Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 12, 1892, Image 2

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minjl . JIM Ml
uation to Um prwAJwit w taken
by katttof NepttMkAiMi itt the oet
Biattor-oMWct way. Ono" of the)
fading members or the house
nwwljr Mid when ho heard tho
news, "Well, If he baa resigned we
ball hear definitely about it belbTe
toight." Ho did not question tho
truth or tb story in tho least, Ono
of the officers of the government
MM! "Nothing that Mr. Blaine
im bow heed be at all mirprlslug.
Tl great man has been taken at
hi word, and his retirement from
lnibllo Iifo at any moment will bo
looked on as a matter of courne."
Orovilivb, Cul Feb. 12. Trials
have been going on hero for nearly
two mouths over stealing a band of
cattle. Two men ou the samo evi
dence were sent to prlsloii, one was
acquitted, aud In two cages the Jury
'tllwtgreed. The district attorney
stated he wlllmovo to dismiss the re
maining prisoners, fourlu number.
Seventy witnesses havo been ex
amined, and the trials havo cost tho
county nearly $ 20,000.
Sl'ItlNClFIEM), III., lAsb. 12, In
the contempt of court case of Klcli-
ard Dowlo, general manager of the
Great Eastern" fast freight Hue. of
Detroit, ou investigation before the
United States graud Jury regarding
an alleged violation of tho Interstate
commerce law by cutting rates,
Judge Allen, In the United Btatcs
district court, decided that Dowle
need not answer questions that
would.crimluato hlrnsolf. f ,
ANNAi'di.is, Md., Feb. 12. The
house of delegates adopted a resolu
tion expressing a seuso that tho
national house of representatives
should act upon tho tarltr question
In harmony with President Clove
land's message in 1887,, anxl tho
Mills bill.
Ban Jose, Feb. 12. Sheriff Prince
of Olympia, Wash., left here yester
day morning, having In custody
Joseph Caspers, a young barber,
who Is wanted ou a chargo of ob
taining a diamond riug by fulss
pretenses. Caspers has been here
for four mouths. Two months ago
ho married a girl In Oakland and set
up housekeeping.
New York, Fob. 12. Tho lato
coup of President AloLcod Is tho
greatest In the history of Tallroud
financiering and makes tho Read
ing as atrong a corporation as there
Is in the world, Tho growi receipts
Of tho Philadelphia & Heading sys
tem will hereafter bo $20,000,000 an
nually, and tho number of its em
ployers will approximate 100,000,
being more tliun Is employed by
ariy corporation on this planet. It
is now plain wlntwoB In Mr. Mo
Lead's mind when ho acquired tho
PoughkcopMo brldgo aud tho lines
tributary thereto, which, through
tho Heading aud Its ontlro aug
mented system, goes Into tho very
heart of Now England, giving it tho
only all-rail routo from tho Middle
and Southern stud's to tho East,
with connections with nil tho Im
portant New England roads, and
enabling It to virtually control thu
coal trallla of that ontlro reglnn.
Mr. MoLood has had In this matter
tho hearty support of A.J. Drexel
and tho banking house with which
ho is associated, of John Lawler, J.
It. Maxwell and George F. linker,
and the Now Jursuy Central people,
who havo secured tho largest hold
ing thoro Is nt prosout of tho Dole
ware, Lackawanna & Vostorn rail
road. Tho BUCcesH of this combina
tion, backed by thu strotigost
financial Institution in this country,
is ussurod.
Wabhikuton,' Fob, 12. There is
practical unanimity among tho
Democratic members of tho ways
aud means committee lu favor of
tho bill reducing tho duty on barley
and hops aud tlitro Is little doubt
that this measure will bo favorably
to tho house.
M'CALfc km:otki.
New Yohic, Feb. 12. John A.
McCall, formerly stato superintend
ent of lusuruuoo, wus unanimously
elected presldtiut of thu New York
Llfo Insurance company.
U tint impurity ot tho blood which i
IijcU unalcliUy lunU" or swelling un M.o
UlnnUaol ilioaeck) cause gainful nimiluij
iwres ou tuoanai, lessor feet j ueolo;M
litem In tlio oyca, earn, or now, often can
Ins Mlndnm or deafnciii I the qtIbIu of
jlmplcs, cancerou growths, or the nianj
uUtt manifestation tuually tworlbwl to
'"liuniontj" wiU fattening upon tho limjjt,
cnutes cumulation, uml death, Helng
tlromott undent, It J the most eeneml ot
tH deoe or affection, tor my tow
jirooui aro entirely Ire from, lu
"iri." CURED
By taking llood'n BarsiarM, which, hy
bo remarkable euro It ha accomplished,
pftcn wheu pttior medicines lave tailed,
has proven IttcU to be. a intent and jul
. i.ir medicine for thU dlteaie. Howe ot
thmo cuii aw really wonderful. It you
uer from scrotal or liapiiw blood, be
sure to try Hood's gartsiwllla.
" JStftry spring my wife and children Iwvo
h troubled with croiu)a, sorea lirwK
Ji out on them la various bot, My
tttW Iwy, three year old, hai been a
ilWe uerer. L lrl"lf h vra one
UNMS ot sorea troai tiMd to feet. 1 wo
kcfyleal iu wo Hood' Barwirlll, aud w o
twbUtltealt. The retultU that all have
Imw tmH of Mm jterotuia, my Utile toy
bate NJy pm from sore, and all four
pt mf MMtm W( rlht ftd aeallhy1
W. piJwttmut, VMki City, K, J.
Hood1 rsMU'Hi
9. h mptm w-, fu etvt MW) wi
Jerry Scores
Cheaper Sugar, A Suicide, Graves'
Faithful Wife, Now Tho Strong
est on Earth, Sorry too Late,
Robbed a Streetcar, Tin Mino
Discovered, Monmouth Burns,
Lynch law, Sherman's Statue,
Foreign and Stato News, Etc.
WAHiaNQTON, Feb. 12. (Special
to tho JotlBNAi..) It Is expected the
president will appoint a Judge for
tho sixth district today.
Tho Oregon candidates for tho
federal Judgeship havo been Judgo
Loid of tho state supreme bench,
I Messrs. Slmou and Gilbert, of Port
land. The influence of Judge
Thurston,", of Omaha, chief
counsel at Omaha of tho Union
Pacific and a representative of Jay
Gould, and a JJIalno boomer has
been exerted for the latter. Ills de
clination in our dispatches to be a
candidate, ostensibly becaso Blaine
has withdrawn Is indication that he
has been "turned down" and that
Gilbert will not bo appointed.
Hlmon, a supposed representative of
Vlllard interests, may yet receho
tho position If any' Oregon mau is
OMAHA, Nob., Feb. 12. Hon.
John M. Thurston yesterday morn
lug hn an Interview formally declines
to allow his name to go before tho
convention as a candidate for vlco
president, owing to Blaine's with
drawal. He predicted that Harrison
will bo the nominee, and suys there
will bo n stubborn light. He fears
tho Alllanco will bo strong enough
to canso a Republican defeat.
Detroit, Feb. 12. Tho New York
Bun yesterday contained an editorial
dlscuislon on the military career of
Gen. Russell A. Alger, disclosing tt o
oxlstonco among tho olllcial records
of tho war department, with a rec
ommendation of General CuBter,
dated twenty-eight years ago, that
Gonei al Alger bo dishonorably dis
charged, being absont from his com
mane without leave. The editorial
savMwlger wus dlschnrgcd from tho
sorvlte, Sept. 20, 1801, as tho result
of thU recommendation. Tho text
of tho editorial was telegraphed
Alger, and ho luBt night made nn
expla lutlon of tho charges made
ugulmt him, stating ho washouor
ably discharged and not dismissed
as staced. In his denial, Alger said:
"In August, 1804,atSheppardstown,
Va., on tho Potomao I had been ill,
but was ou duty. I went Into camp
that night, and not being able to
march next morning, wassout with
otlierti who wero sick to tho hospital
at Annapolis, and after remaining
thoro a few days I was detailed on
court martial at Washington, wluro
I reported aud served a little time,
and then resigned, as I was not utlo
to enter tho Hold and did not Mo
court martial service. Along In
Juno and July, 1804, Gonoral Custer
requested mo several times to haye
his brother Thomas appointed lieu
tenant in my rcglment,as ho wished
Ituvo him to servo on his stall, J
declined nnd in tho hot controversy
about It ono day ho told mo I would
regret It some duy, I said to htm I
would rather resign than to have an
outside olllcor promoted lu my regi
meut when I hnd deserving men lu
the ranks. I never know oreuspuetcd
theio wni tho slightest question
about my being properly sent with
tho largo number of sick aud
wounded sout to Annapolis aud at
General CitBters recom inundation.
If ho knew tho facts It was one of
tho iuo:t cruel outrages evttr per
poliatud upon a sold lor."
Booicr.Ksa jkiiuv.
W A fl it I N a to N, Fob, 12, The
Fanners' Alllanco arraigned tho
Demooratlo mid ltepubllcan parties
lu tho house yesterday ou thoohargo
of oxtravugaucoiu publlo expendi
ture, and liiHlsted that theso parties
woro Ignoring tho principal legisla
tion of tho session iu order to pro
vide lucrative positions for favoro-J
hcniihmen of tho dominant parties.
Representative Simpson, whoso
sobrlquot of "Tho Bookless States
man' has won htm national repute,
wis the mun to prefer theso clmrgts
against tho dominant jlartles, aud
Ids speech was tho most auuuiug
and xcltlng Incident of tho day.
Tho question of expenditures came
up under tho resolution reported by
tho committee on accounts to nj-
polut Walter K. Unllock, an ex-
union veteran, to tho position of
assistant doorkeeper of tho house.
Simpson took tho lloor. lie
charged tho two leading parties
with log rolling aud dividing addl.
tloual jxwttloim equally between
Democrats nnd ItepubllcAUs,
"ItapH'ars," says Simpson, "that
leglslAtluu Is lost bight nf in this
attempt t luaugumto a new system
of reciprocity. Why, Mr. Shaker,
I havo a constituent of my own
from Kuumis who has doue moro for
this country In valuable services
wintered In war tlmn any mau rvo
ommeuded (o a KItlon iu this con.
great. He actually saved tho army
of General Pope from destruction lu
lbtt end saved tho city of Wali-
Ingtou frotn capture by tho itbelj
army. Jle was lu tho employ of
tho wem twrvlco, aud went through
Mbe Hum Into Rlehujopd. ud jot
intelligence that saved the array of
Pope. Notwithstanding thlp, I have
been unabloto obtain oven nmewen
ger's position for that man, simply
because he docs not belong to the
party in power; simply because ho
Is neliher a Democrat nor a Repub
lican (laughter and applause). Yet
the great congrcs of the United
States has been consuming two or
three days together making posi
tions for some men because the
members on ono side or the other
want to get their friends into
Simpson's speech had the eflcct of
overwhelmingly defeating tho reso
lution. PEUNOYEtt.
Poiitvand, Feb. 12. Governor
Pennoyer yesterday spoke freely
aud enthusiastically about tho port
ago road scheme at The Dalles. He
believes that If tho whole press
of Oregon would harmoniously
and unanimously advocate that
plan as a means of opening the
Columbia river tho portage road
bill would pass thn house, and our
senators, notwithstanding they
favor the boat railway scheme,
would soe that it passed that house
also. It certainly would be a great
benefit, aud there can bo no harm
in carrying out tho idea of advoca
ting it. Asked about congressional
nominations, tho governor expresed
tho confident belief that If the
Democrats acted wisely they would
beat ono or both of the probable
Republican nominees. He thinks
tho Alllanco party will have some
influonco In determining tho elec
tion. 1)1J. ailAVKS FAITHFUL WIPE.
Dknvku, Colo., Feb. 12.-Tbo wife
of Dr. T. T. Thatcher Graves, ac
companied by two or three friends,
left Denver yesterday for Canyon
City. She looked palo and nervous.
Since tho supersedeas was Issued the
doctor has not been closely confined
as otherwise he would havo been.
Dr. Graves will try to induce his
wife to return to her homo and rela
tives In the Eaqt. She will proba
bly rem tin at Canyon City several
days, as tho climate is wnrm and
the change promises to be beneficial.
When Mrs. Graves arrived at Cau-
yon City she was so weak that she
had to bo lifted Into tho carriage
which took her to the hotel. She Is
very feeble aud shows plainly the
great Huflerlng she has undergone.
Her physician aud friends who ac
companied her aro giving her care
ful attention, as hor critical condi
tion demands It. It has not yet
been decided when she will bo per
mitted to visit Dr. Graves at the
penitentiary, but it will not bo until
sho has rested from hor journey
from Denver. The doctor has been
npprisod of hor arrival and is very
anxious to see her.
ImiooKfoiiT, Conn., Feb. 12.
Charles AVaterbury, who was at tho
bottom of tho kidnaping of his little
rolativo, Ward Waterbury, has
broken down. Soon after ho was
put tn jail ho began to show signs
of despair. The guards wero sur
prised to find him crying plteously
ono day, and since then ho has cried
almost all tho tltno aud cuu't sleep.
It Is believed ho Is really ponltent
and not shamming. Ho told
Jailor WelJB ho wished ho was dead
and ho know his dlsgrnco would
kill his wife. Undoubtedly Water
bury Is greatly disappointed bocouse
his plot did not materialize. He
has told tho guards that ho would
kill himself If ho got a ohance, anil
they watch him closely, believing
ho Is doaperato enough to do so if he
Iiub nn oppoituuity. Everything
that ho could nocompllsh self-murder
with has been taken away from
him. Statu Attorney lllack has not
received a demand from tho Now
York authorities for tho kidnaper
yet, but It Is oxpocted dally. The
request will probably bo granted, aa
publlo opinion desires that ho be
moro severely punished than the
Connecticut laws will permit.
Fkksno, Feb. 12. Yesterday a
car ou tho fair ground lino was hold
up by two men on Vontura Btreot
whllo making tho last trip out. One
mun stopped the horso nnd the
other mounted the car, at the same
tlmo holding a revolver to Driver
Kerr's head and demanding his
money. Kerr showed light, but
was ovorpowerod by tho second man
and gavo up what uhaugo ho had,
about f5. Three passengers were lu
the car, ono of whom, an Armeulau,
thrust his head out of the window
toseo w hat was wrong. Ho had uo
sooner done bo whoa ono of tho
robbers placed a pistol to his head
aud tired, causing him to full buck
Into tho ear. Tho wound Is thought
to bo fatal, Tho robbers rscaped.
OllKAHK, Dk.nvkh, Feb. 12, A committee
from tho Rio Grande railroad tele
graph operators has been iu attend
ance, on tho Rio Graude otllcera en
deavoring to obtulu an Increase of
10 per cent, in salaries, ThU has
been refused, and Cttlef Telegrapher
Ramsay, It Is snld, will make a
formal demaud for tho Increase, and,
If refused, will order a strike.
Dk.nvkk, Feb. 12. Tho discovery
of a big vein of tin U reported fr.nn
tho mountains about fifty mltea
north of hen,
Kansas City, Feb. 12. Dr. New
maun llorton, Inventor of tho rv
oliuiug chair for railway cars has
WamiinuThN, .Feb. 12. The I
houw totUy td rolutlwuUioivldcuc(it 10 . m,, Fridy, - '
providing for the printing of 0000
copies of tho president's Chilian
mespago, and also passed the mili
tary academy appropriation bill.
Los AnqiSi.es, Cal., Feb. 12.
Major George E. Boncbrakp, of this
city, will very likely bo appointed
minister to Japan.
Washington, Feb. 12. Owen
Scott introduced a bill in the
house yesterday. He regards the
measure ns unconstitutional and as
class legislation, and on these
grounds will urgo tho passage of his
Poutlanu, Feb. 14. Mrp. E. D.
Love, for many years matron of tho
Portland hospital, committed suicide
yesterday by taking strychnine.
Despondency is the supposed cause.
Roanokb, Va., Feb. 12. Will
Laveuder, a colored man who at
tempted an assault upon Alice
Perry, a white girl, on Monday
night, was token from the ofllcerH
this morning nnd hanged to a tree.
He mado n full confession.
Washington. Feb. 12. An ap
peal to tho Grand Army of the
Republic for contributions to aid In
the erection of a statue in Washing
ton to the memory of General Sher
man has been made by the com
mittee appointed at the meeting of
the society of tho army of the
Tenneeseo In October lunt.
Monmouth, III., Feb. 12. At the
lire last night the entire opera house,
wun rour stores uuderncutli, was
destroyed. Tie hwse-j will uggre
gatof50,000, partly Insured.
Pom'TiAND, ieb. 12. Wheat val
ley, $1.6fl$1.00; Walla Walla, 1.60
CiiiuAao, Feb. 12. At close wheat
wus firm; cash, 80J; May, 07'.
SAN Fkancisco. Feb. 12. Wheat
buyer season $l.G8j.
''Cant. Swift"
will bo tho attraction nt tho opera
house tills evening with Mr. Arthur
Forrest In tho title roll by Mr. A.
M. Palmer's company of players.
Of the pliy tho Rochester Post
Express, Saturday evening, Sept.
7th, says: "Captain Swift" won
instant recognition as a work of un
usual power, aud frqm Its first en
thuBlnstio welcome it became the
success of tho seasou. Haddou
Chambers, the author, an Austra
lian himself, has found his hero in
the perHOti of uu ex-bHshrauger
who, leaving a career of crime be
hind him In (Jueeushmd, attempts
to force his way Into society and re
spectability lu England.
His struggles, his successes, and
his ultimate defeat form tho story of
tho plav aud an absorbingly Inter
esting story it la.
January transfers $170,220 00
February to date fl0l,209 55
feu. 12.
T D Allen aud wife to C W Rice,
1J a Allen's add to Sllverton, $700.
Edward Martin, Portland, to
Frank Sperling and Moso Meyer
60-100ths a 7 s 3 w, $500.
II Oswald and wlfo to Olive M
Cone, 1 8 add Woodburu, $100.
G W Holllster nnd wife to N
Whltuey nnd W AV Eldors, bl 12
add Staytou, $71).
John Green and wife to Salome
Feldmureo, 1 u Win Shaw d 1 c, $175.
J' S Knight aud wife to Shaw aud
Downing, Is 11, 12 subdivision Is 29,
30, Capitol Home, add Salem, $250.
Geo D Radabaugh and wife to
Jennie A Skinner, 15 blk 50 Uni
versity add, Salem, $2,200.
A Million Friend!).
A friend In need Is a friend Indeed,
aud not less than ono million people
have found Just such a friend in Dr.
King's Now Discovery for consump
tion, coughs nnd colds. If you havo
never used this great cough medi
cine, ono trlul will convince you
that It hiw wonderful curative
powers In all dlpoaso of throat, chest
and lungs. Each bottle Is guruu
teed to do ull that Is claimed or
money will bo refunded. Trial
bottles free at Dauiel J, Fry's drug
Btoie, 225 Commercial street. Large
bottles 60o and $1.00.
Salkm Honoheo, Whllo the
capital city did not get tho depart,
meut commnudorshlp, tho city Is
honored by the selection of Comrade
Orossan for second place, and will
havo a voice lu tho department
Smokers' headquarters, tho rarest
cigars lu tho market at C.W.Hellou
brand's. Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed i Castorla',
An Staple bi Coflce.
"Chniuborlalu'a Cough Ecmotly
la as Rtnplo m code iu this vlclulty.
H tuisdotie an Inmienw umottnt of
rl sluco Us Introduction tier." A.
Nonlell, Maple Itld, Mltiu.
For ale tiy O-K. Good, tlruculst.
MOTIIORN At tho family home,
four iiilKvi south of Salem. Thurs
day, Fvhruary 11, 159 from U
grlpjwv CleofKO Mothoru, rr?U 67
yt'tn, lXHJtfuwd. wua takeu tick
Wild AltlAMt IVJ An.tiiAl...l b. I
W.T?-'. - - 5L U . Z . fi i m - -j- rj,iaw-- - tv.-""'
fr t . -. -rf ts i .lit. "4 . -irsi- . " jp- li i.l.'.-a p.- kk. -
.'-?rs.,f,k:,"--T..7r.Jt ' Mif owBffPwatti r
SSW't!--Z,J-FMJ-l'i-fit- . --- .K,,
,M-immmgmMit,. .- m
A Cowboy' r.lnly .Kxpi-rlonce on the
Hack of H Hucliliii; llrniieho.
Perry Stiir, n cowboy employed on
George W. Baxter's ranch, was In town
witli three gray wolf skins and threo
coyoto skins, nil of which netted him
$20.25. Tho county pays threo dollars
bounty for wolf scalps and sevonty-flvo
cents for coyotes, and the Stockmen's
Protcctivo association pays flvo dollars
for wolves.
Baxter's ranch is about fifty miles
northeast of, here, on Little Horso
creek. Mr. Still says there aro plenty
of wolves tlieie. Tho skins ho brought
in wore from wolves which ho roped
while riding tho ranges. As a wolf
hunter tho cowboy has so far been
moro successful than tho members of
tho Cheyenne Wildcat club, and his
experience with tho animal has been
much moro thriilling. While ruling a
broncho Mr. Stifl saw a pack of wolves
chasing a bunch of horses, in tho
roar of which wero an old maro and
colt, tho object of tho chase "being
fresli colt meat. Still got behind a
hill, and, as tho frightened horses flew
by, ho put spurs to his broncho, and
singling out tho biggest wolf In tho
pack, made tho chaso.
As tho cowboy's horso was fresh and
tho wolf already tired, it was not long
until tho nooso was dropped over the
head of tho big gray. The animal's
forefoot went through tho loop, how
ever, and tho ropo tightened around
his body in such a way that ho was
ablo to inako a strong pull. Finding
himself at tho end of tho rope, tho
brute, after failing to cut it with his
sharp teeth, mado a dash for llborty in
another direction. Tho movement drew
tho ropo about the broncho's hind legs
and tail, and tho natural result was
Bomo very hard bucking.
Botwecn tho bucking horso and the
wolf Still had his attention protty well
taken up. Ho hold to tho bucking
strap and finally got straight, with tho
wolf at tho end of tho ropo nnd tquaro
in front of tho horbe. By this time tho
wolf refused to run. but sat up, and,
showing his long, sharp teeth, was
ready for a light. This was just what
tho cowboy wanted. Riding up closo
to his wolfship to got as much slack as
possible, ho turned quickly and ap
plied tho spurs. When tho ropo tight
ened tho wolf turned a couple of somer
saults and was almost broken in two,
but tho ropo hold firm to tho (-addle
By a series of such maneuvering the
wolf was finally worn out and dragged
to tho ranch. Mr. Stifl says ho has
scon as high as nino wolves in a pack.
Not long ago four of them killed a calf
in Baxter's pasture. Stiff made a sug
gestion to another cowboy that whllo
tho animals were full of calf meat was
a good tlmo to chaso them down. Tho
suggestion was acted upon, and aftor a
chase of nearly three miles a big fellow
was caught. Mr. Stiff also roped three
antelopes during tho summer. Ho
says that if. tho Cheyenno boys will
ooino out they can havo plenty of sport.
Wolves aro seon every day, and there
would bo no trouble in getting up a
chose with hounds. Ho thinks somo
wolves may bo found about ton miles
north of tho P O ranch. Cheyenno
An Itullun Igemt
There was onco a man who lived in
tho forest far from tho rest of his tribe.
Ho lost his wife and was very lonely.
After awhile ho mado a wooden doll
about her size, dressed it in the clothes
bIio used to wear and set It up in front
of tho fireplace. Thou ho felt better.
So a year passed away. Ouo night ho
camo homo and there was his wife sit
ting in a chair In placo of tho doll. Sho
epoko to him, saying, "Tho Great Spirit
felt sorry for you, so ho lot mo como
back to too you, but you must never
touch mo, for If you do you will kill
mo." Thoy lived thus together for a
twelvemonth, but ono night- ho at
tempted to clasp her In his anns. Bo
hold, ho was holdiug a woodon doll I
Sho did not como to llfo agtdn and uo
was very unhappy ever after. Wash
ington Star.
Ye Momlnjn Night.
VK FEIlRUAIlYC, the 2M, A. D., 1S3
Wyj-otJynrernnd 11yoirfy Orat
Towun or Halo w aud o OulvtUT la St
Yo ftdiillloa will t twti jorit bylUnc
raicu.1 -t
l:'Socukk(llUs5e0,,, Bdw
mm mm
A. SynopsI of tlie JHarkets-HuTlnc and
Selling l'rlce.
Suoulders-Sugnr cured.per lb,10.
Ilrtukfast baton 15
llamn Sugar cured, per lb, l'jc.
liter mti'A
Fork H i
Million "(fflizjc
i'er pound.'ScjVselllng
lied clover need l'er pound, 14c.
VVIiltBclnvorseed l'er liound, 20c
Allke 18c per pound.
Hed top K'c per jiound.
Lincoln Gras' 12Xc per pound,
Hyo Oniss 10c per pound.
Orchard OrasH17c per poand.
New tmtatoes 10c per busbel.
Canned Frult-.Feaclies, 83 00; nprlcpt,
S3 00: blackberries, Si; corn, best grades
ii Ot tomatoes 1 60: etrlng beans ?1 50;
green pras SI 85; per doz. In two lb cans.
FresG Vegetables. I'otrtoes -JOc; carrots
60c; parsnips 75c; onions To peril).
Hsu--Halreon b10eperlb; SturgeoH 5
7cperlb-smallflshl0-3 per lb; salt salmon,
7310c per lb.
'Wheat-Cash SMc, storage Sic.
Flour l'er barrel. So.W, btnl 1U0 lbs.
Oats l'er bushel, SOQWic
llran l'er ton. S21 00 nt milt,
Hhorts l'er ton, 823 00 "
Chap Perton,f2u.00 "
V(H)I 17c to c20.
Hggs 2sc per dozen.
Potatoes l'er bushel, 20c
Corn meal 3c per pound.
Cheese Ullc per p Hind.
Dried plums l'erlb. 9"c.
Dried prunes Per lb. l(Vgl2c
Butter 23Wc per poundlor good
Lard 10 Lie per lb
Hams Per pound,ll12o
llaeon sides H10 per lb.
Shoulders S'Jo per lb.
Cblckens..7&10c jer po jud.
Ueuho 7as p.r lb.
Ducks, f'Jkpcr lli
Hops, 10Jlc.
Ilucldcn'u Anilca.Salve,
The Best halve In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, bore,-). Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChllDlalus
Corns nnd all Hkln Kruptlons, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect RalistacttoD
"r money refunded Pure, 25 cnts por
hoi. For site by 1) in'l 1. Fry, 223 Com St
For the (liihlren
"Iu buying a cough medicine for
children," says H. A. Walker, a
prominent druggist of Ogden, Utah,
never uo niruui to nuy uuamuer
nun's lougu itemeay. There is no
(lunger from it and relief is always
sure to follow. I particularly recom
mend Clmmbei Iain's because I have
found it to bo safe and reliable. 50
cent bottles for sale by G. E. Goode,
In promulgating esoteric cogitations or
articulating superncml sentimentalities
and philosophical or psychological obser
vatlous.bewaroorplatudtnousponderosl'y. Let your statements possess a clarified con
ciseness, compacted comprehenslbleness.
coniescent consistency and a concentra
ted cogency. Eschew all conglameratlons
ofllattilent tarrullty, Jejune babblement
and usiinne ulltciluns. in irylug t Im
press upon others the superiority of tho
Wisconsin Central Lines, vuid why jou
and bo many others use this thoroughlare
romHt. Paul and Minneapolis and Duluth
''.nd Ashland to Milwaukee, riiicugo and
points east and south, It N not necessary
to use Jawbreakers. Let your eilempora-
t eons descantlnes and unnrempillfniprl
exputlous have Intelligibility ernclouRi
netty, without rhodomontable or thraso
Ical bombast. Sedulously avoid nil poly-
njfiiuum pruuiuuiiy, psmnceous vacuity,
ventrlloqunl erboslty aud tundlloquent
ujiuiij,auuii uuuuiu emeuurt's, prurient
Jocosity and pestiferous profanity, obscu
reut or apparent. In other words, talk
mainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthful
ir, say the W lsconsln Central Lines Is the
route, ana tiintenns it 1 lb ly
Vice President.
. i . ..Cashier
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact a ganeral bunking business.
In all lu brnnehes. .
.Vice President
... , .-Cashier
DIUKCTOUS: Geo. Wllltnms.Wm. Eng
JA.' lUkw IUoaar,Sson. J- V. HodsSn.
Usnk la new Kxehange block on Com
mercial uttvet. S.1WJ
. m . branhST ly-m. iu aJSJBSSi?;
VU-lreident. Twusurer
SJS CommereUi btrecU
th"ciunttr.B'aUstanab8tAb!',raot8 Jn
Adminisirator's Notlco of Ap
pointment. iM,,br twrmTor the bounty court
RL "" Conty of iurloa and Mate "f
Or-gon.ftMrtheyrltl. the uoderi,M
auiyoyiifBtoa an rtw&ktratfr of
i.hSiIl. "iy ""v Ute f Marion
"- urvu, luvipwre ail tvnnni
hNt AidattpvjnilndWeJ to iaS
uu mujanHiy tteJtod A
. n. ttaa i
AIfo 6, 10 and 20 ncre pieces already planted to fruit tiees In
fine coudltion, and some flrht-cln! city property.
References by Permissien:
Hon. W. W. Thayer, Ex-governor and chief Justice of Omgoti, Tori.
land, Oregon.
Hon. Richard Wlllnms, cx-inenibcrof cotigrcw, Portland. Oregon,
Hon. Geo, W. McBrlde, secretary of slate, Salem, Oregon.
Hon. Phil. MetPclian, state treasurer, Salem, Oregon.
Hon. E.B. McElroy, superintendent of public instruction, Salem, Or
Hon. W. A. CuMck, president Capital National bank, Salem, Oregon
Hon. Napoleon Davis, president First National bank, Salem, Oregon
William & England Bunking Company, Salem. Oregon.
ThoKnv. president woolen mills, Salem, Oregon.
Hon. W"B. Allifon. Unhid htulis beiiator, Dulquue, Iowa.
Hon. Wm. Larrnnee, ex gieinnrnr lowi, Cliilimont, lowu.
J-. Hnrraean, es.lipr Dubuque NitlnnHl bank, Dubuque, Iowa.
W. P. Maule, president Security Nutl-'iml bank, Sioux City, Iowa.
I'f u. J. A. rI Hull, congressman, Dts Mulncs, lowu.
Hon. Geo. D. Perkins-, congreman, Sioux tlty, iowt..
Oregon Land Company's Price List.
10 acres of land ', miks south of S.ilom (postoffice)
best fruit, Ijmd, nearly all cultivated. Thoro will be 100
acieshi't to fiuit, in.iuudiately adjoining this tract, this
spring; pi ice, n0 per aero, 100 cash, balance easy pay
ments. Choice of four ten acre fruit tracts five miles south ol
Salem (postoffice) ono all in cultivation, very sightly; two
other three-fourths in cultivation, balance good timber;
one three-fourths in cultivation balance in pasture, $45.00
per acre, j cash, balance easy payment and long time.
Choice of 40 ten acre fruit tracts six miles south ot
Salem (postoffice) best fiuit land, very desirable location;
springs and running water, adjoining The Oregon Land
Company's model 100 acre orchard farm, three miles from
steamer landing. First choice $G0 per acre, cash,
balance on eight years time, enabling pui chaser to pay for
land out of the fruit crop This land will he set cut to
fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner,
by the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company so that
a two year old orchard, complete in ever respect, will
edst the pur baser $125 per acre, including a good fence
around it.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company has
now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and will
take pleasure in showing anyone, who takes an interest in
fruit growing in the Willamette Valley, what they are
doing and how their orchards look. The people of Salem
and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at
the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com
pany, in the Gray building with the Oiegon Land com
pany, and take a ride to Sunnyside and see what is being
done in the way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem,,
Oregon. You will enjoy the ride to Sunnyside and sea
something worth seeing.
Thirty acres best garden and hay land, good two story
house of nine rooms, hard finished, good barn, good
orchard, springs and running water, 2 miles from Turner,
price $2500.
35 acies of timber land 2 miles from Turner, $20 per acre, 1 cash,
balance In tlnee equal annual payments.
19 80-100 acres cultivated land with house, spring and orchard 3 mi'es
from rurner, 500 per acre, cash, balance iu three equal ai nual payments.
18 40-100 acres cultivated land with barn and ruiiLinK water, $45
per acre, cash, balance in three equal annual payments. First payment
will be taken in work.
10 00-100 acres cultivated land, runniug water ou land, 40 per acre, i
cash, balance in three equal annual payments. Firbt payment taken in
w.,tPrmrrap?Plureni,i!,rtIm,)erla,ldn,1800d laml with running
water, 3 miles from Turner, 25 per acre. -
0 fruit tracts ranging from 12 to 14 acres each, all cultivated, 200 fruit
S0Sni1"n.d.aUp,owed'WfiPer e, J cash, balance I'll! Tthree
.j... tiU(.ailk jmj iiiuin
Work such as carpenter work,
:eit"nB..-U.t and cultivating
"ft, nnVr UeS9' T"8' ,r W" Taken in part -yment on and
Also good city property, when unencumbered by mortgage or other
c'alms, taken in part payment on land. """ifcdyj or oiuer
Fost dec Department
Washington, D. C, Jan. 15, 1892.
PHOPOSALS will be received nt
the Contract Ofllee of this Depart
ment uutil 4 p. m. of March 24th,
1892, for carrying the malls of the
United States upon the routes, and
according to the schedule of arrival
and departure specified by the De
partment, in the state of Oregon
from July 1st, 1892 to Juuo 80th,
1894. List of routes, with schedules
of arrivals and departures, instruc
tions to bidders with forms, for con
tracts aud bonds, and all other
necessary Information, will be fur
ulshed upon application to the RPn.
oud Assistant Postmaster Ootirni
d-l-18-Otm Postmnsfpr nonni
VItOrtthIO.AI. CAltUS.
rKo. h
B;?i;.nV,UXBrT' Attorney at law
Salem Oregon. Office o er Ladd'
twin's hank,
.Vttorneys and
r7.. -. u. .un. &t BDl. rmiftn
17 OOlinUAlnTM nt ln. '. .,-"'
nsnnzanutstnirtnnh.'.;' .Y '""
untjs including a lot and block lndo"!
the supreme tourt n,,rt i X .VTl .ri"!1688 '?
at. will recelv h "il? ? oepan-
r""f "uruiion,
S TAiIOHARI)aON. Attorney at la-
""tui mutm, Oregon. """
J0,CA?SP.V, Attorney at law
ruiwirrrws.iiiissa m'
OO.NMAM jt Houc
OSS .5 llaafc'M" W &
Cort.n,;SS,.lSek- a State
xorMt oiH uPua lR lSoi?;
rt fi . .....
kUUUa fci.. a "i "
S3 &", pJS
i u-: js- PfUNWEi: an &imh
" 11 . -w t
Man, snbai.
Dtandaiyi .
rt,.- f'X "M
"v A) vm.
M n.rsit-un."tSIB,
outtinc wood, making rails, building
trees taken In part payment on land:
J?. J-,?,CP UTLAND,Clvll Sanitary an
U. Hjdraullc Knglneer. U. . Deputy
inliieral surveyor. City surveyors olHce,
Cottle-l'arkhurst Mock, Salem, Oregon.
CA. HOlliniT, Architect, room 421. Mar
. quam building, I'ortland, Oregon.
A NN1CE F. JEFFREYS. M. 1. Treat-
firitV "n'f'.""" ,ff,i.J'w5i? -"Pa
rtridge biSSk,Hatem, Oregon." ' ",-
occnnled hv Tlr Un
Ofllee formerly
ilowlnnd, corner
jn,SiiS 1Der,y streets. Telephone No.
I5.: , V?,c,? hour8! ,8 m-to 2; a to t p. w.
and 7 to u p m. Kesldenco h!tU street on
electrlo car Hue. Telephone No. U
.: . i. . v . -
TU. XV. S. AIOTT, physician and sur
XJ econ. Office In EldHdge Blocfe. Ka
mOregon. Office hours 10 ul2a,m.
R m liH1?0 M- D..Homeopathlst.
XJ. Office 15j court street j Uesldence 317
liiKh street, (inrtrai r,i tJr.7J!
T.1IOUSER, Sl.D, Physician andsur-
otthe i
ceon, lractlcfl HmitpH tAncaaGOa
5olt&,nvd Pturpor hernia '8fflS iS
k2.",enb ?ck rooms 11 and li Office hour
nervous Kvtnm rnnM.t, ij
Ji-3-tr from a to b P-m
.DAVIS. Office hours,
JtMy ;r night calls'proniptly
?!$ u.MFP,lon eiVeu ti. dfse
-- - . u.. it. 4. ,. ill - n. IV tn K r.
,ih ..,k. . "!'- r:. v v f .
attended to.
en and children. Office hi WewBankJllk
305 Commercial street. Rwlde mZ
ilon, nrBuPf' '"Ished dental opera
Iwnl a0speu?iy9.SCrlPOn '"'openv.
SPtoSLAUF' Blacksmiths and
r.. '"oreshoelng and renalrini nnivtim
iurn0nrc1)nbu'llde.m0yed- PI,081UJ &
KNlrjni in-., ....
t the toIftSteEalrl.na specialty. Shop
si the root of Uberty street, fialein, Oregon,
P JhtHx,.Mannfactrorall
fhV lu'J emeit Rlaewa ks, ExrivaUDg,
ueave orders with Dugan Bros. 4:16-lin
SWEJ.IAYING.-I make a .peclalty oi
"K""!, ?d laylngT carpeu
w Kre a Bon. j. q, LUUItilAK.
' WW Porcelain Bath Tuba In the city,
OommercJat pWt. blnj, Ortiva, "
A V.
v 'i.
l&iJiLtlLifatUu-f- --- '" '