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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1892)
igrrsaa U m ?7iBff 9? "German Syrup Here is something from Mr. Frank A. Hale, proprietor of the Do Witt House, iewislon, and the Tontine Hotel, Brunswickj Me. Hotel men meet the world as it comes and goes, and are not slow in sizing people and things up for what they are worth, He says that he has lost a father and several brothers and sis ters from Pulmonary Consumption, and is himself frequently troubled with colds, and he Hereditary often coughs enough to make him sick at Consumptlonirig stomach. When ever he has taken a cold of this kind he uses Boschee's German Syrup, and it cures him every time. Here is a man who knows the full danger of lung trou bles, and would therefore be most particular as to the medicine he used. What is his opinion? Listen I "I use nothing but Boschee's German Syrup, and have advised, I presume, more than a hundred different per sons to take it. They agree with me that it is the best cough syrup in the market' D Memory' lniiicjlon nil tlio llnilii. It is computed by loading phymolo gists that, bIiico ono-third of a second miflicos to prudnco an impression on tho brain, a man of 100 years must havo collected on or in his brain mat tor 9,407.280,000 impressions. Or, again, tako off ono-third of tho timo for sleep, and wo still find 0.31J.520. 000, This would givo 3, 1CB.7CO.000 sep arate waking iinpretwiona to tho man who lives U) the age of fifty yearn Allowing an average weight of four pounds to tho brain, deducting ono fourth for blood and vessels, and an other fourth for oxterual integu ment, it may bo said that each groin of brain mibstaucu contains not leas thnh 205.C12 traces or impressions of ideas. Of courso thoso figures and calcu lations will need to bo applied ac cording to tho torn imminent of tho individuals to whom they are fitted, but they all poiut to ono fact divine handiwork is grandly shown in mem ory. St. Louis Republic, Senator Stanford boliovca tho tiino will como wIipi) ttin 'J::!0 trottur could bo bred with cort.unty, barring uccidouta. Tho Rtulliuti Hurry Noblo, 13:17$, has bceu fiold by W. 8. Kirby, Uitloabiiig, Mich., to thv Viilloy Htock Farm coin tutiy for tin reportod prlco of $30,0(X). "If tho bumnena of diininlsiiiug tho .weight of Bulletin goes ou," romarka a writer, "tho Bulky of tho futuro will consist of two Urea and a atrip of sun Rhino." . Great Relief IS instantly afforded Biiflcrcrn from Uroiichltla, by tho uso of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Either as nn ano ilyno, to allay inflammation, or an ex pectorant, to Iooson and brine away tho mucus, thla preparation has no equal. "Last winter I contractor a so vara cold, which, by repeated oxpositre, h catno quito obstinate. 1 wan much troubled with hoarseness and bronchial irritation. Alter trying various medi cines, without roller, I at nurrhamsd a bottle of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. On taking this medicine, my rough ci'iuwil almost Immediately, and I have been well over elnco." Itev. Thomas U, ltUHSoll, Secretary Holston Conference and 1'. K. of the Greenville Dlst. M. E. 0., Jonesboro, Toun. "My mothor was sick threo years and very low with bronchitis, wn frairil nothing would cure her. One of my friends told mo about Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Sim tried it, has used nlf-ht bottles, and is now well." T. II. 1). Chamborlalu, Ualtlmoro, Mil. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rnirinisu r Dr, J. O. Ay or & Co., Lowell, Mess. BoldbyHI)rusilt. Price $1; U bolllc, IS, TSESraE JSlpr Headache Hit Social Equipment, "Tho prairies of tho went are great places for wind," tho othor day remark ed Charley Buries, of tho Northern Pa cific. "I used to havo n station out In Nobrnskn. right out In tho open prairie, and tho wuy the wind blow was a attri tion Out it wan a lucky wind for tno. At n atatioti about thirteen miles west uiy jjirl lived, mid aa 1 had no Sunday twin or bnaln s of any kind. I would go uu there and stay over Snnditv But a livery horse from Satttnb.y t Monday mornintc cost m !' ' niouoy. so I ri;t,ed np a sail on a.i - ' tie car. AH I had to do on Sutmii illicit u-nn to hniat inr sitil. nnsh the I: car on tho main track, and in less than an hour I was' at my journey's end. Fv more tlum u year I went to see my girl every Saturday night my means of that sail car. Pretty sleek, wasn't Itt" "Yce, pretty sleek. But do yon mean to say that the wind blow In tho same direction every Saturday night during all that timer 'Of course I don't!" "Well, how diil you manage on those nights when It blow In tho othor direc Ubnr . "Easy enough. 1 had another girl at a station fif jen miles east" Missou 4rian. Well Meant. Hut BREAKING THE CORD. "What a sweet child!" exclaimed tho neighbor. "Yes," replied the mother. "Hasn't ho a cunning littlo nose?" "And such funny fat cheeks I" "And a darling bald headr "And such fat, pudgy hands!" "Yes. (To nor husband) John, do you know 1 think tho baby looks moro llko you ovory day?" Now York Sun. Ho Soli! It. Exasperated Woman of tho House 1 havo told yon a dozon times 1 don't want tho lnaehinot Sick him, Tige! Poddlor (whllo tho dog is gnawing his lcirl Don't want tho machino, ma'um? 'Pardon mo, yon havon't yot seen half its good points. It washes tho clothes cloanor than any other, and in less than half tho time. It nover tears off a but ton. It "Good hoavonsl Don't you soo what tho dog Is doing?" "Yes. Quito u playful animal. This irmuhliio, ma'um, usos loss soap, takes up less room" "Ilo'll tour you to plocos If you don't go! Itun, for morcy's sake! Ho's tasted blood, and I'm afraid 1 can't raako him Htop now I" "1 havo to put up with such things, miUjlam, and it's in n good cause. This machino is tho boat ono that ovor was invented. If 1 can succeed in Introduc ing one into n family 1 always fool that 1 havo done a benevolent net. Yon can uso any kind of water, hard or soft, hot or" "Oh. Oil, Oh! ,110'H kill you! What Is tho machino worth?" "U'b worth a million dollars in any family, but I'm soiling It for only fivo dollars, and" "Iloro's your monoy. I'll tako It Tlgol Tlgol Lot go!" "Lot him chow, ma'am lot him chow. It's a woodon log. I'vo got unothor one at homo all ready for nso when tills ono is worn out. LookB as If wo woro going to havo ralu. Heiuomber, you can uso any kind of wutor, and If your soap is all right you can thorol He's got tirod of it. Good dog, Tigo good dogl Well, I must bo going. Af toruoon, ma'am." Chicago Tribune Martha's WUtlotn. Bertha Grandma, Is oor toef good? Grandma No, darling; I'vo got nono now, unfortuiiatoly. Bortho Thou I'll givo oo my nuta to mind till 1 como back, Pacific Metho dist Tantalising. alio (gazing upwanl ut tho old familiar orb) How provoking it Is! HoWho, what? "That 1 can never, nover eeo tlio other uldu of that moon. Boston Herald. Of all foruii,Keara!fU,Mpnraa, Pit, Bleep leuii. Dulliir. llUln. lUtiehOrtun Mutill. l)rukrniif, r(c. ,niiscurvl!iT 1)11. iin.i:V uwnTouA-Tiviv .kuvin dlKUierfrl br lb emlnout I milium HiwcIbI M l nertous iliwnM. It doe lioi cunUtn o,.lstr or tUnstrnu tliust MHe Ijoejp Jjfcln IIH. MILUM' XKHTOBATIVllNBttVIWll rr Eullepiy. from ticiitPPilKT in January laniHS utlnf UiA'rfliia lbmlt lt IS poutuUIor. and now after ttirea suontu' u hare no nor UncW. Jon II. t'ouirt", ltoinro, Mich." "ihiiibeSnuilnif nit. Mlttt' llfcllTOK. JkTIVU NKUVlNlHoraUoutouriuoutli. II bi brought iBorutur und cure. 1 Ut wn II foresllpr.auJ Hor uxlriu It for out wtok by iBdrroaUiA.--lluiU V llrMliw, UmiUyMIb. I. ltn book at Freil cure it trlnl bottle VIUM ftt )ru ilits vritliir. or marw BR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lnU Bold by D. J. Fry, druglt,8alt'm. p,7ss lives run Act oa uaw principle rtcoUlo the llror, BUtoiBcti mi bewuU (ArouoA A rr Vo- iliu.f Piuji $pu4tly tun billouuMti, torplii "Tf r sod coiutlpv lion. ctniuiMt, niltdott, arftl bpdOMa,2Bcta. KhiuIm (rue al nruubt. k' -niB(.CBUut,lti goW by P, J. Fry. ilmgtfUt, Baleui, M. O. OKOSS, Butcher and Packer Wate HLu Court HWTbr Ul m t dl(vein(iUJuUHrtl'ii tliooKv w-l m -" M.UOllAMIUatl.IN, X.M.KMiril, firiaeiit. HMlary, M. k. MltANWIN. UKO. ll.BOUIIrittl', VUi'wil6nt. Tnwwurw, IMMNT1TL15 AUSTIlAOr CO. tt lmmiviil Htrt-oL MsktM tii ueAtwt ttcu beat Abttroetajn Hf fvualry. Tliutiutitflil Willie. Nurso Como, Wllllo, didn't you hear your mother tell you to come right Into tho house? WlllloStop 'minding mo of it. I'so twying to fordet It. Babyhowl. Tho tloialpor. When iwoplo tilt to eontliilu aouiethuni they'll nt iu talk I'cr lioiira nil hour touuthor, jest ex roit'lor e n clocks 1 ho tboy think folk luvu to hear their nover eiv.ln rawp, lhit when Baiunntha'a tnlkeilKwUllaaho know euougU to atop. When Mr. Jonoa wu tclllu et our placo the other ilny Thet Mr. William tol her that hor neighbor. Mr, a ray, BaM ahe nover mw his a atory teller' WIJ- ilcr Heath, rlumantha at thero qulot with her toniruo bo- tweou her teeth. Bho ain't forever allnirlu out aech everlaatln salil Hhu ottiu ae "et'a bad enounh to Ucar-th neighbor blab;" Uutilio Jo' ttay et home luslMan 'toml to family carea, , An never toll tho iioljUborhund about her homo nUalr. We don't take any tajMr. but with now we're well aupplled, Ker the neighbor tell u nrxiry birth au tluatb an (utohl. When Mrs, Jonea came upoor walk a-aqueak- In them now aboea, Bonietlmea Hamantha'll lay to xa "Here como the dally new." Van Via ntaile. ft I Lone FrletuUfilp That It Ho Interruption, a Thin Story Hhnira. Dtutcun Jontw anil Eldur Wbito had lived on adjoining farms for over thirty yeam. and never a word of dbmnte bail Iwtwcun them. Tboir wnrrotM, iiiuWB. drags. bfe, rftkc-H and othor uUmxilH woro twed in common. Tbry bud lotii hido by Hide in tho jrravi'ynnl. and moi-o than onco tboy bad lou.-ieil and boiTowed chain for a fnnt'inl. Two brothers would imt buve accrued as well as tluMC two men did iupolitiuH. religion and all idw. Oim aftunnxm i tho eldor w.ix riowing IiIh dooryard tho deacon mine over to trade newnpa pisrs with him, and thoy oat down under a cherry treo to tiilk. Protty wxjii along came a Htranger who an nounced that bo waa a Murvoyor, and bo nuked if they didn't want the lino run. "Why. bless you l" replied the elder, "wo'vo bin livin by tlint lino fur thirty yearn f "That doesn't mako it right," re plied tho surveyor. "I gnpsH that line is right on tlio spot," said tlio deacon. Tho Htirvoyor wanted a job, and he kept talking and talking, and linally offered to run tho lino bo cheap that tho eldor said : "Wo might do it jest to hunt up tho old landmarks." "Well, I'm willin to pay my sheer." replied the deacon. After the stranger bad seen their deeds and dug out tho old Btakes as a starting point ho got down to busi ness, and in about half an hour ho announced that tho line fonco was four feet over on the deacon. "I alius suspected it," said tho dea con, "but I didn't koer about them four feet." "And I'vo knowod fur over twenty years that you waa over five fest on to mo," replied tho eldor. "1 had tho lino run that time you went to Ohio, but I didn't Want to say nuth in." 'Til warrant my work to bo cor rect," said tho surveyor. "Can't bo," replied tho elder. "Ho ortor know his bissncsH," put in the deacon. "What! D'yo claim that I'm four feet on to you?" "I'vo alius suspected." "Wall, 'tain't so. and I'll bot tho farm 'tain't! You've bin bavin five foot of my land all this timo I" "Can't seo it that way." "But I kin I" "Might as well call mo a liarl" "If anybody lies 'tain't mo I" "Of course not! It's mo, Is'poso! Eldor? I'll git right off your land I" "And you kin Btay off till you git somo senso I" "Scnsoi I'vo got moro senso in my littlo fingor than you havo in your wholobodyl" "Git off I I hnin't no uso for land stcalors I" "Nor 1, either, and dou't you rilo mo or I'll lay bands on you I" "Como and lay I" "I would if you wasn't Bich in old man I Don t you nover daro to speak to mo again 1 I'vo just found out wbataunako in tho grass you are I" "Spoak to you I I'd seo you dyin fust! Oo homo and pay yor honest dobts!" And the surveyor shouldered his Instrument and went off down tho highway softly singing, "All Is-Peaee Ovor There." He had accomplished his missi.m. -Detroit Free Prens. .Siiuirlntr the C'lulo. Tlio origin of tho problem squaring tlio circle is almost lost in tlio mists of antiquity, but thero Is a record of an attempted quadrature in Egypt .100 yours boforo tlio exodus of tho Jews. ThoiT is also a claim, accord ing to Ilono, that tho problem was solved by a discovery of Hipiwierutcs, tho geometrician of Chios not tho physician- fliil) B, C. Now, tho ef forts of Hippocrates woro dovoted to witrd converting a circle into a civs cont, becauso ho had found that tho area of a figure produced by drawing two perpendicular radii in a eirclo is exactly ixjual to tho trinnglo formod by tho lino of junction. This is tho famous theorem of tho "lunos of nipiioerutoB," and is, llko glaubor'a salts out of the philosopher's stone, au ovamplo of tho useful results which sometimes follow a search for tho unattainable. All tho World Hound. Umo of tho Cue. An officer Bwullowed a Hah bono. It was a largo ono, and after strug gling to draw it out Uio officer fell hack In his clitdr, turned black in tlio face and appeared to bo in great dangor and, indeed, was so. Every ono looked aghast, uot knowing what to do. Tho doctor alono preserved his presence of mind. From Uio op posite side of tho table ho saw what hod hupiioned. Not a moment must bo lost Spring across Uio tablo, with ono hand llo opened the mouth of tho unfortunate officer, with tho othor ho seized his cuo and rammed it dowu Ids throat, Away wont fish bono and ovory othor obstruction. Tho young ofllcor finished his dinner, having ipmctieally tuqierioiu'cd tho uso of a cue, Dundus of Fingiut. What a Jiitluii fur an tiifantl "Mother," said a child of tds years, "do you think when I go to lion you that if I am a irood littlo trill and pity nil tho morning with tho on goht I may havo somo fun in the , of toruoon and play with tho dovilf" Londou Truth. T" n MA (lardta JVa Cbarowr.'' rjklnV-18, Potato Auwrfcan VooJr.M )r IK, 30o, raoatta, our upib (train, loot ahuott buuuu pKkrt - !Oo. JMuujr, tUU cbfc, yatktl ,U3 JLnT an not no a tuUerltor can Lave cx" aUiuuna on tux free, who ortlut S voiui froui ui VaAu ljr UU Oix tlif uv i " Staodi at Vu ofallckiiarcalkiit.w Inn aaouia cava oa, nice ouy itx llilllliiil" loiir. Mrtit w - ISe. llnax. Wtkan and IMllaw. Lslh tui fltt. iUie UirraUeukua, each 30O.I i a rtiAlo, n&itlunL. rArh 1A. I Mt 1 .IM 8wii Cora "UwlJtah'utni. Hll VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE. WV pemm InirrMteo iu TUsu. Flon er'Vtiluua, cau, nKa vuy W deJuctt J lion Brt oui . v ArClclr4ll-H' Oal FKKKH tecnoTOW wiwn titwr, A Wlilta- Dinner. It was it white dinner and was given In honor of the bride's homo coming The snowy tablecloth of exquisite fineness was a mass of deli cato heuistiti'Jiinguud silken r-- Tho long wbito satin Man f was rx ceedingly ornato with its heavily embroidered and fringed elids und its centei piece of uiirrors, f jrus and white lilies, representing a niininture lake uiKin whose mnoith bosom peacefully reposed two majestic white swuns. The table servi- v of pm est whito china, tniwt deliisitely frost ed silvor and finest Venetian glass ware, together with tho snowy flow ers. gleamed in the incandescent lights nbofro like tho tnoon silvered crystals of a winter's night. Tho menu, prepared by a cele brated French chef, was as nearly whito as the incorrigibility of certain colors could lo made to submit to gastronomic ingenuity. The menu canls were fairly dreams of whito and silver, and might havo been do signed for that memorable night when Lucullus dined with Lucullus. Tho bride woro tho ravishing vesture of hor bridal -a Parisian develop ment of rich ivory satin, with foamy cascades of rare old lace and garni tnro of almost priceless pen'-ls. In deference to the artistic idea of tlio dinner tlio younger ladies were gowned in white and the older in sil ver grays and palo lavendetw. The color lino was only drawn at the clawhaminei-B of tho gentlemen and tho complexions of the otiouy faced waiters. But why there? asks a Philistine. Sinco to be en regie one must havo everything match, why uot clothe the gentleiiidu in white satin and alabastino the waiters? It seems really sad to havo one false note in the harmony. Chicago Herald. A Trmin for Hoy. If I hud my way I would insist that every boy should learn a trade. Tho man who has n trade is a thousand times better equipped than tho man who has nono. Let every boy select tho trado that best suits bis ability and promises tho highest honors and remuneration. When ho has mas tered his trado, if ho dislikes it or it is not profitable, ho can begin to study a profession or enter upon a commercial life. If ho should fail in lxith of these ho is still master of n good trade something that no ono can tako away from liim, no matter what exigencies may arise. Tho man who Is master of a good trado is as independent as a millionaire. Ho need never want; ho can find profita ble work in any cornor of the world. 1 do not say ono word against a professional career. But I do say emphatically that tho man who has n trado and a profession as well need have no fear of the futuro. Tlio boy who wants to can master n trado be tween the years of sixteen and twenty, and if ho dislikes it ho still has time to study medicine, tho law or any othor of tho learned profes sions. But if he waits until ho is twenty or ovor ho may not havo an opportunity or feel inclined to learn cither. Foster Coatea in Ladies' Dome Journal. (CARTER'S .ver Warn Spills. "'Ji Cont of Some Cable Mii;a;p. A glance through tho code of in structions issued by one of the big cablo companies shows that thero are a number of places which rarely ap pear upon the map that may bo reached by wire from this to wu. For $2.25 per word one may rommuni cato with the hectic town of Pram Pram ujion tho west coast of Africa, while a connection can bo established with tho lively hamlet of Grand Bas sum in the same region at $1.04 for ovory ten lottei-s. For $1. 17 per word you may address your long lost rela tives or business partners in Djedda, Mecca and all Hetljaz, while tlio rato to Bunder Abbas, Bassidoro and Lin gah is Ut cents iu addition to tho bout biro from Jask, Persia, where the message is delivered. Every word sent to Now Zealand via Northorn Siberia costs tho seudor just $3.7-1, which is tho highest rato on tho list. It costs sixty cents a word to reach Remnngnunguas and Aqunda de Pasagoros, down iu Cuba, and $1.88 to let tho old folks in Sun gio Ujong. on tho Malay pouinBuln, know you're living. -New York Com mercial Advertiser, Teri-lliln I.Ua of tlm llplleptlc Sufferers from' epilepsy must bo accounted among the most unfortu nate of human lieings. An early do volopmeut of tho malady darkens all tho patient's prosjiects in lifo. How over domestic his disposition ho enn unt anticipate it homu of hisowu. He is largely shut out from ordinary oc cupations. He is an unwoleomo vis itor in tho social circle, and his own sonsitiveness lends him to shrink from joining it. If he ventures uion the street ho is liable at any moment to Ik thrown violently to tho ground; if ho re mains nt homo he is in the sumo dan ger of falling down stairs or against tho Bhnrp corners of the furniture or upon a hot htovo. He lives in per petual divad. - Youth's Companion. Nubttlllltu for I.eullKT. A new material is lioiug mado by tm English company which resembles leather and India rubber, aud will bo mode iuto boota and shoes, wntor proof clothing and other similnrprod nets. It is known ns blnudyto, but tho composition is uot mado public. -New York Journal. flood Looks. OikmI lookH are moro than sklu diHp, di-pondlng upon ft healthy ewiidlllon of nil tln tM orpins. If the IIvit tv liuu'tivf, y.iu havo a bll Iium look, If.Mur st-niioli l: dtsor iK red ,v u hhVtf n dyt-rptle Imik and if your kldiifya t utllvtf-d jou havo ft iiiuhtd Imik, fcYcuro gumt lfuu and on win huw jjo- d h-nUs EltH trio ItlMi-ir U the tsrvtUlknunouiul ti'tue utfn directly on time vital or Kttua. furwi pimple, hlotehw, bolls v, "v. . ... "'"ipitixioii. noiu aiuuiriJ. rry'aUruijtu ot. lore.aaCom'l New Washington, Penn., people are not slow about taking hold of a new thing, If the article has merit. A few months ago David Byere, of that place, bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy. ho hniMild It all and ordered more. "It bas tdveu the best of satisfac tion. I have warranted every boltle. and have not had one come bak." 25 und 60 cent and fl.00 Imitlea for sale by G. E. Good, drug gist. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed s Castorla Always at old bnrsh purgative pllln They flrnt make you Rick and then leave you conxtlpatcd. Carter Little Liver Pill? regulate the bowels and make you well. Oose, one pill. More cases of sick headacte, biliousness, oonstlpHtlon.can bo cured in less time, llli less medicine, and for le8tnoney, by ufIdk Carter's Little Lifer Pills, tban by any other means. Do not suffer from sick headache a mo ment longer. ltlsnotnecesary. Carters LI tie Liver Pills will cure you. Dose, oi e little pill. Hmall price. Small dose. Bnw 1 pill. CURE Sick Hen lnche and relieve al I the troubles IncI dent to a bilious stato of the system, such al Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress aftei eating, Pain In the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success lias been shown in curing Hr ?fT 61' fteadacrt. vet CAHrrn's Little Ltvm PlLLI are equally alualle in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liter and regulate the bowels. 2ven If they only cured HEAD Actio they would bo almost priceless Wthosa ivho suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try Uiem will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. Uut after all sick bead s tho bane of so many lives that here Is where vo make our great boast. Our pills cure it while othel do not. Carter's Little Liver Tills are very small and very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action rleaM all who uso them. In vials at 25 cents; ilve for SI Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CA2TI3 iaai:niE CO., Hrw Tctk. HI MSoit, Snail fries- Willamette University Is Just the place for you to goto school, FEBRUARY 1, 1892, Is the time to enter with the beginning of mo tnira term. New rooms for young men will bigready. First-class Instruction tn all branches. Kates Cheap. in 'j l V IK V VtVUI ,..IVIJ XJ . President. Salem Abstract and Loan Co The only Abstract books of Marlon county. Heal estate orders nllod promptly and safo)y. W. M. H. WATERS, MANAQBR. W 1 H.l !,. 1 3 Su'3k?Sv? ANYTHING. Krom baled buy and feed to tine toilet soap, Key West clgurs, tobacco pipes, knives, ete. cau always be found at lowest prices; at T. BURROWS, No. ZW.Commereial BLBaJero FEAR & HAMILTON, Loans negotiated on Improved farm and city property. aALKM. Orecron ltoom 11, Hush Itauk block. 5Jdw Ciipitul CHy Nursery. I have a tew thousand choice i year niv. ple, pcur.ebbro". Pi""" aud other trees at my acklng ground opposite state house, l hut I will sell at very low price to plant era or dealers. Forty men wauled lo work In nursery attv, ,ua miuui rvuiuurj 140-lru-dw Very Respectfully, 11. LKAUlt. D.CSHERMAN, U, , IViiiUou and Claim agent. P. O llpi lil. Silmn, Oregon. Deputy County Clacr Vrllo for bUTuk. ' ' w' Nolle to Contractors. l!ld will! m-e'ved until n,u. Katur day. Mareli t, fur the ttlm or a tue reer the right to n-jMH au or all bids. Plans amy b eeu ut my oniee. Uurg- iMM, MV,I,W, !(( NEWZEAUNDI INSUttANCe " V T . ila- Ktra nfi riue. U, W. UKbLKIU Areat, HUew . Ortsos m k&. tf 2 Td t o f5 o 'Q w rd co P in hrj o ST ." S) te a.prM --,... w o ' CO o a a o :3 o p a 5a p CD CD - r oQg H m rn 3 8 a p- ct- i? cd c: ' 2 -3 S p g en a - o rH CO tr p cd p a -l J CD 6 w o CO CD a p Q p a. p a CO 'w cr1 a P o 3 cr: a- so u? p a " w rrjO C to m - 5 f S CD CO P co t-j en PT" cq Cr" i 3 to CJO oo oo 03 S2. CO OREGON STATF SCHOOL JOURNMne MmedevottStoFChopl and b mecrtuo. Hen: tnerciore, n. is. iumja.-- -- uncuen, ? '""""' ,'" , Vnnnra: canon in Ecnenii w i tTT nlo or more copies 80 cents eaebj i sample copy luceuiB Address J. u, noHjr.K, rropnetor, Aioany, w, J. H. HAAS, THE WATCmiAIOSI?, 2I5K Ccmmerclil St., '. tm, Oregon. (Next door to Klein's.) Spfdalty of Spectacles, and repairing Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. M. T. RINEMAN DKAI.KIlJIH Staple aod Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Olaiswnro, Lamps, Wooden and Willow ware. All kinds ormlllfeed Also vceetablesnud fruits In their sson. "Highest l'rlce rald for country produce." Wesollci aBhareoryourpntrnnnKc. a.g Isa State street Excursions Eas Ui Taking In Missouri river points, Ne braska, Kanfcns, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, lndlana.Ohio by wnyof Chlengi) to Colum bus, Ohio, then return to tho Willame'te Valley. Write yuur friend regarding this excursions, taue a inp youreeii uuni. iiuu m vnnr ola home and friends. Kor ftill Information call on It. It. Hyan. will bo at The Jouknai. office on Baturday after noons. R. R. RYAN, Mnnager. NEW DAILY MAIL STAGE Between Aurora, ISuttcvillc, Cliauipiiojr, St. Taul ami Fairfield. Leaves Aurora dally nt 10:30 n. m, Ar. rives at Knlrtleld p. m. Itetiunmg-ieave Kasrfield nt 4 p. in. Arrives nt t hampoeg 8p, m leaves Chnmroeg 0 a m. Arrhes atAurorn.vlIliiltevllle,nt8 a. n ton nect with mornings. I. Co. trains going north and rotitb. I'nsenger, burgage and rrelght carried at regular rates. Hcrvlce beglus Monday, May 7, 1892. OU'l.HOEKEIt.Propr. PEOPLE! Ask for Hurst's "STAFF OF LIFE" Or whole Wheat Flour, healthiest nnu uest tasting ureau. jusouie Famous Pure Aurora Buck wheat Flour. "Hurst's best Pull Holler Process Flour." Also our pure Kye Klour. Ask your dealer fur these goods and take no substitute. J. D. HURST &80N, Aurora. PRINTING ONK OF THK LARGKST ESTABLISH, ments In the State. Lower rates than 1'ortland. Largest stock Legal Blanks In tho State, aid biggest discount. Send foi urlcellstof Job printing, and catalogue of legal blanks. B. M. WAjrfk, Hteara Printer Salem Orison EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta. Line CALIFORNIA EXI'KKSS TRAIN lltJN DAILTf HKTWKEN rOHTIJtND AND 8. F. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OltMGON. Kates, $2.50 lo $5.00 per Day. .""J'be best hotel between Portland and San fTancisco. tirst-ciass in an its apnoiui inents. Its tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Urown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Those Afflicted With the habit ol using to excels, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THK KEELEY INSTITUTE: Forest Grove. Or.. Cnll write. Htrletlv confidential. South. 7:00 p. m. 8:18 p. m. 8:15 a.m. MortliT Lv. Portland Ar. I 7:36 a. m Lv. Salem Lv. 6:2S a. m Ar. San Frnn. Lv. 7:00 p. m Above trains stop only nt following eta lions north of Roseburg, East Portland Oregon City, Woodburn, t-alein, Albany Tangent, Shedds, ilalsey, Hnrrlsburg Junction City, Irving and Eugene. MOSEUUIia UAl.Ii DAIIiY, :30 a. m. 11:17 a. m b:50 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. J 4:0 p. m. Lv Salem Lv. 1:10 p. ni. Ar. Roseburg Lv. 7:00 a. m Albany Local, Dally Except Sunday. 5:00 p. m. I Lv. 7:52 p.m. I Lv: :00 p. m. I Ar. Portland salem Albany Ar. Lv. iO:ao a.m. 7:31 u. m. Lv, 1 0:30 a. ni. TOLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- For accommodation ol passengers holding second clfiKS tickets utUiched to express trains. iVest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (KXCEIT SUNDAY). 7:30 a. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. 1 6730 p. in. laiO p. m. 1 Ar. Corvallis Lv. 1 12:56 p. m. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. ExVnraaTRAiN (daily bxckitsvjnday 4:40 p. m. 7:2 p. m. Lv. Portland Ar. Ar.MclllnnvllloLv. 8:20 a. m. 6:45 a. m. MAIL LETTINGS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Post Office Department, Washington. D. C. Jhu. 15. 1892. PROPOSALS will be received at the Contract Ofllce of this Depart ment until 4 p. m. of March 24th, 1892, for carrying the mails of the United States upon the routes, and according to the schedule of arrival and departure specified by the De partment, in the state of Oregon from July 1st, 1692 to June 80th. 1894. List of routes, with schedules of arrivals and departures, instruc tions to bidders with forms, for con tracts and bonds, and all other necessary information, will be fur nished upon application to the Sec ond Assistant Postmaster General JOHN WANAMAKER, d-l-18-0tm Postmaster General. Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH for tickets and lull information regard, ing rates maps, etc., apply to the Compa ny's agent Salem, Oregon. E.P. UOQKIIS, Asst. U. t and Pass. Ag't K. KO Ell LEU. Manager From Terminal or Interior Points the A LUMBERMAN'S RENDEZVOUS. This term might be applied to Stevens Point, located on the Wisconsin Central Lines, nt the gateway to the vast forest region which extends North to Lake Superior, a dUtance ot 200 mlies without a break, on account of Its vast lumber Inter ests. The-Wlsconr.ln Illver to which the lumbermen have given the familiar and knniOWhni attun(nnn4.. l.ln .k-m-i .... ...... ivttuuaiu 11, IU Ml --WJU VIS COUS." not alone acts as a lumber feeder to "'etui u)' uiruisiiing turougn its Dinner- Otis trlhlllnrlna nn n..tli.t rn- .,.n..nn... . i- i t i "m iul iiiimanuus ui ""' i"" ui me uppur country, out. It furnishes a water power that is second OIi1f .,0..Jual of Neenah and Menasha, which cities are also located on the "Cen. tlfll '' M1llm.a Tan. .n 1... 1 . . ......,. ... ,...,, w. luiiiuer are cut e.vejy year, giving eniployment to nun. JLtT .. f " "u ui me lumoer trade, It has numerous other manufac- IflMH1 II lHhCMlphaM(linlAu. . v .y1,80008'" Central Lines are located. rui ui-Ha, inupa, pampniets and full Information apply to 6. F. McNeill, C p andT. A.. Mlnm.,niJI. ,l i1..,'.' U Pond, General Passenger ami Tiob, Agent, Chicago, III. M6-ly Conservatory of Jlusic. ViriLLAMErrE UNIVKItSITY.-Glves m.7.i',UiPf.rior.BaauU,KPs to students of v.!?nrtlE?,,cnche Lntest methods. ocal and Instrumental muslo taught to he highest proficiency. No Cue going east i?minS,dZ ?1US,C- Pnkes modereTe: lilplomas given on completion of course Next term begins reb. 1, 18U3. ",u"e Z. il. PAItVlN. Muical lilrector. Summons. goI.?.fSrea,nK,?.f ,Ue yUUe of 0re- deftfM!''' "a,nU.v'. " . Cllover, Th M l0er the defendant: In the name of the state ol Oreeon von ine complaint tiled agalnn you in ih above enhtled acllon. on or before the hth day or h ebruary. itvi the same be ne the ." 'u'ernroTtheMe ffi,MMLfflsarssifSs ulien Sno.lnJr ESS! rateo "2" '" 'Pii'TfA 'hereon at .he ' sa isi iinTii .Vi """" irom .March cu, ihs, until paid, and all cost i,j hi. -1'. McOoidACand l set dm AUornyforpUlnUfl, tl Is the line to take To all Points East acd South. It Is ihedlnlng car route. It runs through vestlbulo trains every day In the year u ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Compssed of dining cars unsurpassed,;1 -uiiman arawing room Sleepers OI latest equipment: TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both tree and lur nished for holders of first and second-class tickets, nud ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnuots line connecting with all lines, allordlng direct and uninterrupted service. Pullman sic er" Teservallons can be se. cured in advi.z.u- tlaOugti any agent of the road. Through tickets to and from all points In America, England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket ofllce of this com. prtny. Full information concerning rates, time of trotns.routes and other details furnished on application to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger Agent, .No, 121 Mrst street, cor. Washingten: Port land, Oregon . SHAW & DOWNING, Agents. THE YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAP And Oregon Uovelonment comnanv'n steamship line. 23 miles shorter, SO hours, lsstimelhan by any otnet toute. First ciass through passenger and freight line. Jrom Portland and all points In the Wli lamette valievto and lrom Han Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Except BunQays). Leave Albany ........ l;O0FM Leave Corvallis 1:10 PM Arrive Yaqulna 6:30 PM Leave Yaqulna ...... -8:15 AM Leave Corvallis .... 10-.35.AM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. 0. train. AnnnnA, , All.... .... Corvallis. vncv, mwuijr u.u The above trains connect at YAQTJINA wh tue Oregon Development Cca Lin jfSteariishlwibetween Yaoulna and 8a Francisco. SAIU.VO 1UTE8. a,raon. Friday,.. . , June 27 VI lllaraelte Valley, Tuesday July Farallon, Sunday J Willamette Valley, Thursday " 1 1-arallon, Tuesday " 1 ..7.TJ ... , 1 OJU, f A1.W1HV luamciifl vauey, r naay, t arallon, Tuesday u.. Willamette Valley, Banday. IfNllMl linn Tli .., .a. " 1 aiuuu, muraiifly WlUutnette VaUeyrueadav. TlllO .lABMnnn .. wiumuy naer-i ine June 2T July 1 M 0 icr is rigbt to CufimfR filkllltilT Hill M trlllinrit aIaa ..m?;"" llMr'Rer trom Portland and all W lllametta VAllnv mlntu mh moIrA .fiw connection with the trains of tht J -Si'INA HOUTE at Albany orCorvallU and if destined to Kan Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Ysquina the evening belbre date of sailing. fiwiftr sad Vttixll Bate Alwwi lit w.'!Jii.Jtt,rlnfornl"etnPPly to Measw HULMAN A Co., Freight and Ticket Agent sm and 2tu Front sU, Portland, Ot, CO. HOOTjK Ap"t Qen'l FrU J: Pks. Agu, Oregon llMldeR. K. Co, CvUU.Or T. H. HAJBWl-XL.Jr.Oen'l Fit; Fata. Agt. Oregon Development Co., tui Mont jomtry - G ' ill iii -ir "ii " ?