HB Uf ,.'ii am no saoovr 'is -oii '! 'swvav a 'd iiHQiu nv sggi ooujs tunpj oj I daajsc scav iiq saoovf us jo uopo -jiddB aayc eajnuiui Si tit jnq 'aSpu -nan sog ipiAV Xpj3Ai53 pwayns SHCODO.AII3RI 2T MI m. OS&ALOOSA, IOWA. TALMAGE PREACHES BEFORE AN ENORMOU3 AUDIENCE. SYcnly Congratulation the Subject of n Sermon Preached from tlio Sarenth yrao of ttio Fifteenth Chapter of tho flospel According to St. Luke. m m ?: Oskaloosa. Feb. 21. Rov. Dr. Tal- Usage preached liero today to an oormous audience. Ho expects to rib absent from homo about ton days, during: which period ho spooks in as Bijyiy cibes. Tho subject of hisser jmorf was "Hoavonly Congratula tions, Hin evident intention was to ?tnal worlds that uecm n great way off from each other appear vory near Hia taxt was token from Luke xv, 7, "LOcowtso joy bliall bo in heaven over ono sinnor tliat ro pontetfi moro than over ninety and 'nixio just persons who need no re pontanco' A Jost sheep I Nothing can bo more thoroughly lost. I look through the window of a shophord's houso at night. Tho candles aro lighted. The shepherd hasi just placed his staff Against the mantel. Ho has taken off his coat, shaken out of it the dust asd hung it up. I boo by tho candlo Bght that tbero aro uoighbors who" m,vo como in. Tho shepherd, fagged out with the long tramp, site down on a bench, and tho wifo and children and the neighbors say to him, "Como, now, fell us how you found tho poor thing." MWoll," ho says, "this morn ing I went out to the yard to look at tho flock. No sooner had I looked over tho fence than I Baw something wrong. Tho fact was that they did cot count right. Ninoty-flvo, ninety six, ninety-seven, ninoty-oight, ninety-nine only ninoty-nino. McDon ald, you know wo had a hundred. And I wondered which ono was gone, and I began again, and I counted iunety-flvo, ninety-six, ninoty-soven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine. Well, 1 whistled up tho dogs,' and! started on tho fields ond across tho bridges, and I tracked tho moors, and I leaped tho gullies, but no bleating of tho poor thing did I hoar, I sold to inysolf, 'Tho lamb must havo falloit into n ditch, or a pack of wolves from the mountains must havo torn it to pieces and Buekod its life out.' But I could not give it up. You soo it was a pot lamb. It was that ono with tho black snot on tho right shoulder that used to como and lick my hand hears: tuiioug Uw uujolB of (iod u os ono, juat one, winner t'ict r"pentoth. Somo cathedrals have ono lower. Somo cathedrals havo two, throo, four towors. Did you over hear them all ring at once? I am told that tho bell in tho cathedral of ftt Paid rings only on raro occasiona f or instance, at tho death or tho birtb of a king. Havo you soon a cathe dral with four towcrst And havo you heard them all striko into ono groat chimo of gladness? Hero is a man who is moral. Ho is an exam plo to a groat many professors of re ligion in some things. Ho never did a mean thing in his lifo; ho pays all hia debts and is a good citizen and a good neighbor, but ho Bays ho is not a Christian. Somo day tho Holy Spirit comoa into his heart and ho sees that ho cannot depend upon Ids morality for salvation. He says: "0 Lord God, I havo boon depending upon my good works, I find I am a sinner and I want thy salvation. Lord, for Jesus' sako, havo mercy on mo.'' And God pardons him, and immedi ately ono of tho towors of heaven utrikes a silvery chimo, for thoro aro four towers to tho heavenly temple. Hero is a man who is bad; ho knows ho is bad, and everybody else knows ho is bad, but ho is not on outcast, far from being an outcast, Ho moves in respectable circles. Dut ono day, by tho power of tho Holy Ghost, ho rousos up to boo his sinfulness and ho says: "O Lord, havo mercy, I am a wanderer, and without thco I iwrish. Havo mercy." God hoars him, and immediately two of tho towers of heaven striko a sil very chimo. But hero is an out cast, Ho was pickod tip last night out of tho gutter and carried to tho police station. Ho has been in tho penitentiary throo times. Ho is cov ered and soaked with loathesomonoss and abomination. Arousing from his debauch ho crios out, "O God, havo m-jrey on mo. Thou who didst par don tho pouitont thief, hoar mo cry for inorcy." TItU LOUD UBTKNS AND PARDONS. And tho Lord listens and pardons, and no sooner is tho poor wretch portioned than threo of tho great to .vers of heaven striko up a silvery chimo. But hero is a waif of tho strcot. Sho passes under tho gps lirht and your soul shudders with a great horror, No pity for her. No coinmisoration for hor. Ah sho passos down tho streot bIio hears a song in a midnight mission, and as sho listens to thatBongBho w I crossed tho field, and somohovv J could not givo it up. So I wont on and on and on until aftor awhilo I hoard tho dogs bark, und I said, What's that?' Thou I luiHtcncd to tho top of tho hill audi looked down, and thoro I saw tho poor lamb. It had ftdlon into tho ditch, and as I como whoro it was and bent over tho ditch and stooped down to lift tho poor thing out, I wish you could havo noon tho loving mid imploring and toudor way it looked at mo. I lifted it out and it was all covorod with tho slush and tho mud. It was an awful thing to do, but I lifted it out, and it wits bo lamo und so weak it could not walk alono, so 1 tlirow it ovor my shoulders, and 1 started homeward; and tho condl tion of that lamb you may judge of from tho coat which I havo juat hung up. But I tramped on and on until it is safe in tho yawl, poor thing 1 Thank Ood, thank UouT Thou tho auophord'ti wifo Bprood tho tablo and brought out tho best fare that tho cabin could afford, and th"y mt up vory Into that night, and they talked, and they toughed, and thoy gang, end they nto, and thoy drunk, and they danced and told ovor nnd ovpr and ovor again tho atory of tho loat ahocp that was found. JOY OVElt A UKI'ISNTANT HINNRIt. "With Buch toudoruess and rusticity of illustration does Christ ropvcMint tho soul's going off mvl tbt soulV coming back, when ho bayB. Liko wuw uiero w joy m new you tunoug tho angels of God over ono triiiuor thntroiKmtoth, moro than ovor ninety and nino just ioraonn that noul no ffopontanco " To repent la to Tool that you iu ln.l, nnd to 1 h ny about it and to turn ovor a new ! uf, aud to pray for forgiveneM aud hoJp. kt Jtint as soou us n man tloew that thoy hoar right away of it hi heaven, Thero aro no jrooWpa in glory going nromid to chattor and laugh wliou n man f alia but thoro aro many souls iu glory who aro glad to run about and toll it whon n man isBuved. " Tho nows goes vory quick from gate to gate, and from north wall to south wall, and from east wall to west wall, ami in threo miuutva ovory citizen ot heaven hoa hoard of It, for "thoro is joy iu licjwon among tho angels of God over ono einnor that ropontoth." I can very easily understand how thero uhould bo joy in heavy ovor a Peutoooat with tlirw thousand bouls saved Ux ono day no inquiry about tint; I van uudorttud how tlioro should bo joy in heaven ovor tho arWi ot Schotta, whoa four hundred (KHjlsworosavod under ono sermon l Mr, Livingstons I can uudor&taud Jtow thero should bo joy in hwvon over tho erreat nvvftkwiiug in tho Umo of Iwlawl PagOj when in ono year ttmx huwked and bovonty-threo MH3naaud mmlm woro brought to God In Vm UJort Btktci I can uut)er tend vwy easily how tlioro thould M ioyitt boavon ovor Ov0 hmidrcd 4koniMHl ouk oonvortd iu 1857 in 4Mb ooonUr t warlc yu v G:xt All mil como, whoovcr w 111, TUts Alan receive ioor sinners ntlll. Sho puts into tliat harbor, aha kneels by tho rough boneh near tho door, Bho Bays: "O Loi-dl Tliou who didst havo nieroy on Mary Magdalen, take my blistered foot off tho red hot puvumont of hell," God BayB, "My daughter, thy Bins aro forgiven theo; go in peace" Now, all tho four towers of heavon striko n silvery chimo. and thoy who puss through tho colestial Btrcots Bay; "What's that? why, tho worst sinner must havo lioon Bavcd. Hear all tho four towers ling and ring and ring," "And tlioro is joy in heavon among tho angels of God ovor ono sinnor that ropontoth. My subject impresses you, I thiuk, with tho thought tliat it is possible for us to augmont tho happiness of heaven. People think that souls bo foi o tho throno aro as happy as thoy can bo. I deny It. Look at that mother before tho throno of God. When who died Bho loft hor boh in this world a vagabond. Tliat Bon ro ponted of his iniquities and camo to God. Tho report of that salvation lias reached heavon. Do you toll mo Unit mother boforo tho throno of God has not hor joy richly aug mented? Thero is many a man in this houso today who could go out with a torch and kindle a now bonfiro of victory on tho hills of heavon. If you would this day roiwnt and como to God tho uowB of your (solvation would roach heaven, and thou hark I to tho Bhout of tho ransomed. Your UtUo child wont away from you into tho good land. Whilo hIjo was hero you brought hor idl kinds of beauti ful present. Sometimes you camo homo nt night fall with your pookots full of gifts for bar, and no Boonor did you put your uight key into tho latch than Hho be gan at you, saying, "Father, what havo you brought mol" Sho Is now boforo tho throno of Gal. Can you bring her a gift today? You may. Coming to Christ and repenting of ein. tho tldlnga will go up to tho throno of God, and your child will hoar of it. Oh, what n gift for hor noultodayl Sho will skip with now gladnottjon tho everlasting hills when she hoars of it, anokui or aoi), I wan at Sharpeburg during tho war, and ono day I saw a Borgoaut dash past ou n lathered horse, tho blood dripping from tho spurs, I said, "Tlmt oorgeant must bo going ou a vory important mobsago; ho must bo carrying a very important dispatch, or ho wouldn't rido like tliat." Hero nro two ongota of God Hitting through tho hou& flitting toward tho throno on quick dispatch. What is tho nowBl Carrying un tho story of soids repentant and forgiven, carrying tho tov to tho throno of Ood, carrying tho news to your kin dred who nro forever uved. Oh, "tlioro is joy la heavwi among thj ADgtfb of God over ono Binuw that JVjWtoth,M And suppose thiawholo aadksico ohould turn to tho Lord? Heaven would bo filled with doxologies. O Loaven, b"at wlfh C tiy hammers that tho ro-.f m h ah. O hoavee, ctr""to wita rll thyr'-n ling swords thf t our eouls may 1 t f so. I wai reading f a .ung wao, after raining a gr'iat victory, eaid to hip army, "27o. no sh'-fngj lot ovsry thing bo in quiot no oh'mtinfj." But if this hour your eo.t. ohould come to God nothing could cp tho nhouting of tho a'-mics of God boforo tho throne: for "thsv h joy in heaven cmong tho angols of God ovor one Binncr fmt reivjnteth." In mme fRLiilies thoy keep a vacant "hair and a vacaufc plate for tho do partcd, but if in eomo of your houso- holds you kept a vacant chau and a vac.mt pU!A lvI thoai who havo gone away from you into tho next world, tho vacant chairs and vacant plates ivoulu outnumber thos3 which ore occupied. I onco raid to you there ire no vacant chairs in heaven, but J recall tliat. Uight berrfdo your loved ono in that good land there is a va cant chair, not made vacant by death, for death nover enters there; it is a vacant chair for you. Will you take it? HEAVEN AKD EAT.Tn IS CT08B HTjrPATIIT My subject also improfases mo with tho idea that heaven nnd earth are in close sympathy. People talk of heavon as though it woro a great way off. Thoy say it is hundreds of tho u sands of miles beforo you reach the first star, and then you go hundreds of thousands of miles Ixjfore you got to tno second star, and then it is nul lions of miles boforo you reach heav en. Thoy say heaven is tho center of tho universe and wo aro on the rim of tho universe. That is not the idea of my text. I think tho heart of heaven beats very closn to our world. Wo measure distai.ccd by tho time taken to traverse tho3o dis tances. It used to bo a long distanco to San Francisco, Many weeks and months were passed beforo you could reach that city. Now it is six or seven days. It used to bo six weoks befoie you could voyago from hero to Liv erpool. Now you can go tliat dis tanco in six or bovcu days. And bo I measure tho distance between eailh and heaven and I find it is only a flash. It is ono instant horo, and an other instant thero. It is very near today. Do you not feel tho breath of heavon on your faco? Christ says ui ono place it Is not twenty-four hours' distanco, whon ho Bay3 to tho penitent thiof, "This day, this day, shalt tliou bo with mo in Paradise," It is not a day, it is not an hour, it is not a minute, it is not a second. Oh, how near heaven if to earth. By oceanic cable you send a message. Ad it is expensive to send a mcs&ago, you compress a great deal of meauing in a fow words. Sometimes in two words you can put vast meaning. And it seems to mo that tho angols of God who carry news from earth to heaven, need to take up tins hour, in regard to your soul, only two words iu order to lundlo with gladnoas all tho redeemed boforo tho throno, only two words, "Father saved," "mothor saved," son saved," "daughter saved." And "thoro is joy in heaven among tho angols of God ovor ono siunoi that ropontoth." TIIK SALVATION OF THE 800L. My Bubjoct also impim mo with tho fact that tho salvation of tho sold is of vast importanco. U you should make $200,000 this year, do yoa sup pose that nowH would bo carried to heavon? It would not bo of enough importanco or significance to bo car ried heavonward. If at tho next quadrennial election you nro mado prcsidont of the United States, do you supposo tliat nows would bo carriod to heavon? Do you aupposo that tho news of a revolution in Franco or Spain would bo carried to hoavon? Thooo things aro not of enough im portanco; but there is ono item tliat is sure to ho earned. It is tho balvn tion of your bouI ; it is your repont anco beforo God. Tho Hying hoofs of God's couriora clash through tho gates and tho uows goes from gate to mansion and from mansion to tomplo and from tomplo to throno, ond "tliere Is jov in heavon" among tho angols of God ovor ono sinnor forgiven. It must bo of vast importance to bo of any mo ment in hoavon, your salvation in that land whore gladnesses are tho overyday occurroneo in that land where tho common Btonea of tho field aro josporand omondd iuhI chryso prasuH and carbuncle and wirdonyx. And yot tho news of your salvation makcfl joy before tho throno of God. You remombor years ago a slngo drivor in tho White mountains lo camo vory reckless. IIo had n large number of passengers on. tho rtago, mid tlio Btago was drawn by evlx horses, wild and ungovernable, and ho drove near tho precipice, i.d ho drovo otr, tlio uLigo with it.s prxv.ous freight rolli:g down tlio embank ment, and many were slain, but fow wore savod. I mipiuwo whon thoy wrote homo thoy wrote with con gratulations at their iwsouo, Tho imgols of God look down and thoy hue men driving on tho edge of great precipices of ruin and danger drawn by wild, leaping, foaming and un govornablo iwrils in this life, and if imy shall eecapo lxjforo thoy capsizo, do you uot supposo thoaugela of God rejoice, crying: Good, good! Saved from sin, Bavod from death, saved from hell, saved forovort" Tho supremo court of tlu United Stattsj doea uot adjourn fo.- aay thing trifling. It cunt bo tho deefchof a cabinet mimVtor, or tho death of a president, or somo matter of very great moment. When I find all hoavon adjourning ite other joys for this ono joy, I make up my mind it is of vory great IoaporUnco if hoav on can afford to adjourn nil n'hnr festivities to colobrato this one fc. umph. Do you wonder that so many of these Christian pooplo havo toiled night and day in this work of soul saving, if it in of such vast impor tance? Do you wonder that Ntttlo ton and Finloy and Bishop Asbury and John Wcsloy and George WiUto fiold and Paul and angels and Christ und God stripped themselves f or the work? Around that one soul circles tlio mist, tho firo. the darkness thn joy. tho anthem, tho wailing, tho hallelujah and tlio woo of God's' uni verse. If tho soul is Baved, than Up cuuius ro trumpoiana lingers to liarp and hammer to bell and "thero is joy among tho angttlsof God over that one bouI forgiven." For such a soul I plead. RELIGION A COMFORT AND A JOV. Having found in my own experi ence that this religion is a comfort and a joy, Island here to commend it to y ju. La tho days of my infancy j. v.as carnea Dy unnsuan pareiics to tho houso of God, and consecrated in baptwm to the Father, and the Son, nnd tno Holy Ghost; but tliat did not Bavo mo. In after timo I was taught to knee; ut tho Christian family altar w.ui father and mother and brothors and sisters, the most of tnem now m glory; but that did not 6avo mo. In after timo I read Doddridge's "Rise and Progress" and Baxter's "Call to tho Unconverted," and all tho religious books around my fa ther's household, but that did not savo mo. But ono day tho voico of Christ camo into my heart, saying, "Kopont, repont; beliovo, believe," and I accepted tho offer of mercy, and though no doubt thoro wits more joy in heaven ovor the conversion of other souls becauso of their far reach ing influenco, I verily beliovo when I gavo my heart to God thero were some spirits in heaven tlio gladder for tho deed. "Thero is joy in heaven among the angels of God ovor one sinnor that repentoth." Turn this day to tho Lord who bought you. Lot this wholo audi onco surrender themselves to Jesus Christ. If for ten, twenty, fifty years you havo not prayed, begin now to pray. "Oh," you Bay, "I can't pray." Can you not say, "God, bo merciful to mo, a sinner ?' "No," you say, "I can't say that." Then can you not look to tho throno of mercy? "No," you say, "I can't look up." Can you not then givo somo signal like that which was givon by tho lad in the hospital? Ho was sick and sufforing and dying, aud wanted speedily to go away from all suffering and pain, and ho said to his comrades in tho hespital: "It is strange to mo that Jesus doesn't Bee mo whon ho goes through here nights and takes others to himself. Ho coe3 through hero, and lip doosn't see mo. I must bo asleep, and ho doesn't know I want to go. "Now, I toll you how I'll arrango it. I'll go to sloop with my hand up, and tlion whon Jesus come3 through tho hospital by night ho will soe my hand lifted, and ho will know by that I want to go with him." So it was done. For that night Jebus went through tho hospital and took tho sufforing lad, and tho not morning the uurso paining through tho wards of tho hospital b.v.vudoud hand lifted braced on ono sido ajjainst tho pillow, nnd tho loft hand holding tlio elbow of tho right mm. Jehus had seen tlio signal and uusworcd it. O sick soul, wounded eoul, dying boul, canst thou nt givo somo signal ? Wilt thou not lift one hand or ono prayer? God grant that this day there may be joy iu heavon among tho angels of God ovor ymu' soul torgiven I Queer Things In Science. Fourteen yeara ago Piofe&sor Pic tot, of Qeuova, reduetxl hydrogon for tlio first timo to n liquid. It was regarded as nothing moro thnn a freak of hcientifie luxury. Biit the professor, established now with com plete laboratories in Berlin, has not only produced almost incrediblocold, but has turned his powers to practical purposes. Moi cury, for instance, has been frozen hard enough to be cast iiiuj uu iuuu ui it iimiug rone, ano so havo it3 elasticity measured. And if tho commercial must como u, iu tiiiuiu mini; practical, giyo erin bus been crystallized mid brandy frozen with tho effect in tho latter eiiso of imparting a "mollowness" only obtainable hitherto by long keeping. Most important of all, by this moans it is found that chloro form can lx thoroughly pmifiod a romilt almost impossible by other moans, Young Man. "German Svfub Here is an incident from the South Mississippi, written in April, 1890, just after the Grippe had visited that country. "lam a farmer, one of those who have to rise early and work late. At the beginning of last Winter I was on a trip to the City of Vicksburg, Miss.,where I gotwell drenched in a shower of rain. I went home and was soon after seized with a dry, hacking cough. This grew worse every day, until I had to seek relief. I consulted Dr. Dixon who has since died, and he told me to get a bottle of Boschee's German Syrup. Meantime my cough grew worseand worse and then the Grippe came along and I caught that also very severely. My condition then compelled me to do something. I got two bottles of German Syrup. I began using them, and before taking much of the second bottle, I wa3 entirely clear of the Cough that had hung to me so long, the Grippe, and all its bad. ehects. I lelt tip-top and have felt that way ever since." PsTERj.BRiAiJr.jCayuga, Hines Co., Miss. The T.lmlls of tho modern Drama. Tlio debate at tho London Play goers' club on Tuesday evening was remarkably interesting, llr. R. Jepo Slade's paper on "Conventionality in Art" was an excellent plea for good, sound, old fashioned notions, as op posed to tho fads of the hour. Mr. David Chrifatio Murray, tlio chair man, delivered an oration which con tained not a few well dealt blows at the "naturalistic young gentleman." Well said and to bo remembered was the following admirable sentence: "Thero are," said he, "phases of lifo and thought with which tho drama tist should havo nothing to do. Any thing which wo could not possibly discuss beforo a mixed company in private ought not to bo dramatized before a mixed company in public." Liondon Saturday Review. Tho sermons of tho German emperor, winch he has delivered on his yachting voyages, wore not written by him, but by Dr. ftichter, the chaplain general of tho array. They were written by com mnnd in order that by reading thorn William might illustrate the duties of every sea captain As a memento of tho Fronch oxhibi bition at Moscow tho empress of Russia has been presented with a largo egg of enfimeled silver, inside tho egg thoro is a boquet of violets composed of bril liants, held together by a ribbon of tho same stones. The egg is suspended from a libbon of rose enamel. Few are Free FROM Scrofula, which, being heredi tary, is the latent cause of Consump tion, Catarrh, Loss of Sight, Eruptions, nnd numerous other maladies. To ef fect n euro, purify the blood with Aycr's Sarsnpnrllla. Begin early, and persist till every traco of the poison is eradicated. "I can heartily recommend Aycr's Snrsaparilla for all those who are mulct ed with scrofulous humors. I had Buffered for years, and tried various remedies without effect. Finally, Ayer's Sarsnpnrllla gavo relief and put me in my present good healthy condition,' ii. jm nowaru, newport, jn. ,H. "My daughter was greatly troubled with scrofula, nnd, at ono time, it v. is feared she would lose her sight. Ayer's Barsaparilla has completely restored her health, and her eyes aro as well and strong as ever, with not a trace ot scrofula in her system." Geo. King, KUUugly, Conn. yer's Sarsaparilia, I'RKrAIVKD ST Dr. J. C. Ayer Ic Co., Lowell, Mass Price $1; iIl botttei, $5. Worth $5 a bottle Xulvtl 1'ut lVole. Thoro havo been prominent pooplo who havo been almost as fleshy as nni souui froakn. William Wirt, tho ora tor, who prosecuted Aaron Burr, was bo fat that ho woro corsots. Tho lato David Davis, of tho United States su premo bench, was remarkable for his enormous sizo. Gibbon, tho his torian was a show. Damol Lambert, who is often quoted as tho fattest man that ovor lived, died weighing 739 nounda. Ho ilmnlf nnlv wnfnr. which was not exactly Sir John iU Btttflrs theory, who attributed flesh to 6ack. Pittsburg Loader. BR. (HUES lJk VNEHVINE. 111S STARTLING FACTS! Tbe Araerlcnn people are rapidly becoming a ilr; la., wear I bat when his oj raco of nerrous vrecxa.and lha fol lowing suygesta toaiHutrenxMirs Aipnoasuiifmptiinc.oi uausr. Itt- - -- ...Al.la.a am Pt. Vitus Dunce, Dr. Miles' Croat Restoratlvo Mrs. J, it. Wilier, or Tslpsr r, of I-iOKaiisporuJnd., esob a taking It. Mrs. n. A. Osrd- ( Vistula. Intl., was eurea or 10 to to eonTUl a dsr, and much headache, dmlaots, back , toil nerrous prostration, tir one bottle. CLEAN! If you would bo clean nnd hayo your clothes douc up in the neatest ami dressiest nmnnor, toko them to the SALMI STKA.U LAUSDRY whoro till yeork iilpno by whita labor and in tlio most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED. Liberty Streotj tlrcn. Urooklrn. Mich- sari his dsuab was cured ot Insanity ot teu years' standing. Ti bottles and flne book of marralous cum. rll at druggists This remedy contains no opiates. Dr.Mllos Modlcal Co.,Elkhart, Ind. TlifjUL BOXT1X r&EE. Fold by D. J. Fry, tlrupRlst.Bahm. DOSESJK-T D. eold by Act on a new principle recolata the llTer, stocucb nt bowU t.rovyk tht nrrevs Dr. Unas' rau ipttdUu cvrt biliousness, torpid llrer and constipa Uoa Smallest, mildest, enreatt DpdoMs.aQcts. bamnlea trvo at arugKleta. C -lui,Ce.,EnUtt,as, J. Fry, drugslst, Salem. FARM TOBSAIiE. S3) acre of best stock aud fruit land in Oiykqu Pr tut at a Utrxaln. Will sell In lota to Hilt purchaser. Addrfcu or call on O. J. HI UEIj, Kulghts, Or. Near Silver Creek ral U. 7 8 8m jQinK D.C.SHER1VXAN; iru artnU P.O Deputy Oonnt U. 8, l"ailon acd llox &L Kalem, Orvjou. VMtr Claim a, Vrtf ftwrbUaka, V iV La'asVlB frjMSiMSlMJSUS oo tT3 gc4-Cl CD a a in i 3.1: a Q i-t . . Tti M CO CO CD O Pi -i S. o CD W CD i CD - U Ui 03 a o cd a o cd -a EPS - C; B COcd o K f: W p CD 3 B i ccs- L fTi op- c? -t d CD CD i O B P CD S pi o n if t-l. d-cd a S. cd t-: 03 CD O - P 0 m o ?r B-Hcd 0 a' rll' S- -3 co rxjO a CD CD Pi. CO 03 CO " p -t CD CD P CD T3 CO tT'ai C fc3 3 tsJ US OC2 CO c Those Afflicted With tlio habit ol using to excess, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THK KEELBY INSTITUTE: Forest Grove, Or., Call write. Htrlctlr conlldenMnl ANYTHING. Kron' hnlrd liny nni' feert to flno toilet Mip, Key West etgnrx, lob ireo JtlpcK, knives, rtc. can llway be louna nt lowest PrlCM!at T BTOIBOW-B, Vo rA tmtneroial HU, Saletn Steamer Elwood. Leaving time at noise's whnrf, BulPtn, and Ash street dock Pertland: BALEM. rOIlTIiAWD. Monday, 6 a.m. Tuesday, da. m. Wednesday, ' Thursday, ' Friday, " Hnturday, " AL. HEttltEN, ABent, Offlco Hlate street and at Wharf. E. C. CROSS, Butcher and Packer State BU and Court St. The, best meal delivered to all parts of the cltr M. L. CUAMBEULiIN, O. W. SMITH, fresldent. Secretary. H. M. BRANBON, GEO. II. BOUUERT, Vleelresident. Treasurer. UNION TITLE ABSTRACT CO. 275 Commercial Street. Makes tbe neatest aud best Abstracts In the country. nnrfiflN STATK SCHOOL JOURNAL IVJS ornnoftbestu'eoepnrtincut of ul)llotn- . ... .. I... Tn,. nnl la n , infills n..,v. SirUCllUU. 1 IIU JWUiUtti in iu.wu... j &u.g- arlne devoted to school nud homo cduca- lien: tnereiore, n. i muiBireumura tPuniPKi. nnd Invaluable to friends of edu cation In general. 1'rlce J1.00 per nnnuin; IJVetjr ni'LU copies Cl tX'UW ravu, buiujjio copy .0 cents. Address J. U. IIoiineh, 11,11 iTopneiur, aiuuuj, ui. J. H. HAAS, TELE WATCHMAKER, 215K CcmmercUl St., - f-ztm, Oregoi. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty ol Spectacles, and repairing ClookH. Watches and Jewelry FEAR & HAMILTON, Loans negotiated on linprovetl tirra and city property. 3AIEM. OrRor lioom 14, Bush Hans: block, b l"dvt Columbia Poultrv Yards, J. M. BEENTS, Manager. Lock Box 1210, Seattle, Wash. Breeders of Thoroughbred Poultry of fol lowing varieties: S.C. White Leghorns, 8. C. Brown Leg horns, White Plymouth Ilocks, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Pit Games, Black Lang shaus. Light Brnhamas, Buir Cochins Partridge Cochins, BronzeTurkeys. Send lor Circular and Price List. PEOPLE! Ask for Hurst's "STAFF OF LIFE" Or whole Wheat Flour, healthiest and best tasting bread. Also the Famous Pure Aurora Buck wheat Flour. "Hurst's beat Full Roller Process Flour." Also our pure Kye t lour. Ask your dealer for these goods and take no substitute. J. D. HUEST& SON, Aurora. Salem Abstract and Loan Co The only Abstract books of Marion county. Heal estate orders filled promptly and safely. W. H. H. WATERS, MANAGBR. Bids for Capitol Dome. THE board of capital building conimtn slonTM Invite sealed proposals for the const l uctlon of the Dome of the Capitol at salem. Oregon. Plans nnd specltlcaMons may be seen at the ofllce of Justus F. Krumbein, architect, Marquam building, Portland, Oregon. Lvery bid shall bo ac companied with an undertaking with one or more sureties In a sum equal to double the amount of tbe bid, to be approved by tbe board, to the eflect that If bis bid shall be accepted the bidder will perfoim tlio work specified thprcln In accordance with the plans und specifications therefor The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. Bids wlllbooDenedatthe executive offlco on Monday, February 29, 1892, at 2 o'cleck: p. m. KY! VKSTER PENNOYEK, GEO. W. MCBRIDE, PHIL. METSOHAN, lioaiu of commissioners. Yir. A.MUNLY. Clerk or Hoard. Conservatory of Music WILLAMETTE UNIVl'.RSITY.-Glvea superior advantages to students of music. Five teachers. Latest methods. Vocal ard instrumental music taught to the highest proficiency. No use going east to study music. Expenses moderate. Mnlonias given on completion of course. Next term begins Ftb. 1, 1S)2. i, M.PARVIN. Musical Director. Excursions Jast. Taking In Missouri river points. Ne braska, Kansas, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Indlnna.Oblo by way of Chicago to Colum bus, Ohio, then return to the WillameUo Valley. "Write your friend regarding this excursions, take a trip jourself cast and see your old home and friends, if or full information call on 11. II. Itjan. will be at The Jouknaj. ofllce on baturday afternoons. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r, WarmMcah at All Hours ol ilieDaj Nnnn hnt TrVltz lnKn.n,i 9 ii.i establishment. A eood RuhRtnnitril mail snvAri 1.. i class sfjle "" ""'"" "J """ rwenty-nve cents, per meal, Court street, between Opera Douce ltd Mlnto's Livery Dissolution Notice. a IDE firm known as Simpson a Roger . bns this day, (1st of February, 1892), dlssohod partnership by mutual consent. Ihe business will be conducted hereafter by Simpson Bros, who will assume all in- dphlpltipu ifnil nntlant nl) iit.tnn.1lH ... counts. Thanking the public for theirpat- .w,,m,K, d ucuiiiij u'vuuiuiL'uu me new firm to their patrons. fllTAQ QTMDonw 2 3 3t J. M. ROGER. Bridge Bids Wnntcd. NOTI,9,.ls her-uy Kien that sealed bids ...ii ln".b,e Teemed by the City of Halem, """ 10 o'clock a. m, February 23, lb!. for the building and coBstruction of a stone or steel bridge across feouth Mill creek, on Commercial street in galem, Oregon, ac- file lntheolllce of tbe city sureor, of V....V..., vy. .guu. juua wm De opened by erty7outhe2tth,dayof FeCUa' r. . .. ""'"" h suuu do conen- W$E$tS.?lPS!ttAitli on. the. Pan of the .u.. .ut.uo wiu oAecuie tne contract bond nnd ninlsrlnlrh. ., r.." rji"ul,, and .ujficleSrsurenesVo be approved X "'..Jlfsawardea e. ed toTOlty of Salenri'n' of Z allure on the part of tho b'dder to coraplj with said requirements. Hald bondcon. tract and unTlertaking will be tiled in the ofllce before said bids are opened. The Committee on Streets" i4U?&?S THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OltEGON. Kates, 82.50 to $5.00 per Day. The best hotel between Portland and8cn Francisco. First-class In all its appoint meuts. Its tables aio.Jsetved with the Choicest Fruits Grown in tho Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Summons. I.nJ-h0P.lrcPltUourtof " State of Ore gon. for Marlon county. ure Miles Tfllo.. .lnl.t. n defendant. '" '"'"""" s- " M. Glover, i tlh-i.1,.rl0c.r, the defendant: are hereby required to appear anfanswS the comn alnt niprt n.,i.. "" ',.ns'er above entitled nctioH. o3 or before the 8th day of t ebruary, m, the same belnl the ?,? OJ regularterm ot the nbive entitled court after the expiration of ?hS publication of this summons, and if von S ,'ii0 ?VFT ana "nswer, 'the plaat?ff w,liUkJdKmentnCTlnstyonforinoiirr; bureementsol this action. ouah.it iitrfy-ofSSS eummona bo published six fn.2i. I.?,1 lfietf!m Rlfenr Ifietdm Attornejsrorplain'tiB. A LUMBERMAN'S RENDEZVOUS Po7,ed,l,t teTinsrnte InmWrmen'naReIf.e MW somewhat aHectloSite tii '? '?' 5r ".n which ottles are Uo uSbim 52 AIem"h. HS&A men." uamionlh!, V b1 -: ." urre nre ih i r-r or tne Wisconsin Cenirni i ii r snop and r aTmiYJSSVSiV l C- P Agnt, Chtcaco, iu.Dfr nd Ticket MAIL LETTINGS:. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Post Office Department Washington, D. C, Jan. 15, 1802. PROPOSALS will be received at tbe Contract Offlpo nf tt,io n . meut until 4 p. in. of March 24tb, 1892, for carrying tbe mails of the United States upon tbe routes, and uwuiuiag to me schedule of arrival and departure specified by the De partment, in tbe state of Oregon nuui juiy ist, isya to Juno 80th, 1S94. List of routes, with achedules of arrlvuls and departures, instruc tions to bidders with forms, 'for con tracts and bonds, and all other necessary information, will be fur nished Unon nnnlfpntlnr, i. o- ond Assistant Postmaster General. JOHN WANAAfATfTTTJ d-M8-6tm Postmastpr fjAnoi 50 IKffltrVllf8 itfti n"5 lo aieJwu'a I rVAlriHfe'UASP, sU . 5' V JS Ok ntvssm 125 C8 mm HEALTH. prfmsry torSTSi tSTSLSSftlS 1 Cu.-Tertlary" 5...?.?. S" RINING. n-JEWTmt LAHOKvrt ..,,. PriwUstoflob DitaTL,"1. U ntlsn rains fn lhV,i.layIllltl0 HeadTlik ol thi vD?A 'm In thf Thros'tLwutlo JbShCkfLIrenlt So" truJ Cd,:B',ii1 ,i con; whether caused 1 bnSdiu.'119 ". healthnVlcfs lJ. J wittM'! r. exs oToKr i ojylcJ po &tt'c' &. neural, 08 U SUBKET ST., WMMIIttMW Til k" k W'V A .'. :. v i . &y j '',&$ MwMmm ..-,,tl - ;ki- -'frtAlV'. l4rl-M,'nlltl.iVvi rV rf '- ,nf i, ;-, f T53R!sPMPIilfttHtWWIf"'"'' J " " r lg,M','M"d'tMc"--t':tfcttfja""',-''' - " - " - ' '- ' s-- MtH ifMimiii3HihMi.-rr-fTtirtiTr t iff ftirf-"