Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 08, 1892, Image 2

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    ' Q
Afcquaintanoo ripetwl rapidly, mh!
town were toqoeut exchanges of
ItiUsre. lol went on for two yea-re,
wbti Iffce Todd wont to Chicago to
KVftwitfe Meads oh Drexel boule
vard, hw fceter mother lmvlngdled.
th frfndbln between herself and
William budded into lovo and
btomoMed Into an engagement and
ihm itt for the wedding wan boU A
$tnr tajra before tun event wad to
Mw5 place Mlsa Todd wus looklair
mr a pcge of old papers left- hur
fcy ir foetcr mother. Thrao letters
av a faint clew to her brother, and
Mi turned thum over to her be-
tbtothed kdiI k'kid his assistance.
AttoM-foahloued photograph of his
Wether was in his poasceaiou; and
farther research uhowed thut the
two were brother and ulster.
Washington, Feb. 8. The Uarz
tttevemont along the Mexican bor
der giving officials of war depart
ment considerable trouble Just at
present. No teca-t Is made of their
" jappolntnient that Garza la still at
krgo in Ahiertoau territory and that
Ills operations cannot be confined
exclusively to Mexico. GuU. Grant,
Doting secretary of tho war depute
n'lOnt, and Gen. Schoflcld liad acou
f, ferenco with Hie president on the
subject, and it is understood they de
cided to take vigorous action to con
quer Garza and his followers and
drv5? them out of this couutry.
"ffieuor Romero, Moxicau minister,
also had a talk with Secretary
Jftlniue on tho same subject, and was
c assured that tho depaittneut would
do Its utmost to preservo tho neu
trality laws.
Tuoy, N. Y Feb. 7. Charles If.
Benedict, confidential clerk and
bookkeeper for H. Clay JJaacom,
who hfia been spoken of as a prw-l-deuttol
candidate on tho i'rohlbitloii
ticket, mysteriously disappeared a
won Ih ago and stories of omberalo
ttHBnt were circulated. Mr. Bascom
acknowledged thut there was a
shortage but refused to divulge the
amount. It has beon. learned through
the banks tliPt Benedict secured
aoout fiu.uuo. lieiieotct, was au
active member of tho Fifth avenue
Methodist church, tho official board
of which appointed n committee
Thursday to investigate. Tho com
mitteemen called on Mr. Bascom at
his pattern works. They ascertained
when draffs were received in proper
amounts they were charged on Mr.
Bascoui'tt booke,' but by tho bank
book whloh Benedict kept tiw
amount) woro zalsod. Mortgage
which Mr. BaBColu bold wero des
troyed and other papers wero dis
posed of A forged note for $1600
wen exhibited to committer. Other
Irregularities wore learned of. Tho
latest Information concerning Bene
dict's whereabouU was- Ybo report
that bo hud beou seeft in Atlanta,
G.. Tho bookkeeper- nnd Mr. Bas
com lias beon connected closuly
In busiuess affalra, Benedict having
beeu secretary of tho Sunday Hohool
wheu Mr liaoeom wa8 euporltitoti-
stoli:n mv ai'i'BiEa.
Nasuvillb, Fob. 8. A strange
case nf abduction of two boya cul
minated here In the. llndlng of nuo
of them. Eight months ago u stroll
tug band of gypsies passed through
South Union, Logan county, Ky,
Tarrying Ihoro for u month, Robert
aud John Cutry, aged 16 and 17
respectively, visited tho cnuip ono
night nnd wero fragged aud bouud,
forced to write a letter to their undo
that they had gouti on u visit to an
aunt. The gypsies left tho pluco und
traveled ou to Nushvlllo, whew
Robert was bound out to a farmer at
Una, Tho older boy was carrlod
farther south. Young Robert lolled
ia nbjeut fear of tho farmer ho
worked for. Tho guardian nnd
uncle, John 0. Oampboll, tracked
them und lost tho trail until lust
week, when h'u found whuro Robert,
watt, and at last eoeurvd him. Tho
undo has been fighting for several
years in court for plantations In MhvJi
fewlppl, valued at nearly $100,000,
whloh ho had received. No trace of
tho other boy has been found, Tho
youug lad reeovorod can tell only a
wild, incoherent story of his nbduo
tlon and maltreatment.
Boyd Takes tho Galiernaforial
Cliair Twlay.
Serious Changes, Electrocuted, All
Indicted, He Caught Him, A
Sensation, Hid Their Money,
Goes off With tho Widow,
Charged With Forgery, Passen
gers wero Out, Money Order
Facilities, Inspectors Dismissed,
Foreign and State News, Etc
butter at Clark &
I ftuit Impurity et tiio l)iot wl.Mi :
uurea uulaUtly lmuiii or nMiu, a
gtom! t the neck j cause ialifu J i uu l
ore ou tho nria Irs, or feet i tW phi
nicer iu the cyf , ear, or luxe. i'tta
lt:fc LMnfiucs or utafiicMj U tins origl
lUmirfea, eaiieorou growth, ur tlio hmi.
Miter iuMilfotatlo!) usually awilld i
"liiunonj" unit Ateilti upon tho luiur
fn consumption, aud dcatlu JMi t
tho moet anrleut. It I tlio DWt general t
q MImam or Mwitloiw, foi iry U
yrM ard antlrclr tn froip it.
1 ftr tklng Hcto'f tbnaioiUIn, which, hy
lte vmotkMt cure It Iim aceoiupllilKki,
mn yrba utbor meJIctiiM haro UUtvl,
Hm iuy4 lUelt to be a latent and Kcul
r hmmHcJoo for thla Jlae. Bwnei nl
ih mrcc arfl realty woadvrtul. It )iu
r tnm Kmfuli'or Impure blood, tw
pm ( try Hmxi't Raraaiarllla.
" Jfry fiM y wlfo aud fliU4reo tve
tnM4 Hit J ssrofuia, owa bieuk
)ng w4 M Mt(M Mi rarloui placet. JJy
Mt Wy, Mm yoart old, has treii u
Ierrii4 fufftMir, tat iulus Jio won ouo
um JKWM IroM boad to UcU I .
Mftf4 to M Mood' Hamartlla, tuid vo
k6wJltli. ncr&uUUtu&tAUiwt
k(MafkiMt ( Hm wrsttttm. my Utile U y
tm mtrtJftMjttuw orw, aud ail tour
f av UMr M( brkt aud kMtllty."
, W. 4tMoN, rawie Chy, N. J.
AWriniMiiiii Hi , i'mrt4)
, fHWW,i'W"i,mni,wt
L4 toe
New York, Feb. 8. A disaster,
appalling in horror, and bringing to
mind the terrible occurenco in Park
Place, still fresh in the public mind,
occurred In this city early yesterday
morning. Tho Hotel Jloyal, that
w ell-known landmark, which bus
tood forraoro than a quarter of u
century at the oouthcast corner of
rtlxth avonuo and Fortieth street,
burned to the ground aud a large
number of persona were burned
suffocated and ciushtd in (bo rulnx
At the time of tho disaster then
wore nearly 260 guests in tho house
Tho hotel employes, all told, num
bered fifty-five. Of tho 160 people,
tivobavo thus far been found dead
six nro in tho hospital nnd sixty
three have been reported alive. Om
hundred nro still missing, Tin
number of dead will probably not
exceed, at a Jater estimate, thirty.
The scones wero heartrending nut
appalled oven tho firemen and po
'Icemen, who are used to such sights
Soon after tlio ilro broko out, nmbu
lances arrived from tho various bos
pltals, and many physicians, whost
residences arc In tho neighborhood,
were tjulckly on tho soono, and dh'
all they could to relievo the Injured.
Nearly every ono of tho 12-1 rooms,
which the hotel hud on its five
floors, wiw occupied by guests,
many of them transients. In faci
all tbo rooms, savo four, had been
taken at 1 o'clock yesterday morn
lug, when Richard Mcares, tho pro
prietor, wont to bed. When the
Humes burnt forth, from some un
known origin, near tho olovator
shaft, tho entire building was in
stantly enveloped In flames.
Nkw Yomc, Feb. 8, At 1:30 a.
m. tho best estimates, based upon
the police reports, tho coroner's list,
und Tho World reporter's Investiga
tion, shew: Dead, 6, injured, 24;
missing, 00; saved, 81.
This morning it was also learned
on good authority, that IIurdlng(
tho foreman of tho hotel, who first
discovered tho flro, fought tho
flumes for 16 minutes boforo ho rais
ed the alarm. Harding defies it.
Nuv Yomc, Fob. 8. Tho soarch
for tho dead in tho ruins of the
Hotel Royal, which burned yestor
day morning, was resumed this
morning, Sovon bodies had beon
found at half past nine. From a care
ful examination of tho hotel register
and Journal furnished by Clerk
Underwood, tho number of persons
In tho building when tho flro broko
out was 162. Of these, eight nro
known to bo dead; elghty-ouo woro
U'scued before tho walls collapsed,
and sixty-ouo nro still missing.
Among tlioBo rescued from tho flam
ing building, twenty-four woro more
or less Horlously burned aud bruised
It Is not Impossible that a number
nf those who nro still among the
mlsHlug this morning may lmvo
escaped, but until tho great heaps of
debris have been removed no ono
can tell what will bo disclosed.
r.w xouk, j'ou. a. Jiy uoou
two mora bodies wero removed, both
of them women; ono la supposed to
bo that of n woman employed about
tho hotel, Victor Pollerlu, a waiter,
who worked In the hotel boiuo tlmo
ago, this morning said that it was
tho habit for rubbish to accumulate
lu ono corner or tho kitchen Thla
pile of rubbish on three different
occasions caught fire hut was quickly
extinguished. Pollerlu believes it
was hero tho flro originated.
As I am about to leave the talc,
Monday, to be absent some weeks,
it would bo most convenient for me
to turn over the ofllce to you at 2
o'clock p. ra. that day, Monday, if
it is your pleasure to accept thesame
at that time."
Washington, Feb. 8. Secretary
James G." Blaine bus finally spoken.
Under date of Saturday he has
written Chairman Clarksou, of tho
Republican national committee,
formally announcing he is
not a candidate for tbo Re
publican presidential nomination.
Tho full text of his letter is:
"I am not a candidate for the
presidency, aud my name will not
go before the Republican national
convention for nomination. J make
this announcement lu duo season
To those who have tendered mi
their support I owe slucero thanks,
iiid am most grateful for their con II
Jeuce. They will, I am sure, make
an earnest effort lu tho approaching
contest, which Is rendered especially
Important by reason of the Iniliistriu
and financial policies of the govern
ment being at stake. The popular
decision ou these Issues Is of great
moment, and will be of fur-reaching
London, Feb., 8. Tho Globe to
day In commenting on Blaine's let
tor In which bo declares he will not
ben cnudldato for tho presidential
nomination, attributes his with
drawal to tho knowledge Mint he
would not be successful, and Ills
course lu the Chilian aflair has des
troyed Ills' whole foreign polloy us
far as the American continent
Is concerned.
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 8. Tho Btato
Journal contains tho follewing:
'TheNobraska guberuatorjal mud
dle Is fettled for the present, at least.
Tho attorneys of Governor Thayer
aro not cortalu tho office can bo
legally turned over to Governor
Doyd before tlio otllolal mandate U
received, but Thayer wishes to
leave the state this week, nnd has
beou bo annoyed by tho clamor of
lluyd'a friends that ho has detor
inimd to surrender tho scat Imme
diately, If Doyd Is willing to take
tho responsibility of holding tho
' fllolal papers."
Mr. Thayer's letter tendering the
office to Mr, Doyd was madu public
lust evening. It h as follews:
"When I commenced nroooedlugH
n year ago to jest your Mtlo to tho of
llcwof governor, I did so lu tho belief
that there was a great doubt lu tho
public mind as to your cltleoutdihi
aud eligibility. I then took occa
elou to publicly Bay thut to soon us
yourcltlieiibhlp was established by
j tho courts I wi uld gladly surrender
i tho ofilco to you, Tho mutest wua
jnot ono of ponnmul strife, nor to
' satisfy ar.y ambition of my own,
but to comply with an uphold tho
constitution o theitute. Now that
nn iiuuiiw n um buuuuhiw uav berof mi annw. A t.mmit.n it..
JIM ttlgbnt trlbuu.l has declared, ery stable keeper wid on J. Arthur
New Yohic, Feb. 8. Ono of the
scrub women at the Hotol Royul
mude n startling statement to a
World reporter last night. She said
at 2 o'clock lu tho morning, when
sho left tho hotel to go across the
street to sleep, Engineer Harding
was drunk. Hho saw him staRger,
slip said, and othors told her Il'inl
lugwas seen under the influence of
liquor earlier in the night, Night
Clerk Underwood denied tho storv
when It was repeated to him. lie
said Harding was a steady mau,
and was sobor Saturday night. Tho
chief of tiie houfeo said yesterday one
of his cooks may have left a grease
pot on the stovo nnd that It boiled
over, burning tho fat. In that event
itcould bavo set fire to the floor ami
wall, or blazed up to the celling.
Tho fire may bavo started lu this
way. Engineer Harding Is positive
his furnace and boilers woro lu good
order, nnd that no burning coals es
caped. Tho boiler blew up an hour
nnd a half after tho fire broke out.
It was common gossip in the servant's
dormitory, at No. 005 Sixth avenue,
that Night Clerk Underwood wus
asleep at tho time of the llro. The
scrub wamun said that ho generally
was asleep at that hour In thu morn
ing. No one could" bo found to
verify this report.
BiNa Sino, Feb. 8. Chas. Mc
Ilvalue, tho murderer of Grocerj
man Lucu, was electrocuted at 11:12
this morning. Tho first contact was
forty-livo seconds In duration. The
chair usod was never bofore em
ployed, On euch sldo ot tli arms
was n Jar Into which tho hand were
immersed In a solution of salt.
Arms woto strapped at tho elbow
and wrists. Tho contact was made
through tho hands and bend, and u
second ono through tho head and
tho calf of right leg. Tho doctors
with ono oxception bellovo llfo and
consciousness woro destroyed at tlio
Bnmo Instant, As compared with
tho Kemmler executlou that of Mc
Ilvnlno was much less distressing.
Sino Binci, Feb. 8. Autopsy dls-
uioscu 10 ur. jmvuounui tuoro was
no evidence of Imbecility or Insan
ity as claimed might bo tho case
wliou Mollvulno wus on trial.
Doctors all ngroo Mollvulno suflercd
absolutely no palu,
Danqoh, Maine. Feb. 8. It Is
Btatod tlio grand Jury has Indicted
ovcry rumsollor In tho city.
JinOAUOUT him.
Wir.MiNOTON,Del Feb. 7. Sam
uel B. llurton, of No. 8 Vuudevero
avenue, this city, has deserted his
homo becauso of tho faithlessness of
his wife; but boforo ho left hu ad
mlnUtered a severe thrashing to her
lover, whom ho caught in his houso
yesterday morning, llurton has
suspected his wife for some time.
Ho went to work as usual at tho
Pullman company car show, hut
suddenly returned, reaching his
home lictwcou 8 nnd 0 o'clock, und
surprised tho two. A tight resulted
and when tho light grew too hot for
tho lover ho turned and ran, but
was pursued by Durton, who chased
him for uuvoral blocks, but could
not overtake him. Burton drew his
pay and left for Kentucky. Subse
quently a warrant for Burton's
arrest was aworn out by Riohard II.
Rowe, boh of ox-Couuolliuan Howe,
of the board, charging Burton with
oosault with Intent to kill.
OliKVKb,vm, Fob. 8.A seiuatlon
wan caused Saturday wheu Captain
J, V, Moore, ono of tho best known
aud wealthiest vowel owners on the
Great Jakes, sued for dlvoreo from
his wife, Laura Mooro. Ho la about
00 and he l uUmt 40. Ho married
her twelve years Bgnwlieu sho waa
ft widow with two children, H
charge adultery, mid cite a, mnu-
8ho alleges that Wllsou waa Intro
duced to her by Mack, and through
the pretence of taking her to visit
his wife, lured her Into a houso of ill
repute, when the other defendants
appeared on tho scene and caused
Jier arrest, Sho says It Is a cousnlr-
acy to deprive her of a Just share of
her husband's estate, and that
Wilson Was paid $i,000 for his work.
Nkw Youk, Feb. 7. A curious
slory of fortune found comes from
Bennett MJHs, N. J., where John
Elmer, a country merchant, died a
few weeks ago. Ho left a widow
and daughter. Mrs. Elmer wac
taen Iek soon after her hu.sbuud
died, nnd followed him to the grave
Hie duugliter became despondent,
and a week after her nmtliHi-
funeral sho was also a corpce. J. E
Allen, brother-in-law of the deceased
Mrx. Eimer, look possession of the
store and household efiects. Allen
began a search of tho premises, and
in t'io store found tin old dirty
satchel containing $1000. On a shelf
uiuli r ouoof the counters, concenled
hi rnhhish, between ?500 and $G0()
moie was found. In another satchel
was5iJ2.. Au old cigar-box in the
houso contained- many valuable
papers, bankbooks showing accounts
In two bauks, and $250 In gold aud
silver. In the garret was a pocket
book which contained a laree
amount of money, und under one of
the beds wero two bags containing
$500. At tlio sale the personal prop
erty was sold last. Tho beds and
other things which might contain
hidden money brought exorbitant
prices, anil It took two days to dis
pose of tho property. Tho amount
of mone recover d In the Btoro nnd
house amounted to over $2500. Tho
value of the estate left by the Elmers
Is estimated at 50,000.
AMiANY, Or., Feb. 7. James
Walker, u farmer living near Al-
omy, nai uisuppeareu. it is sup
posed no lios gone to California. Ho
ld his wheat Wednesday, and re
ceivi d $1350, and started away on
a southbound overland train. His
fumlly think ho left In company
wi'luii young widow, Mrs. Ventch,
daughter of W. W. McCon. He
has a wlfo and four children, and
wus a well-to-do farmer. Ho had
recotuly been paying undue atten
tion to Mrs. Ventch, und was so
much In her company thnt his wife
upbraided him for his conduct. He
ieuven uu inucuieuness or $1UUU or
more. All his property has been
attached, which will leave his wife
without means. Sho Is prostrate
over the affair.
The pacific land l orchard company.
ww jtt&?jijjfmvzl5'7,ifo vzyu
Also 5, 10 and 20 acre pieces already planted to fruit trees in
fine condition, and some first-class city property.
References by Permissien:
Hon. W. W. Thayer, Ex-governor aud chief justice of Oiegon, Port
land, Oregon.
Hon. Richard Wlllams, ex-membor of congress, Portlnnd. Oregon.
Hon. Geo, W. McBrlde, secretary of state, Salem, Oregon.
Hon. Phil. Metschan, state treasurer, Salem, Oregon.
Hon. E. B. McElroy, superintendent of public instruction, Salem, Or
Hon. W. A. Cuslck, president Capital National bank, Salem, Oregon
Hou. Napoleon Davis, president First National bunk, Salem, Oregon.
William & England Banking Company, Salem, Oregon.
ThosKay. president woolen mills, Silem, Oregon.
Hon. W B. Allison United States Penator, DuUquue, Inwn.
Hen. Win. Larrabee, ex-governor oflowi, Chilrmont, Iowa.
Jus. Harragan, cashier Dubuque Nntlonal bank, Dubuque, Iowa.
W P. Mauley, president Security National bank, Sioux City, Iowa.
.... 1 a rti ri,,ll ,..r..tc.rirm Dpu Mnlni"l. Town.
Hon. Geo.D. Perkins, congressman, Sioux City, Iowa.
Saturday afternoon upon him. According to the re-,
Tlio St. Louis and norts a combined attack was to be ,
i- .1.-. T)lt!....i l.- inl
Chilian cruisers, the Esmeralda, the 10 acres of land 5 lllilfS south of Salem (postoffice)
Aimirante, the Cochran and the besfc fruit land, nearly all cultivated. There will be 1 00
torpedo vessels. The idea of the I acre8 sefc to fruit, immediately adjoining this tract, this
tl.nl fnrno t lintf 1 ' ..'-"
PoktijAnd, Feb. 7. It was re
ported last night that a warrant had
been Isbued for tho nrrest or E. D.
Durnnd, president of tho Durtvnd
Organ nnd Piano Co. of tills city,
i'ii a charge of forgery. Durand is
supposed to havo left tho city last
I'riduy night, nnd hla whereabouts
am not known at present. About ten
i curs ago Duruud ennui to this city
from St. Louis, Mo., nnd engaged In
the business of Belllug organs. Ho
wus very successful, and about two
yiars ago he oignnized tho Durnnd
Organ nnd Pluuo compauy, with a
capital of 5400,000. This was aflei
waids Increased to $200,000. Tho
company engaged extensively in
tbo husliieta nT selling musical in
struments, uud had ugmils over the
couutry routing nnd selling organs
ami pluuoe. '1 hey sold stock of the
cempny on a plan substantially as
rnllewH: Tho buyer gives his note
for &1000 on promlsothat the nolo Is
not to bo disposed of by Durand.
He would keep It In his possession
und renew It at expiration If de
sired. Dividends arising from the
profit of tho company, which it wus
mndo appear would bo large, could
be applied by tho stockholders in
payment for instruments bought
and applied on his nolo. About
;.-uu,uw it is sum was
t n u s raised 1 n not.s.
As soon as Duraud obtained notes
ho would either sell them or keep
them as collateral to borrow money
ou lu many instances. As stuted ho
paid Interest on them himself in
ordor to keep promissory from learn
ing that they passed Into other
hands. The money thus rolsed Du
rand mostly put tutu u real estate
speculation, which did not turn us
anticipated. Matters thus contin
ued until a few days ago when at
tachment suits wero brought to col
lect Borne itotes that had passed into
bauds of third parties. This precip
itated mutters aud those who had
first mortgages on his real white and
stock foreclosed them. Other cnxl
Itors gathered up all tho promissory
notea to securo themselves from losi.
Somo notes presented for payment
have been pronounced forgeries. It
Is not known Just how much uiouey
Durnnd succeeded ix raising In this
uuuituT, but It Is thought toroaih
$200,000. His oKmtlous wero mostly
In this city, Clackamas county aud
in tho vicinity of Vancouver, Wib.li.
Paymentaon tho note will fall heavy,
lington road
near Wi more
Denver express stopped on u curve,
the engine having blown out its
cylinder head. Beforo the flagman
could get back tho fast freight
crashed into the rear coach. Nearly
all the passengers were out, but one
unknown woman was caught In the
wreck and fatally injured. Au un
known tramp ridlngon the first car
of the freight was killed.
Guthicie. O. T., Feb. 8. -The re
cent cold weather has caused great
suffering among tho new settlers in
tholndinu country. Three deaths
have already occurred and several
settlers ure now in a precirious con
dition. Mrs. Tolford and Mrs.
Warner, living in a tent near Pur
cell, in Pottawattomie county, wero
found dead this morning from ex
posure end Insufficient clothing aud
food. E. J. Daniels, from Western
Kansas, died from tho same cause
near Chandler, in Town county. He
leaves a widow and live children.
They aro nil in tho most destitute
Washington, Feb. 8. Several
postolllce iusiKictora have been dis
missed because of uu lusufllciencv of
tho appropriation for that service.
Among them Is Robert R. Monroe,
of California.
City of Mexico, Feb. 8. Mail
ndvlces from tho city of Guatemala
contain nu account of election fights
occurring Jan. 12th. They started
by attempts to seize some ballot
hoxes, and troops as well ns police
lnterferred. Over sixty persons were
killed nnd 100 wounded, at the time
of writing more lighting was going
ST "nSL S. wSTo? ! Bprins; price, 850 per acre, $100 cash, balance easy pay
yery short time.
did not think so.
Baltimore in a
Captain Schley
At any rate he
them a warm
side of tho Baltimore.
Between the range of her guns
nnd tho Chilian cruisers lay the
German man-of-war Lelpslc and the
English man-of-war Melopomene.
Captain Schley had determined, in
case or attacK, to let me torpeno
Choice of four ten acre fruit tracts five miles south oi
Washington, Feb. 8. The Behr
lng sen Joint commission, consisting
of Sir Budeu Powell aud Dr. Dawson,-for
Great Britain, aud Prof.
Meudenhull and Merrlam, for the
United States, met for the first tlmo
this afternoon and mude prelimi
nory arrangements for a series of
fcesslous in general on the subject of
the seal hunting industry. These
meetings will bo held at tho state
department, beginning tomorrow,
aud will be secret.
New Yomc, Feb. 8. W. N.
Beers, president of tho New York
Life Insurance Company resigned
today nnd his resignation was uc
copted to take ellect Wednesday
Beers retires ou a pension of $23,000.
Boise City, Feb. 8. A week or
two ago, Nathan F-ilk, one of the
most promlueut nieir of the city,
received a letter from a New York
man wtio o lie red to bell some line
counterfeit bills nt n very low rute.
The letter wus promptly forwarded
to tho treasury department at Wash
ington, In reply tho merchant re
ceived u circular, issued by A. L.
Drummoud, chief of tho secret
service division of tho department.
Tho chief goes ou at some length to
i-ny thut tho sender of tho letter be
longs to a clas of swindlers culled
"boodlors," who practice tho oiler
lug of counterfeit money to un
sophisticated persons. Ono practice
of tho boodlers, says the chief, is to
lead on their victims by sending a
genuine (1 or $2 uotu or parts of tho
same, and represent them to be
specimens of tho counterfeit notes
they have for sale. Under various
names of "green articles," "green
cigars," "greeu leaves," etc., they
oiler for Kilo the counterfeit money,
which they aver Is printed on plates
stolen from the bureau of engraving
and printing of the government.
Not n pluto of any kind ha9 ever
beu stolen from thaUataulishment,
yet thousands of criminally
people bellevo they can purohabe
counterfeit money as they would
butter uud cheese, aud In their nt-
was ready to give,gaiem (postoffice) one all in cultivation, very sightly; two
reception on eitherjothe ,three-fourths in cultivation, balance good timbor;
one three-fourths in cult'vation balance m pasture, $45.00
per acre, -j; cash, balance easy payment and long tune.
Choice of 40 ten acre fruit tract? six miles south of
Salem (postoffice) best fruit land, very desirable location;
sprinos and running waler, adjoining The Oregon Land
boats go in tbebeglniilug nnd direct Company's model 100 acre orchard farm, three miles from
his attention to the work of du- steamer landing. First choice $G0 per acre, cash,
abiing tho cruiser, but ho wanted to balance on eight years time, enabling purchaser to pay for
have them in the lineof his guj. h ,i ifiiV ;. mu- i i -ii K . . . -
fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class, manner,
by tho Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company so that
a two year old orchard, complete in ever respect, will
cost the pur baser $125 per acre, including a good fence
around it.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company has
now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and will
take pleasure in showing anyone, who takes an interest in
fruit growing in the Willamette Valley, what they are
doing and how their orchards look. The people of Salem
and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at
the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com
pany, in the Gray building with the Oregdn Land com
pany and take a ride to Sunnyside and see Avhat is being
done in tho way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem,
Oregon. You will enjoy the ride to Sunnyside and see
something worth seeing.
J hirty acres best garden and hay land, good two story
Mark - -! ,.. 1 1 i i i i
intra nnisnea, gooa barn, good
Uettlne in his i;i'',he lirst boarded the i
German man-of-war aud'stated his
views and wishes to her commander.
Tho German captain promptly said
he would get out of the way ot onco
and give the Baltimore a fair show.
Captain Schley then went to the
Melopomene. Hercaptuiu did not
show the spirit of aecoimnodatlon
of the German. He said his ship
was iu very good anchorage, uud he
did not see why he should move.
After some further conversation he
consented to comply with the re
quest of Captuin Schley, and said
that ho loo would get out of the way.
As it happened, the Chilians either
bandoued their intention to attack,
or never entertained it. Otherwise
there would doubtless havo occurred
one of tho most remarkable naval
engagements of history.
In promnlgntlnit esoteric cogitations or
nrtlculnttag Miperflclul Bentlraentnlltles
undpblloopucalor psychological obser
atlons,bcwnieofplnludiuou8pon(lproly. Let your statements pose.s n clarified con
ciseness, compacted coniprehenslblenoss.
conlexcent consistency and a concentra
ted cogenc. Escbiwall couglammfloDs
ortlatuleut garrulity. Jejune biibblemeut.
and aslnlno ntlectlims. In trying in lm-
I.'.. " "i"'""niera uie superiority or tbi
Wisconsin Central L,lue. nnd why you
and lo many others ue this thorougbtaro
rroinHt. 1'auland .Minneapolis nnd Imluih
and Ashland to Milwaukee, ( bicago and
points east and south, tt 1 not necessary
to use Jawbreakers. Let your extempora
neous descanting nnd unpremeditated
expatlotiN have Intelligibility veracious vi
vacity, without rhodomontable or thraso
Ical bombast. Sedulously avoid all poly.
Byllablo Dromnditv. iwlttntwiiw xo.iiiv.
veutrlloqiml verbosity nDd andiIoquent
VanldltV. shun dnilhlnpntpnrlrB nn..(.i
Jocosity and pestiferous piofanlty, obscu
rut or apparent. In o'her uords, talk
plainly, naturally, sensibly, nnd truthful
ly, Fay tho lsconsin Central Lines Ih the
route, nnd that ends It llOly
house of nine rooms,
I l IV
I)k. w. h nni)
-Vice President.
orchard, spring and running water. 21 miles from T;irnfir.
price $2500.
i i JUVre?,01 "moer land L'J miles from Turner, $20 per acre, J cash,
balance in three eijual annual payments.
19 80-100 acres cultivated laud with house, spring ai d o chard 3 miles
iq .Ei $ per uc.m' ca,sl,'' baIauce ,n tmee fcClua' nnQUal Payments.
18 40-100 acres cultivated land with bam nnd n nnlng water, $45
wiMabeetakSu wort t,,ree e1Ua' a"UUal PaymGU B F'mt Pyment
10 .96-100 acres cultivated land, lunnitig water on land, S40 per ncre I
cash, balance in three equal annual payments. First payment taken 'in
Aio dX" ""SK 1 .. I" P'"t Payment on land..'
nmnorrv ivhnn ... .!
claims, taken in part ntfnient on laud. .
by mortgage or other
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact a general banking business
In all Its branches.
.Vice. I'resldent
DIRKnmns. nn ii'im., .,. ...
land. Dr. J. A. liirhiirdnn ? l "iil'J.
J. a; Haktr. ' "' " ' "uusou
new Exchange bl0ck on&Com.
(Fouuded lu 1608.)
.V?- " u3 corrvgjwnoenu In ill th.
lu some lustaucea tho jwoplo loso all
they jHissesa.
Durand Is a man or inlddle-age, twuili t0 obtttln ,'t aro
and a very tluent talker, and, as one I
or ma viottma expreMMt It, he could
make a man believe white was black.
Ho waa a member of the Presbyte
rian, church, from whloh he has been
expelled amce UiU ntlhlr lias come
to light.
lllsteavnoral Wnuauiaker has Is-
Buednu order glvlug money order
racuiue to all jHMtotnco when tho
I TivT..,' 7 ""rirnjwnaenu in all the
fooiui. b. fiuiy thmh0,,,"1","
BjMoru HtatN and HrilUh America.
truns or Ku.tern banks taken at M,
WI wlU contcrvMlva banklne We bae
a Ikixo flro proof Tautt, with ample mm
for lb keeplne ol safely box", anil?,
mom Hire flurvlar floor Jin'iiTr .'J??
Post Office Department,
Washington, D. C Jan. 15, 1892.
xiiuruaAL,s will be leeeived nt
the Contract Ofllce of this Depart-
tueiHunun p,m, of March 24th,
1892, for carrying the malls of the
uuitedbtates upon the routes, and
according to the schedule of arrival
aud departure specified by the De
partment, lu tho state of Oregon
from July 1st, 1S92 to Juue 30th,
1894. List of routes, with schedules
of arrivals nud departures, Instruc
tions to bidders with forms, for con
tracts nud bonds, and all other
necessary Information, will be fur
ulshed upon application m ti, k
ond Assistant Postmaster General.
d-MS-6tm Poatmoir n.,o-.,.
GE&UIe"V.BrrVAn'y at law
guh'ba'n,k."reg8n- 0tflce wer OaSi
amlnlnrUilMtnPfL1 . r ex.
R J-,?JcpUTLAND,Clvll Sanitary and
XL. lis draullo Kuglneer. U. s. Deputy
inlneral fciirvejor. City surveyors nfflcn
Cottle-lrkhuretBlock,8alcnIfb?elonT '
CA. llOHEIvr, Architect, room 421. Mnr
. guam building, I'ortland, Oregon.
V uVa.'M- d-j 0fflco formerly
- '"-""Mij Biiccin.
bertv Rtrppts i,,,- xt
Ofllo i,n,,.' .'. .V''"""D ""
and 7 to p m. Residence iSth stiee't on
electric car line. Telephone Ko. o.
SK. XV. S. MOTT, phyBlcian and sur
ectm. Ofllce in ifidrldge Block Sa
nofc?- fflce bours To to 12 a. m
rV.:i, .165 Kurt st-eet; Residence 347
.... .i ""l- ueLerai practice. Knecinl
child inn Elven to dlseas or WomenTd
W 'ISP815.?' 1I.D- Physician and sur.
ortVien?,. ilra,ctlce lim,tetl to aiseases.
S;!rl.n,rvous srtem. Catarrh Including
oSm 9 to nTs.2D 12- orace SnlSi
lw-tr m a to 6 p-
Sto Commercial street." Itesldenw same.
D'HIien8 oJT,S?,t,5t' W 8tate st"e.
SPhoALnLrtEN- BJaeksmltta nnd
Nena vt.
anlt In ih
I. inimaw
Cash Market.
CtoM. W, er the "German Markat
"-.--.."..., .. .v. .v....
)rkr win Imi the Um
only and
a UfflM Im iV.r'rfJ?! Attorneys at it?
d ttHirt ,w.! St00. ween Stei
' - " 1 Ol,
iiiiii'sr inn iBiiiniiiiiLiiui nun lawa m iirn..u. .1 .. r
.,-.,. ...... 7V" m MMwuBreHmtuiwoo-wpoaentj, icomiHJuwtlou of iho naimiti.
nurcoiuitry and Mr,, your right ( to lay Mn. Moon kul Captain rcL?iwVuum!
th oWco t f governor, r am, with. iloot9l tVrtftM w. a Muck, Cap- rUwlL nur
wt w t Ing ih- wd.a of (ho Ulu . JMvlll j. Arthur WilJu UttSS 2?
wrt,wHllMBtoumM.dvrhoomc, aud ottun U90.W thuusti. wrlow w mk owtiwd ou tha imt
. .
ilOW B01ILKV rinii'Aium TUB UAL-
timouk m Aono.v.
"Washinoton, Feb. a Tho fob
lowing iuoldent iu counectlou with
the Chilian dlll'culty, has uot before
beeu made public. After tho attack
on the sailors of the Baltimore, ex
cltemeut ran high lu ValparalM.
As will bo remtuibere, lutimrs were
thick nud frenuent that the Chlll.-m
Inteuded to atk tho Baltimore. V,l&BITJIvwwrTY-,m C. BrrS'ntf'Vwtwt, k
Tho naval deuXtrat.ona on their SmSSS&S. JSSSBSSft
p irt wvrw
order for a hot tight, if It was forced
-" HiiraiurM u.1.1. l... . - - -
me ksniMiia ..mT: ..."? uuwneos in
.. uui Liinii in thAi.i... .
-----"Beprornpt attention.' d shMin?anrt', f lnck,mlln-
O. ottlUnV,ttV::vj"Wriey at law. .-niii,urm)ii.
nuh block, oorow eommilrJffi Sl cew
Mre,u.aleiu.oUrrmeroialan,lc')"n. r j.labhrv.,.
ly.' bhJjpSsSllSI s1ir8ee"epalring B Speclal
A B;8MITHi4CO..C3ontractora Sewer.
Conservatory of Huslc,
ew Bash
leiillAj.n. .....
Nlnntrr i mu..
H unTilISnd' WW p-
I Wooly iw uin uiSU"1! triors. Uave
, v-vuj,ujua,
;; Oregon Land Company's Price List. J
Ofllce 55oJ Cbm.
t -rv oau
O. W, MKkXKR, A8tD . Bftjenli Qnu
( n
i . . t
ife' lfcti m$
. - . 9
r. -n?5Krx 3-
nicy.K .jt', m
:ftc - -
p '"Wa(r"r''-..