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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1892)
r CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1892. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO 83. EVENING $100.00 In Cash to be Given Away,' NO LOTTERY SCHEME, NO RAFFLE, But aStraightforward Donation of $100,00 in Cash to our Customers. With eacih Dollar's worth of goods purchased for Cash at our store, we will give a Cash Coupon, good for Five Cents in Cash, and when One Dollar's worth, or twenty of these Coupons are presented to our store by any ono person, we will cash them, paying One Dollar in Silver for same. We want everybody to take advantage of this lmud donation. Wo are headquarters for all goods in our line, and our prices are "rock bottom." Come and see us and bring your friends and neighbors. Ask for a "Cash Coupon with your purchase. . T. , McF. PATH, 98 State Stat, Said, Oregon. j THE Is the Place for Ladles' Hcarlet mulerwear 85 ct. former price.. " Natural wool 85cts. " " " Union Ribbed suits $1 75 " " .. Children's " " " 125 Ladies' black wool bose 25c Children's black" w.ool hoso 20o " Knickerbocker hose. 20c Gr 261 Commercial Street. THAT ELECTRIC LINE . Will soon be completed near easant Home Addition, If you want a LOT or a HOME and LOT, thiB is your opportunity. Prices are low and terms will be made to suit you. Either installments or cash. Keep in mind the fact that this property is less than one mile from any public build ing in the city, and that it is high and dry and that each lot' will make a home. Call on Win E RITRlffi II 111, U. LfUUIlUj HUpiUlUIJ One-half block south Hamti -SUCCESSORS TO WELLER BROS. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR OOIIEJE&IESS&IESiO stipli m m mm At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. You can get the latest MUSIC Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins. LOWEST PRICES -AT- EASTON'S, ) f 3IO Salem Tract & Bray V lem Iron works. Drays and tnicl'j may be found , throughout the day at the corner of St&te and Commercial streets. B, F. DRAKE, Proprietor, T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent. SALEM IRON WORKS, SAMM, ...---- OREGON, Manufactures BTEAM ENGINES, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governor!, Fruit Drying Outfits, Traction Engines, Cresting, etc. Karm rakchlnery nude and repaired. General agenU and tnanufacturei of the celebrated Wahlatrom iatent Middlings Purifier and fteels. Farm machinery made and repaired. GIVEN is Boots and Shoes To the people at prices that are bound to suit. 280 Commercial Street BREWSTER & WHITE. Flour, Feed, Hay. Straw aud Barley Chop.. liOWEST PRICES AND FREE DELIVERY 91 COURT STREET. &. NEW DEPARTURE! SOMETHING FOR NuiHINGt RACKET STORE Bargains in Underwear and Hosiery and Children. 51 00 1 00 2 00 to $150 " nud 30o ',' " 25o " " " ?1 60 and 1 75 35 30 30 25 25 of Bush's bank, up stairs. 5 Oommerolal Street. Send for Catalogue KRESS Co. IS flee Stal DRAYS AND TRUCKS i ready for orders. ind deliver wood, , coal and lumber. Of fice State St.. opposite Sa GIVING Ppftnnftfnr Mclntire, COEBET8. II & 8 Black Corsets ?1 -10 usual price H A, R Tlrnh OnrsoHi 1 IK Oluihted waists, black 40 " " drab 1 10 Good. Black Corsets.- 70 " Drab " 50 Superior.guaranteedKidGIoves 1 40 E. F. OSBURN. AITKEN & PALMER, (Successor to) I JAMES AITKEN. J Choice Groceries, Crockery 4 Slasswaif . Wo are better prepared than over to give our custoraors bettor prices and strict attention to their wants. CALL AND SEE US, 126 and 128 State Street, - - SALEM, OREGON. for Infants "Costorlais so WH adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ancnut, M. D., . Ill So. Oxford S$., Brooklyn, If. Y. " The use of ' Castoria ' Is so universal and Its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cuuvos JUnrTjr, D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdalo Eef ormed Church. Tna CsiiTAun EC BLUNDELL'S I have a full stock of the choice cuts, at my new market, the rear of State Insur ance building. Best poultry furnished patrons. Free delivery. T. H. BLUNDELL. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co, Sasli, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Taming & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing made to order. New DHT K.ILX, by which we can always keep a full supply of seasoned stock of all kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade and illgn streets, 6alem, Orecon. Sash, and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our wiuu iuh luweai. wmy Ban (f PotZfil Plumbers and Tinners, w 247 Commercial street, Balem. Garden Hoso and Lawn Bprinklers. A comnlete lino of Stoves and Tinware. Tin roolliitr and nlurnblwr a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Willamette University li Just the place for you to go to school, FEBRUARY 1, 1892, Is the time to enter with the beginning of the third term. New rooms for youpr men will be" ready, First-class Instruction In all brooches. Rates Ckenp. Geo. lifer, D. D, President. i for Ladies, Gents $1 75 150 " " and $1 00 " " 70 ' " ii ii 2too 1J75 " $1 00 and 1125 ' 75 " 1100 " 1175 and Children. Castoria cures' Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Ellis Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d restion. 'Without injurious medication. For several years I have recommendec your ' Castoria. ' and shall always continues to do so as It has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. PjUidis. M. D., M The WInthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 Mubiut Street, Nbw York. ES MARKET. choicest fresh meats, all line at prices to compete wie oeso material used Plumbing Furnished. DUGAN BROS' Plumbinff and Heating Co. Wholesale and retail dcalers.ln STEAM AND PLUMBING GOODS. 230 Commercial utreeU Telephone NaJ8X I - THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HOFER BROTHERS, - - Editors, iniISUEI)l)AlLY.EXCEl,T8UNDY. BT THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Htrect, In r. O. Bulldlnr I ntored at the postofflco at Salem, Or., as peconrt-clnfR nintHr. 8VUGESTEU COMMENT. Hillsboro is agitating a cauuery project. Oregon should ralso hemp enough for home consumption on the gal lows at least. The Sheridan Congregational church 1b still in the dime social stage of development. Oregon prospers in spite of Indlf feience to her vital lutercsts on the part of public officials, people and legislators. The only strife between our pub lic men should be to see who can get in and securo tho construction of The Dalles portoge railway first. Tho people are not interested in any quarrel Governor Pennoycr may have with the Oregon sena tors. They want the portage road at Tho Dalles. The Australian system of ballot ing requires that tho stato tlokot bo riled with secretary of slate 45 days before election, and each county ticket 30 days before election. Portland Dispatch: Balem has completed full arrangements for a fne library, the trustees appointed, organization effected und rooms secured. It is a good move lu the right direction. Hon. W. II. Willis, Roseburg, is being spiken of us a possible nomi nee for supremo judge by tho Re pub lic.) no, lions. B. F. Ron ham of Sa lem aud John Burnett of Corvallls, by tho Democrats. In politics as lu religion, it is much more important that you do something that can be done than that you believe in a whole lot of things that relate only to future possibilities nud do nothing. To argue for tho ndvautaoos of education appeursubout as unneces sary as to argue tor tho benellts of sunshine aud air. Yet half tho peo peopio do no not know how to apre cinto tho latter properly. Exchangeswilidothis Jouknal a great favor a very great favor, if they will credit articles taken from these columns to Salkm Jouknal. There are several "Journal" publica tions in the stale and it is but fair to them to make this distinction. The Joiiiinal thru to for mora actual results out of city, county and stato government. It does not bellove In publlo ofllclals merolv ex pending tho revenues for fees and salaries and doing nothing for the people or to give employment to labor. Sheridan Ceurier: A quiet and graceful wedding occurred at the home of Dr. H. C. Hall of 8a'em. His daughter Esther and John If. McNary being tho happy couplo. Dr. Hall is favorably known to many of our people, who wish his daughter a pleasant life. Wo have received No. 17 of tho International Library, "A Bravo Woman," by tho favorite German novelist E. Maritt, gracefully trans lated by Margaret P. Waterman and embellished with numerous Illustra tions. This pretty volume will bo welcomed by tho admirers of that lamented author, and Is one of those tales of Germau homo Ufa which made her bo famous. It is hand somely bound in iliumluated covers, uulform with similar publications issuod by tho same house, Worth Ingtou & Co., Now York. Bold by T. McF. Putton, bookseller, Salem. Jim Lottu says the outlook for harmony In tho Republican ranks is good. If such ignoramuBca and asses as Jim were deposed from power in tho party, the outlook would be more than bright it bo assured. Salem States Because a paper hatmeua to would man. worship some other Republican leader Is not good excuse to abuse Mr. Lotan. A good deal of tills obuso of Mr. Lotau grows out of the fact of tho defeat of tho head of the ticket two years ago when Mr. LoUn was chairman. In such cases it is always customary to abuse sonio one. A Million Friends. A friend In need a friend Indeed, aud not less than ono million people have found Just such a friend lu Dr. King's New Discovery for con gump tion, cougliB and colds. Jf you have never used this great cough medi cine, one trial will convince you that It has wonderful curative powers lo all rtlMsaw pf throat, chest and lungi. Eich bottle is guran teed to do all (hat Is claimed or intviey -will lie refuudod. Trial bott!f fre at Darnel J. Fry's drug store, 225 Commercial street. Large MHn 60o odf 1.00. CHANCE FOR A' TEN-STRIKE Opon the Columbia in Time for tho Next Crop. A TLEA FOR AN EXTRA SESSION. Governor Ponnoycr 11ns Jlio Opportunity of Uis Lifo to Serrc tho People. The Dallei Dally Clironlclo Feb 6: . Tho Salem Jouknal Is still earn estly urging that Governor Ptn noyer call a special sesstou of the legislature to make an appropriation for a portage at Tho Dalles. It con tends, aud very Justly as we think there is not tho least possible show for an appropriation from tho na tional government for tho work. Railroad building is auewdeparturo which congressional attachment to precedent Is not likely to adopt Holman's hostility to nuyuow items of expenditure aud a Democratic congress anxious to make a record for economy, stand lu tho way. The Republican senate is committed to a caual aud locks partly completed. S,eualor Mitchell Is championing a boat railroad schemo in tho senate and Biugor Herman a portage rail road in the house. Senator Dolph is urging a liberal appropriation for the lower liver. Paul Mtthr has got the ear of members of tho house committee and tho Union Pacific in fluence Is at work everywhere all these cuusplrlng circumstances and conflicting combinations reduce the chances of au appropriation to a moral impossibility. Meanwhlto dillloultlea havo arisen in connection with tho vicious pilot service at the mouth of tho Colum bia. The Inst legislature put the business in the hands of the Uulon PaclQo taking It from thcpllot trust of Astoria. Tho hopo that tho cor porate interests of tho Union Pa cific, being identical with those of the slate, would bo sufficient to se curo good sorvico, was delusive. Scores of vessels during tho fall and winter remained out3ldo tho bar for days and weoks for lack of tugs to tow them in, and t,ens of thousands of dollars wero lost In consequouco to the people of the etato, apart from tho immeiiso damage done to tho commeico of tho Columbia river. If this slate of allUIrs coutluuo over another season it will do so at a loss to producers and ship)ers of n pro bable half million dollars. Again, au appropriation is needed for the world's fair if Ortgou Is not going to bo tho laughing stock of the whole nation. It is perfectly evi dent that no adequato amount can bo raised by voluntary subscription by those who aro liberal enough to coutiibute. Nor should it be, as tho exhibit would bo a benefit to every inhabitant of tho state, and tho stato should therefore bear tho burden of it. But apart from tho world's fair wo have a conjunction of circum stances in tho necessities of Tho Dalles portago and tho pilot sorvico that ruako a demand for an extra sesslou of the legislature, with au occasion as great as perhaps oyer oc curred in nuy state in tho union. An expense or (20,000 to $20,000 in curred In effecting these measures would save to tho producers of three states an easy half million dollars. Will Governor Penuoyer bo equal to the occasion ? ' V. ' ' , .'LJLJ!! IB Till! WISH 1'AIIENT OP TUB TUOBOIITT "Tho telegraph has glvou expres sion to the reasons why an extra ses," sion of tho legislature, hold early this Hpring, might bu at least Justifi able But It has had no expectation that there would bo an extra session. The objections to it aro also numer ous aud weighty, aud thoy havo beon sufficient to prevent the gov ernor from exercising his constitu tional right to call au extra session. Ono of the chief pieces of good and necessary work that an oxtra session might uo Is the building of Tho Dalles portage road; but elnco it is certain that no oxtra session Is to be callod, etc."--Portland Telegram. Upon what information docs the Telegram base Its assumption that "It Is certain that no extra session Is to bo called V" Has It auy evidence that tho governor will under no cir cumstances call an oxtra session? If it has It has not mado It publlo. If It has any such Information It should not withhold it. Dfafaeas Can't be Cured by local applications, as they eanno. reach the diseased portion of thoeart There Is only one way to cure deaf ness, and thnt Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafnes la the result, aad unless tho Inflammation cat) be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine custa out often are caused by cattrrh, which Is nothing but au Inflamed condi tion of the mucous surface. We will give one hundred dollars for Any case of deafnew (caused by catarrh) that we cannot cure by tak ing Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bead for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo. O. Hold by druftgUt, 7ft tnt, Highest of all in Leavening Power. I V jess lOWQi&r ABSOLUTELY PURE GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Tho house committee on Interstate and foreign commerce has reported n bill allowing railroad com panies to grant special rates to com mercial travellers. A New York special saya tho fast mall scrvlco of tho country is doomed to bo discontinued on June 30th, unless tho posoillco department meantime can obtain cheaper rail road rates. Rumors of a glgantlo deal between tho coal producing companies con. tinuo to be current aud the regular traders of tho stock exchange all be lieve in tho report that an agreement has been mado by companies with an immense syndlcato which ngresa to haudlo tho entlro output and pay owners of all coal lauds 25 cents a ton royalty on coal taken out by them. Provisions aro being made that tho syndlcato shall amouut In tho aggregate to $10,000,000 per year. Plxloy Is acknowledged to bo tho driest town iu tho San Joaquin val loy, but sin co the rainmakers havo takeu up their quarters thero PIxley has shown u greater fall than any other town lu tho valley, Tho fig ures below aro beyoud doubt correct, tallying with those of sovcral gen tlemen not interested In tho matter. Tho rainfall for the last three rains Is as follews: Plxloy .82, .10, .51; total, 1.05. Tularo .03, .03, .85, total, .41. Miss Mattie Loo, a youug lady from El Paso, Tex., attempted sui cide yesterday morning by taking an overdose of chloroform. She and Thomas Whitley, a looomotlvo llro man, arrived Saturday and were to marry at 2 o'clock In tho afternoon, but the prospective groom Jumped on u puBsengor tralnj aud left her penullcss and alone, Sho paced up and down hor room in a distracted frame of mind ail aftornoou and night. Yesterday morning bIio pur chased a phial of deadly poison. Sho first wroto a note to her truant lover, wishing him good luck, and thou dressed herself In hor woddlug trousseau, Sho swallowed tho con tents of tho phial, and laid down on the sofa to dlo. Her groans wore heard by the proprietor of the house, aud tho door of her room had to bo kicked lu, for sho had locked aud bolted it. The tlmoly arrival of the physician with u stomach-pump saved horllfo. It is understood that Whitley is not hor fugltlvo lover's uamo, but thut it 1b Robert Asklns, aud that ho is from Sodalia, Mo. Some further experiments wore conducted at Fort Wlnlleld Scott Saturday with tho now explosive, tcrrorlto, under tho directions of Major Rogers und Lieutenant Ham ilton, orduauco .olllcor. Threo shots were fired with twonty-flyo pound shells, loadod with fivo pounds of terrorite, to which a slx-eecoud time fuse was attached. The shots wore fired from a ten-ton rifled Parrott gun with a ohargo of fivo pounds of powdor.' In each cose tho shot struck tho red rock, bluil on tho Marin county shore aad tho slioll, exploded by tho fuse, brought down tons of earth and rock. The result of this experiment shows there Is no danger of explosion from concussion. Tho experiment was repeated with a ten-pound charge of powder with whloh fivo more shots wore fired with similar shells, tho result being tho same as with the higher charge, except that one shell was imbedded iu tho bluff and failed to explode, presumably owing to a defectivo fuse, Major Rogers aud Lieutenant Hamilton expressed thomsoives thoroughly satisfied with tho ex periments. Their roport will bo forwarded to Washington to sup plement the report of similar expert, ments mado at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Dead Hrn Vrults, They ilar multitudes wlion tlioy are the product or neglect oftnclplenl disease. A '-slight" cold, ant of fnalk-estlou, bUlou nes or constipation euali or any ot these "inlnoralliJienu"udruucoln many cases with "leuicue-diMtroylnK trlden.,r (Jlvo thetn a swift, early defeutwlth Jlostetter's Stomach Jiltters and avert the danger. Aberuethy administered an alurmlng re nuke to the man who Informed hltu that lis had "only a cold!" "Only a cold," re peated the doctor. "VVliat would ye have the plaguel" Hheumatum and la grippe ore easly estlnguUhable at tho start. Why then allow them to get up a full nead ot tteamT 'ut on the brakes with the Hitter. 'I he genial warmth which this superb medicine dirnises through the system, the Impetus it gives to the circulation ot the blood, Its soothing and strengthening cflect upon the nervous, specially rtoonv mond ft to the enfeebled and sick, lis the great spectflo for malaria, Are free Irom all crude and Irritating matter. Coucontrated medicine ouly. Carter's Uttle IMet I'llls. Very easy to takei no pain; no griping; no purging. Try Ministers, lawyer, teachers, and others whose occupation gives but little exercise, houl4 uto Carter's Little Uvet PiUs for torpid liver aud bltlousnMs. Oue Is a dose. Try them, Dsrangemsot of the liver, with constlpa two, injuria tba complexion, Indue pimples, sallow skin. Keinot he causv fea'ug Carter's. Utq t'UU. Oue a dose. Try fcw Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. TELEG1UPQIC DISPATCHES. Issociated Press Repeii and Digests of all Important News oi To-Bay. MISOELLAjNY. FVLJj DETAILS OF TUB ELECTRO CUTION. Binq BiNa, Feb. 0. Charles Mc Ilvalne, tho murderer of Grocery man Luca, was electrocuted at 11:12 yesterday morning, The warden road the death warrant to the con demned man at midnight. When tho warden left Mollvalne, bo gave him to understand that his hours were numbered and advised him to get all tho sleep ho could, The murderer scorned quiet and did not appear visibly effected by the read ing of tho death warrant. Father Creedon arrived at the prison at $ o'olook and proceeded at once to Mollvaluo's cell. After prayer the condemned man partook of a light oreakfast. He appeared to be in good spirits, and did not show any signs of weakening. Led by Wardeu Brown the witnesses walked to tho execution chamber. Thoy wore all medical men. Re porters from tho leading preso asso ciations and newspapers were also present, Btools wero ranged about tho room, In the alslo of whioh stood tho now execution chair. It In volved tho introduction of a new feature In tho provision for the, application of a current through both hands. Tho now chair is fashioned in Its outlines after the chairs previously in use. It involves a chaugo at the arms, however, and they aro high at the baok and fit closely utider tho armpits, thence, slautlng dowuward to the front. A distinctly new feature was the, pro vision of a deep glass cell securely fastened, that the hands may he Immorsed in the water whloh fills the Jars. The water was a solution of chloride ot sodium; one cell re ceived a currant, from beneath, the other from abovo. The uburI coll of conducting wire for the elee trodo for tho head dangled from above. Btout board straps were placed for fastening the wrists in the cells and othor bauds held the elbows tightly. When everything was In readiness, at 11:05, Wardeu Brown, addressing his visitors, warned thorn that no gratutlous ad vice or suggestions would bo toler ated from any save those In charge officially. "Bring In Mollvalne," said War den Brown, turning to Keeper Con uaughton and a deputy, who stood near tho door opening Into the cell corridor, Thoro was a tramping of foot heard In tho corridor, the door was pushed opon aud tho officers ap-1' poured with tho prisoner letweea them. Tho condomned man, Mo Ilvalno, was pallid and his hands, which held the cruflx before him, trembled and shook. Fathers Cree don und Smith wero at his side when he entered tho room, the oflloera giv ing way to the priests. "O Jesus, holp me," he murmured, with sup pressed emotion, and then, as con trol of his neryes slackened, be almost shouted "O God, I am sorry that I haVo offended thee I O Cbrkrt, havo mercy I" Meantime ho bad been lowered luto tho chair, bbt bead pressed back against the leaden nook-rest, tho electrode quickly clap, pod upon his forehead and the clamp ou tho rubber tuba was loosened m tho water flawed down Into the electrode sponge, and while thk wm being done, an oiUoer on each side had strapped tho wrlsto and elbows, while others were strapping lib k at the ankles and binding an elec trode upon tho calf of the right leg, from which tho troueera kg had already been ripped, "Jesue. spuro mo. Merciful God, help me," muttered the prisoner, as a broad leather mask was bound aorow his faco, concealing all the feature except the nose and mouth. The tlmo was 11:12 a, m. The oo. detnued man canto luto the cham ber with the priest, himself carrying before him a crucifix aud muromr lug prayers. The chair ueed wan nover before employed. Ou Mfe side at the arms Has a ar late which tho hands were 1hiuis4 la a solution ofaalt. The arma ww strapped at the elbow mi wvtafet, aud coutaot oh the hmA waste at tho forehead. An ttnesrwi. a ) previous cute, wae taw pm, fir use on the leg in ee ot feUum r tuUhap at the other polat o eoessM, The flrt contact was fcrtjMNn iooiid la 4urttej, A lew mmmto after Uw ert wa mi at, frta tMtt4 frata Um momUi awi alpaa) 'I t n ii . . -..ja,'.ji.w-.- fi'iirfitisijiiTtiii.rHfc i