f" " " v EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 5. cm THE PJEOPIiE'S PAPER." RAIiETtf, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1892. "TO-DAY'S .NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 0OU : HTTON TABLE Our irninimoth stock of superior quality tablets Kinh prices as was never before known. fThe Monarch Note Tablet Cobweb Fiber " " Grecian Parchment Note Tablet 25c " 40c. Mt. Itegi, Glenrose and Lalceview Note Tablets 10c " ' 25c. tatttt is the Place for Ladies' ureirlet underwear Rjots. " Natural wool ft5 " Union Hlhbwl Htiits $1 75 Children's " " " 125 Lnriirn'.black wool Iiobo 25c ChD.h en V black wool hose 20o " Knickerbocker hose. 20c 261 Commercial Street. THAT ELECTRIC LINE Will soon be completed near Pleasant Home Addition. If you want a LOT or a HOME and LOT, this is your opportunity. "Prices are low and terms will be made to suit you. Either installments or cash. Keep in mind the fact that this property is less than one mile from any public build ing in 'the city, and that it is, high and dry and that each lot will make a home. Call on Win. E. BURKE,- Proprietor, One-hnlf block Routh of Bush's bank, up stairs. riarntt -SUCCESSORS TO WELLER BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS CO3F:&&3EgS0E3:O STAPLE ffll) FANCY GlGill At tho old Stand, next You can get MUSI .Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, , Guitars and Mandolins. LOWEST PRICES -AT 3IO EASTON'S, .CLEAN! If you would be clean and hayo your clothes done up in the neatest and dressiest maimer, take them to the SALES U- STELV LAUA'DitY where all work undone bv white labor and in the most prompt manner. " COLONEL J. OLMSTED. Liberty Street Salem Truck it Dray. lera Iron works. J)raya and irnc may bo found throughout the dav at Ot corner at Htate and ttounuerclal treU. B. F, DRAKE, ProprUtw. SALEM Manobetmva STKAil ENOINKH, Hill OatflU, Walrr Wbltil Otivemr.r, Km It Drying OutdU,TrcUfloKnj1ne.CrtlC.ec. Kunn au.cUlDerrtnlo uid rvpulred. General ec 8U and xnanolictureit of toe celebrated WablsUoui fawul AtUidUsn PurUiwandlUel. Kara macnluery made and repaired. T 20c: worth 35c. 25c " 40c. im A xjxrnr Bargains in Underwear and and Children. former price 51 cts. " " to St o0 " and "0c " " 25o " " " $1 COaurt 30 " ' 25 " ii v; FOR RED STAR- door to Post Office. the latest C 5 Oommerolal Street. Send for Catalogue KRECE Co. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for onion. Bell aud deliver wood, hay, coal and lumier. Of lice Stale St,. ODrxudteBa Iclntire, T. G. PERKINSt Gtetral ScpirfoUaiJut. IRON WORKS, If OREGON. s Paper -:- SALE. Received around tho Horn, Lalceview Letter Tablet 10c; Red Star 25c Oriental " " Cream or whito the best in market 25c Leader Letter Tablet. 15c Vanity Fair Letter Tablet 40c A CORSETS. H &. K Black Corsets $1 40 usunl H&SJrb Corses 1 15 " Olmsted waists, black 1 40 " drab 1 10 Good. Bhu:k Corsets 70aud?l 00 " " Drub " CO " 70" 8uperlor,guaranteedKidGloves 1 40 " E F. GRAY BROTHERS, COR. STATE AND LIBERTY STS., SALEM, OREGON. Hardware and Agricultural Implements. CULTIVATORS, HOP PLOWS, GARDEN PLOWS, GARDEN DRILLS AND CULTIVA TORS, SPUING TOOLS, HARROWS, ETC. M IHRr wHSfet iH ml kS S Jm W B infants "Castorla, lata well adapted to children that I recommend It u superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Aucbxb, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of Castorla' fs so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." Cahum JUnTTN. D.D., New York City. Lata Pastor BloomlngdsJo Reformed Church. Tub Cchtob for BLUNDELL'S MARKET. I have a full stock of the choicest fresh meats, all choice cuts, at ray new market, the rear of State Insur ance building-. Best poultry furnished patrons. Free delivery. T. H. BLUNDELL. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing made to order. New Dili KILN, by wbleh we can nlwnye ilndt. Agricultural Worlre, Corner of Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our lino at prices to compote with tho lowest. Only the best material used. Barr & Petze 247 Commercial street, Balem. Garden Hebo and Lawn Rprlnklers. A complete lino of Btovea and Tinware, Tin .roofing and plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing FuruUhed. GIVEN is GIVING Boots and Shoes To the people at prices that are bound to euil. 280 Commercial Street. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Mesh at All Hosrsfi! tIicDn None bat whit labor eru-tore61a tbU ea tab 11th nxefl t A pwd eaUUntlal teealo- knllnflrit cIam style Tweat y-flve ctou per nival Court (treat, between Opera liouta Mlnto'e trfTtrr ar Beats the Best are offered to tho people at worth 15c. 40c. 40c. 25c. 75c. STORE ' Hosiery for Ladies, Gents price ii -$1 75 . 1 50 ii ii ii ii 2 00 1 75 00 audi 25 -$1 75 Children. Castorla enroa Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation. Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d cestion. Without injurious medication. ' For soreral years I have rocommendec your ' Castorla. ' and shall always continue to uv duobi), una xnvoriauiy proaucea DeneuciAJ results." Edwin F. Paiideb, M. D., "Tho Wlnthrop," 12Sth Street and 7th Avo., New York City. Compact, 77 Murray; Btrkit, Nbtt York. keen a. fall innnlv of smuumimI nf nil Trade and Hljrn atreoU, Kalem, Oreson. OSBURN. Plumbers and Tinners, DUGAN BROS' Flumbincr and Heating Co. Wuoleaale and retail dealer In STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS SW Commercial ttreet. Tdtplione Noa, TIE CAPITAL JOIMAL. iOFER BROTHERS, - lEdltors. 1 U BUSH ED DAILY.KX0EPT8UNDAY BT TXtB Caoital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Omoe, Commercial Street, in P. O. Building Kntered nt the postofflce at Salem, Or., m secood-clSKs matter. TUM LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION. The Salem Journal says tho prosperity of tho capital city de pends largely on having a good working delegation in the next leg islature. What can It he that Salem wants next? Ono thing might he desirable, to again change Us bound- nry Hues so as not to leave out a few rech moil's propel ty and take In everybody with a houso and a lot or two. Consolidated Portland must have its boundaries changed in tho name way, and it might be well for Salem to have a delegation that would work to this end In regard to that city.- Portland Telegram. The Telegram is in error. Salem boundary Hues were not changed so us to leave out a few rich men. When Salem boundary lines are en larged the Hues should not bo drawn ho as mi leavo out any ricn tnn'a property and take In everybody with a houso and lot. Salem has no light to make on her rich men. Hut all should, and probably will, be treated alike, when boundaries are changed. But what of uow boundaries? Thero is no United States souator to elect by the next legislature. There are no senators to elect from this county who will bo hold-over m tubers of the legislature that m jets in 1895 to elect a successor t6 Senator Dolph. Thero is almost disolutely uo politics in the Oregon lo,islaturo, aside from senatorial elections. Tho Interest balem has In a good working delegation in the legislature that meets next wlntor centers almost solely iu the question of a now charter for this city. If the capital city is to go forward and grow to bo a city, In the next ten years, of fifty thousand people, ns It should grow to be, its supremo need is a new charter taking in all of tho present city aud as much more territory as Is needed for a city of fifty thousand people and all Its needs for a development porlod of at least ton years. Its streets, sowers and all city Improvements should be mudoon a scale with a fifty thousauil city In view. A delegation iu the legislature from this city who would bring this about would bo worth something to Salem. That Is the only kind of delegation Salem has use for. And it must not bo a rich men's delegation, olthor, COITNTV aUriCHVJSION OV 1COADS. Beyond n desire to maKe another rat place for Home politician to 111) I here can bo uo cxcupo for tho pro posed creation of the olllco of "county road brow." Every ono knows that no ono man can prop erly oversee the roads of this county. ( Is n physical Impossibility for one man to supervise tho nearly two thousand miles of public roads in this county. Of course, not over two or three hundred miles are traveled enough to need such super vision. The proposed county road boss would livo lu Salem aud might bo able to look after tho main roads leading into Balem. But ho would be able to do very little If anything toward securing good results for roads In tho north, south aud east ern parts of tho county. A certain care of tho bulk of tho roads must bo In tho hands of the road supervisors. Wherever tho county court can do so a certain number of miles of a main travelled county road should bo let to a con tractor under bond for a certain sum to keep It in good order for a ycur. If supervision boyond what the county court and road super visors can give is needed It will be better to employ a competent man In a certain section of the county to overace the road work. But no one county road boss will bo worth hav ing. Balem wants her share of road and bridge taxes expended for the benefit of this section of the county. Other parts of tho county are en title! to the same. A county road boss living at Balem would have little Idea of what would be wauted at SI Iverton. Woodburn, Butteville, Aurora or Jefferson. Tho people should have some control of their own road In tho dlftlerent parts of the county. HVaat'JtTKO ;oimknt, St ty ton will hold Its city election March, 14th. John Ford who was a resident at Yumilna bay, for 2i years died on the 19th. The "Mother's society" of the Christian church at Btayton holds regular meetings. ' , S3 That was quite a poultry show the Republicans held In Balem Saturday, Aiostiy priw winners, too. The question uow arises, what was Governor I'ennoyer's endorse ment of Senator BImon to President Hrrion worth? Tho college building nt Sodavlllo is to be 54 by 60 feet, two stories high, besides basement, aud will coat about $10,000. It Is to bo completed by June 1st. Tho college Is belo built by Proffers C. S. and C. W. Bnrzee. Thonponlngof a dally mall con nection each way between the capi tal city and Buttevtlle, Champoeg. 81. Paul, Fairfield, via Aurora, is n much desired improvement and brings this city Into closer connec tion with the towns of tho north end of the county. Portland Telegram: Tho passage of a frcc-colnairo law is notsutllciont. To make it eflecllve uud n means of righting tho wrongs of tho past quarter of a century, silver should bo made of equal debt-paying power with gold. This would be denounced by tho money monopolists ns "repu diation," but it would bo justice. According to tho gathoring Satur day the Republicans of Marlon county are a pretty vigorous body of men. Whoever gets away the with G, O. P., iu this ueuh of tho woods must bo up and doing, as Us leaders aud members tiro full of enthusiasm, arp wtll satlslled with tho Harrison ad ministration and are desirous that everything possible shall bo dono that tho county may prosper. Tub JouitNAii wants protection for homo Industry. It wants the viaduct built of Salem stone and by Salem laboring men, with Salem money at fair wages, that will bo paid out to Salem business men and for Salem real estate. Thero is little use sending many thousand dollars to Portland or San Francisco for Iron or steel work at enormous profits when wo havo tho stono or brick and the labor right hero at homo to build a viaduct. Open the rivers is going to bo quite an issuo in tho selection of members of the next legislature. A number of Easisrn Oregon papers are printing the follewing: "Hon. E. O. McCoy is prominently men. tloned as a candidate for Jolnt-Benn-ator from Wasco and Gilliam coun ties. It Is principally to Mr. Mc Coy's efforts that tho people are lndebtod for the defeat of open river legislation at tho last session, and the voters of tho counties men tioned should think twice beforo they return him to tho legisla ture." COUNTY CONVENTION. Proceedings of tho Republican County Committeo Date of Convention and Primaries. Tho date of tho .Republican coun ty primaries Is set for March 10th. Tho date of tho county convention Is set for March 24th. Tho convention will bo hold at Salem and will bo composed of 229 delegates. The session lasted all Saturday nnd tho business was conducted with promptness and dispatch by Chair man John Knight and temporary Secretary J, W. McKlnnoy, vice A. M, Clough, secretary who was ab sent. In making up the now county committeo there woro no contests for members from the different pre cincts, except In Balom precincts No. 1 and 4. Iu these tho olectlon was made by acclamation. In Salem No. 4 A. O. Condlt was elected over Jap Miuto by a vote of 18 to 14, and In Salem No. 1 M. W. Hunt over M. L. Chamborlattt by a vote of 18 to 10. Hubbard, W.T. Grimm; Mchama, Elkhnru, Brelghtonbush aud Ho reb, W. M. Bushoy; Aurora, H. E. Glesy; Sublimity, J. Hunt; North Balem, J. H. McCormlok; Cham poeg, Aug. Hoofer; East Bllverton, It. D. Allen; Huttovllle, L. V. Eh leu; Marlon and Lincoln, If. W. Smith; West Bllyerton, It A. Cros sau; Stay ton, Lewis Miller; St. Paul, MoKlnley Mitchell; Balem No. 1, M. W. Hunt; Balem No. 2, John Knight; Salem No. 8, Mark Bklfl; Salem No. 4, A. O, Condlt; Yew Park, W. H. Simpson; Euglo wood, It. P. Boise, Jr.; Prospect, G. P. Sauderson; Sliver Falls, It. Held; Maoleay, W. T. Pattou; South Salem, Adam Ohmart; East Balem, W. J. Culver; Ablqua, J. T. Ross; Fairfield, "W. C. Hubbard; Garfield, C. D. Hartman; Gervals, W. S. Taylor; Howell Prairie, Isaao Stev ens; Jeifcnsou, J. II, Rowland; La blsb, A. M. LaFollett; Woodburn, W, L Tooze; Turner, J, W, Mo Kinney. THE HAX.KM l'HKCIWTfl. The following Judges of primary election were chosen for the six Balem precincts. Balem No. f-L. E. Pratt, J. O. Johnson, William Claggett. No. 2-J. Q. Wilson, J. C. Thomp son, J. D. Jordau. No. 8 G. Btolz, Ira Erb, Free man Folsom. No. 4-J, If. Bridges. J, C. Booth. J, Gi Evans. Eat Baleni-WlUhun Blooum, II. Workman, R. II. Cain. Prospect Jamea Slmpaon, O. N, Potter, W. II. Folger. TUB TIME BKT, A committee to report on time for holding tho primaries nnd county convention wm oonipoad of "W. Tf Highest of all in Leavening Power. RoteJ ABSOLUTELY PURE Palton, M. W, Hunt, W. S. Taylor and reported as follews: That tho primaries bq held In tho Bovoral pre cincts on Saturday, March 12th, In tho city of, Salem, North Salem, Eat Salem aud Englewood, with polls opon from 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. uud with mass conventions In tho other precincts at 2 p. m., and tho county convention at Balom on Thursday, March 24th at 10 a. m. An amendment carried making tho dato for tho primaries Thursday March 10th. The report was then unnnlmously adopted. TUB Ari'OUTIONMENT. A committee on apportionment was W. L. Tooze, W. M. Bushey, W. T, Grimm, and reported as fol fel fol eows: Tho apportionment bo based on tho vote cast for Blnger Hermann u 1800 nnd gives ono delegato to every fourtoon votes or fraction oyer half. The county convention will bo composed of 229 delegates, 115 being necessary for nominatien: Mehama, 0; Sublimity, 6; Jefler- sou,8; East Bllverton, 8," Marlon, 3; Woodburn, 0; Ruttovlllo, 0; Elk. horn, 2; Champoeg, 2; Btayton. 6; Fairfield, 2; Howell Prairie, 0; 8alem No. 1, 10; Balem No. 8, 10; East Salem, 10; South Salem, 0; North Salem, 0; Macleay, 5; Lin coln, 6; Labph, 0; Turner, 8; West Bllvertou, 8; St. Paul, 3; Garfield, 8; Horob, 4: Broltonbush, 2; Hubbard, 5; Ablqua, 10; Gervals, 7; Aurora, 0; Balem No. 2, 10; Balem No. 4, 10; Prospect, 10; Yew Park, 0; Engle. wood, 0; Silver Falls, 8, STATE CONVENTION CAM A Republican convention for" tho state of Oregon, la called to meot lu the city of Portland on Wednesdoy, tho 0th day of April, 1802, nt 11 o'olock a. m. for tho purpose of nominating candidates for tho ofllco of supremo Judge, two congress men, presidential olootors, memhors of tho Btato board of equalization. nnd other district oflloers, aud to transact such other business as may proporly como beforo tho conven tion. Tho convention will consist of 233 dolegatea. Morrow county has 14 delegutes. Tho same being one delegato at largo from each county, and ono delegato for ovary 200 votos, aud ono for ovory fraction over ouo-half thereof, cast for congressman at the Juno election In 1800. The committee recomraondod that tho primaries bo hold on Satur day, March 10th, and tho county couvoutiou on Saturday, March 20th, unless othorwlso ordered by tho proper county committees. All voters who favor tho Republi can polloy of internal Improve ments, protection of Amortcan pro ductions nnd labor, nnd guarding saoredly tho rights, of ovory Ameri can citizen nt homo and abroad, nro cordially Invited to unite with us. In a row at Now Orlenns Friday night between steamboat hands, Mlko Walsh killed Pat Ilanloy and John Caplo, George Richardson was shot nnd fatully wounded Friday night at Wllkeson, Wash., by George Callo, an Italian coal miner. narry Flynn, a sheephorder, was found wandering about the plains near Pendleton. He is Insane and is said to ho qui to wealthy. George S. Moore, ono of tho most prominent business mou of Louis- vlllo, Ky., has disappeared, and it is said is short about $70,000, Senator Dolph denies tho report that bo Is a candldato for tho posi tion of Judge of tho supremo court. Ho says he will not leave tho senate. May Hunter, an abandoned wom an of New Westminister, B. C, was found Friday In her room dead, She had evidently been murdered and robbed, as tho premises showed evi dences of n struggle, Hood LooLm. Good looks are moro than skin ueen, depending upon a Healthy condition of all the vital orcrauu. 1I1H. If the II ver bo Inactive, you havo u bil ious look, If your stomaoh bo disor dered you have a dyspeptic look and If your kidneys beaflbotod you have a pinched look. Secure good health aud you will havo good looks. Elec tric Bittern Is the great alterative aud tonic acts directly on these vital or gans. Cures pimples, blotches, bolls and gives a good complexion. Sold atDan'l J, Fry's Drugstore,223 Cotu'l St, Alwaye avoid banb purgative urn mux you mcx ana men leave oomtlpflUd, Carter' Little Liver Pill JOU rtgumio ino oqwoj ana luaxe you well, Doae, ono pill. More caeea or ilok htadaete, bllloataeee, miUpUop,ea lx cured lu leei time.wlttt leu mealelne. and tor leeiineuer, by urine; Oartor-e Little Uf or 1111, IUau Uy any ottter means. i)o not mffor from iiek besdaotie a mo ment longer. Ills not neoetaary. Carter" Uttlp Liver ItilawlU cure you, Doee. one little tUL itfiuuyrlce. Siaail doe. fcoitU Latest U. S. Gov't Food R Bakin DJ"J jszszsw 1 VsVyUCI A HARDENED WRETCH, Suffered for Another A Bru tal Schoolmaster Mre About Deacoa. LYNCHED BY A MOB. A Young Missourian Who Wa Accused of Killing His Fo3ter Brother. Marsiipield, Mo., Feb S& I Riohard Cullen, the young man charged with tho murder of the fos ter child of his father, Henry Shaw, was taken from Jail by an armed mob nnd hanged. Last Tuesday j night tho body of tho 4-year-old boy was found lu au old well near the resldonco of Henry Bhaw. Thft child was a waif, but bad been adopted and reared by Shaw m, his own. Monday night Mrs. Shaw put tho boy to bod In the room whero Richard Cullen, Shaw's step son, slept. Tuesday morning the child was mlsftlng. Suspicion pointed to Cullen, who wm Jealous of tho waif, because ho believed luV?l stepfathor Intended to leave tho property to him. When the body was fouud In the well Cullen and his mother were arrested. THE NORTHWEST CIROUITp Vancouver Will Organise a Rac ing Association. Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 28.--. Vancouver horsemen havo finally succeded In making this city, so favorably and centrally located for tho purposo, one of those Included In tho Northwest circuit. A com pany will be organized and Inooi porated under tho name of the Van couver Driving Park Association. Fifty acres of land on Vancouver Heights will bo purchased and a racetrack built, It will tie owy of access, belug but one blook from file Vancouver & Klickitat railroad, and ono and a half blocks from the street cars connecting with the Portlaud & Vaucouvor ferry. Final arrange ments will bo made today, when a mooting will bo held at the Hotel Columbia. Tho new company will Incoporato with a capital stock of $60,000 in shares or 50 each. Suffered for Another's Crime. Wheeling, W. Va-i Feb. M. After serving twenty years of a life sontoncelntho West Virginia peni tentiary, John Maloy may now be released, It appearing that he la not guilty of murdering hia young wife. Maloy was sont to prison from Har rlsonville, Riohie county, a short tlmo after tho war. Ho had been a bravo soldier. Returning homo, ha wont Into business and married, His wife died soon after. Arsenic was fouud lu her stomach and Maloy was arrested for murder, indicted, tried and convicted Inside of ono day on tho ovldenoe a servant girl nnd hor paramour. Gooil ground has boon discovered for th belief that tho poison was given by tho servant through mistake for medicine, and that, frightened U tho result, she gavo the testimony that convicted her raastor. A Brutal Schoolmaster. El Roy, Wis., Fob. 29,-Fjrlday night at Valley, a small town six teen miles southwest of this city, a young man named Albert Concutfc died from tho eflecta of a whipping ho received at school that afternoon from J. N. Allen, his teacher, Tim young man was requested to remain Indoors during recess. Whn tlm boll rang for recess Concutt got-upi to go out with tho other pupils, and j was requested by Allen to b seated, but ho refused. Allen took au irou wood club which had been vmd fori a stove poker for some time aud struck Cououtt over the iiuad wltb It, when Rollln Myers, one of th pupils Interfered. Cououtt was car ried to a neighbor's house, where h was taken with convulsions and died. There is some talk of lynch ing Alien, tho teacuer is yeaie old, and his victim wa21, The Deacon Tralr, London, Feb. 27,-Th Deawtu. tragedy calls attention to Freed methods of Inquisition which are not palatable to EnglWi and Auri- caua, Mr. Deacon w sld to be hid In extreme aversion for klsaot by tho large majority of Uw up.f society of Fre. Omtmuoo U tw M, Abellli hU vfetiM wm pouular In th aalo-tw, and nMImt 1bt the French think Mr. Oamoo should hava allowed kf wife Mid JC Ateukt to go, If b fouad Xm. Dwmoo Hrd forth IfttUr, or kvshat two of tbMB. A Isftoh Cabqw, It way tw Med, eyi LWMMI BMJf WH WY ttt Ml !!? '.