Tp vy ' lib m m P6HP("RfPWBRWI naaeltima "August Flower" Mf, Lorenzo F. Sleeper is very "1 awfl.f1 UiiAuth 4-f Ilia rf ,.it f A ln- tou, Me., and neighborhood. He t 'Wyps " Eight years ago I was taken P " toir amrl etiffsmr1 nciinnnn lint n " dyspeptic can. I then began tak M ittff August Flower. At that lime "I was a great sufferer. Every- ." thing I ate distressed me so that I "had to throw it up. Then in a " few moments that horrid distress " would come on and I would have ' fn nrtf nnrl enfTrtt" "again. Itooka "little of your med "icine, and felt much "better, and after " taking a little more ' ' August Flower my l Tlin!tuuii 'tier. "peared, and since that time I " have never had the first sign of it. "lean eat anything without the " least fear of distress. I wish all " that are afflicted with that terrible "disease or the troubles caused by "it would try August Flower, as I "am satisfied there is no medicine "equal to it." TFJ CENTS A QUAHT FOR APPLES. A M,raCI.E OF THE BATTLEFIELD. For that Horrid Stomach FeHngr. Tlio VTfigglnji of tlio Dog's Tall. Professor Elmer, in his work on Organic Evolution, is not ablo to ox plain why tho dofjs of Constautinonlo orect tho tail and cany it upright, whilo the ancestral wolf and tho jadcal carry it hanging down. Dr. Joseph L. Hancock suggests that tho rootson may bo found in tlio fact that as tlio dog becomes domesticated it is prono to uko tho tail as an organ for oppressing mental Btutcs wag ging it wlion pleasod, dropping it be tween tho legs when disappointed or frightened. Tho ancestral wolf car ' rie;l it hanging down, because in that position it Is less conspicuous and hotter dudes detection. A family of wolves playing together undisturbed "Soeciutionally cany thoir taib curled Upward. By degrees tho tail acquires natu rally tho upright position aa a result of coincident ovolution of tlio inind of tho wolf by domestication and of tho hIow adaptation of tho appondago as an organ of expression. Tho ces sation of natural selection in tho do mestic dog would givo tlio tail great er freedom of motion without dotri mont to lifo, and artificial selection modifies it into various slurpcs. -American Naturalist ItlKHtatod that tho American bred Foxlmll. winner of tho Cosarowitch, Ouuibridgcahiro and Grand Prizo at i'arin in 1801 unil of tho Ascot Gold Cup in 188a. is ubout to roturu to Auior ica. Uu litis liud fair snucoss at tho stud in Enlaud. Great Relief IS. instantly afforded Bronchitis, hv tho BitfTorcrs from , uso of Aycr's ciiorry rcctorul. Either as nn ano dyne, to allay inflammation, or an ox pectorant, to loosou ami bring away tlio mucus, this preparation hus no equal. "Last winter I contracted a liovoro cold, which, by repeated exposure, lie camo quite obstinate 1 was mueli troubled with hoarseness and bronchial irritation. After trying various medi cines, without rollef, I nt last purchusud a bottle of Ayer's Oliorry Pectoral. On taking this medicine, my cough erased nluiost Immediately, mid T bavo been well over nlnco." ltov. Thomas 11. Uussell, Becretary Ilolston Oonfereuro nnd 1 K ot tho Oroonvlllo Dlst. M. K. 0., Jonenhoro, Tunn, "My motjior was fllok throo years and von low with bronchitis. Wo foaroil nothing Would euro her. One of my frfondi told mo about Ayer's Oliorry l'ectoral. Him tiled it, Iihh used eight bottles, and Is now woll." T. II. L. Chamberluln, ltaltlmoro, Md. SHE THOUOHT HE MUST BE LONELY. lid Pound Now Vitrlc IMnVrenf In Many Way from tjome. A young mnii renli from tho conntry ivtme to Now York about ft month ngo toMt'it hfs fctii'io. Ho had just $100 In tush loft when bo fourid a boarding nlnco nud hud his modest trunk carried nn to his hall bedroom. Being frugal Iio deposited $'X of this in a savings bunk down town. This bank docs a largo bu-ilness among poor pcoplo and Its clorks aro not any too polite, prob ably because they aro badgered all day long by Ignorant dopositors who aro afraid tho cashier la going to run away If they don't conio around ovory day or two to muko sure that their inonay is there yet. Tho young man soon discovered that NowVork is an oxpensivo city to live in. five dollars would huvo lasted a long time for ordln-iry oxponsed iu his native village, but in Now York it molted away la hia pockot Uko a snow ball it romiuded him of tho Scotch man who had visited tho capital of Eng land to boo tho sights, and who on his return, in endeavoring to describo to hia friends tho groat cost of living tlioro, xaidi "1 had na been in Lunnon flvo hours when bang wont fuxponcol" Tho young Venuontor not having so cared a situation, soon found it neces sary to draw from his littlo fund in tho Dank. He got into position in tho long lino of dopositors. and when his turn camo askod for twolvo dollars in small bills. It was handed out to him. and is thoro wore ho many pooplo wait ing behind him, ho did not stop to count tho uiunoy till ho got away from tho tollor's window. Ho iiulckly viw that tho man had mado a mistake. Going up to tho window again, honpoko over tho heads of tho others and (old the clorlc ho hod mado an error in counting out tho bills. The toiler was angry. Flushing and glaring, ho shouted! "Can't you read? deo that sign 'Uustoinors must count thoir money boforo leaving tho window, othorwiso mistaken will not bo recti fied.' M A littlo indignant at tho toller's man aer, tho young man bogan again: "But tho mistako" "1 make no mistakes," blurted out tho angry teller, interrupting tho other. "Got out of tho way: you'ro dolaying business.1' "Hut yon gavo mo ono dollar too much!" yollod tho Vormontor, now thor oughly angry. "Oh. ahl" gulpod tho tollor. "In that enso, of course thank youl" and ho jrabbod tho return bill. All oyos were fantoiiod on tho young man at ouco. As Iio was going out a garrulous old woman mid to him: "Young man, ain't you mighty lonoly In Now York?" Now York Tribune. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral iwKtMiusn iir Dr. J. O. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mass, Bold by nil rniKt;lta. rtcol l boltl, (5, J RESTORATIVE pr y KEiiviNH, i$m ftr;tl.U -A EAOACH Otll form.?fiUflln,Hpaui. l'Ka, nicttw lewue,Uullneiiltluluc, lllu, Uplim Xlnhlt. llruiikciiiurM,rtc..raeiir,dlr ltt. UaQt' HIUlTURA'l'IVll Ni:rcs.Nii. atwoTOnxt by tlio rialneut InOlnnn Uk i Im( I ticrrom diue. It doc nut coutoln pp.utu or danponmj Ort'ici "Ilnvo Ixxm UikH.c IIH. MJl.II' Xr.UTOKA'riVJ NKUVIMH r llollciny. lima bnincuibor to Januxry rnsrom uuofftaaKcrvlna luJ nl lnt 14 couTiJlon, enanowBJIcr tbrav loontUi' uo liara no muro -Milenlna 111:. MW.VUi1 UiU'lHtlS- ATJV11 KEU INlirritboutuerUKXiUi. II libruulitiaoret'.tiiiHlrure. I bto tiArn It . IIO.IU1III-. . rtntcure ud trial liotUM Fit UK for epllttmr. Uil ntter uiliut It fur an work bira i&ok ot irtat cure ud trial vl)ru.lit JJDrtibor, preJrtru tvadna lino book ot SK. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Intl. Bold by U.lJ,Fry, drugulstiBulom, Act on a dpw prtadpl rfittlftt Ui liver, itouuub j.d bowBl through tht runvi. Uu. 1"iuj tpcolity tun tilllocutcM, (ur)tu nrrr oa rooaiip- Uou. HtUllllwit, JulUliit, paoao,2ci, froa u ilruftUt?. rrlt 0pdoaot,2H cts. bxinl froa at uruitcUU. l' tUnaCDUnLli gold by D. J, Fry, druj,'gliit, Baletn. 35. O. OKOHS. ami Parker ltUC u4 Court HI.-TI-- bl init iailiitteUmrli'if thooliv Ah DeHorllifid by nn Obaorvnr. x Attorney (oross-oxaminiiig witness for tho othor sitlo) You say tlio moon was iditnlng brightly at tho timo? Witness 11 was. "You nro porfeotly familiar with tho appearance of tho moon, aro you?" "Yes, sir." "Can toll a moon aa far an you can Bee It, win you?" "I think 1 can." "'Ever boo tho mnii in tho inoon?" "I'vo neon what thoy call tho man in tho moon." "Ofton?" "Many a timo." "What does ho look like?" "Well, to tell you tho truth, bo looks like a littlo two for a cent, ono horeo lawyer." Chicago Tribune. Tint Rl. (.mil Mimtli. Iii the parlor ear: Sho (alluding to a Pteam Hhovol) What is that tremendous thing on that car, dear? Ho (of Chloago, and onco jilted by a "Future City" bollo) That's an ico cream npoon on its way to a St. Louis girl. -Pittsburg Uullotin. Tho I'lunilUti Trftln Hoy. Do not siKiil your oyea by reading on tho railway traiiia. if tho Hoeuory through which you aro passing fails to interest you, nmuso yoursolf and your follow passengers by gotting up a pool on tho number of articles to bo loft on your lap by tho noxt train boy that coinoa through. Philadelphia Prosn. It AVna All lUghU Holol Clerk Is this thousand dollar bill tho Biiiidlost thing you have aUait you? Dopartiug Gueat I am afraid it is. Clork (to bellboy) lioro, lako this bill out to ono of tho waiters and oak him to chaugo It, Life. HIlKbtly. "I never withhold anything from my wife, 1 toll her every night all that 1 havo done during tho day." "And do yon toll her wvwy day what you havo dono during tlio night?" 'Woll. tlmfa dlfToroiit."-Now York Sim. A gauiiple nr I'rlof Ttiitt Tcople VTlio Lire In City fl-i Horn r I'ny. "How mucb for tlio tipples?" iwked n Harlom woman f flic niccr. "Ten couto u qiirL" uriHwcml tbo trroccr. "Jcbosbaphntl" oxclnimcd tbo woman'H aunt, who bad come on from ilaino to viit bci "Ten conta a nuart I Why, tlir.t'H W.2 a bualicl. un that's nigh ont-i eiht dollnra n IkutuI. Wlicw!" "But thoy nrv very nico apples, inaniii cvory ono uound and big." plead"d tbo grocor. "Thoy'M just an good apphwan them Bcllin at a dollar a Irarrcl down in Maim thin voiy minuta. bairel tbrov.'t'd in," i-ojoined the down oaat aunt. "1 tl bko to know what busi nci yon'vo (jot charging eight dol liu-H u buritil for applos that you can Imy for one dollar n barml." "But thnt'rt down in Maine, inarm." roplied the ipruvcr. "a long waya off from hero." "But it don't cost no Kovon dollars a iKirrol to got 'em on iioro from Maine, docs it?" "No, inarm, but wo dou't git no apple horo for ono dollar a bnrrol, nor notbiii liko it. If wo got 'oin for $.'5.JiO a bairel wo do woll." "Well, call it $3.00 a barrel tiiat you pay, ain't it a littlo bit bar baroua in you to charge mor'n a bun dred percent, profit?" Tlio groeora hadn't thought about that, ho Haiti. Everybody else waa wiling at tlio Haino price and "no body was kickin." Then be went on to explain that people couldn't ox poet to buy thoir groceries ehea ly. gotting their supplies in driblets, and that grocers couldn't afford to put ho small percentage of prof its into fheir prices when Bollim; miuiite quantities as would bo ample in the laso of largo transactions. "Well, what do thoy to buy such small quantities for?" demanded tho down oast aunt. "For my part 1 uovor heard of such a thing as a 'quart of apples' 'fore 1 come horo visiting. Theiv'B nobody down where I livo that over buys less'ji a pock of apples at a timo. A 'quail of apples 1' 1 wonder what Jotham'd say to that ?" "Who's Jothnm?" asked the gro!Mi "Why, lie'B my husband, that's who Jotham is, and we've got an orchard with over BOO trees in it. I wish 1 had about a quarter of it right hero in New York. Think of picking throo barrels of apples off'n ono tree and sollin 'om at ten conta a quart." "Como, Balroy," said tho down east aunt, moving out of tho store, "dou't buy none of them upples. .1 ast go without apples till 1 can writo down to your Undo .lothnm to send you a barrel." "But what could 1 do with a barrel of apples?" nnswered tho niece. "Positively thoro'H no room for them in tho flat, and then if thoro wan. they'd Bpoil. It ira't like living in a house with a cellar and lots of irtor ago room. The only place whwro wo can koep anything is tho ice chest, and that's ivr.lly tho reason why wc havo to buy driblets, a quart of ap ples, a quart ol potatoes, a eonplo of pounds of onions, one cabbage, two turnips, and so on at a time: just about n day's supply each winning." - "Regular hand to mouth business.' mused tlio aunt. "That's jiwt it, auntie, and I hnto it, but what can 1 do Pooplo who livo in flats have to take on ways Thoy may try to do something else at Unit, but t.'iny uoou not out it and become slave i lo their surroundings. I could buy more applos at a timo. but I'd have to put them in the bath tub, and tho potatoes, oniony and cabbages would have to go along with them. I hope somo time wo may havo a wholo house of our own and livo liko Christians again," Tho down east aunt said nothing. Sho was thinking how ulco it would bo if sho could buy a house and pre sent it to hur niece, "Uaimy," n house with a collar to it, in which tho niece could each fall lay in a stock of vegetables largo onough to carry hor through till tho noxt Fourth of July. -New York Times. IMmim!irorutiR Kitrth. Tho diamondiforous earth, locally tormod tho "blue," is reached at a varying dopth, and is found in a hard onod but friable condition. It is de tached with comparative ease, and tho process of lllliug trucks, each of which holds 1,(100 pounds, is carried on unceasingly on a very largo scalo and with tho utmost rapidity. Tho contents are hauled to the top by powerful steam machinery, and if wo follow thoir further destination, tho Hceuo changes in sudden and wondrous contrast from dark, stilling tuunola to bright, sunshiny fnmiB, whom tho soil is turned up nud wa tered nud harrowed and vivillod by tho action of wiud and sun, and whoro the resulting crop is -ilin moiuls. -Blaekwood'H Mngnxiuo. o, M vnrn Jry. M.UCHAMHKIU.W, K. H. MtAMHUN, UKO. II. H l' KJtV Viw I'rwlOtnt. ivwuturor 11$ (imiflrtil Hjrwtt MitiMilHBltumtliwlAUIructil In 1 w-"r- AVIieio llv Ltturur.l. Tlio lato Bisliup Wilborfon-o was wont to rulate tliut at ouo of hisordi nations ho onco had a candidate who was tho sou of an Eugllfth merchant settled in Urooco. When examined in thodiwdf 'lWtnincnt thisgtmtlo man pronounced in tho Orcck man nor. which wiomod Htningo to the bishop, who exclaimed, "Oh. Mr , whore did you learn (5 reek if" riutut Aiiprovki. tun iromiuing canuuiuio iuhoiihi Ethol fshowimr her onjrajfenioat rltml out, "At Athens, my lord ' The Don't you admire his tate? bishop added, "I passetl him without Maud Yo-o, aa fur as. jowolry la furtlior question, " - Cor Loudon coacornod. Now York Ban. Times, KsrjBa h'AJii'M' My JH'J i' yw M 'rf' lWp"lM il. 3&Y HS aiiBA . vBHBkaiiHkvIiV zhhI H iV iiH Oarlra IV Charaitr," Mtkd .. 9 3o, uta " Aiattkan WwtJtr,' wrlli aOc, t'KuuM, our iutb itralu, fvwl aluuitl humo prtckrt gtlf. IViuy, iUUa cbl.-, yttM Vl3 Any tioa not n,w a Mitf tlLar cah hav Vli-a lliaiuvl uiaTMrfrriL vlia&nlraAl wwU, (rwu ui Utbr Uajr UU Om writci tava I ' KtanJi al W (tfatlitbiruitrcalakMUca. l.rttj MvwjM ta ona. J'htt MJy let Morveloua Hnilurunce ot nKoMlrrlVootKl cd In tho VI lldrriirH. EUsha Ilnll waa a m: n of marvel ous eudurauw and ouo of tho bravest soldiers of our lato war. His caiji . onccs seem almost liko a rojar-f. and yet the facta are vouoht d for hy eyowitucKics. Go enlisted ii; Com pany K, Seventeenth Maino, a regi ment that was in many of tho wj vcrest engagements of tho var. It i8 a fact worthy of no'.o that after the Inpso of a quarter ot a cen tury eight members of his owi. com pany wore present at his buri. I who had Bupjioscd him dead twenty-iive yours ago. Tlio factw in tho case aro those : On the afternoon of tho first day of the battle of tho Wilderness tho lower part of his loft jaw was shot away, making a frightful wound. A mem ber of his company. Mr. W. S. Rand, who now Uvea in Auburn, helped him to the rear, whore, after doing what he could for him, ho loft him, never expecting to see him alivo again. For three days bo lay there boforo receiving any further care. When at laut the fighting ceased the Union forces had advanced and the enemy were in possesion of the field where our dead nr.d v junded lay. They turned tho wounded pris oners over to tho Union surgeons. Mr. Uail with the others was carried to the field hrMpitul, nnd thero for three days uioro ho remained liofore anything was dono for his wound. His caso waa considered hopeless and the surgeons, whose hands were more than full, gavo their attention to saving thoso who woro less severely injured. On tho sixth day Mr. Hall told a story which enlisted the attention of tno surgeon, it was about a man who was very slow to learn; ho could not master the mysteries of tho drill. Tho captain put him in tho "awk ward squad" and taught bun by count one, two; one, two. When thoy went into battle one day and woro repulsed nnd turned to run, this man throw away his musket and ox claimed, "Tlioro, captain I Where is your ono, too, now?" Tho doctor, when ho heard the Btory, declared that he would dress his wounds, for a man who in his condition could toll such astoiy, must live. For fourteen days nothing passed his lips save coffee. A friend, a comrade, who recognized him by an old scar on his faco, did what he could to minister to him in tho im provised hospital, which had few con vonionces. At Fredericksburg ho was given a can of corned beef. This was tho first solid food ho had received from tho day ho was wounded. Ho could not masticate it. Ho managed, how over, to swallow it bit by bit. Ho lived, but tho man who entered his country's purvico strong, robust, weighing ISO pounds, cmnu home broken down, to suffer mora or less for the remainder of his lifo. His death was no doubt duo indirectly to the wound ho recoived on tho fith day of May, 1SIM. This wound inter forod with tho proper mastication of his food. This induced chronic stem nch trouble, which assumed a sorao what acute form in his last sickness. Lewistou Journal. DenfnpsK Can't be Cared bv local anDllcatlnns. as tho.v can no. reach tbo diseased portion of tbo cart 'mere is only one way to cure deaf ness, and tbnt is by conttitutiona remedies. Detifaess Is caused by an ! inflamed condition of the mucous lining of tlio Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, nnd when It Is entire! closed, rii'ttfiufM Is tbe result, and utilfM the Itiflomtitiitioii can be t then out and tins tiilie rc-6tired to fU ti'iruiul condition, hearing will be ditroyed forever; nine coses out of ten aru caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucuus fciirfiices. Wo will pIVRone bundled dollars for any chmh of deufuew (canned by cuturriO that we cannot cure by tak ing Hall's Citlurrh Cure, lend for circulars, free. K. J. CHENEY & Co., T.Iedo, O. Bold by druggist, 75 cent La Grippe Successfully Treated. "I have Just recovered from a second attack of the grip this year," says Mr. Jan. O. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexlu, Texas. "In (he latter caso I used Chamberlain's Cough Eeiuedy, and I think with considerable succehs, only being in bed a littlo over two dayp, against ten days for the llrat attack. The feecond attack I am satisfied would huve been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this lemedy, aa I had to go to bed In about six hours nffer being 'struck' with It, while in tho first case I wos ublo to attend to budnesB about two days before get ting 'down.'" Fifty cent bottles for sale by G. E. Goode, druggist. Why Tall lints Aro In Ilumnnil. "I wouldn't bo surprised if tho tall girl htm a great deal to do with boom ing our high hat trade." a Broadway hatter said. "It must bo, for none of my tall customers litis asked for a higher hat. Those who have worn felts and Derby crowns still wear them, but 1 havo observed a steady chango from low to high tops for my short customers. I think somutiinos that the tall girl is responsible for this change, bocauso a five foot nix customer camo in hero not lougugo nnd asked for my highest hat. He had a good pair of shouldors and could carry it woll, but ho had always worn a low hat. I asked him why ho changed. 'Oh, I've changed girls, rmd tho now ono is about half an inch taller than I. If 1 get a high hat it will oven us up when wo np poor on tho street.'" Now York Sim. SUttkeapoHro ua lie ft, Played. ShakeBpearo is an English poot whoso playB aro generally porforraed in Gorman or Italian. Ho has ofton boon tmuslated.and sometimes adapt od; hohasovon hnd the misfortune of lioing erected in hronzo not far from tlio Boulevard Maleshorbes. He ischioily known in Franco for the lovo which M. Porcl, the manager of tho Odeon, boars him. Ilia works aro in tho libraries of all men nnd women of tho world, but 'thoy are also to bo had at sales, uncut and just liko now. Special features---Shakespeare has been much worried by Voltairo, but is very much patronized by M. Borgorat. Paris Figaro. IJnuklen'n Arnica Salve, The Host Balvu in tho world for Cuts, limine, Hores, Ulcer.,, Salt Khcuin, Fever Horm, letter, l happed Hands, Ulillolalns Jonis nndnllHkln Eruption, and posl tlely cure 1'lles, or no pay required. It is cuKronlued to Rive perfect f atlnlactlon nr luouny rfii,dd I'nri, 'i6 contu per iot. Kur (win by Dan'l J . Fry. 225 Com St, WiJIametlc University Is Just tfco place for you to gojtotcliool FEBRUARY 1, 1892, Is I ho time to enter with tho beginning of iuu inira term. New rooms for youne men will bJready. First-class Instruction in all branches. Kates Cheap. Geo, Winker, D. D, President. Capital City Nursery. I have a tew thounaud choice 2 year ap ple, pair, cherry, plum nud other trees at my pnckliiB grounds opposito slate house, that I will soil at very low prices to plant ers or dealers. Forty men wanted to work In nursery uiur uiu itHuiu reuruary, l-28-lm-dw Very Uespectfully, OH. D.C.SHERMAN, U, 8, Pension and Claim agent. P. O Box 281. .i!ra, Oregon. Deputy iCounty ?leri- Vrltn for blanks. w Salem Abstract and Loan Co Tbo only Abstract books of Marlon county. Ileal estate orders tilled promptly and sufely.i W. H. H. WATERS, MANAOBR. lumunt ivir,.rcin., .rj3e. lUttai, V'ln nj 10 re w, both for 00c. JUi Ctirrnntttuuin, mcb fl.J I CUuTf UtnnTiiHuirWa l3So. I prl I Stl Van " OuUctt XittW' lrtri 1 &e. ' tvqBitrnlJla fUuu. Tlr w'vciuUt, wi witHji vajr vm uwuatsi nuw oi wcr. A l-MHI ot 40.1b. On I I'U HI! Uh fh Mti ka 0til. Same Tlilnjr. "I seo," ho lwgau as hoentorod tho ofliee of a plumbor, "that somo ono has invented n cutoff or valvo or syphon by which n water pipe is t eo- vomeu ii-om trcoaung, no matter how mueli coqwseil." uYea," softly i-oplied tho plumbor. "Good tiling!" "Very likoly." "Como into gonornl usol" "Yea." "Miou it does you plumbora viU have to take a liack seat, ohl" "No. Takea two pouuda of Bolder just tho Bamo, and wo got in throo hours' extra workl" Dobrolt Froo Proas. Good Looks. Good looks aro more thau sklu dtep, diVHmdliiK iion a healthy "..llllou of all the vital orxuua. If i lie Iherba luntttivt), you havo a bll- u 'iKk, if your stomach bo dlsor doud you have a dyneptle look and If your lsldtung ta.tlKtwl you havu a plnrli.d Imik. ftvure mh! ht'alth and vou will have good looks. Klec t rlo lllttera U the great alterative ami tonic acta dlrvcily outluso vital or VHtia, Curva phupleti, blotches, Imlls and glvt a Rotkl comploxlon. Sold HtDau'lJ. try'aDrujtoreCom'l Bt. ANYTHING. From baled hay and feed to flne toilet soap, Key West cigars, tobacco pipe, knives, otc. can uhruj s bo tound at lowest prices; at T. liUKHOWH, No. 22S.Commerslal HU, Balem FEAR & HAMILTON, Ijonns ureotlatod on Improved farm and otty propei iy. aJWblSNf. Oroaaa iUmiui U, Ilubh Hank block. 6 il2dw 500 1Xvjfir iff nB I Bleliau'e WJ-iZ. .;? m UULUB HEALTH. h Hlclmn's Golilm Dalsam No. I Cur i4 Chan cm, tint, and aecond staler Sorrion tb Ltt nj IVoJy; Sorr Er Kyef, Ncm. etc., Copper-colored Uiotchn, KyubillUaCaUrrh.dlxttiied Snip, ard nil Stimry (orioi ol th dleua known m lyphllU. Vtlcx, 93 00 ir llottlo. L lUelinu's Golden Ilnltam No.M Cur Tertluy. UrcorUlSyphilltlc ltheu iiutlun, I'tlas In tho Uoo,rlnlo tb Head, lack ol tho Keck, Ulcerated San Throat, Srphllltlo Itatb, Lump and con tracted Conle, Etlflnea ol the Umbs, anj eradicate all Ultra from the iytcm, whether eauied by IndlttreUon or abuw rl Mercury, leaTtiur Ui blood pure and healthy. Vric TS 00 mr llottU. t.o lllchau'a UoliUn NtxanUU Antl. tlote tor ma cur r uonorrnaja, uteet, Irritation Orarel, and all Urinary or Genl- Uattlo. Uldltann$eianU. Pric $ SO mi llottlo. o UleliRu'a Golden Nuanlih In jpetloii, (jrwren) caartol Uooonha, IntUuituatory Gleet, 6trictUR,Jl. I'rlc SI AU per Haiti. L Rlrhau'a Gulden Olntmonl lor th eSU beallnol SynhlUU 8orv. and erupttona, I'rut it uu ir hoi, 1.0 lllchau's OohUu IMlle Krm and Brain treatrntnt: Idea ol nhnk-al rta er, xcu or onr-work, IToetrUkm, eta. I'rlc 83 00 r Hox Tanlo au Nrrlj tiu artrjratwre, C. O. IX, atoaralr pacltC ytfXfivm, THE RICHARDSDRUfl Ce.,Aoutf 00 H WAKKKT ST., laaJTraMtMlK vinty rS o ? c? &" w o r aSBi & OREGON STATF SCHOOL JOURNAL J.ncJal ornnofthontnte department of publlo In struction. The Journal Is n monthly mug mine demoted to mIkkiI and hi me educa tion; therefore, it I lndlnensnlIn to teacbent, and Invaluable to li tends of edu cation in general. Price $1.00 pcrnnnnraj five or more copies H) ccuts each; Bnmplo copy 10 cents. Address J. 11. Uobnru, Ili7-tf l'roprietor, Albany, Or. J. H. HAAS, TELE WATCHMAKER, 2I5K Ccnmerclal St,, - ' lm, Oregon. (Next door to Klein's.) Hpecialty ol Sjiectaclw, nnd repairing Clocks, Watches nnd .hiwolry. M.-T. RINEMAN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glaisware, Lamps, Wo'den and Willow ware. All binds of mill feed Also veiretablepand fruits iu their rcaKon. "Highest li Ice paid for country produce Wo solid a f bare of jonr rntronage, H-B 1,12 Slate street u Ui Tnltlnp in Mifisouri river points. Ne braska, Kansas, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Olilo by wayof Chicago to Coliim bus, Ohio, then return to the Willnme'te Vnlley. write your friend regarding this excursions, iai;e a trip yoursen chhi. hdu see your old home and friends. Kor full Information call on H. H. ltvnn. will be nt The Jouunal offlce on fcaturdny after noons. K. R. RYAN, Manager. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OliJCGOlf. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day. nTbe best hotel between Portland nwdSan Kranclsco. First-class in all lis HppoInt ments. Its tables nrosered with the Choicest Fruits Grown in the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Those Afflicted With the habit of using to excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE. PERMANENT CURE AT TUB KEELEY INSTITUTE: Forest Grove, Or., Call write. Strictly confidential. MAIL LETTINGS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Post Office Department, Washington. D. C. Jnn. 15. 1R02. PROPOSALS will be leceived at tiie Contract Olllce of this Depart ment until 4 p. in. of March 24th 1892, for carrying tho mails of the United States upon the routes, and according to the schedule of arrival and departure specified by the De partment, in the btate of Oregon from July 1st, 1892 to Juno 30th, 1894. List of routes, with Rchedules of arrivals and departures, instruc tions to bidders with forms, for con tracts and bonds, and all other necessary information, will be fur nished upon application to the Sec ond Assistant Postmaster General. JOHN WANAMAKER, d-M8-Gtm Postmaster General. ,-.ul,.U(uii(itu Kiu-u iiitj liiminnr kmimiDltnt a II.iaI In a .. tin. ..... . " ....,.,uMi.Humuii uue Ol "Uld WIS- ti W " r. i r lumuer feeder to . a J ""' "'"'"k mruugu us numer ous tributaries an outlft for thousands of acres of pine in the uppur country, but it --v. -; .:- "' ,..t, iuitt js becouu trot." Millions of feet or lumber are cut every year, giving employment to hun-??fi.n,n- ln"ddltlonto l he lumber trade, It has numerous other mauufac- 'i'8..18 uere wlwe tUa large wr "horn of the Wisconsin Central LlmWeittHl iJr?S lic. tet' ,n.'1I,s' t'nrtIet8 nud full' M DAILY MAIL STAGE S.chvccn Aurora, Huttcvillc, Ciinmpoftf, St. Paul antl Fairlicld. Leaves Auroia daily nt 10:30 n. tr. Ar rives at Fulitlfld p. m. lUturnlnR leave Kosrfltld at 4 p. m. Arrives nt Chaiupoeg 6p, m Leaves Chttntosg On n. Arrlvi at Aurora via J'ulicvllle. nt8 n. m. Con nects witlinv rningti. r. uo. truins Rome north sunt i. I issenpets, batago and frelirht carried at repulor rates. Hcrvlce begins il..nday, Mav 7, 1892. itlM. liOEFEIt, I'ropr. PEOPLE! Ask for Hurst's "STAFF OF LIFE" Or whole Wheat Flour, healthiest nud best tasting bread. Also tho Famous Pure Aurora Buck wheat Flour. 'Hurt-t's best Full (toller Process Flour." Also our pure Kye Flour. Ask your dealer for these goods and take no subst Itute. J. D. HUBST& SON, Aurora. in 11 1 ftn ONK OF TUB LARGEST ESTABLISH inputs In the State. Lower rates than Portland. Largest stock Legal Blanks In the State, aid biggest discount. Send fot pi ice list of Job printing, nnd catalogue ol 162iil blauKs. E. M. WArii:, Hteam Printer tSalem. Or-tcou EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Sliasta. Line CAMFOltNTA EXntESS TRAIN RTJK TJAI1.T t)KTrsKr voktland ajsd a. v. isorut foouth. j 7:K p. m. I Lv. Portland A r. 7: a. m t:lh p. ra. I Lv. Salem Lv. C:2 n. in 8:15 a.m. ) Ar. Ban Fran. Lv. 7:00 p. ni Above traln.s htop only nt iollowinc bta lions north of Itosebtirg, lust l'ortlnnd Orgou City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany Tangent, bhedds, Hnlsey, Uarribburg Junction City. In lng nnd Eugene. Kostnuno mam, daily, 3J a. in. 11:17 a. m 8:50 p. in. Lv. Portland Ar. I h-.O p. m, Lv Salem Lv. 1:J0 p. m. Ar. Koscburg Lv. 7:00 a. m Albany Local, Dally Kxcopt Sunday, o:00 p. m. 7:52 p.m. 9:00 p. m. Lv. Lv: Ar. Portland fciilcin Albany Ar. 1 10:30 am. Lv. I 7.S1 n. w. Lv.().30n.nt. FDLLMAN lMfil SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- Foraccommodution ot passengers holding second cihss tickets attached to express trains. Yest Side Division, Between Portland and Ceivallis: PAILY (KXCK1T 8UNIJAY). "7:30 a. m. I Lv. Portland ATTTfiTsOp. m. IL':10 p. m. I Ar. Corvallls Lv. 12:E6 p. m. At. Alhnin' o ttrl fViTrollln nnntinut mlf frt trains cf Oregon Pacific llallrond. EXVKKSSTKAIN (DAILY EXCEFTtinNDAY i:X) p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 8:'JJ a, m. 7:25 p. m. I Ar.McatlnnvllleLv. 5:45 a. m. Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH ll'nf flptrAtv nrw, full tnfnrmntinn wnrmmr in? tales map, etc., apply to the Compa ny's agent Atlom, Oregon. t.i-. wuuiirts, Asst. . F. and Pass. Ag't K. KOF.HLKIt. Alanager From Terminal or Interior Points the tf .Trim. Is tbe line to take To all Points East and South. It Is thedinlng car ronte. Itruns through) vestibule trains every day In the year "o. ST. PAUL 1KD CHICAGO (No change of care.) Composed of dlntngcars unsurpassed," Pullman drawing room sleepers- Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best tbnt can be constructed nnd In which accomniodatieus aro both tree and luri flckets and f flrSt and'Becond-;1as8 ELEGAKT DAY COACHES. A LUMBERMAN'S RENDEZVOUS, seHFXI "'--"tea1 -.-.., ....,1.. uu i,JO ii iHiuum uentral i,;j .. .v6U uuy agent ol Lines, at the gntewny to the vast forest tl!2,roa,v ... -!,'"' "uitu c.virnun orin lo Uike , r. 1 "it, m uu irani ni points Superior, a distance ota miles without a .!melSai'nBlan,1 nud Europe can be br.enk,,?i? "S0?1"11 r lu vust lumber inter. J "r,ilmsfcrt nt any tlcbet otrlce oi this com- esu. The Wisi-onsln ltlver to which the iSF. . , -. TOm and .. . "u"uon concerning rates, time A. D. CHAELTON, MA L?.nt. General Passenger Agent. No Jaitd'ter1' "" WafhlngtnTpo,?: SHAW & DOWNING, Agenta Conservatory or Music. yLLLAMKTTK UNIVKRSITY.-Glves music, Flye teachers. Latest method iV,?h n,u,llntrumeutal music tauBh? to nle h f.kt ,ron'y. 'o ue solng east i?i.iU"!y "luslc Kxjwnsos nioderute Musical Director, THE YAOUINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD S?.9..?Sn development corapanv'a Im 5,... Ji net is mllcs shorter, 20 hotin &2HS1 PSSepjjer and freight lin. aetvev,toUaVd,,,rnlXu,nec? imu auntuuit, tiixcept Hundaysi. IjflVn A irnn Leave Con-allls Arrive Yaanina Leave Yaquina Leave Corvallls rnve Aibany 1.-00PM .1:PM 6:30 PM -&15AU 10:S5 A M 11:10 AM Sumnions. 4MariUo,nlS?.f,he 0t -dWa'a1!!6 "ata",r-W. M- "lover, Tlh M Glver the defendant: Q '",e name of the stat ot Oreson von are bertby required toaprwafauw..r the romWalnt flW anit voii in ?hf rin:irfx 'i '""! 'newme tm the RJ.flSLf!i'5l 'tnn ot th abi'vS 5KacK -iV"?. i&Aft ra OorVallU "Un'' connect at Albany n1 J'J?.e.avb0T? n connect at YAonmi FtancUco. mlwe Yaonina and to SAIL1.NQ PATHS. HiSuton' Friday ,M" mA onTun WL)Z2?? .FV9 SA-H FltANCISTft rtStaC,aKKr rnay 'one ST Hiuaiutitt vnitr cTiTr '"Mr i K i 15 ftSTfi""?' fcudtty ,a,Hon. Thnraday. ' Valley; furtSn .iSjrKCs..,'?;.." 5 ennnectton whl! Jhi ""wake clns .vZivzrv&vi&Trsn&zxvSjsi a'SSSH53!!e'sUBWja WbrpaMkwhhJitfnpon ,SX"i Ft.l.t Katea At- iT"1;'." ; Ueidtn d CLfl tirwir. u . .. Attornjn fof r4ja'ua t a 4IU,SVar ifyiW4mtit0itm'Umt i fa hi i jUjij! wKSSz 9Ufc "- r -" itrBjBbtuaa