Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 02, 1892, Image 2

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Kmo t IK-afh Heed's
RiliMgs-A Herrtblo Heart
Want Ew n Recalled, A New York
Fire, Pleaded Guilty, A Pioneer
Dtedj The Sooner Upheld, Has
Ltft th Country, May Have to
Apologize, iiiuiiin ooiumrs, rvincu
by Robbers, Foreign and State
Htm, Etc,
Washington, Feb. 2- la the
house tho consideration of rules was
resumed this morning. In tho sen
ate Mitchell, from tho committee) on
privileges and elections, made a
report In the case of the Cloggett vs.
Dubois contest for a seat in
the senate from Idaho. The reso
lution declares Dubois entitled
to his sent, Mitchell asked that the
report and resolutions lie on table
and gave notice he would call them
up at a very early day. Vance gave
notice of minority report which he
stated will be presented day nftei
tomorrow. Palmer Introduced a
joint resolution to amend the con
stitution so as to havo tho United
States senators elected by popular
Washington, Feb. 2. Springer
free wool bill Is under consideration
by tho Democratic majority, ways
and means committee. No con
clusion was reached.
Nohwalk, Conn., Feb. 2,llus
eel Iluscoe, 85 years old, and his sis
ter, known as Aunt Mury, nearly
S5 years old, lived, for soma time
alone In a hut neur the woods of tho
Bald Hill district. They wore sup
ported by the charity of neighbors.
Thursday a resident oftho neighbor
hood, who went to tho hut with
food, found tho old man sitting dead
and frozen In a chair. His hands
were clasped in front of him. The
sister was movlutr helplessly about,
bewildered. Blio was put In bed, n
fire started lu a stove und tho old
man's body prepared for burluL owl
left ihcro and the visiter wont
uway, Buuduy neighbors visited
thuhutnud found tho old woman
dead and frozen in bed. Both bodies
wore burled yesterday afternoon.
W A B li I N a T o N, Feb. 2. "Tho
principle that tho presence of u
majority of membcis constitute u
quorum 1ms tho sanction of every
court to which it bus boon referred,
nud I think it ought to liuve Un
sanction of this house." This was
the reply of ex-Speaker Heed yester
day, in defending himself against
(lemiuc)ut(ori by Democrats of his
ofllolul action In tliu lust congrtBa,
the rules of which are still u subject
of harrowing discussions lu tho
house. There 1h genorully udluln-
ollnatlon on both sides of the house
to regard them as a party question,
and ilourko Cochran, tho well
known Tuutmany congressman, this
evening surprised his colleagues by
eloquently approving tho principle
of recoanlzIiiE ocular evidence of a
quorum, und his speech was on
tuuslastlcnlly upptauded by Repub
licans us an able defense of Speaker
Heed's rallugr,
a hohhiiilk death,
Woodhuhy, N. JM Feb. 2. A
moat pitiful railroad accident occur
red In this purt of Ntw Jersey yes
terday. A mother carrying u little
girl in her arms was thrown down
by a train and klllod. At U o'clock
Mrs. 35. Hill was wulklug between
tracks to tho rullroad stutiou, where
she iutendeil to talto tho train. She
had her llltlo 4-yeurold girl lu her
arms, Tho express ciimo along,
Mrs. Hill turned aud hearing the
whistle of tho upproachtug train
booamo confused. She started to
get of tho way, but lu the confusion
stepped directly on tho track ou
which tho express was running.
Tho engineer saw her and ImmedU
atoly rovorhcd tho lever. The next
lustnut the locomotive caught her
clothing and wrapped It about the
pilot of tho engine. She clung con
vulsively to her child. Then tho
engine dragged tho mother aud
child under its Yliwl a dlftuuce of
fully 100 feet. Their bodUs were
horribly mutilated, and whou
piolted up were uurccoguliuhle.
Mrs. Hill was .HS years old. She
leaves a Htllo baby at homo only n
few mouths old. Tito bodies of the
dead mother aud child are in charge
of the coroner.
Richmond, Vu., Feb. 2.-Tho his
toric old Appomutox court house
building was burned yesterday, und
all tho county records wens entirely
comsumed. Tho los of tho records
taivec the county in a bad straits.
Mcliftlno houso lu which General
Zo signed tho U'Nns of surrender
to General Grant, at ono time wajj
threteno( with destruction,
Washington, Feb. 2. Another
dewutud for tho recall of Minister
'Kgtu hm been mado, this tiiuo by
Aruold, Democrat, of Missouri, aud
JtHitHOfDl In Peniocratlo quar
fcm lW tl political dv(utb!)iy of
lt 4omr, a resolution providing
tm Vqwlry intv Minuter Egn'
auhiH U Wing dNWUwed. Hepub-
aMW who hive tnokeu my ch
questing tho president to recall Egftn
says, whereas tho latter by his gen
eral course of action towards that
government, and more especially by
his action In his giving asylum to
Chilians in tho Into strife between
the Congressional and Balmacedlst
parties, has rendered himself obnox
ious to that government and alien
ated in a marked degree tho former
friendship that people had for this
government; therefore, In order
that tranquility tuny in future bo
better assured and tho bonds of
friendship, which ought to exist In
all republics of tho Western hemi
sphere, may bo further cemented,
regardless of political parties, resol
ved that tho president be respect
fully asked to recall said minister to
Chill, to tho cud that reciprocity of
umlcablo relations may be had
and maintained between Chill und
tho United States.
New Yonic, Feb. 2. At a late
hour last night an overturned kero
sene lamp on tho second floor of a
live story brick tenement house, 80
Hester street storied a blaze which
in a few minutes has spread through
tho upper part of the building. The
lenants -wero panlo stricken. Some
unfortunates jumped and others
were knocked oil the lire escape to
tho stone court-yard below. Two
were fatally injured, and four others
nro suffering from broken limbs aud
other Injuries, Gusta Kauifmanu
nnd Fanny Levy, who lived on the
third floor, wero cut oil" from the
stalrcjse by the flames. They
Jumped, locked lu each others arms,
to the court-yard. They wero picked
upblecdlngand insensible. Solomon
Sollnsky tried to covo the Levy girl
by catching her in his arms, but her
weight crushed him, and ho fell to
ihe ground with a leg broken. Ida
DoldcnRtelu throw her 18-months-
old child nut of tho window, and Itl
was fatally injured. Itebeeca Pouo
mnu foil from tho tiro escape on
(ho fourth floor and broko her back.
She will die. Firemen soon got the
'.lames under control.
Seattle, Feb. 2. Jumes Evans,
tho negro who killed his wife at
Franklin last December, pleaded
Utility to murder in tho second de
gree In tho superior court yesterday.
IIo was tried two weeks ago, aud,
although tho evidence nguinst him
wus of tho most posltlvo nature, two
negroes on tho Jury stood out for
acquittal. Yesterday tho second
trial began. The regular panel and
au open veuire of twenty-four men
were exhausted without Beeuring a
Jury; thon Evans' attornoy,a colored
man, agreed with tho prosecuting
attorney that his client should plead
guilty of murder in the second
degree, tho penalty for which Is
from ton to twenty years' imprisonment.
Washington, Fob. 2. Tho ques
tion of Utah statehood Is likely to
becomo ono of tho political Issues
of tho present congress. A bill Is
now pending lu tho hoUBe for tho
admission of thut territory as a
state, aud yesterday Representative
Jiushnell, (Wis,) Introduced i reso
lution ou tho subject. Tho rcsolu
Hon declares that Utah hus a lurgcr
population than tho three adjoining
states of Wyoming, Idaho and
Nevada combined; that the president
lu his last annual messago, recom
mended Utah to bo kept out of
statehood uutll satisfactory evidence
of eftcctlvo laws against polygamy
be made aud maintained, because as
a territory congress could reach and
punish polygamy, while ns u stuto
It could not do so; that If tho United
States constitution bo amended so as
to prohibit polygamy, thon there
would be uo excuse against admit
ting Utah as a stute; therefore,
there Is submitted to tho several
states tho following, to be known
as article 10 ofameudmenta thereto;
1'olygamy shall uover oxlst with
in tho United States, or lu any
place subject to tholr Jurisdiction.
Congress shall havo power to mako
all needful laws for tho enforcement
of tho urtlclo.
A i'ioNt:i:u DEAD.
Ban Francisco, Feb. 2. Jacob
P. Leese, first whlto (American) set
tler In California, died hero yester-
day, aged 62 years, He oumo to
California in 1833, aud built tho first
houso lu San Frauclseo In 183G.
Washington, Feb. 2, Iudlau
soldier nro a sucocss. Major Theo
dora S. Slmwau, asslstaut adjutant-
ttcueral, who hus Just returned from
an extuublvo tour of inspection of
poU where theso now soldiers are
stationed, gives tho moat satisfactory
account of tho progress these braves
are making lu their new duties.
lX'spllo tho reports telegraphed east
from Whlpplu barracks and eovcrul
other western posts about tho In
toxication nnd disorderly couduct. of
the Indian troops, Major Shawau
a s there la much less Urunkeuuess.
among tho bucks than among tho
w hlto soldiers, He says he Investi
gated these reports carefully aud
found them greatly exaggerated.
Tho druukeuuesti of a sluglo Indian
wus tho only foundation for tho
report from Whipple barracks that
tliu whole troop was drunk aud on
iho ramMgc, A careful watch of
the hulilts of the ludluii soldiers has
U-oii kept by tho Qtllcent lu charge
since the U-vr pilvilego wan given
.hem at the cautivu, and with rro
exceptions (hero has been uo abuse
if thut privilege among thrtu. On
iho whole, the war department Is
Mm rxuighly vAtiitleti with the Iudlau
will bo court! by I ioldlerx, uml ivery tUbrt will bo
JMpn' fiUii w a slip wlikh vllluiutotogtjt the rull quota content aud u&vy department,
kit (e feki total YlHUUoti. Tip nlttkd. reveo huudr opO. ii.'ocUiajtbw
been enlisted, Nine companies are
fully organized, and two others are
about half completed.
SAVANNAti, Ga., Feb. 2. William
Love, of the Commercial guano
works, was shot dead by burglars a
little after midnight yesterday. The
officers beard a fusllade, and found
Lovo with a dozen bullets in bis
body, but no trace of the perpetra
tors. One week ago August Myer
wus nlso slain by burglars. .Five
men wero arrested and indicted for
the murder and three women nro
held os witness. A moss meeting
was held at which a committee was
appointed, to wait on Judge Tollgant
and notify him of the public discon
tent at tho slowness of the court.
He assured them that prompt meas
ures would bo taken.
Yuma, Ariz., Feb. 2. The author
ties of Cochleecouiity have Imported
a pack of bloodhounds from Hunter
vllle, Tex., to aid In tho chose of the
regegade Apaches. Masse and Kid,
two of tho worst renegades In this
territory, arc now in tho Cbirucahua
mountains with n small following.
These methods were adopted owing
to the inability of the army to reach
them. Lopez, tho criminal who es
cued from the territorial peniten
tiary Tuesday, has been recaptured
at Adonde. Lopez Is serving a
seven-year sentence.
Sacramento, Feb. 1. Wesley
Sullivan, a farm laborer, had both
legs cut off at 3 o'clock yesterday
In tho outskirts of tho city by u
freight train. It is thought be can
not lecover. His father and mother
live in Portland, Or. The man
either hud been drinking and had
ful leu asleep on the truck or else ho
had succumbed to a lit.
St. Louis, Feb. 2. A prlvute dls
putch received hero from Port
Townsend, Wash., stutcs: It Is be
lieved there that Marlon Hedsprelh,
the notorious leuder of the gang
which robbed the express train at
Gleudale, has been in that city
where ho is said to hnyo been trucked
by detectives. Tho trull wus lost ut
that point. Plnkertou's agent at
Portland, Oregon, is of tho opinion
Hedspretb has boarded a lumber
vessel ut Ilurrard's Inlet for Valpar
aiso, about two weeks ago, aud Is
now far beyond tho jurisdiction of
tno United States.
Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 2. The
houso committee considering a reso
lution providing for Investigation
of tho titlo of lirico to a seat lu tho
United Stutes senate reported toduy
recommending the whole matter to
be left to tho United States seuuto
with a request thut Senator Sher
man proceed In accordance with
rules of that body.
Stockton, Cul., Feb. 2. John
Baugerter, a Swede, lu the employ
of Aimer Drullurd, u farmer at
Waterloo, neur Stockton, was futuhy
stabbed by his employer Sunday,
Buugcrler wus 111 using some horses,
and Drullurd said u man who would
mistreat a horse was a dog. Tho
Swede Bald ho would allow uo man to
call him a dog, und commenced
beating Drullurd with his lists.
Drullurd urabbed up an open pocket-
knife thut lay on n seed-sowing
wagon aud slabbed Bungerter three
times. Tho wounded man died
Guthuik, O. T., Feb. 2. Tho
supremo court lias rendered u decis
ion upholding tho clause of tho law
opening Oklahoma, known as tho
"sootier" clause providing that any
person who entered laud before the
hour of opening, should lose all
right to obtain title to any lauds
Montreal, Feb. 2. Au explosion
of dynamite lu u suburb of the city,
shattered a dwelling, fatally Injur
ing tlueochllderu aud badly hurt
ing their rather. Whou the mother
saw tho terrible Injuries of her bus
baud aud children she became a
raving maniac
the rntsr claim.
Wahuinciton. Feb, 2. A claim
for Indemnity from tho Chilian gov
ernment for tho murder of Blgglut
ouo oi i no iiuiumoro's euliore u
Valparaiso wus presented to the
state depot tmeut today.
Kkaknky, Neb., Fob. 2. The
Commercial saving bunk closed Its
doors this morning, Capital stock
$100,000 nud deposits 130.000. No
statement of liabilities given hut
tho otllelals say tho depositors will
bo paid lu full.
PAKW, Tex., Fet. 2.-New from
llruuertowu lu tho Creek Nation
states that Ivum Gordon and Casor
llruner wero killed by a doputy
United States marshal aud one de
puty was seriously wounded. In n
light. Officers surrounded a uuiu
her of outlaws at Brnners houso with
above rvult.
Wasiu.nciton, Feb. 2.Tho his
sing of the BrttUh tl g by a crowd
at Bridgeport, Conn., attracted con
siderable attention lu department
circle yesterday. Tho dispatch
stMcstbfct tho BritUh (Ug was hl-sxl
becauao tho tuheouvr Qletideu, u
CauudUn craft, did mt als display
tho United States eualgu, and that
lu fulllug to do st the captain of tho
schoouer violated tho Uulted Stitei
law. This view nf tho cam is uot
borne out by Inquiry at tho state
where the
waj ho law
preamble to Arnold's resolution re-! about half tho number desired, havo requiring foreign vessels to display
, the United States flag on entering a
United Slates port.
Borne officials
said if the dispatch was a correct
statement of the facts in the case
the United States would probably be
called upon to apologize to Great
London, Feb. 2. A few mall baes
and 277 passengers wero safely
landed today from the steamer
Elder which was stranded on Ath
erlleld ledge yesterday. Tho posi
tion of tho vessel is now most
SAN Francisco, Feb. 2. The
stacks of wheat in tho Call board
wurehouso of tho state, on Feb. ag
gregated one hundred six thousand
tons, as against one hundred und
fifty-three thousand tons, ou Jun. I,
Savannah, Ga., Feb. 2. David
Porter, deputy collector of tho Port,
an officer in the local post of the
Grand Army of the Republic, and a
prominent Odd Fellow, was shot
dead early this morning, by his son.
Porter was beating his wife.
Paris, Feb. 2. Miss Mattie
Mitchell, daughter of United Slates
Senator Mitchell, bos recovered
from un attack of influenza.
Austin, Tex., Feb. 2. Adjutant
General Labrey has returned here
from tho sccno of Garza's depreda
tions on the Rio Grande, claims that
the rangers havo located Garza in
tho cbapparel, and expressed the
conviction thut his arrest will be
effected toduy.
Portland, ieb. 2. Wheat vul
ley, fl.65H.OO; Walla Walla, &1.60
Chicago, Feb. 2. Atcloso wheat
was easy, cash .S5J1; Muy .69.
San Francisco, Feb. 2. Wheat
season $1.02.
Johu Haley, Hulsted.
H N Fowler and wife, Staylon.
Geo H Williams, G H Cleeklug,
B Forward, F E Southard, O A
Mooie, E F Tucker.W N Feur, Miss
A Halt, J W Wuddle, J A Carey,
T B Wllcox.Chas E Ludd, Portland.
F D Cone, Kansas City.
H B Miller, Grants Pass.
H C Van Horn, F D Higgluboth
tirn, O W Syfers, J K Waguer, San
C II Simile, Chicago,
It N Ross, Sllverton.
J T Simpson, Sheridan.
M E Wallace and wife.
C A Gould, Spokane.
E II Willis and wife, Astoria.
W II Hrayle, M Trader, Wood
burn. G W Eoff, J L Eoff, Macleay.
H C Porter and wlfo Aumsvllle.
H Powers, Columbians. D.
G F Wilder, Corvollls.
S L Lovell, J H Kiusey, SAD
Peter, W N Jones, M McKay, Port
laud. J W Lalng, Boston.
D W Drydeu, Kings.
SWMlnturn, A 8 Heath, Geo
Heath, Ivle, Or.
C E Dayton, Salem.
C M Bates.
Letter List.
The following Is the list of lettera
remaining uncalled for In tho post
office at Salem, Feb. 2, 1892. Per
sons calling for the same will please
say "advertised:"
Amend Surah Berwcll Mrs L M
Pnrliwlt W A Sc
Son Brown Wm 2
Clark Miss Emma Clark W T
Cross Mark Cou rser N 8
Davis Miss Allle Davis Frank
Davis Barney Davis J B
Dickersou Mrs N Davidson Berr
Dutton L H Elliot Chas
Fisher Mrs Anna Gurrlson Mr Z
GuirisonJL Grlfllu Jno
Gilbert Mrs Cora Grldley OH
Getz Lawerence Hardy Sum H 2
Hastings H Geo HuysJaHA
Hutchinson Aunalrwlno Frank
Karr Wm LInqulst C F
Liviucstou Dos Miller I
Mack Miss Annn MooreErnryJ
AlcFarlaue Jno 2 McKenzie Jimma
1 inns m.
Nlckey H C 2
Pattou R D
Rice Chas
Russel D B
Stephens (J
Snyder W I
Shlndler Jacob
Thomas W A
Woeke Anton
Welti Dora
NyoMis Clara
I'eaoie Aioert
Robuisou Mrs K
Robblus T L
Schull F G
Speight Jas
8amples Band
Whlto Mrs E M
Wilson Jno N
Winkler Chus A
N. Gilbert, P. M.
Strength and Health.
Tf vou are not fcellnc strong nnd
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la
grippe" has left you weak and
weary, use Electric Bitters. This
remedy acta directly on liver,
stomach und kidneys, gently aiding
those or trans to nerform their rune
tions. If you nro uilllcted with sick
headache, vou will II nd speedy and
permanent relief by taking Electric
Bitters. One trial will convince
you that this Is the remedy you
need. Lare bottles only 60 cents
ut Daniel J. Fry's drugstore, 225
Commercial strtet.
Boy Wanted. Good sharp boy
at Great Eastern Tea Company, 317
Commercial street. Mention Jour
As Staple at Coupe.
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Is as staple as coflee in this vicinity
It hus done au immense amount of
good since its introduction here." A.
M. Nordell, Muplo Ridee, Minn.
For sale, by G. E. Good, druggist,
Dry Wood For sale cheap. In
quire of Wm. Hamburg, shoemaker
shop, near Bush's bank. l-30-3t
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed :
Iluckien's Arnica Stive,
Rest halve In the world far CuU.
ihulsefl, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Hores. Totter. ChuDDeil Unnd. Clillolalns
Uornu und alt Hkln Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Plies, or no pay required. It
ts guaranteed to give perfect satlHtautloD
or money refunded I'nch. 55 rent p,r
hox. Kor Bntn nv llnn'l I. Kry. 2.'5 Coin 't
Pnln from Indirection, d speps'n, nnd
loo hearty cutlnL-. Is relieved nt once uy
Inking ono of Carter's Little Ller Pills
Immediately alter dinner. Don't forget
it vou nro tired tnklmr the larce old
fashioned griping pills, try Carter's Little
Silver 1'ius una vuko some comiori a man
ran't stand o cry thing. One pill a dose,
Try them.
Prompt relief In sick headache,dlzzlness,
nnuscn, conNtlputloii, pain In the side,
guaranteed to those lining Carter', Little
Liver Pills. Due a dote. 4m.ill prloe.
ilium uoho. ninuu pin.
Deafness Can't be Cured
by local applications, ns they cauuo.
reach tho diseased portion ot theeurt
There Is only one way to cure deuf
uess, nud that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inllumcd condition of the mucous
lining of tho Eustachian Tube.
When this tube gets inhumed you
huve a rumbllug sound or imperfect
hearing, nud when it Is entirely
closed, deafness Is the result, nnd
unless the iullammutlou can bo
tiken out and this tubo restored to
its normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed forever; nine cases out
of ton aro caused by catarrh, which
Is nothing but an iullamed condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will glveono hundred dollars
for any ease of deafuess (caused by
catarrh) that wo cannot euro by tak
ing Hall's Citarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggUN, 75 cents.
X Synopsis of the Markets Uaylngiand
Selling Prices,
Hhoulriprs.Gugar cured.pcr lb,10,
Ilreakf.ist baoou 15
Hams Hugar cured, per lb, 16a.
Reef 612J
Pork 8 10
Mutton t.M2Xc.
Timothy seed Per pouud, 8c;" selling
Red clo er seed Per pound, He
White clover seed Per pound, 20c. "
AisiKt ioc per pouuu.
Red top ll)o per pound.
Lincoln Grass 12Xo per pound,
Ryo Oniss 100 per pound.
Orchard Ura8817o per pouud.
Now potato' H lOo per bushel.
Canned Frulu.Peuchcs, So 00; apricot,
$3 00; blackberries, $!; cum, best grades
S3 00; tomatoes tl 50. string leuns SI 0;
groeu peas SI 85: por dor. lu two lb cans.
Kresu Vegetables. Potatoes 40c; carrots
50o; pursnlps 75c; onions So per lb.
Klsli Halmon 810o per lb; HturgeoH 5
Toper 1 Iranian tlsh too per lb; salt salmon,
"ilOo per lb.
Wheat lash S6a, storage 8te.
Klour Per barrel. S5.00, best 11M lbs.
Oats Per biuliol. SOalttVCc
Barley Por bushe),45tS60o.
Uruu Per tou. Ut 00 at mill, sacked.
Hhorts Per tou, Sij 00 hacked.
Chp Per ton, SW.00 " sackod.
Wont 170 to cJo.
Kggs ix per dozen.
lNitatoea Per tmsliel.Wo
Corn meal So pei pound.
Ohi-oso laUo iwr pound.
Drlod plums Per lb. 670.
Dried prunes Por lb. llvaiJc,
llutter Jtxsi.kio ier pound for good
Hams Per pound,lli;o,
llacou sides IM1U per lb.
Hiiouiiuirs tSftwo per in.
Chlokens76) Iflc iwi pound.
xunieyti iu 10 no id,
Hood's Sarsaparill
is oarefully prepareil ttm Barsapaitlla,
tioudeltou, Mandrake, Dock, l'lislfsc:,
Jujlja-r Itertlos, and other w elt-Vnow-n ami
r.Junblo cm'tal)lo remedies, t-y a peeultir
tuiUiwtlnn, jiroiHirtlon, ami process, glv
. to Hood's SarsaparllU curative Hner
t jsuji'jscd by other medicines. It
ti-cU remaikable cures whers ottiers tall.
Hoou's Sarsaparilla
li ilioliest blood purifier. It cures Scrofula,
v U Klicum, llolli, riinples, arl Humors,
.'yspcpsla, lllllousucis, Sick ltcadacho,
l.nllceitUm, acneral Debility. Catarrh,
:.:.cumatlsni, KUacy aud Liter coiu-
I Lints; outcomes That Tired Feeling,
creates an apatite, builUs up tho system.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
tins met unrarsJIed success at homo. 8uch
Is Its jHipularlty lu Lowell, Mass., where It
I I titado, that Luwell drugslsU sell tuorn ot
IUhkI's Sinaparllia tlun all other sarsapa.
tiilascirUloodvurlQcrs. Tba same success
4 v itcullug all over tho country.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is rvu!Ur In Its strength and economy
It Is the oaly reiarntioa et vhlcU eat
truly I said " tw IVwes On IVllar." A
bolUoiJ lUHHl's8arsaririUatalieu accord
ing to dlrvouous, w m last a mouth.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is peculiar lu th eooAdenc It gitus anwns
ill clones otrrl hrUUeceucd
It tecocart a tarortte family remy. Do
twt b Induced to buy othr preparations,
bd uio to jet tho Peculiar Mdlelue
fituro. mrwsabj
Ducks. VJMrer lb
Hops, Kti-'io.
o. t HOOU CO, AithMrt.LtU. alas,
199 ptff pn DellfHr.
'Johu Anderson, my Joe."
In the Scotch ballad, wus about to tot'er
ilowu the declivity or life with his aged
wile. How It would lime smoothed the
rough places for the rropected Johu aud
tils venerable spouse could they have
cased their growing lurtrmltles. with Ho.
tutter'sHlomach Hitters, that bentgu help
to theagtd, the weak nud those recover
ing but slowly from exhausting diseases,
lieu the lamp of life lion the wane man
specially rtqulrtf medicinal aid, a sus
taining toute, n wholeMUiie cor ectlve.
Ibo aed aud the feeble are twrtlcuUrly
susceptible to luttuences which pnxluce
disease, romaltcenoe Is too often Inter
rupted by relapse. This staudard Ainerl
otu lovtsonint Is emlucnlly aduplrd tu
tho needs of such perout, and It always
'Ulls the bill." DyspentA, constipation,
rheumatism, kldueytixmblesnud la grippe
uiamuongtbn troubles ihatlv overcomes.
Quarterly Teachers' Examination.
VTOTICK la hereby given that the next
1 rrgu'ar quarterly examluatlou of ap
pllrants for leacberk' ccrtittcutca will be
held lu the
llaseuient 0( Ilia 8tate llouu,
lu Halem, Oregou, commeuelugal uoon on
Wednesday, the Uth ity uT f vbruar) ,ll"i
AppUcautsmust tepreeut at tin opeu
luc atklon. Appllosantsfor slat diplomas
uudsr the law rt&ed by the IcKtslalure at
Hie session of 1NM u 111 uImi be exaiutned at
the samo time aud placn.
I) W. -yODER,
tViunly Bupcrlutcndeut for Marlon
County, Orcjou. dwSxtd
Protects every person
suredin that state, so that he
... ,a w. .nnnfiv in case of misfortune as i's the
LiUlIlUU lU"ov. i" - j
casowith other Stata. You may fi.rgetyour policy but
tho policy Wt forgot you. It is tho safest and best.
Every man ought to carry Insurance and should put his
money whore he can't loose, it.
For tlm Children.
"In buyiugn cough medicine for
children' Bays H. A. Walker, a
prominent druggist of Ogden, Utau,
"never be afraid to buy Cunmber
ininia('niii.h Itpmpdv. There 1h no
danger from it and relief la always
sure to follow. I particularly recom
mend Chamberlain's because I have
found it to be aafe und reliable. 50
cent bottles for sale by G. E Goode,
Sick Headache ami relievo all the troubles lncl
dent to a bilious state of the system, such 01
Dtolneis, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress aftei
catlnpr, I'aln In the Plile, &o While their most
remarkable success has been shown iu curing
Hea-laci e, yet Carter's I.ittlb LrvEn Pitu
nre equally vshiable in Constipation, curing
nnd preventing this annoj ing complaint, whila
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
Mlraulato the liver and regulate the bowels.
!2ven If they only cured
clie they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing cemplaint:
Imt fortunately their goodness does not end
hre, and thoso who once try them will find
those little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
Uut after all sick head
is the bane of so many lives that here Is where
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
Carter's L:tti.b Liver Pills are very small
ind very easy to take. One or two pills make
1 dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents;
3re for SI Sold every w here, or sent by mall.
Cilia lUaiCUtS CO., Hew Tar.
UFiL Small Ik Small Fries.
In promulgating esoteric cogitations or
articulating superficial sentimentalities
and philosophical or psychological obser
vatious.beware of platudinous pondernsl'y.
Let your statements possess a clarified con
Useueis, compacted oomprebenslbleness,
coalescent consihtency ai d a concentra
ted cogency. .Eschew all conglauierailuus
of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement
and asinine nflVctlons. In trying t Im
press upon others the superiority of the
Wisconsin Central Lines, and why you
and so many others ue this thorougbtare
from Ht. 1'aul and Minneapolis and Dalutu
and Ashlaud to Milwaukee, Chicago and
polntseastandsoutli.lt U not necessary
to use Jawbreakers. Let your extempora
neous descantlngs and unpremeditated
expatlous have Intelligibility eraclouB vi
vacity, without rhodomontable or tliraso
Ical bombast. Sedulously avoid all poly
"yllnblo prorundlty, psittaeeous acuity,
ventriloqunl verbosity and vandlloquent
vapidity, shun double entendres, prurient
Jocosity aud pestiferous profanity, obscii
rent or apparent. In other words, talk
plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthful
ly, say the w lsconsln Central Lines is thk
mute, and that ends It llBly
Oregon Land Company's Price List.
10 acres ofland 5h milts south of Sflleru (postnffice)
best fruit land, nearly all cultivated. There will be 1 00
acres set to fruit, immediately adjoining this tract, this
spring; price, 50 per acre, $100 cash, balance easy pay
ments. Choice of four ten acre fruit tracts five miles south ol
Salem (postoffice) one all in cultivation, very sightly; two
other-; three-fourths in cultivation, balance good timber;
one three-fourths in cultivation balance in pasture, $45.00
per acre, cash, balance easy payment and long time.
Choice of 40 ten acre fruit tracts six miles south ot
Salem (postoffice) best fruit land, very desirable location;
snnnrrs rind rnnmnrr water, aaiomimr JUie ureeon juana
Company's model 100 acre orchard farm, three miles from
steamer landing. First choice $G0 per acre, 4 cash,
balance on eight years time, enabling purchaser to pay for
land out of the fruit crop This land will be set out to
fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner,
by the Willamette Valley Emit Growing company so that
a two year old orchard, complete in ever respect, will
cost the pur haser $125 per acre, including a good fence
around it.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company has
now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and - ill
take pleasure in showing anyone, who takes an interest in
fruit growing in the Willamette Valley, what they are
doing and how their orchards look. The people of Salem
and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at
the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com
pany, iu the Giay building with the Oregon Land com
pany and take a ride to Sunnyside and see what is being
done in the way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem,
Oregon. You will enjoy the ride to Sunnyside and see
something worth seeing.
Thirty acres best garden and hay land, good Wo story
house of nine rooms, hard finished, goodbarn, good
orchard, springs and running water, 2- miles from Turner,
price $2500.
3.5 acres of timber land 2 miles from Turner, 20 per acre, J cash,
balance in three equal aunual payments.
10 80 100 acres cultivated land with bouse, sprinpand orchard 3 miles
from 1 timer, $60 per acre, i cash, balauce iu three tqual annual payments.
IS -10-100 acres cultivated land with Imni and running water, 45
per aeie, dab, balauce iu three equal annuul payments. First' payment
will b taken in work. J
10 96-100 acres cultivated land, running water on land. ?40 per acre,
cash, balauce In three equal annual payments. First payment taken In
n OlK
Dra,f-10,(?ac,re9Psturntl timber land, all good land, with running
water, 3 miles from Turner, $25 per ucie.
tro6 f!?U 'P?? aS"R from 12 to 14 acres each, all cultivated, 200 fruit
trees on each lot, land all plowed, $45 per acre, J cash, balance In three
equal annual payments.
fUnVor,k.IHurhas.car,)en,.e!' work' cuttlnir wood, making rails, building
fence, setting nut and cultivation trees taken lA rmrt. ,nr. if.
K?AMuruL'ss' wnKri8. ?r buggies taken In part payment on laud.
piupeny, wnen unencumbered bv morttrnce or other
First National Bank,
On. W. H ltYUD
.Vlco Pie!dent.
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Trnunact n general banking business
In all IU branches.
.Vice President
i .Cashier
BinECTOItS: Geo. WUllama.Wm. Eng
land, J)r. J. A. Hlchardson, J. V. Hobson.
J, A. Maker.
Hank In new Exchange block on Com
mercial itrvet. &ll-tr
(Founded iu 1S6S.)
Also good city
claims, iaKeu in part payment on
Post Office Department,
Washington, D. C Jau. 15, 1892.
PROPOSALS will be leceived at
tho Contract Olllce of this Depart
ment until 4 p. m. of March 24th,
1602, for carrying the mails of the
Uulted States upon the routes, and
accoiding to the schedule of arrival
aud departure specified by the De
partment, iu the htate of Oregon
from July 8ti i892 to JuQe
1S91. 'List of routes, with schedules
of arrivals and departures, instruc
tions to bidders with forms, for con
tracts and bonds, and all other
necessary Information, will be fur
nished upon application to the Sec
ond Assistant Postmaster General
d-M8-6tm Postmaster General
limine- In all de-
VI nunu iu ino male. r.oww raica iiuui
I tuck lrnl Blank lr
tho Bute, ttd I
fneal hlAIirtt.
HMMYriAtw Brltm
Trunact Uauklng
lias rnoneuurr connectlonn. with
banks In Orem, WaahlnKton, Idaho and
iluulana, urnl corrMnoudenta In all the
prlnotpal toru of thiwa ctatos. Ctollec
tion inada Ihrouhout tho IViclflo and
hau-rn Matea and llrttlih America.
Urun of Eautern banka taken at rar
Knr laelllty atlbrded customer. coniuu
ent with couwri4ilv banklnr We hae
jlaijwnwproorTOUlt. with ample- room
rorthvkeephixol Wy boxe. and the
l?"S.. ??" w"fKl- 1'roor vault In the
.North wt. I18lmdw
Casli Market.
Vht. Wda, of tha "German Market -will
hewalter ull for cub only tad hit
prices will bti tha loweat. v ou
SVr"donm -MW.I. f.O
n-- Vrlta'mrblagfct. P ty Cou,r
raonosioKAi. caiuTs!
Couserratoiy or Music,
uveriraavntag v Mwii
niuuc. ftj teher.lji4m "sJhmU7
Voral and tnlramtal hhkW luuht i
tb hhih.t vkhMmm-. N7iZ,i."J," ?
ta Hidy NWk fExp aedlT
ne-aoamnpi.Uaa MawnZ
Uirei aiacouut. Iavl nipMBiaa alte-ao
prmltor. and oUWu oM J fi t tru bsina t'tb. U lsl.
bush bauk. rUw tr du
me mprenie court and In thaai.il m In
"nu will rwive SSi'St'XfiSS !
CI T. lt?Pirnrt. . .. " " '
i m wminL - "
WD. PUQH, Architect, Plans, Sped
, ncatlona and superintendence ior
all classes of buildings. Office 2)0 Com
mercial ht., up stairs,
CA. HOBERT, Architect, room 424, Mar
. quam building, Portland, Oregon.
17, J-,?lcpU8TLAND,CivilSanltaryand
Jty. Hydraulic Engineer. U. H. Deputy
?itMfni!su.r0'eror- "y surveyors olllce,
lottle-Parfchmst Block, Palem, Oregon.
W H. YOUNG. M. D., Ofllco formerly
rlL: up'co ty Dr. Rowland, corner
Lourt .and Liberty streets. Telephone No.
'.. ,?lc,? heurs: 8a m. to 12: 2 tp 4 p. in.,
and 7 too p. m. Residence li$th street on
electric car line. Telephone No. 0.
XJ e
W. S MOTT. rjhvsiplnn nnrt oni
geon. Office in kimii nin.b .
eni.Oreenn. iuiIi. i,n,,, in . .r. ' ..,
inip. m. " l" ".'"
F. Bn",1i,?-I!?0K M- D.,Homeopathlst.
MTh J? ce.15Joun street; Renldeuce 347
ntiSSiiJlf.1, GeLerl practice. Special
? liHdren S e dlscase8 of Women and
lifuu. i-ractlce limited tn ri hpahph
i I'byBlclnnandsur-
aih?ni.nH8 en. Catarrh Including
rntn?in.druptureorliernui- Office In
hSmiit?v.roomBUa,,d 1A Office hours
lU-tf a m and fronB a 0 p. m.
MINTA H A T111TIU rn l ,
Bom i ii ;"""' ". W" UUUIB,
iir. .. J ." ." ". i. a P. in. io o D. in.
Sbeeini ni??1.?1"8 Promptly attended to.
eu and nhifn tlon 8n en to.d'seases of Worn
o Loiumerelal street. Healdence bame.
DRthi wiffi1-?'8' I)eDtIst- OHleeover
merclaistWeu? t0ruer' Court nlul Cow'
SltHaiemS olT1l.D.en.,Ut.W 8ta .
is or JS'J,J' l 'n'sntd dental opera
tion! a6DelS,,les;rl,Uon- rra-
OPRAGyK 4 ALLEN. Hl.rU.mlth. nnrt
b5t woJkiDB nB? rtiulrlug. Only the
iu ourmn lo5'lni11iarrt?8work. Wehave
J VUodnY" , Mlacksmlth. o
P. Jkmw:i,L,an1n.fiu:turo ot
ty. febopirhutesuee'ea'PeclaJ.
rs, Bewer-
Oregon. Oi
attorney at Uv .Salem.
upuunj la Patton'i
Eat-01. of of bundln Jl
BrtSSt?.?25 iaTko
OOttdanir. M-"''iuwwa;proaiDtlr
ev Bmh
ruBprr-iAviNR i .v. . .
KJ eaiMM-gewrnV T? ".??cly oi
taken nrmnd rViiTrt .vr.K "BK carpeu
cleaning UntartS&SS t "oQ
or Born iCS. onJer? w,,u. .J.-. . i.una
'- "V "ItilAN,
G?h'5i,I52K!S.! IVrceUJn
nyPoweiaifl TiVfhV.K V tvetho