Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 03, 1892, Image 1

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    v f
VOL. 5.
tfO. 2H.j
: t
,4;But a Straightforward Donation of $100,00 in Cash to our Customers,
With each l)tf liar's worth of goods purchased for Cash at our store, we will give a Cash Coupon, goodbr
Five Coats in Cash, and when One Dollar's worth, or twenty of these Coupons are presented to our store hy any one
person, we will cash them, paying One Dollar in Silver for same. We want everybody to take advantage of this
juand donation. Wearo headquarters for nil goods in our line, and our prices are "rock bottom." Come and see us
Htnl bring your friends and neighbors. Ak for a "Cash Coupon with your purchase.
Mens' Dress Shoes $1 4 5
Mens' Plow Shoes '-. 1 15
Mens' Heavy Boots 1 95
Mens' Rubber Boots 2 25
161 Commercial Street.
An Opportunity to
Pleasant Home Addition to tiro City of Salem is Now on the
Lots Fold on the Installment pluu or for cash.
Buildings erected on the name to Mill buyers.
Payments cuu be made by Installments and from ono to five yeatb'
time can be given.
This property joins the city limits on the south and is beautifully situ
ated on high ground between the alrwl cur line which runs south from
the passenger depot and the electric Hue which is uor being bullion Com
mercial street
A person living in this addltiriu will be but a few minutes' walk from
the po9tofl!ce. courthouse, statehouse, depot or any business house in
Salem, and when desiring to ride It will cost but three cents to be taken
on the latest improved Electric Street cm to any part of the city.
The facts about thl3 property, whluh are worth your investigation be
fore buying a home, are as follews:
It is near the business center of the city.
Prices are low.
Terms are anything to suit the buyer.
Sidewalks will immediately be built throughout the property from one
street car line to the other. It is far above all high water.
If you haven't enough money
can have one built.
The title is first-class.
Each lot is large enough for a home.
There are two large new public school buildings near the property.
.reopioare loomug in mis direction tor homes.
Buy at once before prices advance. Call on or address Wm. E. Burke,
Offlee six doors north of Willumi tte hotel, over Barr & Pelzel's new store.
Residence Commercial street, opposite South Salem church.
At the old Stand, next
We Undertake
To say that people who patronize us save money in all
lines, but especially on
We are not in the trust and no combine makes our
prices. Wo buy all stock and supplies of the manufac
turies and supply work at the lowest living prices. 18
years experience.
247 Commercial street, Salem. Garden How and Lawn Sprinklers.
A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tiu roofing aud plumbing a
specialty. Estimates for Tinning nnd Plumbing Furnished.
You can get the latent
finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars
and Mandolins.
$100.00 In Cash
Boots, Snoes
Secure a Hoi
to build a house, and want one. you
"- iriifcr- -
door to Post Office.
Plumbers and Tinners,
OIO Oommsrolal Street.
Sand for Catalogue VRBEC
to be Given
State Strait, Satan, Oregon.
and Rubbers.
Ladies' Calf Shoes
Ladies' Pine Shoes
Childrens' Shoes
Misses' Shoes
for Infants
Cat ori a to so well adapted to children tht
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Ancnzn, Ii. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The ue of 'Castoria' Is so universal nnd
Its mrrita bo well known that It eeetna a work
of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
-within easy reach."
Cam-OS SUnTTO. D.D . ,
New York City.
Lata Pastor Bloomlugdalo Eef ormed Church.
Tint Ciaarxvn
ij Hk a A. Vtvli K? i9 Cfl HftJV A tcK
I have a full stock of the choicest fresh meats, all
choice cuts, at my new market, the rear of State Insur
ance building. Best poultry furnished patrons. Free
delivery. T. H. BLUNDELL.
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co
Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Taming & Scroll Sawing.
House Finishing made to order.
New DKY KILN, by which we can always keep a full supply of seasoaed stock of al
kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade and illgu streets, Balera, Oregon.
Sasti aTid Door Factory
Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon.
The best class of work in our line at prices to compete
with the lowest. Only the best material used
Salem Truck ft Dray Co. If
U fice'l
lem Iron works. Drays and trucks may bo found throughout the dav a
the corner of State and Commercial street.
D, F. DRAKE, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent.
SALEM, ........ ORBOON,
Manufacture BrEAM ENG1NKH. Mill OutflU, Water Wheel Governor, Fruit
Drying Outnis.Tractlou Engines, Creating, etc Kami machinery made and repaired.
General netnw ami roanufacturon of the cHebrated Wuhlstrom I'utent Middlings
Purifier and Keels. Karin machinery made nud repaired.
Boots and Shoes
To the people at prices that are bound
Flour, Feed, Hay, Straw and Barley Chop.
Hates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day.
The beet hotel between Portland udKin
KraocUco. nnt-clw lu ail IU appoint,
meats, iu utiles are erred villi the
Choicest Frulta
drown la the WUUmelU Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
$1 15
1 45
1 00
and Children
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Clarrhcsa, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d
Without injurious medication.
" For several years I havo recommendet
your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to
do so as It has invariably produced boneflcial
Edwin F. Pardee, M. D.,
M Tho WJnthrop," l5th Street and Tth Avo.,
New York City
Compact, 77 Mdiiihy Stbeet, New Yore.
always ready for orders.
deliver wood
coal and lumber. Of
iice (State St., opposite 8a
to suit. 280 Commercial Street.
WbolMale and rtUil dealers Jn
9Commrciltrt. Telephone No
Plumbing and Heating Co.,
Caoital Journal Publishing Company,
Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. Bulldlnr
taitered at the postoflloe at Salem, Or., as
second-class matter.
It is now perfectly apparent that
there is no hopo that this congress
will pass n 5430,000 appropriation iu
aay form whatever for a portico
railway at The Dalles. No one
questions the good fulth of Gov
ernor Peunoyer In asking congress
to give that sum to open the Colum
bia, or in seriously ex pec tint; to ob-
talu hearing for his request. But
the Indications from Washington
point unmistakably to the conclu
sion that the combination of circum
stances is such that it Is folly for the
governor to any longer he under the
delusion that he has anything to
expect from this congress. Hol-
mau's Hostility to all unusual, ex
traordinary or new Items of expend
iture; a Democratic) congress de
sirous of making an economy rec
ord; the Republican senate nlready
committed to a canal aud locks
project partly completed, Bouator
Mitchell championing a boat rail
way; the Influence of the Union
Pacific railway in" congress against
opening the Columbia river all
these conspiring circumstances unite
to make the probable chance of
congressional aid almost a perfect
impossibility. It would bo dlfll
cult of procuring, all things favoring.
As it is, there Id no use to waste a
word on the subject.
Before the Oregon legislature the
mutter would bo very different.
There Is a harmonious relation be
tween the governor aud tho legisla
ture on tho subject of a portage
railway. Both are committed to It.
It was recommended by him and
passid ono house, nnd was defeated
in the other not upon its merits, but
as a mere by-play of polities. If
tho name legislature were called to
gether it could iu two weeks pro
vide for a poitago railway at The
Dalles. The people of Eastern Ore
iron are entitled to It for the market
ing of their present and their next
harvest. A succession of had years,
with failures of crops aud losses of1,
stock, has left them in bad shape.
Last year's big crop has only par
tially put them on their feet. Good
snow falls Indicate a big crop In
1802. Tho prosperity of that region
absolutely demauds tho oponing of
tho Columbia, aud it has been prov
en that a portage railway will open
It. If tho governor wishes to do
something for that section he should
call tho legislature together and de
maud of it relief for Eisteru Ore
gon. Now is the time to do It. It
could not lefuso to comply. It
would not dare to not act. With an
election just ahead of It, it would
not fall to act rightly.
Benulor Btcwnrt concluded his
speech on tho presidents ohjectlona
to free coinage In these werds:
The question now Is, shall this
money famine inaugurated by legis
lation he continued? tihull the
corner which tho money kings of
tbo world hold on tho circulating
medium he mnlutulned? Hholl prices
continue to decline nnd money ad
vance in value, or ahull wo retrace
ourstepa, rehabilitate silver, endow
It with all tho attributes It possessed
before It was demonetized, place It
alongside of gold, double the circula
tion and credit, and relievo this gen
eration of the evil tfl'ecls of a money
Let no politicians Jio deceived.
l'he qupstlou of the restoration of
silver cannot redt until It is settled.
"Unsettled questions havo no pity
for the repose of mankind." Polit
ical parlies and prlvato gain count
for nothing when weighed In the
balance against the prosperity of the
J appeal to the arlvocak-a of geld:
Change your policy; do right; allow
thecountiy t prosper; It will not
Injure you You have gathered jour
harvest by the enhanced value of
money. Further contraction Is dan
gerous. You will lose moro by the
bankruptcy aud fullure of your
debtors than you can extort from
them by further Increaolug the value
of money. I appeal to congresu to
make every dollar equal to every
other dollar by the only method
possible fiee and unlimited coluuge
of both of the precious metals.
Treat gohl nnd silver alike, aud the
value of all your coined dollars will
boiquoljthe-uucolned metals, gold
and silver, will bo equal to encli
other at the ratio of 10 to 1. Give
back the money of the constitution;
restore to tbo people the heritage
reserved tor thorn lu the mluea f
gold aud silver they have discovered
and developed.
It Is characteristic of the Orir
goulau to propoM that the second
dlitrlct cuiigfffclnnftl convention
fcbouid he held la that city and out
side of the district. There is no
reason why tho llrst convention In
tho newly-crcalfd district should
not be held within the boundaries
of the district. Tho boundless nm-
bltinu of Portland politicians tc
dictate the politics of the state of
course moves the Orcgonlau to pro
pose such a thing, when It is tho
universal custom all over our coun
try to matte congressional nomina
tions by separate conventions held
for that purpose within the several
districts. Tho llepubllcuns of this
district will hardly ronseut to hold
their convention at Portland. Somo
other city In tho valley Is tho place
They eeem to bo lighting together
iu refusing t give the present rail
road commission nuy credit for good
work for the people. The Alllauces
have tho excuse that they are In
favor of govemmeut ownership, an
excuse the Oregoniau canuot have
because It opposed to that also. It
copies any item from its exchanges
that rellects on the commission. It
never says a word In recognition of
tho services of tbo commission In re
ducing freight rates, correcting dis
criminations, abolishing ovll prac
tices or rendering decisions that hold
the corporations responsible for neg
ligence and thereby establishing tho
safety of tho traveling public. It
preteuds to favor tho commission
system but lu reality it Is opposed to
an elllcient commission or to a com
mission of any service to tho public.
Tho Oregoulan finds fault with
tho new silver coins. Tho pooplo
who are glad to get them do not.
The supremo court of tho United
Stales has judicially determined
that ex-Senator Thayer, of Nebraska
la an ass.
Tho Dayton Harold says of him:
"Tho friends of L. V. Ehlon, of
Buttovlllo, Marion county, request
him to be n candidate for county
clerk of Marlou county, Mr. Ehlen
Is a brother to Dr. W. H. Ehlcu,
formerly of Dayton. If tho people
of Marlon want an honest and up
right man aud one who Iscapablo of
performing the duties of clerk, we
believe that Mr. Ehlen is the man."
We know Mr. Ehlen to bo a good
business man, aud n substantial
German American farmer who will
conscientiously attend to any duty
Intrusted to him by tho people.
Strength and Health.
Tf you are not feeling strong aud
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If ''to
grippe" baa loft you weak and
weary, tiso Electric Bitters. This
remedy acta directly on llvor,
stomach nud kldueys, gently aiding
those organs to perform their func
tions. If you are ndlloted with sink
headache, you will Unci speedy and
permanent relief by taking Eloctrle
Bitters. One trial will convince
you that this Is the remedy you
need. Largo bottles only oO cents
;it Daniel J, Fry's
drugstore, 225
uommcrciai street.
Lincoln Hou iioss made his
entfl a flying visit last week.
Lou Shepherd Is driving
glng tenm for Joshua Drury.
a Jog-
D. D. CofToy begins a term of
school at Mill City, Fjb. 1st.
Our oldest weather prophotn say
the hardest of our winter Is past,
Tho Henness saw mill seems to be
doing considerable business uovr
Wo havo been having some lovely
winter days this month, with no
snow nearer than the mountain top.
Somo of our good people are strug
gling with the grip. It seems to be
quite fashionable again.
District 00, Linn county, has no
teacher yet. Miss Maggie MeKulght
beaches, near Helo.
Chas. Shepherd fell and hurt
himself qullo badly while working
on u logging camp at Green Basin a
few days ago.
Mr. Head, a merchant of Albany,
has put in a lino stock of dry goods
and groceries iu Dan Smith's build
lug at Qatcsvlllu.
Tom Barnes now owns n wood
saw nud uses all his spare (lino In
sawing wood for any one who has
such work to be dono.
The nmjorlty of tho cattle run
niug at lurge l'n these parts havo
needed no feed as yet, the range has
been good all winter,
Tho mill company's hall at Mill
City, was christened Friday night
by a dance, a fine time was the
K Little (lirPi Experience in a Llgut-
Mr, and Mrs. Loren Trescott are
keeper of the Gov. Lighthouse at
Baud Beach, Mich., and are blesHed
with a daughter, four years old.
Last April she was taken down with
measles, followed with a dreadful
cough and turning Into a fever.
Doctors ut home aud at Detroit
treated her, but In vain, she grew
worse rapldy, until she was a were
'handful of bones."Tben she tried
Dr. King's New Discovery and after
the uw of two and a half bottlee,
was completely cured. Thoy ssy
Dr. King's new Discovery Is worth
IW weight In gold, yt you my get a
trial bottle free at Daniel J, Fry's
drugstore, 223 Commercial street.
At CoaxThat slock ofchlqa
and ghu tableware. Gilbert k
Clarence Bolbeok, aged 14 years,
was accidentally shot and killed
Sunday at Olympla by his brother,
11 years old.
Tho Box &. Rhodes shlnglo mill at
Contralla, Wash,, waB destroyed by
fire Monday. Tho mill was valued
at $0000.
At Castle Rook, near Kalama,
Gilbert Hosford shot and killed his
brother James In a quarrel abonta
young lady school teacher.
A Washington correspondent says
that Governor Ponnoycr is to blamo
If Senator Mitchell's bill for a boat
railway at tho dalles does not pass-
Colouol Hernandez, tho Mexican
insurgont recently captured by gov
ernment troops, was shot dead by a
guard Monday, whllo attempting to
Thomas Bob, a wealthy Puyallup
Indian, died at Tacoma Monday
from the eHects of a blow from a
billiard cue across tho head, given
him by Archie McKay, a white
man, In a quarrol over a game of
Herbert Shepherd, a 12-year-old
boy of Moudovl, Wash., Monday,
tried to kill a neighbor's family with
a Winchester riflo. Ho shot D. M.
Burgo In tho hip, and fired three
times at a farm hand, but missed
Deafness Can't bo Cured
by local applications, as they canno.
reaoh tho diseased portion of tho ear t
'I'linrft tu fltlltf .inn ti.rt. tn .. i.r
-..w.w .w w...,; vuv VTWJf w UU1D UL'ttl
ncss, aud that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an
inflamed condition of tho mucous
Iliiinir of tho Eustachian Tnhn.
When this tubo gets Inflamed vou
have a rumbling sound ot Imperfect
hearluir. and whon It la entirlv
closed, deafness Is tho result, nad
uuless tho Inflammation can be
t ikon out nnd this tubo restored to
its normal condition, hearing will
bo destroyed ferever: nine cases out
of ten are caused by catarrh, which
Is nothing but an Inflamed condi
tion of tho muoous surfaces.
"We will glvoono hundred dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that wo cannot cure by tak
ing Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for
circulars, frco.
F, J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 76 cents.
Itov. Mr, Srurgoon died shortly
after 11 o'clock Sunday night at
Mentone. His ond wan paluless.
Ho remained unconscious to the
last, Hlswifo, Dr. Fitzhenry and
Mrs. Thorno were present whon he
died. At all tho services hold Sun
day In tho Metropolitan Tabernacle,
of which Mr. Bpurgeon was pastor,
tho auditorium was packed. Itov.
Mr. Plonson and others offered
earnest prayers and read to tho
congregation tolographlo bulletins
from Mentone. Tho morning papers
contain long momolrs and obituary
artlclos. Tlje Chroniclo appears
with: a mourning border. It com
pares tho dead pastor to Martin
Luther. Tho Telegraph character
i.cs him its a great, fearless and
faithful minister, nud adds: "Ho
leaves a void that will bo filled with
difficulty." Tho body will bo
brought to England for burial.
Ouco or twice during his last hours
Mr. Spurgeon rccovorod conscious
ness for a few moments aud recog
nized his wlfo. His friends had
boon confident that ho would Re
cover, becauBo tho last attack was
milder than tho previous one, but
tho gout reached his head and the
congestion of tho kldnoys returned.
During all tho momonts whon ho
was conscious he constantly thought
of his wife, and onco or twlco ox
pressed himself as anxious to send a
messago to his congregation.
Weather Report, J an. 1892.
During Junuary, 1802, there were
13 duys on which rain foil, and 4.20
Inches of water. Thoro were 1 clear,
0 fair, 21 cloudy, aud 8 foggy days.
Tho highest temperature for the
month was Gl on the 20th. Tho
lowest temperature for tho
rannlh was 22 on tho 13th. Tho
moan temperature for tho month
was 37.6P Monthly rango of tom
poraturo, 32, Greatest dully raugo
of temperature 23 on tho 2Qth.
Least dally temperature 2 on tbo
16lu. Mean temperature H 14-31.
Avorago mean temperature for
January, (23 years) 38.8; for this
year It Is below normal by 1.89,
Averuge precipitation lu same
time 6.89 Inches; for this year It Is
below normal by 1.00 Inches.
Luuar halo ou tho 6th. Frost
occurred on tho 4, 6, 0, 7, 11, 12, 13,
14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 80, 81,
The winds were south 10, south
west 6, north 10 days.
Highest barometor for the month,
80,485; lowest, 29.671; mean, 80,167.
From and after tho thO.tbo weath
er has been generally favorable for
plowing, aud the time has been
pretty woll employed la plowing for
Bummer ioiiow. mere uas been a
few Mlnglug frosts but uot sufll
clently severe to materlaly injure the
grata. Full sown wheat looks well,
stock so fur Is com In if through In
very fulr condition.
Tjiohab Pkahce.
Eolo, Feb. 2, 1602.
A Dew Cot.A cut that would
make you tremble, but such a cut k
nectsury If you buy meat at Ed.
Crcj' markets. Ho retails only th
ckolcsjt cuts of ell critters.
Cannot Jbe
the Royal it is im
possible to make.
It is absolutely
pure and health
ful, and composed
of the best ingre
dients, and of
highest strength
and character.
"Dr. Davidson,
"Dr. Fiske,
"Dr. McQuesten,
"Dr. Letournex,
"$a FrancUcoB'dtfirtaltkP
issociated Press Report
Digests of all Important
News i Te-Day.
SHE WANTS $12,000 D0LLAK3.
WA8HiNaTON,Feb.8. Mrs. HwlfV
wlfo of tho deceased minister to
Japan, is in tho city, aud hasaola'siJ
of $12,000 before congress for tnontyJ
expended from her prlvato InoonM
for Improvemont made on the new
United States legation at ToklcJ
Japan. Tho old United States lega
tion there was such a poor structure
that It was an object of ridicule
among European residents, and ltl
was through the energy of the lata
Minister Swift that an appropria
tion was mado for the erection of a
new legation. The appropriation
was not sufficient to complete the
structure, and Mrs. Swift used $12-,
000 of her private funds to finish It.
If tho minister had lived to com
plete his term of office, thereby en
abling tho family to enjoy the bene-
(Its of tho improvements made, no
claim for $12,000 would have been;
made, but as tho minister died and'
tho family were compelled to return
home, Mrs. Swift thinks the money
should ba refunded.
London, Feb. 3. The gales ati
Monday night caused a heavy sea
to ruu In tho channel, which added
to tho dangerous position of tbe
stcamor Elder, on Atherfleld ledge.
Tho place is exposed to the full;
forco of wind and sea, Is the most!
icuiuun iu inn uuauuvii uo wiuu i
rtnnHiitini! tn frpahnn HirAiKrlinnt. lluSI
night, and tho position of the Elder
grow worse auu worse.- tsne pouuo
od nullohardunon the rocks. The
, ... . . .'I
crow eiayeu oy ner. aier stern nu
sunk further, lifting the bow higher.
Should sho slide off the ledge she
will surely go to tho bottom, Ma
rino men think she will almost
surely bo lost. Captain Helneoke
signaled the leak was gaining rap-
Idly on tho pumps. At 11 a. n.
yesterday tho position of the Elder
became moat critical. The tide wae
rising and a flood of water poured
Into tho steamer. The afterhoid
being full pulled tho stern down,
leaving tho forobold perfectly dry.
The pumps on tho Elder were kept
working at their full capacity all
night, but tho sea kept slowly gaia
Ing, tho water pouring through 1
holo iu her sldo, where the roefcM
had torn tho Iron plates. At day
break yesterday, signals were run
up asking for help. The lifeboalt
were immediately sent out, and
after a dangerous passage everybody
was landed In safety. A few
of mall aud 227 passengers
taken to Southampton, where ail
destined to Bremen will be trun
ferred t the steamer Uavel, which
a-rlvcd at Southampton this after
noon. All passeugers concur la de
nying the seusatlouHl reports that
panlo prevailed when the steamer
struck or afterwards. ..
Nkw Yokk, Feb, 8, Ex-Ooveraef
John W. Iloyt, of Wyomlug, oapae ,
to New York frowi Waehtujttoa te
the Interest of the movement t
send grain to the etarvlaft people id
Ituaeia, Ho was requested reaeutly
to form a eotnttiltte of promUuMBt
men throughout the eowutry wfcjeb
should give direction to the aflfart
bow blug made la sousewbat
spasmodic way to relieve the die
trees among that country's peeat
ry, In reeponee to that rtrqueet,
Mr, Hoyt has cowmuuloMled w(tl
QlHMtueey M. Depew, George W.
Chlkes, tfee mayor of New York,
ykllndelphto, CfefcMfto, Ikltlw,
Hftaii nu ii i , ;
i?vimmiiius& jgcij&jmiX