Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 03, 1892, Image 3

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On account of a contempl.ifco J change in business I have concluded to CLOSE OUT
my entire stock of
nd in older to convince the public of my sincerity have mnvked'every thing in
So intending purchasers con see the difference between past and present prices.
YE1)N E8DAY FEB. 3 1801
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Ian Baking Powder.
Lime, cement, plaster, hnir, fire
mid building uncK, the clay, fund,
gravel, blacksmith mid house coal,
wood, nil kinds, wholesale nud re
tail. Olllce 05 State street.
Goodhue & Cahill.
Cholcort of the season at
Free Imhrauy. The trustees
met at Dr. Cusick's olllce Tuesdaj
M 3 p. m. Mis. Wm. Euglaud was
chosen temporary chairman, Mr.
Davis becretary, Dr. Cuslck treas
mei. Meusre. Davis, Shaw and
Cusick were appointed a committee
to draft by-laws for the government
of the library and Its management
There were two propositions for loca
tion of library, ono from tho First
National bank, of a room rent free
for ono year; the other from the
Capital National bank, of two
rooms for one year rent free with
two electric lights. The latter wa?
accepted by a majority of the com
mittee. The poweis of the directors
were discussed and it is understood
that a' mtijority of the directors
reached the conclusion that all
actions of the committee were sub
ject to thv approval or disapproval
of the Alka-Hesperiau society, and
that all authority to act iu the mat
ter of a library was derived from
said society. This decision Is not
final, aa members of the society
referred to wish the trustees to take
all responsibility, tho society simply
having a voice In the annual eleo
liou. Another meeting is to be held
for permanent organization.
Harmon i z e d. Affairs between
the Mill Co., and the city council
have been fully harmonized. Messrs.
Wilcox and Ladd of Portland were
before the city council, met the city
officials and became better ac
quainted. Mr. Wilcox made a few
remarks to the council that were
well received aud created tho best of
feelings all around. The company
consents to complete planking Its
ditch on Front street and is given
two mouths to lower Hb dam and re
pair its race. All hostilities are at
an end.
Humane Wok k. airs. Et ta
Dowd of San Francisco is in the
city In the interest of the Western
Humane Journal of St. Paul, a
valuable monthly magazine devoted
to human treatment of animals.
She will remain a week or more aud
canvass the citj Ono branch of
her work is to scud this periodical u
year free to every teamster, dray
mau or person having the haudliug
of horses, airs. Don d is a sister of
Geo. ai. Beeler, the Insurance man.
False. The statement iu the
Statesman report of council proceed
ings thai the Commercial street via
duct will cost twenty-one thousand
dollars is false. The correct report
of tho et-timates submitted, will be
found lu this Journal.
Ayer'a Sarsaparllla purifies the
blood, and expels all poisonous
elements. Sold by druggist.
A fresh stock of gilt edge
butter just in at thoBIuo Front.
We make a spe-ialty of fine diess goods and underwear and give special values
in all woolen Jsiery and ucdenvear. A'so a few JACKETS at ACTUAL COST.
City Council Orders the Street
Committee to Advertise
for Bids.
Tho Controversy with the Mill
ing Company at an End
Full Proceed lugs.
All members of the council were
present, Mayor D'Arcy presiding.
From committee on accounts ami
current expenses, following bills c r
rect and ordered paid:
Salem Dr.iv & Truk Co , $5 ; K.
M. Waite, 9 7o ; Win. Driver, $12 ;
J. F. Lynch, $1 ;R L. Swartz, ?I8.
00 ; It. H Dearborn, $15 25 ; Ross E
Moorcs, $11 ; R. L. Swartz, $la.40 ;
Smith heirs & Thompson, $16 ; Dora
Adams, 4 95 ; Gilbert & Pattirson,
S1S.44: J. G. Wright, $14 95: J. U.
Brown &Co., $13.90; Salem Dray&
Truck Co., $1 ; J, E. Eastham & C.,
$17i:0;A. M Cloufth, $1; Oregon
dtatediuuu, $3.75 ; Bert Lynch, $10 ;
Rite & Ross, $4 ; Salem Electrh
Light Co., $380 ; Salem Water Co.,
$92.82; Churchill Sash Door&M'fV
Co., $0 05 ; Brooks & Legg, $4.45 ; J.
A. Evans, $17.10; Damon Bros., $1.
75 ; Baker & Strang, $18,80 ; Jas.
Aiken, $3; Salem Iron works, $18;
R. A. Kirk, $2.50 ; Santiam Lumber
n? Co., $8.0S ; It. L Swartz, $8.02 ;
H. P. Minto, $203.40 ; Smith & Stel
nur, 61.65 ; J. W. Wood, $10.30 ; K.
A. Crossau, $72 ; John Hughes. $50 ;
Robert McKellop, $10 50 ; Salem Gas
Light Co., $105 ; J. A. Evans, $14.70 ;
R. E. aroores, $3.75 ; Cronlse & Cook,
$2.75 ; E. J.aicCaustlaud, $25.
From streets and public property
for light at Court and Twelfth, that
it is not granted. Hunt stated that
(here was a light one block away.
Report adopted. B. A. Wltzell was
refused right to connect with Court
street sewer, as it would soon be
necessary to build lateral sewers.
Huut mads verbal report on Liberty
street bridge, that it was well con
structed and he moved that same
be accepted by city. Carried. Hunt
moved bill of McCoy be allowed as
Contract price $ 803 00
54 perch rock in abutment. 232 20
Total $1093 20
man street bridge.
Contract was let to lowest bidder.
It Is to be 250 feet lon. There is
t be a queen truss and pile ap-
proaches. From fire and water com.,
a petition for light at 16th and Belle
vue street. Adopted
On petition of school board and
others for hydrant at corner Thir
teenth and Center, that it be
grantel. Mr. Hut ton siid a con
tract was 1st for twenty-five new
two-way hydrants to Baker &
Strang. Ho opposed putting in any
of the old style hydrants. Report
On petition of citizens for an
electric light at corner of Twelfth
and State, granted.
Lamoureux asked further time for
location of water ditch iu Depot
the viaduct.
Huut called up the South Com
mercial street viaduct. He said he
hoped the matter would bo taken up
if within the reach of the city,
Johnson paid he was anxious to
have it built. Hutton favored it
and said the bridge could be put in
for much less than first estimated,
not over $14,000 to $16,000. The
city attorney Informed tho council
that a bridge 99 feet wldj was to
be built. He had figures that would
bring it down to $12,000. With a
cut stone arch it should not cost
over $14,000. Lafore spoke iu favor
of It aud said action should be had
at once.
The mavi r suggested a committee
to Investigate and report. Johnson
opposed delay. The city could get
along with the old bridge for'awhlle
but the electric road wan'ed to go
ahead and this would have to bo
pushed, aiayor D'Arcy said the
city could not build It at present
without help from the county. The
city bad not the means.
Johnson moved that tho com
mlttec on streets and publlo prop
erty In consultation with the city
attorney and engineer be instructed
to prepare plans and specifications
and udvertise for bids for a stone
arch or iron bridge. Carried.
reports of city officers.
City Attorney Richardson said the
county had assessed city property
at two mills for road purposes. The
city charter required that all such
tuxes bi expended in the city. The
city attorney was instructed to con
fer with the court aud make an
amicable ariaugemeut.
Poiitlou to remove light at corner
O ik and Capital to center of street.
Referred to committee on fire and
w iter.
Acceptance by C. M. Lockwood
of city ordinance establishing mes
cenger system.
Proposition of C. M. Lockwood to
establish police calls in connection
v ith his messenger system, accepted.
Hunt advocated placing electric
ligh.s in city buildings and jail. The
Hut bill was $79 last month but was
educed to $47. Electric lights could
hi- had for $30 a month. Commit
tee u fire aud water ordered to in
vestigate the matter.
first reading ordinances.
To define dutes chief engineer and
olUceisof tite depuitmeut, defining
duties and fixing salary of chief at
$30 a month. To committee on
City Eugiucer McCaustland asked
instruction as to what grade should
be established between South Mil
creek to city limits on Commmcial
street for the electric raihvn. Re
ferred t) committee on streets, etc.
front street race.
Hutton called up matter of cover
lug Frout street race. air. Wilcox,
of the lxiilllt g company, was asked
to address the council and spoke at
some length. He bald it was a hard
ship on his company to be obliged
to cover tho ditch, tho' hi had
leanred since coming to the city that
the old ordinance which was re
pealed contained the same clause.
Johnson said he hoped thecounci
would do all It could to encourage
capital and manufactures and give
employment to labor. He favored
granting time to plank the race.
Lifore favored enforcement of the
ordinance. Hutton also inslsto 1 on
the race I elng covered. Hunt said
the petition was signed by tho con
solidated business interests of Salem
and entitled to respect Wo need
more manufactures. Wo needed
tmployment for labor. We could
not antagonize these industries and
hayo a prosperous city. He moved
that two mouths further time be
given the company.
air. Wilcox stated that his com
pany had purchased tho Dr. Golden
property with a view to taking the
race out of the streets altogether to
save $4000 cost of plankings and
carry the water to tho mill down
tin creek bed. Ho did not wish to
fed that his company was being
antagonized here.
Hutton moved that the company
should have two months time to
lower dam but cover race at once.
Tho council adjourned.
County Court. Tbo county
commissi onera court met for the re
gular February term Tuesday at 1:30
p, m. County Judga Davidson,
Commissioner Grim and Watson
were present. Tho routine business
of the term was entered upon.
A lresji stock of gilt edge
butter just in ut tbo Blue Frout
Window shades at o st Win.
Coco. Is the best nickel cigar In
town. Clark & Eppley sell it.
Have you used sun cured Japan
tea? The Great Eastern Tea Co.,
317 Commercial street, have just
received a consignment of the most
delicious quality ever lmpoitcd into
this city. Try them.
Advanced npou the Written Kxamlniv
tlons Jast Completed.
The Journal presents below the
names of 11 pupils of North and
South Salem schools who passed
written examinations at the close of
tho first term and have been pro
moted one class:
south school.
Eva Armstrong, Elva Burt, Ber
nard Carpenter, Clifford Harrold,
Clyde Sleeks, August Neugebauer,
Fred Smith, Wm. Smith, Chesloj
Ralph, Jessie Benson, Effle Harrold,
Edith aicCourt, Norah Scovell,
Florence Smith, Elzto Armbrust,
Jeff Cooper, Alvln Godfrey, Oscar
LaGrange, Arthur McMiller, Ln
cinda Armstrong, Stella Hurst,
Grace Marvin, Emma aicCourt,
Lutlo aioWhorter, Alice O'Douald,
aiubel Shomaker, Carl Eastou, Fred
Holsinger, Lyle Meeks, Waldo Mll
ler, Carl Neugebauer, Edwin Rob
Alma Holland, Otto Motschau,
Austin Fishburn, Luther Lenon,
Chas. Lenon, Pearl Macy, Max
Miller, Tony Metschan, Harry Hau
sou, Fred LaGrange, Irene Browu,
Will Armbrust, Crampton Glenn,
Minnie Walker, Kinney Miller,
Chas. Shomaker, Will O'Douald,
Claire O'Fiyng, Carrie Swartz, Geo.
Judson, Octavia Glenn, Lewis Jud
son, Carrie Hurst,Roy Buckingham,
tJattio Shrlver, Clara Warner, Min
nie McCourt, Elbert Young, Walter
Easton, Delia Walker, Dora La-
Grauge, Bertha Davis, Llllte Mets
chan, Clydo aiasou, Llllio Gieen,
Connie Holland, Ross Fishburu,
alary Green, Lizzie Schwartz, Grace
Davis, Ernest Welsch.Harry Ralph.
north school.
Oaka Beeler, Richard Churchill,
Wra. Klngsley, Eddie ailchaells,
Carl Ruef, Harry Watson, Ebor
Weed, Laureuco Yach, Lethe De
part, Elmira Matheny,Fannle aioffit,
Laura Robinson, Nellie Pennington,
Grace Ruan, Flora Strayer, Ethna
Snow, James Beak, Roy Damon,
Freddie Fontaine, aryer Hlrech,
Claudlo Laycox, Walter McCormlck,
Percy Pugh, Ira Towno, Harlan
White, Ralph King, Jeiry King,
Otto Klet, Gertrude M labor, Dirt
Smith, Rosetta Weber, Stol'a Yach,
alary Buell, aiona East, Cora Grls
wo d, ai md Potter, Katie Ross,
Bertha Twne, Oliver Wed, Lulu
Massey, Orll Neal, Legeue Barnes,
Ralph Parker, Bernard Towne, Ira
atassey, Oda Chapman, Etta Dicker
son, Ethel Fletcher, Jennie Good,
Stella L. Isbell, Mangle. Palmer,
Levlua Potter, Gusta Ruef, Edith
Sroat, Florence Stelner, Emily
Thatcher, Clarence Bishop, Bmii ie
F. Brooks, North Cherrlugton
Clarence Ferguson, Edwin Horgau
Andrew Klett, Thomas Klngsley,
Louis Rosaiter, Neva Griswold
Nellie Lausiug, Leona Ryan, Lillh
Stelner, Anna Wauless, Edna Wan
Itss, Edith Winetanley,
Juliet Aeschllman, Edgar Bantu,
Nellie Carter, Orvill Cooper, Frank
Davis, aiollle Desart, Arthur Goode
Carrie Goode, aiaud Griswold
Thomas aiilton, Jake Kaufmaun,
Bertha aiinzenmler, Charlie aiiu
zoumler, Harry aiunson, MHly
Neal, Herbert Piatt3, Almeda Rob
inson, Beitha Roth, Johnny Sav
age, Ethel Smulley, Dock Tucker,
aiarth i Waniess, Nellie White, Em
He Grabsr, Earl Steel, aiablo Bright,
John Davles, Arthur Doty, Rosa
Gags, Harry Given, Carl Gles,
Rhoda Lardon, Robert MeCarl,
Anule Pigler, Charles Roth, Willie
Smith, George Strayer, HerLen
richenor, alary Wanlesd, Alpha
Massey, Artlo Boydston, Ida Towne,
Clarence Green, Lena Ricli, Willie
Costello, Anua Byrn, aiabel Brau
ioii, Minnie Bruce, Laura Beau,
Anna Boydston, Hattie Cooper,
Luella Good, Ethel aiundell, Nellie
Roberts, Pearl Smith, Eva Smith,
Walter Bruce, George Buell, Lloyd
Beeler, Walter Churchill, Charles
Dexter, Romeo Kaiser,
Harold aicLane, Jesse Potter, Ivau
Adums, James Emert, Willie arc
Cully, Joseph Kuuflman, aiathel
Henry, aiaud Rurasoy, Fiances Nel
son, Fred Purker, Charles Plaits,
Ralph Roberts, Elijah Kurtz, John
Kauffman, Effie Barnett, Bertha
Carter, Lydla Gilham, Hannah
Kurt, aiargaret aiunson, aiattle
Potter, Jennie Sims, Louis Aenchll
man, Ivan Beeler, Walter Duuton,
Lewis Fletcher, Alex. aicCarl, Fred
aiuudol1, Geo. aiinzenmler, Virgil
Surff, Floyd White, Bessie Barnett,
aiabe' Emert, Maggie Graber, Lydia
Rich, Bessie Ramsey, Grade Snow,
Agnes Toy, Herbert Banta, Fred
George, O luton McCormlck, Willie
Mofil , Walter Nelson, Samuel Rich,
Claudlo Vane.
Thosj who were promoted at the
Central and East schools, will bo
glvou In the next issue.
You Can Krlr
Upon nood's Sarsaparllla as a posi
tive remedy for every form of
Bcrofula, Halt rheum, bolls, pimples
and all other diseases caused by im
pure blood. It eradicates every Im
purity and ut the same time tones
and vitalizes tho whole system.
ConBlipatlon, aud all troubles with
the digestive organs and the liver,
are cured by Hood's Pills. Un
equalled as dinner pill.
A fresh stock of gilt edge
butter just in at the Ditto Front
Five dollars per month invested
in Chicago addition to Portland will
double iUelf In three years or lesi.
Call on J. O. Booth, over Ladd A
Bush bank, for particulars. It will
pay you. 1 sW-tf
Rmoken headquai tera, the rarest
cigars In the market at C.W.IIolleii
brand's. Hargnnt se!Is window shade at
Uty Coanill TnUrs Necessary Steps
to ltulld the Viatlucl Unani
mous. Salem cracked tho whip of pro
gress at the last council meeting, and
tho wholo team started.
Every member of the city couucll
expressed himself in favor of the
Commercial street viaduct, and
some excellent Bpeeohes were made
with the clear ring of progress and
a forward movement fur permanent
public Improvements. The details
of tho plan will be reported ut the
next meeting.
The street committee is author
ized to act with tho city attorney
and engineer to prepare plausabd
specifications, get bids on the work
aud have all in readiness for tho
next meeting of tho couucll. This
will require quick work and ener
getic action. Tho city engineer has
tho plan for a stoue arch viaduct, all
complete. The finances will be the
hardest to arrange. Tho city has
been slow hi acting, but it Is not too
late. Tho Electric road people have
virtually let tho contract for their
wholo lino already, and say they
have an arrangement with their
contractor to turn over to the city
bridge fund whatever it would cost
their contractors to put a trestle
bildgo across there for. They do
not know what sum this will boor
what thoclty would require of them.
If the Electric company and adjoin
ing property will contribute liber
ally there t-hould bo llttlo left for tho
city to pay, according to tho follow
ing estimate:
From county, one-half. $ 0,000
eroin Jiieetno roail 2,000
v rom property owners 2,000
Balance for city 2,000
Total cost $12,000
The Journal has no meaus of
knowing what will bo done or can
be done. Bat It Is certain If properly
handled the viaduct is within reach
and that now is the time to build it.
Both the people nud tho council are
unanimously for it. Circumstances
unalterably fix the present as the
time to build it. It la a movement
all tho people of the city approvo of.
The city committee that now has
tho m itter in hand deserve only en
couragement in their labor of pro
viding meaus.
Holds a Mooting and Does Some Good
i Work Wants a Viaduct.
An aotivo meeting of tho Salem
b.j.ird of trade was held at tho Wil
lamette hotel last evening. About
the first business transacted nfter
calling to ordsr, was to pass tho fol
lowing resolutien:
Resolved. That It Is the sense of
this board of trade that tho present
condition of our main business street
demands among other permanent
Improvements a substantial bridiie
overeoutu mim creeK, on commer
cial street, iu place uf the unsafe
and unsightly old "covered" bridge;
that tho new structure should be
the full width of the street, without
top braces, built of stoue and steel
or other Impeilshable material.
The soliciting committee reports a
monthly income of $178 now sub
scribed, and there is already ou
hand over $.500 In cash.
The sub) ct of having all our
streets sprinkled in the summer sea
son by the city was brought up. A
committee composed of L. 'B. Mc-
Clano, P. S. Kulght, and E. C.
Cross, was appointed to investigate
the matter aud report.
Thodatoof tho regular monthly
meetings will hereafter be on the
first aionday of each month, Instead
of tho first Tuesday, us tho latter is
tho date or tho council aud other
publlo meetings in tho city, Th is
brings the next meeting on aionday
oveulng, aiarch 1st.
Tho next rogular meeting will be
tho annual meeting, when officers
will bo elected for tho year.
Many new applications for mem
bership wilt be miulo soon, and all
things considered, the board Is In a
flourishing condition. Advertising
will soon bj placed ln tho east, when
a revival of Immigration may bo
looked for.
J. B. Hcnlnger,
on the .sick lis'.
of Woodbtiru, In
Newton McCaulcy has so fr re
covered as to bo able to bo about.
Theannial Eplccopal convention
will meet In Salem Fell. 16-10.
If for no other reason than to give
the uuemploj ed luborcrs of thin city
something to do, tho Commercial
street viaduct should be built.
Salem Building and Loan society
has just loaned $1500 at 85 mouth's
Intercut In advance, and 200 new
bhuren of stock will be Issued.
J L. ailtchell, who was receutly
hurt by a liomf, Is now able to bo
Mosca Woods, a young Indian at
Chemawu, died Tuesday. There
are only ten on the Hick Hut.
The new Purk school was opened
Tuesday, and there wait so large an
attendance they could not all bo
Usod ia Millions of Homes 40 Ycr th SUttdaxd
accommodated. Ti new South
school will bu opened next aionday.
At'orney-Geiural Chaiubelutn n
turued ti Salem this afternoon.
airs. Dr. Glesy returned to her
home In Portland today, after visit
ing at tho homo of Judi;c Murphy.
Judgo Lord made trip to Port
laud today.
airs. W. S. B'gga returned to
Portland today, after isltlng old
time fricinly.
Dr. and airs. L L. Rowland re
turned from C'orvullls on the aftcr
n oon train.
Gov. Chad wick was a passonger
for Portland this afternoon.
J. E. Eldrldgo was a passenger
for Woodbtiru this afternoon ou
buslucss matters.
Attorney Ford Is il Portland on
legal business today.
Hon. E F. Parklinrst is report d
to be a victim of the grip, whilo
their youngest daughter Is also quite
slofc wjth fever.
F. X aiutthleu, of Buttovlllo, is
in tho city, and la a subscriber to
The Journal.
Rev. Father White was anioug
the distinguished list of passengers
going north this afteruoou. He
went to Oervala to pay Father
Brouseau's parish a visit.
Deputy SherifT Heloy, of Peudle
tou brought II. Hpeeso down for a
term of eight years.
C. B. Browu has taken a position
with Gray Bros., as salesman lu tho
building material department.
J. K. Wagner, a younger brother
of tho Willamette landlord, has
come up from Sau Francisco, aud
wilt make his future home in Salem.
Ho has been with Wolls Fargo Js
Co. for twelve years, and will act as
night clerk lu tho hotel for tho
prescut. Mr. Wagner's family will
follow soon.
Geo. F. Smith opens In his now
quarters lu the Cottle block Thurs
day morning when tho balance of
his stock will be offered at the great
est bargains ever known In Salem.
John G. Wiight tells a Journal
reporter that tho cash system which
ho has adopted is working finely
and that customers are receiving
neat benefits iu the w'ny of lower
prices us tho cash business entails
much less expense. He is closing
out a full line of imported china
ware at bod rock prices.
If thero are any members of the
city couucll who bellevo lu street
Improvements for 1892 they should
get their ideas together and in shape
to go ahead.
Hon. J. ai. Wallace, brother of
tho luto R. 8. Wullaco of Salem,
sends us the catalogue of tho State
Normal school, of Greeley, Colorado,
of which lie is president, Tho
school is a fiuo structure, has a fac
ulty of twelve professors and a total
enrollment of 157 studeuts. Mr.
Wallace takes u deep interest lu
educational work.
Tho firm of Simpson & Rogers
has dissolved partnership, J. B.
Simpson, the painstaking conductor
on the Electrlo line having bought
out J. M. Rogers, and tho firm will
hereafter be known as Simpson
Tho will of Isabel D. Parker, In
dependence, disposing of 210 o.ln tp.
8s 4w, tohor husband and heirs, has
been filed with the county recorder.
air. and airs. J. II. aicNary, re
turned on the morning overlaud
from Roseburg and will bo homo
at the Dr. Hall resldenco ou Sum
mer street.
J. V. S. Is the only Bareaparilla that old or
fccblo peoplo should taLe, as tue mineral
potash which Is lu ciery other SsriaparllU
tbat we know of, Ii uudcr cerlalu coudltloni
known to he emaciating. J. V. B. on tho
contrary Is purely tegetaulo and stimulates
digestion aud creates new blood, the very
thing (or old dcllcato or broken down people.
It builds them up and prolongs tbelr Urea.
A caso lu peint:
Mrs. Ilelden an eitimnblo and elderly lady
oftlOMaionSt.,8. 1'. wai for months decltn.
Ing so rapidly as to seriously alarm her (amity.
It cot so bad that sbe was Anally afflicted with
fainting sielli. Bho writes: While In tbat
dangerous condition I taw soma o( the testi
monials concerning J. V. & and sent (or
bottle. That marked tbo turning jiolnt. I
regained my lost dish and strength and bare
not (elt so well lu jcars." Tbat was two
years ago and Mrs, TlelcJcu Is well and hearty
to-day, nud still taking J. V. B.
If you are old or feeble and want to be
built up. Ask for
JOy Ssc
Most modern, most otroctlre. largest bottle.
Bame price, f 1.04, six (or liOO.
For halo by Dau'l J, Fry, 525 Com.
JfAUOLD. To tho wife of O. I.
JIarold, South Sulom, on Feb, 1,
1602, a daughter.
SIMMS. At tho family home, near
Houavuio, lilnii county. Jan. ai,
1892, from consumption, Mian
Fuuiile SI m mo, aged it yearn.
Shoe Sale
For ono Week-Commencing Feb. 3d wo Ofl'cr
50 Pairs Ladies' Kid Shoes
" Men's Conp-ress and
Shoes worth
50 Pairs Men's heavy Boots
50 " " fine kip Boots
Head quarters for Children's Shoes, Kubberss Gum Boote.
Capitol Adventure Co.,
Our specialty, the celebrated K & G CORSETS.
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc
Quarterly Teachers' Examina
tion. NOTICE is hereby Riven that the next
regular quarterly examination or np
pilcnnta for teachon.' certificates will be
held In the
Uaaemont Of tho Btnto Housr,
In Salem, Oregon, eommenclngat noon on
Wednesday, tho 10th day of Kebrunrj ,18P2
Applicants must bo present nt the open
Ing session. Applicants for state diplomas
under tho law passed by tho legislature at
tho Bcsslon of 1802 will also bo examined at
the snruo time and place.
County Superintendent tor Marlon
County, Oregon, dw il 2 td
South ofWlllamatte Hotel,
3-A.LBIVt - - - OREGON
Stable and Feed
The Beit Box Stall and Corral In the I'lty,
Quiet, family horses a specialty.
(In roar WUlametto hotel.)
Boarding - and - 'Safe - Slablo,
One door west of Lunn's Dry Doods store
on Htnto street.
Oulot family
r tc
loams. Bro
lal attention pal
l to transient stock. &
White's No. 60,
Now ready for business. Careful work a
specialty. J. F. WHITE.
Truck & Dray Lino.
Good teams'and;ilprompt work Is our
Express juhI JJaggagc.
Do hnullug and nulck delivery to all
parts 01 mo cuy wmi
- . .. -!. ..- . .
promptness and
care Leavo orders at U.
Is Just tho place for you to go to school.
FEBRUARY 1, 1892,
Is tho time to enter with tho beginning of
tho third term,
New rooms for ynung men will be ready.
First-class Instruction In all branches,
Kates Chcnp.
Geo, Wliitalcr, I). I).
Ulds for Capitol Dome.
milK board of capital building commis
sioners Invito sealed proposals for the
construction of the Dome of the Can
Balem. Oregon. Dans und snoclncu'lons
may bo seen at tho olllce of Justus F
Krumbeln, architect, Marquam building,
I'ortland, Oregon. Every bid shuli be ac
companied with an undertaking with one
or mure sureties in a sum equal to uouuie
the amount of tho bid, U be approved by
the board, to the cried that If his bid shall
be accepted the bidder will perform the
win sjwciiiuu inermri in ncooruunoe whii
the pUus and specifications therofor. The
rigiit to reject any or ail bids is reserved.
Illds wilt be opened at the executive ortlee
on Monday, February w, liftri. at 2 o'clock
Uoard of Commissioners,
YfH. A.H only, Ckrk of Hoard,
frcsldent. Hecretary.
Vlool'r widen t. Treasurer.
373 Commercial HtreeL
. Make the neatest and best Abstracts In
the country,
com ft?"-
Bttlcm. Oregon. W I. iijlr, 'resident.
A. i. Armstrong, Manager,
BhwIhohh, SkortkHHtf,
Typewriting. IVnnuaushlp, English
Departments. ptudenU admitted
at any time. Untelojrua tree.
SsWiMs(liiiflHVsiiiiHsCR un IS? tT u
$3 00 for $2 50 a pair
3 25 2 75 "
3 00 " 2 50 " )
3 00 and 3 50 "
5 00 "
at. . .
at. . .
25c Wantfolumn.
Notices Innerted for ONE CENT fEK
tisement inserted In this eolumn for lets
than twonty-nve cents.
dl R REWAnD Wilt bo paid for thear
fplil rest and conviction of tbo person
who has been destroying my youne fruit
trees. A. W. VKAOTH,
1 27 lw cor, D and 16th Bis.
ROOM AND BOARD. A large front
room ln good house, suitable for two
persons, with board or without, and uso of
largo library. Apply at Jouunai. office,
TpOR IKENT -New houte in North.
JL Balem. Apply to E. Holer, North.
Bnlem, or at Journal offlce.
mo RENT. House or nine rooms. Stable
1 attoohed with city water; Highland
ttuuiiiuu. Auijuiruouo w
ttoge street.
X Meets every Saturday evening- at 8
o'clock, ln the hall over the Slate Insu
rance building. Meetings are open to the
puuiio. iiuv. Jiuueri y uiuiKer, trrvm. Dr.
W. A. CuBlck, Vice President.
10 8 It
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Woeden
and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed.
Also veirotnblesaad fruits ln their seoaon.
1,Uighost Trice paid for country produce."
waHuuci HBiiureoi your patronage
ISlBtate street
Paper iHanger.
Leave order ut Globe Real Estate Exchange
Fire and Ma
rino. U. W inEKLKR. Agent, Balem. Oreo
Salem Abstract and Loan Co
Tho only Abstract books of Marlon
county. Real Htnto orders
' filled promptly and
From baloiJtmy and feed to fine toilet
sonp, Key West cigars, tobacco pipes,
knives, etc, can always bo lound at lowest
prices; at
No. zaaCommorolal Ht., Balem
Loans negotiated on improved farm and
city property.
SADISM. Orstaron
Room 14, Bush Hank block; 6 li'dw
Rustle Rocking chairs, Setters, gents of
flce or rondlug chairs, lamp stands, center
tables, llower stands, baby rocking and
high chairs, etc., for salo
Or Exchange fur Second
Hand Goods.
Call and Inspect Itustle'work at old Court
House, IIS, All kinds,or furniture repaired.
H. T. MAllTItf, Propr.
oran of the state department of nubile in
struction. Tho Journal Is a monthly mag.
azlno devoted to school and home educa
tion; therefore, It Is Indispensable to
teachers, und Invaluable to friends of edu
cation In general. lrIoe 11.00 per annum;
tlvoor more oopk60 cents each: sample
cony 10 cents. Address J. 1). Houneu,
llZI-lt Proprietor, Albany, Or.
2ISK Commercial St, Salem, Orefflo.
(Next door to Klein's.)
Specialty or Bpectacles, and repairing
U1UCSS. Wttl
ftttchM and Jewelry.
and Packer,
HtateHt. and Court Ut, The best meats
delivered to alt parts of thoclty.
Capital City Nursery.
I havo a few thoutnnd choice 9 Tear ar-
pie, pcur, cherry, plum and other trees at
my paeklug gniuudM opposite state haute,
that I will sell at vory low prices to plant,
era or dealer. ,
forty men wanted to work In nursery
alter the 13th ol February.
Very Respectful! r,
ISO-lmdw II, l,ldAUH.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Marlon county.
Miles luiey, plaintiff, vs. R. M. a lover,
To It, M. Glover the defendant
In the name of the state ol Oregon yo
are hereby required to appear and answer
me complaint uiea agairus yow m
uboro entitled action, ou or beAue Mm
'a entitled action, ou or beAue Mm Mi
of February, 1W& the same beta Mm
da of next regular tertu oi the thmtt
.led court after the expiration of tba
day or
entitled court after the explratloea
publication of this summons, and If you
ran M
tall so to appear aud answer, Ue vudatHC
will take I
Ill ti
juugiuemagai uai you tonne sum
ether with Interest thereon at tbs)
oi mi
r no tog
rate of i per cent, per annum trout Msvroh
JM, Itart, until puld, and all casta aud dl.
nunemeuu oi inu nation. You aru hrfey
notinea thai tuts summons U served usas
ii by puniiutiw by order ot the Hon. ft,
Uolw.ludneof salii court, inula on Mm
..... .. -..'T. r-.- ...... ..'.. it . -t:
Nov. 1W. directing that aalit
to published six conaeuutiv
CUjttai. Joukxai. MtWlAk4
summons bo
weks lu theUAttTAbJouKXAipMMlsi4
aioaictu, jHnrtuu euuniy.
inRV'Ms9C&M. -