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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1892)
' ifi"' i TftyiTif '- imFmmpmmmm CL On account of a con tempi .ted ehnnge in business T have concluded to CLOSE OUT my entire stock of DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ETC AT STRICT COST And in order to convince the punlic of my sincerity have marked everything in . PLAIN FIGURES So intending purchasers con see the difference between past and prescbt prices. mJMXii THIS SILK GOODS WILL BK CHAINED. jh hb ltinit. IIIMI llfK I IHE C4FIT1L JOCCML SATURDAY, Feb 0, 180 OKO. P. OOODIIUE. K. GAHILL. 1IUILDING MATERIAL. Lime, cement, plaster, hair, fire aua uuiiuiug uncK, lire oiay, nana, gravel, blacksmith mid bourn; coal. wood, all kinds, wholesale uud re tail, umce vo state street. Goodhue & Caiiill. GILBERT k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oilsj Varnishes, Brushes, VVindowglass, Etc, Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big ban baking rowder. STKONG'8. Wby do most of the people get their meals at Strong's? Because there they always gt just what tbey want, and served in the best of style. WESTAl OTT & IRWIN. DATES IIP LORAL KVKSTS. Feb. 22. "B Co. ball. Feb. 22. Olde Folkea concerte, Uni versity chapel. Feb. 20. Full dress party at opera hause. BtmsTKD tub Hop Tiiust. Up to January 31, J. P. Geer, of Butfc Ville, had shipped 17,000 bales of hops to London. It is Hie shipments foreigu from this section that broke the back of the bop trust. TheEast eru aud Paciflo Coast buyers had agreed to pay no more than a certain price, but when they saw the Britishers taking our bops away, the hop trust raised its price. Baskkall. The work of raising the $10,000 stock for a League Base ball association is nearly completed. Mr. Lytle la In receipt of a letter as suring Haleuu a fruuehihe and if about ten more shares can be taken Salem will enter the list of cities having L-iigiie HuMitmll clubs for tbu coming season. It slioulu be taken by all means. Making Piioorkss. Tho fianie work of .St. Paul's Al. K. church in North B.tlem is up aud tbey will be leady for the plasterers next week. K0RTH HOWELL I'KAIIUE. School will close on Friday, the 20th. L. D, Kelley and family will soon move near Buttevillc, where he has large contract for putting in logs, The'ladits of the Aid society met a short time Mnce since, and sewed carpet rags at t lie residence of Mrs. O. W. Weeks. C. S. Morgan's" family have had a serious time with la grippe, but weie getting better at last acouDts. B. F. Fletcher started ou the 19th, o yinit relatives in AlO.uiy aud Urowsville aud will,. probably be gone a month or more. Farming has commenced in full blast and If good weather continues, much spring wheat will be sown in n few days. The meeting of the Farmers' Alliance will be held as an open meeting, when a program will Le given, and speakers from abroad will be present. A pleasant time is expenled. FLAKE HOMINY MAKES A DELICIOUS DISH, AT THE BLUE FRONT. We take old furniture in exebauge for new, Buren & Hon. Celebinted French Ice cream soda Jones & JUri.ardi. Columbia river and Puget Hound PUielt D.ivihnii & White's. That $2.60 b.y'H school shoe .t Win. Br.iwn & Co. 'a is as tough as iron. Plenty salmon DavIhou & White. at n n i i r i rv Maw. ;nn(v bttNpnPn MIPPS Tll(f flllS 11 UU UUUUU III UVViim uviiwiu uwiiftiiuu And some of the best values in embroideries ever offered. Just received at T. HOIvVEDRSON, 301 Commercial Street, K. B. Special attention given to mail oixlcrs. OSING OUT TWO HUNDRED DELEGATES, And Pifleen Humired People AttendtlioOpeningyession OFTIIEC0LLEGEY.3LC. A. CONVENTION JVillantetto of Salem Leads a Grand MoTcmont for tho Young Men. in The Christian people of Oregon evidently take a great interest In the College Y. M. C. A. state con vention. Standing room was-a premium Friday evening at the repiesenta tlves hall of the state house. The street car lines did a big business and every denomination turued out in large numbers to this religious edu cational gathering of Oregon col legiate.". the rnoaRAJi was well carried out, At 8 p. m. T R. Mott called the convention to order. Mr. Hillard, of California made the halls of state resound with fervent deyotioual utterances, rather unusual sounds for tho legislative chamber where mammon holds sway as a rule. President Wbltaker theu In ringing words bade the con vention welcome to the caphal city. Prof. Campbell, of tho State Normal sohool of Monmouth delivered tlio respouse. S. M. Say ford, a Bostou evangelist was then introduced and delivered the address of the evening. satubday's prooham has bee printed in full in Tue Journal audit will pilntfull ie ports of all the meetiugs. Mr. Suy ford's addrei-s was a searching analytical arrangement of present day bollowuess of professions when contrasteJ with actual living. L.UtClE DBLEQA'IIONS are present from tho following col cel leges: Collegiate Institute, Albany; State Agricultural College, Corvallis; State Normal School, Monmouth; McMinuville College, McMinnville; Paciflo University, Forest Grove; Portland University, Poitlaud; Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; Holmes Business College, Portland; Wllla m.te University, Salem. PROMINENT VISITORS. James A. Dummett, traveliug secretary of the Pacific Northwest; John It. Mott, International College Y. M. C. A. secretary, New York City; S. M. Say ford, BoBton; Harry Hillard, College Y. M. C. A. secre tary iu California. THE ATTENDANCE shows the convention to be by fur the largest ever held on the coast. It is over twice as larae as the same gathering was at Pacific University, and shows Salem to be a great edu cational center and a good conveu tiou town. SATURDAY FORENOON. The convention met twenty min utes late but with uuusual interest prevailing. James A. Dummett gave s inio suggestions as to best results to lie obtained from this con vention. Theu followed Mr. Mott's on the religious condition of colleges in Oregon. He showed 008 men enrolled, 371 of which were profess ing membership iu Christian chutches; 59 were converted tho pant year iu colleges; there were 1C9 full members of the College Y. M. C. A. and 70 associate members; 58 were lutending to follow a religious life work. He illustrated the facts by blackboard work. Mr. Hillard gave a short talk ou the value of prayer. J. R. Molt talked on the committee system for religious work in colleges, this order doing all its work by committees. He showed how men were set to work and how reports were made up. S. M. Bayfordgave a characteristic best talk of the morning on conditions of disci ple shlp. Mr. Mott fallowed and showed that over 500 new meu had entered the collqjts iu the past year and emphasized tho importance of asoociutinu work with them upon i heir entering college. He recom mended a college handbook for in formation. The convention adjourned to miet at 2 p. m The remaining) SPRING! in UVIIllUM UlillC.IIU.UUJl, SALE! rxmauum utv-t parts of the program are, given be low, and full reports of tho meetings wLlbcpiinted in Monday's Jour nal. SATURDAY NIGHT. 7:30-OouiU!eutlal Talk to Young Men Only, 8. M. Saylord. Open not only to delegates, but utso toall men of fcalem SUNDAY MEETINGS. 9:30 a. m. Meeting for Personal Blessing. Harry Hillard. 11a. m. The Crowning Work of the Associations, J. R. Mott. 3:30 p. m. New Callings for Col lege Men. Addressee by Saford, Dummett and Mott. 7:30 p. iii. Farewell Meeting, con sisting of short speeches by Dele gates uud visitors. COURT CONTROVERSIES. Friday and Saturday Entries on Judge Boise's Docket Trials Arranged For. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Freestone Distillery Co. vs. F. P. Talkingtou, aud same vs. A. I. Wagner, action for money. Find ing" by the court for defendants. John Savage, jr., vs. City of Salem, damages. For trial Monday at 1 o'clock. Lee Brown & Co. vs. B. E. Rob ertson, action for money. Contin ued. Walter L. Tooae vs. Mary Jackson, action for money. Jury verdict for plaintiff, awarding damages of $145. John Welch etal. vs. J. M. Brown et al., suit in partition. P. H. D'Aroy appointed guardian ad litem. Same vs. J. T. Cox et al., same; same. ftate vs. Theo. HIerllnger, em bezzlement. Tried before the fol lowing jury: John D. Jordan, Wm. Miley, Geo. P. Sanderson, T. R. Hibbard, L. S, Scott. E. W. Chap man, Jason F. Dowd, Henry Con dit, A. Blosscr, Delmar Gorsline, B. B. Gesner, Joseph Dunuels. The Jury returned a verdict of guilty, but recommeuded him to tho mercy of the court. Hierlluger will be eeutenced Monday. State vs. W. A. Huut, selling liquor without a license. Continued. State vs. Chas. Rogers, larceny from jwrsou. Withdrew plea of not guilty and eutered plea of guilty; to be sentenced Monday. Same vs. John Donaldson, same; same. Same vs. John Berwick, same. Entered a plea of not guilty. Circuit court met at 9 a. in. Tho only business performed was the sentence of Wm. Holtzciaw, and the court adjourned to 1 p. m. Mon day, when the suit of John Savage vs. city of Salem, Is set for trial. SOCIAL JVENTS. K. of P. Anniversary A Night in Egypt Olde Follies Concert Maudo Granger. The Knights of Pythias enter tained several hundred of their friends in a splendid manner Fri day evening. Salem has excellent vocalists, remarkable orchestral tal ents and unbounded hospitality, Gus Strang and John Carson ex changed fuuny speeches that made all feel good, and u dance concluded the festivities of the evening. EGYPTIAN SOCIAL. At the resldeuce of John Moir tho Presbyterian young people lasteyue lug to tho number of nearly a hun dred spent a most enjoyable evening. MONDAY EVENING Ye Olde Folkes singera will enter tain in costumes and melodies of the past and present century. When the Salem musical iadles add the charms of antique fineries to the fascinations of modern culture, the gods themselves would feel like tak ing & tumble. m French ice cream soda at Jones & Bernardl's. Fresh cod Davison & White. Helleubraud's is the stand-by res taurant, as its constantly growing business tudlcates. Cat fish Davison & White's. Skirt Floiciif GEO. WASHINGTON HONORED. Tho Salem Schools Romoraber tho Immortal American. Iu all the Salem schools Friday was devoted to honoring tho mem ory of tho first president. Decora tlons nnd special programs impres sed the principal facts of his life, services aud character. Tho flag was everywhere emphasized as the emblem of our country. EAST SCHOOIm In the East school tho exercises took place in the forenoon. All (he twelve rooms took part together iu the great hallway. While the pri maries were carryiug out their part, tho other grades were interested auditors, aud vice versa. There 1 were no decorations, but tho pupils carried Hags. Tho North, Booth nnd Central schools celebrated in the nfteruoou, but most teachers put in nearly tho whole day on tho father of our country, with history, liter ature, etc. Iu the North school Mrc. Rork and the other teachers distinguished themselves in elucida ting the greatness of tho roan nnd his works. The battles he won were fought over. LINCOLN SCHOOL. The South Salem people enjoyed a good treat yesterday afternoon at the hands of the teachers and pupils of Lincoln school. Washington's birthday was observed In appropriate style, and many visitors, Including members of the board, enjoyed the occasion. The exercises consisting of recitations, songs, etc., wero con ducted In tho spacious halls, which were appropriately decorated with flags nnd buutiug. Prof. Matthews aud the other teaobers fairly outdid themselves iu impressing tho appro priate lesson of patriotism upou tho pupils. Remarks wero made by ono of the directors highly approving Geo. Washington's birth aud subse qifeht'lfe. State Treasurer MeUchan aud Supt Grubbo also made some1 pleaslug and appropriate remarks, all tending toeucourage tho children in their school work. Everyone prtFent was outspoken iu praise of the fine new building, aud itspracti cal convenience for nil occasions. OMMITTEE MEETING. The committee of teachers on ar rangement program for the term will meet Tuesday evenlug instead of Monday at the oflice of the super intendent. SCHOOL NOTES. The opening exercises in. the Ensl Salem building are held in tho halls every morning except Monday. All the twejye schools participate in this, ana the program consists of marching, speaking, singing and calisthenics. Mauy of the parents visit the school at this time, and nil are cordially invited and urged to come. Slight Wreck. Lter Investi gation sliows that tho 3 a. m. frolght, that parted south of Salem Friday morning, aud run together nguin in the yards, where the engine was getting water, was not much dnm aged. A number of cars were de railed and draft timbers wero broken on thirteen cars. Jean Bristow was on top of the part that was brokeu off, nnd was kuocked down, but not hurt when itollided. The fire man wns knocked ofl the tender, where ho wns letting in wnter. The track was open in two hours to let the 5:20 overland pass. Licenses. Jenpie I. Hallan, nnd David A. Kell nnd Frederiza W. Nleft, have licenses to marriage. REAL ESTATE MOVEMENTS. January transfers $170,220 50 Feb. to dato 160,007 75 JAN. 20. TM Hicks to T M Humphreys 1 2, 3 Hicks add to Woodburn, $150. Geo Settlemlor nnd wife to B Oswald 51 a, sec 8, tp 0, 1 w, $4000. T M Hicks to J D A Humphreys, It 4, 5 add, Woodburn, $160. Mrs L E nud Wra Cluro to Frank ADepue aud wife, hlk 7, add Wood burn, $550. Samuel Adnlph and wife to Her man Fasta 1 9, 10 bl D Simpson add, Salem, I GOO. T M Hicks to C R Llvesay, 23-100 a near Woodburn, $160. John H Hamlin and wife to Adam Beveus, 60.89 a Wm Shaw clain, $3128.05. Adam Bums and to A G Jerman, same an above, $3128.95. i HOTEL AKUIVAL3 "WILLAMETTK" A Ginnon, W C Campbell, Albany. Jos Morton, Jr, De Lancey Btoue, New York. G G Willis, E D'MUif.T Zummcr mau. R Winterer, X O Wheeler, Mrs G Holmes, Ed Lytle, J P Jone and wife, J T Gregg, P Gill, E Hall, Portland. C W Syfers, S F. Chas Bell, Dallas. F W Bewley, L E Latouretto, McMinnville, T E Bell, Drain. V 8 Reld, Eugene. E M Baker. W G Hemberg, Burlington. F O'Neill, Lebanon. E A Glenn, Louisiana, Mo. N H Jack, Mrs Williams, Port land. Q W Phillips, Hlllsboro. II H Templeton, Eugene. Miss Maude Granger and troupe, Mi Dora Mllly, New York, "COOK." SI O Warner, Eugene. John B O'Brien, C Stewart, W N Jones, J II Mlsnor, HAD Puter, Jf W Foster, Portland. H H Klwprtliy. 8hedd. J H Graham, Woodburn. It Held, Kulghu LOl'Wi AM) I'RUSnNAL- J I), third, nu Albany pioneer, died ..t the ns luiu, ago 67. F. J. Cattcrlin ond family nro spending a day or two iu Portland. Mrs. O. L. Darling visited Hub bard today. Attorney Knight left this after noon, for Portland. Judge Lord went to Portland this afternoon. John Holman came down from Albany to spend Sunday. D. H. Loouey, the country cnndl dato for sheriff Is In tho city. H. Hewitt ard family, of Albauy, ore visiting with tho family of Supt. Rowland. Prof. Thos. Van Seoy is In the city, haviug arrived from the South this afternoou. The Salem Democratic club will hold its session this Saturday even ing, at tho Vatoldla club room. Dave Sheeley, of Portland, is a lato arrival nt the poultentiary. Mrs. Nellie Sladdeu went to her old homo in Salem on this mornlnu's local train. Eugene Guard, 19. Friday night tho Elwood ws re ported snagged near Mission Land ing. Two beautiful Jersey cows wero sold today to A. N. Perry of Dnytou. They were of puro blood and lluo points from the Z. F. Moody ranch. The Salem Rod aud Gun club has secured uew grounds on the Electric lino at Rosedale, nnd is arranging n program for 1892. Experience proves that nothing olso bo surely destroys scrofula, as Ayer's Sarsaparllla. A number of friends of Win. Kaiser are much pleased to seo him houdling so many cases at this term of court, and that ho has had ver dicts most of tho time. C. H. Busby weut to Portland today to attend u reception given by mimic Towa friends. Home people may think Ed. Cross puts in a great, deal of his time beautifying his resldenco grounds, just now, but nt tho same time his markets are kept up in the ohoicest order. ' You touch tho button and Lock wood does tho rest. His messenger service saves tho busy man many nu extra step, and has revolutionized the niCBsago nud messenger business. Tho extension of their store build ing by Gilbert & Patterson is going ahead at a lively rate, but nothing to compare with the way their Btock of crockery is going of! at cost. Have us call aud seo your old furniture nnd get now iu exchange, Burcu & Sou. Col. Wagner, of Tho Willamette, is busy theso days grading nnd planting his half block iu East Salem, which is to bo their resi dence place. Al. handles a shovel as gracefully as nny "Paddy on tho railroad." St. John's German Evangelical church of Portland" has filed articles of Incorporation. Prof. J. B. Horner has been given the chair of English languago und literature at tho Oregon stato agri cultural college. Tho classes in this department hnvo been taught by Prof. Horner since Pres. Arnold's illness, Eugene Guard, Feb. 19: Criticism is not only entirely out of our reach but also unnecessary excopt to say that she had u first-olass support, and tho comedy introduced to spice tho piece Is of a very high order. If Maudo Granger ever finds it in her way to visit Eugcno sho may bo assured of a hearty reception by tho many admirers which her first ap pearance hero won for her. Maudo Granger is occasionally playing "The Creole" nnd "Camillo" during her present tour, but only for req ucst performances. In either of these roles she has no equal asldo from Clara Morris, but where the fair Granger has tho nd vantage is in her personal beauty nnd In tho art of dressing, which sho appears to understand to a greater degree of flnesso than any other actress on tho stage. Sho will appear in "The Creole" at tho opera house tonight. In broken assortments Win. Brown & Co. offer somo high grade goods at half price. For tho removal of dandruff, aud for curing humors of the scalp, there is nothing better than Ayer's Hair Vigor. Stand caramels that melt ou the touguo nnd don't pull teeth, at Jones & Bernardl's. Hellenbrand takes a hack scat for nobody on earth when Jt comes to getting up a square meal. Special offer best quality of six pound note paper at 25o per package. Envelopes XXX, 60o per box, at Dearborn's book store. Frank M. Brooks, SL D phyel clan and surgeon. Olllco over Barr & I'etzel's now store. 2-20-Jt E.isteru oysters Davison & White's. Vsi la Million, of Homes viaPowder The Best ompany, A JEALOUS WOSIAN. Stabbed a Supposed Mistress Eleven Times. Rome, Ttaly, Feb. 20. -Tho details of a tragedy growing out of jeal ousy havo becu revealed by the" trial iu the provincial court which has just resulted In tho sentencing of tfenor Morelll to two years' Im prisonment for stabbing nnd at tempting to kill her supposed rival, Slguorn Azaut. Tho hitter's hus band emigrated some time ago to Aibtralln, aud her grasswldowhood was comforted, according to rumors which reached tho ears of Slguorn Morelli, by Signer Morelll. The sus picious wife dressed hersolf in mnle attlro and waylaid Slguorn Azaul as sho was returning' from mass at Trlaugla, her path leading hernlong n lonely road in tho mountainous region of Vallolllna. Springing upou her victim, tho woman stabbed her iu a savage manner, inflicting eleven wounds nud cutting oft her ears nud uose, as well as most of her scalp. Slguorn Azaul recovered from her terrible injuries, though deprived of her good looks. Sho had recog nized her seeming male assailant as Signora Morelll, nud caused the arrest of tho would-bo-murdorcss. Tho trial resulted In a conviction for assault only, as tho intention of murder seemed improve", and tho light seuteuoo of two- years' ,Impris prlsoumcut was all that could bo im posed. It was clearly shown by developments since tho stabbing took place that the Jealousy of Slg uorn Morelll was unfounded, aud that tho crimo in whioti her passions Involved hor had not oven the slightest excuse which nu affection between her husband nnd Slguorn Aznnl would hnvo nflbrdcd. Found Nuggots of Gold. Tucson, A. T., Feb. 20. Yester day one of tho biggest gold nuggets ever seon here wns brought to Tuc son. A week ngo a Mexican, while walking along tho placer diggings at Quljotoa, which had been washed out by tho rain, saw a dlugy yellow lump stlcktngout of tho sand, und kicked it loose. Tho valuo of it was about $200. It weighs eloveu.ouuces. Smaller nuggets wore also found. Two Chicago Sports. OniOAao, Feb. 20. Two Chicago sports will in a few dayB undertake n dnrlng feat. Thoy will stow them selves nwny In Captain Paul Boyn tou's rubber suits and nttempt to cross tho lake, which is about sixty miles wide. Thoy nro Heury Smith nnd Charles Burton, both well known huutors nnd fishermen. Emigrant Rato. CmoAao, Feb. 20 With regard to tho request of tho Santa Fe railroad to bo giyeu authority to mako n rato of $14.30 from tho Missouri river to tho Paciflo coast on second-class emigrant traffic. Chair man Vlnlug, of tho Transcontinen tal Association voted against it. The application is therefore douied. Sunday Closing. Alhany, N. Y Fob. 20, Au amendment to tho world's fair bill, directing that tho New York stato exhibit shall bo closed Sunday, was adopted in tho assembly 40 to 47. Silvor Mino Sold. Denver, Feh.20. It is announced that tho Bosslck mino, at Silver Cliff, has been sold to Now York and San Francisco parties for $1,000,000. MARKETS. Ban Francisco, Feb. 20. Wheat buyer season $1.70. Portland, leb. 20. Wheat vol loy, $1.65$1.C0; Walla Walla, $1.60 $1,55. CmoAao, Feb. 29. Atcloso wheat was steady; cash, 00J; Slay, 03. Itlulit t Wrong, Winch vrl ye huver It doe eem as If noma ioiki preier lo uave tlie laitcon. dltltio or tho liver rattier than the rim. They perpetually done themntlves with purgative totally 'without virtue m altera live of liver trouble. Hosteller1 Hlouiaeb Hitters U the duccomIuI candidate tor the people choice, and yet, popular and well know us It U, there are utuurtunaieM who keep on tryliiK the drastic remedies of former duys. 11 U to tt-e intelligent por tion of the publlo that the well known and lonif tried properties of the lllttem appeal. JUueoii should be guided by experience Iu the matter of medication, "The best sTUlde to our feet Is the lamp of expert, ence." said a great patriot of the early revolutionary period, and the exclarnn. lion Is preguant with truth. For over a cvutury the Hitters dally lias met with the endorsement ol people surierlng from Jtvcr complaint, malaria, constipation, rheuma. tlsm, debility and trtMblt accompanied bV dysneiiHlu. latterly It has iWlnrrul nseu ana uetn luotougniy ..,.- ,- -- -.- -' '- w- approved as a reweuy mr "ia grippe. S - 40 Years ft SfcwwW. THE BEST COMPANY to insure your life i is tho MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL for the reason that every dollar put into this company is GUAR ANTEED TO YOU AGAINST LOSS, by tho Stet Law, which hinds all policies issued, as though tho insured was a resident of Massachusetts. Every policy has a PAID UP and OASH-VALUE in plain figures. The least conditions and the most security of any company, J, L. MITCHELL & CO., Ageak H. G. COITON, Gen'l Agent, Portland, Or, Bedford -AND- FRENCH In beautiful designs. Just arrived. Seo window display SPRING CLOTHING. Furnishing goods and Hats, now coming in. Unrgaius in Boots aud Shoes. Capitol Advonture Co. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Our specialty KID GLOVES and COKSETS. s? After tho Grip and after typhoid fever, diphtheria, pneumonia, or other prostrating dis eases, Hood's Sarsaparllla is just what is needed to restore tho strength and vigor so much desired, and to expel all poison from the blood. It has had wonderful sua cess in many such cases. Hood's pills oct especially upon the liver, rousing It from torpidity to its natural duties, euro coustipatlou and assist digestion. i Parlor furniture in Bets and uutquo odd pieces, tho finest ever iu Salem, at Keller & Marsh's. Fine stand caramels, mado with puro cream, good and wholesome tho "Spa," W. T. Stolz, 110 Stato street. Tea. "Tho best tea I've drank in Oregon," is what tho people Bay of Damon Bros.' 60 cent Jap tea. d&w Choice butter always on hand at Clark & Epploy's. Simpson Bros, always havo the best supplies at tho Electrlo grocery store. No old stock, fresh goods aud prices in carpets, Buren & Sou. Your attention should bo attracted to our now lino of carpets, Buren & Son. Tho IXL bakery Is belug over hauled nnd newly papered. Its busi ness is growing and it hopes to have a sharo of your trade. a i Indian and Ceylon Tba. A beautiful blend, as used by tho best families of Europe, 75 cents and $1.00 per pound, at tho Great East ern Tea Co., 817 Commercial street, Salem. At Cost. and glass Patterson. That stock of china tableware. Gilbert & All tho crookory, glassware, lamps, eta. at Gilbert & Patterson's will bo Bold at cost to closo out the stock. Tho finest green and roasted cof fees in tho city at Clark & Epploy's. Smokers' headquarters, tho rarest cigars iu tho market utO.W.Hellon brand's. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor proscribed : Castorla Just 24, InJuitStlionrsJ. V. 8.rellovcsroiitlptton sndslclc hesrjschei, After It gets tlio system umlerruntrol an occasional doio prevents re turn. Wo refer by permission to W. It. Mar- susii, jirniiiwicic House, a I'.j (Jeo. A. Wer ner, Wl (nllforiilo fit,, 8, y.; Mrs. O. Melrlti, las Kearny St., 8. F., ami many others who usto found relief from eonstlpstiou and sick besilnohes. O. W. Vlnrcnt, of 0 Tcrronco Court, 8. Y. writes: "I am CO yesrs of age sin! have had constipation 29 yesrs. I ho Induced lo try Joy's Veirelf.blo Barssjisrllla. I ucosnlzed Iu It an herb tho Mexlcaus nwd to give us In tho early Ws for bowel troubles. (I came toCal, lit 1833,) and I kne It would help me ami It has. Kor the first tlrae In years I can sleep well aud my system la regular. Tbe old Mexican herbs In tlila remedy are a certain cure In constlpattou and bowel troubles," Aik for Jay s Vegetable Sarsaparllla For salo by Dau'IjJ, Fry, 225 Com. street. Dvn Tjikv Go. Threoioch high back gilt moulding mado up In frames at 25 cents per foot at Geo. F. Smith's, Cottle block. niKD. JANNEY.At homo, east ofGer- '"l ""J I vu ill toi-,, tiuui 1 consumption, Albert Jauuoy, aged viiim Irrl.luif LV1. in icon r.... 4v j-rare, Funanl SturaV( t 0 o'clock. Cords FLANNELS 25c Want Column. Netlces inserted for ONE OKNT PEH WOllD EAOU INSERTION. No adver. tlsement Inserted la this ooluiun for lee, than twenty !! vo cents. IJIOIt KENT. The small store room nd JJ Joining Dnlrymplo's store suitable for olnco or other business. Itooms in our bnnk building, warmed by hot water. '2-10 St LaddA Uuait, Bankers. POUND.-Gold ring. O.itl on O. W. Hcrlber. South Malem, and pay for this) notice. O ESTAUItANT FOH 8 AtiE-TJolnggoo Terms cash. Inquire at 218 v uuBiueas who every tuiag complete. ommerelsj sircoi, cuviem, urcgon. z-rMI TTrANTEO-At WIHnmottei Hotel, 100 " W cords body flr wood. 3-13-U OU8E IX) KENT.-Good hard finished six room house on Kleotrln Una. fu. lem lem Land Co., ottlco In Hotel Willamette. WANTED TO IlENT-Cottngo, 4,6orB rooms accessible to business center. Address, stating location ana prioe, or call nt 118 Btato street, 0 to 8 p. m. SH1-31 , rOOM AND I10AR.D. A large front JLroom In good 1ioum, suitable for mil persons, with board or without, and use of largo library. Apply at Jouknai, office, l-aa-tr FOR IUENT New house In North Balem. Apply to E. Holer, North Salem, or at Jouknai. oflice. mUE ALKA-IJESPKIUAN SOCIETY J. Moets every Hoturduy evening at 8 o'clock, In the hall over the State Insu rance uuiiumc. AieoiingB are open to tue nubile. Itev. llobertwhitaker.I'res, Dr. V. A. CuHlolt, Vlco 1'resldent. i NEW ADVKUTIBEHKNT8. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Saturday, Feurnnry 20. Tho ollto event of tko season. That peerless, emotional actress, ger, Supported by Mr. Clarence Kn dysldo and his own select company, will present Belots famous play, .iT Tl II SEOURK SEATS JVT PATTON'S, J. M, Needham, HOUSE PAINTING, KALSC MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATUBaL WOOD FINISHING.0, Lea vo orders-J.llrwln's, rear of Smith Htelnor'B drug store. M. T, RINEMAN, DCAUCR IN Staple and Fancy Gweries, . Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, ;Wodes and Willow ware. AU kinds of mill feed, Also veeetabletaad fruits In their season. "Highest I'rlce paid for country produce," wasoiici nsnareor your patronage. 9-tt 133 HUt toil i street WHwmi INBVRANOff i Klro and Ms ; rlne. uamDSDT. O. W. I1KLKK, Agent, (telew, Otero EX KHALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator. Orllce ot ChaarOal vert'a Mtlllonery store, Hulom, Oregon. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES, ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMENt South of Willamott Ho!, SAbBM - - - ORHOON L B, HUFFMAN, Livery Me id M Tut, Ihs But tot mk uti Cwrl M ts Tt( Quiet, family horme a, spuulaHy. (Ia tv Willamette, IvoUt.) 8AM8M, ... ORSOON W. M. DeHAVEN, - ul- m One dor went of Lunu'aPry Doo4 star &,S,,rtrarMjKS iaiide fan J