Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 25, 1892, Image 1

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' Tm,tnr '
- ifirrrmpr. vt,,., vt. vyfl&flW
Oli. 5.
NO. 47.
'arqw -F&-r"&vit!!
learns Choice Note Paper
Is the Place for Bargains in Underwear and Hosiery for Ladies, Gents
and Children.
Ladles' scarlet underwear. 85
" Natural wool 85 els. "
" Union Ribbed milts $1 75 "
Children's" " " -.125 to $150 "
Ladiw- black wool hose 25o
Children's black wool hose 20o
' Knickerbocker hose. 20c
261 Commercial Street.
Will soon be completed near
ieasant Home Addition.
If you want a LOT or a HOME and LOT, this is
your opportunity.
Prices are low and terms will be made to suit you.
Either installments or cash. ICcep in mind the fact that
this property is less than one mile from any public build
ing in the city, and that it is high and dry and that each
Jot will make a home. Call on
li. t-BD
One-half block bouth
At the old Stand, next
You can get the latest
Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, .Guitars
and Mandolins.
If you would bo clean and luiye your clothes done up
in the neatest and dressiyst manner, take them to the
where all work ipfdono by white labor and in the mosl
prompt manner. (JOLONKL J. OJiAISTED.
Liberty ritmot
ri i m j ,) i DK.Y.-: AND TUl'CKF
Salem Truck a Druy U. 33
" Ilea Uti BXf ojp UBa-
Ihji Irnn -nrka. lmyt nun trxataj iwy (ouud tanrnghfjul tut sv t
tii ruprf urisi, j$ml,t'wnniTolttl fctr-fc. ,
B. F, MMi, Pfop.Utor. T. C PERKINS, Gea.rat fctMUbdept.
Munufnn- KIKAM UNHINKH. Mill OutgU. WiUr tt'bifl ti'fflSl'JiJi,
Drying OutUju. rrawluu hntun. CTcaiU ir.rUs. Krm "f blutra wade at t.fffft.
General ijU,anJ luauutteturtaiof Ihe clebraU4 ttabUtruin rtilrul MUldUns
purifjtr aud BceU. Farm luacblocry uuuk and rcpJrd,
25 Cents a Quarter Ream.
T. HcF. PATTON, -98 State . Start, Salem,
eta. former price $1 00
1 00
2 00
" $1 60 and 1 75
' 30 " 35
' 25 " 80
" 25
and 30c "
" lc "
of Bush's bank, up stairs.
fancy ems,
door to Post Office.
Comraeroial Street
Sand for Catalofiuo FREU
at $1.00 per Ream or
H & S Black Unlets $1 40 usual price $1 5
H k S Drab Cor-ets 115
Olmated waists, blick 1 40
drab 1 10
Good. Black Corsets 70
Drab " 50
Supcrior.guaranteedKidGloves 1 40
E F.
(Successor to)
Choice Groceries," Crockery & Glassware.
We are better prepared than over to give our customers better
prices aud strict attention to their wauls.
126 and 128 State Street, -
for Infants
"CastorlabaoweU adapted to children that
I recommend It oi superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Ancnin, II. D.,
HI So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
"The use of ' Castoria ' la so universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not ieep Castoria
within easy reach."
Ciatos Maktyh. D.D.,
New York City.
IjkU Pastor Bloomlngdalo Bef ormed Church.
Tws Cchtaur
HF tJ e$I 1 r -1
I have a full stock of the choicest fresh meats, all
choice cuts, at my new market, tho rear of State Insur
ance building. Best poultry furnished patrons. Free
delivery. T. H. BLUNDELL.
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co
Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing.
House PlnUhlng made to order.'
New OUT KIXX, by which we can always keep a full tupply of teasoaed stock of all
kludn. Agricultural Works, Corner ofTrade and Illgu streets, Salem,, Oregon.
Sash. and. Door KactoryjS
Front Street, Salem, Oregon.
The best class of work in our line at prices to compete
with the lowest. Only tho best material used.
(I Po Z6l Plumbers and Tinners,
247 Commercial street, Salem. Gurdcn Hose and Lawn Sprinklers.
A complete hue of Stoves and Tinware. Tin roofing and jilumblug a
speclnlly. Estimates for Tinning and Plumblu Furnlflhed.
Boots and Shoos
To lue people ut nrlcea that are bound to suit. 280 Commercial Street.
Jas. Batchejor, Prop'r.
WaimMealutAU Hours nl tlieDa)
J.uno bat wblU labor em 4iye3 In thu
A gnod suUUnUal meal cooked to lint
eta t styla
Tviuy.av ctcU pr tncal
Coon Uft, tetWMs opra Jlocio luO
mU? Urerr
aud $1 00 "
" 70 '
1 50
2 00
1 75
$1 00 and 1 25
" 75 " 1 00
1 75
and Children.
Oastorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d
Without Injurious medication.
" For several years I hare recommendec
your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to
do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pardzi, M. D.,
u Tho WInthrop," 12Sth Street and 7th Ave.,
New York City
Comwlhy, 17 MuiinjiT Bthket, Nbw York.
'ynm. n
Plumbing and llcatingCo.,
WUoIwale aud rtUll dealtnt In
Ml Commercial Ururt. 1 deptuine itofB
- Editors.
Caoital Journal Publishing Company.
i (Incorporated.)
Office, Commercial Btreot, In P. O. Dulldlntr
hniered at the postomco at Hnlem,Or.,iu
1 second-clnes matter.
It is worth while to observe care
fully the contest that is In progress
within tho Democratlo party at
Washington on tho question of freo
silver coinage.
What la tho situation ? Four
flftns of the Democratlo congress-
ineu stand pledged to pass a free
coiuago bill. They aro bound to do
so by their personal pledges. They
aro bound by their state platfowiis
aa Senator Hill in his speech shown.
Tho Dumocratlo party In Oregon
has repeatedly pledired Itself to free
The speaker of the house Is a freo
llver Democrat, and Is expressly
pledged to freo silver. The house
coiuago committee is a freo silver
committee, overwhelmlugly so.
"What, then, is all this strenuous
row in tho Democratic party at
Washington about ? Four-fifths of
the congressmen being pledged to
free silver, and controlling the ma
chinery of the houso,why Is not the
freo silver bill brought lu and
promptly passed ?
Thero is a desperate effort on tho
part of the minority of Democratlo
congressmen to securo repudiation
of the free silver pledges of their
party. Tho minority is composed
not only of the few who nro freo
from personal pledges to freo silver,
but alto of a number of congressmen
who are pledged personally aud by
plutform. It Is believed by many
of the prominent Democratlo mem
bars are really although mostly se
cretly dolug all they can to defeat
freo sliver, although most of them
will vote for it if compelled to make
a public record,
A strenuous effort is being made
in the Dumocratlo party both by the
sincere opponents and some of the
professed and plighted friends of
free silver to have their party dodge
the question. Almost to a man the
Democratic congressmen in the last
congress voted for freo silver, some
of'tuem so voting, aa Senator Gor
man, their loader, explained, "In
order to put the administration lu
a hole."
It is not the first time In tho hid
tory of trickery and rascally politics
that a party hns fallen into the pit
which it had dug lu malice for an
other. Tho Republicans In congress have
ono plain duty to performto see to
It that tho Democratic party is
forced to make a record ou the silver
This organization Is of far greater
Importance than many at first im
agine. The poultry and jM?t stock
shows are very Interesting events In
larger cities and can bo mado so
The first meeting held by this
association will bo a starter and can
bo mado a great success. The young
men of this city who are backing
the enterprise possess energy, Intelli
gence and enthusiasm for the cause.
All tho thoroughbred poultry and
pet stock in tho city and suburbs
and surrounding country will be
brought together for exhibit, Tho
'arger breeders of tho state have
already glvou assurance that they
will make exhibits.
While It is rather lalo to got up
the largest interest, tho meeting In
March can bo made ono of great pro
lit to all breeders who havo stock or
eggs to sell, because at Just this sea
sou do the unprofessional poultry
growers Invest most readily.
The result of the March meeting
will bo to introduce hundreds of
dollars worth of Improved breeds
and scatter thoroughbred stock oyer
half this valley, and it will add
thousands of dollars to tho value of
the egg uud poultry product.
Spokane gives Hill a million
dollar right-of-way.
Councilman Collins Is Inclined to
Imj a reformer,
Push will make Salem u leading
city of tho coast.
Hill or ruin ttures the Democracy
hi the face in 1802,
Let the battle go on between
Hill uud Clovuland.
There J n oliance for a ten-btrlke
for S Jem via the viaduct.
Ba'em has enough churches and
onto- iih but nil enough factories.
H'ltim will hereafter be a league
bastfbaU and I rutting circuit oily,
i i .
It In as uselofM for some men to
die an it was or Hum to havo lived.
The oily of Salem uau take a great
H'ep toward prurfty vlu the viaduct.
Thero will not tho least bit of
moss grow on tho back of Salem in
Salem has no death-rattle in her
throat like some towns in adjoining
The law against selling cigarettes
to children should bo enforced in
Let our city street work bo done
at fair wages and under direction of
our city officers.
North Salem people aro going to
ask for a school sewer to tho river,
at tho annual meeting.
Tho future of our city in a great
degree depends on a good working
delegation In the next legislature.
Tho Iowa senator who promptly
knocked down a slanderous news
paper blackguard did just the right
There Is still an opportunity for
Governor Ponuoyor to score n ten
strike and build that portage railway
in 1892.
A city that puts up $10,000 for a
baseball leaguo club ouirht to bo ablo
to put up $5000 for a polytechnic
The Democratlo party may bo
Ixmefltted lu tho Hltl-CIoveland
flht by being forood to tako up n
Western man.
Salem should make tho most of
tho first cut stone viaduct erected
here. It should bo thrown open
with a celebration.
. . 3
A San Francisco dlsclplo of occult
science tried to hypnotize an elk
aud was hooked over tho fence with
the seat of his trousers tessellated to
Henry Wattcrsou is a colossal free
trado fraud aud corporation tool.
Uls Indictment of Hill in The
Courier-Journal Is n compliment
"Poultry Topics," a monthly
journal devoted to feathered biped
topics, published at Marshall, Mo.,
mlglit luterest Borne of our fanolers
and farmers.
Will tho Democrats of Oregon go
back ou their platform of 1800 aud
at the dictations of Grover Cleve
land, Wall street nud thu Orcgoulan,
delare agaiust free silver coinage in
Having beou endorsed by a clerk
lu one of tho dopartmonts at Wash
ington, Governor Peunoyer should
uot longer hesitate but fling his
banner to tho breeze for a place on
the presidential tlokot.
Before a houso could bo rented the
premises should be inspected. A
rigid tenement Inspection would ne
cessitate better plumbing, more
uso of city water, and fewer doctor
bills aud deaths among people who
live In rentod houses.
Our city has the. raw material for
a stone arch viaduot and tho labor
to build It. Put tho two together,
gentlemen, and give our working
people a chance to buy tho necessi
ties of life aud build homes,
Chicago Times: The Tlmo for
Western subservlonoy to New York
politicians has gono by. Tho time
for tho nomination of a Western
Democratic candidate for tho presi
dency has come,
i ' p
Henry Gllfrey, a Democratic sen
ate dork at Washington, has en
dorsed Governor I'ennoyer as u vlco
prcsldontlal possibility. Now let
tho rest of tho ticket be laid before
Mr. Gllfrey,
Balem has two graud opportuui
ties now for railroad couuectlous-
o;io with the eastern oxteustou of
the O. P., another for a lino to
Astoria. Tho latter would ensure
the former. Have women with tho
uerve to attempt it?
Salem people aro taking hold of
tho idea of freo kindergartens for tho
little tots of tho laborer as well as
fur tho petted darlings of tho rich,
aud mother's meetings to onoourago
the working women lu the struggle
agulnst poverty aud vice.
Spoclmen Cases.
S. H. Cllfl'ord, New CubhoI. Wlsv.
was troubled with neuralgia una
rhcumntlHin, his stomach was dis
ordered, his liver was affected to an
alirmlug degree, uppetlto fell away,
and lie was terribly reduced lu ilesh
and strength. Three bottles of
Klectrlo Hitters cured him.
Kdwurd Shepherd, Huniaburg,
III., had a running sure on his leg
of eight years' standing. Ued three
bottle of Klectrlo Hitters and seven
boxiM of Lucklen's Arnica Halve,
Mini hU leg Is sound and well. John
Speaker, Cutuwba, Ohio, had live
large fever ttori'H ou his leg, doctors
said he was incurable, One bottle
Klectrlo Hitters and one box Buck
hn's Arnica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Daniel J. Fry,
druggist, 220 Commercial street.
At Staple a foflrr.
"Chamberlain's Cough Itemody
is a staple wt collo In this vicinity.
It has done an ImmeiiM amount of
good rlnce Its introduction here." A.
M, isortlell, Maple judge, Minn.
I For wle by G. K Good, druggist.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Tho $20,000 water fund Becured by
tho common council of the city of
La Grande two years ago Is now
available for tho uso of the city, and
muoh-nceded water workB Is as
sured. Tua peoplo of Douglas county nro
not making enough butter to supply
tho nomo market. California butter
is now being shipped Into Roseburg.
No wonder times aro hard, says tho
Some thirty peoplo aro on their
way from "olo Arkansaw" to Mor
row county, and will locate near
Lexington. There aro good oppor
tunities In Morrow county for
settlers, oxcellod in no part of tho
stato, in faot.
Canby people opposed to having a
liquor saloon in tho midst of thorn
havo exorcised their inalienable
American right to Indignantly pro
test against tho notion of thu county
court In granting a llconso to a
llquor-dealor thoro.
It Is reported that J. O. Booth &
Co.cloared $1500 on thoir contract
to mako a compluto set of abstract
bo iks for Josophlno county. Thoy
should havo received mora than
that, but compromised with tho
county board for that Bum.
Tho prospoot for fall whoat is vory
good lu .Washington oouuty. A
mild winter Is generally moro sovoro
on fall crops tnan a steady cold
winter; but thus far tho woathor has
been very favorable for fall grain,
and wo may look forward to a largo
It is reliably reported that Messrs.
Lamprooht Bros. & Co,, the success
ful bidders for tho $40,000, of Walla
Walla city 0 per cent bonds, and for
whloh thoy pay a premium of over
2 per cent, sold tho bonds for a
nremlumof. 0i per onnt, thus mak
ing, ovor 7 per cent profit on tho
In many places 1m tho eastern
part of this stato the udvout of
spring Ib already chronicled. Tho
snow and loo havo .entirely disap
peared, flowers are beginning to
bloom ifnd farmors aro onco, moro
turnlugovor the rich boII prepara
tory to scodlug. In no other coun
try hi tho world, lu tbosamo latitude
la spring bo well advanced as in
Tho recent finding of fossils near
Walla Walla will prove of iutorest
to scientist in the Northwest. Tho
glguntio teeth and hones exhumed
thero tho other day aro tho first over
found In that vicinity, and, with
tho exception of those discovered
uear Latuh somo years sluco, aro
tho first ever found in Eastern
Washington. Iu Eastern Oregon,
however, a largo number of relics of
extinct animals havo been dis
Tolephonc-Iteglster: Joseph Ho-
berg hai completed tho school con
bus of MoMinnvllIe, and finds the
totul population of tho city actually
Is 1703; iu round numbers actually
1800; in bragging numbers to induce
peoplo to coino hero, aud to uso us a
statemout of greatness wo havo
(1G00. He finds that tho total num
ber of school children is 011, bolug
uu increase over last year of 41.
There aro 327 males uud 811 females.
Thu number of families Is 310.
Fur School Clerk.
To tho votera of district No. 21.
Sulem Oregen: I hereby announce
my son u cauuiuate lor scuooi cleric
for said district ut tho election to bo
field Murch 14, 1802.
J, II, Buiuoks,
For School Clerk.
To the voters of Hehool !!nfrM.'N'n
21: I hereby announce myself as a
cuuuiuuie tor cieru in saiu uituriet
H. II. Smith.
For School Clerk.
Tit ft ttwlnrulfl1 I tonsillar
nounces himself as a candidate for
school clerk or dUtrlct No. 21,
Committee Merllog.
There will ho a meeting of thu
members of tho Republican county
cuutral committee of Marlon county
at the parlors of tho Hotel Willa
mette In Salem on Saturday, Feb.
Villi, at 1 o'clock p. m. All mem
bers aro requested to bu present.
John Kniuiit,
A. M. Cxx)uait, Chairman.
Hecretury. dw td
Alvrayi avoid nanb purgative
i leave you
Ustr rnu
iifti iiiaao uu iuk auu men
conitlwiUd. Oartor' Little
ri.uluie tia bowel and make you well.
W), O(ll) pill.
Morv CBMS4 of tick bradacbe, tilllomucsu,
coullptloiittii becurud lu I e time, Willi
lew inodlclne, aud for lemney, by utlug
Uarur. Utile 1 A rer Illl, tbau by any
oilier meaui).
Do not uirr from tick baadaebe a mo
ment looser. ltlnotueciry. QtrUr'a
hlllle Uvr Willi will cur you. Uom, on
lime pin. Oman itico. ttmaii aotv. wmau
Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report.
Says tlio Presbyterian Faith is
the Best And Truest
Found hy Hor Husband, who Tears
Hor Glothos to Pieces.
St. Louis, Fob. 25. When Frank
Kelsoy, a hackmen residing In South
St. Louis, returned to his homo for
supper a few nights slnco tho face of
his wlfo and 8-ycar-old babo did not
appear at tho wlndo7, as was thetr
wont, to greet him. Ominous dark
uess and silence reigned within.
Tho blinds of tho windows were
closed, He felt a strango sinking of
the heart as ho hastened to tho front
door and tried to open It. Tho door
was looked. Ho knocked and rang
tho boll repeatedly. Thoro waa uo
rcsponso. Thou with an angry blow
of his fist ho burst lu the door.
A desolate sceno met his eyes.
Tho houso was deserted. Most of
tho furniture had been takon away.
Tho kitchen Btovo was still thero,
but It was cold. Thero waa no fire
on tho hearth or signs of supper. A
fow of the child's toys wore scattered
about on tho floor, hut child and
wife had flown. For a moment ho
Btood dumbfounded, overwhelmed
by tho awful blow. Thou, hoplqg
against hopo, he wandered about tho
deserted rooms calling, "Mamie,
Mamie." Only the mocking echoes
of tho empty rooms replied.
The noxt day Mr. Kelsoy appeared
at tho Four Courts, looking palo and
dishevolled, aud reported tho disap
pearance of his wife and ohild, for
whom ho had boon looking all night.
Tho eoquol of tho above sceno lu
tho drama of life, as It Is lived among
tho fallon and sinning, took place
yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at
623 Clark avenue. A man, greatly
excited, was scon to leap from a cab
and rush to tho door, on which ho
pouuded with tho butt end of a whip
until ho was admitted. Tho man
was Frank Kolsoy.
"My wlfo Is hore," ho shouted, "I
want to boo ber."
"No, Hho 1b not horo. You aro
mistaken," was tho reply.
"That Ib a Ho; aho is horo," thun
dorcd tho frouzted husband. "I
havo learned that sho Is horo upon
th overy host authority, and I Intend
to find her if I havo to kill everyone
in my path."
Tho frightened woman gavo way
and Kelsoy ru9hcd upstairs and from
ouo ohambor to another. At length
ho found tho unhappy object of his
search coming In a room at tho rear
of tho hall. Tho woman was Mrs.
Kolsoy, aud fearing that her raging
husband Intended to end hor life
thou and thoro sho throw herself
upon hor knees and begged him to
spare hor life, Kolsoy eolzed hor by
the throat and hurlod hor to tho
floor, at tho samo tlmo upbraiding
her In blttor words for her shamelssa
aud fulthloss conduct. Hho answered
nothing, but only wept. Suddenly
his rago took n now turn, Ho no
ticed her"fluo clothing scattered
about tho room. N
"My money uuver bought these,"
ho cried, aud seizing her clothes ho
tore them luto shreds. Ho then
noticed a picture on tho mantlo. It
represented Mrs. Kulsey and another
man not her husband, and ho seized
it and dashed from the room, saying
ho would And tho man who bad
wrecked his homo aud would kill
Mrs. Kolsoy called at the Four
Courts yesterday ufternoon aud ap
plied to Assistant Prosecuting At
torney Estop for u warrant against
her husband, saying that she feared
for hor life. Her huabuud, she also
stated, had destroyed overy stlch of
clothing sho had, and sho had been
forced to borrow clothes. 8ho also
charged him with carrying ol! her
Jewelry. Mr. Estop said sho would
havo to go to a Justice's court to
have her husband bound oyer to keep
tho peace. He ulso declined to issue
a warrant for assault or destruction
of property uutll tho police had In
vestigated tho case,
Mrs. Kelsey was asked why sho
had left her husband uud replied by
stating that ho bad beou spending
bis money outside of his borne in
stead of upon ber aud thu child, ami
(bat a Jeulou quarrel bad ensued in
oonsequouoo. Things bud gow
from bad to worse uutll she found
life with blci Intolerable,
It Was for the ForpoM ef OaMinc
Money for tin Okwck.
Nbw Yomk, Feb. 25.-JCr, Jay
Gould aud bis daughter Mb Hska
Gould, wero boat and hostess at a
reception given at their re-iikwo,
No, (71) Fifth avenue, to th oh
pn nn vMommp.'.'if'