cecellan circle and Virginia reol. Tho German was nicely executed. Tho Coomor oi-ohestra was In attend ance and tho following were present: Misses Edith Hughes, Ella Dear born, Mno Carpenter, Mario Messlck, Josio Brown.Nollio Litchfield, Clara Litchfield, Augusta Palmer Zaldee Pnlraor, Mollio Creighton, Anna Metsehan, Amello Metsohan, Stella Cannon, Leila Watcrs,Edna Moody, Carrie Moorcs, Bertha Ashhy, Ethol Cuslck, Lena Brey mau, LouHlrscu, Mrs. R. D. Cannon and sister, Mrs. Hal Emmons, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bra8tleld,Mr. aud Mrs, C. 8. Ulloy, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Strang, Mr. nud Mrs. C. D. Gabriolson Messrs. Goo. Morris, Hugh Thomp son, W J D'Aroy, Frank Hughes, J M Kceno, Henry George, Harry Keller, Clair Baker, Frank Cross, Max Buren, Bort Browor, Lute Westacott, Jack Wcstacott, Frank Wnters, Homer Craven, Harvov Jordan. F S Dearborn. 11 G Trael of Portland, W B Morse, A E Crosby. . RECEPTION AND SURPRISE. Last evening at tho homo of Col. T. O. Smith the Unity club was ele gantly entertained in honor of tho visit of Mrs. Moo McCarthy from Portland. Tho pnstlmo of thoovon lng consisted of dancing and card playing, An Orchestra of four pieces supplied tho musio for the occasion, which was greatly appreciated. A delicious spread supplemented tho evening's pleasures, and all roturned to tholr respective homes greatly elatod over tho enjoymout of tho occasion. Tho ollowlng named porsons woro present: Col. nnd Mrs. T. O. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Win. England, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Gabriolson, Mr. nnd Mrs. E, B. Phllbrook, Mrs. Mao McCarthy, Mrs. N. J. Lattrltz, Miss Do Long, Miss MoMastcrs, Misses Gusslo Btel wer, Josio Brown, Ella Arbegast, Hello Golden, Jesslo Stump, Ada Stapleton, F. It. Hall, Muy Cooper, Itev. II. II. Brown, Doll Dlusmoor, T. O. Smith, Jr., Horace Willis, H. D. Floyd, Will Plaster, Leo Stolnor, Mr. Hecrdt, Clair Baker. Tho Y. M. O. A. will bo a good social factor of Salem If conducted liberally. PUIILIO DUTIICS HIIOULD HIS PKR FOItMICl). Tho county court owes It as a duty to. the jcoplu of South Salem, and to all the farmers who are obliged to come to Salem over that road, to putlthoroad In as passable and safe a condition as it was beforo the county court granted a franchise to tho olcctrio company. What part of this duty is to bo performed by the oleotrlo company Is a matter that Is between that company aud the court. Tho county court acts as representative of tho peoplo and it has committed a great wrong to allow the road to be cut up tho wuy It has and give the peoplo no protection whatever. Large dele gations of farmers called on tho county court Friday aud Saturday to Induce it to take some action uud restore tho roads. Tho majority of tho people are not opposed to grunting franchise 1 to suburban railroads. A railroad can bo built over such a road with out destroylug It. Tho city of Salem must also act and do Its duty by this road. South Commerlulal street froth tho city limit to the north end of tho bridge Is today practically Impassable. A few days rain would make it unfit to gel over on foot. Ills theduty of tho city to build that street at once so that It will bo safe and passable as before. For Bale. Forty feet front on CommerclaUtreet. Flrst-clam busi ness projverty. Euqww of Win. II Burke, one-half biM south of limb's bauk-uu-sUlrW 8-10-tf I Baking rowoer Fill ALL PARTS. England, Germany, Mexico, South America and Canada. Foreign Items. Buenos Ayres, March li Tho mail steamer Thames has arrived hero with soveral of her sailors down with yellow fever. The ves sel has been quarrantined. The local papers express bitter feeling against London investors for alleged libelous commeuta on their review of Argentine finances. London, March 12. Tho Ameri can steamer Indiana, which Balled from Philadelphia for Russia with ft cargo of Hour and provisions foe tho famine sufTerera of that country, was sighted oft tho Hebrides yester day afternoon. Sho signaled "all well." Montevideo, March 12. Two of tho government warships have been dismantled nnd their crews dis charged. Three squadrons of cav alry havo also been disbanded. Theso measures havo boon adopted for economic motives. London, ' March 12. Thomas Healoy, brother of Tim Healey, was elected a member of parliament for Wexford county, In place of J. E. Redmond, Parnelllte, who resigned from Wexford und now represents Watorford. London March 12. At Old Bal loy yesterday a sentence was passed that will without doubt result in an other expulsion form commons. Geo. Woodgato Hastings, member for East or Bromsgrovo division of Wor cestershire, waa sentenced to five years' peual servitude on h ple of guilty of a ohargo or ml8PK0 prlatlug JCOOOO. Hastings, who Is liberal unionist "lu politics, la 66 years old. Berlin, March 12. Tageblatt says thero is no cause for anxiety concerning tho condition of the em peror. Tho paper adds that his majesty will leave his bed today. Chihuahua, Mexico, March 12. Among tho Indians to tho west of this placo the belief In witchcraft la gonoral, and fur a number of years an old woman has held tho Indians of that locality In great fear by her alleged powers over life aud death, and was aosused of eating young children. When tho woman wan known to bo away from her house a party of meu wont thero and found horrible evldouco that sho had In deed Indulged In meals of children's Ilosh. There were not only the boues to be scon, but a partly-eaten child was also found. When bIw re turned sho was burned at tu stake aud the peoplo nto a small portion of her body In order to keep off any evils that muy befall them for kill lug her. Ottawa, Ontario, March 12. The correspondence on the subject of re stricting tho Clilnofio exodus from Cunada to tho United fitatea wati laid beforo parliament yesterday. Tho Canadian government wrote thut it was not possible to apply effective protection to the border lino of 8500 miles, aud that no posal bio means exited by which effect could bo given to tho request of the United States government. Valparaiso, March 12, Tho fol lowing Is the composition of Presi dent Mount's new cabinet: Minis ter of tho Interior, Edouard Matte; minister of foreign affairs, Gaspar Torro; minister of public works, Duvlllu Larsalu; minister ol Justice, Bcnor Castelon; and minister of fluanco, Augustln Edwards. The minister of war has not yet been de cided upon, but It seems assured that either Errazurlz or Buroa Degluo will bo sclocted, Seaor Vuldez Vcrgara retires Into prjyat life. Valparaiso, Chill, March 12. Consul McCreery Is investigating tho caso of another sailor who, It la alleged, was tho victim of brutal treatment at tho huuds of the Val paraiso police and died from Ut? eflucts. Tho seaman's uauw waa Carlos Carlssen, and he was auUv or Sweden, He waa employd aboard tho bark Edward DidtW, which arrived hero on February from New York ou the way to Antofuqaata. She halls from ewu. port, Me. Carlssen waa found early on tho morrslug of February SI, lying on tho Cable islauce. He waa suffering from a wound 111 Um abdomen, Carlssen aald thai b had been woutitktl by tb Val paraiso police aud aallom. Hftv similar testimony to Consul Mc Creery, who vUlted bita In boapital. The man dld Yubtwty 27. Qu ji .Ui jinn. .- ..iAiUiWg-,jgyM jumAa ts; ut ja. jfttfl "