- -y rmn vT!J&$& ''" wwn WW ' B n t ffsa r lodlUire of about ft 2,000 la d vuttartg !b excess of the rrqntrc titttttfcof kw b a steal. It pays that in the beginning of liia libel MHt Mayor Cbapmnn may have tWtkM better than bo knew, and jMwikte that it will lend to ilidcloA w on the trial vrhtrh will bcdlnar knm ttf the pll tlciit ring. VII. KEVIN'S TALKS. , IMk of the Scene at Blaine's Ko-bso and Scores .Blaine jr. . g.4WX Falls, 8. I)., MwvU 1. - fmi&o Palmer, counsel for Mr. " at tine, lr.. said yesterday tt ,'1 Abe time his cliont will make n re- liy to the letter prctvrtd by hecre tawy JJlalde. New YdtaC, March 1. An evening pper say that Mrs. Nevlns, moler &t Marie Nevlns Blaine, Iri an Inter view yesterday, nald the story told by Secretary of State Blaine of their Interview with Mm. Bt due is largely roneoU9. Mrs. Nevlns says slit accompanied her daughter to tbi house, the nureo and child being With them. When airs. Blaine came in they asked to see her hu band, but she replied she could no. see him. Mn. Blaine insisted upon the nurse leaving the room, aud then matters were talked over for sometime. When Mario spoke oi going away again, said Mrs. Novlns, Mrs. Blaine said, "Well, you can leave your baby hero if you want to." It Marie had been sotno poor outcast, whom Jim Blaine had seduced, added Mrs. Nevlus, Mrs. Blaine could not have spoken In a more brutal manner. A moment or two later Mrs. Blaine turned to Marie and said, In an extremely uletilflcaut way. "Well, your mar- rlago was all wrong, anyway." Then, said Aire. Nevlns, I protested; Mrs. Blaine Hew into a Hurry, rang the bell, and a servant appeared with surnrialnirsneed. "Show these persons out," exclaimed Airs, o Blaine, and then sho added, "and watoh them." At the door of the carriage, the nurse, who was crying oat of Bympatby for Alarie, said, "Mrs. Blaine, you aro a goose logo away like that. You aro his wife; go right up to his room. No ono has a riffht to stop you." Alarlo went back Into the house, while Airs. Nevlns stayed in the carriage. Then It was thut the scouo took place. HOW HE GOT HIS JEWELRY. A Singular Case in Which a Chi cago man was Lucky. Pobtland, Alarch 1. Last Jan uary while E. L Huntley, a Chi oatro clothier, was on route from Kootenai to Bonner's ferry, tho stage , was robbed and ho was rolloved of diamonds ami other lewelry valued t $12,000. Huntley Inserted nn ad vertisement In tuo Orojonlan offer- ing a reward of $ 2,000 for recovery of thejewelc. Thostago ronuors, seeing tho ndvertlHumont, wrote to Huntley's brother, who resides In Contralto, Wash., ottering to re turn the stolon property If ho would not prosecute them, and would In sert tho following advertisement In hi tho Oregenlau: "Wanted, $2000 exchange, adrcsi Hnulloy, oaro Oregonlan." Huntley Inserted the advertise nioutns nquiBtod, aud on Sunday last a man anno t bin room ut the Portland hotel and delivered tho Btolen property to Us owner, who left for Bun Fiqueisuo. California at tho World'a Pair. Baouamijnto, March 1. Thomiis Ij. Thompson, commissioner for California of tho Chicago world's fair, haB grunted tho Northern Cali fornia Citrus Fair Association two aud ono-half acres or ono-hulf of tho entire space allotted by tho world's fair to California for a horticultural exhibit. Bouthoru California re ceives the other half. Living aud bearing trees will bo transported to Chicago and transplanted there. Chinese Robola Aro Waiting. Hitanuiiai. Alarch 1. Well iu formed Chinese say the uccouuIb of UQoesieB of tho government in the north arc grossly muKntlled; that the winter weather lias prevented the currvlmr on of operation!, and that tho rebels, who are 20,000 strong, ttro still secure in tliu mountains, ready to renew tho robolllnn when the weather becomes mild. Dyn&mlto Explosion in Paris, Pakis, Alaroh 1, .Tremendous e.- eiUimeut was occasioned hero y kirday by uu explosion at tho rvl tLmca of tho PrllieehH of Bjkuii. It la thought It was dynamite placed lu tho doorway by uuurchUtlo sym pathizers. Tho windows of the prlucesa' bouse and thoao udjolnlng wore sliutlereu, uut otherwise tto daniago was done. MARKETS. Ban Fbanoibco, Murch 1. Wiai uuyer fcwsun i ouj. Mnuir.iMn Tirrnti 1 Wlu.iit vul Sr,l.55?l,C0j Walla Vullu,?l.60 CHICAoO, March 1. At close vfemt CMdi, 878; May, Wj. KcupltM, Yet b'ayed, om a tetter written by Airs. Ada "Was taken With a uud cold, whleh wfettod on my lung, oougli wt In M4 Ally termtua:ed in eonsumjv. Uum. Four doctors Rave wo up, ryia I could vo but a short time, gvvti tuywjf up, determined If J wmM p stay on ertli, I wxu d si my MweiH ones auovu. My bud was advised to get Br. ! Ww Dkteavrty for Com- H w, oujpi, ma coins, i g.i ve Jr trial. tMik in nil. uluht hot mi II hu iitTKii. unci llintik Clru I maw a well and hrty wotnmi." M1 ImllU frB ut Dju'I J. 1'Ve'n 4flMWnrii, & Cmh'I, kH. Ittgulur GOING FOR IK TRUSTS, Ohio's Snprcmo Court Decides Against Them. STANDAED OIL OOMPAinr. A Decision Today of Importance Concerning Trusts. CoLUMnus. O., Alarch 1. Tlie supreme court of Ohio In the case of Attorney Oepeml Watson vs. ius SUuidurdOIIcompiny handed down a decision today of Importance con cerning trusts. The case was insti tuted by a petition In quo-warranto topust the company from Itscorpo ralo rights and to forfeit its franchise While tho decision does not oust the company from its franchlso It pro hlblts them from any way continu ing to carry out or fullflll any provisions or agreements under trust contracts. The attorney general of New York has papers ready to llle HgaliiBt the Btutidard lu that state pre(ircd lu contemplation of this decision. PEOPLE AEE STARVING. The People of Hungary Are Re duced to Extremities. Buda-1'e8TH, Alarch .1. Tho in habitants of Arya, Hungary, arc sutlering from typhus and other deadly diseases, In addition to tin famlno prevailing there. Tho peo ple are reduced to such straits foi food that they aro comi elled to eat the bark of trees and pine cones. OUN FACTORY BILL. Passes tho CommitteoUnanlmously, Site yot to bo Fixed. Washington, Alarch 1. Tin senato committee on coast defenne had under consideration this morn Ing a bill appropriating 51,000,000 for the establishment of a gun fac tory on tho Pacific coast and de cided by a unanimous voto to report it fovorablo to the senate. Location of tho site of the factory is left to a board to bo appointed by the presi dent consisting of thteo olllccrs of tho array and three of tho navy. Beualor Felton desired tho bill to be so amended as to locate the site definitely at Beuccla, California, but his motion to this oflcct was voted down. FREE SILVER BILL. Senator Aldrich of tho Opinion It Will Pass and Bo Votood. Pkovidenck, It. I., Alarch 1. In an Interview today Senator Aldrich expressed tho opinion tho freo silver bill will pass botii the house and tho senato at tho present session and be vetoed by tho presldout. Ho bases his opinion on tho report of the houso committee on rules fixing u certain day for tho consideration of tho measure and on his belief that that tho combination of Democrats, Alllunco men aud freo silver llepub llcaus In tho senate will give tho bill a small mnjority in that branch, Two Conventions. Taooma, Alarch 1. Tho Demo oratlo central committee met here yesterday and decltlod to call two fltalo conventions, the first at Van couver Alay 25th, to oleut delegates to the national convention, aud tho Vewnul at a date to bo fixed here after, at Olyiuplu, to nomluuto state olllceru. The call for tho first con vention reccommonds county con ventions to bo held Alay 2nd. A Bogus Commissioner. Anacoutks, Wash., Alarch 1. Lately a well dressed straugor has represented himself borons a world's fair commissioner, and cultivated tho acquaintance of several Inlluou tial persons. After his dlHappcuruuco on Baturday, a local bunk discovered, at the cost of $300, that his pretense aiid letter of credit were bogus. Tripoli Affairs. London, Alaroh 1. A dispatch from Tripoli announces that Ihere hoa boon Borious rioting there, grow ing out of tho issuing of a tlrmuti by the sultan making uutlves liable to conscription. Tho Arabs had an ouoouutor with tho troops, severul bolug killed and many wounded. Ths Kuropeaus living lu the vicinity have taken refuge in tho city, aud business Is sUHteuded. Violent Storm. Hkadino, Pa., Alarch 1. A vio lent wind storm accompanied by rain, snow aud hall passed over the city this morning hinting two hours. Damage was done all oyer the city aud hurrouudlng country. Ati un known niau perished In tho storm uoar tho city. . Church and Btato. WiNNii'Ku, Alaroh, 1. Tho state ment published here to tho ellect that a bargain has been mado be tween tho Romau Cathollo church aud the conservative movement at Ottawa by which the church pledges Itself to glvo tho conservatives the entire Cntho'lo voto on condition that Abbott, tho present dominion prouder, retire In thn near future aud bo succeeded by Blr John Thompson who U a Itomau Catholic Storm At New York. Nkw YuiiKi Alarch 1. Not a sailing craft left this port (his morn ing bocauBQ of a terrible storm raging hero aud only tho largest steamers dared to leave. The wind played havoo vlth a ship anchored oil fituten island aud a number of crafts have been driven ashore. Tho Senate, Washington. March 1. The MBato tody returned the consider J IIIUI WW atlon of the Idaho contested elec tion case and Bandera took the floor In defense of Claggett's right to tho seat. National Bank Suspends. LIMA, O., March 1. The Lima National bank of this city closed this morning. The trouble, was brought about by the speculation of President B. C. Fuurei. Capital stock is $100,000. It Is believed the deivltire will receive their money lu full. Thirteen Men Injured. LlVKitP.joi., Afurch I. The scaf fold upon wfilch a number of men were working on one of tho docks collap'ed today aud thirteen were InJ.ired. liight men are in u criti cal condition. Qold for Europe. Nkw Yokic, Alarch 1. August Belmont Js Co. have ordered $500,000 gold coin for shipment to Europe tomorrow. Over $4,000,000 have been ordered since February 19. Tho House Today. Washington, Alarch 1. The House today passed a bill for the uls posul and sale of lands known as tho Klamath River Indian reserva tion In California. From Greece. Atiibns, Alarch, 1. The Greek cabinet bus reslgued and the king has summoned Trlcoupis to form a ministry. Fell and Broke His Neck. Portland, Or., Alarch 1. An- drcus Borentzeu fell from tho top of i stairway early this morn ing, break ing Ids neck. He leaves a wifo and two children. FIRE AT MADERA. Senator Hill to ho Married, Strikers Victorious. POISONED. How it Was Planned to Got an Ignorant Gorman's Wealth. Ukiaii, Cal., Alarch 1. Edgar A. Martin was arrested by the sheriff yesterday tor tho murder of Fred Qoldt, commonly known as "Dutch Fred," ut Fort Bragg, Feb. 17th. Holdt was worth ubout $100,000. He died In a salom In Fort Hrugg while drunk, aud it was supposed that his death was caused by paralysis. Ex amination of tho stomuch since shows that he had been poisoned. Bhortly beforo ho died ho sent for his brother to make bis will, but expired baforo his brother arrived. A short time nftcrwurd Edgar A. Alurtln forwarded to a prominent attorney hero a will signed by Holdt, In which Alartln was made solo oxecutor without bonds. The will was written by Alartln In tho dlvo and was witnessed by tho pro prletor and his wife. Tho signature Is genuine, but as Holdt could not read, tho supposition Is that ho did not know what ho was signing Martin exactly suits the description of tho Napa Greenwood murderer. Oolorod Prizo Fight. Han Francisco, Alarch 1. Chap. Turner, of Stockton, aud Harris Alartln, tho Blauk Pearl, both eo' ored, fought last night beforo tho Occidputul club for a purso of $1000 In Hie fourth round Tumor led with his left, but Pearl ducked. Pearl rushed and Turner sent him back with a left lu tho mouth. Pearl camo buck at him and floored Turner in his own corner. Turner got up dnziHl, but fought back hard, und got In soma good liaks nn Pearl's mug boforo the round closed. Fifth Turner swung his right for Pearl's Jaw a couple of times, but missed. Pearl rushed and Turner knooked him down with n right on the Jaw. Blxlh Pearl made Turuei's nose a little flatter with a poko on the nose. Pearl missed his right swing, aud Turner floored him. He got up aud both men slugged, Turner get ting a little the best of It. The round dosed with both men groggy. Turner kept making left Jabs at Pearl's mug, which commenced to swell. Tenth-Turner still did all the leading. Pearl rushed aud caught Turner on tho aw with a back swing. 'I timer stood up to hint and gave him moru than ho received. I'earl went to his corner bleeding from Ids head, Fifteenth Turner hit Pearl on the Jaw with his right, uud the latter started to mix thlims up. lie sluggid light and left, und Pearl wan badly hurt. Ho staggered Turner though with a right swing, but quit very w eak, Bixteeuth The men started right Into business. Pearl kept uwaj though, and nyjldod trouble. Beventeeuth Turner seut Pearl's head back with a loft punch In the fuoo. Eighteenth Turner put lu severs) still lefts, which showed plainly on Pearl's swelled countenatioe, Nlucteontu Turner swung his right ami duoked, and Pearl missed a beautiful opportunity to upperout him. Ho made up for It a second later by smashing Turner on thu now. Huddenly Turner swung his right with terrltlo force, aud it lauded ou lVurl's Jaw, an 1 the light was over, He dr. pped like a log to the floor, uud lay motlou'cM. As he wm counted out ho raised his head slightly mid wa then seuti Qck, He was car did to his corner, i and therv was revived by hli Woud, I Fire at Madera, CaL j AIadera, Cal., Alarch 1. Tho, postofllco, a harness shop and whole-1 uSe liquor house at this place, were totally destroyed by fl,e yesterday; all fully Insured. The causa U un known. Had a wind ljeeu blowing tbeinatu part of town would have bten burned. Senator Hill to Bo Married, Washington, Alarch 1. ftioro Is a story current today that Sena tor JI 111 In soon to bo married Origi nally the name of the diughter of the late William L. Muller won coupled with his, but est-rday afternoon the senator declnred to one who broached the subject to bim that the report was a'!iitely false. Later the story took the form that he was engaged to a rich Albany widow, aud that they would be murried lutein the coming outumcr. A gentleman who Is thought to be in a position to know said that he had every reason to believe that In side of a year Divld would no longer be In the ranks of the bachelors. Notning but an actual m irrla $n will ever convince some folks of thi?. Champion Skater. Christiana, March 1. The final races for the world's skating cham pionship between Smart uud Hagen resulted In a victory for the latter. Strikers are Victorious. New York, March 1. A settle ment of the clncKtnakorx' strike was practically effected this morning. Manufacturer Jouasson agreed to tha terms of the strikers and will take them back in a body. VVMAQ BKNTIM1SNT AND TUB VIA DUCT. So far as one can judge from the expression of business men In these columns there in a remarkable unan imity in the matter of building a new bridge over Allll creek on South Commercial street. The business interests of tills city demand several thlugs very plainly. It Is certain that if the street is not widened out, not only oyer the bridge but for sev oral blocks beyond, and over the hill, that street U practically ruined for public travel. It will be dangerous In the extreme with cars runuiugon It and might as well bo closed to public travel, if it is not widened out. It is certain that for tho true interests of tho city aud the Electric company us well, tho latter should not be forced to cross on its own trestle. It will be a waste of money and a further impediment to travel that should never be forced upon the company. It is certain that any wood and pile bridge will cost tho city nearly as much as its share of the proposed viaduct will come to. Theee points cannot be disputed sue cessfu ly. There Is another polut that should incline the council to undertake this purmuueut improvement. It Is tho only Improvement of any mug' nltudo that the city Is likely to bu called unon to inaito this year. If this work is not carried out, a blemish will be put ou our main business street. There will be just about as much money frittered awuy on five, hundred little Jobs that peo plo will call for that will cause just as muuli espouse, and taxes will be just us high and thero will be no permanent Improvement to show for IU Salem business meu gener ally favor tiie viaduct, uud tho im piovemout of the street to tho south. They aro solldjy in favor of a gen eral aud liberal policy of permanent puollo Improvements uud a policy that at the same lime will give em ployment to labor, which is very much needed. These public spirited eitlzous have ouly dono their duty lu promoting this Important work ut tho present time, and they seem to think if tho city misses this op portunity of building tho viaduct, there will bo a generul regret among tho taxpayers, who In the end will pay muuh mora dearly for the same structure. IIOTIIL AlUUVALS. "WILLASICTTK" O W Case, Buttovllle. 13 P Tiiompson, II A Qerspaeh, Bon F. Jones, P Hubklrk, T C Wat kins, J O AluCaflrey, D 1), Portland. J L Lsister.O II Holconib, Seattle. 13 M Rraulok, J Watson, H D Lull T P Willis, E 13 Smith, Chi cago. J O Fair. Ne York. P L Kenady, Woodburu. 13 Bailey, AloCoy. J II Bmher, 11 B Keith, 8 F. W B Baker, Detroit. Ij S Simons, San Francisco. W.ll Qoldmui, LMulveuide, Port laud. L 1) Bllyou, A 13 Woodcock, O A Dayls, Eugene. "CfOK." J Hemingway, Chicago. EdTJudd, Aunwvllle. W N Joues, G W Smith, N J White, H J White, J A AloKelvey, J 13 Itltchey, Portland. L 8 Lambert, Sublimity. E B Fleloher, Howell. H uud J Hall, K H Prlm.Salem. J A Chapman, Wilbur. J Winters, Ueddlutr. D At Guthrie, Dallas. W W Lawson, Oregou City. Jas Bykes. J U Aden, Tumpico, lud. B B Aloore, Llukeille. T Humpfrles, U F Stubblelleld, enterprise. D Brush, JUcph, COFFEE FREE. IX ynw wuni tle wry Ut and purwt In tltt market? AskSroatA Gllpforftfrvoiwuinle, THE "PACIFIC" LAND & htMhmm&MmmiMjWi7 kiz&&M u't"iHXSS'iet zm Trg? r52ir2:rc New Washington, Peun., people are not slow about taking hold of a new fhing, If the nrtlcle has merit. A few months ago David Byers, of. tbat place, bought his first stock of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, He lias sold It all and ordered more. 'It has given the best of satisfac tion. I have warranted every bottle, and have net had one come back." 25 aud 60 cent and fl.00 bottles for sale by G. E. Good, drug gist. Choice butter always ou hand at Clark & Epploy's Notice. To tho voters of school district No. 24, of the city of Salem: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the oflice of clerk of said district at tho election to be held March 14, 1892. C. AI. Pahmknteii. For School Clerk. To the voters of district No. 21, Salem Oregen: I hereby announce myself a candidate for school clerk for said district at the election to be held Alarch 11, 1892. J. H. Bridges. For School Clerk. To the yoters of school district No. SI; I hereby announce myself as a candidate for clerk In Bald district. H. H. Ssiith. Baby cried, Alother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoriaf Neuralgia Cured in 15 Minutes. Air. J. S. Sturtevant, editor of the Waupaca, (Wis.) Post, says: "Last night Chamberlain's Pain Bulm cured my wifo of ueura'gin of the fuce and tooth In fifteen msuutes Wo would not bo with out It." 60 e nt bottles for salo by G. E. Good, druggist. Always avoid harsh purgative pllls.Thcy ant make yon 8lck ana then leave you constlnuted Carter's Little Ller Pill regulate the Dose, one pill bowels and make you well More cases of sick hendacte, biliousness, constlpatlon.citu be cured In hsttime.wlth less medloluo, and for lessmaney, by u-tluc Carter's Lltllo Liver Pills, than by any oiner means. Do not milt'er from sick headache n mo tnent longer. It Is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will euro you. Dose, ono nttio pin. email price, small dose, small pill. Pyspepsie 1 Kea many peoplo miserable anrt ofti ils to srir-destructtuii. Distress af i..ng, sour stoni.icli, sick headache iu i fin, loos of aprfettto, e unit, "all go' n Hug, li.ul taste, coated tongue, and itr . ulartty oi tho bowels, ai DlStrOSS tlio moro common syn tftQY toms. Dyspepsia docs in , . get well of lUelt. At r Hating quires circim, pirMcti atttvitluu, and n remedy like Hood's 8 .1 .lllll.i, which nets gent'y ei -Ilka1 It tunes tho stomach am U.'m orb. . regulates tho digestion, crejics r gooi. ap appetite, itiul, b) thus Pmj. overcoming tlio lueil , 7 . symptoms, cures the HQauacrie 'leadtohe, and refreshes the tired lu 11" "1 lino beiv troubled with dpci i.i : liad but little nppotlte, and wli.it 1 Uil Hnnrta ont dWrwswl tw, or Uu. liuurc me mile good. Alter t ()Um ug I Mould expericucr itiitttnoM, or tired, all cone (deling, a llMMgh 1 had not eaten anything. Jlj trtutle, I thlnX, s agjinniilwl l my tiusU.MW, alntlng, and (rum being nuuo or instant up ma room wtth Sour t kh tOut. List sprlnir . , 1 1 Uood's S urssparltta otomaoil t;.d It did mo an Immense mount of good II give mo an appetite, and 111) d-xl r t I 'iOd awl satlsf ed tho craMutc I had pre , :. mly oxirtonccd." Gbeucii: A. Tauk Witcrtowu, Msas. H. It, H u decide to take Hood's 5 .r . Mi Ula do not be Induced to bu anj mW r. Hood's Sarsaparilla lljlni-lll Wtlrlf. rnrly . MIOOPA l..AtbiriM,LuU.MM. iCO Dosos Ono Dollar Atlinlnistrntrix NotJtu of Ap pointment, vrOTICKU hereby given that the under XS tgnrl h ben dub' upjiolnted by Cha Couuly Court 01 Mrlou cuuuty, Ore- Sou, aminiiririx 01 iuo miHie iti .v. 11. tuntoti, lato ot mid couuly, deemtsoj. And nil pwwiiu havluicl4lmKKluitiMld etnt kid herrby nollrlftl lu prtwun the ki.n to the nudirsUutnl duly trifled, ao conlliig to Uw.nl her home la the town of ltiHcr, Marion lUumrtun-Kwii, numu six i MHxim frm Wie iito ofthl nolle. Aud all ummius owiil Mid estate aro rcqutnua 1 Ij HtAKetmixnAtesettleuiKnturtbeMme 1 tu 1 Ho uiit'ersigsod. IWIwt IhU Jnuuary T. ltttt. , 'K.V.HTANTON. AdmlnUtratrix or the eut 01 X, U. un 1 ton, decduod. 171U 1U amFFlTU,dutUj.orrieln Bush's new bulldlnjr.ooruerOuiuruerolal &ml Ku utt. Hileiii. Antithetic admlnWterad whcadir4. 8t-f J. L BENNETT k SON. CANDIES, Frnits and Cigars, P. O. Bloclt. A. P. GORDON, All kinds of W O O D. OI Court Street, k HUMPHREYS, Cigars and Tobacco. BILLIARD PARLOR, 243 Com'l Street. GLOVER & PUGH, Horseshoeing and Blucksmitliiug, Book of Red Corner. BOSTON Coffee House. 5c LUNCH. Open all Night A. SALEM DYE WORKS. Tailoring, n ivn Dvii tnnvn UU AM) llDIilllllllU, 127 Court Street. 88 VHOrKSSIONAL CAKD9. GEO. H. BURNETT, Attorney nt law, Salem, Oregsn. Office over Ladd 4 Hush's bank. JVAIttJY BINGHAM, Attorneys and J counselors at law, Sfllem, Oregon, avl ug an h ba tract ot the records of Marlon county, Including a lot and block Index 01 Sntem, they havo Bpeclal facilities lor ex amtnlug titles to real estate. Business In the supreme court and In the state depart ments will receive prompt attention. Q T.RICHARDSON, Attorney at law, O. olllce up stairs In front rooms of now Bush block, comer commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney at law. Rooms 3 and 4, Ladd &. Bush's bank building, Salem, Oregen. 8 1 lyr B. Y. BONHAM. W. H. HOLMES. Boniiam & Holmes. Attorneys at law. Oflice In Bush's block, between State and Court, ou (Xnn'lHt. mlLMON FORI), attorney at law, Salem, I Oregon. Office uptalra In l'atton's UIO ilbck. WH. YOUNG, M. D.. Office formerly . occupied by Dr. ltowland, corucr Court and Liberty streets. Telephone No. 45. Olllco heurs: 8 a. in. to 12, 2 to 4 p. m., und 7 to B p.m. Residence lKtli sticut on electric car line. Telephone No. U. T-VR. W. S. J geon. C fern, Oregon. MOTT. nhvslclan and Bur- Offlro In Eldrldge Block, Sa- umce uours tu to izu, m. .101 p. m. P-1 HTgu B. PniLBROOK, M. D.,Homeopathlst. Office 155 Court street: Kej Idence !U7 i:h etrtet. General nractlce. Kneclal attention given to diseases of Women and children. w.J of the 1 J T1IOUSER.M.D. Physician and sur- Keuu. j-racuce jiuiiivu ui ureases nervous system. Catarrh Including asthma and rupture or hernia. Office in Cottle block rooms 11 and 12. Ofljco hours from 9 to 12 a. in. and from 3 to U p. m. 11 tf. TR. MINTA H. A. DAVIS. Offlce hours, J a a. in. to 11 a. m.; 2 p. in. to 6 p. in. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Special attention gien todtseasesof wom en and children. Office laAew BankBlk., SOS Commercial street. Residence same. MILLERS. LUND. Enlsoonal Sec tor) ; cornor Chemeketu and Church. OQloa uours 1 10 J p. in. A NNICEF. JEFFREYS, M. D. Treat- ment of Ladles and Children a snec- miiy uuiuu uuurs: v 10 I-', ana . to -i. t.1 drtuge blok, Salem, Oregou, D R. T. C. SMITH, Dentist, W Bute street, lions of every description. rtutviii, vr rmiBueu uuuiui upcra l'alulessopera- lions a pociauy, r B. MoNALLY, Architect, New Bun! j. Kreyman block. Plans and speclrlca ttous of all classes of of buildings on short notice. Superlntendeaceof work promptly ookbd oner. 2 5-tf D.PUGU, Architect, Plans, Speel. T , uimu nuu uivriuieuuuuco lor merclal St., up stairs. E.J mlnei , McOA U8TLAND,C1 11 Sanitary and Hydruullo Unelneer. U. a. iteoutv neral surveyor. Citv survrvnrr niHvt' Cottle-Parkhurst Block, yjilem, Oregon. CA. ROBERT, Architect, room 421. Mar . quant building, rortland, Oregon. UUSINEhS CARDS. TTOEYE A MUJ.M, Proprietors the 1-orce U iniu iwuRouinini tiel'arlors, utx In the the only Purrelaln Uatb Tubs In th ni. tin. . U i lwnm.Ml.1 b.ka. L1u. f -. wwumvMi r, dmiviu, virvilU. QPII P. HAGUE ALLKN. Ulatkamllhi und noraaoeluff and repairing. Only the workmen eninlarml- llnnMim St,.,.. IMSUIIUltV UUUUIUJC i...,...... :,... i,..,i - " -"- OUN KNIOHT, Mbwkumlth. Hon t:.u,n.KV!JJ'Vil,rtnlcoUltJ' shop it th loot or Liberty utrwt, Salem. Onvon. aaxr Mndjor vltUl. KPlring ial. f All work rmmiptlr done. sTlmLOr' Um order. wAh Duwn BroSl uSVm ' GWPfMAYlSG.-I mtka pectaiiT nt arrt-urtliir n,l l.rti "f '." M ?LA?.-?S!S ttsu ats ?:3Miiki$:a ORCHARD COMPANY. LARGEANDSMALL FA.RIMS, Also 5, 10 and 20 acre pieces alrendy planted to fruit tries In fine condition, and some flrbtrc'n8 city properly. STATE INSURANCE BUILDING, SALEAI, OREGON. References by Permissien: Hon W. W. Thayer, Ex-governor and rhlcfjuil Ire of Oiegou, Port land, Oregon. Hon Illchard Willams, ex-member of congress, Portlnnd. Oregon. Hon Geo. W. MoBride, lecretary or state, Salem, Oregon. Hon Phil. Aletschan, state treasurer,-Salem, Oregon. Hon E. B. AIcElroy, superintendent of public instruction, Salem, Or Hon. W. A. Cuslck, president Capital National bank, Salem, Orego n Hon. Napokon Davis, president First National bank, Salem, Oregon William & England Hanking Compans, Salem, Oregon. Thos Koy, president woolen mills, Salem, Oregon. Hon W P. Allibon. United btatis Senator, Dubquue, Iowa. Hon. Wm. Larrabee, ex governor of Town, Clalrmont, Iowa. Jas. Hurrugan, cashier Dubuque National bank, Dubuque, Towa. W. P. Alanley, president Sicurity National bank, Sioux City, Iowa. I on. J. A. T. Hull, congressman, Des Moines, Iowa. Hon. Geo. D. Perkins, congressman, Sioux City, Iowa. J. J. HARKINS, Scientific Horseshoeing. OPPOSITE FOUNDRY, On State Street. A. H. FORSTNER & CO., Machine Shop, Guns, S tiding Goods, Etc., 308 Cdm'l Street RICE & ROSS, Horseshoers. General Blucksmithlng, 47 State Street. HADABACGII & EPLEY, Livery, Feed and Boat ding Stable, 4-1 State Street. A. It WILLARD, Blncksmitliiiig and Elorscsliociiig, 130 State Street. J. I ROSS, Farmer's L UNO II COUNTER, 97 State Street. SAM E, ATTWELL, HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER, 138 State Street. IXL BAKERY. Finest Bread, Cakes, Cookies, Etc., 101 State Street. JI. STEEYES BROS, Undertaking and Cabinet Work, 107 State Street. Califovn ia Bakery, the"best 101 Court Street. K. i). PATTON, Red Rubber Stamps. S. Vt THOMPSON & CO., 221 Commercial Street. Larye Line of Loose AND MOUNTED DIAMONDS, 1'rlces the Lowest. State Street. Oregon Land Company's Price List. 10 acres of land 5- miles south of Salem (postoffice) best fruit land, nearly all cultivated. There will be 1 00 acres set to fruit, immediately adjoining this tract, this spring; price, 50 per acre, $100 cash, balance easy pay ments. Choice of four ten acre fruit tracts five miles south of Salem (postoffice) one all in cultivation, very sightly; two other three-fourths in cultivation, balance good timber; one three-fourths in cultivation balance in pasture, 45.00 per acre, cash, balance easy payment and long time. Choice of 25 ten acre fruit tra ts six miles south ot Salem (postoffice) best fruit land, ve y desirable location; springs and running water, adjoini g The Oregon Land Company's model 100 acre orchard farm, three miles from Steamer landing. First choice G0 per acre, cash, balance on eight years time, enabling purchaser to pay for land out of the fruit crop This land will be set our to fiuit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner, by the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company so that a two year old orchard, complete in ever respect, will cost the pur baser 125 per acre, including a good fence around it. The Willamette V Hey Fruit Growing company has now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and will take pleasure in showing anyone, who takes an interest in fruit growing in the Willamette Va ley, what the are doing and how their orchards look. The people of Salem and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com pany, in the Gray building with the Oregon Land com pany and take a ride xo Sunny side and see what is being done in the way of fruit raising in tho vicinity of Salem, Oregon. You will enjoy the ride to Sunnyside and see something worth seeing. 19 80-100 ncres cultivated land with bouse, spring and orchard 3 miles from Turner, $60 per acre, cash, balance iu three equal annual payments 18 40-100 acrea cultivated laud with barn and ruuniuir water, $45 per acre, 1 cash, balance in three equal annual payments. First payment will be taken in work. l J 10 DS-100 acres cultivated land, running water on land, $40 per acre cash, balance in three equal annual payments. First payment taken in work. 39 08-100 acres pasture and timber land, all good land, with runnincr water, 3 miles from Turner, $25 per acre. b 0 fruit tracts ranging from 12 to 14 acres each, all cultivated, 200 fruit trees on each lot, land all plowed, $45 per acre, cash, balance in three equal annual payments. "Work such as carpenter work, cuttiug wood, making rails, bulldimr fence, setting out aud cultivating trees taken in part payment on land also horses, harness, wagons, or buggies taken iu part payment on laud. Also good city property, when unencumbered by mortgage or other claims, taken in part payment on land. First NationalBank IHIVIUUJUU SALEM, OREGON. GENERAL BANKING NATOLKON DAV18. t)R- W. II. I1YKD -...rreslJeiiL -Vice IraWent. JU11N ilOHU .Uubler WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAI'ITAl STOCK, all Sskrity $200,000 om. wiujAMa. .Vte Irek!Mt nvuu aiQNAKV. ummer l?Al "taker lUa,r,W1' J- ? . "ln mS1.01140'0 Wock on&g(?- MONTEE BROS., Photographers, 107 Com'l Btieet. - F. B. SOUTIIWICK, Contractor and ftuildcr, Salem, - - Oregon. MEERSHAUM PIPES Just Imported AT SIMON'S. F, T. HART, JIERCII1NT TAILOR, Over Small's Clothing Store, BREWSTER k WHITE, Flour, Feed and Hay, 91 Court Street. NOTICE! THKfcsmentroll for Marion county. r he J-car 1891, has been placed in my bauds for collection. Taxpayer wlU please come lorward and pay ihelr taxes r.i5Sv wlU eooa be dellnqSent and coiu added. v ? fMiniiJirj BMffud Tax Colleclorf alarton county. Salem, Or., Feb. 17, IN)i' 2-23-tKl w fAXPAYERS Columbia Poultry Yards, J. M. BRENTS, Manager. Lock Box 1810, Seattle, Wuk Breeders ol Thoroughbred Poultry of tol. lewlnevariatle: H. a White Leghorn!, 8, C. Brown Leg. born. Won liymouth Rocks, Bamd inymoBlhIlock.,HtOame, Black hang .v"' Branam... Buff Cochin.. IVrtrldje Cochlni, Bronw Turkejt, Eend for Cfxcnlr and Prtes Uit, ; Mm i 4 .j j. k i X. - JL K iuM M63hl Atttiil . .i . ; A vMSk. w " uiMHfliKa.,.attii .j.jt' .jarjSLiL. VtfWZtSS&tm 7Sm i rtjittfatSiiifl' "plS