Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 04, 1892, Image 2

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The 'ory of ihe-canturo le a
.tbtnge one. Deputy Marshals Bur
fH and Reynolds arrived In At
feei, ftor h big haul In llabun.
'Tb deputies raided tbreo Blllls and
'nMtMwd eaVen men. Wnlle on
k- ...M ... IIih nliiful nf ftfltlhlM t1
gt tire way iuiu iiw iiiuvm wi'i" '
P$ GkJwuhviIIp. Denutv Burrell followed
'wun dlttance behind Reynolds.
P JRtrt-Mlds had four tuoonshluers In
xetMTge, ana litirreii una uiree. iu
Barrell's prisoners were liana
IMMK-d' together, while the third,
tB . .. .. .j i- r i k n..-..il
JfJiOTetl, IliarcUPU iu iraumi uuhch.
Wddenly two womeu sprang from
iktr hiinhra. One was riuito aged,
f "White the other appeared to bo not
ln18 vcaiB old. They wero the
wiotuer and deaf and dumb ulster
rf young I-ovell. Mm. Jbovell
nuinbitr cronncd TWutv Burrell
Mound th8 body, pinioning Ins arms
to hto sides. Seeing the timely aid
fUa rm hdln or rendered by the two
Vomen, Lovell, who waa not hand
cuffed, broke Tor the woods. Bur
elt hnok Un. Lovell off and would
1'bavo fired at tl.o retreating moon
shiner had not the sister uprnng
directly between them. The young
5 .fellow mode good his chCu'm.', and
the womeu were allowed to depart.
The deputies continued their waj
tJ Gainesville, where the six re
nlaluiug prisoners were bound over.
BaiMmokb, Md Keb. 4.-Thore
was a mild Bonsatlou In the firm
branch of the council chamber
. when, after President Belm bud an
nouueed a sealed communication
from the mayor, Councilman Cum
mlngs, the colored member from the
eleventh ward, moved the appoint
incut of the usual committee of two
to Invite the ueconii branch hit
convention to consider the paper
The chairman numed Missra. Cuin
tnlugs and Barnes. The latter de
. cllned to accompany bis colored col
, league President Belm appealed
vexed, and addressing tho member
said: ''Tho member from the flint
ward declines, from reasons best
.known to himself, to accompany u
member from tlie eleventh ward to
the Becond branch of the chamber.
If Borne member will take my pluet
in tho chair for tho time being, I
will go with Mr.Cummluga myself "
Ho one seemed anxious to become
presiding officer pro ten)., and the
chair then assigned Mr. Berry to
tho task. Mr. Berry accepted, and
tho incident Was closed. Council
mau Cummings Is practicing law hi
this city. lie Is tho only colored
man over rc-eloctoil to ofllco In
Maryland, and ho hai twice been
ohoson a monitor of the first branch
of tho city council. Ho la a Repub
NkW Yoiik, Feb. 4 When tho
m.lt wagon wh'ch left the postofflco
Tuesday evening with mall for
Hobok -n, N. J., arrived at Hobokeu
ttagrm vfsxmhntrw'im-'7ttb nfaVfl
ou tlie Lackawanna railway lost six
pouches for western New York
oIIIjh. ditches on tho Inolc of the
wsgontf were found open and tho
locks gone. They had, it In Hup
posed, bien opentd on the ferryboat
whllo crossing tho river.
Demino, N. M., Feb. 4. Under
ardors frtm the comptroller cur
rency, tho First National bank of
Hllvor City, and tho First Natlonul
bank of tula city, both under, prac
tically thu same matiDgemout, are
closed. Ths Huepcnslou was unex
pected, and caused much oxeltc
nteut. Tho cause of tho failure Is
unknown. A strong feeling of con
fidence among business moil exists,
that tho bank here will pay all cred
itors in full.
San Antonio, 1Vx Feb, 4.
Colouel John Withers, cashier of the
Bau Autonlo National batik, corn
nil ttod suicide hero jeaterdny morn
lng by shooting himself through tho
head. No causo Is assigned for the
bllKLlivviLLK, Tex., Fob. 4. Five
mon who purtli.-lp-.ted In tho lynch
ing of J. O. Shields last 'lhursday
are In jail here. Thuro Is four of
lynchiug the accused, and tho J .11 Is
Hood'8 Sarsaparllta
I cjc'uuy rpred txom BartaiiaillM,
J) in.. Hon, Mamlrnke, Jhn'fc, Mr.lc..,
Juniper llcrrlc. and other w ellknow u ami
wluiiulougctaulo rciuedlombrapccuUir
combination, proportion, iU jiroctws, b'v
iiiBtu ltwxt'ii &rr.ur.Ua curative imwur
i.t jKiMcit ty otticr incdlcliir. It
etTcu remarkable cure where others fall.
Hoou's Sarsaparllln
1 6 the ln't Mood purlOer. 1 1 euros Rcrotula,
IWt Itueum, IWlU Mniplei, H ltumor,
l)rPU, lUtlQuaaeu, Blck lleailaclie,
Juaisi'kttuii, aeneral Pvblltty, Cat an It.
Kheumallanii Klduoy and 14er conv
ililtl oterwrnea That Ttwt feeling,
rfcatusaaai'lHitlte, build, up the )teuu
Hood's Sarsaparilla
1 la moUiiuxiralli'it aueceai at homo. Such
It Ita polarity la tow ell, Maaa., where It
la made, that Lowell UrujtsUU sell mure et
)Ioo4' Bartatiarllla thaa all other aaa
rllUa or Mooa imrinera. The wune lucceas
it exteudtng all onr the country.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
U (Mtullar la Itf atrvueth and economy
It U the only iretaratloa ot which cat
truly be aaM " loo lve One Dollar." A.
butUeot Hood'i SartaiarllUtakxiacciiil
lug to diroetlonii, wilt laat a luuutlu
Hood's Sarsaparilla
sU lac vt pevj'lc Whn e It U wee untd
ttt-aewaea a tawlt family reuvly. Do ,
u4 fce luuueea to buy other ptvparauous.
frt tu (o pet tho I'eeullar wllelno,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
feM)4lrtMalU. glU(MfA. liviMt4t
p. f, tKoi) Ci) AfoibKartM. UvU Maaa
Nominations and
He was Caueht. Both Want the
Child. Murderers Captured, Tor
pedo Invented, Robbed his Em
ployers NewMachine txplodes,
Murdered by I ramps, I ne fp
Dortlonment, Anti-Option Legis
ation, An Oregon mcklo Mine,
' ". t mm.
oreign and State News, etc
Washinoton, Feb. 4. Tho sun
ate today took up the report of the
commltteo on privileges and elec
tions in the case of tho Florida
-.ouatore, declaring Call entitled to
tho seat. The following nomlna
ilons were confirmed; Jus. 8.
Ueatty, United States district Judge
for Idaho; D. F. Roberta or Indiana,
-ecelvor-geueral of the land offla;
d. Nowlett, register of laud ofilce
ut North Yaklmn,
Washington, Feb. 4. Tho presi
dent today sent the senato tho fol
lowing nominatiens: Charles E
Moores, postmaster at Corvallis, Or,;
Peter Paquette, receiver of public
moneys at Oregon City, Or.
Mbntonk, Feb. 4. -Tho services
over tho remains of Rev. SpUrgeon
took place In tho Scotch church here
today, after which the body wo
taken to London for Interment
Great crowds of pooplo were jires
Han Fiianoibco, Feb. 4. T. F.
Smith, a real estate man, who was
formerly In business in Portland,
Or., woe token to the city prison
uid charged with tho betrayal of
Gertrude Goulten, a 17year-oId girl
iv ho was found with him. She was
also taken to the station and will be
held as a witness. The girl Is said
to bo mil to well connected, and to
havo u wealthy father Iu tho state of
Washington. She was living with
her mother, who Is now Mrs. Harris,
In Portland, hut left 'that city two
weeks ago under the promise of mur
rlauo. On arriving In San Francisco,
Smith started In tho real estate busi
ness. The girl's mother In Portland
was much worried, and consulted
tho chief of police of that city, who
advised her to follow her daughter
to California, und see Chlof Crowley.
This Mrs Harris did, with tho result
already stated. Smith says bo
would havo murrled tho girl yester
day If ho had not boon arrested. He
WW MlA wllli'VK..j .JOJ-rnVj Juicer!
expect to sco the case end iu a wed
ding ceremony.
HOTH want thi; oirri.u.
MiNNKAl'OMS, Feb. 4, Mrs. A.G.
Ray, a detective, is under arrest
here charged with an attempt to
kiduap little Dorrls Harper from
her mother, who liven with her
father on Eighth street. Mrs.
Harper was married five years ago
at Eilo, Pa., to E. J. Harper, sou of
a wealthy Irishman. Sho loft him
soon, and, coming to this pluce,
begun a suit fur dlvorco on the
grouud of cruelty. Harper agreed
to muko no defeuse if tho child
were given to him, but this proposi
tion was declined. Ha then om-
employed Mrs. Ray, It is claimed,
to com) to Minneapolis and steal
tho child. Mrs. Ray arrived in
Mluuuapolls n week ago Saturday
and put up ut the Yauderbllt hotel.
Sho carried with her a photograph
of tho Harper child, a full descrip
tion of tho location of tho houso on
F.tghth street, and n mapped-out
route of how to get to Hudson,,
Wis., when her purpose wua accom
uUshcd. Secreted In a capacious
pocket of her dress was a vial of
concentrated ether and chloroform
and asmull spray distributor. Her
plan wab to go to tho house, and
under pretense of peddling a new
perfume, btifiu the mother and steal
tho child. On various pretexts she
gained admission to tho house, nud
fixed ou yesterday morning to carry
out her plan. Her frequent calls
had aroused the suspicion of Mm.
llarHr, and Pollco Iinjpector Hoy
was notified, Ho kept track of tho
woman and learned her plans. Hoy
and Attorney H, R. Odell secreted
themselves In Mrs. Hariwr'a resi
dence yesterday morning and
awaited events. Boon after 10
o'clock Mrs. Ray arrived, und wiib
Immediately arrested by tho In
spector and taken to the ottloo of
Pollco Superintendent Henderson.
TUon sho broke down and mnde a
clean breast of tho ulTulr. Mr. Hay
and Hai per will probably lo In
dieted for attempt to klduup,
H.VCHAMKNTO, Feb. 4. -Tho police
havo Iu cutory two young
men who are thought to lmvi
beeu Implicated lit I lie nuirdorr
Watchman Howard ut Rio VUta
MVrul HlghU ago. They wero ur
routed In ii rcuiolo part of tho oily
In h lr Iiiiih wen found a number
of article which wore at den from
private rvaldenco. It ban been
learned that tho prisoners had dt
nosed of a eatlhoat in uu Italian
tlatirrutnu for 5, Tho craft corre
siKiudt with the boat that was etc
leu by the murdervr to ttlevt their
eacap imiiwdlately ufter tho itiiir-
dor of the wutebitnu. One of tho
...l.nni uilill., Iiultli. illiuwlv lllli
lloutd, duiUUl that he won in
Rio Vlala on the night of the mur
der. Tbey gavo their names as
John Grozes ahd Louis Frnnrls,
and will bo held pending the arrival
of an officer from Rio Vista to Iden
tify them. J
Nbwi-obt, It. I., Feb. 4. For
some time past Lieutenant Marshall,
attached to the torpedo station, has
beeu engaged in a very clot,e study
of torpedo construction und harbor
defense, especially the lut cr. HIb
latest Invention Is a submarine mine
for coast or harbor defense. In
slinpe It Is more like a coffin than a
cask, and Is made of sheet iron.
Its total weight Is 480 pounds. The
mine Is to constructed that It may
be fired from a battery on shore or
by. contact, ot will. Yesterday's
test waa from the wharf of the tor
pedo station, nud was for buoyancy
and immersion, and the results
showed a capability to stand a
weight of eighty pounds, which
could bo added cither In explosive
or construction power. The mine
was exploded by electricity from
shore, und was In every way a per
fect success. It Is the first of Its
kind to bo tested, ind the result
more than Justified the expectations
of the Inventor.
Auoubta, Ga., Fob. 4. Audloy,
Hill & Co., commission merchants,
huvc had their collector, Joseph
Carroll, arrested forstealing accounts
eutrusted to hlrn for collection.
Carroll robbed his employers, and
worked a shrewd game on them.
Ho kept account of the money he
collected, which he never reported.
When the firm made out bills Car
roll would examine his private
books, and If tho bill included
monoy collected and not reported,
he would tear It up and muko out
u statement to balance with his
book. Carroll exposed himself by
writing a confession of his crime to
his omployt'rs. After writing tin
confession he coucluded to destroy
It, and placed it in the stove to burn,
but tho tiro went out, and, by acci
dent, Mr. III11 happened to see a let
ter in the stove. He took It nut und
perused It, and Immediately sent out
and hud Carroll unrated whllo he
wns collecting. Carroll denies uoth-
Ing, und says ho lost the money
gambling, and names the houso Iu
which ho lost It.
A Ni:V MAUIIINK i:xii)ia.
Nhwakic, N. J., Feb. 4. The e-c-
nloslon ut tho hat factory of
the J. Rummel Company turns out
more serious than at first announced.
It was thought that only threo were
killed, but yesterday a fourth body
was found. Tho names of tho dead
are Oscar Lewsch, Daniel O'Keefe
Albort Anderson and Willi a m
Dully. AnderHou and Dully were
burned to a crisp, but enough ludeu
tlfylng murks were found upon them
to leavo no doubt at to who thoy
v - o
ercd about the wrecked buildlni all
miming. Tho machlno that, ex
ploded was used to collect alcoholic
gases that escaped from tint huts us
thoy wero being dried. Tho gases
werocarrlod by pipes to this machine
and then condensed to alcohol
Again. It was tho first mnchluo of
the kind ever built, and was built
as an experiment. Tho owners of
the factory say the men wero wholly
t blume fur the explosion, and
assert they ought to have known
butter than to carry a light In the
roem: where tho condenser was
Pink Umjfi Ark., Feb. 4. W
A. McKlmlu, agent and npeiatnr at
Wubbasscca, Ark., for tho Ht. Louis
fc Southwestern railway, wusaesussl
nated at about midnight Tuesday
night. At noon yesterday tho body
was found apparently un tho spot
where it had fallen. MuKltulu's
sleeping apartment was In tho depot
building, and his cot wivs near a
window, in tho lower puues of which
yellow paper had beeu pasted for a
shado. Through a small aperture,
caused by tho lower end of one of the
pieces curling up, the fatal shot was
fired. It Is believed ho waa mur
dered by tramps who contemplated
robbery, and who wero frightened
away before thoy could execute their
design, Thoy will bo trauktnl with
bloodhounds today.
POKTI.AM), Or., Feb. 4. Tho IU
publican oommlttev mudo the appor
tionment nud fixed tho difiercut
counties as follows; Raker 0, lion
ton 0, Claokuniiw 10, Clutsop 10, (' -
lumbla fi, Coos 0, Crook 3, Curry 8.
Douglas!), Gilliam 4, Grant o, Har
ney 4, Jauksou 7, Josephine A, ICIuiii
nth It, Lake .1, Lane 11, Linn 10.
Malheur 3, Marlon 14, Morrow 4,
Multnomah 4:t, Polk 0, Hhermau
a, Tillamook 4, Umatilla 0, Union
10, Wallowa 4, Wuseo 0, Washing
ton K, and Yamhill 8,
ThoupporthmmuiU given 117 diU
gutes to the first untigiv-uto.ial (lis
Ulut and 111) to the second
The committee decided that tin
congressional iumiluuttnugbhnld U
luudo at the convention. - Then
Ulug adltteroiKii of opinion us i.
whether a vnt-unoy will oo-ur In the
ofilceof utt irncy-enoml nxi Jaur,
tho nutter was left open, und
Chairman Ldau wut aiiilmrli. I to
seouro legal opinion on thfijuit. Ion,
and rort to (ho convetitlun.
The state oouveuttoti will tw held
In Portland, April Otlu
WABIilNQTON, i'BU, 4. -Ttltt OOUV
tulttee t n agr. culture, of tho houso,
yeaterdto' begau hoarlug on the
varloua unt opt ou bill Mtidlng In
couKrcaa, Tho Chicago boanl of
tMllii lull llriflir tllft eanilulttMl m
yo1uIbqw eiuor.al lu oppilUoa
All Right!
most remarkable, prompt and
permanent cures of Aches
and Pains on record. Time
is money. It will cure without loss of time.
A single application often cures; half a bottle
has cured the worst chronic cases.
1 H
to option legislation. The argu
ments of the memorial are chiefly
that tho boards of trade are essenll it
to the marketing of farmers' prod
uce, and that dealing in options and
futures are npcessary to tho mainte
nance of boards of trade. It assertc.
that the extent to which produce
gambling Is carried on iu tho legiti
mate exchanges of the couutry is
Immensely exaggerated. Gambling
In produce, gambling pure and
Elmple, Is carried on In bucket shops
This form of gambling, Bii-.s tile
memorial, is nud long has beeu a
fruitful source of agricultural do
pics-ilon, and a rigorous federal
wicket shop law, vigorously enforced
will go fur toward the accomplish
ment of u hut Is sought.
Nkw YoitK, Feb. 4. When the
news of the discovery of a nickel
miU" In Oreg n reached tho officers
of the geological survey iu Wash
ington u short time ug.t they mudo
an examination of tho specimens of
ore sent In by a prospector, whbtii
wero In tho shape of pebblts nhoct
the size of hazel nuts. Since th!ii
however It is understood a comj'
teut mining engineer has beeu over
the field, the precise location of
which is not yet disclosed, and be
has found It thickly st'ting wlili
buch pebbles as those offered for
examination, ho much ho as to. on-
tirely explode the theoiy that thej
are mutenrltes.
Poun.ANl), Feb. 4. A severe
eirlhquake shock occurred hero at
8::50 o'clock last night, lirick bulld-
snuwuytd and windows rattled,
terrifying tho Inmates, who rushed
Into tho streets. Too shook lasted
about 30 seconds, and was probably
tho most sovero earthquake ever hilt"
,,, una uujr, , ,i AtS nuiivvti HO
damage waa done.
Astokia, Feb. 4. A sharp shock
of earthquake was felt hero ut 8:27
last evening. Tho vibrations, from
southwest to northeast, lasted .1 sec
onds. It shook houses and caused
slight alarm, but no damage was
Some consternation was created
Iu the operating room of the Wes
tern Union telegraph office by tho
shock, and many of the operators
rushed down stairs and into tho
street, thinking the building wfis
about to collapse. Several of the
keys on Instruments a to wild to
have opened by tho shock arid one
typewriter t'ible was overturned.
Ni:w Youic, Feb. 4. -A crunk
currying threo satchels visited the
Wi stern Union buildiug yesterday
and endeavored to sco Jay Gould.
Ho wanted a million nud a half In
cash right away to balld a new city
ut Center Grove, N. J. He gavo the
uamo of Ephram Pine, und Ills
roddonoo Millvllle, N. J. The
clerks feared he had dynamite In
his satchel, and were gicutly re
lieved when he loft.
IIaktkoki), Feb. 4. When tho
houio mot yesterday ut 1 p. in, only
ten memborri were present, nluo Re
publican and ouu Democrat. In
calling tho houso to order, Speaker
Paige referred to It us tin legally
constituted house. After roll-call uu
adjournment was taken. The house
uguin met at 2 p. iu , with Speaker
Callahan In tho chair. A telegram
from Speaker lltiih, of Now York,
was read, saying; "Hold tho fort;
lutuk on tho constitution." Ad
jiiurment was then tukeu till today
at 2 p. tu.
Chiuuio, Fob. I Advices re
ceived hero ?taU u train on the
Rivltlinore & Ohio, wlilah wim mudo
upentlrvhj of United States express
oars, was dond ed at North 11 dtl
inure, O., oarly yesterday morning,
and tho engineer, Jiiu s Manuul, of
Ourrctt, luil., w-s kll ed. Tho n
tiinn and two ixp-es messeugera
were injured.
Nkw Y kk, lA'b. 4,Uuwel Sage,
Jr., the favorlto nephew of Ruvel
Sage, died this mormiig from meiu
gltla. He was A3 jtatrof ae, uud
Johnstown, Feb. 4. Tho KhII-
cillon of the Cuuemiuiuh Vullex
Momorlal hospital took phco In thu
cltj toilay.
Nkw Yokk, Fob. 4. The grw.
Inn b twin jwkiI, comprUliig the
utoat owcrful lr U-atn firms of
l (Vllllllrv llliilwl nuilni. In I,.
U riml difference aud outlde wm
I Did It
Did what? All the world
knows it has done wnatMt
promised It has made the
tltlou. The result will be a drop in
nrlccs fr a time and general
shake up in tho market.
New Oulbans, Feb. 4. Fitz-
almrtmnifl. a Plttsbun thief lllld
murderer, committed suicide ut the
parish prison this morning by cut-
ting his throat with u penknife.
PlEDMONT. W. Vu., Feb. 4. Last
lr' ' . , ' ,
night a freight train ran uway down
. . , . i i i... .,.
tlie mountain nno piuugeu -uW l.,
Potomac river, fifty feet below.
Three train men went down with
the train but only the fireman was
killed. The loss Is heavy.
London, Feb. 4. Sir Morell M tc-
Keiizle.the distinguished physician,
who h.is been seriously ill
bronchitis died yesterday.
He W as
born iu Eex in 1817, and was
. . . v, ti..
eated in Loudon, Paris and Vienna;
iu '03 he founded a hospital for
diseases of tho throat, iu Golden
square, Londou; in the same jeur
he was eleuted house physician to
the London hospital, becoming in
duo course a full physician, and ws
appointed lecturer on diseases of the
throat, which appointment he held
up to the time of his death. He
was author of numerous publications
on laryngological subjects, and In
pirticularof a treatise on disease? of
the throat and nose, which is a
standard work. Ho was in attend
unoi) on the Einptror Frcdeiiek
during the hitter's illnes, and was
made u knight iu 1897.
'London, Feb. 4. -The will of
the late Cardinal Mitiiniug, was
opened tod ly. It shows he possessed
less than JC100, which was in consols
loixi nnlWltnn honlca. Thin- fiut
speaks louder than words in show
ing the benevolence of the Cardinal.
Pohtland, Peb. 4. Wheat val
ley, $1.5551.C0; Walla Wallu, 5-1.50
Chicago, Feb. 4. At close wheat
was firm, cash fcolj May, SO,
San Fuancisco. Feb. 4. Wheat
buyer seasou $1 G0J.
For the rhildren.
"Iu buying a cough medicine for
chlldrou,'' says H. A. Walker, a
prominent druggist of Ogdeu, Utah,
"never be afraid to buy Chamber
lain's Cough Itemedy. TJiero Is no
dancer from it and relief is alwavs
sure to follow. I particularly recuui
mund Chamberlain's because I have
found it to be safe and reliable. CO
cent bottles for salo by G. E. Goode,
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Castorra'.
lliiuklin'B Arnlcaalve,
Host 8ilo In tho world for Cuts.
Ilrutsiv- Korea. Ulcers, Salt Khcum, Keer
Horw., letter, Chapped IIiuuU, Chlloluln
Corns und all Hkln Eruption, and poi.
l.velj ouresi Piles, or no pay require!. It
iKguaruuxtod to lve prfict s-itlmaclii n
i' mono r, ninde J. Prioe. mupn
i . Pur kal by Onii'l J . h'ty, i lwi -t
Sick He aiUpho and rvitovo all the trouble Inel
dnt to a t.iji.im Ktato cf th jtcni. uch ai
HJtlHjr, I'aiii iu ti. s, i.. tX.c While their uuw
romarkablu sucv-ess lus tvn huwn in r.ir.n.
lleadaour yot . n ,t , nTU ijTIR p,
are eiul vl a t in i oustipatlon. curint
aiidprartxiUncih -.aim ue conipUlnt. bik
ttwy alo crrrt all ducnUra of the Momai h
UiuuUt lha lner and rpguUia tho bowels
Jtcu If they only cureU
An they wouU by almost prtv-kM to thos
who un'er fnm thu dwtrtiMlnr coinrJalBt
kul (ortututely their Koo,tD doe not en.(
bwvi, an.1 thOM who one try them will So,
I he. litttopUhvattiabto In ayaUui
t th hino of m tuanr llrtx that hr U whert
"? our trrat Vmui. Out wiu cura n
walk other do nat -
CUtxa' Lrmti I jtbi Tiua are ttt )
aa-lmryeaiytotakti ioe or two pflli mal.
da They aro .trtoUy wrrtahV and d
ne4tt1wcrur. but by their K.tW -.
avoforS! 6aM7thr,orrntbyiuali
uj.u tuiuuft ca, jrnr Tal.
fiajfl J, fall ??Wi SsiH ftijl I
Ik Massachusetts Law
;cry person insurdd in that sljite, so that he
Protects ev
camiot loose' life money in rase of misfortune as is the
case with other states. You may f rget your policy but
the policy won't forget you. It is the safest and best.
Every man ought to cany Insurance and should put his
money where he can't loose it.
As Staple as Cofleo.
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is as staple as coilce in this vicinity.
It lias done on immense amount of
cood since its introduction here." A
M. Nordoll, Maple Ridge, Minn.
Kor sale by G. K. Good, druggibt.
AIr"0"DatI1!';soter,c eolations
UrticuiatiDK supprricJai enJ'en,"1J""
nnd pblltwophtcal or psycUologieal otwer-
nttous,bewuroofpttu(linouspou(lerosl j
clseuehs, compacted cotuprcbeiifciblentso
i -oalcscont eoiisl-to cy and a concentn
SVomHov. lichtwali conginmtration.
.,riini..ii.iii crnrriiiiiv. Iplnne babblerocu
. . -... miiSnn. 'la trrlui! t lro
prc.s upon otners me Bupmuni) ... iu-
I ... r . j . i I...... unit lirli tM
uu wiui"-.. ..--. --v.- .-. " ,u.
lM..u.naln rnntrnl l.'ni-rt. Ulld Wll TOl
and bo wnuy others ue tbli tliorouahmr.
fw.... tit tnni nni Minnounnlimmd IJaluLL
And Asliiand to Milwaukee, i hlcaco und
iiiiiii " - "".."".ur-
iiiolutaendtAndBouih.lt 1 not necehsary
'L....AinithPA,iiaN fjit intir xfpmnorn
! ueous descantluga and unpremeditated
..rMllnna huVAllltp llirlbilltV VnITlClOUS 1-
aeliy, wltboutibi douiouti.bloor thraso
tciil bombast. Sedulously avoid all poly-
,svllablo DroiUndlty. psltUiceona acuuy.
entrlloqual verbosity and andIloquenl
i.nMiiii uiinn Hmililnpnlpnilri.4 nrui'ient
j(KMity and pestiferous piofantty, obbcu-
. I i ..... !i.A ui..u.n.ln I'nuirnl l.lnou Iu Tit I
ly. ay the W t-jnin rcuiral Lines 1m tiik
route, anu inat eims il 'j
Dr. W. It. BYUD
V'co President.
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact a general banking business
la all lis branches.
Vice President
DIKECTOKS: Geo. WMiama.Wm. Ens
land, Dr. J. A. Richardson, J. V, Hobson,
J. A. IJaker.
Bank In new Ezchauge block on Cotn-
uinrrjuif ineu alii-ll
(Founded in 1868.)
Trnn'act Hanking Business In all de
ptrtmenu. Has monentary connections -with
banks in Oregou, Wpshington, Idaho aud
Monti.ia, and corrf spondeuts In all ibc
principal towns of those states. Collec
tions made throughout ibe Pnclflo und
Eastern hUites and British America.
Drafnof l'iisteru banks taLen at par.
. O" 'lc,m' ""orded customers, constt
ent Ith conervatl e bunking sVo have
u liirgo tire proof iiult, with ample room
forthekieplugot surety boxes, and the
most sfcuio Burglar lroor vault in the
orth West. j j is lm dw
Kates, $2.50 to $3.00 per Day.
The bet hotel between Portland nBdrwn
m,11U,c1rc?; ,'.";8,l-:ass in all it apiolnt.
menu. Iu tables are nerved with the
Choicest Fruits
Grown In the Willamette Villey.
A. I. WAGNER. Prop.
Pliiiiiliiiie: mid lteiliiiff Co.,
holetKile nud retail dealers In
J I'on mereial Uroet. Telepbouo No SI.
ChM Wolx, of the "Qfrnisn Mnrkpi
"Vb'?rtl rur ciih i"'ub- ami his
prlv will bo tli ow-t. "
Conservatory of Mtisfc
r wraasB?: ffrsK.sBTLs
.::'.' r- ririMi
ucj wmWi
uW ft
Cash Market.
Oregon Land Company's Price List.
10 acres of land 5 milts south of Salem (postoffice)
best fruit land, nearly all cultivated. There will be 100
acres set to fruit, immediately adjoining this tinct, this
spring; pi ice, 50 per acre, $100 cash, balance easy pay
ments. Choice of four ten acre fruit tracts five miles south ot
Salem (postoffice) one all in cultivation, very sightly; two
other three-fourths in cultivation, balance good timber;
one three-fourths in cultivation balance in pasture, $45.00
per acre, cash, balance easy payment and long time.
Choice of 40 ten acre fruit tracts six miles south ot
Salem (postoffice) best fruit land, very desirable location;
springs and running water, adjoining The Oregon Land
Company's model 100 acre orchard farm, three miles from
steamer landing. First choice $G0 per acre, cash,
balance on eight years time, enabling purchaser to pay for
land out of the fruit crop This land will be set out to
fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner,
by the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company so that
a two year old orchard, complete in ever respect, will
cost the pur haser $125 per acre, including a good fence
around it.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company has
now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and will
take pleasure in showing anyone, who takes an interest in
fruit growing in the Willamette Valley, what they arc
doing and how their orchards look. The people of Salem
and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at
the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com
pany, in the Gray building with the Oregon Land com
pany, and take a ride to Sunnyside and see what ia being
done in the way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem,
Oregon. You will enjoy the ride to Sunnyside and see
something worth seeing.
Thirty acres best garden and hay land, good two story
house of nine rooms, hard finished, good barn, good
orchard, springs and running water, 2 miles from Turner,
pnoo S2500.
35 acres of timber land 2i mllps
balance in three equal unnunfpuyments.
ia 60-100 ncres cultivated land with house, spring and orchard 3 miles
from ruruer, $60 per acre, cash, balauce iu three equal annual payments.
18 40-100 acres cultivated land with barn and ruuninj- water, 545
per acre, j cash, balance in three equal annual payments. First payment
10 96-100 acres cultivated land, running water on land, $10 per acre, i
cash, balance in three equal annual payments. First payment taken in
39 08-100 acres pasture and timber land, all good land, with runninjr
water, 3 miles from Turner, $25 per acre. fc
6 fruit tracts rauging from 12 to 14 acres each,-all cultivated. 200 fruit
eqeuTrutl,pyrng,I,IOWed'?45per Casb ta-t
fcniV?L,riB"(',lJ caJ?ent.?r w.?rk' cuttinK wood. 'naking rails, building
.vU, CCillus uut uu c-uuivuung tiees taken in part payment on laud-
A?n ,HuUUeSS' Wa.R0"8' ,or Wlea taken in part payment on and!
Also good city property, when unencumbered by mortgage or other
claims, taken in part payment on land. "bb "r oiuer
Post Office Department,
"Washington, D. C, Jan. 15, 1892.
PROPOSALS will be leceived at
the Contract Ofilce of this Depart
ment until 4 p. m. of March 24th,
1692pr carrying the mails of the
uuueii -amies upon tlie routes, aud
according to the schedule of arrival
and departure specitled by tlie De
partment, in tho state of Oregon
from July 1st, 1892 to Juno 80th,
1894. List of routes, with Rchedules
of arrivals and departures, instruc
tions to bidders with forms, for con
tracts aud bonds, and all other
necessary information, will lie fur
nished upon application t) the See
ond Assistant Postmaster General
tl-M8-6tm Postmaster Oonor,,!
rjEO. H. HUttNETT, Attorney ut RW
h''n'lc,00- 0m "-M"'
D'AHL'Y A HINOHAM, Attorneys and
counselor at law, Vlem OrVon
Having un nbstrect ol the recoraaof mSiS.'
2SJJI? ,,,?c'u,,llnC nawSk lad w
MUein.thej hae ipecial fuclIltieR tor
untuu.g titles to rule.tnte. JluTinels in
wnt. will rwelve prompt attention;
U-KliONHASI. w H ,,.,.
nOMlIAU . Ilntu .:.ii?..103E9.
ooktd nr.
T D. PrjOH. AnMt . T-...
lDJtSXtl fj,"u.dn 0 I5J0 Oom-
- p :
onupkhnnt Bloe-dra,
on office.
from Tumor
1-20 per acre, cash,.
CA. H( BEUT, Architect, room 4U, Mar
. quam building, X'ortlaud, Oregon.
W ILY0FI?(?' M, D-l 0fflce formerly
,.' ' : occupied by Dr. Itowland, coiner
Lpurt and Liberty streets. Telephone No.
".. yillce heurs: 8 a. m. to 12: 2 to 4 d. m..
nnd7top.m. Hesldence fith street on
electrlo car line. Telephone No. 9.
W. 8 MOTT, nhrsicinn ntirt mr.
geon. Office In Kldrldee Block. Sn.
lent. Ureiron.
rWMAn 1 "in - .
2 to! p. hi.
u,ul uuura iu uj ix a. ii).
R BnHIHIJP0K M' D.,Homeopath!st.
J. Office 15o Court street; Hesldence 817
High street. General practice, bpecial
Ulld g l dlseascs of Women and
T.HOUSER,l(.D. Physician andsur-
ECOn. Practice limited to dlspnsrii.
ofthe i
nervous Rvtptn rrutn.t. in.t..Hi.
n-thrna und rupture or hernlu. Office In
Cottle block rooms n nnd 12. Offlco hours
?imi .rt0 " " m-and trom i to (J p. m.
DK. MINTA H. A. DAVIB. Ofllce hours,
9 a. m. to 11 a. ni.; 2 p. m. to 6 p. m.
"Jorinl.-!Mt.ialu Piomptly attended to.
-ipeclul attention given to diseases of wom
eu und children. Office in New Hank 111k.,
Xk lonuuerelal street. Hesldence same.
DH. T. C. SAIITH, Dentlst.M State street,
Hulein, Or. 1-lnished dental opera'
.lons of every description. Painless opera
lona a specialty.
SPKAGUK A ALLEN, Blacksmiths and
boreshoelug and repairing. Only the
be! workmen employed. Opposite Btato
lusurunce building
fOUN KNIQUT, Hlucksmlth. Horse
J shoeing and repairing a specialty. Shop
itthe loot of Uberty street, Buleni.Oreeon.
J. 1AHSEN t CX) Manufacture of all
kludaof ehlUtK. Hepalrlng asieclal
hhop 45 State street,
t tl.HMITH&CO.,rontractora, Sewer
C . Inp, Cement Picfewalkg, Excavating,
Ma All work pron.ptry done, Balem.Or.
Leave orders with Dugau Bros 4:16-lm
pAUPET-UYING.-I mnke a specialty e:
V oipet-ewlng and laying; carpets
Jfceu upnnd reluid lthgrfntoaro. House
leHUing. Leave orders with J. H. Lunn
rllureu fcon. J.G.LUUHMAN.
G9, HOEye, Proprietor the Porcelain
llaih and haing Parlors. Have the
uly Porcelain Hath Tubs In the city.
K) Comnieroml street, Salem, Oregon.
iMHMiti in the Kuie. Ixiwor ratea than
2?a2f.a Tf?1 kUKk -' Wanks Ic
.Tf-Sn T 1 .lnF,,t discount. Hend foi
iSTf M.lf Job Pr-utlng. and catalogue of
legtl blanks, t M waite,
JUa-a PrlaUr 8la OrtfpJ
ft I