, Zfc-- r w "WW ' WIWWP' 'I mHmmmmmaassmmm lJ mstssis.'ri:ym8mm't LABOHmd H8EMI TAKE OARKI & oar tsricm ss casYE."ri ST. JACOBS OIL, THE CBEAT HEMEDY FOR PAIN. rrrncs Sprains, Dralscs, Cats, Wound's, Sorewai, Stlfflwsi, 8wtHnns, Backache, We- rhtfla; SelMMr mh-m. 'JSUiifiNCE 1A HEAVEN,, ri lr? iATED BUT THE SPACE OF ikt -fWRTY MINUTE3. r TkhMHft rrearh from the Tteautt- Ml Vest in Revelation Thai Tells l i ',! Mm Only Itttormlsalriri BMr Known In rf riMliKr TH 8rmot In Full P SkoorLyk, Jrm. dl."-fir. TaJmago w of lat boon urcacliiriK on toxta wot Scripture that 8Qom to hrtVo boCn l&itoa, and hoto is a sermon on a itiful text which probably was ivof leforo fcolecUd for a dlficoureo. jvolation viii, 1, "Thoro wan Hilonco hoavon about tho bimico of half an wur. i Tho busiest plaro in tho uniroio la ' fceaVon. It Is tho con tor from which IjJi good infliiouoea Htart: itifl thogoal vit wTiirh all pood results arrive Tho Bible roproftmts it as active with wheels and winps and orchestras and groccHBions mounted or charioted. BUt iny text describes a spaed whon i: tho wheols ccaoed to roll, and tho irotnpotH to sound, and tho voices to chant The1 riders on the white " jborflCfl reined hi their chargers. Tho 'doxologieu wore liUshed and tho pro- . euBions halted. Tho hand of arrest whm nut upon ail tho unlomlorw. "filop; heaven I" cried an dmpipotont "roko, and it stopped, for thirty minutes everything celestial stood till, '"Thoro wort Hiloneo in heaven lor half on hour." IIRAVES'a ONLY INTKltMISSIOTJ. From Rllwocauloarnit to tho only time hcaVon over btoppod. It docs not stop as other cities, for tho night, for there jfl no night thero. It does not stop for a plague, for the inhab itant novor Bays, "I' am sick." It docn joot stop for bankruptcies, for its in habitants novor fnll. It does not stop for impoHKablo streeta, for there are a no fallen wiows nor sweeping fresh ets. What, thon, ptopixxl it for thirty xninuteaj Grotiuu and Professor StU iirt think that it was at thotlmoof tho destruction of Jerusalom. Mr. Xord thinlca it was in thoyoar.lll, bfltwocn tlio closoof tho Dioclotian persecution and tho Iwginning of the , wars by which Constontiue gained ' tho throno. But that was all a guess, though a learned and brilliant guess. I do not know when it was and I do not caro whon it was, but of tho fact that such an interregnum of sound took placo I nm cortain. ' 'Thoro was ifonoe in heavon for half an hour." And, first of all, wo may learn that Qod and all heavon honored silenco. The longest and widost dominion that Vfw existed is that over which still nem was queen. For an eternity thero hud not boon a sound, World making wjw a later day occupation. For un imaginable ages it was n rauto uni valve'. Qod was tho only being, and mh thero was no ono to Bpoak to thoro irM no uttoranco. But that sildueo "km boon all brokon up into worlds, and it has becomo a noisy universe. "Worl'da iuv uphonvol, world in cou- H gelation, worlds In conflagration, worlds in revolution. If geologists aro right (and 1 bo Jievo tljoy aro) thero has u6b been a momont of silence sinco this world began ltd travels, and the crashings. and tho aplittingfl, and tho uproar, and tho hubbub aro over in progress. ,Bat whon among" tho uioritul a . Toico cried, "Hufihf aud for half an jirmr heaven was still, bIIoiico was tlumorodt Tho full power of silonee imany of us hnvd yet to learn. Wo 'are told that when Christ was ar lgiiid "IIo answored uot a word," That siloncO was louder than any thunder that over nhook tho world. Ofttinios, whon wo aro juwuilod and mlsreproHenteil, tho mightiest thing to, say is to say nothing, and -the InifdmeHt thing to do is to do jabthing. Thoso people who nro al ways rushing into print to get thorn wAvep set right acconipllHh nothing but their own chagrin. Sdohcol Do right and leave tho rosults with Qod, Aawng tins ginndoat lkww the iwbrfd has avov Iwumwl w-o tlu lw sous of pationeo taught by thoso who endured uncomplainingly pemonul or domestic or soclnl or political in -jutrtieo. Stronger than suiy bitter or warcftsUe or rovengtful answer was tb patient tiiluuco, Tho famous Dr MorriKin. of Choi Hea, accomplished as unic'i by his MUeut iwtionw as by his m und tomgw. Uo had asthma thnt for 4weity-fiYo yeartj brought hhn out of iiifc couch ftt two o'clock each mo rn I ng. Sta four mm and daughters dead. "TW remaining child by uunsti-oko Wde insane Tho mulcted nuui paid, "At this moment thero is not iiwlt of my body that is uot (Wed t-wHh agony.M Yot ho waa cheerful, .teiwwpliant, sdlout Those who were 'itt Hhi presonco said they felt as Kbough they woro in the gnto of iMAven. Oh, Ujo power of patient silenco! ftwhylus, tho iinmortal ioet, wis Wdnnotl to ilonth for writing wmethlng tluHon'onded tho people. JkU Uw pleao in his Iwhnlf weio of 1w avail until his brother uncovered tt arm of Uo prisoner und uhnwtsV fUtiat hi hand had Iweityfihot on at atatomfe. Tht silent plea libonitttl ihiw. Tbe lmwlot thing on earth in Mkuoo If H 1 of tho right kind and jsl ttMriM Uw, ThorcrwaHaipuuut bruin, HfMMJetl m ttwow wyio, anew wtmr te Uw cihurckea: flM im h ot mtrget me Mm wHe tmmi ruM. Xr the Kttl k Oiom ik-ov 4W kkoot wkU l!i loiiflwl miom uulJ. 1,. iist.wrUAu linU. I MJ II WWil, turn llB bvh v vt- U mJi 4k SlftF.Uu 'ilkIjkf til th6 mutt tit Mm H 4t,Jor it xiiid. do riiiUI' Heaven n.t lieou crowning kings tuid quocms unto God for many centuries, yot neaven novor stoimed a momont for any Buch ocduiTonco. but It Btoppal thirty minutes for tho coronation of Silenco. Thorb was silOnod in heaven for half an hour." THKY AHE BUSY IN HBAVKIf. Learn also from my txt that hoav.en must bo an. ovdntftil und ac tive place, from tho fact that it could a(T6rd only thirty minutes of recess. There havo boon events on earth and id heavon that Bccmed to demand a wholo dajr or a wholo week or a whole year for celestial consideration. If Orotiua was right and this sDonco oc curred at tho timo of tho destruction of Jerusalem, that scene was so awful and so prolonged that tho inhabltanta of heavon could not havo done jus tico to it in many wcoks. After fear ful besiegoment of tho two fortresses of Jerusalem Antonio and Hippicus --had been going oil for d long while, ft Roman Boldier mounted on tho shoulders of another soldier" hurled into the window of thp tomplo a fire brand and tho tomplo was all aflame, and aftei4 covering many sacrifices to tho holiness 6f God, tho building it self became n sacrifice to tho rago of man. Tho hunger of tho pcoplo in tluit city during the bosicgemont was so groat tliat as eomo outlaws woi-o passing a doorway and inhaled tho odors of focd thoy burst opeh the door, threatening the mother of the household -with death unless slid gave tlioul some food, and she took them onido aud showed them that it was her own child that she was cooking for tho ghastly ropast. Six hundred priostrt woro destroyed on Mount Zion bocauso tho temple being gono thoro was nothing for them to do. Six thousand pcoplo in ono cloister wero consumed. Thoro woro ono million ono hundred thousand dead, accord ing to Josophus. Grotius thinks that this was tho causo of silenco in heavon for half an hour. If Mr. Lord was right and this si lenco was during tho Dioclotian per secutions, by which eight hundred and foity-four thousand Christians suffered death from sword and firo and buniwhmout and oxposuro, why did uot heaven liston throughout ftt least ono of thoso awful years! No I Thirty minutes 1 Tho fact is that tho colofltiul progrnmmq is so crowded with speotacfo that It can afford only ono recess in all otornity, and that for a short spaco. Whilo thoro aro great choruses in wliich all heaven can join, each soul thoro has u story of diviuo morcy poculiar to iteolf, and It must bo a solo. How can heaven got through with all Ita reci tatives, with all its cantos, with all its grand marches, with all ita vic tories? Eternity is too short to utter all tho praiso. lu my text heavon Bparod thirty minutes, but it will nover again sparo ono minute. In worship in earthly churches, when thoro aro many to take part, wo havo to counsel brov ity, but how will hoavon got 6n rai- idly enough to lot one hunarea nnu forty-four thousand got through each with his own story, and then tho ono hundred and forty-four mil Hon. and thon tho ono huudrod and forty-four billion, and thon tho ono hundred and rorty-tour trillion. TRIUMPHS TO UK OOMMKMOKATUD. Not only aro all tho triuinpbB of tho post to bo commomoratou, but all tho triumphs to como. Not ouly what wo now know of God, but what wo will know of bun after ovorlast ing Btudy of tho Doific. If my text hud said thoro was aileuco in heavon for thirty days 1 would uot have boon Htnrtlod at tho announcement, but it Indicates thirty minutes. Why, thoro will bo o many frionds to hunt up; ho many of tho greatly good and usoful that wo will want to soo; so nmny of tho inscrutnblo tilings of earth wo will need explained; bo many exulting earthly exporionoeB wo will want to talk over, aud all tho otlior Bplrlts aud all tho ages will want tho same, that thoro will bo no more opportunity for cessation. How busy we will Iw kept in haviug pointed out to us the heroes und horoincH that tho world novor fully appreciated - the yellow fever and cholera doetora who died, not flying from their posts; tho femalo nurses who faced pcatiluuco in tho lazarettos; tho railroad engineers who staid at their places in order to save tho train though they themselves porlshod, lluborl Gollln, tho master minor, who, lauding from tho buckot at tho lnittom of tho mine Junt as ho heard tho waturs rush in and wheu one Jerk at the roiw would havo lifted him intosafety, putnblludminorwho wanted to go to his sick child in tho bucket and jerked tho rope for. hhn to bo pulled up, crying, "Toll them tho water has burst in aud wo are probably lost; but wo will Book rof ugo nt the other end of tho right gal lory." and thon giving tho command to the other minora till thoy digged themselves bo near out that tho ixx Ilo from tho outside could como to their rofteuo. The multitudes of men and women who got uo crown on earth wo will want to o whon thoy get thoir crown In beaveu, I tell (rou heaven will havo uo more half lours to enure. Besides that, heaven la full of chil dren. They are In tho vwt majority. No child on earth that amount to anything can bo kept qutot half an hour, and how are you going to keep ftvo hundred million of them quiot ball an how. You know heaven Is M&eh wore of a j4otka rt WM when that recess of thirty minutes occurred. Ita population has quad rupled, nextupled, cenhipled. Heaven has more on hand, more of rapture. more of Imowlodge. more of inter communication, more of worship. Thoro is not so much diffcronco be tween Brooklyn sovonty-fivo j'ears ago. when thoro wero a few houses down on the East river and tho vil lage reached up only to Sands street, lucompared with wh.-.t thisgreatcity is now yea. not so much difference between Now York whon Canal street was far up town and now whon Canal street is far down town, than there is a dffteronco Iwtwcen what heaven waa when my text was written and what heaveu is now. Tho most thrill ing place wo have over been in is stupid compared with that, and if wo now have no timo to sparo wo will thon have no eternity to spare. Si lence in heaven only half an hour I HALF HOURS TO BE IlKHKMnCRKD. My subject also impresses mo with tho immortality of a half hour. That half hour mentioned in my text is more widely known than any other period frt tho calendar of heaven. Nonp of tho wholo hours of heaven are measured off, none of the years, nono of tho centuries. Of tho mil lions of ages past and the millions of ages to como. not ono i3 esixx-ially meosuwxl off In the Bible. Tho half hour of my text is made immortal. Tho only part of eternity that was over measured by earthly timepiece was measured by tho minuto hand of my text. Oh, tho half hours I They decide everything. I am not asking what you will do with tho years or montlis or days of your llf o, but what of the half hours? Tell mo tho history of your half hdurs and I will tell you tho story of your wholo lifo on earth and tho story of your whole lifo in eternity. Tho right or wrong tilings you can think in thirty minutes, the right or wrong things you can say in thirty minutes, tho right or wrong things you can do in thirty minutes ore glorious or baleful, inspiring or desporate. Look out for tho frag monto of timo. Thoy aro pieco-J of eternity. It was tho half hours between shoe ing horses that made Elihu Burritt tho learned blacksmith, the half hours between professional calls as a physician that made Aborcrombie tho Christian philosopher, tho half hours between his duties as a schoolmaster that made Salmon P. Chaso chief jus tice, tho half hours between shoo lasts that mado Henry Wilson vice president of tho United States, the half hours between canal boats that mado James A. Garfield president. Tho half hour a day for go6d books or bad books, tho half hour ft day for pruyor or indolonco, tho half hour a day for helping others or blasting others, tho half hour before you go to business, and tho half hour after you return from business: that makes tho difforonco between the scholar and the ignoramus, botweon tho Christian and tho infidel, bo tweon tho saint and tho demon, bo tweon triumph and catastrophe, be tween hoavon and hell. Tho ni03t tromondous tilings of your lifo aud mbio woro certain half hours. Tho half hour when In tho parson age of a country minister I resolved to bocomo a Christian thon and thoro; tho half horn whon I decided to bo como a preacher of tho Gospel; tho half hour whon I realized that my son was dead; tho half hour whon I stood on tho top of my hoitso in Ox ford atroot and buw our church burn ; tho half hour in which I entored Jorusalom ; tho half hour in which 1 asconded Mount Calvary; tho half hour in which I Btood on Mars hill; tho half hour in which tho dedicatory prayer of this tomplo was mado, and about ton or fifteen other half hours are tho chief times of my lifo. You may forgot tho uamo of tho oxact years or most of tho important ovonts of your oxistenco, but thoso half hours, like tho half hour of my text, will bo immortal. I do not ouory what you will do with tho twontibth century, I do not quory what you will do with 1892, but what will you do with tho uoxt half hour? Upon tliut hinges your ilea tiny. And during that somo of you will receive tho Gospel and mako comploto surrendor, and during that others of you will mako final anil fatal rejection of tho full and froo and urgent and Impassioned offer of lifo eternal. Oh, that tho next half hour might bo tho most glorious thirty minutes of your earthly oxistonco. Far back hi history a great geographor stood with a Bailor looking at n globe that represented our planot, and ho pointed to a placo on tho globo whore ho thought thoro was an undiscov ered continent, Tho undiscovered continent was America. Tho geog rapher who pointed whore ho thought thero was a now world was Martin Behaim, and tho sailor to whom ho allowed it was Columbus, This last was uot satisfied till ho had picked that gem out of tho sea and eot it in tho crown of tho world's geography. Oh, yo, who havo boon Bailing up Mid down tho rough seas of sorrow and Bin, lot mo point out to you an other continent, yea, anothor world, that you may yoursolves fiud a rap turous world, and that is tho world a half hour of wliich wo now Btudy. Oh, sot Bail for it I Here is tho ship and horo ore tho compasses. In othor words, mako this half hour, begin ning at twenty minutes or twelve by my watch, tho grandest half hour of your Tire and bbcbmo a Christian. Pray for a regenerated spirit Louis XTV, whilo walking hi tho garden at Versailles, met Manwird, tho great architect, and tho architect took off his hat before tho king. "Put on your hat," said tho king, "for tho evening is damp and cold." And Mansard, the architect, tho rest of tho evening kept on his hat. The dukes and marquises standing with bare heads before tho king expressed their surpriso at ManBard. but tho king said, "I can mako a duko or a niarquls, but God only can mako a Mansard." And I say to you, my hearers, God only by his convicting and converting graco can moke a Cliristian, but he is ready this very half hour to accomplish it A STUDY OF HKAVEN. Again, my text suggests a way of studying heaven so that wo can bet ter understand it. The word "eterni ty tnar we uaniue x much is an immeasurable word. Knowing that we could not understand that word, tho Bible uses it only once. Wo say, "Forever and over." But how long is "Forever and over?" I am glad that my text pute under our oyo heaven for thirty minutes. Ah when you would seo n great picture, you put a sheet of papor into u scroll and look through it, or join your forefinger to your thumb and look through tho circlo lKitweon, and tho picture be comes more intense, so this master piece of diea von by St. Jolin is more impressivo when wo take only thirty minutes of it at a timo. Now wo havo something that we can como nearer to grasping and it is a quiot heaven. When we discuss about tho multitudes of heaven, it must bo almost a nervous shock to thoso who have all their lives been crowded by many people and who want a quiet heaven. For the last thirty-fivo yei.rsl havo been much of tho timo in crowds and under public Bcrutiny and amid excitements, and I havo sometimes thought for a few weeks after I reach heaven 1 would like to go down in somo quiet port of tho realm, with a few friends, and for a littlo whilo try comparative solitude. Then thero are those whoso hear ing is so delicate that thoy got no satisfaction whon you describe tho crash of the eternal orchestra and thoy feel like saying, as tho good woman in Hudson, N. Y,, said, after hearing mo speak of tho mighty chorus of heavon, "That must bo a great heavon, but what will become of my poor head?" Yes, this half hour of my text is a still experience. "Thero waa filenco in heaven for half an hour." You will find tho inhabitants all at homo. Enter tho King's palaco and take only a glimpse, for wo havo only thirty minutes for all heaven. "Is that Jesus?" "Yes." Just under tho hair along his forehead is tho mark of a wound made by a bunch of twisted brambles, and his foot on tho throne has on tho round of his instep another mark of u wound mado by a spike, and a scar on tho palm of tho right hand and a scar on tho palm of tho loft hand. But, what a counte nance I What a smile! What a gran dour I What a loveliness ! What an overwhelming look of kindness and grace! Why, ho looks as if ho had redeemed a world ! But como on, for our timo is short. Do you seo that row of palacsa? That is tho Apos tolic row. Do you seo that long reach of architectural glories? That is Martyr row. Do you seo that im menso structure? That is tho biggest houso in heavon; that is "tho House of Many Mansions." Do you seo that wall? Shftdo your oyes against its burning splendor, for that is tho wall of heaven, jaspor at tho bottom and amethyst ut tho top. Seo this river rolling through tho heart of thtfjgreat metropolis? That is tho x-ivorVvoiTcerning which those who onco UvikI on tho banks of the Hudson, or tho Alabama, or the Rhine, or the Shannon, say, "We novor saw tho like of this for clarity and sheen." That is the chiof river of heavon-so bright, so wide, so deep. But you ask, "Whore aro the asylums for tho old?" I answer, "Tho inhabitants are all young." "Whore are tho hospitals for the lamo!" "Thoy areallagilo." "Where aro tho infirmaries for the blimlfand deaf?" "Thoy all see and hear." "Where aro tho almshouses for the poor?" "Thoy aro all multimilliou aires." "Where aro tho inobriate asylums?" "Why, thoro are uo saloons." "Whore aro tho gravo yards?" "Why, they nover die." Pass down thocjoboulovardsof gold and amber and sapphire and seo thoso interminable streets built by the Architect of tho universe into homes, ovor tho threshold of which sorrow novor Btejw, and out of whoso win dows faces, onco polo with oartlUy Bickuoss, now look rubicund with im mortal health. "Oh, let mo go In mid bco them I" you 6ay. No, you cannot go in. There are thoso jhoro who would nover consent to let you como up. You say, "Lot mo stay here in this placo whore they novor Bin, whore thoy novor suffer, whore thoy novor part" No,uol Our timo is short, our thirty minutes aro al most gouo. Como on I Wo must get back to earth before this half hour of heavenly Biloueo breaks up, for in your mortal state you cannot ouduro tho pomp and splendor and resonance whon this half hour of silenco is ended. Tho day will como wheu you con boo heaven In full blast, but not now. I am now only showing you heaven -CLEAN! If yomvould bo dean and hayo your clothes done up in the neatest and dretaiest manner, take thorn to tho SALKX STEAM LAUNBKY whero all ork-is done by whito labor nnd in the most ' twuipt'uwuuor, COLONEL J, OLMSTED. Liberty Street at tho dullest half hour of au wo eternities. Como on I Thero is some thing in the celestial apiearanco which makes me think that tho half hour of silence will soon bo over. Yonder are tho white horses being liitchcd to chariots, and yonder aro seraphs fingering harps as if about to strike them into harmony ana yonder are conquerors taking down from tho bluo luilbt of heuven tho trumpetfl of victory. Remember, wc are mortal yet and cannot endure tho full roll of heaven ii.nrmnniou nnd jnnnt endureeven tho silent heaven for more than half an hour. Hark! tho clock in tno tn-am-r nt hoavnn besrinH to strike and tho haft hour is ended. Descend' Como back I Como down I tiU your work is done. Shoulder a littlo longer your burdens. Fight a little longer your battles. Weep a little longer your griefs. And then take heaven, not in its dullest half hour, but in ita mightiest pomp, and instead of tak ing it for thirty minutes, take it world without end. VOUH FIRST HALF HOUR. But how will you spend the first half hour of your heavenly citizen ship of ter you havo gono in to stay? After your prostration before tho throno in worship of him who mado it possible for you to got there at all, I think tho rest of your first half hour in heaven will bo passed in re ceiving your reward if you have been faithful. I have a strangely beauti ful book containing tho pictures of tho medals Btruck by tho English government in honor of great bat tles; these medals pinned over tho heart of tho returned heroes of tho army on great occasions, tho royal family present tho Crimean modal, tho Victoria Cross, tho Waterloo medal. In your first half hour in heavon in somo way you will bo honored for tho earthly struggles in which you won tho day. Stand up before all tho royal houso of heaven and re ceive tho insignia whilo you aro an nounced as victor over tho droughts and freshets of tho farm field, victor ovor tho temptations of the stock ex change, victor over professional al lurements, victor over domestic in felicities, victor over mechanic's Bhop, victor ovor tho storehouse, victor over homo worriments, victor over physical distresses, victor ovor hered itary depressions, victor over sin and death and hell. Take tho badgo that celebrates thoso victories through our Lord Jesus Christ. Take it in tho presence of all tho galleries saintly, angelic and divine! Thy saints In all this glorious war Blmll conquer though thsj- dlo; Tliey seo the triumph from nfur And seize it with their oye. Something of n Weapon. Polico Captain Cox exhibits a mur derous weapon in tho city jail, tho like of which has never been seen in this city. It is a folding sword that can bo used either as a club or a sword, and when opened is about two feet and a half in longtli. Its blade mado of heavy steel, tapers to a point at tho end, and both edges are sharpened. Tho weapon is heavy enough to take off a head at a single blow. It can bo opened in an instint by press ing a Bmall spring at tho end of the hilt, which lots a heavier spring throw out tho blado. Captain Cox says tho weapon is on historical relic, having been found on tho field of tho Custer massacre, but tradition and Jailor Hudson say that it was onco tho property of Turkish brigands. Portland Oregonian. Slodern Interest In Pirates. Such feoblo interest as now at taches to what was onco tho formid able famo of tho pirates is not oven orthotic, it i3 merely comic No im aginative essayist discusses piracy as a fino art, but Paul Jones is resur rected as tho hero of a musical bur lesque. Poor Paul! And ho is al most tho only ono of tho wholo buc caneering raco whoso story discovers a trace of tho legondary gallantly of piracy. Paul, whoso father had boon head gardenor to Lord Selkirk, plun dered tho Selkirk mansion of its plato, which ho subsequently re turned in a parcel to Lady Selkirk, with a lotter of polito apology. Na tional Reviow. Monsters with Many Horns. Many of tho giant reptiles of long ago had enormous bonis. Tho great lizard known as tho tricorutops had a big horn ovor each oyo and a littlo ono on its noso. Tho dinoccrns and tinocoras, gigantic mammals of tho tertiary epoch, liad threo pairs of prominences on their heads which aro behoved to havo supported horns. Howovor, tho material of which horn is composed quickly decays, being largoly formed of golatino and othor animal matter, so that theso appendages aro apt to bo fouud nbsont when tho fossil boues of beasts which had them are found. Inter viow in Washington Star. g llclplue One Another. Says ft bright New York weman: "Woman lias been called tho weaker vessel, tho clinging viiio, through all tho nrw Now ovorv one's weakness aud strougth is in strojika tot the strong compliment tho weak m this marriago Ixmd. If tho wife hasn't enough strength of mind to gut past a bargain ootiuter. lot tho husband guard tho exchequer. If the man is axtravnrmnt. let tho woman kivp tho purso. Some men never win svo mouoy until tnoy nre marriev On Vr Urluk frum a l'uhtlo Cup. When It U necessary to relieve one's thirst abroad, If tho cup ba tlllwl quite full and placed to the mouth lu such a way Unit tho riui will be about half iu Inch below tho under lip, ono can drink from the surface of the water. In this way no parW of tho vessel, to which some particles of poisonous matter may still be clinging, will touch tho delicate skin of the lip. It is hardly necessary to add that tho water which adheres to the mouth and below tho lips should, be removed by & handkerchief and not by tho tongue. Her Tolntof View la flew York Tune. - Nervous mrnvm swrEgSssAs roretlsbed, and hence w , . Tg ol which many cotnpWn. o . .net. tases, thete ta no reg OT 4 Ayefs Sarsaparllia. " " "Som. tlmf ago I Ag & fn'?3 entirely run down. " "r and ,-ery conitant fatigue and languor all other medicines 1 have t -Frank Mellows, t, ne'3 ":;d w5th -For months I vKBT,or, nerV0U,S rVTmrandmenta itP'. peneral aeblUty, ana menu. r AvMr' Untroubled with Dizziness, Sleep lessness, or Bad Dreams, take Aver's Sarsaparilla, . , c Aver & Co., Lowell, Mass. The fJMlfliTlltaefc. r tarn .rf,nWlfnnrV tiling 00- corredafew days before the death of Queen Thercm of Bavaria. King Louis and Queen Theresa were passing the rammer in the castle of Archailenbe. where their son-in-law, the Grand Duke Louis III of Hesse-Darmstadt, came to im in tlm Avenincr. when all 01 the court were at tea, several persons present saw a woman in deep mourn ing silently glide through the room. She stopped a moment behind the chair of the queen and fixed her eyes upon her majesty. Then she disappeared i, .,. UaAnnrn( tlis antechamber. The grand duko arose hastily and rushed alter tlie mysterious visitor. was angry with tho oIHcer on guard for permitting a stranger to come in unan ,,r,nA Ti,o Inttpr declared, how ever, that he did not see a single soul In tho antechamber or In tho royal parlor. Tho Duke came back and resumed his scat. His pale face excited the curiosity of the assembly, and at last he was obliged to tell what had hap pened. Queen Theresa, when she heard the description of the visitor, arose with the cry, "It is for me that she has come I" Shortly afterward tho queen returned to Munich and died thero of the cholera. Galignani Mes senger. A strange whim was that of an officer in the English army who could not sleep if his tooth brush and himself oc cupied the samo apartment. "German Syrup j w Here is something from Mr.Frank A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt House, Lewiston, and the Tontine Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men meet the world as it comes and goes, and are not slow in sizing people and things up for what they are worth. He says that he has lost a father and several brothers and sis ters from Pulmonary Consumption, and is himself frequently troubled with colds, and he Hereditary often coughs enough to make him sick at Consumptlonhis stomach. When ever he has taken a cold of this kind he uses Boschee's German Syrup, and it cures him every time. Here is a man who knows the full danger of lung trou bles, and woyld therefore be most particular as to the medicine he used. What is his opinion ? Listen ! "I use nothing but Boschee's German Syrup, and have advised, I presume, more than a hundred different per sons to take it. They agree with me that it is the best cough syrup in the market" OR. HUES Jw SjJfiESTORATWE lllif VHERYIHE. M' WKEottk IASh DILmM'Nill There Is noUitng like tho RCSTORATIVE NERVINE dlscorered by the inost specialist, DR. MILCS, to cure sll oerTous dtieuos, as Hoadnoha, the Blues. Nervous Prostra tion, Sleeplessness, Neuralgln, Ct. Vitus, Donoo.Flts and Hysteria. Many phytlctans uo It In thoir practlcs, and ssy the remits are wonderful. We haie hundreds of texiaonlals Ilk thete from druggists. -Wo have cotcr known anjthtni llko It." b A Co Byroeuie. M Y. Eyerr bottle sold brings words of pralu," J. a. Wolf, UlllHlale, lllch. The best seller wo eyer hsd.'1 Woodworth ft Co., Fort Wayne, lnd. "MerTlne sails better than anything wo eter had " 11. F. Wyatt Co., Conei rd. N. II, Trial botUe and book ut UstunonlalaVrceatdrucxUU. OR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart.lnd. TRIAL IiOTTXE FHEE, Bold bv D.U, Fry, druj!st,Si.lem. ittRVEsumnus Att on a cew principle reflate thj Urn, stomach and bowls through tht iWTTrt Da. lluisr Fmj f""l'V. eHn WUoMaeas, torpid Slwr sad coutlrs' sartl COC09a,2Sct3! Sr nois titw a itnnl.ta. - v aw. .. U4UH, Uf, Bold hv D.U. Ery, druggist, Snlp. PEOPLE! Ask for Hurst's "STAFF OF LIFE" Or whole Whet Flour, healthiest and best itutlnir brwd. AL) the Famous Pure Aumrn Buck wheat Flour. i25ets.V:J (D o r CD 0 0) - (B o CD i 0 o rr 0 EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route CALIFORNIA KXJ'HhoS TIMIK lltttf BAIM BBTWKKN TOhVJ.WO AND 8. F, T v"f i ' 7V mTii:- ("" 'i i j i J.-rzx 'in iu. I Ev. roniand Ar? 7-jna.Tn uibp. in. il- l-m L-v. I Ua, in v.n H.m.Ar mm Krnn. L.T. 7:00 p. ni Aw7etrulusutoponly ftt lallowlng stn ,iou north of Hoiii-liurg, Juit I'ortiunri iji-eon Ulty, Woodbum, Mucin, Albauy lauKiut. bliedus, IlnlRcy. Harrlsburj .luiiUonCity,lrvltiBnndtugenp. HOdJiliUlta MALI. DAILY, h.iMI.. rortliind Ar. 4.uo.p. m. :J& umW fcUle:n 1-v. l:(fep.m. W1U P " - "'. "-p "i " - Albany l'ndtOlt'T "(to"-'"!'' Brnutay. mi n. in. I L.v7 Tortiand Ar.l&?Su m. -. '' r, m. I i.v: Nilcm uv. ww lu m. u-'n).m. Ar. Albany, IjV, I 6:00 ft. m. " TOLLMAN BCfflT SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation ot second class patsengtiiii attached to eipretw trains. iVest Side Division, Between Portland and Corvalhs : PAI1.Y (EXCEPT BtTNDAY). 7730 a. m. I LvHPortlancr Ar. 6jyp.in. I'Mn p. in. Ar. CorvalllH Lv. 12:511 p. rn. At Albauy nnd Coi-valliM connect wltu trains of Oregon I'acltlc Ilallroad. 'wit ,,. ni. 1 1-iv" lJoi Hand Ar. h:H) a. m. 7& pjn. Ar.M'jMlnnvllleI.V. 5:45 a. m. Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH ror tickets and lull information regard, inir raU.'h nUp3, etc., apply to tb.6 Couipa t u&entSalain, Oittfou. Ki HOUEUa, Asat, Xi. b aud I'ass. Ag'l K. KOKHL1.K. Manager Those Afflicted With tbo.hablt ot using to excels, LIQUOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THK KEELEY INSTITUTE, Forest Grove,' Ur Call write. Htrlctlv confidential THE YA0JJ1NA ROUTE. DREW PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company ' steamship line. !225 miles shorter, 20 hour Ipss time than by any otbet loute. KlM.1 ciass through passenger and lrelght lln Irom Portland and all points In theWll lamette vnllev to and liom Han Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcept Bundays). Leave Albany 1:00 PAf Leave CorvKllls 1:40 I'M Arrive Yaquina 6:30 I'M Leave Yaquina 8:45 A M Leave Corvallls 10:35 A M Arrive Albany 11:10 A M O. & C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls. The above trains connect at YAQUINA with the Oregon Development Co" Lin jf St en msb Ins between Yaoiilna and Ha b ranclsco. SAILINU DATKS. STEAMERS. FROM YAO.UIUA t'Hrnlliiu, Filday, Juno 27 Willamette Valley, Tuesday July Fa rallon, .Sunday " W lllnmetto Valley, Thursday " 1 Farallon, lutuduy " 1 HTEAMFIIM. FROM SAN FltANCISCO Willamette Valley, Friday June 27 Farallon, Tuf bdayn July 1 Willamette Valley, Sandfly " 0 Faiallon, Thurtday " 10 Willamette Vailey.Tucsday " 15 This company reserves the right tc rnnniFO It-illtncr rintm Tpltlinn, itnn N. B.ras-btn(;er irom Tortiand and all S lllamctte Valley points can make clos ponnectlou with the trains of the V AQUINA KOUTE at Albany or Corvallls aud If destined to Ban t ranclsco, should ....ubu i-u u,,,vc ut luuuiiia me eveniiiC before date of sailing. k Passtngfr jud FrelRht Rates Alwsjs the i?Er8JvAx?rlnfo,Slnall',nnP.nly " Messrs "ULMAN 4 Co., Freight and Ticket AgeuU 200 and 202 Front. C Portland, OrX 0.0. liOOUl!; Ao't Gen'l Frt. & Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific B. It. Co., r, tt ,... Corvallls, Or O H.HA8WELL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; fc Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Oo 304 Montcomery .; From Terminal or Interior Points .he IT iXlAlltllAll Nortliern Pacific Ra )Hnnt' ixsl rU tfJ air thacuda and wLJKii'SK."W Vfl rTfttu mrtJnaVt TMnifiaisL J. D. HORSTOXtAuXmr.. Is the line to take To all Points East and South. ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (TSfn rhnnoo nt aamc Composed iof dlnlngcars unsurpassed, 1 ullraan drawing room sleepers ui latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. ELEGANT DAY COACHES. ndfnv! ions can be .e- the road. any nKent ot InAn?er! lle.U ? Rntl from 11 PlnU Pnrehe?a't?nBvai1i2ka?1JFuroPe b Turn J""" "' any ticket office of this com. S"AW& DOWNING, Agentv. Steamer Elwood. Sa. a.m. rJSTZ' Friday, T' J Tbuisday, ' ' i2&&&;,,. Capital City Restaurant JaS. Batdiplnr Pronl- m '"'i 'tup 1 1 nMat All Hours of flieDay MUb?uum,BUWta Ubor empmyed la tUU cdas nrf. Twny.nT centa .,.. AW-- 1 1 i i " f- , m r- " T "' V j"" hi W V "" -. "' rr ,wewxmmm, miivmtmmmmmtMiw aud